Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 116.
Adler, I;
Campos, L;
Bell, SJ;
Community participation in decentralised rainwater systems: A Mexican case study.
In: Memon, FA and Ward, S, (eds.)
Alternative Water Supply Systems.
(pp. 117-130).
IWA Publishing: London, UK.
Agbota, H;
Strlič, M;
Mitchell, JE;
Odlyha, M;
Remote assessment of cultural heritage environments with wireless sensor array networks.
Sensors (Switzerland)
, 14
8779 - 8793.
Agnolucci, P;
Drummond, PT;
The Effect of Key EU Climate Policies on the EU Power Sector: An Analysis of the EU ETS, Renewable Electricity and Renewable Energy Directives.
(CECILIA2050 WP2 Deliverable 2.1.
Institute for Sustainable Resources, UCL: London, UK.
Agnolucci, P;
Smith, T;
Rehmatulla, N;
Energy efficiency and time charter rates: Energy efficiency savings recovered by ship owners in the Panamax market.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
, 66
173 - 184.
Aitken, V;
Bell, S;
Hills, S;
Rees, L;
Public acceptability of indirect potable water reuse in the south-east of England.
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply
, 14
pp. 875-885.
Bell, SJ;
The socio-technology of alternative water systems.
In: Memon, FA and Ward, S, (eds.)
Alternative Water Supply Systems.
(pp. 441-457).
IWA Publishing: London, UK.
Bell, SJ;
Chaytor, S;
Crawford, K;
Davies, F;
Johnson, C;
JooJoo, S;
Jones, K;
+ view all
Making Decisions on the Demolition or Refurbishment of Social Housing.
(UCL Policy Briefing
UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Biddulph, P;
Gori, V;
Elwell, CA;
Scott, C;
Rye, C;
Lowe, R;
Oreszczyn, T;
Inferring the thermal resistance and effective thermal mass of a wall using frequent temperature and heat flux measurements.
, 78
10 - 16.
Bleischwitz, R;
Transparency in the Extractive Industries: Time to Ask for More.
Global Environmental Politics
, 14
1 - 9.
Blyth, W;
Gross, R;
Speirs, J;
Sorrell, S;
Nicholls, J;
Dorgan, A;
Hughes, N;
Low carbon jobs: the evidence for net job creation from policy support for energy efficiency and renewable energy. A report by the UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment Function.
UK Energy Research Centre: London, UK.
Burman, E;
Hong, S;
Paterson, G;
Kimpian, J;
Mumovic, D;
A comparative study of benchmarking approaches for non-domestic buildings: Part 2 – Bottom-up approach.
Building Research and Information: the international journal of research, development and demonstration
, 3
247- 261.
Burman, E;
Kimpian, J;
Mumovic, D;
Analysis of the applicability of the UK National Calculation Methodology to energy efficiency finance of non-domestic buildings: A case study approach.
Proceedings of the IBPSA-England Building Simulation and Optimisation Conference (BSO 14).
International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)-England: London, UK.
Burman, E;
Kimpian, J;
Mumovic, D;
Reconciling Resilience and Sustainability in Overheating and Energy Performance Assessments of Non-domestic Buildings.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Urban Sustainability and Resilience.
Centre for Urban Sustainability and Resilience, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Burman, E;
Mumovic, D;
Kimpian, J;
A comparative study of the energy certification schemes implemented in the UK and ASHRAE building energy labelling programme.
Proceedings of the CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium 2014.
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE): Dublin, Ireland.
Burman, E;
Mumovic, D;
Kimpian, J;
Towards measurement and verification of energy performance under the framework of the European directive for energy performance of buildings.
, 77
153 - 163.
Chiu, LF;
Lowe, R;
Raslan, RM;
Altamirano, H;
Wingfield, J;
A socio-technical approach to post-occupancy evaluation: interactive adaptability in domestic retrofit.
Building Research & Information
, 42
pp. 574-590.
Crawford, K;
Johnson, CE;
Davies, F;
Joo, S;
Bell, S;
Demolition or Refurbishment of Social Housing? A review of the evidence.
UCL Urban Lab and Engineering Exchange: London, UK.
Curran, K;
Underhill, M;
Strlič, M;
Možir, A;
Gibson, LT;
Fearn, T;
Cross-infection effect of polymers of historic and heritage significance on the degradation of a cellulose reference test material.
Polymer Degradation and Stability
, 107
pp. 294-306.
Davoudian, N;
Raynham, P;
Barrett, E;
Disability glare: A study in simulated road lighting conditions.
, 46
695 - 705.
Dillon, C;
Bell, N;
Fouseki, K;
Laurenson, P;
Thompson, A;
Strlic, M;
Mind the Gap: Rigour and Relevance in Collaborative Heritage Science Research.
Heritage Science
, 2
1 - 22.
Dodds, PE;
Integrating housing stock and energy system models as a strategy to improve heat decarbonisation assessments.
Applied Energy
, 132
358 - 369.
Dodds, PE;
Ekins, P;
A portfolio of powertrains for the UK: An energy systems analysis.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
, 39
13941 - 13953.
Dodds, PE;
Keppo, I;
Strachan, N;
Characterising the Evolution of Energy System Models Using Model Archaeology.
Environmental Modeling & Assessment
Dodds, PE;
McDowall, W;
Methodologies for representing the road transport sector in energy system models.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
, 39
pp. 2345-2358.
Drummond, PT;
Scenarios for a Low-Carbon Europe for 2050: Discussion of Results from the ETM-UCL Model, EXIOBASE Input-Output Model and the GINFORS Model.
UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources: London, UK.
Drummond, PT;
Understanding the Impacts and Limitations of the Current EU Climate Policy Instrument Mix: Synthesis and Conclusion.
UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources: London, UK.
Ekins, Paul;
McDowall, Will;
Green innovation: industrial policy for a low carbon future.
(Economic Report Series
Trades Union Congress: London, UK.
Ekins, P;
Baddeley, M;
Medda, F;
Nesheim, L;
Radosevic, S;
Greening the recovery: the report of the UCL Green Economy Commission.
OVPR/UCL Public Policy: University College London.
Ekins, P;
McDowall, WAS;
Zenghelis, D;
Greening the recovery: the report of the UCL green economy policy commission.
UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Fell, MJ;
Chiu, LF;
Children, parents and home energy use: Exploring motivations and limits to energy demand reduction.
Energy Policy
, 65
, Article C. 10.1016/j.enpol.2013.10.003.
Fell, MJ;
Shipworth, D;
Huebner, GM;
Elwell, CA;
Exploring perceived control in domestic electricity demand-side response.
, 26
1118 - 1130.
Fischbacher, A;
Warris, A-M;
Holloway, J;
Palmer, K;
Reid, K;
Mortensen, N-B;
Tunnel, P;
+ view all
Goal-based approach to fuel and CO2 emissions monitoring - uncertainty considerations (MEPC 68/INF.3).
International Maritime Organization: Marine Environment Protection Committee
Fouseki, K;
Understanding 'Heritage Values': The Greek Perspective.
In: Pereira Roders, A and Veldpaus, L, (eds.)
Proceedings Understanding Heritage Values.
(pp. pp. 27-31).
Eindhoven University of Technology: Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Freeman, R;
Jones, L;
Yearworth, M;
Cherruault, J-Y;
Systems Thinking and System Dynamics to Support Policy Making in Defra – Project Final Report.
Sustain Ltd.: London, UK.
Freeman, R;
Yearworth, M;
Review of Literature on Systems Thinking and System Dynamics for Policy Making.
Sustain Ltd. for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Futcher, Julie;
Mills, Gerald;
Korolija, Ivan;
Zhang, Yi;
CIBSE Journal
pp. 28-30.
Gleeson, CP;
Understanding the field performance of domestic heat pumps: an analysis of recent residential heat pump field trials and training needs.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Grau-Bové, J;
Mazzei, L;
Thickett, D;
Malki-Ephstein, L;
Strlič, M;
CFD simulation of aerosol deposition in Apsley House, London.
In: Malki-Epsthein, L and Spataru, C and Marjanovic Halburd, L and Mumovic, D, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 2014 Building Simulation and Optimization Conference.
The Bartlett, UCL Faculty of the Built Environment Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering: London, UK.
Guivarch, C;
Trutnevyte, E;
Innovative techniques for Quantitative SCenarios in ENergy and Environmental research (IQ SCENE).
WholeSEM: London.
Hao, Y;
Kang, J;
Influence of mesoscale urban morphology on the spatial noise attenuation of flyover aircrafts.
Applied Acoustics
, 84
pp. 73-82.
Hernandez-Vela, A;
Angel Bautista, M;
Perez-Sala, X;
Ponce-Lopez, V;
Escalera, S;
Baro, X;
Pujol, O;
Probability-based Dynamic Time Warping and Bag-of-Visual-and-Depth-Words for Human Gesture Recognition in RGB-D.
Pattern Recognition Letters
, 50
pp. 112-121.
Hong, S;
Steadman, P;
An Analysis of Display Energy Certificates for Public Buildings 2008 to 2012.
UCL Energy Institute: London, UK.
Hong, S-M;
Paterson, G;
Mumovic, D;
Steadman, P;
Improved benchmarking comparability for energy consumption in schools.
, 42
47 - 61.
Hosseinloo, SH;
Smith, TWP;
Sabio, N;
Mangset, LE;
Bridging the shipping gap: 2 degrees pathways and carbon pricing.
(Proceedings) SCC 2014: Shipping in Changing Climates: provisioning the future, 18 - 19 June 2014, Liverpool, UK.
UCL Energy Institute: London, UK.
Huebner, Gesche M;
Gauthier, Stephanie;
Witzel, Christoph;
Chan, Wing-San;
Shipworth, David;
Seeing red, feeling hot? – The impact of illumination on thermal comfort.
Presented at: International Conference on Applied Psychology (ICAP), Paris, France.
Huebner, Gesche M;
Shipworth, David;
Gauthier, Stephanie;
Chan, Wing-San;
Witzel, Christoph;
Saving energy through changing light: The impact of illumination on thermal comfort.
Presented at: Behave Energy Conference 2014: Paradigm Shift: From Energy Efficiency to Energy Reduction through Social Change, Oxford, UK.
Huebner, GM;
Gauthier, S;
Shipworth, DT;
Raynham, P;
Chan, W;
Feeling the light? Impact of illumination on observed thermal comfort.
In: de Kort, YAW and Aarts, MPJ and Beute, F and Haans, A and Heynderickx, I and Huiberts, LM and Kalinauskaite, I and Khademagha, P and Kuijsters, A and Lakens, D and van Rijswijk, L and Schietecat, AC and Smolders, KCHJ and Stokkermans, MGM and IJsselsteijn, WA, (eds.)
Proceedings Experiencing light 2014: international conference on the effects of light on wellbeing, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 10-11 November, 2014.
(pp. pp. 82-85).
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven: Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Johnson, C;
Austwick, MZ;
PICKS: Exploring Post-disciplinary knowledge in a university's urban sustainability research landscape.
Sustainability (United States)
, 7
160 - 169.
Julien, A;
Rapid energy savings in London's households to mitigate an energy crisis.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Kamargianni, M;
Development of Hybrid Models of Teenagers' Travel Behavior to School and to After-School Activities.
Doctoral thesis , University of the Aegean.
Kamargianni, M;
Ben-Akiva, M;
Polydoropoulou, A;
Incorporating social interaction into hybrid choice models.
Khattak, Sanober Hassan;
Greenough, Richard;
Korolija, Ivan;
Brown, Neil;
Analysing the use of waste factory heat through exergy analysis.
eceee Industrial Summer Study Proceedings.
(pp. pp. 179-189).
The European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (eceee): Stockholm, Sweden.
Laing, T;
Sato, M;
Grubb, M;
Comberti, C;
The effects and side-effects of the EU emissions trading scheme.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change
, 5
pp. 509-519.
Lilis, GN;
Giannakis, GI;
Kontes, GD;
Rovas, DV;
Semi-automatic thermal simulation model generation from IFC data.
eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction ECPPM 2014.
(pp. pp. 503-510).
CRC Press: London, UK.
Lizzul, AM;
Hellier, P;
Purton, S;
Baganz, F;
Ladommatos, N;
Campos, L;
Combined remediation and lipid production using Chlorella sorokiniana grown on wastewater and exhaust gases.
Bioresource Technology
, 151
pp. 12-18.
Love, JA;
Understanding the interactions between occupants, heating systems and building fabric in the context of energy efficient building fabric retrofit in social housing.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Lowe, R;
Jones, B;
Davies, M;
Chalabi, Z;
Das, P;
Ridley, I;
Modelling uniformly porous facades to predict dwelling infiltration rates.
Building Services Engineering Research and Technology
, 35
pp. 408-416.
Macek, K;
Rovas, D;
Schmidt, M;
Valmaseda, CC;
Holistic optimization of HVAC systems via distributed data-driven control.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Theory and Practice in Modern Computing.
(pp. pp. 75-82).
Marincioni, V;
Altamirano, H;
Effect of orientation on the hygrothermal behaviour of a capillary active internal wall insulation system.
In: Arfvidsson, J and Harderup, L and Kumlin, A and Rosencrantz, B, (eds.)
NSB 2014: 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics: Full papers.
(pp. pp. 1238-1243).
Lund University: Lund, Sweden.
Marincioni, V;
Altamirano, H;
Ridley, I;
Performance of internal wall insulation systems - experimental test for the validation of a hygrothermal simulation tool.
In: Arfvidsson, J and Harderup, L and Kumlin, A and Rosencrantz, B, (eds.)
NSB 2014: 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics: Full papers.
(pp. pp. 119-126).
Lund University: Lund, Sweden.
Mavrogianni, A;
Taylor, J;
Thoua, C;
Kolm-Murray, J;
Davies, M;
A coupled summer thermal comfort and indoor air quality model of urban high-rise housing.
In: Nicol, F and Roaf, S and Brotas, L and Humphreys, M, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 8th International Windsor Conference 2014: Counting the Cost of Comfort in a Changing World.
(pp. pp. 51-67).
Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings
McDowall, W;
Exploring possible transition pathways for hydrogen energy: A hybrid approach using socio-technical scenarios and energy system modelling.
, 63
1 - 14.
McDowall, W;
Trutnevyte, E;
Tomei, J;
Keppo, I;
UKERC Energy Systems Theme: Reflecting on Scenarios.
(UKERC Report
UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC): London, UK.
McGlade, C;
Ekins, P;
Un-burnable oil: an examination of oil resource utilisation in a decarbonised energy system.
Energy Policy
, 64
102 - 112.
McGlade, CE;
Comment on the 'Uppsala critique'.
Energy Policy
, 67
pp. 154-158.
McGlade, CE;
Uncertainties in the outlook for oil and gas.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Menart, E;
de Bruin, G;
Strlic, M;
Effects of NO2 and acetic acid on the stability of historic paper.
, 21
3701 - 3713.
Milligan, BM;
Planning for offshore CO2 storage: Law and policy in the United Kingdom.
Marine Policy
, 48
162 - 171.
Milligan, BM;
Terama, E;
Jimenez-Aybar, R;
Ekins, P;
2nd GLOBE Natural Capital Accounting Study: Legal and policy developments in twenty-one countries.
GLOBE International, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources
Mohajeri, Nahid;
Gudmundsson, Agust;
Kämpf, Jérôme H;
Scartezzini, Jean Louis;
Visualizing Street Orientation and Solar Radiation in Relation to Complex Topography.
In: Tourre, V and Besuievsky, G, (eds.)
UDMV14: Eurographics Workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation.
(pp. pp. 1-6).
The Eurographics Association: Strasbourg, France.
Morgenstern, P;
Raslan, RM;
Ruyssevelt, P;
Measuring changes in energy behaviours in complex non-domestic buildings.
(Proceedings) BEHAVE 2014: 3rd European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, 3-4 September 2014, Oxford, UK.
Neubauer, RO;
Kang, J;
Airborne sound insulation in terms of a loudness model.
Applied Acoustics
, 85
pp. 34-45.
O'Brian, M;
Hartwick, F;
Schanes, K;
Kammerlaender, M;
Omann, I;
Wilts, H;
Bleischwitz, R;
Living within the safe operating space: a vision for a resource efficient Europe.
European Journal for Futures Research
, 48
Ordonez, Arturo;
Carreras, Joan;
Korolija, Ivan;
Zhang, Yi;
Coronas, Alberto;
Impact of building geometry on its energy performance depending on climate zones.
Proceedings of the 2nd IBPSA-England Conference, BSO 2014.
International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA): London,UK.
Oriola, M;
Mozir, A;
Garside, P;
Campo, G;
Nualart-Torroja, A;
Civil, I;
Odlyha, M;
... Strlic, M; + view all
Looking beneath Dali's paint: non-destructive canvas analysis.
Analytical Methods
, 6
pp. 86-96.
Parker, S;
Matching in the oil tanker industry: implications for energy efficiency.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Pye, S;
Usher, W;
Strachan, N;
The uncertain but critical role of demand reduction in meeting long-term energy decarbonisation targets.
Energy Policy
, 73
pp. 575-586.
Rapley, CG;
De Meyer, K;
Carney, J;
Clarke, R;
Howarth, C;
Smith, N;
Stilgoe, J;
+ view all
Time for Change? Climate Science Reconsidered: Report of the UCL Policy Commission on Communicating Climate Science, 2014.
UCL Policy Commission on Communicating Climate Science, University College London: London, UK.
Raucci, C;
McGlade, C;
Smith, TWP;
Tanneberger, K;
A framework to evaluate hydrogen as fuel in international shipping.
Shipping in Changing Climates 2014.
UCL Energy Institute: London.
Rehmatulla, N;
Market failures and barriers affecting energy efficient operations in shipping.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Rehmatulla, N;
Tibbles, L;
Effects of EU policy regulations on ferry operation: sustainability issues in public procurement of ferry services.
UCL Energy Institute, University College London: London, UK.
Robertson, CM;
The role of crowd-sourced energy performance feedback in low-energy building design and management in the context of industry pressures.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Rojon, I;
Smith, TWP;
On the attitudes and opportunities of fuel consumption monitoring and measurement within the shipping industry
and the identification and validation of energy efficiency and performance interventions.
UCL Energy Institute, University College London: London, UK.
Scamman, D;
Bustamante, H;
Hallett, S;
Newborough, M;
Off-grid solar-hydrogen generation by passive electrolysis.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
, 39
pp. 19855-19868.
Schwartz, Yair;
Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms for the Minimisation of the Life Cycle Carbon Footprint and Life Cycle Cost of the Refurbishment of a Residential Complex's Envelope: A Case Study.
Masters thesis (M.Res), UCL (University College London).
Scrieciu, SŞ;
Belton, V;
Chalabi, Z;
Mechler, R;
Puig, D;
Advancing methodological thinking and practice for development-compatible climate policy planning.
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
, 19
pp. 261-288.
Shrubsole, C;
Macmillan, A;
Davies, M;
May, N;
100 Unintended consequences of policies to improve the energy efficiency of the UK housing stock.
, 23
340 - 352.
Si, J;
Nasiri, F;
Han, P;
Li, T;
Variation in ecosystem service values in response to land use changes in Zhifanggou watershed of Loess plateau: a comparative study.
Environmental Systems Research
, 3
, Article 1. 10.1186/2193-2697-3-2.
Smith, TWP;
Raucci, C;
Sabio, N;
Argyros, D;
Global Marine Fuel Trends 2030.
Lloyd's Register Marine / UCL Energy Institute: London, UK.
Solano Rodriguez, B;
Drummond, PT;
Techno-Economic Scenarios for Reaching Europe’s Long-Term Climate Targets Using the European TIMES Model (ETM-UCL) to Model Energy System Development in the EU. CECILIA2050 WP3 Deliverable 3.1.
CECILIA2050 Project, European Commission
Spataru, C;
Barrett, M;
Kok, YC;
Physical energy storage employed worldwide.
Presented at: 6th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, SEB-14, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Spataru, C;
Barrett, M;
Zafeiratou, E;
An analysis of the impact of bioenergy and geosequestration in the UK future energy system.
Presented at: 6th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, SEB-14, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Spataru, C;
Gauthier, S;
How to monitor people 'smartly' to help reducing energy consumption in buildings?
Architectural Engineering and Design Management
, 10
60 - 78.
Steadman, P;
Hamilton, I;
Evans, S;
Energy and urban built form: an empirical and statistical approach.
, 42
17 - 31.
Steadman, P;
Hamilton, I;
Shipworth, D;
Summerfield, A;
Oreszczyn, T;
Lowe, R;
Uptake of energy efficiency interventions in English houses, 2000 to 2007.
Building Research and Information
, 42
pp. 255-275.
Steiger, S;
Rovas, DV;
Grün, G;
Facility Management: Alle Daten im Blick.
Wirtschaft in Mittelfranken
, 14
pp. 24-26.
Stone, A;
Shipworth, D;
Biddulph, P;
Oreszczyn, T;
Key factors determining the energy rating of existing English houses.
Building Research & Information
, 42
Stulgis, V;
Smith, T;
Rehmatulla, N;
Powers, J;
Hoppe, J;
Hidden treasure: Financial models for retrofits.
(Carbon War Room Research Reports
The Carbon War Room / UCL Energy Institute: London, UK.
Suarez de la Fuente, S;
Greig, A;
Balachandran, R;
Improving Shipping CO₂ emissions: A multi-objective study of marine Waste Heat Recovery Systems.
Presented at: UCL Mechanical Engineering PhD Students Conference, London, UK.
Sweetman, T;
Al-Ghaithi, H;
Almaskari, B;
Calder, C;
Gabris, J;
Patterson, M;
Megdi Mohaghegh, S;
+ view all
Residential energy use in Oman: a scoping study.
Tahmasebi, Farhang;
Mahdavi, Ardeshir;
Exploring the Predictive Potential of Probabilistic Occupancy Models.
Human-centred building(s): Proceedings of the 5th German-Austrian IBPSA Conference.
IBPSA: RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
Tauber, Christian;
Tahmasebi, Farhang;
Zach, Robert;
Mahdavi, Ardeshir;
Calibration of Schedules in Building Simulation Using Runtime Monitoring.
Human-centred building(s): Proceedings of the 5th German-Austrian IBPSA Conference.
(pp. pp. 294-299).
IBPSA: RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
Taylor, JG;
Altamirano, H;
Shrubsole, C;
Das, P;
Biddulph, P;
Davies, M;
Mavrogianni, A;
Tuberculosis transmission: Modelled impact of air-tightness in dwellings in the UK.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2014).
International Society for Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ): Hong Kong.
Taylor, J;
Davies, M;
Wilkinson, P;
Mavrogianni, A;
Milner, J;
Shrubsole, C;
Das, P;
Modelling the modifying effect of homes on population exposure to pollution.
Presented at: International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) 26th Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Taylor, J;
Shrubsole, C;
Biddulph, P;
Jones, B;
Das, P;
Davies, M;
Simulation of pollution transport in buildings: the importance of taking into account dynamic thermal effects.
Building Services Engineering & Technology
, 35
682 - 690.
Taylor, J;
Shrubsole, C;
Davies, M;
Biddulph, P;
Das, P;
Hamilton, I;
Vardoulakis, S;
... Oikonomou, E; + view all
The modifying effect of the building envelope on population exposure to PM2.5 from outdoor sources.
Indoor Air
, 24
639- 651.
Taylor, JG;
Biddulph, P;
Altamirano, H;
Shrubsole, C;
Das, P;
Mavrogianni, A;
Davies, M;
A novel post-processing contaminant transport and decay model for EnergyPlus.
In: Malki-Epsthein, L and Spataru, C and Marjanovic Halburd, L and Mumovic, D, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 2014 Building Simulation and Optimization Conference.
Tomei, J;
San, V;
Anandarajah, G;
Sriv, T;
Kunthy, S;
New Modern Energy Consumers: challenges for efficient cooking fuels in the Greater Mekong Subregion.
Boiling Point
, 64
12 - 14.
Tomei, J;
Global policy and local outcomes: a political ecology of biofuels in Guatemala.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Torabi Moghadam, Sara;
Soncini, Federica;
Corgnati, Stefano P;
Fabi, Valentina;
Tahmasebi, Farhang;
Mahdavi, Ardeshir;
The Impact of Window Operation Assumptions on the Thermal Simulation Results of an Office Building.
Proceedings of the 2nd ICAUD International Conference in Architecture and Urban Design.
(pp. p. 198).
Epoka University: Tirana, Albania.
Trutnevyte, E;
Does cost optimisation approximate the real-world energy transition? Retrospective modelling and implications for modelling the future.
Proceedings of the International Energy Workshop 2014.
International Energy Workshop: Milan, Italy.
Trutnevyte, E;
Linking governance storylines with the D-EXPANSE model to explore the power system transition pathways.
In: Ames, DP and Quinn, NWT and Rizzoli, AE, (eds.)
7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Proceedings.
Trutnevyte, E;
Guivarch, C;
Innovative techniques for quantitative scenarios in energy and environmental research: a review.
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