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Number of items: 56.


Ash, A; Burgess, L; (2008) Transition and Translation: increasing teacher mobility and extending the European dimension in Education. In: Hudson, B and Zgaga, P, (eds.) Teacher Education Policy in Europe: A voice of Higher Education Institutions. (pp. 85-109). Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Umea,: Ume�, Slovenia.


Bakker, A; Kent, P; Derry, J; Noss, R; Hoyles, C; (2008) Statistical inference at work : statistical process control as an example. Statistics Education Research Journal , 7 (2) pp. 130-145.


Carr, D; Crook, C; Noss, R; Carmichael, P; Selwyn, N; (2008) Education 2.0? Designing the web for teaching and learning: A Commentary by the Technology Enhanced Learning phase of the Teaching and Learning Research Programme. Teaching and Learning Research Programme, Institute of Education, University of london: London. Green open access

Carr, D; Pelletier, C; (2008) Gamers, Gender and Representation. In: Ferdig, R, (ed.) Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education. (pp. 911-921). IGI Global: Hershey, PA. Green open access

Clark-Wilson, A; (2008) Evaluating TI-NspireTM in secondary mathematics classrooms: Research Report. University of Chichester: Chichester, UK. Green open access

Clark-Wilson, A; Oldknow, A; (2008) Inspiring maths in the classroom. (1st ed.). Texas Instruments: Northampton, UK.

Clark-Wilson, A; Oldknow, A; Wright, D; (2008) A pupil's entitlement in secondary mathematics. British Educational and Communications Technology Agency: London, UK. Green open access

Clark-Wilson, Alison; (2008) Evaluating TI-Nspire in secondary mathematics classrooms. University of Chichester: Chichester, UK.

Clark-Wilson, A; (2008) Teachers researching their own practice: Evidencing student learning using TI-Nspire. In: Proceedings of the Day Conference of the British Society for Research into Learning of Mathematics, 28 (2). (pp. pp. 7-12). BSRLM: University of Southampton, UK. Green open access

Creech, A; Papageorgi, I; Duffy, C; Morton, F; Hadden, E; Potter, J; De Bezenac, C; ... Welch, G; + view all (2008) Investigating musical performance: commonality and diversity among classical and non-classical musicians. Music Education Research , 10 (2) pp. 215-234. 10.1080/14613800802079080. Green open access

Creech, A; Papageorgi, I; Duffy, C; Morton, F; Haddon, E; Potter, J; de Bezenac, C; ... Welch, G; + view all (2008) From music student to professional: the process of transition. British Journal of Music Education , 25 (3) pp. 315-331. Green open access


de Freitas, S; Oliver, M; Mee, A; Mayes, T; (2008) The practitioner perspective on the modeling of pedagogy and practice. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LEARNING , 24 (1) pp. 26-38. 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2007.00241.x. Green open access

Dex, S; Rosenberg, R; Hawkes, D; (2008) Ethnic minorities and non-response in the Millennium Cohort Study. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access


Flouri, E; Hawkes, D; (2008) Ambitious mothers-successful daughters: Mothers' early expectations for children's education and children's earnings and sense of control in adult life. BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY , 78 pp. 411-433. 10.1348/000709907X251280. Green open access


Gillett, Andrew; Hammond, Angela; (2008) Preparing for assessment in foundation programmes. InForm (2) pp. 3-4. Green open access

Green, L; (2008) Group cooperation, inclusion and disaffected pupils: some responses to informal learning in the music classroom. Music Education Research , 10 (2) pp. 177-192. 10.1080/14613800802079049. Green open access

Green, L; (2008) Beyond Lucy Green: operationalizing theories of informal music learning: panel presentation, AERA Conference 2008, New York, NY: response to panel. Visions of Research in Music Education , 12 Green open access


Hawkes, D; Plewis, I; Verropoulou, G; (2008) Missing Income Data in the Millennium Cohort Study: Evidence from the First Two Sweeps. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Hopkins, J; Gibson, W; Ros i sole, C; Savvides, N; Starkey, H; (2008) Interaction and Critical Inquiry in Asynchronous Computer-Mediated Conferencing: A Research Agenda. Open Learning , 23 pp. 29-42. 10.1080/02680510701815301. Green open access

Hoyles, C; (2008) Working in partnership: Continuing Professional Development for teachers of mathematics and the role of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics. MSOR Connections , 8 pp. 8-10. Green open access

Hoyles, C; (2008) Reflections and transformations: a mathematical biography. In: Niss, M, (ed.) (pp. pp. 255-265).

Hoyles, C; Noss, R; (2008) Next steps in implementing Kaput's research programme. Educational Studies in Mathematics , 68 (2) pp. 85-97. Green open access


Isaacs, T; (2008) Adamson, Robin. (2007). The Defence of French: A Language in Crisis? Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters. Pp. 199, US$59.96 (cloth). Canadian Modern Language Review , 64 (3) pp. 526-528. 10.3138/cmlr.64.3.523.


Jewitt, C; (2008) Multimodal discourses across the curriculum. In: Hornberger, NH and Mejía, D, (eds.) Encyclopedia Of Language And Education 2nd Edition. (pp. 357-367). Springer US: New York.


Kaput, J; Noss, R; Hoyles, C; (2008) Developing new notations for a learnable mathematics in the computational era. In: English, L, (ed.) Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education (second edition). (pp. 693-715). Routledge: New York ; London.


Lapping, C; (2008) The ethics of interpretation : The signifying chain from field to analysis. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education , 29 (1) pp. 69-83. 10.1080/01596300701801351. Green open access

Laurillard, D; (2008) Technology Enhanced Learning as a Tool for Pedagogical Innovation. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION , 42 (3-4) pp. 521-533. 10.1111/j.1467-9752.2008.00658.x. Green open access

Levinson, R; Neumann, T; (2008) Designing a mixed mode Masters module in Science Education to support shared construction of knowledge and critical reflection. Reflecting Education , 4 (1) pp. 92-102. Green open access


Meecham, P; (2008) Reconfiguring the shipping news: Maritime's hidden histories and the politics of gender display. Sex Education , 8 (3) pp. 371-380. 10.1080/14681810802218478. Green open access

Mehmedbegovic, Dina; (2008) 'Miss, who needs the languages of immigrants?' : a study in attitudes and values attached to bilingualism in England and Wales. Doctoral thesis (EdD), Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

UNSPECIFIED (Ed). (2008) Editorial: From Pedagogic Research to Embedded E-Learning. [Whole issue]. Reflecting Education , 4 Green open access

Mor, Y; Noss, R; (2008) Programming as mathematical narrative. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning , 18 (2) pp. 214-233.

Morton, T; Gray, J; (2008) The mediating role of talk-in-interaction in guided lesson planning in a pre-service TESOL training course: an ethnomethodological and activity-theoretic perspective. In: Ellis, V, (ed.) Sociocultural Perspectives on Teacher Education and Development: New Directions for Research. Oxford University Research Archive (ORA): Oxford, UK. Green open access


Pachler, N; (2008) E-learning (Research) and Foreign Languages: an Introduction. In: Marriott, RDCV and Torres, L and Marriott, DCV, (eds.) Handbook of Research on E-Learning Methodologies for Language Acquisition. (xxiii-xxix). Information Science Reference (Idea Group Reference): Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Pachler, N; (2008) Modern languages. In: McCulloch, G and Crook, D, (eds.) The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Education. Routledge: London.

Pachler, N; Makoe, P; Burns, M; Blommaert, J; (2008) The things (we think) we (ought to) do: Ideological processes and practices in teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education , 24 (2) pp. 437-450. Green open access

Paran, A; (2008) The role of literature in instructed foreign language learning and teaching: An evidence-based survey. Language Teaching , 41 (4) pp. 465-496. 10.1017/S026144480800520X. Green open access

Pearce, Darren; Mavrikis, Manolis; Geraniou, Eirini; Gutiérrez, Sergio; (2008) Issues in the Design of an Environment to Support the Learning of Mathematical Generalisation. In: Dillenbourg, Pierre and Specht, Marcus, (eds.) Times of Convergence: Technologies Across Learning Contexts. (pp. pp. 326-337). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Pelletier, C; (2008) Book Review: The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. Information Design Journal , 16 (1) pp. 81-83. Green open access

Pelletier, C; (2008) Gaming in Context: How Young People Construct Their Gendered Identities in Playing and Making Games. In: Kafai, YB and Heeter, C and Denner, J and Sun, JY and Kafai, YB and Sun, JY, (eds.) Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat: New Perspectives on Gender and Gaming. (pp. 145-159). MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.

Pelletier, C; (2008) What Education has to Teach Us about Games and Game Play. In: Willett, R and Robinson, M and M. And Marsh, J, (eds.) Play, Creativity and Digital Cultures. (pp. 166-182). Routledge: Abingdon.

Pelletier, C; Jara, M; (2008) Linking e-learning research and teaching practice: lessons from PREEL. Reflecting Education , 4 pp. 42-50. Green open access

Potter, J; (2008) Re-designing an MA module to foster agency, engagement and production in online social software. Reflecting Education , 4 (1) pp. 81-91. Green open access

Potter, J; (2008) The locative narrative: Katie and Aroti - "This is where we always used to sit". Media Education Journal , 44 pp. 24-27.

Preece, S; (2008) Multilingual Gendered Identities: Female Undergraduate Students in London Talk about Heritage Languages. Journal of Language, Identity and Education , 7 (1) pp. 41-60. 10.1080/15348450701804706. Green open access

Preece, S; (2008) Masculine identities on an academic writing programme. In: Omoniyi, T and White, G, (eds.) The Sociolinguistics of Identity. A&C Black

Price, S; Sheridan, J; Pontual Falcao, T; Roussos, G; (2008) Towards a framework for investigating tangible environments for learning. International Journal of Arts and Technology , 1 (3/4) pp. 351-368. Green open access


San Diego, JP; Laurillard, D; Boyle, T; Bradley, C; Ljubojevic, D; Neumann, T; Pearce, D; (2008) Towards a user-oriented analytical approach to learning design. ALT-J , 16 (1) pp. 15-29. 10.1080/09687760701850174. Green open access

Smith, MARQUARD; (2008) Visual Culture Studies Interviews with Key Thinkers. [Book]. (1st ed.). SAGE: London, UK.

Smith, MD; Williamson, A; (2008) Aaron Williamson: Performance/Video/Collaboration. [Book]. (1st ed.). Live Art Development Agency/KIOSK: London, UK.


Underwood, J; Luckin, R; Walker, K; Smith, H; Fitzpatrick, G; Good, J; Rowland, D; (2008) Reconfiguring Science Learning Contexts Using Mobiles. In: Traxler, J and Riordan, B and Dennett, C, (eds.) (pp. p. 381).

Underwood, J; Smith, H; Luckin, R; Fitzpatrick, G; (2008) E-Science in the classroom - Towards viability. Computers and Education , 50 (2) pp. 535-546. 10.1016/j.compedu.2007.07.003. Green open access


Wali, E; Winters, N; Oliver, M; (2008) Maintaining, changing and crossing contexts : an activity theoretic reinterpretation of mobile learning. Research in learning technology , 16 (1) pp. 41-57. 10.1080/09687760701850190. Green open access


Yandell, J; (2008) Exploring Multicultural Literature: The Text, the classroom and the world outside. Changing English , 15 (1) pp. 25-40. 10.1080/13586840701825246. Green open access

Yandell, John; (2008) Book review: Rethinking English in Schools: Towards a New and Constructive Stage. [Review]. Changing English , 15 pp. 241-244. 10.1080/13586840802052484. Green open access

Yandell, J; (2008) Mind the gap: Investigating test literacy and classroom literacy. English in Education , 42 pp. 70-87. Green open access

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