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Acet, Pinar; Aydoğdu, Burcu Ebru; Dirik, Gülay; (2020) Genel Anlamdaki Bozulmalar Ölçeği’nin Türkçe Formunun Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması = The Reliability and Validity Study of the Turkish Version of the Global Meaning Violation Scale. Nesne Psikoloji Dergisi , 8 (18) pp. 422-440. 10.7816/nesne-08-18-05. Green open access

Ahmadzadeh, Y; Lester, KJ; Oliver, BR; McAdams, TA; (2020) The Parent Play Questionnaire: Development of a parent questionnaire to assess parent–child play and digital media use. Social Development , 29 (4) pp. 945-963. 10.1111/sode.12450. Green open access

Annan, J; Mentis, M; Somerville, MP; Holley-Boen, W; (2020) The Learning Theories Profile: A metacognitive tool for reflecting on professional practice. Kairaranga: New Zealand Journal of Education Practice , 21 (2) pp. 15-27. Green open access

Avgerinou, VA; Tolmie, A; (2020) Inhibition and cognitive load in fractions and decimals. British Journal of Educational Psychology , 90 (S1) pp. 240-256. 10.1111/bjep.12321. Green open access


Bailey, ER; Matz, SC; Youyou, W; Iyengar, SS; (2020) Authentic self-expression on social media is associated with greater subjective well-being. Nature Communications , 11 , Article 4889. 10.1038/s41467-020-18539-w. Green open access

Baines, E; Blatchford, P; Golding, K; (2020) Recess, Breaktimes, and Supervision. In: The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development. Wiley-Blackwell

Bassetti, B; Mairano, P; Masterson, J; Cerni, T; (2020) Effects of Orthographic Forms on Second Language Speech Production and Phonological Awareness, With Consideration of Speaker-Level Predictors. Language Learning 10.1111/lang.12423. (In press). Green open access

Blakey, E; Matthews, D; Cragg, L; Buck, J; Cameron, D; Higgins, B; Pepper, L; ... Carroll, DJ; + view all (2020) The Role of Executive Functions in Socioeconomic Attainment Gaps: Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial. Child Development , 91 (5) pp. 1594-1614. 10.1111/cdev.13358. Green open access

Blatchford, P; Russell, A; (2020) Rethinking Class Size: The complex story of impact on teaching and learning. [Book]. UCL PRESS Green open access

Bonell, C; Dodd, M; Allen, E; Bevilacqua, L; McGowan, J; Opondo, C; Sturgess, J; ... Viner, RM; + view all (2020) Broader impacts of an intervention to transform school environments on student behaviour and school functioning: post hoc analyses from the INCLUSIVE cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open , 10 (5) , Article e031589. 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031589. Green open access

Brinkert, J; Remington, A; (2020) Making sense of the perceptual capacities in autistic and non-autistic adults. Autism , 24 (7) pp. 1795-1804. 10.1177/1362361320922640. Green open access

Buckley, E; Pellicano, E; Remington, A; (2020) "The Real Thing I Struggle with is Other People's Perceptions": The Experiences of Autistic Performing Arts Professionals and Attitudes of Performing Arts Employers in the UK. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 10.1007/s10803-020-04517-0. (In press). Green open access


Carollo, A; Bizzego, A; Gabrieli, G; Wong, KK-Y; Raine, A; Esposito, G; (2020) I’m alone but not lonely. U-shaped pattern of perceived loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK and Greece. MedRxiv: Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA. Green open access

Carroll, C; Brackenbury, G; Lee, F; Esposito, R; O'Brien, T; (2020) Professional Supervision: Guidance for SENCOs and school leaders. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Carroll, C; Hurry, J; Grima, G; Hooper, A; Dunn, K; Ahtaridou, E; (2020) Evaluation of Bug Club: a randomised control trial of a whole school primary aged reading programme. Curriculum Journal , 31 (4) pp. 605-625. 10.1002/curj.29. Green open access

Carter, Marie-Louise Yvette; (2020) Devising and Assessing an Intervention to help Extend the Attention Span of a Child with Cerebral Palsy. Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chu, Heung Ching; (2020) Preparation for transition from early years intervention to primary school for children with cerebral palsy in Singapore: Exploring the voices and experiences of parents, children and early years professionals. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chua, Yong En Beatrice; (2020) “A Happy and Caring School”: Capturing the Voices of Dyslexic and Non-dyslexic Learners about Their Ideal and Actual School Experiences. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cogswell, S; Carr, A; Abbott, N; Monks, CP; (2020) The development and validation of a teacher-reported low-level classroom disruption scale (LLCD-S). Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties , 24 (3-4) pp. 230-243. 10.1080/13632752.2020.1816651. Green open access

Collie, RJ; Granziera, H; Martin, AJ; Burns, EC; Holliman, AJ; (2020) Adaptability among science teachers in schools: A multi-nation examination of its role in school outcomes. Teaching and Teacher Education , 95 , Article 103148. 10.1016/j.tate.2020.103148. Green open access

Costelloe, A; Mintz, J; Lee, F; (2020) Bereavement support provision in primary schools: an exploratory study. Educational Psychology in Practice , 36 (3) pp. 281-296. 10.1080/02667363.2020.1767040. Green open access

Crane, L; Hearst, C; Ashworth, M; Davies, J; Hill, EL; (2020) Supporting newly identified or diagnosed autistic adults: an initial evaluation of an autistic-led programme. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 10.1007/s10803-020-04486-4. Green open access

Cummins, C; Pellicano, E; Crane, L; (2020) Autistic adults’ views of their communication skills and needs. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders , 55 (5) pp. 678-689. 10.1111/1460-6984.12552. Green open access


D'Rozario, Veronica Anne; (2020) Early Adolescent Views on the Mediating Role of Social Network Sites Use on Peer Relations. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Davies, Charmaine; (2020) Heir-apparent or Outsiders? An Exploration into Educational Psychologists' Sensemaking of their Role in Mental Health. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Daw, Caroline; (2020) Participatory Research Exploring the School Experiences of Secondary School Students with EHCPs for Social Emotional Mental Health. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dimitrellou, E; Male, D; (2020) Understanding what makes a positive school experience for pupils with SEND: can their voices inform inclusive practice? Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs , 20 (2) pp. 87-96. 10.1111/1471-3802.12457. Green open access

Dockrell, J; Law, J; Mathers, S; Forrest, C; Charlton, J; (2020) Talking With Your Children: Activities For Parents to Help Nursery Children's Speaking and Listening Skills. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Dündar-Coecke, S; Tolmie, A; Schlottmann, A; (2020) The role of spatial and spatial-temporal analysis in children's causal cognition of continuous processes. PLoS One , 15 (7) , Article e0235884. 10.1371/journal.pone.0235884. Green open access

Dündar‐Coecke, S; Tolmie, A; (2020) Nonverbal Ability and Scientific Vocabulary Predict Children's Causal Reasoning in Science Better than Generic Language. Mind, Brain, and Education , 14 (2) pp. 130-138. 10.1111/mbe.12226. Green open access

Dwyer, Nora; (2020) An exploration of the common characteristics and features of Nurture Groups in a London Borough. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Elliott, D; Lyons, J; Hayes, SJ; Burkitt, JJ; Hansen, S; Grierson, LEM; Foster, NC; ... Bennett, SJ; + view all (2020) The multiple process model of goal-directed aiming/reaching: insights on limb control from various special populations. Experimental Brain Research , 238 pp. 2685-2699. 10.1007/s00221-020-05952-2. Green open access


Facey, D; Holliman, A; Waldeck, D; Wilson-Smith, K; (2020) Exploring the experience of mainstream education: Perspectives from pupils in alternative provision schooling with social, emotional or mental health difficulties. Psychology of Education Review , 44 (2) Green open access

Fairall, Hannah; (2020) The ELSA Project in Two Primary Schools: Reflections from Key Stakeholders on the Factors that Influence Implementation. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Fajardo Bravo, I; Gómez-Merino, N; Jury, M; Mannik, S; McDougal, E; Klang, N; Lüke, T; + view all (2020) Guidance for the inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs for online learning. European Association for Learning and Instruction: London, UK. Green open access

Farran, EK; Bowler, A; D’Souza, H; Mayall, L; Sumner, E; Brady, D; Karmiloff-Smith, A; (2020) Is the motor impairment in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) a co-occurring deficit or a phenotypic characteristic? Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders , 4 pp. 253-270. 10.1007/s41252-020-00159-6. Green open access

Filippi, R; Ceccolini, A; Periche-Tomas, E; Bright, P; (2020) Developmental trajectories of metacognitive processing and executive function from childhood to older age. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology , 73 (11) pp. 1757-1773. 10.1177/1747021820931096. Green open access

Filippi, R; Ceccolini, A; Periche-Tomas, E; Papageorgiou, A; Bright, P; (2020) Developmental trajectories of control of verbal and non-verbal interference in speech comprehension in monolingual and multilingual children. Cognition , 200 , Article 104252. 10.1016/j.cognition.2020.104252. Green open access

Filippi, R; Periche Tomas, E; Papageorgiou, A; Bright, P; (2020) A role for the cerebellum in the control of verbal interference: Comparison of bilingual and monolingual adults. PLOS ONE , 15 (4) , Article e0231288. 10.1371/journal.pone.0231288. Green open access

Flouri, E; Francesconi, M; Midouhas, E; Lewis, G; (2020) Prenatal and childhood adverse life events, inflammation and depressive symptoms across adolescence. Journal of Affective Disorders , 260 pp. 577-582. 10.1016/j.jad.2019.09.024. Green open access

Flouri, E; Francesconi, M; Midouhas, E; Papachristou, E; Lewis, G; (2020) Prenatal and childhood adversity and inflammation in children: A population-based longitudinal study. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity , 87 pp. 524-530. 10.1016/j.bbi.2020.01.024. Green open access

Flouri, E; Lewis, G; Francesconi, M; (2020) Trajectories of internalising and externalising symptoms and inflammation in the general child population. Psychoneuroendocrinology , 118 , Article 104723. 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2020.104723. Green open access

Forrest, C; Gibson, JL; Halligan, SL; St Clair, MC; (2020) A cross-lagged analysis of emotion regulation, peer problems and emotional problems in children with and without early language difficulties: Evidence from the Millennium Cohort Study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research , 63 (4) pp. 1227-1239. 10.1044/2020_JSLHR-19-00188. Green open access

Foster, NC; Bennett, SJ; Causer, J; Elliott, D; Bird, G; Hayes, SJ; (2020) Facilitating sensorimotor integration via blocked practice underpins imitation learning of atypical biological kinematics in autism spectrum disorder. Autism , 24 (6) pp. 1494-1505. 10.1177/1362361320908104. Green open access

Francesconi, M; Minichino, A; Khandaker, GM; Midouhas, E; Lewis, G; Flouri, E; (2020) Reprint of: Internalising symptoms mediate the longitudinal association between childhood inflammation and psychotic-like experiences in adulthood. Schizophrenia Research , 226 pp. 24-29. 10.1016/j.schres.2020.11.009. Green open access

Francesconi, M; Flouri, E; Harrison, A; (2020) Change in decision-making skills and risk for eating disorders in adolescence: A population based study. European Psychiatry , 63 (1) , Article e93. 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2020.92. (In press). Green open access

Francesconi, M; Minichino, A; Khandaker, GM; Midouhas, E; Lewis, G; Flouri, E; (2020) Internalising symptoms mediate the longitudinal association between childhood inflammation and psychotic-like experiences in adulthood. Schizophrenia Research , 215 pp. 424-429. 10.1016/j.schres.2019.07.035. Green open access


George, R; Crane, L; Remington, A; (2020) "Our Normal Is Different": Autistic Adults' Experiences of the Family Courts. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law , 42 (2) pp. 204-220. 10.1080/09649069.2020.1751928. Green open access

Gordon, R; Smith-Spark, JH; Newton, EJ; Henry, LA; (2020) Working memory and high-level cognition in children: An analysis of timing and accuracy in complex span tasks. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology , 191 , Article 104736. 10.1016/j.jecp.2019.104736. Green open access

Gulamani, S; Marshall, C; Morgan, G; (2020) The challenges of viewpoint-taking when learning a sign language: Data from the “frog story” in British Sign Language. Second Language Research 10.1177/0267658320906855. (In press). Green open access

Gwilliam, K; Joyce, A; Dimitriou, D; (2020) Early manifestation of sleep problems in toddlers with Williams Syndrome using a mixed method longitudinal approach. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 104 , Article 103658. 10.1016/j.ridd.2020.103658. Green open access


Halsall, Joanne; (2020) Camouflaging strategies used by girls with autism in specialist educational provisions: perspectives of girls, their parents and their educators. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Halstead, EJ; Leavitt, VM; Fiore, D; Mueser, KT; (2020) A feasibility study of a manualized resilience-based telehealth program for persons with multiple sclerosis and their support partners. Multiple Sclerosis Journal - Experimental, Translational and Clinical , 6 (3) 10.1177/2055217320941250. Green open access

Halstead, EJ; Stanley, J; Fiore, D; Mueser, KT; (2020) The Impact of Cognitive Impairment in Adults with Multiple Sclerosis and Their Family Caregivers. International Journal of MS Care 10.7224/1537-2073.2019-091. (In press). Green open access

Harvey, H; Ashworth, M; Palikara, O; Van Herwegen, J; (2020) The Underreporting of Vision Problems in Statutory Documents of Children with Williams Syndrome and Down Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders , 50 (12) pp. 4553-4556. 10.1007/s10803-020-04520-5. Green open access

Hayton, J; (2020) Creative Strategies in Supporting Habilitation Service Delivery. Presented at: 4Sight: Creative Strategies to support VI Educators in Returning to Work, Virtual conference. Green open access

Hayton, J; (2020) Sonic Architecture and Inclusive Design. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://sites.barbican.org.uk/soundhouse-sonicarch...

Henry, L; Crane, L; Fesser, E; Harvey, A; Palmer, L; Wilcock, R; (2020) The narrative coherence of witness transcripts in children on the autism spectrum. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 96 , Article 103518. 10.1016/j.ridd.2019.103518. Green open access

Hofweber, J; Marinis, T; Treffers-Daller, J; (2020) Experimentally Induced Language Modes and Regular Code-Switching Habits Boost Bilinguals’ Executive Performance: Evidence From a Within-Subject Paradigm. Frontiers in Psychology , 11 , Article 542326. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.542326. Green open access

Hofweber, J; Marinis, T; Treffers-Daller, J; (2020) How different code-switching types modulate bilinguals’ executive functions-a dual control mode perspective. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 10.1017/S1366728919000804. (In press). Green open access

Holliman, A; Keen, A; Waldeck, D; (2020) University lecturers’ adaptability: Examining links with perceived autonomy support, organisational commitment, and psychological wellbeing. Teaching Education 10.1080/10476210.2020.1803822. (In press). Green open access

Holliman, A; Rosenkranz, P; Jones, T; (2020) How to make a ‘promising’ start to your dissertation: Development of a process mapping approach. Psychology Teaching Review , 26 (1) pp. 64-70. Green open access

Hosozawa, M; Mandy, W; Cable, N; Flouri, E; (2020) The Role of Decision-Making in Psychological Wellbeing and Risky Behaviours in Autistic Adolescents Without ADHD: Longitudinal Evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 10.1007/s10803-020-04783-y. (In press). Green open access

Hosozawa, M; Sacker, A; Mandy, W; Midouhas, E; Flouri, E; Cable, N; (2020) Determinants of an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in childhood and adolescence: Evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Autism 10.1177/1362361320913671. (In press). Green open access

Hwang, S; Waller, R; Hawes, DJ; Allen, JL; (2020) Callous-Unemotional Traits and Antisocial Behavior in South Korean Children: Links with Academic Motivation, School Engagement, and Teachers' Use of Reward and Discipline. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology , 48 (9) pp. 1183-1195. 10.1007/s10802-020-00663-2. Green open access


Jawed, A; Harrison, A; Dimitriou, D; (2020) The Presentation of Eating Disorders in Saudi Arabia. Frontiers in Psychology , 11 , Article 586706. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.586706. Green open access

Jones, A; Atkinson, J; Marshall, CR; Botting, N; St Clair, M; Morgan, G; (2020) Expressive Vocabulary Predicts Nonverbal Executive Function: A 2‐year Longitudinal Study of Deaf and Hearing Children. Child Development , 91 (2) e400-e414. 10.1111/cdev.13226. Green open access

Jones, Hannah; (2020) Understanding young people's experiences of a managed move. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Joye, N; Dockrell, JE; Marshall, CR; (2020) The Spelling Errors of French and English Children With Developmental Language Disorder at the End of Primary School. Frontiers in Psychology , 11 , Article 1789. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01789. Green open access


Kamenopoulou, L; (2020) Decolonising Inclusive Education: an example from a research in Colombia. Disability and the Global South (DGS) , 7 (1) pp. 1792-1812. Green open access

Kantaris, X; Shevlin, M; Porter, J; Myers, L; (2020) Development of the Thalassaemia Adult Life Index (ThALI). Health and Quality of Life Outcomes , 18 , Article 180. 10.1186/s12955-020-01437-6. Green open access

Kassa, C; Pavlopoulou, G; (2020) “Coming second all the time” Life in lockdown for siblings of disabled children. Sibs: London, UK.

Kerr-Gaffney, J; Halls, D; Harrison, A; Tchanturia, K; (2020) Exploring Relationships Between Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms and Eating Disorder Symptoms in Adults With Anorexia Nervosa: A Network Approach. Frontiers in Psychiatry , 11 , Article 401. 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00401. Green open access

Kerr-Gaffney, J; Harrison, A; Tchanturia, K; (2020) Autism spectrum disorder traits are associated with empathic abilities in adults with anorexia nervosa. Journal of Affective Disorders , 266 pp. 273-281. 10.1016/j.jad.2020.01.169. Green open access

Kerr-Gaffney, J; Harrison, A; Tchanturia, K; (2020) The social responsiveness scale is an efficient screening tool for autism spectrum disorder traits in adults with anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review 10.1002/erv.2736. (In press). Green open access

Kerr-Gaffney, J; Mason, L; Jones, E; Hayward, H; Ahmad, J; Harrison, A; Loth, E; ... Tchanturia, K; + view all (2020) Emotion Recognition Abilities in Adults with Anorexia Nervosa are Associated with Autistic Traits. Journal Of Clinical Medicine , 9 (4) , Article 1057. 10.3390/jcm9041057. Green open access

Kerr-Gaffney, J; Mason, L; Jones, E; Hayward, H; Harrison, A; Murphy, D; Tchanturia, K; (2020) Autistic Traits Mediate Reductions in Social Attention in Adults with Anorexia Nervosa. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 10.1007/s10803-020-04686-y. (In press). Green open access

Knudsen, HBS; Donau, PS; Mifsud, C; Papadopoulos, TC; Dockrell, JE; (2020) Multilingual Classrooms—Danish Teachers’ Practices, Beliefs and Attitudes. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 10.1080/00313831.2020.1754903. (In press). Green open access

Kokosi, T; Flouri, E; Midouhas, E; (2020) Do upsetting life events explain the relationship between low socioeconomic status and systemic inflammation in childhood? Results from a longitudinal study. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity , 84 pp. 90-96. 10.1016/j.bbi.2019.11.013. Green open access

Kölbel, M; Kirkham, FJ; Dimitriou, D; (2020) Developmental Profile of Sleep and Its Potential Impact on Daytime Functioning from Childhood to Adulthood in Sickle Cell Anaemia. Brain Sciences , 10 (12) , Article 981. 10.3390/brainsci10120981. Green open access

Kruger Arram, Naomi; (2020) Our inner note-taker: How do readers search for information in a lengthy, previously-read text? Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Lacey, R; Bartley, M; Michelle, K-I; Leonardo, B; Iob, E; Kelly, Y; Laura, H; (2020) Adverse childhood experiences and early life inflammation in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Psychoneuroendocrinology , 122 , Article 104914. 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2020.104914. Green open access

Lindsay, G; Wedell, K; Dockrell, J; (2020) Warnock 40 Years on: The Development of Special Educational Needs Since the Warnock Report and Implications for the Future. Frontiers in Education , 4 , Article 164. 10.3389/feduc.2019.00164. Green open access

Lindsay, G; Wedell, K; Dockrell, JE; (2020) Editorial: Warnock, 40 Years On: Challenges for Special Educational Needs. Frontiers in Education , 5 , Article 10. 10.3389/feduc.2020.00010. Green open access

Llaurado, A; Dockrell, JE; (2020) The Impact of Orthography on Text Production in Three Languages: Catalan, English, and Spanish. Frontiers in Psychology , 11 , Article 878. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00878. Green open access


Maras, K; Norris, J; Nicholson, J; Heasman, B; Remington, A; Crane, L; (2020) Ameliorating the Disadvantage for Autistic Job Seekers: An Initial Evaluation of Adapted Employment Interview Questions. Autism (In press). Green open access

Marshall, C; (2020) Investigating the relationship between syntactic and short-term/working memory impairments in children with developmental disorders is not a straightforward endeavour. First Language 10.1177/0142723720922197. Green open access

Matos, Patricia; Pereira, Diana R; Albuquerque, Pedro B; Santos, Flávia H; (2020) How Does Performing Demanding Activities Influence Prospective Memory? A Systematic Review. Advances in Cognitive Psychology , 16 (3) pp. 268-290. 10.5709/acp-0302-0. Green open access

Mayall, LA; D’Souza, H; Hill, EL; Karmiloff-Smith, A; Tolmie, A; Farran, EK; (2020) Motor Abilities and the Motor Profile in Individuals with Williams Syndrome. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders 10.1007/s41252-020-00173-8. Green open access

McBreen, M; Savage, R; (2020) The Impact of a Cognitive and Motivational Reading Intervention on the Reading Achievement and Motivation of Students At-Risk for Reading Difficulties. Learning Disability Quarterly 10.1177/0731948720958128. (In press). Green open access

McGhee, Emily Ellen; (2020) Access Arrangements for Secondary Students: Experiences and Views of Educational Professionals, Students and their Parents/Guardians. Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

McLennan, Carrie; Mercieca, Daniela; Mercieca, Duncan; (2020) What can I do? Caring relationships among teachers, students and families during COVID-19 lockdown in Scotland. Malta Review of Educational Research , 14 (2) pp. 163-181. Green open access

Mengisidou, M; Marshall, CR; Stavrakaki, S; (2020) Semantic fluency difficulties in developmental dyslexia and developmental language disorder (DLD): poor semantic structure of the lexicon or slower retrieval processes? International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders , 55 (2) pp. 200-215. 10.1111/1460-6984.12512. Green open access

Misheva, Emilia; (2020) Educational psychologists and paediatric neuropsychology: expanding the frontiers of educational psychology practice. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mondal, S; Dimitriou, D; Edwards, SM; Mangar, SA; (2020) Evaluating the Effect of Androgen Deprivation Therapy on Sleep Disturbances in Prostate Cancer Patients. Urology : Research And Therapeutics Journal , 3 (1) , Article 130. Green open access

Moran, Erin Olivia; (2020) The feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of a manualized training program to teach ABA strategies to university students in Eastern Kazakhstan. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Morris, Suzanne Catherine; (2020) Evaluating achievement on mathematics and science problems: The role of global and local processing. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mueller, MAE; Flouri, E; (2020) Neighbourhood greenspace and children's trajectories of self-regulation: Findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Journal of Environmental Psychology , 71 , Article 101472. 10.1016/j.jenvp.2020.101472. Green open access

Mughal, R; Hill, CM; Joyce, A; Dimitriou, D; (2020) Sleep and Cognition in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Brain Sciences , 10 (11) , Article 863. 10.3390/brainsci10110863. Green open access

Mughal, R; Joyce, A; Hill, C; Dimitriou, D; (2020) Sleep disturbance as a predictor of anxiety in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and typically developing children. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 101 , Article 103610. 10.1016/j.ridd.2020.103610. Green open access


Niolaki, GZ; Terzolpoulos, AR; Masterson, J; (2020) Intervention for a visual attention span processing deficit in a Greek-speaking child with slow reading speed. Preschool and Primary Education , 7 (3) 10.12681/ppej.21181. (In press). Green open access

Niolaki, GZ; Vousden, J; Terzopoulos, AR; Taylor, LM; Sephton, S; Masterson, J; (2020) Predictors of single word spelling in English speaking children: a cross sectional study. Journal of Research in Reading , 43 (4) pp. 577-596. 10.1111/1467-9817.12330. (In press). Green open access

Norris, J; Crane, L; Maras, K; (2020) Interviewing autistic adults: adaptations to support recall in police, employment, and healthcare interviews. Autism (In press). Green open access


O’Brien, T; (2020) Has inclusion become a barrier to inclusion? Support for Learning , 35 (3) pp. 298-311. 10.1111/1467-9604.12311. Green open access

Oliver, B; Alison, P; (2020) Family research just got harder… and more important. The Psychologist Green open access

Oliver, BR; Pike, A; (2020) Etch-a-Sketch Online (ESO): Bringing nuanced parent-child observation to scale. BPS Developmental Psychology Forum , 91 Green open access


Paiva, Andreia F; Nolan, Adam; Thumser, Charlotte; Santos, Flávia H; (2020) Screening of Cognitive Changes in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review. Brain Sciences , 10 (11) , Article 848. 10.3390/brainsci10110848. Green open access

Pallot, E; Sumner, E; (2020) How much does style matter? Investigating legibility and speed of writing in Year 2 children. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://nha-handwriting.org.uk/ Green open access

Papachristou, E; Flouri, E; (2020) Distinct developmental trajectories of internalising and externalising symptoms in childhood: Links with mental health and risky behaviours in early adolescence. Journal of Affective Disorders , 276 pp. 1052-1060. 10.1016/j.jad.2020.07.130. Green open access

Pavlopoulou, G; Adams, J; Campbell, B; (2020) FlowUnlocked in East London. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/flowunlocked-ea... Green open access

Pavlopoulou, G; (2020) A Good Night’s Sleep: Learning About Sleep From Autistic Adolescents’ Personal Accounts. Frontiers in Psychology , 11 , Article 583868. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.583868. Green open access

Pavlopoulou, G; Dimitriou, D; (2020) In their own words, in their own photos: Adolescent females' siblinghood experiences, needs and perspectives growing up with a preverbal autistic brother or sister. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 97 , Article 103556. 10.1016/j.ridd.2019.103556. Green open access

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