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Number of items: 87.


Ahmed, Rizwan; Bouri, Elie; Hosseini, Seyedmehdi; Hussain Shahzad, Syed J; (2024) Spillover in higher‐order moments across carbon and energy markets: A portfolio view. European Financial Management 10.1111/eufm.12482. (In press). Green open access

Ahn, Hyun-Soo; Çetinkaya, Eren; Duenyas, Izak; Zhang, Mengzhenyu; (2024) Benefits of Collaboration on Capacity Investment and Allocation. Production and Operations Management 10.1177/10591478231224918. (In press). Green open access

Akchen, Yi-Chun; Mišić, Velibor V; (2024) Column-Randomized Linear Programs: Performance Guarantees and Applications. Operations Research 10.1287/opre.2020.0494. (In press). Green open access

Angwin, Duncan; Koon, david; Mirc, nicola; Olivira, nuno; Prashantham, shameen; Rouzies, audrey; Tienari, janne; (2024) Mergers and acquisitions research: Time for a theory rejuvenation of the field. Long Range Planning , 56 (6) , Article 102398. 10.1016/j.lrp.2023.102398.

Angwin, Duncan; Lawton, Thomas; dattee, brice; arregle, jean-luc; barbieri, paolo; (2024) Autonomy as a Strategic Dial: A Dynamic Framework for Managing Acquired Subsidiaries. California Management Review (In press). Green open access

Angwin, Duncan N; Li, Hongqin; (2024) Leading a Business School. Academy of Management Learning & Education 10.5465/amle.2024.0211. (In press).

Aristidou, Angela; Scheuermann, Konstantin; (2024) Could AI Speak on Behalf of Future Humans? Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) 10.48558/N4BW-ND72. (In press).

Assad, Stephanie; Clark, Robert; Ershov, Daniel; Xu, Lei; (2024) Algorithmic Pricing and Competition: Empirical Evidence from the German Retail Gasoline Market. Journal of Political Economy , 132 (3) pp. 723-771. 10.1086/726906. Green open access


Bahaj, Saleem; Malherbe, Frederic; (2024) The cross-border effects of bank capital regulation. Journal of Financial Economics , 160 , Article 103912. 10.1016/j.jfineco.2024.103912.

Bahaj, Saleem; Piton, Sophie; Savagar, Anthony; (2024) Business creation during COVID-19. Economic Policy , 39 (119) pp. 611-648. 10.1093/epolic/eiae008. Green open access

Bhaskarabhatla, Ajay; Deng, Yiting; Liu, Yongdong; (2024) Open disclosure using invention pledges: a case study of IBM. Journal of Technology Transfer , 49 pp. 1532-1566. 10.1007/s10961-023-10050-w. Green open access

Bolino, Mark C; Klotz, Anthony C; Whitney, Jacob M; (2024) The Origin, Evolution, and Future of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Academy of Management Collections , 3 (3) pp. 35-56. 10.5465/amc.2023.0002.

Busco, C; Giovannoni, E; Riccaboni, A; Frigo, ML; (2024) The micro-foundations of corporate purpose: Performance management in dynamic environments. Management Accounting Research , Article 100890. 10.1016/j.mar.2024.100890. (In press). Green open access

Busco, Cristiano; Granà, Fabrizio; Izzo, Maria Federica; (2024) Beyond persuasive representations of facts: “figuring out” what sustainable value creation means in practice. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal , 37 (1) pp. 393-426. 10.1108/AAAJ-07-2021-5349. Green open access


Cagliesi, Gabriella; Hawkes, Denise; Smith, Susan; (2024) Narrowing awarding gaps: the contributory role of institutional policy and assessment type. Studies in Higher Education 10.1080/03075079.2023.2209597. (In press). Green open access

Castilho, Douglas; Souza, Tharsis TP; Kang, Soong Moon; Gama, Joao; de Carvalho, Andre CPLF; (2024) Forecasting financial market structure from network features using machine learning. Knowledge and Information Systems 10.1007/s10115-024-02095-6. (In press).

Chahed, Yasmine; Charnock, Robert; Dahlström, Sabina Du Rietz; Lennon, Niels Joseph; Palermo, Tommaso; Parisi, Cristiana; Pflueger, Dane; ... Yu, Lichen; + view all (2024) The value of research activities "other than" publishing articles: reflections on an experimental workshop series. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal 10.1108/AAAJ-05-2022-5818. (In press). Green open access

Chen, Mengyuan; (2024) The application of a hidden Markov random field model in genome-wide association studies. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ching, Kenny; Forti, Enrico; Katsampes, Spyridon; Mammous, Kostantinos; (2024) Style and quality: Aesthetic innovation strategy under weak appropriability. Research Policy , 53 (3) , Article 104947. 10.1016/j.respol.2023.104947. Green open access

Ching, Kenny; Forti, Enrico; Rawley, Evan; (2024) Competitive Familiarity: Learning to Coordinate by Competing. Organization Science 10.1287/orsc.2022.17068. Green open access


Daraghi, Shilan; Horne, Jessica; Smith, Susan; (2024) Students as co-producers: Establishing the conditions for a successful partnership within an undergraduate research scheme. International Journal for Students as Partners , 8 (1) pp. 8-26. 10.15173/ijsap.v8i1.5385. Green open access

Deng, Yiting; Staelin, Richard; (2024) Modeling misinformation spread for policy evaluation: a parsimonious framework. Marketing Letters , 35 (4) pp. 635-649. 10.1007/s11002-024-09724-8.

Di Lorenzo, Alessio; (2024) Asymptotically conical Calabi-Yau conifolds. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dimiou, Savvas; (2024) ‘‘Inhaling Genes’’: Development and Characterization of Polyplexes Based on Glycol Chitosan Derivatives for Pulmonary Gene Delivery via Inhalation. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Dorobantu, Sinziana; Gruber, Marc; Ravasi, Davide; Wellman, Ned; (2024) The AMJ Management Research Canvas: A Tool for Conducting and Reporting Empirical Research. Academy of Management Journal , 67 (5) pp. 1163-1174. 10.5465/amj.2024.4005.

Doshi, Anil R; Bell, J Jason; Mirzayev, Emil; Vanneste, Bart; (2024) Generative Artificial Intelligence and Evaluating Strategic Decisions. SSRN: Amsterdam, Netherlands. Green open access

Doshi, Anil R; Bell, J Jason; Mirzayev, Emil; Vanneste, Bart S; (2024) Generative Artificial Intelligence and Evaluating Strategic Decisions. Strategic Management Journal (In press).

Doshi, Anil R; Hauser, Oliver P; (2024) Generative AI enhances individual creativity but reduces the collective diversity of novel content. Science Advances , 10 (28) , Article eadn5290. 10.1126/sciadv.adn5290. Green open access

Doshi, Anil R; Schmidt, William; (2024) Soft Governance Across Digital Platforms Using Transparency. Strategy Science 10.1287/stsc.2023.0006. (In press). Green open access

Dupree, Cydney Hurston; (2024) Words of a Leader: The Importance of Intersectionality for Understanding Women Leaders’ Use of Dominant Language and How Others Receive It. Administrative Science Quarterly 10.1177/00018392231223142. (In press). Green open access


El Tannir, Mohamad; (2024) The Interplay of Alliance Governance, Cooperation and Coordination in Interorganisational Projects: A Viable Alliance Model Perspective. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ershov, Daniel; (2024) Variety-Based Congestion in Online Markets: Evidence from Mobile Apps. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (In press). Green open access

Ershov, Daniel; Mitchell, Matthew; (2024) The Effects of Advertising Disclosure Regulations on Social Media: Evidence From Instagram. The RAND Journal of Economics 10.1111/1756-2171.12493. (In press). Green open access

Ershov, Daniel; Morales, Juan S; (2024) Sharing News Left and Right: Frictions and Misinformation on Twitter. The Economic Journal 10.1093/ej/ueae027.

Ershov, Daniel; Orr, Scott; Laliberte, Jean-William; Marcoux, Mathieu; (2024) Estimating Complementarity with Large Choice Sets: An Application to Mergers. The RAND Journal of Economics (In press).

Estrada Rodriguez, Arturo; (2024) Strategic Information Disclosure in Service Operations: Theory and Experiments. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Fan, Xiaoshuai; Körpeoğlu, Ersin; Li, Cuihong; Liang, Jun; (2024) Innovative-Product Sourcing: Incentives and Commitment. Social Science Research Network (SSRN): Amsterdam, Netherlands. Green open access

Fisher, Colin; Pillemer, Julianna; Amabile, Teresa; (2024) When the Thought Doesn’t Count: The Dynamics of Unhelpful Help in Creative Organizations. Academy of Management Discoveries 10.5465/amd.2023.0160. (In press).

Fulmer, Ingrid; Call, Matthew; Conlon, Donald; Klotz, Anthony; (2024) You Can Check Out Any Time You Like, But Can You Ever Leave? A Theory of Firm Value Capture from Alumni. Organization Science (In press). Green open access


Gorbenko, Alexander; Malenko, Andrey; (2024) Auctions with Endogenous Initiation. The Journal of Finance , 79 (2) pp. 1353-1403. 10.1111/jofi.13288. Green open access


Ibrahim, Rouba; Estrada Rodriguez, Arturo; Zhan, Dongyuan; (2024) On Customer (Dis)honesty in Priority Queues: The Role of Lying Aversion. Management Science (In press). Green open access


Jiang, Xu; Yang, Ming; (2024) Optimal Accounting Rules and Efficient Liquidation. Management Science (In press). Green open access


Kilduff, Martin; Wang, Kun; Lee, Sun Young; Tsai, Wenpin; Chuang, You-Ta; Tsai, Fu-Sheng; (2024) Hiding and Seeking Knowledge-Providing Ties from Rivals: A Strategic Perspective on Network Perceptions. Academy of Management Journal , 67 (5) pp. 1207-1233. 10.5465/amj.2022.0091. Green open access

Korpeoglu, C Gizem; Körpeoğlu, Ersin; Tang, Christopher S; Yu, Jiayi Joey; (2024) Should an Incumbent Store Deter Entry of a Socially Responsible Retailer? Production and Operations Management 10.1177/10591478231224935. (In press). Green open access

Krause, Verena; Vincent, Lynne; Goncalo, Jack; (2024) Creative Ideation Activates Disinhibited Reward-Seeking and Indulgent Choices. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (In press). Green open access

Kurylek, Bartosz; Camara, Arthur; Nandi, Akash; Markopoulos, Evangelos; (2024) A Novel Agent-Based Framework for Conversational Data Analysis and Personal AI Systems. Artificial Intelligence and Social Computing , 122 pp. 124-136. 10.54941/ahfe1004649. Green open access


Lee, Randy; Klotz, Anthony; Mcclean, Shawn; Ilies, Remus; Zhang, Jack H; (2024) On the Receiving End of Customer Creativity: Insights From Approach-Avoidance and Interpersonal Complementarity Perspectives. Journal of Management 10.1177/01492063241247499. (In press). Green open access

Li, Xingyi; (2024) Unstructured Data in Digital Marketing and Supply Chain Management. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Lim, Velvetina Siu Ching; (2024) Navigating the Social Landscape of Creative Idea Evaluation. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


Malherbe, Frederic; McMahon, Michael; (2024) Beyond Pangloss: Financial sector origins of inefficient economic booms. Journal of Monetary Economics 10.1016/j.jmoneco.2024.103558. (In press). Green open access

Markopoulos, Evangelos; (2024) Integrating Digital Twins into the Metaverse for Dynamic and Computer-Human Interactive Building Information Modelling. Integrating Digital Twins into the Metaverse for Dynamic and Computer-Human Interactive Building Information Modelling , 149 pp. 11-22. 10.54941/ahfe1005270. Green open access

Markopoulos, Evangelos; Markopoulos, Panagiotis; Nandi, Akash; Faraclas, John; Leontopoulos, Chris; Meidanis, Stavros; Monioudis, Dimitris; (2024) The Impact of Digital Twins Technology in Maritime Fleet and Safety Management. Accessibility, Assistive Technology and Digital Environments , 121 pp. 109-119. 10.54941/ahfe1004619. Green open access

Markopoulos, Evangelos; Markopoulos, Panagiotis; Nandi, Akash; Wu, Tong; Zhao, Kui; Samkova, Mascha; Huang, Menglei; (2024) Using the UN SDGs and the ESG Index Towards the Development of a Unified Building Information Modelling Language and Culture for Sustainable Construction. Sustainable Construction in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution , 149 pp. 1-10. 10.54941/ahfe1005269. Green open access

Markopoulos, Evangelos; Markopoulos, Panagiotis; Nandi, Akash; Zhao, Kui; Samkova, Mascha; Wu, Tong; Kantola, Jussi; (2024) Aligning Digital Twins and Metaverse With the UN SDGs and Applying Them to Understand Human Behaviour in Smart and Virtual Cities. Accessibility, Assistive Technology and Digital Environments , 121 pp. 36-45. 10.54941/ahfe1004612. Green open access

Martin Kilduff, Martin; Daniel O’Sullivan, Daniel; (2024) Where's the theory contribution? An answer in four parts. Organizational Psychology Review 10.1177/20413866241233739. (In press). Green open access

Masterson, Brendan; Sharples, Nicholas; Jones, Matthew M; Lawrence, Snezana; Megeney, Alison; (2024) Authenticity in Learning, Teaching and Assessment. MSOR Connections , 22 (2) pp. 29-36. 10.21100/msor.v22i2.1488. Green open access

Moorman, Robert H; Lyons, Brian D; Mercado, Brittany K; Klotz, Anthony C; (2024) Driving the Extra Mile in the Gig Economy: The Motivational Foundations of Gig Worker Citizenship. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior , 11 (1) pp. 1-29. 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-111821-033012.


Piazza, Anna; Vasudevan, Srinidhi; Carr, Madeline; (2024) Am I Hired as a Firefighter? Exploring the Role Ambiguity and Board's Engagements on Job Stress and Perceived Organizational Support of CISOs. In: 2024 2nd International Conference on Cyber Resilience (ICCR). IEEE: Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Green open access

Ploog, Joe N; Rietveld, Joost; (2024) Rolling the Dice: Resolving Demand Uncertainty in Markets with Partial Network Effects. Academy of Management Journal 10.5465/amj.2023.0133. (In press).

Ploog, Joe Niklas; (2024) Three essays on heterogeneous network effects: Implications for firms and users. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Quintane, Eric; Lee, Sunny; Lee, Jung Won; Ruiz, Camila Umaña; Kilduff, Martin; (2024) Why Employees Who Work Across Silos Get Burned Out. Harvard Business Review (In press).


Ravasi, Davide; Zhu, Jing; Wan, William; Dorobantu, Sinziana; Gruber, Marc; (2024) What Makes Research Collaborations Successful? Advice from AMJ Authors. Academy of Management Journal , 67 (3) pp. 583-594. 10.5465/amj.2024.4003.

Reinhold, Gaelic Jara; Jovicic, Ina; Nandi, Akash; Markopoulos, Evangelos; (2024) Analysis of Personal Safety Walking Alone at Night and an Innovative Wearable Solution. Human Factors and Wearable Technologies , 141 pp. 70-80. 10.54941/ahfe1005056. Green open access

Rodriguez, Arturo Estrada; Ibrahim, Rouba; Zhan, Dongyuan; (2024) On Customer (Dis-)Honesty in Unobservable Queues: The Role of Lying Aversion. Management Science 10.1287/mnsc.2022.04036. (In press). Green open access

Rostek, Marzena; Yoon, Ji Hee; (2024) Financial Product Design in Decentralized Markets. Journal of Political Economy 10.1086/733422. (In press).

Rostek, Marzena; Yoon, Ji Hee; (2024) Innovation in Decentralized Markets: Technology versus Synthetic Products. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics , 16 (1) pp. 63-109. 10.1257/mic.20220138. Green open access


Sadri, Mohamad; Aristidou, Angela; Ravasi, Davide; (2024) Cross-sector Partnerships are Doomed? Not Necessarily! [Digital scholarly resource]. https://managementstudiesinsights.com/cross-sector... Green open access

Sadri, Mohamad; Aristidou, Angela; Ravasi, Davide; (2024) Cross‐Sector Partnership Research at Theoretical Interstices: Integrating and Advancing Theory across Phases. Journal of Management Studies 10.1111/joms.13046. (In press). Green open access

Sands, Daniel B; (2024) Double‐edged stars: Michelin stars, reactivity, and restaurant exits in New York City. Strategic Management Journal 10.1002/smj.3651. (In press). Green open access

Sarta, Andrew; Aristidou, Angela; (2024) Imagination or validation? Using futuring techniques to enhance AI’s relevance in strategic decision-making. In: Constantiou, Ioanna and Joshi, Mayur P and Stelmaszak, Marta, (eds.) Research Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making in Organizations. (pp. 322-341). Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK.

Sasaki, Innan; Ravasi, Davide; (2024) Historical consciousness and bounded imagination: How history inspires and shapes innovation in long-lived firms. Academy of Management Discoveries , 10 (1) pp. 59-90. 10.5465/amd.2021.0184.

Scheuermann, Konstantin; Aristidou, Angela; Wolfords, Sarah; (2024) Anachronism and The Emergence of Novel Organizational Forms. In: Proceedings of the 40th European Group of Organization Studies Colloquium. European Group of Organization Studies Colloquium (EGOS): Milan, Italy. Green open access

She, Zhaowei; Ayer, Turgay; Gokpinar, Bilal; Hughes, Danny R; (2024) Strategic Cross-Subsidization in Healthcare Capitation Programs: Evidence from Medicare Advantage. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 10.1287/msom.2023.0637. (In press). Green open access

Smith, Susan; Sutherland, Neil; Allen, David; (2024) Opening the black box of degree classification algorithms: towards a research agenda. Teaching in Higher Education 10.1080/13562517.2024.2302555. (In press).

Smith, Susan; Walker, David; (2024) The contribution of educational developers to academic citizenship in higher education. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 10.1080/14703297.2024.2382424. (In press). Green open access

Smith, Susan; Walker, David; (2024) The instrumental academic: Collegiality and the value of academic citizenship in contemporary higher education. Higher Education Quarterly , Article e12551. 10.1111/hequ.12551. (In press). Green open access

Sobolev, Daphne; Kallinterakis, Vasileios; (2024) Risk is in the eye of the investor: Cryptocurrency investors’ engagement with risk, regulatory advice, and regulatory institutions. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance , 44 , Article 100994. 10.1016/j.jbef.2024.100994. (In press). Green open access


Thampan, Swati; (2024) The impact of networking and global mobility on diversity in organizations. Masters thesis (M.Phil), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Torrez, Brittany; Dupree, Cydney H; Kraus, Michael W; (2024) How race influences perceptions of objectivity and hiring preferences. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , 110 , Article 104524. 10.1016/j.jesp.2023.104524.


Vanneste, Bart; Puranam, Phanish; (2024) Artificial Intelligence, Trust, and Perceptions of Agency. Academy of Management Review 10.5465/amr.2022.0041. (In press).

Vanneste, Bart; Puranam, Phanish; (2024) Trust and Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Reply to Killoran, Park, and Kietzmann. Academy of Management Review (In press).

Vergne, JP; (2024) Web3 as Decentralization Theater? A Framework for Envisioning Decentralization Strategically. In: DuPont, Q and Kavanagh, D and Dylan-Ennis, P, (eds.) Defining Web3: A Guide to the New Cultural Economy. (pp. 115-127). Emerald Publishing Limited: Leeds, UK. Green open access


Williams-Eliyesil, Sion; (2024) Vaccine development as a public service: Public service logic in the development of the Oxford AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. (Working Paper Series (IIPP WP 2024-08) ). UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose: London, UK. Green open access


Xu, Yongjian; Nandi, Akash; Markopoulos, Evangelos; (2024) Application of Large Language Models in Stochastic Sampling Algorithms for Predictive Modeling of Population Behavior. Artificial Intelligence and Social Computing , 122 pp. 10-20. 10.54941/ahfe1004637. Green open access


Yan, Thomas Taiyi; Venkataramani, Vijaya; Tang, Chaoying; Hirst, Giles; (2024) Navigating inter-team competition: How information broker teams achieve team innovation. Journal of Applied Psychology 10.1037/apl0001216. Green open access

Yoo, Onesun Steve; Deng, Yiting; Wang, Wei; Tang, Christopher S; (2024) Can an E-commerce platform and its third party sellers benefit from each other's market entry? Production and Operations Management (In press).


Zohrehvand, Amirhossein; Doshi, Anil R; Vanneste, Bart S; (2024) Generalizing event studies using synthetic controls: An application to the Dollar Tree–Family Dollar acquisition. Long Range Planning , 57 (1) , Article 102392. 10.1016/j.lrp.2023.102392. Green open access

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