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AlSwayied, Ghada; Guo, Haoyue; Rookes, Tasmin; Frost, Rachael; Hamilton, Fiona L; (2022) Assessing the Acceptability and Effectiveness of Mobile-Based Physical Activity Interventions for Midlife Women During Menopause: Systematic Review of the Literature. JMIR mHealth and uHealth , 10 (12) , Article e40271. 10.2196/40271. Green open access

Anantapong, Kanthee; Brunn, Andrea; Walford, Anne; Smith, Christina; Manthorpe, Jill; Sampson, Elizabeth; Davies, Nathan; (2022) Co-design development of a decision guide on eating and drinking for people with severe dementia during acute hospital admissions. Health Expectations , 26 (2) pp. 613-629. 10.1111/hex.13672. Green open access

Anantapong, Kanthee; Davies, Nathan; Sampson, Elizabeth; (2022) Communication between the multidisciplinary team and families regarding nutrition and hydration for people with severe dementia in acute hospitals: a qualitative study. Age and Ageing , 51 (11) , Article afac230. 10.1093/ageing/afac230. Green open access

Armstrong, Megan; Aker, Narin; Nair, Pushpa; Walters, Kate; Barrado-Martin, Yolanda; Kupeli, Nuriye; Sampson, Elizabeth; ... Davies, Nathan; + view all (2022) Trust and inclusion during the Covid-19 pandemic: perspectives from Black and South Asian people living with dementia and their carers in the UK. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry , 37 (3) pp. 1-13. 10.1002/gps.5689. Green open access

Avgerinou, Christina; Petersen, Irene; West, Robert M; Clegg, Andrew; Osborn, David; Walters, Kate; (2022) O-062 Incidence Trends Of Recorded Osteoporosis, Osteopenia And Fragility Fracture In Older People: Analysis Of UK Primary Care Data. Presented at: 18th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, London, UK. Green open access


Bailey, Dan; Calasanti, Toni; Crowe, Andrew; Di Lorito, Claudio; Hogan, Patrick; De Vries, Brian; (2022) Equal but different! Improving care for older LGBT+ adults. Age and Ageing , 51 (6) , Article afac142. 10.1093/ageing/afac142. Green open access

Bansal, A; Greenley, S; Mitchell, C; Park, S; Shearn, K; Reeve, J; (2022) Optimising planned medical education strategies to develop learners' person-centredness: a realist review. Medical Education , 56 (5) pp. 489-503. 10.1111/medu.14707. Green open access

Barrado-Martin, Y; Nair, P; Anantapong, K; Aker, N; Smith, C; Rait, G; Sampson, E; ... Davies, N; + view all (2022) Family caregivers’ and professionals’ experiences of supporting people living with dementia’s nutrition and hydration needs towards the end-of-life. Health and Social Care in the Community , 30 (1) pp. 307-318. 10.1111/hsc.13404. Green open access

Bazo-Alvarez, Juan Carlos; Bazalar-Palacios, Janina; Bazalar, Jahaira; Flores, Elaine C; (2022) Mental health among the sugarcane industry farmers and non-farmers in Peru: a cross-sectional study on occupational health. BMJ Open , 12 (11) , Article e064396. 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-064396. Green open access

Belessiotis-Richards, C; Livingston, G; Marston, L; Mukadam, N; (2022) A cross-sectional study of potentially modifiable risk factors for dementia and cognitive function in India: a secondary analysis of 10/66, LASI, and SAGE data. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry , 37 (2) 10.1002/gps.5661. Green open access

Bennett, Kirsty F; Waller, Jo; Bailey, Julia V; Marlow, Laura AV; (2022) Exploring the psychosexual impact and disclosure experiences of women testing positive for high‐risk cervical human papillomavirus. British Journal of Health Psychology 10.1111/bjhp.12612. (In press). Green open access

Black, Georgia B; Wood, Victoria J; Ramsay, Angus IG; Vindrola-Padros, Cecilia; Perry, Catherine; Clarke, Caroline S; Levermore, Claire; ... Fulop, Naomi J; + view all (2022) Loss associated with subtractive health service change: The case of specialist cancer centralization in England. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 10.1177/13558196221082585. (In press). Green open access

Blackwell, J; Saxena, S; Jayasooriya, N; Petersen, I; Hotopf, M; Creese, H; Bottle, A; ... POP-IBD Study Group, .; + view all (2022) Stoma Formation in Crohn's Disease and the Likelihood of Antidepressant Use: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology , 20 (4) e703-e710. 10.1016/j.cgh.2020.12.026. Green open access

Bullaj, Raimonda; Dyet, Leigh; Mitra, Subhabrata; Bunce, Catey; Clarke, Caroline S; Saunders, Kathryn; Dale, Naomi; ... Bowman, Richard; + view all (2022) Effectiveness of early spectacle intervention on visual outcomes in babies at risk of cerebral visual impairment: a parallel group, open-label, randomised clinical feasibility trial protocol. BMJ Open , 12 , Article e059946. 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059946. Green open access

Burgin, Jo; Bailey, Julia V; (2022) Factors affecting contraceptive choice in women over 40: a qualitative study. BMJ Open , 12 (11) , Article e064987. 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-064987. Green open access


Candy, Bridget; Jones, Louise; Vickerstaff, Victoria; Larkin, Philip J; Stone, Patrick; (2022) Mu-opioid antagonists for opioid-induced bowel dysfunction in people with cancer and people receiving palliative care. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 9 (9) , Article CD006332. 10.1002/14651858.CD006332.pub4. Green open access

Clarke, Caroline S; Hunter, Rachael M; Gabrio, Andrea; Brawley, Christopher D; Ingleby, Fiona C; Dearnaley, David P; Matheson, David; ... James, Nicholas D; + view all (2022) Cost-utility analysis of adding abiraterone acetate plus prednisone/prednisolone to long-term hormone therapy in newly diagnosed advanced prostate cancer in England: Lifetime decision model based on STAMPEDE trial data. PLoS One , 17 (6) , Article e0269192. 10.1371/journal.pone.0269192. Green open access

Clarke, Caroline S; Melnychuk, Mariya; Ramsay, Angus IG; Vindrola-Padros, Cecilia; Levermore, Claire; Barod, Ravi; Bex, Axel; ... Hunter, Rachael M; + view all (2022) Cost-Utility Analysis of Major System Change in Specialist Cancer Surgery in London, England, Using Linked Patient-Level Electronic Health Records and Difference-in-Differences Analysis. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 10.1007/s40258-022-00745-w. (In press). Green open access

Clarke, Caroline S; Williamson, Elizabeth; Denaxas, Spiros; Carpenter, James R; Thomas, Mike; Blackshaw, Helen; Schilder, Anne GM; ... MACRO programme team; + view all (2022) Observational retrospective study calculating health service costs of patients receiving surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis in England, using linked patient-level primary and secondary care electronic data. BMJ Open , 12 (2) , Article e055603. 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055603. Green open access

Coombs, Charles Richard Harvey; Cohen, Tanya; Duddy, Claire; Mahtani, Kamal Ram; Roberts, Nia; Saini, Aman; Foster, Alexander Staddon; (2022) Primary care micro-teams: a protocol for an international systematic review to describe and examine the opportunities and challenges of implementation for patients and healthcare professionals. BMJ Open , 12 (3) , Article e052651. 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052651. Green open access

Cooper, Silvie; Stevenson, Fiona; (2022) Communicating decisions about care with patients and companions in emergency department consultations. Health Expectations 10.1111/hex.13519. (In press). Green open access

Coyte, A; Perry, R; Papacosta, AO; Lennon, L; Whincup, PH; Wannamethee, SG; Ramsay, ASE; (2022) Social relationships and the risk of incident heart failure: results from a prospective population-based study of older men. European Heart Journal Open , 2 (1) , Article oeab045. 10.1093/ehjopen/oeab045. Green open access

Crawley, Sophie; Moore, Kirsten; Vickerstaff, Victoria; Fisher, Emily; Cooper, Claudia; Sampson, Elizabeth L; (2022) How do factors of sociodemographic, health literacy and dementia experience influence carers' knowledge of dementia? Dementia 10.1177/14713012221074219. (In press). Green open access


D’Souza, Preethy; Bailey, Julia V; Stephenson, Judith; Oliver, Sandy; (2022) Factors influencing contraception choice and use globally: a synthesis of systematic reviews. The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 10.1080/13625187.2022.2096215. (In press). Green open access

Davies, Nathan; (2022) Palliative care: time for a change of focus. Journal of Dementia Care , 30 (1) p. 5. Green open access

Davies, Nathan; Aker, Narin; Vickerstaff, Victoria; Sampson, Elizabeth; Rait, Greta; (2022) A feasibility study of a decision aid to support family carers of people with severe dementia or those towards the end-of-life. Palliative Medicine (In press). Green open access

Davis, Sarah; Serfaty, Marc; Low, Joe; Armstrong, Megan; Kupeli, Nuriye; Lanceley, Anne; (2022) Experiential Avoidance in Advanced Cancer: a Mixed-Methods Systematic Review. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 10.1007/s12529-022-10131-4. (In press). Green open access

Di Lorito, Claudio; Bosco, Alessandro; Rai, Harleen; Craven, Michael; McNally, Donal; Todd, Chris; Booth, Vicky; ... Harwood, Rowan H; + view all (2022) A systematic literature review and meta-analysis on digital health interventions for people living with dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry , 37 (6) pp. 1-25. 10.1002/gps.5730. Green open access

Dobreva, Ivelina; Marston, Louise; Mukadam, Naaheed; (2022) Which components of the Mediterranean diet are associated with dementia? A UK Biobank cohort study. Geroscience 10.1007/s11357-022-00615-2. (In press). Green open access

Dotsikas, Kate; Osborn, David; Walters, Kate; Dykxhoorn, Jennifer; (2022) Trajectories of housing affordability and mental health problems: a population-based cohort study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 10.1007/s00127-022-02314-x. (In press). Green open access

Dunphy, Emma; Button, Kate; Murray, Elizabeth; Hamilton, Fiona L; (2022) Beyond guidelines: A qualitative clinical stakeholder study of optimal management of anterior cruciate ligament rehabilitation. Musculoskeletal Care 10.1002/msc.1673. (In press). Green open access

Dykxhoorn, Jennifer; Fischer, Laura; Bayliss, Becca; Brayne, Carol; Crosby, Liam; Galvin, Bobbie; Geijer-Simpson, Emma; ... Walters, Kate; + view all (2022) Conceptualising public mental health: development of a conceptual framework for public mental health. BMC Public Health , 22 , Article 1407. 10.1186/s12889-022-13775-9. Green open access


Gaziano, Liam; Sun, Luanluan; Arnold, Matthew; Bell, Steven; Cho, Kelly; Kaptoge, Stephen K; Song, Rebecca J; ... Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration/EPIC-CVD/Million Veteran Pro; + view all (2022) Mild-to-Moderate Kidney Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Disease: Observational and Mendelian Randomization Analyses. Circulation , 146 (20) pp. 1507-1517. 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.060700. Green open access

Gazzard, Gus; Konstantakopoulou, Evgenia; Garway-Heath, David; Adeleke, Mariam; Vickerstaff, Victoria; Ambler, Gareth; Hunter, Rachael; ... LiGHT Trial Study Group; + view all (2022) LiGHT trial: 6-year results of primary selective laser trabeculoplasty versus eye drops for the treatment of glaucoma and ocular hypertension. Ophthalmology 10.1016/j.ophtha.2022.09.009. (In press). Green open access

Gillessen, Silke; Armstrong, Andrew; Attard, Gert; Beer, Tomasz M; Beltran, Himisha; Bjartell, Anders; Bossi, Alberto; ... Omlin, Aurelius; + view all (2022) Management of Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer: Report from the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference 2021. European Urology 10.1016/j.eururo.2022.04.002. (In press). Green open access

Gillessen, Silke; Bossi, Alberto; Davis, Ian D; de Bono, Johann; Fizazi, Karim; James, Nicholas D; Mottet, Nicolas; ... Omlin, Aurelius; + view all (2022) Management of Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer. Part I: Intermediate-/High-risk and Locally Advanced Disease, Biochemical Relapse, and Side Effects of Hormonal Treatment: Report of the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference 2022. European Urology 10.1016/j.eururo.2022.11.002. (In press). Green open access

Gilliam, J; Davies, N; Aworinde, J; Yorganci, E; Anderson, J; Evans, C; (2022) Implementation of eHealth to support assessment and decision-making for residents with dementia in long-term care: systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research , 24 (2) , Article e29837. 10.2196/29837. (In press). Green open access

Gomes, Manuel; Murray, Elizabeth; Raftery, James; (2022) Economic Evaluation of Digital Health Interventions: Methodological Issues and Recommendations for Practice. PharmacoEconomics , 40 pp. 367-378. 10.1007/s40273-022-01130-0. Green open access

Griffiths, Sarah; Gude, Alex; Greene, Leanne; Weston, Lauren; Sutcliffe, Caroline L; Wheat, Hannah; Oh, Tomasina M; (2022) ‘Do I have the capacity to make capacity judgements?’ Researcher reflections from a person-centred dementia support study. Dementia 10.1177/14713012211067320. (In press). Green open access

Guckian, J; Rees, EL; (2022) When I Say … Social. Medical Education , 56 (1) pp. 25-26. 10.1111/medu.14682. Green open access

Gyekye-Mensah, Hannah; Watkins, Arabella; Wenden, Joseph; Horn, Imongen; Beardwood, Jemimah; Jones, Melvyn; Metters, Emma; (2022) An evaluation of a student led career profiling project to support the exploration of a career in general practice and other specialties. BJGP Open , 6 (3) , Article BJGPO.2022.0002. 10.3399/bjgpo.2022.0002. Green open access


Hallam, Brendan; Petersen, Irene; Cooper, Claudia; Avgerinou, Christina; Walters, Kate; (2022) Time Trends in Incidence of Reported Memory Concerns and Cognitive Decline: A Cohort Study in UK Primary Care. Clinical Epidemiology , 2022 (14) pp. 395-408. 10.2147/clep.s350396. Green open access

Hardoon, Sarah; Hayes, Joseph; Viding, Essi; McCrory, Eamon; Walters, Kate; Osborn, David; (2022) Prescribing of antipsychotics among people with recorded personality disorder in primary care: a retrospective nationwide cohort study using The Health Improvement Network primary care database. BMJ Open , 12 (3) , Article e053943. 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053943. Green open access

Harrison, David; McManus, IC; Rees, Eliot L; Woolf, Katherine; (2022) Institutional choice among medical applicants: a profile paper for The United Kingdom Medical Applicant Cohort Study (UKMACS) prospective longitudinal cohort study. BMJ Open , 12 (9) , Article e060135. 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-060135. Green open access

Hassiotis, Angela; Kouroupa, Athanasia; Hamza, Leila; Morant, Nicola; Hall, Ian; Marston, Louise; Romeo, Renee; ... Lloyd-Evans, Brynmor; + view all (2022) Intensive support teams for adults with intellectual disabilities displaying challenging behaviour: the IST-ID mixed-methods study. Health and Social Care Delivery Research , 10 (33) pp. 1-106. 10.3310/chdc1642. Green open access

Hassiotis, Angela; Melville, Craig; Jahoda, Andrew; Strydom, Andre; Cooper, Sally-Ann; Taggart, Laurence; Cooper, Vivien; ... Marston, Louise; + view all (2022) Estimation of the minimal clinically important difference on the Aberrant Behaviour Checklist-Irritability (ABC-I) for people with intellectual disabilities who display aggressive challenging behaviour: A triangulated approach. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 124 , Article 104202. 10.1016/j.ridd.2022.104202. Green open access

Hollis, C; Hall, CL; Marston, L; (2022) Treatment adherence might be the key to online Exposure and Response Prevention for paediatric tics – Authors' reply. The Lancet Psychiatry , 9 (2) pp. 106-107. 10.1016/S2215-0366(21)00503-4. Green open access

Horsfall, Laura; Clarke, Caroline S; Nazareth, Irwin; Ambler, Gareth; (2022) The Value of Blood-Based Measures of Liver Function and Urate in Lung Cancer Risk Prediction: A Cohort Study and Health Economic Analysis. Elsevier BV Green open access


Jayasooriya, Nishani; Blackwell, Jonathan; Saxena, Sonia; Bottle, Alex; Petersen, Irene; Creese, Hanna; Hotopf, Matthew; ... POP-IBD study group, .; + view all (2022) Antidepressant medication use in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a nationally representative population-based study. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 10.1111/apt.16820. (In press). Green open access

Jenkins, CL; Imran, S; Mahmood, A; Bradbury, K; Murray, E; Stevenson, F; Hamilton, FL; (2022) Digital Health Intervention Design and Deployment for Engaging Demographic Groups Likely to Be Affected by the Digital Divide: Protocol for a Systematic Scoping Review. JMIR Research Protocols , 11 (3) , Article e32538. 10.2196/32538. Green open access

Jones, Melvyn; Park, Sophie; Roberts, Rachel; Yong, Joanna; (2022) Can a training hub deliver undergraduate medical education with patient educators? Education for Primary Care , 33 (6) pp. 347-351. 10.1080/14739879.2022.2137855. Green open access


Kabir, A; Nazareth, I; (2022) Conversion therapy: a violation of human rights in Iranian gay men. The Lancet Psychiatry , 9 (4) , Article e19. 10.1016/S2215-0366(22)00070-0. Green open access

Khadjesari, Zarnie; Brown, Tracey J; Ramsey, Alex T; Goodfellow, Henry; El-Toukhy, Sherine; Abroms, Lorien C; Jopling, Helena; ... Amato, Michael S; + view all (2022) The OptiMine feasibility study: a novel implementation strategy to electronically screen and signpost patients to health behaviour apps. JMIR Formative Research , 6 (7) 10.2196/34271. Green open access

Khan, K; Hollis, C; Hall, CL; Davies, EB; Murray, E; Andrén, P; Mataix-Cols, D; ... Glazebrook, C; + view all (2022) Factors influencing the efficacy of an online behavioural intervention for children and young people with tics: Process evaluation of a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy 10.1016/j.jbct.2022.02.005. (In press). Green open access

Kimble, Rachel; McLellan, Gillian; Lennon, Lucy T; Papacosta, A Olia; Mathers, John C; Wannamethee, S Goya; Whincup, Peter H; (2022) Cohort Profile Update: The British Regional Heart Study 1978-2018: 40 years of follow-up of older British men. International Journal of Epidemiology , Article dyac122. 10.1093/ije/dyac122. (In press). Green open access

Kimble, Rachel; McLellan, Gillian; Lennon, Lucy T; Papacosta, Anna Olia; Weyant, Robert J; Kapila, Yvonne; Mathers, John C; ... Ramsay, Sheena E; + view all (2022) Association between oral health markers and decline in muscle strength and physical performance in later life: longitudinal analyses of two prospective cohorts from the UK and the USA. The Lancet Healthy Longevity , 3 (11) e777-e788. 10.1016/S2666-7568(22)00222-7. Green open access

Kiridaran, Vaishali; Chawla, Mehar; Bailey, Julia V; (2022) Views, attitudes and experiences of South Asian women concerning sexual health services in the UK: a qualitative study. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care 10.1080/13625187.2022.2096216. (In press). Green open access

Kizza, Diana; Mushumbamwiza, Hyacinth; Ndwandwe, Siyabonga; Butholenkosi, Moyo; Hitimana, Regis; Kirchoffer, Damien; Houdek, Jason; ... Muvunyi, Zuberi; + view all (2022) Financial Implications of Tariffs for Medical Oxygen on Rwandan Public Hospitals' Finance Management During the Coronavirus Epidemic. Global Health: Science and Practice , 10 (5) , Article e2200058. 10.9745/GHSP-D-22-00058. Green open access

Kotronia, Eftychia; Brown, Heather; Papacosta, Olia; Lennon, Lucy; Weyant, Robert; Whincup, Peter; Wannamethee, S Goya; (2022) Oral health problems and risk of incident disability in two studies of older adults in the United Kingdom and the United States. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society , 70 (7) pp. 2080-2092. 10.1111/jgs.17792. Green open access

Kotronia, Eftychia; Brown, Heather; Papacosta, Olia; Lennon, Lucy T; Weyant, Robert J; Whincup, Peter H; Wannamethee, Sasiwarang Goya; (2022) Oral health problems and risk of incident disability in two studies of older adults in the United Kingdom and the United States. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 10.1111/jgs.17792. (In press). Green open access

Kumar, Shankar; Plumb, Andrew; Mallett, Sue; Bhatnagar, Gauraang; Bloom, Stuart; Clarke, Caroline S; Hamlin, John; ... Taylor, Stuart Andrew; + view all (2022) METRIC-EF: magnetic resonance enterography to predict disabling disease in newly diagnosed Crohn's disease-protocol for a multicentre, non-randomised, single-arm, prospective study. BMJ Open , 12 (10) , Article e067265. 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-067265. Green open access


Lamirel, Daphne; Davis, Sarah; Low, Joe; Serfaty, Marc; Armstrong, Megan; (2022) Talking control sessions in people with advanced cancer: a qualitative analysis of sessions. BMC Psychology , 10 (1) , Article 126. 10.1186/s40359-022-00837-1. Green open access

Laugesen, Kristina; Sørensen, Henrik Toft; Jorgensen, Jens Otto L; Petersen, Irene; (2022) Prenatal exposure to glucocorticoids and the prevalence of overweight or obesity in childhood. European Journal of Endocrinology , 186 (4) pp. 429-440. 10.1530/EJE-21-0846. Green open access

Laugesen, Kristina; Sørensen, Henrik Toft; Jørgensen, Jens Otto Lunde; Petersen, Irene; (2022) In utero exposure to glucocorticoids and risk of anxiety and depression in childhood or adolescence. Psychoneuroendocrinology , 141 , Article 105766. 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2022.105766. Green open access

Launders, Naomi; Dotsikas, Kate; Marston, Louise; Price, Gabriele; Osborn, David PJ; Hayes, Joseph F; (2022) The impact of comorbid severe mental illness and common chronic physical health conditions on hospitalisation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One , 17 (8) , Article e0272498. 10.1371/journal.pone.0272498. Green open access

Launders, Naomi; Hayes, Joseph F; Price, Gabriele; Marston, Louise; Osborn, David PJ; (2022) The incidence rate of planned and emergency physical health hospital admissions in people diagnosed with severe mental illness: a cohort study. Psychological Medicine 10.1017/S0033291722002811. (In press). Green open access

Lawes-Wickwar, Sadie; McBain, Hayley; Brini, Stefano; Hirani, Shashivadan; Hurt, Catherine; Flood, Chris; Dunlop, Nicola; ... Ezra, Daniel; + view all (2022) A patient-initiated treatment model for blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Neurology , 22 , Article 99. 10.1186/s12883-022-02603-7. Green open access

Lee, Yong Yi; Mihalopoulos, Cathrine; Chatterton, Mary Lou; Fletcher, Susan L; Chondros, Patty; Densley, Konstancja; Murray, Elizabeth; ... Gunn, Jane M; + view all (2022) Economic evaluation of the Target-D platform to match depression management to severity prognosis in primary care: A within-trial cost-utility analysis. PLoS One , 17 (5) , Article e0268948. 10.1371/journal.pone.0268948. Green open access

Lewer, Dan; Cox, Sharon; Hurst, John R; Padmanathan, Prianka; Petersen, Irene; Quint, Jennifer K; (2022) Burden and treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among people using illicit opioids: matched cohort study in England. BMJ Medicine , 1 (1) , Article e000215. 10.1136/bmjmed-2022-000215. Green open access

Lewer, Dan; Petersen, Irene; Maclure, Malcolm; (2022) The case-crossover design for studying sudden events. BMJ Medecine , 1 (1) , Article e000214. 10.1136/bmjmed-2022-000214. Green open access

Long, Maria; Stansfeld, Jacki; Davies, Nathan; Crellin, Nadia; Moncrieff, Joanna; (2022) A systematic review of social functioning outcome measures with a focus on suitability for intervention research. Schizophrenia Research , 241 pp. 275-291. 10.1016/j.schres.2022.02.011. (In press). Green open access

Luchenski, SA; Dawes, J; Aldridge, RW; Stevenson, F; Tariq, S; Hewett, N; Hayward, AC; (2022) Hospital-based preventative interventions for people experiencing homelessness in high-income countries: A systematic review. eClinicalMedicine , 54 , Article 101657. 10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101657. Green open access


Magee, Lucia; Knights, Felicity; Mckechnie, Doug GJ; Al-Bedaery, Roaa; Razai, Mohammad S; (2022) Facilitators and barriers to COVID-19 vaccination uptake among ethnic minorities: A qualitative study in primary care. PLoS One , 17 (7) , Article e0270504. 10.1371/journal.pone.0270504. Green open access

Marshall, Martin; Davies, Huw; Ward, Vicky; Waring, Justin; Fulop, Naomi J; Mear, Liz; O’Brien, Breid; ... Tooman, Tricia; + view all (2022) Optimising the impact of health services research on the organisation and delivery of health services: a mixed-methods study. Health and Social Care Delivery Research , 10 (3) pp. 1-182. 10.3310/hfuu3193. Green open access

Marshall, Martin; Ikpoh, Margaret; (2022) The workforce crisis in general practice. [Editorial comment]. British Journal of General Practice , 72 (718) pp. 204-205. 10.3399/bjgp22X719213. Green open access

May, Carl R; Albers, Bianca; Bracher, Mike; Finch, Tracy L; Gilbert, Anthony; Girling, Melissa; Greenwood, Kathryn; ... Rapley, Tim; + view all (2022) Translational framework for implementation evaluation and research: a normalisation process theory coding manual for qualitative research and instrument development. Implementation Science , 17 (1) , Article 19. 10.1186/s13012-022-01191-x. Green open access

May, Carl R; Albers, Bianca; Desveaux, Laura; Finch, Tracy L; Gilbert, Anthony; Hillis, Alyson; Girling, Melissa; ... Rapley, Tim; + view all (2022) Translational framework for implementation evaluation and research: Protocol for a qualitative systematic review of studies informed by Normalization Process Theory (NPT) [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]. NIHR Open Research , 2 , Article 41. 10.3310/nihropenres.13269.1. Green open access

McKechnie, Douglas; Parmar, Neelam; Armstrong, Sarah; Pratt, Lucy; Pope, Lindsey; Alberti, Hugh; Park, Sophie; (2022) General practice and the Medical Licensing Assessment. British Journal of General Practice , 72 (723) pp. 497-498. 10.3399/bjgp22X720905. Green open access

McKechnie, Douglas; Patel, Meera; Papacosta, Olia; Lennon, Lucy; ELLINS, Elizabeth A; HALCOX, Julian PJ; Ramsay, Sheena E; ... Wannamethee, Sasiwarang; + view all (2022) Associations between inflammation, coagulation, cardiac strain and injury, and subclinical vascular disease with frailty in older men: a cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatrics , 22 , Article 405. 10.1186/s12877-022-03106-3. Green open access

McKechnie, Douglas; Rashid, M Ahmed; McCartney, Margaret; (2022) 2020 vision? A retrospective study of time-bound curative claims in British and Irish newspapers. British Journal of General Practice , 72 (718) pp. 213-214. 10.3399/bjgp22X719261.

Merrick, Sophie; Nankivell, Matthew; Quartagno, Matteo; Clarke, Caroline S; Joharatnam-Hogan, Nalinie; Waddell, Tom; O'Carrigan, Brent; ... Gilbert, Duncan C; + view all (2022) REFINE (reduced frequency ImmuNE checkpoint inhibition in cancers): A multi-arm phase II basket trial testing reduced intensity immunotherapy across different cancers. Contemporary Clinical Trials , Article 107030. 10.1016/j.cct.2022.107030. (In press). Green open access

Mitchell, John J; Dicken, Samuel J; Kale, Dimitra; Herbec, Aleksandra; Beard, Emma; Shahab, Lion; (2022) Longitudinal changes and correlates of meeting WHO recommended levels of physical activity in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from the HEBECO study. PLoS One , 17 (8) , Article e0273530. 10.1371/journal.pone.0273530. Green open access

Mitchinson, Lucy; Chu, Christina; Bruun, Andrea; Sisk, Ali-Rose; Armstrong, Megan; Vindrola-Padros, Cecilia; Kupeli, Nuriye; ... Stone, Patrick; + view all (2022) How best to capture the impact of complementary therapies in palliative care: A systematic review to identify and assess the appropriateness and validity of multi-domain tools. Palliative Medicine 10.1177/02692163221122955. Green open access

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Moretti Anfossi, Christian; Tobar Fredes, Christian; Pérez Rojas, Felipe; Cisterna Cid, Francisca; Siques Urzúa, Christian; Ross, Jamie; Head, Jenny; (2022) Workplace interventions for cardiovascular diseases: protocol of a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open , 12 (8) , Article e061586. 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-061586. Green open access

Mukadam, Naaheed; Marston, Louise; Lewis, Gemma; Livingston, Gill; (2022) Risk factors, ethnicity and dementia: A UK Biobank prospective cohort study of White, South Asian and Black participants. PLoS One , 17 (10) , Article e0275309. 10.1371/journal.pone.0275309. Green open access

Mukadam, Naaheed; Marston, Louise; Lewis, Gemma; Mathur, Rohini; Rait, Greta; Livingston, Gill; (2022) Incidence, age at diagnosis and survival with dementia across ethnic groups in England: A longitudinal study using electronic health records. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association 10.1002/alz.12774. (In press). Green open access

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Naidoo, Rosalina; Low, Joseph; Rennoldson, Michael; Danby, Robert; Leonard, Hayley; Madrigal, Alejandro; Lee, Julia; (2022) Variations in provision of psychological care to hematopoietic cell transplant recipients: results of a national survey of UK transplant centers. Bone Marrow Transplantation , 57 pp. 1586-1588. 10.1038/s41409-022-01735-1. Green open access

Nair, Pushpa; Barrado-Martin, Yolanda; Anantapong, Kanthee; Moore, Kirsten; Smith, Christina; Sampson, Elizabeth; Manthorpe, Jill; ... Davies, Nathan; + view all (2022) Experiences of Carers and People with Dementia from Ethnic Minority Groups Managing Eating and Drinking at Home in the United Kingdom. Nutrients , 14 (12) , Article 2395. 10.3390/nu14122395. Green open access

Nair, Pushpa; Walters, Kate; Aw, Su; Gould, Rebecca; Kharicha, Kalpa; Buszewicz, Marta College; Frost, Rachael; (2022) Self-management of depression and anxiety amongst frail older adults in the United Kingdom: A qualitative study. PLoS One , 17 (12) , Article e0264603. 10.1371/journal.pone.0264603. Green open access

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Ng, Huah Shin; Zhu, Feng; Kingwell, Elaine; Yao, Shenzhen; Ekuma, Okechukwu; Evans, Charity; Fisk, John D; ... Tremlett, Helen; + view all (2022) Disease-Modifying Drugs for Multiple Sclerosis and Association With Survival. Neurology, Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation , 9 (5) , Article e200005. 10.1212/NXI.0000000000200005. Green open access

Nimmons, Danielle; Armstrong, Megan; Pigott, Jen; Schrag, Anette; Read, Joy; Walters, Kate; Davies, Nathan; (2022) Exploring the experiences of people and family carers from under-represented groups in self-managing Parkinson’s disease and their use of digital health to do this. Digital Health , 8 10.1177/20552076221102261. Green open access

Nishimura, Mayumi; Harrison Dening, Karen; Sampson, Elizabeth; Iglesias de Oliveira Vidal4, Edison; Correia de Abreu, Wilson; Kaasalainen, Sharon; Eisenmann, Yvonne; ... van der Steen, Jenny T; + view all (2022) Cross-cultural conceptualization of a good end of life with dementia: A qualitative study. BMC Palliative Care , 21 , Article 106. 10.1186/s12904-022-00982-9. Green open access


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Pigott, Jennifer; Armstrong, Megan; Chesterman, Elizabeth; Read, Joy; Nimmons, Danielle; Walters, Kate; Davies, Nathan; (2022) Remote Consultations for People with Parkinson’s and Cognitive Impairment – A Qualitative Study with Patients, Caregivers and Healthcare Professionals. JMIR Neurotechnology (In press). Green open access

Pigott, JS; Kane, EJ; Ambler, G; Walters, K; Schrag, A; (2022) Systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical effectiveness of self-management interventions in Parkinson’s disease. BMC Geriatrics , 22 , Article 45. 10.1186/s12877-021-02656-2. Green open access

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Soto-Perez-de-Celis, Enrique; Mislang, Anna Rachelle; Hernández-Favela, Celia Gabriela; Russo, Chiara; Colloca, Giuseppe; Williams, Grant R; O'Hanlon, Shane; ... Battisti, Nicolò Matteo Luca; + view all (2022) Updated International Society of Geriatric Oncology COVID-19 working group recommendations on COVID-19 vaccination among older adults with cancer. Journal of Geriatric Oncology , 13 (7) pp. 1054-1057. 10.1016/j.jgo.2022.07.005. Green open access

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