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Number of items: 78.


Alantari, HJ; Currim, IS; Deng, Y; Singh, S; (2022) An empirical comparison of machine learning methods for text-based sentiment analysis of online consumer reviews. International Journal of Research in Marketing , 39 (1) pp. 1-19. 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2021.10.011. Green open access

Angwin, Duncan; demir, robert; steijger-storm, Monique; (2022) Lost but found: bringing strategy practice back into strategy teaching. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2022. Academy of Management (AOM): Seattle. Green open access

Angwin, Duncan N; Urs, Uma; Appadu, Naaguesh; Thanos, Ioannis C; Vourloumis, Stavros; Kastanakis, Minas N; (2022) Does merger & acquisition (M&A) strategy matter? A contingency perspective. European Management Journal , 40 (6) pp. 847-856. 10.1016/j.emj.2022.09.004. Green open access

Aristidou, A; Jena, R; Topol, EJ; (2022) Bridging the chasm between AI and clinical implementation. The Lancet , 399 (10325) , Article 620. 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00235-5. Green open access

Assad, Stephanie; Clark, Robert; Ershov, Daniel; Xu, Lei; (2022) Identifying Algorithmic Pricing Technology Adoption in Retail Gasoline Markets. In: AEA Papers and Proceedings. (pp. pp. 457-460). American Economic Association Green open access


Bahaj, Saleem; Foulis, Angus; Pinter, Gabor; Surico, Paolo; (2022) Employment and the residential collateral channel of monetary policy. Journal of Monetary Economics , 131 pp. 26-44. 10.1016/j.jmoneco.2022.07.002. Green open access

Bahaj, Saleem; Reis, Ricardo; (2022) The Economics of Liquidity Lines Between Central Banks. Annual Review of Financial Economics , 14 (1) pp. 57-74. 10.1146/annurev-financial-111620-022146. Green open access

Benischke, Mirko; Rietveld, Gerben; Slangen, Arjen; (2022) Within-Firm Variation in the Liability of Foreignness: A Demand-Based Perspective. Journal of Management 10.1177/01492063221094261. (In press). Green open access

Brands, Raina; Ertug, Gokhan; Fonti, Fabio; Tasselli, Stefano; (2022) Theorizing Gender in Social Network Research: What We Do and What We Can Do Differently. The Academy of Management Annals , 16 (2) pp. 588-620. 10.5465/annals.2020.0370. Green open access


Candoğan, Sıdıka Tunç; (2022) Innovation Management on Online Platforms. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chai, S; Doshi, AR; Silvestri, L; (2022) How Catastrophic Innovation Failure Affects Organizational and Industry Legitimacy: The 2014 Virgin Galactic Test Flight Crash. Organization Science , 33 (3) pp. 1068-1093. 10.1287/orsc.2021.1467. Green open access

Chen, Yi-Chun; Mišić, Velibor V; (2022) Decision Forest: A Nonparametric Approach to Modeling Irrational Choice. Management Science , 68 (10) pp. 7090-7111. 10.1287/mnsc.2021.4256. Green open access

Clarke, R; Richter, A; Kilduff, M; (2022) One Tie to Capture Advice and Friendship: Leader Multiplex Centrality Effects on Team Performance Change. Journal of Applied Psychology 10.1037/apl0000979. (In press). Green open access

Cupertino, S; Vitale, G; Taticchi, P; (2022) Interdependencies between financial and non-financial performances: a holistic and short-term analytical perspective. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 10.1108/IJPPM-02-2022-0075. (In press). Green open access


Danbold, F; Onyeador, IN; Unzueta, MM; (2022) Dominant groups support digressive victimhood claims to counter accusations of discrimination. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , 98 , Article 104233. 10.1016/j.jesp.2021.104233. Green open access

Danbold, Felix; Bendersky, Corinne; (2022) Perceived misalignment of professional prototypes reduces subordinates’ endorsement of sexist supervisors. Journal of Applied Psychology 10.1037/apl0001038. (In press). Green open access

Dattée, Brice; Arrègle, Jean-Luc; Barbieri, Paolo; Lawton, Thomas C; Angwin, Duncan N; (2022) The Dynamics of Organizational Autonomy: Oscillations at Automobili Lamborghini. Administrative Science Quarterly , 67 (3) pp. 721-768. 10.1177/00018392221091850. Green open access

Deng, Yiting; Lambrecht, Anja; Liu, Yongdong; (2022) Spillover Effects and Freemium Strategy in the Mobile App Market. Management Science 10.1287/mnsc.2022.4619. (In press). Green open access

Duus, Rikke; Cooray, Mike; (2022) Digital as a Catalyst: Now is the time for business schools to transform. Global Focus , 16 (1) pp. 108-117. Green open access

Duus, Rikke; Cooray, Mike; Lilley, Simon; (2022) “Now You See Me, Now You Don’t”: How Digital Consumers Manage Their Online Visibility in Game-Like Conditions. Frontiers in Psychology , 13 , Article 795264. 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.795264. Green open access


Ewens, M; Gorbenko, AS; Korteweg, AG; (2022) Venture capital contracts. Journal of Financial Economics , 143 (1) pp. 131-158. 10.1016/j.jfineco.2021.06.042. Green open access


Gabriel, AS; Arena, DF; Calderwood, C; Campbell, JT; Chawla, N; Corwin, ES; Ezerins, ME; ... Zipay, KP; + view all (2022) Building Thriving Workforces from the Top Down: A Call and Research Agenda for Organizations to Proactively Support Employee Well-Being. In: Buckley, MR and Wheeler, AR and Baur, JE and Halbesleben, JRB, (eds.) Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management. (pp. 205-272). Emerald Publishing: Bingley, UK. Green open access

Gioia, D; Corley, K; Eisenhardt, K; Feldman, M; Langley, A; Lê, J; Golden-Biddle, K; ... Welch, C; + view all (2022) A Curated Debate: On Using “Templates” in Qualitative Research. Journal of Management Inquiry , 31 (3) pp. 246-247. 10.1177/10564926221098955. Green open access

Goh, Kenneth T; Fisher, Colin; Sommer, S Amy; (2022) The Effect of Formal Time Allocations on Learning Trajectories and Performance. Small Group Research 10.1177/10464964221092331. (In press). Green open access


Harrison, Spencer; Rouse, Elizabeth; Fisher, Colin; Amabile, Teresa; (2022) The turn toward creative work. Academy of Management Collections , 1 (1) 10.5465/amc.2021.0003. Green open access

Harvey, Sarah; Berry, James; (2022) Toward a meta-theory of creativity forms: How novelty and usefulness shape creativity. Academy of Management Review 10.5465/amr.2020.0110. (In press). Green open access

Hsieh, Ying‐Ying; Vergne, JP; (2022) The Future of the Web? The Coordination and Early‐Stage Growth of Decentralized Platforms. Strategic Management Journal 10.1002/smj.3455. (In press). Green open access

Hua, Mel 华莹莹; Harvey, Sarah; Rietzschel, Eric Fulco; (2022) Unpacking "Ideas" in Creative Work: A Multidisciplinary Review. Academy of Management Annals , 16 (2) pp. 621-656. 10.5465/annals.2020.0210. Green open access

Huy, Quy Nguyen; Moschieri, Caterina; Ravasi, Davide; (2022) Multinationals Need Closer Ties as Globalization Retreats. MIT Sloan Management Review , 64 pp. 6-9. Green open access


Ibrahim, Rouba; (2022) Personalized scheduling in service systems. Queueing Systems , 100 pp. 445-447. 10.1007/s11134-022-09747-w. Green open access


Jones, Matthew; Megeney, Alison; Sharples, Nick; (2022) Engaging with Maths Online - teaching mathematics collaboratively and inclusively through a pandemic and beyond. MSOR Connections , 20 (1) pp. 74-83. 10.21100/msor.v20i1.1322. Green open access


Kaushik, N; Gokpinar, B; (2022) Sequential Innovation in Mobile App Development. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 10.1287/msom.2022.1154. (In press). Green open access

Kilduff, Martin; (2022) Remembering Andy Van de Ven. Academy of Management Review , 47 (3) pp. 339-340. 10.5465/amr.220035. Green open access

Kim, KH; Guinote, A; (2022) Cheating to win or not to lose: Power and situational framing affect unethical behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology , 52 (3) pp. 137-144. 10.1111/jasp.12852. Green open access

Klotz, Anthony C; McClean, Shawn T; Yim, Junhyok; Koopman, Joel; Tang, Pok Man; (2022) Getting Outdoors After the Workday: The Affective and Cognitive Effects of Evening Nature Contact. Journal of Management 10.1177/01492063221106430. (In press). Green open access

Klotz, Anthony C; Swider, Brian W; Kwon, Seo Hyun; (2022) Back-Translation Practices in Organizational Research: Avoiding Loss in Translation. Journal of Applied Psychology 10.1037/apl0001050. (In press). Green open access

Korpeoglu, C Gizem; Körpeoğlu, Ersin; Tang, Christopher S; Yu, Jiayi; (2022) Market Entry of a Socially Responsible Retailer. SSRN: Amsterdam, Netherlands. Green open access


Landis, B; Jachimowicz, J; Wang, D; Krause, R; (2022) Revisiting Extraversion and Leadership Emergence: A Social Network Churn Perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (In press). Green open access

Liang, Xitong; Griffin, Jim; Livingstone, sam; (2022) Adaptive random neighbourhood informed Markov chain Monte Carlo for high-dimensional Bayesian variable selection. Statistics and Computing , 32 , Article 84. 10.1007/s11222-022-10137-8. Green open access

Liedong, Tahiru Azaaviele; Taticchi, Paolo; Rajwani, Tazeeb; Pisani, Niccolò; (2022) Gracious growth: How to manage the trade-off between corporate greening and corporate growth. Organizational Dynamics , 51 (3) , Article 100895. 10.1016/j.orgdyn.2022.100895. Green open access

Luimula, Mika; Haavisto, Timo; Vu Dinh Pham, Duy; Markopoulos, Panagiotis; Aho, Jami; Markopoulos, Evangelos; Saarinen, Juha; (2022) The use of metaverse in maritime sector – a combination of social communication, hands on experiencing and digital twins. In: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (pp. pp. 115-123). AHFE International Green open access


Markopoulos, Evangelos; Barbara Ramonda, Maria; (2022) An ESG-SDGs alignment and execution model based on the Ocean Strategies transition in emerging markets. In: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (pp. pp. 93-103). AHFE International Green open access

Markopoulos, Evangelos; David Nordholm, Aksel; Iliadi, Stavroula; Markopoulos, Panagiotis; Faraclas, John; Luimula, Mika; (2022) A Certification Framework for Virtual Reality and Metaverse Training Scenarios in the Maritime and Shipping industry. In: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (pp. pp. 36-47). AHFE International Green open access

Markopoulos, Evangelos; Ofori, Kwame; Vanharanta, Hannu; (2022) Understanding corporate innovation readiness and frequency factors with the Democratic Survival, Mirrored and Compulsive (DSMC) Framework. In: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (pp. pp. 83-92). AHFE International Green open access

Markopoulos, Evangelos; Querrec, Emmanuel; Luimula, Mika; (2022) A strategic partner selection decision-making support methodology in the business modelling phase for startups in the pre-incubation phase. In: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (pp. pp. 271-279). AHFE International Green open access

Markopoulos, Evangelos; Refflinghaus, Jens; Roell, Marven; Vanharanta, Hannu; (2022) Understanding Situationality using the Kepner-Tregoe Method in the Company Democracy Model to increase Employee Engagement and Knowledge Contribution. In: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (pp. pp. 196-207). AHFE International Green open access

Markopoulos, Evangelos; Rourke, Hugo; Vanharanta, Hannu; (2022) The Scandinavian Democratic Governmental Support Model for Start-Ups and Innovations (SDeGMSI). In: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (pp. pp. 259-270). AHFE International Green open access

Markopoulos, Evangelos; Schmitz, Marlena; Ziga, Baiba; (2022) An ESG aligned Global Gender Equity Model for creating equitable corporate and government organisations. In: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (pp. pp. 220-230). AHFE International Green open access

Markopoulos, Evangelos; Selma Kirane, Ines; Vanharanta, Hannu; (2022) Metaverstic Innovation Management: The World Innovation Stock Exchange Democratic Incubator. In: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (pp. pp. 208-219). AHFE International Green open access

Markopoulos, Evangelos; Ukperaj, Denis; Vanharanta, Hannu; (2022) Democratic Management Succession in Balkan Family Businesses: Appointment of Family and nonfamily Members in Leadership Roles. In: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (pp. pp. 185-195). AHFE International Green open access

Markopoulos, Evangelos; Vera Ramirez, Alexandro; Markopoulos, Panagiotis; Vanharanta, Hannu; (2022) Gamification in a Democratic Pro-Environmental Behaviour Model towards achieving effective ESG corporate strategies. In: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (pp. pp. 104-114). AHFE International Green open access

Ming, Deyu; Williamson, Daniel; Guillas, Serge; (2022) Deep Gaussian Process Emulation using Stochastic Imputation. Technometrics 10.1080/00401706.2022.2124311. (In press). Green open access

Morris, S; Yang, M; (2022) Coordination and Continuous Stochastic Choice. The Review of Economic Studies , 89 (5) pp. 2687-2722. 10.1093/restud/rdab082. Green open access

Moschieri, Caterina; Ravasi, Davide; Huy, Quy; (2022) Why do some multinational firms respond better than others to the hostility of host governments? Proximal embedding and the side effects of local partnerships. Journal of Management Studies 10.1111/joms.12809. (In press). Green open access

Mueller, Jennifer; Harvey, Sarah; Levenson, Alec; (2022) How to steer clear of groupthink. Harvard Business Review


Niu, Xiaoxiao; Harvey, Nigel; (2022) Point, interval, and density forecasts: Differences in bias, judgment noise, and overall accuracy. Futures & Foresight Science 10.1002/ffo2.124. (In press). Green open access


Rietveld, J; Ploog, JN; (2022) On top of the game? The double-edged sword of incorporating social features into freemium products. Strategic Management Journal 10.1002/smj.3362. (In press). Green open access


Sands, Daniel B; (2022) Seeing Value Through the Eyes of Others: Perceptions of Value and Rebidding in Online Auctions. Research in the Sociology of Organizations , 77 pp. 229-250. 10.1108/S0733-558X20220000077017. Green open access

Singh, SP; Delasay, M; Scheller-Wolf, A; (2022) Real-time delay announcement under competition. Production and Operations Management 10.1111/poms.13903. (In press). Green open access

Smith, Adam N; Seiler, Stephan; Aggarwal, Ishant; (2022) Optimal Price Targeting. Marketing Science 10.1287/mksc.2022.1387. (In press). Green open access

Smith, Susan; Watson, Sarah; (2022) Experiences of belonging: A comparative case study between China-domiciled and UK-domiciled students. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice , 19 (4) pp. 1-21. Green open access

Sobolev, D; (2022) Rise of the Androids: The Reflection of Developers’ Characteristics in Computerized Systems. British Journal of Management 10.1111/1467-8551.12653. (In press). Green open access

Sobolev, Daphne; (2022) The Price of Happiness: Traders’ Experiences of Work in Investment Banks. Journal of Behavioral Finance -e. 10.1080/15427560.2022.2100385. Green open access

Sobolev, Daphne; Clunie, James; (2022) Judgments of ethically questionable financial practices: a new perspective. Review of Behavioral Finance , 15 (3) 292 -308. 10.1108/RBF-09-2021-0185. Green open access

Sobolev, Daphne; Clunie, James; (2022) Predatory trading: ethics judgments, legality judgments and investment intentions. Review of Behavioral Finance , 15 (3) 275 -291. 10.1108/RBF-09-2021-0184. Green open access

Svanas-Hoh, Emily; Sanchez, Janice; Tsay, Chia-Jung; (2022) How Momentary Affect Impacts Retrospective Evaluations of Musical Experiences. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 10.1037/aca0000474. Green open access


Thanos, Ioannis C; Angwin, Duncan N; Bauer, Florian; Teerikangas, Satu; (2022) Boundary spanning and boundary breaking research in M&A: Taking stock and moving forward to reinvent the field. European Management Journal , 40 (6) pp. 819-822. 10.1016/j.emj.2022.11.002. Green open access

Thompson, PS; Klotz, AC; (2022) Led by curiosity and responding with voice: The influence of leader displays of curiosity and leader gender on follower reactions of psychological safety and voice. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes , 172 , Article 104170. 10.1016/j.obhdp.2022.104170. Green open access

To, Christopher; Yan, Tom Taiyi; Sherf, Elad; (2022) Victorious and Hierarchical: Past Performance as a Determinant of Team Hierarchical Differentiation. Organization Science , 33 (6) pp. 2346-2363. 10.1287/orsc.2021.1528. Green open access

Toivonen, Tuukka; Idoko, Onyaglanu; Jha, Harsh Kumar; Harvey, Sarah; (2022) Creative Jolts: Exploring How Entrepreneurs Let Go of Ideas During Creative Revision. Academy of Management Journal 10.5465/amj.2020.1054. (In press). Green open access

Torrez, Brittany; Hudson, Sa‐kiera Tiarra Jolynn; Dupree, Cydney H; (2022) Racial equity in social psychological science: A guide for scholars, institutions, and the field. Social and Personality Psychology Compass , Article e12720. 10.1111/spc3.12720. (In press). Green open access


Vanneste, BS; Ranjay, G; (2022) Generalized Trust, External Sourcing, and Firm Performance in Economic Downturns. Organization Science , 33 (4) pp. 1599-1619. 10.1287/orsc.2021.1500. Green open access


Wang, W; Miao, W; Liu, Y; Deng, Y; Cao, Y; (2022) The Impact of COVID-19 on the Ride-Sharing Industry and Its Recovery: Causal Evidence from China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice , 155 pp. 128-141. 10.1016/j.tra.2021.10.005. Green open access


Xu, Yichao; (2022) The Relationship Between Air Pollution and Burglary IN Beijing. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


Yan, T; Tangirala, S; Vadera, AK; Ekkirala, S; (2022) How Employees Learn to Speak Up from Their Leaders: Gender Congruity Effects in the Development of Voice Self-Efficacy. Journal of Applied Psychology , 107 (4) pp. 650-667. 10.1037/apl0000892. Green open access

Yip, Jeffrey; Fisher, Colin M; (2022) Listening in Organizations: A Synthesis and Future Agenda. Academy of Management Annals , 16 (2) pp. 657-679. 10.5465/annals.2020.0367. Green open access

Yu, Kang Yang Trevor; Dineen, Brian R; Allen, David G; Klotz, Anthony C; (2022) Winning applicants and influencing job seekers: An introduction to the special issue on employer branding and talent acquisition. Human Resource Management , 61 (5) pp. 515-524. 10.1002/hrm.22140.


Zhang, Mengzhenyu; Ahn, Hyun-Soo; Uichanco, Joline; (2022) Data-Driven Pricing for a New Product. Operations Research , 70 (2) pp. 847-866. 10.1287/opre.2021.2204. Green open access

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