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Number of items: 182.
Adamides, ED;
Papachristos, G;
Pomonis, N;
Critical realism in supply chain research: Understanding the dynamics of a seasonal goods supply chain.
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
, 42
pp. 906-930.
Aguirre Arias, B;
Cañas, N;
Vergara P., JF;
Sobre la arquitectura prefabricada en Chile 1960 - 1973 = Prefabricated on architecture in Chile, 1960 - 1973.
Revista Diseño Urbano y Paisaje DU&P
, 12
pp. 34-51.
Anandarajah, G;
McDowall, W;
What are the costs of Scotland's climate and renewable policies?
Energy Policy
, 50
773 - 783.
Andres, L;
Levels of Governance and Multi-stage Policy Process of Brownfield Regeneration: A Comparison of France and Switzerland.
International Planning Studies
, 17
pp. 23-43.
Anvuur, AM;
Kumaraswamy, MM;
Measurement and antecedents of cooperation in construction.
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
, 138
pp. 797-810.
Bahn-Walkowiak, B;
Bleischwitz, R;
Distelkamp, M;
Meyer, M;
Taxing construction minerals: a contribution to a resource-efficient Europe.
Mineral Economics
, 25
pp. 29-43.
Batty, M;
Axhausen, KW;
Giannotti, F;
Pozdnoukhov, A;
Bazzani, A;
Wachowicz, M;
Ouzounis, G;
Smart cities of the future.
The European Physical Journal Special Topics
, 214
pp. 481-518.
Bell, S;
Shaping Urban Infrastructures: Intermediaries and the Governance of Socio-technical Networks.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning
, 165
p. 194.
Bell, SJ;
Bridging academia and practice.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning
, 165
201 - 202.
Bell, SJ;
Educating professionals for practice in a complex world - a challenge for engineering and planning schools.
Planning Theory and Practice
, 13
475 - 479.
Bell, SJ;
Urban Water Systems In Transition.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization
, 14
45 - 58.
Bell, SJ;
Cerulli, C;
Emerging Community Food Production And Pathways For Urban Landscape Transitions.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization
, 14
31 - 44.
Bell, SJ;
Wilby, J;
The pattern that connects and the difference that makes a difference.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization
, 14
vii - x.
Bleischwitz, R;
Towards a resource policy—unleashing productivity dynamics and balancing international distortions.
Mineral Economics
, 24
pp. 135-144.
Bleischwitz, R;
Dittrich, M;
Pierdicca, C;
Coltan from Central Africa, international trade and implications for any certification.
Resources Policy
, 37
pp. 19-29.
Bleischwitz, R;
Wäger, PA;
Lang, DJ;
Wittmer, D;
Hagelüken, C;
Towards a More Sustainable Use of Scarce Metals: A Review of Intervention Options along the Metals Life Cycle.
, 21
300 - 309.
Borden, IM;
Beyond Space: the Ideas of Henri Lefebvre in Relation to Architecture and Cities.
Journal of Chinese Urban Science
, 3
pp. 156-193.
Bottazzi, R;
Tutto ciò che è solido si dissolve nell’aria.
, 29
pp. 18-19.
Bottazzi, R;
Una cosa tira l’altra.
, 30
pp. 15-16.
Cabannes, Y;
Financing urban agriculture.
Environment and Urbanization
, 24
665 - 683.
Cheng, T;
Haworth, J;
Manley, E;
Advances in geocomputation (1996-2011).
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
, 36
481 - 487.
Chrysikou, E;
Day surgery as a means for upgrading the health system.
The Scanner
, 45
pp. 27-28.
Chrysikou, E;
Innovation in building planning.
Modern Diplomacy
pp. 19-20.
Chrysikou, E;
The light of Morpheus.
AO Magazine
Chrysikou, E;
Light: The new vitamin?
The Scanner
, 45
pp. 27-28.
Chrysikou, E;
Therapeutic Architecture instead of architecture for healthcare facilities (part 1).
The Scanner
, 46
pp. 24-25.
Davies, M;
Oreszczyn, T;
The unintended consequences of decarbonising the built environment: A UK case study.
Energy and Buildings
, 46
80 - 85.
Davila, JD;
Nuevos transportes y movilidad urbana.
Revista Bitacora
, 21
58 - 60.
Davila, JD;
Brand, P;
La gobernanza del transporte público urbano: Indagaciones alrededor de los Metrocables de Medellín.
Revista Bitacora
, 21
85 - 96.
Demirel, P;
Mazzucato, M;
Innovation and Firm Growth: Is R&D Worth It?
Industry & Innovation
, 19
pp. 45-62.
Emes, MR;
Smith, A;
Marjanovic-Halburd, L;
Systems for construction: Lessons for the construction industry from experiences in spacecraft systems engineering.
Intelligent Buildings International
, 4
pp. 67-88.
Fenech, A;
Fearn, T;
Strlic, M;
Use of Design-of-Experiment principles to develop a dose-response function for colour photographs.
Polymer Degradation and Stability
, 97
pp. 621-625.
Fenech, A;
Strlic, M;
Cassar, M;
The past and the future of chromogenic colour photographs: lifetime modelling using near-infrared spectroscopy & enhancement using hypoxia.
Applied Physics A
, 106
411 - 417.
Gabrieli, T;
Inequality, Intergenerational Mobility and Redistributive Policies under Endogenous Information.
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries
, 9
pp. 23-49.
Griffiths, S;
Networks, narratives and literary representation: Reflections on Julienne Hanson’s ‘Time and space in two nineteenth century novels’.
Journal of Space Syntax
, 3
pp. 22-34.
Hernández-Vela, A;
Reyes, M;
Ponce, V;
Escalera, S;
GrabCut-Based Human Segmentation in Video Sequences.
, 12
pp. 15376-15393.
Hillier, WRG;
Yang, T;
Turner, A;
Normalising least angle choice in Depthmap - and how it opens up new perspectives on the global and local analysis of city space.
Journal of Space Syntax
, 3
155 - 193.
Huebner, GM;
Gegenfurtner, KR;
Conceptual and Visual Features Contribute to Visual Memory for Natural Images.
, 7
, Article e37575. 10.1371/journal.pone.0037575.
Ireland, TG;
Zaroukas, E;
Hacking Design: Novelty and Diachronic Emergence.
Architectural Theory Review
, 17
140 - 157.
Jiang, T;
Ye, Z;
Xie, F;
Leapfrogging Creative Industries Competitiveness in China: An International Comparison = 基于国际比较的我国创意产业竞争力跃迁研究.
Modern Management Science = 现代管理科学
, 2012
Jiang, T;
Ye, Z;
Xie, F;
Huang, A;
Li, Y;
International Comparison of Shanghai Creative City System: Issues & Solutions = 基于国际比较的上海创意城市系统构建问题与对策研究.
Modern Management Science = 现代管理科学
, 2012
pp. 10-13.
Johansson, A;
Batty, M;
Hayashi, K;
Al Bar, O;
Marcozzi, D;
Memish, ZA;
Crowd and environmental management during mass gatherings.
Lancet Infectious Diseases
, 12
150 - 156.
Jones, BM;
Kirby, R;
Indoor air quality in U.K. school classrooms ventilated by natural ventilation windcatchers.
International Journal of Ventilation
, 10
323 - 338.
Kolokotroni, M;
Ren, X;
Davies, M;
Mavrogianni, A;
London's urban heat island: Impact on current and future energy consumption in office buildings.
Energy and Buildings
, 47
302 - 311.
Loo, E;
Hickman, R;
Crazy pedalling in London.
Town & Country Planning
pp. 224-225.
Martins, A;
Daffner, LA;
Fenech, A;
McGlinchey, C;
Strlic, M;
Non-destructive dating of fiber-based gelatin silver prints using near-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate analysis.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
, 402
1459 - 1469.
Mavrogianni, A;
Wilkinson, P;
Davies, M;
Biddulph, P;
Oikonomou, E;
Building characteristics as determinants of propensity to high indoor summer temperatures in London dwellings.
Building and Environment
, 55
117 - 130.
McDowall, W;
Technology roadmaps for transition management: The case of hydrogen energy.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
, 79
530 - 542.
McGlade, CE;
A review of the uncertainties in estimates of global oil resources.
, 47
262 - 270.
Mias Gifre, Jose;
iGuzzini Illuminazione Headquarters.
Mias Gifre, Jose;
Plug-in Building Barcelona.
Detail Korea
, 2012
pp. 92-101.
Miciukiewicz, K;
Moulaert, F;
Novy, A;
Musterd, S;
Hillier, J;
Problematising Cities and Social Cohesion: a transdisciplinary endeavour.
Urban Studies
, 49
pp. 1855-1872.
Miciukiewicz, K;
Vigar, G;
Mobility and Social Cohesion in the Splintered City: Challenging Technocentric Transport Research and Policy-making Practices.
Urban Studies
, 49
pp. 1941-1957.
Milner, J;
Davies, M;
Wilkinson, P;
Urban energy, carbon management (low carbon cities) and co-benefits for human health.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
, 4
398 - 404.
Mohajeri, Nahid;
Gudmundsson, Agust;
Entropies and Scaling Exponents of Street and Fracture Networks.
, 14
pp. 800-833.
Moore, SM;
Re-evaluating 'public' and 'private' in local development cultures: converging vocabularies of public good and market success in Toronto's New Urbanism.
Town Planning Review
, 82
pp. 575-595.
Mozir, A;
Gonzalez, L;
Cigic, IK;
Wess, TJ;
Rabin, I;
Hahn, O;
Strlic, M;
A study of degradation of historic parchment using small-angle X-ray scattering, synchrotron-IR and multivariate data analysis.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
, 402
1559 - 1566.
Norse, D;
Low carbon agriculture: Objectives and policy pathways.
Environmental Development
, 1
pp. 25-39.
Parikh, P;
Chaturvedi, S;
George, G;
Empowering change: The effects of energy provision on individual aspirations in slum communities.
Energy Policy
, 50
pp. 477-485.
Paskins, J;
Bell, S;
Croxford, B;
Haklay, M;
Julier, S;
Crossing disciplines to address urban sustainability.
Sustainability: The Journal of Record
, 5
pp. 34-37.
Psarra, S;
Methodological Developments.
[Editorial comment].
The Journal of Space Syntax
, 3
pp. 22-25.
Psarra, S;
Spatial morphology, urban history and design.
The Journal of Space Syntax
, 3
pp. 7-19.
Rigon, A;
Knowledge from the margins in the post-2015 process.
, 21
pp. 16-17.
Rock, J;
Politics and Conflict in a Contested City: Urban Planning in Jerusalem under Israeli Rule.
Bulletin du Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem
, 23
Rydin, Y;
Davila, JD;
Davies, M;
Hallal, P;
Hamilton, I;
Lai, KM;
Wilkinson, P;
Healthy communities.
Local Environment: the international journal of justice and sustainability
, 17
553 - 560.
Rydin, YJ;
Healthy Cities and Planning.
Town Planning Review
, 83
xiii - xviii.
Rydin, YJ;
Turcu, C;
Chmutina, K;
Devine-Wright, P;
Goodier, C;
Guy, S;
Hunt, L;
... Wiersma, B; + view all
Urban energy initiatives: the implications of new urban energy pathways for the UK.
Network Industries Quarterly
, 14
(2 & 3)
20 - 23.
Sehlikoglu, Sertaç;
Boundaries of a Veiled Female Body.
Anthropology News
, 48
Sergeeva, N;
Radosavljevic, M;
Creative participation in construction firms: bridging creativity and innovation.
Organization, Technology and Management in Construction: An International Journal
, 4
pp. 490-506.
Shrubsole, C;
Ridley, I;
Biddulph, P;
Milner, J;
Vardoulakis, S;
Ucci, M;
Wilkinson, P;
... Davies, M; + view all
Indoor PM2.5 exposure in London's domestic stock: Modelling current and future exposures following energy efficient refurbishment.
Atmospheric Environment
, 62
336 - 343.
Silvestre, G;
de Oliveira, NG;
The revanchist logic of mega-events: community displacement in Rio de Janeiro's West End.
Visual Studies
, 27
pp. 204-210.
Steadman, P;
Samuel Bentham's Panopticon.
Journal of Bentham Studies
, 14
pp. 1-30.
Talocci, G;
Muzzonigro, A;
Chi perde tempo, guadagna spazio, ovvero: spazi e tempi di reciprocità tra São Paulo, Salvador de Bahia, Nicosia.
Lo Squaderno
, 26
pp. 77-79.
Talocci, Giorgio;
Learning from mobility: the field as a condition of empowered nomadism. The case of the Baan Mankong programme, Thailand.
San Rocco
, 2
Tang, S;
Dessai, S;
Usable Science? The UK Climate Projections 2009 and Decision Support for Adaptation Planning.
Weather, Climate, and Society
, 4
pp. 300-313.
Thanos, S;
Bristow, AL;
Wardman, MR;
Theoretically consistent temporal ordering specification in spatial hedonic pricing models applied to the valuation of aircraft noise.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy
, 1
103 - 126.
Turcu, C;
Local experiences of urban sustainability: Researching Housing Market Renewal interventions in three English neighbourhoods.
Progress in Planning
, 78
101 - 150.
Turcu, C;
Rydin, Y;
Planning for change in urban energy systems.
Town & Country Planning Journal
, 81
pp. 227-232.
Usher, W;
Strachan, N;
Critical mid-term uncertainties in long-term decarbonisation pathways.
Energy Policy
, 41
433 - 444.
Vergara Perucich, JF;
Choreographies of the protest: The body, the city and their ephemeral transformations.
Revista De Diseño Urbano Y Paisaje - Du&p
, 9
pp. 121-130.
Vergara Perucich, JF;
Las deficiencias de significación democrática de la" Plaza de la Ciudadanía": ensayo crítico para un proyecto emblemático del Bicentenario Chileno.
Revista Iberoamericana de Urbanismo
pp. 87-98.
Panman, A and Samad, T and Lozano-Gracia, N (Eds).
Colombia urbanization review: amplifying the gains from the urban transition.
World Bank: Washington, D.C., USA.
Sendra, P and García Vázquez, C and González Martínez, P and Carrascal, M (Eds).
II Forum on Urban Creativity.
E.T.S. Arquitectura. Universidad de Sevilla: Sevilla, Spain.
Bento, J;
Survey on Architectural Policies in Europe.
Ordem dos Arquitectos: Lisboa, Portugal.
Dávila, JD;
Brand, P;
Jirón, P;
Vargas Caicedo, H;
Coupé, F;
Eliécer Córdoba, J;
Mejía G., MA;
+ view all
Movilidad urbana y pobreza: Aprendizajes de Medellín y Soacha, Colombia.
Development Planning Unit, University College London & Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín: London, UK.
Book chapter
Allen, A;
Water provision for and by the peri-urban poor: Public-community partnerships or citizens co-production?
In: Vojnovic, I, (ed.)
Urban Sustainability: A Global Urban Context.
(pp. 309-340).
Michigan State University (MSU) Press: Lansing, MI, USA.
Bell, SJ;
System city: urban amplification and inefficient engineering.
In: Gandy, M, (ed.)
Urban Constellations.
(pp. 71-74).
Jovis Verlag GmbH: Berlin, Germany.
Cooke, P;
Zhang, F;
China: Beyond the Global Production Line.
In: Cooke, Philip and Parrilli, Mario Davide and CurbeloCurbelo, José Luis, (eds.)
Innovation, Global Change and Territorial Resilience.
(pp. 246-273).
Edward Elgar Publishing
Coyle, A;
Murtagh, N;
Qualitative approaches to research using identity process theory.
Identity Process Theory: Identity, Social Action and Social Change.
(pp. 41-64).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Gabrieli, T;
Galvao, AF;
Montes-Rojas, GV;
Who benefits from reducing the cost of formality? quantile regression discontinuity analysis.
In: Lehmann, H and Tatsiramos, K, (eds.)
Informal Employment in Emerging and Transition Economies.
(pp. 101-133).
Emerald Group Publishing Limited: Bingley, UK.
Giamarelos, S;
Have we ever Been Postmodern? The Essential Tension within the Metamodern Condition.
In: Spyridonidis, C and Voyatzaki, M, (eds.)
Re-thinking the Human in Technology Driven Architecture.
(pp. 408-419).
European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE): Brussels, Belgium.
Giamarelos, S;
Η πολυεστιακή κεντρικότητα του πολιτισμού.
In: Tournikiotis, P, (ed.)
Μεταλλασσόμενοι χαρακτήρες και πολιτικές στα κέντρα πόλης Αθήνας και Πειραιά.
(pp. 171-200).
National Technical University of Athens/Greek Ministry of the Environment: Athens, Greece.
Sadeghi Givi, Fatemeh;
The Green Movement: A Struggle against Islamic Patriarchy.
In: Nabavi, Negin, (ed.)
(pp. 123-136).
Palgrave Macmillan: New York, NY, US.
Wassenhoven, M;
Giamarelos, S;
Αρνητικές κεντρικότητες: Εμβάθυνση στην ιστορική διάσταση και στις πολιτικές για το παρελθόν στο κέντρο της πόλης.
In: Tournikiotis, P, (ed.)
Μεταλλασσόμενοι χαρακτήρες και πολιτικές στα κέντρα πόλης Αθήνας και Πειραιά.
(pp. 26-36).
National Technical University of Athens/Greek Ministry of Environment: Athens, Greece.
Wassenhoven, M;
Giamarelos, S;
Langi, Z;
Ανασκόπηση της Ευρωπαϊκής εμπειρίας στον τομέα της προστασίας των μνημείων και της πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς.
In: Tournikiotis, P, (ed.)
Μεταλλασσόμενοι χαρακτήρες και πολιτικές στα κέντρα πόλης Αθήνας και Πειραιά.
(pp. 301-328).
National Technical University of Athens/Greek Ministry of Environment: Athens, Greece.
Williams, Joanna;
In: Williams, J, (ed.)
Zero-carbon Homes: A Road Map.
(pp. 1-16).
Earthscan: Abingdon, UK.
Zhang, L-Y;
Does Climate Change Make Industrialization an Obsolete Development Strategy for Cities in the South?
In: Hoornweg, D and Freire, M and Lee, JL and Bhada-Tata, P and Yuen, B, (eds.)
Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda.
(pp. 564-582).
The World Bank: Washington, DC, USA.
Proceedings paper
Azhari, Rayan;
A simplified analysis method to predict the impact of thermal insulation on the heating and cooling loads in residential buildings in Syria.
Proceedings of 2nd Conference: People and Buildings.
Network for Comfort & Energy Use in Buildings (NCEUB): London, UK.
Constantin, A;
Fütterer, J;
Müller, D;
Kontes, GD;
Rovas, DV;
Implementierung einer modelbasierten prädiktiven regelung für ein nichtwohngebäude mit komplexem energiekonzept - simulationsergebnisse.
Proceedings of the 4th German-Austrian IBPSA Conference: BauSIM 2012.
(pp. pp. 311-315).
IBPSA (International Building Performance Simulation Association): Berlin, Germany.
Deng, F;
Smyth, HJ;
Anvuur, AM;
A critical review of PMS in construction: towards a research agenda.
In: Smith, SD, (ed.)
Proceedings of the 28th ARCOM Conference, Edingburgh, September 2012.
(pp. 807 - 816).
Association of Researchers in Construction Management: Reading, UK.
Dhanani, A;
Vaughan, LS;
Ellul, C;
Griffiths, S;
From the axial line to the walked line: Evaluating the utility of commercial and user-generated street network datasets in space syntax analysis.
In: Greene, M, (ed.)
Proceedings: Eighth International Space Syntax Symposium.
Dorizas, PV;
Kapsanaaki-Gotsi, E;
Assimakopoulos, MN;
Santamouris, M;
Particulate matter and airborne fungi concentrations in schools in Athens.
Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics.
(pp. pp. 931-937).
Springer Atmospheric Sciences: Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany.
El-Khouly, TAI;
Penn, A;
Order, Structure and Disorder in Space Syntax and Linkography: Intelligibility, Entropy, and Complexity Measures.
In: Green, M and Reyes, J and Castro, A, (ed.)
(Proceedings) Eighth International Space Syntax Symposium (SSS8).
(pp. 8242:1-22).
Pontifica Universidad Católica: Santiago De Chile.
Gauthier, S;
Shipworth, D;
Predictive thermal comfort model: Are current field studies measuring the most influential variables?
Proceedings of the 7th Windsor Conference: The Changing Context of Comfort in an Unpredictable World, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK, 12-15 April 2012.
NCEUB (Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings)
Griffiths, Sam;
The use of space syntax in historical research: Current practice and future possibilities.
In: Greene, M and Reyes, J and Castro, A, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 8th International Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. pp. 1-26).
Environment and Ecology: Santiago, Chile.
Hatherley, S;
Littlewood, J;
Counsell, J;
Geens, A;
Sinnett, N;
Cole, W;
Two approaches to developing low carbon dwellings in west Wales.
Proceedings of the ZEMCH 2012 International Conference.
ZEMCH: Glasgow, UK.
Jin, ZG;
Deng, F;
A proposed framework for evaluating the international construction performance of AEC enterprises.
In: Javernick-Will, A, (ed.)
Proceedings of the Engineering Project Organization Conference, Rheden, The Netherlands, July 10-12, 2012.
(pp. 1 - 25).
Engineering Project Organization Society
Karimi, K;
Parham, E;
An evidence informed approach to developing an adaptable regeneration programme for declining informal settlements.
In: Greene, M and Reyes, J and Castro, A, (eds.)
Proceedings: Eighth International Space Syntax Symposium.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Kontes, G;
Giannakis, G;
Kosmatopoulos, E;
Rovas, DV;
Advanced control strategies toward achieving nearly-zero energy consumption in buildings.
In: Dell, Gerhard and Egger, Christiane, (eds.)
Proceedings of WSED 2012.
WSED: Wels, Austria.
Kontes, GD;
Giannakis, GI;
Kosmatopoulos, EB;
Rovas, DV;
Demand-shifting using model assisted control.
In: Mladin, Emilia-Cerna, (ed.)
Proceedings of the 2012 ICHMT International Symposium on Sustainable Energy in Buildings and Urban Areas.
(pp. pp. 211-230).
ICHMT: Kusadasi, Turkey.
Krystallis, I;
Demian, P;
Price, ADF;
Design of flexible and adaptable healthcare buildings of the future: a BIM approach.
In: Greenwood, D, (ed.)
First UK Academic Conference On BIM: Conference Proceedings.
(pp. pp. 222-232).
BIM Academy, Northumbria University: Newcastle, UK.
Mansfield, KP;
The Daylighting of the Stave Church of Borgund.
(Proceedings) Nordic Lighting Conference 2012.
Lyskultur: Norway.
Morphet, JR;
Exploring punctuated equilibrium in Planning: are 2004 and 2011 policy punctuations?
(Proceedings) Planning Theory Conference: Planning Processes, Planning Outcomes, 21-22 June 2012.
Palaiologou, G;
Vaughan, LS;
URBAN RHYTHMS: historic housing evolution and socio‐spatial boundaries.
In: Greene, M and Reyes, J and Castro, A, (eds.)
Proceedings: Eighth International Space Syntax Symposium.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Psarra, S;
A Shapeless Hospital, A Floating Theatre and an Island with a Hill: the invisible architecture of Venice.
In: Greene, M and Reyes, J and Castro, A, (eds.)
Proceedings: Eighth International Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. K016-K016).
Space Syntax Symposium: Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Rodriguez, Carolina;
Lima Sakr, Fernanda;
Griffiths, Sam;
Hillier, Bill;
The relationship of spatial configuration and socio-economic conditions in São Paulo, Brazil.
In: Greene, M and Reyes, J and Castro, A, (eds.)
Proceedings: Eighth International Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. 8079:1-8079:24).
PUC: Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Sailer, K;
Pomeroy, R;
Raheem, A;
Budgen, A;
Lonsdale, N;
The Generative Office Building.
In: Greene, M and Reyes, J and Castro, A, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 8th Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. 8010:1-8010:25).
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Stuart, Graeme;
Korolija, Ivan;
Marjanovic-Halburd, Ljiljana;
Navigating multi-dimensional results from large parametric building simulation studies.
CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium, 2012.
The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE): London, UK.
Tahmasebi, Farhang;
Mahdavi, Ardeshir;
Optimization-based simulation model calibration using sensitivity analysis.
Simulace budov a techniky prostředí 2012.
IBPSA: Brno, Czech Republic.
Tahmasebi, Farhang;
Zach, Robert;
Schuß, Matthias;
Mahdavi, Ardeshir;
Simulation Model Calibration: An Optimization-Based Approach.
Proceedings of BauSim Conference 2012: 4th Conference of IBPSA-Germany and Austria.
(pp. pp. 386-391).
IBPSA: Berlin, Germany.
Valmaseda, C;
Yebra, P;
Rovas, DV;
Kosmatopoulos, EB;
From BIM to BEMS, covering the design- to operational-phase interoperability gap.
Proceedings of the 9th ECPPM Conference.
(pp. pp. 42-53).
European Commission: Reykjavic, Iceland.
Wise, SC;
Scott, S;
The Puck Stops Here: Evolving Social Norms of Helmet Usage in the National Hockey League.
(Proceedings) CSSSA 2012: The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas 2012 Conference, 18-21 September 2012, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
Woodcraft, SB;
Social sustainability and new communities: Moving from concept to practice in the UK.
Proceeding of the AicE-Bs 2012 Cairo : Asia Pacific International Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies.
(pp. pp. 29-42).
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier: Mercure Le Sphinx Cairo Hotel, Giza, Egypt.
Yang, T;
Hillier, B;
The Impact of Spatial Parameters on Spatial Structuring.
In: Greene, M and Reyes, J and Castro, A, (eds.)
Proceedings: Eighth International Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. pp. 1-23).
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Zhang, L;
Does climate change make industrialization an obsolete development strategy for cities in the South?
(Proceedings) Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009: Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda.
(pp. pp. 1-17).
The World Bank
Brown, D;
Dodman, D;
Zvigadza, S;
Climate change responses in Zimbabwe: local actions and national policy.
(IIED Climate Change Working Paper Series
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Giordano, VP;
Carmona, M;
Design codes, how have they fared?
UCL, Bartlett School of Planning: London, UK.
Grubb, M;
Carbon pricing after Copenhagen: an updated assessment.
(Synthesis Report
Climate Strategies: London, UK.
Grubb, M;
Strengthening the EU ETS: creating a stable platform for energy sector investment.
Climate Strategies: London, UK.
Harris, Mike;
Penny, Joe;
Slay, Julia;
Doing services differently: Local innovations for disabled people and their families.
New Economics Foundation (NEF): London, UK.
Nathan, Max;
Vandore, Emma;
Whitehead, Rob;
A Tale of Tech City: The Future of Inner East London’s Digital Economy.
Centre for London: London, UK.
O’Brien, M;
Fischer, S;
Steger, S;
Ritsche, D;
von Geibler, J;
Jordan, ND;
Miedzinski, M;
+ view all
The Eco-Innovation Gap: An economic opportunity for business.
Eco-Innovation Observatory: Brussels.
Penny, Joe;
Cutting it in Birmingham: Why the grass roots aren’t growing any more.
New Economics Foundation (NEF): London, UK.
Penny, Joe;
Slay, Julia;
Everyday insecurity: Life at the end of the welfare State.
New Economics Foundation (NEF): London, UK.
Rehmatulla, N;
Barriers to uptake of energy efficient operational measures: Survey Report.
UCL Energy Institute, University College London / Low Carbon Shipping: London, UK.
Thanos, S;
Dunse, NA;
The Changing Effects on Domestic Energy Expenditure from Housing Characteristics and the Recent Rapid Energy Price Movements.
Royal Institute of Charted Surveyors Research Trust: London, UK.
Trutnevyte, E;
Moser, C;
Stauffacher, M;
Energievisionen für Urnäsch: Potentiale und Empfehlungen. ETH-UNS Kurzfassung Forschungsarbeit 2012.
ETH-UNS TdLab, ETH Zurich: Zurich, Switzerland.
Vaughan, LS;
Arbaci, S;
Kochberg, S;
Novakovic, R;
UCL Urban Migration Film Festival and Symposium summary report.
University College London: London.
Watson, J;
pearson, P;
UK Energy Policy 1980 - 2010: A History and Lessons to be Learnt.
The Parliamentary Group for Energy Studies and the IET: London, UK.
Working / discussion paper
Ameli, Nadia;
Kammen, Daniel;
Does Income Distribution Affect Energy Investments?
SSRN: Rochester, NY, USA.
Ameli, Nadia;
Kammen, Daniel;
The Linkage Between Income Distribution and Clean Energy Investments: Addressing Financing Cost.
(FEEM Working Paper
Brown, D;
Zvigadza, S;
Rance, R;
Chatiza, K;
Dhliwayo, M;
Dodman, D;
Masiiwa, M;
... Mugabe, PH; + view all
Climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation in Zimbabwe.
(Climate Change Working Paper
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED): London, UK.
Catenacci, Michela;
Verdolini, Elena;
Bosetti, Valentina;
Fiorese, Giulia;
Ameli, Nadia;
Going Electric: Expert Survey on the Future of Battery Technologies for Electric Vehicles.
AgEcon Search: St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
Kelly, S;
Shipworth, MD;
Shipworth, DT;
Gentry, MI;
Wright, A;
Pollitt, M;
Crawford-Brown, D;
A panel model for predicting the diversity of internal temperatures from English dwellings.
(Tyndall Working Papers
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research: Norwich, UK.
Smith, DA;
Serras, J;
Estimating intra-metropolitan journey-to-work CO2 emissions: a multi-modal network approach applied to the London Region 2001.
(CASA Working Papers
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), UCL: London, UK.
Szumilo, N;
Fuerst, F;
The Operating Expense Puzzle of US Green Office Buildings.
SSRN: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Ye, Zhen;
China's Creative Industries: Concerntration and Performances.
Elsevier BV: Rochester, NY, USA.
Conference item
Eisenberg, B;
Nemcova, E;
Poblet, R;
Stokman, A;
Integration of Ecological Infrastructure Strategy for water sensitive urban planning in cities with arid climatic conditions and climate change: the example of Lima, Peru.
Presented at: Resilient Cities 2012: 3rd Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation, Bonn, Germany.
Jones, BM;
Das, P;
Chalabi, Z;
Davies, M;
Hamilton, I;
Lowe, R;
Milner, J;
... Wilkinson, P; + view all
The relationship between permeability and infiltration in conjoined dwellings.
Presented at: 33rd AIVC and 2nd TightVent Conference: Optimising Ventilative Cooling and Airtightness for [Nearly] Zero-Energy Buildings, IAQ and Comfort, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Patel, K;
A Successful Slum Upgrade in Durban: A tale of formal change and informal continuity.
Presented at: African Studies Association (USA), Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Rehmatulla, N;
Smith, T;
Implementation Barriers to Low Carbon Shipping.
Presented at: Low Carbon Shipping Conference 2012, Newcastle.
Sailer, K;
Penn, A;
Marmot, A;
Spatial Configuration, Organisational Change and Academic Networks.
Presented at: Applied Social Network Analysis, Zurich, Switzerland.
Fotios, S;
Unwin, J;
Yang, B;
Lighting in Residential Roads: What do we need to perceive?
Presented at: Predicting Perceptions: The 3rd International Conference on Appearance, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.
Sailer, K;
What Information is in a Spatial Network?
Presented at: Workshop on Information in Networks WIN 2012, NYU Stern Business School, New York City, USA.
Aritenang, AF;
The Impact of State Restructuring on Indonesia’s Regional Economic Convergence.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Badi, SM;
Sustainable Energy Innovation (SEI) in Private Finance Initiative (PFI) projects.
Doctoral thesis , UCL.
Brown, Donald;
Challenging the Conceptual Boundaries of the Dominant EuroAmerican Compact City Paradigm in sub-Saharan Africa: The Need for Southern Alternatives to Compact Urban Form and High Density.
Masters thesis (M.Sc), UCL (University College London).
Cidre, EMP;
Postgraduate Diploma in Education: Academic Identity in the Built Environment academia: the Planner's realm.
Masters thesis , University College London.
Cooper, R;
A slum assemblage in Mumbai: emergence, organization and sociospatial morphology.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Daly, HE;
Transport energy demand: Techno-economic modelling and scenarios for Irish climate policy.
Dearden, J;
Using interactive data visualisation to explore dynamic urban models.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), UCL (University College London).
Delrieu, Varina Aurelie;
GIS-based indicators for the social impacts of mega urban transport projects.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Hanna, S;
Addressing complex design problems through inductive learning.
Doctoral thesis (D.Eng), University of London.
Helm, N;
Theatre architecture and dramatic form: from a chronology to a typology.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Kim, DH;
Modelling Urban Growth: Towards an Agent Based Microeconomic Approach to Urban Dynamics and Spatial Policy Simulation.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
MacLeod, S;
Museum Architecture: A New Biography.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Mavridou, M;
The effect of the three‐dimensional scale on the intelligibility of the city.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Mavrogianni, A;
Modelling domestic space heating demand and heat wave vulnerability within the London urban heat island.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Patel, K;
Tenure and Vulnerability: The effects of changes to tenure security on the identity and social relationships of the urban poor.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Price, SJ;
To deliver a sustainable built estate; the management and operationalisation of sustainable facilities management.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Sansal, KE;
Time-dependent effects of indoor lighting on well-being and academic performance.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Schwartz, Yair;
Variations in Results of Different Building Energy Simulation Tools, and Their Impact on BREEAM and LEED Ratings: A Case Study.
Masters thesis (M.Sc), UCL (University College London).
Sirikiatikul, P;
Constructional theory in Britain, 1870s – 1930s.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Spinney, RE;
The Use of Stochastic Methods to Explore the Thermal Equilibrium Distribution and Define Entropy Production out of Equilibrium.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Taylor, JG;
Predicting the Microbial Risk in Flooded London Dwellings Using Microbial, Hygrothermal, and GIS Modelling.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Trutnevyte, E;
Stakeholder visions, technology scenarios and assessment of energy systems: developing energy strategies for rural Swiss regions. Diss. ETH No. 20287.
Doctoral thesis , ETH Zurich.
Tseng, YN;
Mega urban transport projects as a catalyst for sustainable urban regeneration and the role of mega events.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Verissimo, CF;
Visioning the agrocity – the significance of Outdoor Domestic Space to an ecodevelopment model of medium size cities, the case study of Dondo, Mozambique.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Jimenez Garcia, M;
Acadia 2012 Exhibition.
[Group exhibition].
San Francisco, CA, USA.
18 - 21 October 2012.
Jimenez Garcia, M;
Garcia Velez, R;
Summer Exhibition: Royal Academy of Arts 2012.
[Group exhibition].
London, UK.
28 May - 12 August 2012.
Wilson, RM;
Green, N;
Herbarium Volume II, Museum of Garden History, London.
[Group exhibition].
Museum of Garden History, Lambeth, London.
Digital scholarly resource
Sehlikoglu, Sertac;
Portrayal of Muslim female athletes in the media: Diversity in Sport.
[Digital scholarly resource].