Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 189.
Acuto, M;
Robin, E;
Lane, S;
Science and the Future of Cities: Interim Report of the Nature Sustainability Expert Panel.
UCL City Leadership Laboratory and University of Melbourne: London, UK & Melbourne, Australia.
Adams, J;
Lewis, P;
Disney, M;
Decoupling canopy structure and leaf biochemistry: Testing the utility of directional area scattering factor (DASF).
Remote Sensing
, 10
, Article 1911. 10.3390/rs10121911.
Adams, JK;
Martins, CC;
Rose, NL;
Shchetnikov, AA;
Mackay, AW;
Lake sediment records of persistent organic pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Southern Siberia mirror the changing fortunes of the Russian economy over the past 70 years.
Environmental Pollution
, 242
(Part A)
pp. 528-538.
Ahmed, S;
Harris, A;
Rowe, JMJ;
Smith, O;
The New Urban Crisis: how our cities are increasing inequality, deepening segregation, and failing the middle-class – and what we can do about it.
Planning Perspectives
, 33
pp. 481-482.
Akerblom, M;
Raumonen, P;
Casella, E;
Disney, MI;
Danson, FM;
Gaulton, R;
Schofield, LA;
Non-intersecting leaf insertion algorithm for tree structure models.
Interface Focus
, 8
Anderson, NJ;
Curtis, CJ;
Whiteford, EJ;
Jones, VJ;
McGowan, S;
Simpson, GL;
Kaiser, J;
Regional variability in the atmospheric nitrogen deposition signal and its transfer to the sediment record in Greenland lakes.
Limnology and Oceanography
, 63
pp. 2250-2265.
Arellano, L;
Fernandez, P;
van Drooge, B;
Rose, NL;
Nickus, U;
Thies, H;
Stuchlik, E;
... Grimalt, J; + view all
Drivers of atmospheric deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at European high-altitude sites.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
, 18
pp. 16081-16097.
Axmacher, JC;
Sayer, CD;
Greaves, HM;
Ruse, LP;
Consequences of pond management for chironomid assemblages and diversity in English farmland ponds.
Journal of Limnology
, 77
pp. 160-168.
Bamberg, J;
Hitchings, R;
Latham, A;
Enriching green exercise research.
Landscape and Urban Planning
, 178
pp. 270-275.
Basiri, A;
Haklay, M;
Gardner, Z;
The Impact of Biases in the Crowdsourced Trajectories on the Output of Data Mining Processes.
Proceedings of VGI-ALIVE - AnaLysis, Integration, Vision, Engagement.
Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE): Lund, Sweden.
Bastin, JF;
Rutishauser, E;
Kellner, JR;
Saatchi, S;
Pélissier, R;
Hérault, B;
Slik, F;
... et alia, et al.; + view all
Pan‐tropical prediction of forest structure from the largest trees.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
, 27
pp. 1366-1383.
Berg, ML;
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E;
Introduction to the Issue. Encountering Hospitality and Hostility.
[Editorial comment].
Migration and Society
, 1
pp. 1-6.
Bishop, IJ;
Understanding the habitat and decline of Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk. & Schmidt in the UK using ecology and paleoecology.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Björkman, L;
Harris, A;
Engineering Cities: Mediating Materialities, Infrastructural Imaginaries and Shifting Regimes of Urban Expertise.
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
, 42
pp. 244-262.
Blain, H-A;
Cruz Silva, JA;
Jimenez Arenas, JM;
Margari, V;
Roucoux, K;
Towards a Middle Pleistocene Terrestrial Climate Reconstruction Based on Herpetofaunal Assemblages From the Iberian Peninsula: State of the Art and Perspectives.
Quaternary Science Reviews
, 191
pp. 167-188.
Blok, A;
Courmont, A;
Hoyng, R;
Marquet, C;
Minor, K;
Nold, C;
Young, M;
Data Platforms and Cities.
Tecnoscienza : Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies
Bonsor, HC;
Shamsudduha, M;
Marchant, BP;
MacDonald, AM;
Taylor, RG;
Seasonal and decadal groundwater changes in African sedimentary aquifers estimated using GRACE products and LSMs.
Remote Sensing
, 10
, Article 904. 10.3390/rs10060904.
Born, G;
Barry, A;
Music, Mediation Theories and Actor-Network Theory.
Contemporary Music Review
, 37
pp. 443-487.
Brennan, J;
Gomez-Dans, J;
Lewis, P;
Chernetskiy, M;
Heil, A;
Uncertainty for Burnt Area Products.
IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
(pp. pp. 1808-1811).
IEEE: Valencia, Spain.
Brennan, J;
Lewis, P;
Gomez-Dans, J;
Chernetskiy, M;
Chuvieco, E;
Lizundia, J;
Campagnolo, M;
... Oom, D; + view all
Uncertainty Characterisation & Validation within ESA Fire-CCI.
IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
(pp. pp. 1812-1815).
IEEE: Valencia, Spain.
Brierley, C;
Manning, K;
Maslin, M;
Pastoralism may have delayed the end of the green Sahara.
Nature Communications
, 9
, Article 4018. 10.1038/s41467-018-06321-y.
Brierley, C;
Wainer, I;
Inter-annual variability in the tropical Atlantic from the Last Glacial Maximum into future climate projections simulated by CMIP5/PMIP3.
Climate of the Past
, 14
pp. 1377-1390.
Bristow, CS;
Holmes, JA;
Mattey, D;
Salzmann, U;
Sloane, HJ;
A late Holocene palaeoenvironmental 'snapshot' of the Angamma Delta, Lake Megachad at the end of the African Humid Period.
Quaternary Science Reviews
(In press).
Brooks, R;
Waters, J;
Signalling the ‘Multi-Local’ University? The Place of
the City in the Growth of London-Based Satellite
Campuses, and the Implications for Social Stratification.
Social Sciences
, 7
Burns, R;
Wickramage, K;
Musah, A;
Siriwardhana, C;
Checchi, F;
Health status of returning refugees, internally displaced persons, and the host community in a post-conflict district in northern Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional survey.
Conflict and Health
, 12
, Article 41. 10.1186/s13031-018-0176-7.
Burt, A;
Disney, M;
Calders, K;
Extracting individual trees from lidar point clouds using treeseg.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
(In press).
Calders, K;
Origo, N;
Burt, A;
Disney, M;
Nightingale, J;
Raumonen, P;
Åkerblom, M;
... Lewis, P; + view all
Realistic forest stand reconstruction from terrestrial LiDAR for radiative transfer modelling.
Remote Sensing
, 10
, Article 933. 10.3390/rs10060933.
Calders, K;
Origo, N;
Disney, M;
Nightingale, J;
Woodgate, W;
Armston, J;
Lewis, P;
Variability and bias in active and passive ground-based measurements of effective plant, wood and leaf area index.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
, 252
pp. 231-240.
Cante, F;
From "animation' to encounter: Community radio, sociability and urban life in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.
International Journal of Cultural Studies
, 21
pp. 12-26.
Carpi, E;
The "Need to Be There": North-South Encounters and Imaginations in the Humanitarian Economy.
In: Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E and Daley, P, (eds.)
Routledge Handbook of South-South Relations.
Routledge: London, UK.
Carpi, E;
Boano, C;
Border towns: humanitarian assistance in peri-urban areas.
Humanitarian Exchange
, 71
pp. 39-42.
Carpi, E;
Glioti, A;
Toward an Alternative 'Time of the Revolution'? Beyond State Contestation in the struggle for a new Syrian Everyday.
Middle East Critique
, 27
pp. 231-246.
Chernetskiy, M;
Gobron, N;
Gomez-Dans, J;
Morgan, O;
Disney, M;
Lewis, P;
Schmullius, C;
Simulating arbitrary hyperspectral bandsets from multispectral observations via a generic Earth Observation-Land Data Assimilation System (EO-LDAS).
Advances in Space Research
, 62
pp. 1654-1674.
Curtis, C;
Kaiser, J;
Marca, A;
Anderson, NJ;
Simpson, G;
Jones, V;
Whiteford, E;
Spatial variations in snowpack chemistry, isotopic composition of NO3− and nitrogen deposition from the ice sheet margin to the coast of western Greenland.
, 15
pp. 529-550.
Danson, FM;
Disney, MI;
Gaulton, R;
Schaaf, C;
Strahler, A;
The terrestrial laser scanning revolution in forest ecology.
Interface Focus
, 8
, Article 20180001. 10.1098/rsfs.2018.0001.
Dargie, GC;
Lawson, IT;
Rayden, TJ;
Miles, L;
Mitchard, ETA;
Page, SE;
Bocko, YE;
... Lewis, SL; + view all
Congo Basin peatlands: threats and conservation priorities.
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
, 24
pp. 669-686.
Datta, A;
The digital turn in postcolonial urbanism: Smart citizenship in the making of India's 100 smart cities.
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
, 43
pp. 405-419.
Davidson, TA;
Bennion, H;
Reid, M;
Sayer, CD;
Whitmore, TJ;
Towards better integration of ecology in palaeoecology: from proxies to indicators, from inference to understanding.
Journal of Paleolimnology
, 60
pp. 109-116.
Dennis, Richard;
Gissing and Chelsea: An Urban Walk.
The Gissing Journal
, 52
pp. 1-16.
Dewilde, C;
Hubers, C;
Coulter, RC;
Determinants of Young People's Homeownership Transitions Before and After the Financial Crisis: The UK in a European Context.
In: Searle, BA, (ed.)
Generational Interdependencies: The Social Implications for Welfare.
(pp. 51-77).
Vernon Press: Wilmington, Delaware, US.
Disney, MI;
Vicari, MB;
Burt, A;
Calders, K;
Lewis, SL;
Raumonen, P;
Wilkes, P;
Weighing trees with lasers: advances, challenges and opportunities.
Interface Focus
, 8
, Article 20170048. 10.1098/rsfs.2017.0048.
DITOs Consortium;
Citizen Science & Open Science: Synergies & Future Areas of Work.
(DITOs policy brief
DITOs Consortium: London, UK.
DITOs Consortium;
D4.2 Policy Briefs 2.
Doing It Together Science (DITOs): London, UK.
DITOS Consortium;
Doing It Together Science: D6.6 Innovation Management Plan: "Making citizen science work".
DITOS Consortium: London, UK.
Dittmer, J;
The origins and evolution of popular geopolitics: An interview with Jo Sharp and Klaus Dodds.
Popular Geopolitics: Plotting an Evolving Interdiscipline.
(pp. 23-42).
Dubois, N;
Saulnier-Talbot, É;
Mills, K;
Gell, P;
Battarbee, R;
Bennion, H;
Chawchai, S;
... Valero-Garcés, B; + view all
First human impacts and responses of aquatic systems: A review of palaeolimnological records from around the world.
Anthropocene Review
, 5
pp. 28-68.
Duncan, C;
Owen, HJF;
Thompson, JR;
Koldewey, HJ;
Primavera, JH;
Pettorelli, N;
Satellite remote sensing to monitor mangrove forest resilience and resistance to sea level rise.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
, 9
pp. 1837-8152.
Engels, S;
Fong, LSRZ;
Chen, Q;
Leng, MJ;
McGowan, S;
Idris, M;
Rose, NL;
... Yang, H; + view all
Historical atmospheric pollution trends in Southeast Asia inferred from lake sediment records.
Environmental Pollution
, 235
pp. 907-917.
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E;
UNRWA Financial Crisis: The Impact on Palestinian Employees.
Middle East Report (MER)
, 48
pp. 33-36.
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E;
Southern-led responses to displacement: modes of South-South cooperation?
In: Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E and Daley, P, (eds.)
Handbook of South-South Relations.
Routledge: London, UK.
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E;
Berg, M;
Inaugural Editorial.
[Editorial comment].
Migration and Society
, 1
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E;
Daley, P;
Introduction: Conceptualising the Global South and South-South Encounters.
In: Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E and Daley, P, (eds.)
Handbook of South-South Relations.
Routledge: London, UK.
Georgeson, LT;
Maslin, M;
Putting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into practice: A review of implementation, monitoring, and finance.
Geo: Geography and Environment
, 5
, Article e00049. 10.1002/geo2.49.
Gibson, JE;
Ander, EL;
Cave, M;
Bath-Hextall, F;
Musah, A;
Leonardi-Bee, J;
Linkage of national soil quality measurements to primary care medical records in England and Wales: a new resource for investigating environmental impacts on human health.
Population Health Metrics
, 16
, Article 12. 10.1186/s12963-018-0168-2.
Goldsmith, B;
Wandsworth Lakes: Annual report on lake monitoring and management 2017.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Goldsmith, B;
Henderson, G;
Willing, M;
Goodrich, S;
Burton Mill Pond vision and work programme.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Gomez-Dans, J;
Lopez-Saldana, G;
Lewis, P;
Styles, J;
Mathieu, P-P;
Land Surface Processes Analysis Using Sentinel-3 OLCI and Modis Data.
IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
(pp. pp. 8715-8718).
IEEE: Valencia, Spain.
Goodchild, MF;
Longley, PA;
Geographic Information Science.
In: Fischer, MM and Nijkamp, P, (eds.)
Handbook of Regional Science.
Springer: Berlin & Heidelberg, Germany.
Green, A;
Chadwick, MA;
Jones, PJS;
Variability of UK seagrass sediment carbon: Implications for blue carbon estimates and marine conservation management.
PLoS One
, 13
, Article e0204431. 10.1371/journal.pone.0204431.
Griffiths, DN;
Burningham, H;
Comparison of pre- and self-calibrated camera calibration models for UAS-derived nadir imagery for a SfM application.
Progress in Physical Geography
(In press).
Haklay, ME;
Antoniou, V;
Basiouka, S;
Soden, R;
Deparday, V;
Ryan, M;
Mooney, P;
Identifying success factors in crowdsourced geographic information use in government.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Washington, DC, USA.
Haklay, M;
Eleta, I;
On the Front Line of Community-Led Air Quality Monitoring.
In: Nieuwenhuijsen, M and Khreis, H, (eds.)
Integrating Human Health into Urban and Transport Planning: A Framework.
(pp. 563-580).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Haklay, M;
Jankowski, P;
Zwoliński, Z;
Selected modern methods and tools for public participation in urban planning - A review.
Quaestiones Geographicae
, 37
pp. 127-149.
Haklay, M;
Mazumdar, S;
Wardlaw, J;
Citizen Science for Observing and Understanding the Earth.
In: Mathieu, PP and Aubrecht, C, (eds.)
Earth Observation Open Science and Innovation.
(pp. 69-88).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Hampton, SE;
Mcgowan, S;
Ozersky, T;
Virdis, SGP;
Vu, TT;
Spanbauer, TL;
Kraemer, BM;
... Fritz, SC; + view all
Recent ecological change in ancient lakes.
Limnology and Oceanography
, 63
pp. 2277-2304.
Harris, A;
Engineering Formality: Flyover and Skywalk Construction in Mumbai.
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
, 42
pp. 295-314.
Harvey, GL;
Henshaw, AJ;
Parker, C;
Sayer, CD;
Re‐introduction of structurally complex wood jams promotes channel and habitat recovery from overwidening: Implications for river conservation.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
, 28
pp. 395-407.
Hilt, S;
Nunez, MMA;
Bakker, ES;
Blindow, I;
Davidson, TA;
Gillefalk, M;
Hansson, L-A;
... Sayer, CD; + view all
Response of Submerged Macrophyte Communities to External and Internal Restoration Measures in North Temperate Shallow Lakes.
Frontiers in Plant Science
, 9
, Article 194. 10.3389/fpls.2018.00194.
Hitchings, R;
Latham, A;
On lenses and blind spots in qualitative exercise and environment research: A Response to Stephanie Coen.
Health & Place
, 53
pp. 268-270.
Hitchings, RS;
Browne, A;
Jack, T;
Should there be more showers at the summer music festival? Studying the contextual dependence of resource consuming conventions and lessons for sustainable tourism.
Journal of Sustainable Tourism
, 26
pp. 496-514.
Hitchings, RS;
Venn, S;
Day, RJ;
Assumptions about later life travel and their implications: pushing people around?
Ageing and Society
, 38
pp. 1-18.
Hodgson, A;
Hitchings, RS;
Urban air pollution perception through the experience of social practices: talking about breathing with recreational runners in London.
Health and Place
, 53
pp. 26-33.
Holmes, JA;
Effects of cleaning methods upon preservation of stable isotopes and trace elements in shells of Cyprideis torosa (Crustacea, Ostracoda): Implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction.
Quaternary Science Reviews
, 189
pp. 197-209.
Hopley, PJ;
Weedon, GP;
Brierley, CM;
Thrasivoulou, C;
Herries, AIR;
Dinckal, A;
Richards, DA;
... Smith, CL; + view all
Orbital precession modulates interannual rainfall variability, as recorded in an Early Pleistocene speleothem.
, 46
pp. 731-734.
Horton, A;
Wills, J;
Impacts of the living wage on in-work poverty.
Handbook on In-Work Poverty.
(pp. 228-244).
Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK.
Hulme, M;
Obermeister, N;
Randalls, S;
Borie, M;
Framing the challenge of climate change in Nature and Science editorials.
Nature Climate Change
, 8
pp. 515-521.
Ingram, AR;
Critical approaches to global health.
In: McInnes, C and Lee, K and Youde, J, (eds.)
The Oxford Handbook of Global Health Politics.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Jahan, Fatema Rouson;
Gender and agency: clothing consumption practices of women factory workers in Bangladesh.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Jazeel, T;
Building Sacred Modernity: Buddhism, secularism and a geography of religion in southern Sri Lanka.
In: Bartolini, N and Mackian, S and Pile, S, (eds.)
Spaces of Spirituality.
(pp. 54-66).
Routledge: Abingdon, UK.
Jucker, T;
Asner, GP;
Dalponte, M;
Brodrick, PG;
Philipson, CD;
Vaughn, NR;
Teh, YA;
... Coomes, DA; + view all
Estimating aboveground carbon density and its uncertainty in Borneo's structurally complex tropical forests using airborne laser scanning.
, 15
pp. 3811-3830.
Jucker, T;
Bongalov, B;
Burslem, DFRP;
Nilus, R;
Dalponte, M;
Lewis, SL;
Phillips, OL;
... Coomes, DA; + view all
Topography shapes the structure, composition and function of tropical forest landscapes.
Ecology Letters
, 21
pp. 989-1000.
Kageyama, M;
Braconnot, P;
Harrison, SP;
Haywood, AM;
Jungclaus, JH;
Otto-Bliesner, BL;
Peterschmitt, J-Y;
... Zhou, T; + view all
The PMIP4 contribution to CMIP6 – Part 1: Overview and over-arching analysis plan.
Geoscientific Model Development
, 11
pp. 1033-1057.
Kandt, J;
Longley, PA;
Ethnicity estimation using family naming practices.
PLoS One
, 13
, Article e0201774. 10.1371/journal.pone.0201774.
Kempinska, K;
Longley, P;
Shawe-Taylor, J;
Interactional regions in cities: making sense of flows across networked systems.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
, 32
pp. 1348-1367.
Kirkland, M;
Eisenberg, C;
Bicerra, A;
Bodmer, RE;
Mayor, P;
Axmacher, JC;
Sustainable wildlife extraction and the impacts of socio-economic change among the Kukama-Kukamilla people of the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve, Peru.
, 54
pp. 260-269.
Koch, A;
Glover, KC;
Zambri, B;
Thomas, EK;
Benito, X;
Yang, JZ;
Open-data practices and challenges among early-career paleo-researchers.
Past Global Change Magazine
, 26
pp. 54-55.
Kotchoni, DOV;
Vouillamoz, J-M;
Lawson, FMA;
Adjomayi, P;
Boukari, M;
Taylor, RG;
Relationships between rainfall and groundwater recharge in seasonally humid Benin: a comparative analysis of long-term hydrographs in sedimentary and crystalline aquifers.
Hydrogeology Journal
(In press).
Kunz, Sarah Marie;
The ‘Expatriate’: The Postcolonial Politics of a Migration Category.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Kunz, S;
‘Making space’ in Cairo: Expatriate movements and spatial practices.
, 88
pp. 109-117.
Labriere, N;
Tao, S;
Chave, J;
Scipal, K;
Toan, TL;
Abernethy, K;
Alonso, A;
... Saatchi, S; + view all
In Situ Reference Datasets from the TropiSAR and AfriSAR Campaigns in Support of Upcoming Spaceborne Biomass Missions.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
, 11
pp. 3617-3627.
Lacey, J;
Leng, M;
Vane, C;
Radbourme, A;
Yang, H;
Ryves, D;
Assessing human impact on Rostherne Mere, UK, using the geochemistry of organic matter.
, 21
pp. 52-65.
Lansley, G;
Cheshire, J;
Challenges to representing the population from new forms of consumer data.
Geography Compass
, 12
, Article e12374. 10.1111/gec3.12374.
Lansley, G;
De Smith, M;
Goodchild, M;
Longley, P;
Big Data and Geospatial Analysis.
In: De Smith, M and Goodchild, M and Longley, P, (eds.)
Geospatial Analysis: A comprehensive guide to principles, techniques and software tools.
(pp. 547-570).
The Winchelsea Press: Edinburgh.
Lansley, G;
Li, W;
Longley, P;
Modelling Small Area Level Population Change from Administrative and Consumer Data.
In: De Sabbata, S and Tate, N, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 26th GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK).
GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK): Leicester, UK.
Lapworth, DJ;
Zahid, A;
Taylor, RG;
Burgess, WG;
Shamsudduha, M;
Ahmed, KM;
Mukherjee, A;
... MacDonald, AM; + view all
Security of Deep Groundwater in the Coastal Bengal Basin Revealed by Tracers.
Geophysical Research Letters
, 45
pp. 8241-8252.
Law, S;
Traunmueller, M;
Off the shortest path: Betweenness on street network level to study pedestrian movement.
2017 IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC).
(pp. pp. 971-976).
IEEE: Yokohama, Japan.
Law, Stephen;
A multi-scale exploration of the relationship between spatial network configuration and housing prices using the hedonic price approach. A Greater London case study.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Leak, A;
Lansley, G;
Geotemporal Twitter Demographics.
In: Longley, PA and Singleton, A and Cheshire, J, (eds.)
Consumer Data Research.
(pp. 153-177).
UCL Press: London, UK.
Levin, EA;
Morgan, RM;
Griffin, LD;
Jones, VJ;
A Comparison of Thresholding Methods for Forensic Reconstruction Studies Using Fluorescent Powder Proxies for Trace Materials.
Journal of Forensic Sciences
Lewis, SL;
Maslin, MA;
Welcome to the Anthropocene.
IPPR Progressive Review
, 25
pp. 214-219.
Li, C;
Liu, Y;
Haklay, M;
Participatory soundscape sensing.
Landscape and Urban Planning
, 173
pp. 64-69.
Li, C;
Zhang, H;
Haklay, M;
The current state of citizen science in European and America eco-environmental research and management.
Acta Ecologica Sinica
, 38
pp. 2239-2245.
Li, X;
Liu, Y;
Duan, M;
YU, Z;
Axmacher, JC;
Different response patterns of epigaeic spiders and carabid beetles to varying environmental conditions in fields and semi-natural habitats of an intensively cultivated agricultural landscape.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
, 264
pp. 54-62.
Lloyd, Alyson. S;
The applications of loyalty card data for social science.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Lloyd, A;
Cheshire, J;
Detecting Address Uncertainty in Loyalty Card Data.
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy
, 12
pp. 445-465.
Lugomer, K;
Longley, P;
Towards a comprehensive temporal classification of footfall patterns in the cities of Great Britain.
In: Winter, S and Griffin, A and Sester, M, (eds.)
10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2018).
(pp. 43:1-43:6).
Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik: Dagstuhl, Germany.
Luna, S;
Gold, M;
Albert, A;
Ceccaroni, L;
Claramunt, B;
Olha, D;
Haklay, ME;
... Sturm, U; + view all
Developing mobile applications for environmental and biodiversity citizen science: considerations and recommendations.
In: Joly, A and Vrochidis, S and Karatzas, K and Karppinen, A and Bonnet, P, (eds.)
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