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Number of items: 43.


Aggleton, P; Chase, E; Rivers, K; Tyrer, P; (2000) Innovative Approaches to HIV Prevention: Selected Case Studies. UNAIDS: Switzerland: Geneva.

Ainley, J; Nardi, E; Pratt, D; (2000) The construction of meanings for trend in active graphing. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning , 5 (2) pp. 85-114. 10.1023/A:1009854103737. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2000) Ethical Dilemmas With Premature Babies. In: Proceedings of Nursing Conference at Lancaster University. Lancaster University: UK, Lancaster. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2000) The rise and fall of children's consent to surgery. Paediatric Nursing , 12 (2) pp. 6-8. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2000) School students' views on school councils and daily life at school. Children and Society , 14 (2) pp. 121-134. 10.1111/j.1099-0860.2000.tb00160.x. Green open access


Beard, R; (2000) Research and the National Literacy Strategy. Oxford Review of Education , 26 (3-4) pp. 420-436. Green open access

Boaler, J; Wiliam, D; Brown, M; (2000) Students' Experiences of Ability Grouping - disaffection, polarisation and the construction of failure. BRITISH EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL , 26 (5) pp. 631-648. 10.1080/713651583. Green open access

Boaler, J; Wiliam, D; Zevenbergen, R; (2000) The Construction of Identity in Secondary Mathematics Education. In: Green open access

Bouloux, PMG; Harris, P; (2000) Editorial. CME Bulletin Endocrinology and Diabetes , 3 (1) 3-. Green open access

Brant, J; Lines, D; Unwin, A; (2000) Eight out of ten isn't good enough: Challenging teachers' perceptions of assessment. Teacher Development , 4 (2) pp. 271-279. 10.1080/13664530000200109. Green open access


Clark-Jeavons, A; (2000) What desirable benefits can dynamic geometry software bring to mathematics education? Masters thesis , University of Chichester.


Deutsch, R; Reynolds, Y; (2000) The use of Dynamic Assessment by educational psychologists in the UK. Educational Psychology in Practice , 16 pp. 311-331. 10.1080/713666083. Green open access


Healy, L; Hoyles, C; (2000) A study of proof conceptions in algebra. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education , 31 (4) pp. 396-428.

Hodgson, A; (2000) An International and Historical Context for recent policy approached to lifelong learning in the UK. In: Hodgson, A, (ed.) Policies, politics and the future of lifelong learning. (pp. 1-20). Kogan Page: London.

Hodgson, A; Spours, K; (2000) Expanding higher education in the UK: From ‘system slowdown’ to ‘system acceleration’. Higher Education Quarterly , 54 (4) pp. 295-322. 10.1111/1468-2273.00163. Green open access

Hodgson, A; Spours, K; (2000) Building a Lifelong Learning System for the Future. In: Hodgson, A, (ed.) Policies, Politics and the Future of Lifelong Learning. (pp. 191-206). Kogan Page: London.

Holley, D; Oliver, M; (2000) Pedagogy and new power relationships. International Journal of Management Education , 1 (1) pp. 11-21. Green open access


Laurillard, D; Stratfold, M; Luckin, R; Plowman, L; Taylor, J; (2000) Affordances for Learning in a Non-linear Narrative Medium.

Lester Jr, Frank K; Wiliam, Dylan; (2000) The Evidential Basis for Knowledge Claims in Mathematics Education Research. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education , 31 (2) pp. 132-137. 10.2307/749747.

Lindsay, Geoff; Dockrell, Julie; (2000) The behaviour and self-esteem of children with specific speech and language difficulties. British Journal of Educational Psychology , 70 (4) pp. 583-601. 10.1348/000709900158317. Green open access


Male, T; Hvizdak, M; (2000) The Effects of Pre-service Training and Experience on Preparation for the Principalship in England. In: (Proceedings) AERA 2000 Annual Meeting. American Education Research Association (AERA): New Orleans, LA. Green open access


O'Connor, N; Cowan, R; Samella, K; (2000) Calendrical calculation and intelligence. INTELLIGENCE , 28 (1) pp. 31-48. 10.1016/S0160-2896(99)00028-8. Green open access

Oliver, M; (2000) Evaluating online teaching and learning. Information Services and Use , 20 (2-3) pp. 83-94. 10.3233/ISU-2000-202-304. Green open access

Oliver, M; Conole, G; (2000) Assessing and enhancing quality using toolkits. Quality Assurance in Education , 8 (2) pp. 32-37. Green open access


Potter, J; (2000) First steps in organising ICT in the primary classroom. In: Leask, M and Meadows, J, (eds.) Teaching and learning with ICT in the primary school. (pp. 124-144). Routledge: London.

Pratt, Dave; (2000) Making sense of the total of two dice. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education , 31 (5) pp. 602-625. 10.2307/749889.


Reiss, MJ; (2000) The ethics of genetic research on intelligence. BIOETHICS , 14 (1) pp. 1-15. 10.1111/1467-8519.00177. Green open access

Reiss, MJ; (2000) The ethics of xenotransplantation. J Appl Philos , 17 (3) pp. 253-262. 10.1111/1468-5930.00160. Green open access

Reiss, M; (2000) The genetic engineering of people. Crucible , Januar pp. 9-20.

Reiss, M; (2000) On suffering and meaning: an evolutionary perspective. Modern Believing , 41 (2) pp. 39-46.

Reiss, M; (2000) Transgenic maize. In: International Conference of the Council of Europe on Ethical Issues Arising from the Application of Biotechnology, Oviedo, 16-19 May 1999. (pp. 53-60). Council of Europe: Strasbourg.

Reiss, M; (2000) Teaching science in a multicultural, multi-faith society. In: Sears, J and Sorensen, P, (eds.) Issues in the Teaching of Science. (pp. 16-22). Routledge: London. Green open access

Reiss, M; (2000) Science in society or society in science? In: Warwick, P and Sparks-Linfield, R, (eds.) Science 3-13: The Past, the Present and Possible Futures. (pp. 118-129). Routledge: London.

Reiss, MJ; (2000) How can societies decide whether or not the transgenesis of laboratory animals should be permitted? In: Balls, M and VanZeller, AM and Halder, ME, (eds.) UNSPECIFIED (pp. 1449-1456). ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV


Statham, J; (2000) Outcomes and Effectiveness of Family Support Services: a research review. Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Stuart, M; Masterson, J; Dixon, M; (2000) Spongelike acquisition of sight vocabulary in beginning readers? Journal of Research in Reading , 23 (1) pp. 12-27. 10.1111/1467-9817.00099.


Tikly, C; Noss, R; Goldstein, H; (2000) Pupils and policy: what is the target? Forum , 42 (1) pp. 12-14.

Tolmie, A; Boyle, J; (2000) Factors influencing the success of computer mediated communication (CMC) environments in university teaching: a review and case study. Computers and Education , 34 (2) pp. 119-140. Green open access


Wiliam, Dylan; (2000) Standards: what are they, what to they do, and where do they live? In: Moon, Bob and Brown, Sally and Ben-Peretz, Miriam, (eds.) Routledge International Companion to Education. (pp. 351-363). Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group: London, UK. Green open access

Wiliam, D; (2000) Formative Assessment in Mathematics Part 3: The Learner?s Role. Equals: Mathematics and Special Educational Needs , 6 (1) pp. 19-22. Green open access

Wiliam, D; (2000) Integrating summative and formative functions of assessment. In: Green open access

Wiliam, D; (2000) The meanings and consequences of educational assessments. Critical Quarterly , 42 (1) pp. 105-127. Green open access


Zoritch, B; Roberts, I; Oakley, A; (2000) Day care for pre-school children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 2000 (3) , Article CD000564. 10.1002/14651858.CD000564. Green open access

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