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Number of items at this level: 379.


Tillotson, M; Guan, D; Zhao, X; (2019) Virtual water. (Water Resources: An Integrated Approach , pp. pp. 405-425 ). Green open access


Kitazawa, K.; Fujiyama, T.; (2010) Pedestrian vision and collision avoidance behavior: investigation of the information process space of pedestrians using an eye tracker. In: Klingsch, W.W.F. and Rogsch, C. and Schadschneider, A. and Schreckenberg, M., (eds.) Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2008. (pp. pp. 95-108). Springer: London, UK. Green open access

Lopez De Vallejo, I.; (2010) Measuring spatial and temporal features of physical interaction dynamics in the workplace. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Raslan, R.M.S.; (2010) Performance based regulations: the viability of the modelling approach as a methodology for building energy compliance demonstration. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Strlič, M.; Cséfalvayová, L.; Kolar, J.; Menart, E.; Kosek, J.; Barry, C.; Higgitt, C.; (2010) Non-destructive characterisation of iron gall ink drawings: not such a galling problem. Talanta , 81 (1-2) pp. 412-417. 10.1016/j.talanta.2009.12.017. Green open access

Strlič, M.; Menart, E.; Cigić, I.K.; Kolar, J.; de Bruin, G.; Cassar, M.; (2010) Emission of reactive oxygen species during degradation of iron gall ink. Polymer Degradation and Stability , 95 (1) pp. 66-71. 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2009.10.011. Green open access

van Ree, H.J.; (2010) Service quality indicators for business support services. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Al Sayed, K.; Turner, A.; Hanna, S.; (2009) Cities as emergent models: the morphological logic of Manhattan and Barcelona. In: Koch, D. and Marcus, L. and Steen, J., (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. p. 1). Royal Institute of Technology (KTH): Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

AL-Ghatam, W.; (2009) The village and the city: a diagnostic study of the spatial embedding patterns in villages absorbed by cities in Bahrain. In: Koch, D. and Marcus, L. and Steen, J., (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. p. 2). Royal Institute of Technology (KTH): Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Cassar, M; (2009) Sustainable Heritage: Challenges and Strategies for the Twenty-First Century, APT Bulletin. Journal of Preservation Technology , 40 (1) pp. 3-11. Green open access

Cheng, S.; (2009) Curved photovoltaic surface optimization for BIPV: an evolutionary approach based on solar radiation simulation. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chiaradia, A; Hillier, B; Barnes, Y; Schwander, C; (2009) Residential property value patterns in London: space syntax spatial analysis. In: Koch, D and Marcus, L and Steen, J, (eds.) (Proceedings) 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. 15-). : Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Chiaradia, A; Hillier, B; Schwander, C; (2009) Spatial economics of crime: spatial design factors and the total social cost of crime against individuals and property in London. In: Koch, D and Marcus, L and Steen, J, (eds.) (Proceedings) 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. 17-). : Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Chiaradia, A; Hillier, B; Schwander, C; Wedderburn, M; (2009) Spatial centrality, economic vitality/viability: compositional and spatial effects in Greater London. In: Koch, D and Marcus, L and Steen, J, (eds.) (Proceedings) 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. 16-). : Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Croxford, B; (2009) The effect of cold homes on health: Evidence from the LARES study. In: Housing and Health in Europe: The WHO LARES Project. (pp. 142-154). Green open access

Darvishani‐Fikouhi, S.; (2009) Honeycomb topologies: design rationalization of a free‐form space frame structure. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Fatah gen. Schieck, A.; Boddington, G.; Fink, P.; (2009) Framework for the implementation of urban big screens in the public space. Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Friedrich, E; Hillier, B; Chiaradia, A; (2009) Anti-social behaviour and urban configuration using space syntax to understand spatial patterns of socio-environmental disorder. In: Koch, D and Marcus, L and Steen, J, (eds.) (Proceedings) 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. 34-). : Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Griffiths, S.; (2009) Persistence and change in the spatio-temporal description of Sheffield Parish c.1750-1905. In: Koch, D. and Marcus, L. and Steen, J., (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. p. 37). Royal Institute of Technology (KTH): Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Guzik, A.; (2009) Digital fabrication inspired design: Influence of fabrication parameters on a design process. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hanna, S.; (2009) Spectral comparison of large urban graphs. In: Koch, D. and Marcus, L. and Steen, J., (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. p. 39). Royal Institute of Technology (KTH): Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Hanson, R.E.; (2009) Towards a practical method for ranking acoustic comfort in structurally connected dwellings in England: motivating improvements in, and understanding of, acoustic comfort. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Hillier, B; (2009) The city as a socio-technical system a spatial reformulation. In: (Proceedings) Conference on Spatial Information Theory. : Aber ‘wrach, Brittany. Green open access

Hillier, B; (2009) The genetic code for cities – is it simpler than we thought? In: (Proceedings) Complexity in Cities conference. : University of Delft. Green open access

Hillier, B; (2009) Studying cities to learn about minds: some possible implications of space syntax for spatial cognition. Environment and Planning B , 39 (1) pp. 12-32. 10.1068/b34047t. Green open access

Hillier, B.; (2009) Spatial sustainability in cities: organic patterns and sustainable forms. In: Koch, D. and Marcus, L. and Steen, J., (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. p. 1). Royal Institute of Technology (KTH): Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Hillier, B.; (2009) What do we need to add to a social network to get a society? answer: something like what we have to add to a spatial network to get a city. In: Koch, D. and Marcus, L. and Steen, J., (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. p. 42). Royal Institute of Technology (KTH): Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Hillier, B.; Turner, A.; Yang, T.; Park, H.-T.; (2009) Metric and topo-geometric properties of urban street networks: some convergences, divergences and new results. Journal of Space Syntax Studies (In press). Green open access

Hong, SH; Gilbertson, J; Oreszczyn, T; Green, C; Ridley, I; Warm Front Study Grp; (2009) A field study of thermal comfort in low-income dwellings in England before and after energy efficient refurbishment. BUILD ENVIRON , 44 (6) 1228 - 1236. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2008.09.003. Green open access

Jones, CE; Griffiths, S; Haklay, M; Vaughan, L; (2009) A multi-disciplinary perspective on the built environment: Space Syntax and cartography – the communication challenge. In: Koch, D and Marcus, LAS and J, (eds.) (Proceedings) Proceedings of the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium.. (pp. 48:1-48:12). : Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Kachri, G.; (2009) Parasitic Ecologies: extending space through diffusion‐limited aggregation models. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Lubinsky, A.; (2009) Schools as generators of urban change: the relationship between social infrastructure and physical form. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Mitra, A.; (2009) The grammar of developable double corrugations (for formal architectural applications). Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mora Vega, R.I.; (2009) The cognitive roots of space syntax. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sailer, K.; Budgen, A.; Lonsdale, N.; Turner, A.; Penn, A.; (2009) Comparative studies of offices pre and post — how changing spatial configurations affect organisational behaviours. In: Koch, D. and Marcus, L. and Steen, J., (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. p. 96). Royal Institute of Technology (KTH): Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Sailer, K.; Penn, A.; (2009) Spatiality and transpatiality in workplace environments. In: Koch, D. and Marcus, L. and Steen, J., (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. p. 95). Royal Institute of Technology (KTH): Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Skavara, M.M.E.; (2009) Learning emergence: adaptive cellular automata façade trained by artificial neural networks. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Strlič, M.; Cigić, I.K.; Rabin, I.; Kolar, J.; Pihlar, B.; Cassar, M.; (2009) Autoxidation of lipids in parchment. Polymer Degradation and Stability , 94 (6) pp. 886-890. 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2009.03.003. Green open access

Tenu, V.; (2009) Minimal surfaces as self-organizing systems: a particle-spring system simulation for generating triply periodic minimal surface tensegrity structure. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Tucker, S.; (2009) Dance of the bulrushes: building conversations between social creatures. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Turner, A.; (2009) The role of angularity in route choice: an analysis of motorcycle courier GPS traces. In: Stewart Hornsby, K. and Claramunt, C. and Denis, M. and Ligozat, G., (eds.) Spatial Information Theory. (pp. pp. 489-504). Springer Verlag: Berlin/ Heidelberg, Germany. Green open access

Turner, A.; (2009) A simple model of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction from first principles. Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Turner, A.; (2009) Stitching together the fabric of space and society: an investigation into the linkage of the local to regional continuum. In: Koch, D. and Marcus, L. and Steen, J., (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. p. 116). Royal Institute of Technology (KTH): Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Vaughan, L; Geddes, I; (2009) Urban form and deprivation: a contemporary proxy for Charles Booth's analysis of poverty. Radical Statistics , 99 pp. 46-73. Green open access

Vaughan, L; Griffiths, S; Haklay, M; Jones, CE; (2009) Do the suburbs exist? Discovering complexity and specificity in suburban built form. T I BRIT GEOGR , 34 (4) 475 - 488. 10.1111/j.1475-5661.2009.00358.x. Green open access

Vaughan, L; Jones, CE; Griffiths, S; Haklay, M; (2009) The spatial signature of suburban 'active' centres. In: Koch, D and Marcus, L and Steen, J, (eds.) (Proceedings) Proceedings of the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. 127:1-127:13). : Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access


Batty, M; Carvalho, R; Hudson-Smith, A; Milton, R; Smith, D; Steadman, P; (2008) Scaling and allometry in the building geometries of Greater London. (CASA Working Paper 126). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London, UK. Green open access

Chung, S.S.-Y.; (2008) The study of Chinatown as an urban artifice and its impact on the Chinese community in London. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Conroy-Dalton, R; Vaughan, L; (2008) Teaching space syntax through reflective practice and practica. In: (Proceedings) The Oxford Conference 2008. Green open access

Cousins-Jenvey, B.; (2008) Solving constraints within a graph based dependency model by digitising a new process of incrementally casting concrete structures. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Croxford, B; Leonardi, GS; Kreis, I; (2008) Self-reported neurological symptoms in relation to CO emissions due to problem gas appliance installations in London: a cross-sectional survey. ENVIRON HEALTH-GLOB , 7 , Article 34. 10.1186/1476-069X-7-34. Green open access

Dou, Q.; (2008) Change and continuity: a morphological investigation of the creation of gated communities in post-reform Beijing. Presented at: International Planning History Society 13th Biennial Conference: Public Versus Private Planning: Themes, Trends and Tensions, Chicago, USA. Green open access

Fatah gen. Schieck, A.; Briones, C.; Mottram, C.; (2008) The urban screen as a socialising platform: exploring the role of place within the urban space. In: Eckardt, F. and Geelhaar, J. and Colini, L. and Willis, K.S. and Chorianopoulos, K. and Hennig, R., (eds.) MEDIACITY: Situations, Practices and Encounters. (pp. pp. 285-305). Frank & Timme GmbH: Berlin, Germany. Green open access

Fatah gen. Schieck, A.; Penn, A.; O'Neill, E.; (2008) Mapping, sensing and visualising the digital co-presence in the public arena. In: Timmermans, H. and de Vries, B., (eds.) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning. Eindhoven University of Technology: Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Green open access

Friedrich, E.; (2008) The Voronoi diagram in structural optimisation. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Gage, S; Leung, C; (2008) The mechanical homunculus. In: Trappl, (ed.) (Proceedings) 19th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 2008). (pp. pp. 103-108). Austrian Society for Cybernetics Study: Vienna. Green open access

Griffiths, S; (2008) Historical space and the interpretation of urban transformation: the spatiality of social and cultural change in Sheffield c.1770-1910. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Griffiths, S.; Vaughan, L.; Haklay, M.; Jones, C.E.; (2008) The sustainable suburban high street: a review of themes and approaches. Geography Compass , 2 (4) pp. 1155-1188. 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2008.00117.x. Green open access

Hillier, B; Stonor, T; Karimi, K; (2008) Using space syntax to regenerate the historic cores of cities: the case of Jeddah; or, why we need architectural models of whole cities. In: (Proceedings) World Congress of Architecture. : Turin. Green open access

Jones, CE; Haklay, M; Griffiths, S; Vaughan, L; (2008) Visualising London's Suburbs. In: (Proceedings) GISRUK 2008. : Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. Green open access

Kaye, A.; Gage, S.A.; Leung, C.; (2008) Technical & Practice: Pavilion tests shuttered external insulation. Architects' Journal , 227 (24) p. 43. Green open access

Laskari, S.; Hanna, S.; Derix, C.; (2008) Urban identity through quantifiable spatial attributes: coherence and dispersion of local identity through the automated comparative analysis of building block plans. In: Gero, J.S. and Geol, A.K., (eds.) Design Computing and Cognition '08: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition. (pp. pp. 615-634). Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Green open access

Leon, M.; (2008) Towards aperiodic tesellation: a self-organising particle spring system approach. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Leung, C.; Gage, S.A.; (2008) Dynamic building envelopes. Middle East Art Design and Architecture Magazine (MEADA) , 3 (3) pp. 76-80. Green open access

Lichtblau, D.; Strlič, M.; Trafela, T.; Kolar, J.; Anders, M.; (2008) Determination of mechanical properties of historical paper based on NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics - a new instrument. Applied Physics A , 92 (1) pp. 191-195. 10.1007/s00339-008-4479-1. Green open access

Linardou, O.; (2008) Towards homeostatic architecture: simulation of the generative process of a termite mound construction. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

O'Brien, J.; (2008) Virtual environments for stroke rehabilitation: examining a novel technology against end-user, clinical and management demands with reference to UK care provision. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ortiz-Chao, C.G.; (2008) Land use patterns and access in Mexico City. Presented at: ACSP-AESOP Fourth Joint Congress: Bridging the Divide: Celebrating the City, Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, Chicago, USA. Green open access

Ottevaere, O.; (2008) Quasi-Projection: aperiodic concrete formwork for perceived surface complexity. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Papapavlou, A.; (2008) Structural Evolution: a genetic algorithm method to generate structurally optimal Delaunay triangulated space frames for dynamic loads. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Papapavlou, K.; Linardou, O.; Fatah gen. Schieck, A.; Turner, A.; (2008) Mapping and visualising digital presence. In: 4th IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments, University of Washington in Seattle, USA, July 21 to July 22, 2008. The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET): Stevenage, UK. Green open access

Pathan, A.; Young, A.; Oreszczyn, T.; (2008) UK domestic air conditioning: a study of occupant use and energy efficiency. In: Proceedings of Conference: Air Conditioning and the Low Carbon Cooling Challenge. Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings: London, UK. Green open access

Sailer, K.; Budgen, A.; Lonsdale, N.; Turner, A.; Penn, A.; (2008) Evidence-based design: theoretical and practical reflections of an emerging approach in office architecture. Presented at: The 4th Design Research Society Conference 2008, Sheffield, UK. Green open access

Taylor, J.; Cassar, M.; (2008) Representation and intervention: The symbiotic relationship of conservation and value. In: Saunders, D. and Townsend, J.H. and Woodcock, S., (eds.) Conservation and Access: Contributions to the London Congress. (pp. pp. 7-11). IIC (International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works): London, UK. Green open access

Vaughan, L; (2008) Mapping the East End 'Labyrinth'. In: Werner, A, (ed.) Jack the Ripper and the East End Labyrinth. (pp. 218-237). Random House: London. Green open access


Fatah gen Schieck, A and Hanna, S (Eds). (2007) Embedded, Embodied, Adaptive: Architecture and Computation. [Book]. Emergent Architecture Press (UCL): London. Green open access

Turner, A. (Ed). (2007) Proceedings of Workshop on New developments in Space Syntax software. 6th International Space Syntax Symposium. Istanbul Technical University: Istanbul, Turkey. Green open access

Vaughan, L (Ed). (2007) The spatial syntax of urban segregation. [Whole issue]. Progress in Planning , 67 (3). Green open access

Al-Sayed, K.; (2007) Discursive and Non-Discursive Design Processes. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bakolas, R.; (2007) Virtual Urbanity: A parametric tool for the generation of virtual cities. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bichard, J; Hanson, J; (2007) Who Put the P in Policy? The reality of guidelines and legislation in the design of the accessible toilet. In: (Proceedings) INCLUDE 2007, Designing with People. : RCA London. Green open access

Biddulph, P; Crowther, D; Leung, B; Wilkinson, T; Hart, B; Oreszczyn, T; Pretlove, S; ... Ucci, M; + view all (2007) Predicting the population dynamics of the house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Acari : Pyroglyphidae) in response to a constant hygrothermal environment using a model of the mite life cycle. EXP APPL ACAROL , 41 (1-2) 61 - 86. 10.1007/s10493-007-9056-3. Green open access

Blades, N; Marchant, G; Greening, P; (2007) Impacts of crushed rock quarries on historic villages and cultural landscapes. In: Drdracky, MEA, (ed.) (Proceedings) Proceedings of the 7th European Conference "SAUVEUR", Safeguarded Cultural Heritage - Understanding & Viability for the Enlarged Europe. (pp. pp. 61-70). : Prague, Czech Republic. Green open access

Blades, N; (2007) Application of an air pollution modelling tool to cultural heritage buildings. Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic / European Communities: Prague, Czech Republic. Green open access

Briones, C.; Fatah gen. Schieck, A.; Mottram, C; (2007) A socializing interactive installation for the urban environments. Presented at: IADIS Applied Computing International Conference 2007, Salamanca, Spain. Green open access

Briones, C.; Fatah gen. Schieck, A.; Mottram, C.; (2007) LEDs Urban Carpet, una instalación interactiva para sociabilizar en el espacio público. Presented at: SIGraDi 2007 - the 11th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics, México D.F., México. Green open access

Buendia, L.; (2007) Retail shop distribution in interrupted orthogonal grids: The case of Tijuana. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Charalampous, C.; (2007) Responsive spatial growth of the Danzer packing. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Conroy-Dalton, R; (2007) Social exclusion and transportation in Peachtree City, Georgia. Progress in Planning , 67 (3) pp. 264-286. 10.1016/j.progress.2007.03.001. Green open access

Conroy-Dalton, R; (2007) Cancel the plane: I'll meet you in second life. Sustain , 08 (02) pp. 36-37. Green open access

Conroy-Dalton, R; Dalton, N; (2007) Applying Depth Decay Functions to Space Syntax Network Graphs. In: (Proceedings) Sixth International Space Syntax Symposium. Green open access

Dalton, N; Conroy-Dalton, R; (2007) The Theory of Natural Movement and its Application to the Simulation of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET). In: (Proceedings) Fifth Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR2007). Green open access

Doulgerakis, A.; (2007) Genetic Programming + Unfolding Embryology in Automated Layout Planning. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Fatah gen. Schieck, A.; Briones, C.; Mottram, C.; (2007) A sense of place and pervasive computing within the urban landscape. Presented at: In Space Syntax 6th International Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey. Green open access

Fatah gen. Schieck, A.; Kostakos, V.; (2007) Exploring digital encounters in the city. Presented at: The 25th International Conference on Computer & Human Interactions CHI 2007, San Jose, USA. Green open access

Fatah gen. Schieck, A.; Mottram, C.; (2007) Collective choreography of space: modelling digital co-Presence in a public arena. In: Luz, A. and Lasker, G.E., (eds.) Systems research in the arts and humanities : on choreographies in music, visual and perfomative arts, and environmental design : readings, processes, (op)positions and crossings on compositions, structures and patterns, design: duration, perception... (pp. pp. 59-63). International Institute for Advanced Studies/L'Institut International pour les Etudes Avancees: Tecumseh, Canada. Green open access

Figueiredo, L.; Amorim, L.; (2007) Decoding the urban grid: or why cities are neither trees nor perfect grids. In: Kubat, A.S. and Ertekin, O. and Guney, Y.I. and Eyuboglu, E., (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, Istanbul 12-15 June 2007. ITU Faculty of Architectur: Istanbul, Turkey. Green open access

Friedrich, E; Hanna, S; Derix, C; (2007) Emergent Form from Structural Optimisation of the Voronoi Polyhedra Structure. In: (Proceedings) GA2007: 10th Generative Art International Conference. Generative Art International Conference: Milan, Italy. Green open access

Geddes, I.; (2007) The Housing Forms and Urban Morphology of Poverty Areas in the London Borough of Islington. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Gribble, E.; (2007) Brief as virtual building: How configurational is a construction brief? Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Haklay, M; Kimmel-Guy, A; Theakston, S; Moore, G; (2007) Bottom-up Environmental Justice in the UK: a fairer, greener London. In: (Proceedings) Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. : San Francisco, USA. Green open access

Hanna, S; (2007) Automated representation of style by feature space archetypes: distinguishing spatial styles from generative rules. International Journal of Architectural Computing , 5 (1) pp. 2-23. 10.1260/147807707780913001. Green open access

Hanna, S.; (2007) Inductive machine learning of optimal modular structures: Estimating solutions using support vector machines. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing , 21 (1) pp. 351-366. 10.1017/S0890060407000327. Green open access

Hanna, S.; (2007) Representation and generation of plans using graph spectra. In: Kubat, A. S. and Ertekin, O. and Guney, Y. I. and Eyuboglu, E., (eds.) Proceedings, 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, 12-15 Jun 2007. (pp. 099.01-099.13). Istanbul Technical University: Istanbul, Turkey. Green open access

Hanna, S.; (2007) Representation and generation of plans using graph spectra. In: Kubat, A.S. and Ertekin, O. and Guney, Y.I. and Eyuboglu, E., (eds.) 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, 12-15 Jun 2007. (pp. 099.01-091.14). Istanbul Technical University: Istanbul, Turkey. Green open access

Hanson, J; (2007) The benefits and challenges of remodelling sheltered housing and residential care homes to extra care housing. Presented at: The Extra Care – the Welsh Agenda?, Cardiff, Wales. Green open access

Hanson, J; Bichard, J; Greed, C; (2007) The Accessible Toilet Resource. UCL (University College London), UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Hanson, J; Zako, R; (2007) Communities of Co-presence and Surveillance: how public open space shapes awareness and behaviour in residential developments. In: (Proceedings) Proceedings of the 6th International Space Syntax Symposium. : Istanbul. Green open access

Hanson, J.; Bichard, J-A.; (2007) The design of sustainable and inclusive 'away-from-home' toilets in city centres. Presented at: Sustainability CITY - the Art of Urban Living, Manchester, UK. Green open access

Hanson, J.; Osipovic, D.; Hine, N.; Amaral, T.; Curry, R.; Barlow, J.; (2007) Lifestyle monitoring as a predictive tool in telecare. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare , 13 (1) pp. 26-28. 10.1258/135763307781645040. Green open access

Hanson, J.; Percival, J.; Aldred, H.; Brownsell, S.; Hawley, M.; (2007) Attitudes to telecare among older people, professional care workers and informal carers: a preventative strategy or crisis management? Universal Access in the Information Society , 6 (2) pp. 193-205. 10.1007/s10209-007-0075-y. Green open access

Hillier, B; (2007) Space is the machine: a configurational theory of architecture. [Book]. Space Syntax: London, UK. Green open access

Hillier, B; Sahbaz, O; (2007) Beyond hot spots; using space syntax to understand dispersed patterns of crime risk in the built environment. In: (Proceedings) Conference on crime analysis at the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of California at Los Angeles,January 2007. : University of California at Los Angeles. Green open access

Hillier, B; Vaughan, L; (2007) The city as one thing. Progress in Planning , 67 (3) pp. 205-230. 10.1016/j.progress.2007.03.001. Green open access

Hillier, B.; (2007) Space is the machine, part four: theoretical syntheses. In: Space is the machine: a configurational theory of architecture. (pp. 287-343). Space Syntax: London, UK. Green open access

Hillier, B.; (2007) Space is the machine, part one: theoretical preliminaries. In: Space is the machine: a configurational theory of architecture. (pp. 1-109). Space Syntax: London, UK. Green open access

Hillier, B.; (2007) Space is the machine, part three: the laws of the field. In: Space is the machine: a configurational theory of architecture. (pp. 215-286). Space Syntax: London, UK. Green open access

Hillier, B.; (2007) Space is the machine, part two: non-discursive regularities. In: Space is the machine: a configurational theory of architecture. (pp. 110-214). Space Syntax: London, UK. Green open access

Hillier, B.; Turner, A.; Yang, T.; Park, H.-T.; (2007) Metric and topo-geometric properties of urban street networks: some convergences, divergences, and new results. Presented at: 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey. Green open access

Kaftan, M.; (2007) Extranoematic artifacts: neural systems in space and topology. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kanellos, A.; (2007) Topological Self-Organisation: Using a particle-spring system simulation to generate structural space-filling lattices. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kelsey, J; (2007) Balancing operating revenues and occupied refurbishment costs 1: problems of defining project success factors and selecting site planning methods. Building Research and Information Green open access

Kelsey, J; (2007) Balancing operating revenues and occupied refurbishment costs 2: a Space Syntax approach to locating hoardings. Building Research and Information Green open access

Laskari, A.; (2007) Urban identity through quantifiable spatial attributes: Coherence and dispersion of local identity through the comparative analysis of building block plans. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Lowe, RJ; Wingfield, J; Bell, M; Bell, JM; (2007) Evidence for heat losses via party wall cavities in masonry construction. BUILD SERV ENG RES T , 28 (2) 161 - 181. 10.1177/0143624407077196. Green open access

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Hillier, B; (1973) In defense of space. RIBA Journal (Royal Institute of British Architects Journal) pp. 539-544. Green open access

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