Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 53.
Baker, D;
Green, L;
Ear playing and aural development in the instrumental lesson: Results from a "case-control" experiment.
Research Studies in Music Education
, 35
pp. 141-159.
Dragon, T;
Mavrikis, M;
McLaren, BM;
Harrer, A;
Kynigos, C;
Wegerif, R;
Yang, Y;
Metafora: A Web-Based Platform for Learning to Learn Together in Science and Mathematics.
, 6
pp. 197-207.
Gould, L;
Ikhinmwin, S;
Walley, A;
Clark-Wilson, A;
Hoyles, C;
Embedding dynamic technologies in the key stage 3 curriculum – The Cornerstone Maths approach.
Mathematics Teaching
, 235
pp. 44-47.
Gourlay, L;
Hamilton, M;
Lea, M;
Textual practices in the new media digital landscape: messing with digital literacies.
Research in Learning Technology
, 21
, Article 21438. 10.3402/rlt.v21.21438.
Hartmann, KM;
[Editorial comment].
, 25
p. 2.
Heilbronn, R;
Wigs, disguises and child's play : solidarity in teacher education.
Ethics and Education
, 8
pp. 31-41.
Hoyles, C;
Noss, R;
Roschelle, J;
Vahey, P;
Cornerstone Mathematics: Designing Digital Technology for Teacher Adaptation and Scaling.
International Journal on Mathematics Education (ZDM)
, 45
Isaacs, T;
Thomson, RI;
Rater experience, rating scale length, and judgments of L2 pronunciation: Revisiting research conventions.
Language Assessment Quarterly
, 10
pp. 135-159.
Kucirkova, N;
Messer, D;
Whitelock, D;
Parents reading with their toddlers: The role of personalization in book engagement.
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy
, 13
pp. 445-470.
Lapping, C;
Which subject, whose desire? The constitution of subjectivity and the articulation of desire in the practice of research.
Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society
MacDonald, J;
Q: Skills for Success 4 Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking.
TESL Canada Journal
, 30
p. 88.
MacDonald, MN;
Hunter, D;
O'Regan, JP;
Citizenship, community, and counter-terrorism: UK security discourse, 2001-2011.
Journal of Language and Politics
, 12
pp. 445-473.
MacDonald, MN;
O'Regan, JP;
The Ethics of Intercultural Communication.
Educational Philosophy and Theory
, 45
pp. 1005-1017.
Marcus, D;
Baehrisch, E;
The Pursuit of Happiness, Stress and Temporomandibular Disorders.
Health, Culture and Society
, 5
pp. 279-293.
Mavrikis, M;
Gutierrez-Santos, S;
Geraniou, E;
Noss, R;
Design requirements, student perception indicators and validation metrics for intelligent exploratory learning environments.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
, 17
pp. 1605-1620.
McKinley, J;
Displaying Critical Thinking in EFL Academic Writing: A Discussion of Japanese to English Contrastive Rhetoric.
RELC Journal
, 44
pp. 195-208.
Papageorgi, I;
Creech, A;
Welch, G;
Perceived performance anxiety in advanced musicians specializing in different musical genres.
, 41
pp. 18-41.
Porayska-Pomsta, K;
Mavrikis, M;
D'Mello, S;
Conati, C;
Baker, RSJD;
Knowledge Elicitation Methods for Affect Modelling in Education.
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
, 22
pp. 107-140.
Porayska-Pomsta, K;
Mellish, C;
Modelling human tutors' feedback to inform natural language interfaces for learning.
International Journal of Human Computer Studies
, 71
pp. 703-724.
Révész, A;
Brunfaut, T;
Text characteristics of task input and difficulty in second language listening comprehension.
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
, 35
pp. 31-65.
Roschelle, J;
Vahey, P;
Hoyles, C;
Noss, RL;
Integrating Technology for Deep Mathematics Learning.
Better: Evidence-based Education
, 6
pp. 16-17.
Stepanyan, Karen;
Littlejohn, Allison;
Margaryan, Anoush;
Sustainable e-learning: toward a coherent body of knowledge.
Educational Technology and Society
, 16
pp. 91-102.
Yandell, J;
Class and education: What is to be done?
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies
, 11
pp. 6-26.
Yandell, J;
It ain't what you say ...
Changing English
, 20
pp. 341-350.
Mallows, David (Ed).
Innovations in English language teaching for migrants and refugees.
British Council: London, UK.
Book chapter
Burn, AN;
In: Wolf, MJ and Perron, B, (eds.)
The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies.
(pp. 241-250).
Routledge: New York, New York.
Gourlay, L;
Posthuman literacies? Technologies and hybrid identities in higher education.
In: Gourlay, L, (ed.)
Digital Identity and Social Media.
(pp. 29-36).
IGI Global: Hershey, PA, USA.
Gray, J;
Block, D;
All middle class now? Evolving representations of the working class in the neoliberal era: the case of ELT textbooks.
In: Harwood, N, (ed.)
English Language Teaching Textbooks: Content, Consumption, Production.
(pp. 45-71).
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK.
Hoyles, Celia;
Noss, Richard;
Kent, Phillip;
Bakker, Arthur;
Mathematics in the workplace: Issues and Challenges.
In: Damlamian, Alain and Rodrigues, José Francisco and Sträßer, Rudolf, (eds.)
Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry Report on an ICMI-ICIAM-Study.
(pp. 43-50).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Hoyles, C;
Ferrini-Mundy, J;
Policy Implications of Developing Mathematics Education Research.
In: Clements, MA and Bishop, AJ and Keitel, C and Kilpatrick, J and Leung, FKS, (eds.)
Third International Handbook of Mathematics Education.
(pp. 485-515).
Springer: New York, NY, USA.
Isaacs, T;
Assessing pronunciation.
In: Kunnan, AJ, (ed.)
The companion to language assessment.
(pp. 140-155).
Wiley-Blackwell: Hoboken, NJ, USA.
Isaacs, Talia;
International Engineering Graduate Students' Interactional Patterns on a Paired Speaking Test: Interlocutors' Perspectives.
Second Language Interaction in Diverse Educational Contexts.
(pp. 227-246).
John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Pelletier, C;
Jarvis, T;
The paradoxical pedagogy of creative writing.
In: Davies, O, (ed.)
Ranciere Now.
(pp. 85-100).
Polity Press: Bristol.
Pérez Milans, Miguel;
Wodak, Ruth.
In: Chapelle, Carol A, (ed.)
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, 10 Volume Set.
Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford, UK.
Porayska-Pomsta, Kaśka;
Bernardini, Sara;
Learner Modelled Environments.
In: Price, S and Jewitt, C and Brown, B, (eds.)
The SAGE Handbook of Digital Technology Research.
(pp. 443-458).
SAGE Publications: London, UK.
Price, S;
Davies, P;
Farr, W;
Teachers’ Tools: Designing Customizable Applications for M-Learning Activities.
In: Berge, ZL and Muilenburg, L, (eds.)
Handbook of Mobile Learning.
(pp. 307-317).
Routledge: Abingdon, UK.
Price, Sara;
Davies, Paul;
Farr, William;
Teachers’ Tools: Designing Customizable Applications for M-Learning Activities.
In: Berge, ZL and Muilenburg, LY, (eds.)
Handbook of Mobile Learning.
(pp. 307-317).
Routledge: Abingdon, UK.
Price, S;
Tangibles: Technologies and interaction for learning.
In: Price, S and Jewitt, C and Brown, B, (eds.)
Sage Handbook of Digital Technology Research.
(pp. 307-326).
Sage Publications: London, UK.
Robins, C;
Art, academe and the language of knowledge.
In: Addison, N and Burgess, L, (eds.)
Debates in art and design education.
(pp. 157-172).
Routledge: Abingdon, New York.
Proceedings paper
Designing an intelligent virtual agent for social communication in autism.
(pp. pp. 9-15).
Bernardini, S;
Porayska-Pomsta, K;
Planning-based social partners for children with autism.
(pp. pp. 362-370).
Clark-Wilson, A;
Hoyles, C;
Noss, R;
Cornerstone Maths: Designing for Scale.
In: Smith, C, (ed.)
Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (June 2013).
(pp. pp. 13-18).
British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics
Price, S;
Jewitt, C;
Interview approaches to researching embodiment.
CHI '13: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsApril 2013.
(pp. pp. 2907-2910).
ACM: Paris, France.
Cremin, T;
Swann, J;
Flewitt, R;
Faulkner, D;
Kucirkova, N;
Evaluation Report of MakeBelieve Arts Helicopter Technique of storytelling and story acting.
Open University/ MakeBelieveArts: Milton Keynes.
Pachler, N;
Daly, C;
Mellar, H;
Mor, Y;
WiIliam, D;
Laurillard, D;
Scoping a Vision for Formative E-Assessment (FEASST).
(IOE Research Briefings
Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK.
Wyse, D;
Diamantopoulou, S;
National Gallery 'Picture in Focus': evaluation of the national roll-out.
Institute of Education: London, UK.
Green, L;
Playing by ear in the instrumental lesson: an approach based on popular musicians? informal learning practices [IOE Research Briefing N�19].
Institute of Education, University of London, London.
Hoyles, C;
Noss, R;
Cornerstone Maths: embedding dynamic interactive technologies in key stage 3 mathematics classrooms [IOE Research Briefing N°32].
Institue Of Education, University of London, London.
Jewitt, C;
Methodological Innovation in Digital Arts and Social Sciences [IOE Research Briefing N�56].
Institute of Education, University of London, London.
Jewitt, C;
Multimodal Methodologies for Researching Digital Data and Environments (MODE) [IOE Research Briefing N�91].
Institute of Education, University of London, London.
Lapping, C;
Institutional accountability and intellectual authority : unconscious fantasies and fragile identifications in contemporary academic practice.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
Potter, J;
Innovative Teaching and Learning: 21st century learning design [IOE Research Briefing N°20].
Institute of Education, University of London, London.
Price, S;
Designing ?tangibles? for learning: an empirical investigation [IOE Research Briefing N�62].
Institute of Education, University of London, London.