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Number of items: 83.
Ahmadlou, M;
Delavar, M;
Basiri, A;
Karimi, M;
A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Techniques to Simulate Land Use Changes.
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
, 47
pp. 53-62.
Basiri, A;
Muki, H;
Giles, F;
Peter, M;
Crowdsourced geospatial data quality: challenges and future directions.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
, 33
pp. 1588-1593.
Belcher, M;
Short, M;
Tewdwr-Jones, M;
The Heritage-creation Process and Attempts to Protect Buildings of the Recent Past: The Case of Birmingham Central Library.
The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice
, 10
pp. 408-430.
Binski, N;
Natapov, A;
Dalyot, S;
Retrieving Landmark Salience Based on Wikipedia: An Integrated Ranking Model.
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
, 8
, Article 529. 10.3390/ijgi8120529.
Bourne, J;
O'Sullivan, A;
Arcaute, E;
Don't go chasing artificial waterfalls: Artificial line limits and cascading failures in power grids.
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
, 29
, Article 113117. 10.1063/1.5115493.
Concannon, D;
Herbst, K;
Manley, E;
Developing a Data Dashboard for Population Health Surveillance: Widening Access to Clinical Trial Findings.
JMIR Formative Research
, 3
, Article e11342. 10.2196/11342.
Cottineau, C;
Vanhoof, M;
Mobile phone indicators and their relation to the socioeconomic organisation of cities.
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
, 8
, Article 19. 10.3390/ijgi8010019.
Curiel, RP;
Arnau, CC;
Pinedo, MT;
Ramirez, HG;
Bishop, SR;
Temporal and spatial analysis of the media spotlight.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
, 75
pp. 254-263.
Dinmohammadi, F;
Flynn, D;
Bailey, C;
Pecht, M;
Yin, C;
Rajaguru, P;
Robu, V;
Predicting Damage and Life Expectancy of Subsea Power Cables in Offshore Renewable Energy Applications.
IEEE Access
, 7
pp. 54658-54669.
Engin, Z;
van Dijk, J;
Lan, T;
Longley, PA;
Treleaven, P;
Batty, M;
Penn, A;
Data-driven urban management: Mapping the landscape.
Journal of Urban Management
(In press).
Ford, A;
Barr, S;
Dawson, R;
Virgo, J;
Batty, M;
Hall, J;
A multi-scale urban integrated assessment framework for climate change studies: A flooding application.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
, 75
pp. 229-243.
Grenyer, A;
Dinmohammadi, F;
Erkoyuncu, JA;
Zhao, Y;
Roy, R;
Current practice and challenges towards handling uncertainty for effective outcomes in maintenance.
Procedia CIRP
, 86
pp. 282-287.
Grübel, J;
Wise, S;
Thrash, T;
Hölscher, C;
A cognitive model for routing in agent-based modelling.
AIP Conference Proceedings
, 2116
, Article 250005. 10.1063/1.5114245.
Guérois, M;
Bretagnolle, A;
Pavard, A;
Gourdon, P;
Zdanowska, N;
A harmonized database to follow the demographic trajectories of European cities, the TRADEVE database (Demographic Trajectories of European Cities).
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography
, 2019
, Article 892. 10.4000/cybergeo.32077.
Hamnett, C;
Reades, J;
Mind the gap: implications of overseas investment for regional house price divergence in Britain.
Housing Studies
, 34
pp. 388-406.
Hu, Y;
Zhang, Y;
Lamb, D;
Zhang, M;
Jia, P;
Examining and optimizing the BCycle bike-sharing system – A pilot study in Colorado, US.
Applied Energy
, 247
pp. 1-12.
Iacopini, I;
Petri, G;
Barrat, A;
Latora, V;
Simplicial models of social contagion.
Nature Communications
, 10
, Article 2485. 10.1038/s41467-019-10431-6.
Kandt, J;
Leak, A;
Examining inclusive mobility through smartcard data: What shall we make of senior citizens’ declining bus patronage in the West Midlands?
Journal of Transport Geography
, 79
, Article 102474. 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2019.102474.
Kempinska, K;
Murcio, R;
Modelling urban networks using Variational Autoencoders.
Applied Network Science
, 4
, Article 114. 10.1007/s41109-019-0234-0.
Liu, Y;
Batty, M;
Wang, S;
Corcoran, J;
Modelling urban change with cellular automata: Contemporary issues and future research directions.
Progress in Human Geography
(In press).
Lovett, L;
Support: birthing the voice.
Theatre, Dance and Performance Training
, 10
pp. 367-372.
Lu, G;
Batty, M;
Strobl, J;
Lin, H;
Zhu, A-X;
Chen, M;
Reflections and speculations on the progress in Geographic Information Systems (GIS): a geographic perspective.
International Journal of Geographical Information Systems
, 33
pp. 346-367.
Lu, M;
Chen, Y;
Morphet, R;
Lu, Y;
Li, E;
The spatial competition between containerised rail and sea transport in Eurasia.
Palgrave Communications
, 5
Manley, E;
Filomena, G;
Verstegen, J;
A computational approach to ‘The Image of the City’.
, 89
pp. 14-25.
Marshall, S;
Hudson-Smith, A;
Farndon, D;
Digital participation – taking 'planning' into the third dimension.
Town and Country Planning
, 88
pp. 11-14.
Martinus, K;
Sigler, T;
Iacopini, I;
Derudder, B;
The role of tax havens and offshore financial centers in Asia-Pacific networks: evidence from firm-subsidiary connections.
Asian Business and Management
, 18
pp. 389-411.
Nathan, M;
Vandore, E;
Voss, G;
Spatial Imaginaries and Tech Cities: Place-branding East London's digital economy.
Journal of Economic Geography
, 19
pp. 409-432.
Nguyễn, TBT;
Bektaş, T;
Cherrett, TJ;
McLeod, FN;
Allen, J;
Bates, O;
Piotrowska, M;
... Wise, S; + view all
Optimising parcel deliveries in London using dual-mode routing.
Journal of the Operational Research Society
, 70
pp. 998-1010.
O'Clery, N;
Curiel, RP;
Lora, E;
Commuting times and the mobilisation of skills in emergent cities.
Applied Network Science
, 4
, Article 118. 10.1007/s41109-019-0235-z.
Pagani, A;
Mosquera, G;
Alturki, A;
Johnson, S;
Jarvis, S;
Wilson, A;
Guo, W;
Resilience or robustness: Identifying topological vulnerabilities in rail networks.
Royal Society Open Science
, 6
, Article 181301. 10.1098/rsos.181301.
Raimbault, J;
Multi-dimensional Urban Network Percolation.
Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Sciences
, 5
Raimbault, J;
Second-order control of complex systems with correlated synthetic data.
Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling
, 7
, Article 4. 10.1186/s40294-019-0065-y.
Raimbault, J;
An Urban Morphogenesis Model Capturing Interactions between Networks and Territories.
The Mathematics of Urban Morphology
pp. 383-409.
Raimbault, J;
Cottineau, C;
Le Texier, M;
Le Nechet, F;
Reuillon, R;
Space Matters: Extending Sensitivity Analysis to Initial Spatial Conditions in Geosimulation Models.
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
, 22
, Article 10. 10.18564/jasss.4136.
Reades, J;
De Souza, J;
Hubbard, P;
Understanding urban gentrification through machine learning.
Urban Studies
, 56
pp. 922-942.
Rees, P;
Dennett, A;
Alan Wilson - Contributions to Research on Population and Migration.
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
, 44
pp. 249-271.
Shelton, N;
Marshall, CE;
Stuchbury, R;
Grundy, E;
Dennett, A;
Tomlinson, J;
Duke-Williams, O;
Cohort Profile: the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study (The LS).
International Journal of Epidemiology
(In press).
Shen, Y;
Karimi, K;
Law, S;
Zhong, C;
Physical co-presence intensity: Measuring dynamic face-to-face interaction potential in public space using social media check-in records.
, 14
, Article e0212004. 10.1371/journal.pone.0212004.
Stetco, A;
Dinmohammadi, F;
Zhao, X;
Robu, V;
Flynn, D;
Barnes, M;
Keane, J;
Machine learning methods for wind turbine condition monitoring: A review.
Renewable Energy
, 133
pp. 620-635.
Timmerman, R;
Marshall, S;
Zhang, Y;
Towards socially sustainable urban design: analysing actor–area relations linking micro-morphology and micro-democracy.
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
, 14
pp. 20-30.
Vallance, P;
Tewdwr-Jones, M;
Kempton, L;
Facilitating spaces for place-based leadership in centralized governance systems: the case of Newcastle City Futures.
Regional Studies
, 53
pp. 1723-1733.
Wilson, A;
Tewdwr-Jones, M;
Comber, R;
Urban planning, public participation and digital technology: App development as a method of generating citizen involvement in local planning processes.
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
, 46
pp. 286-302.
Wright, J;
Hayward, A;
West, J;
Pickett, K;
McEachan, RM;
Mon-Williams, M;
Christie, N;
... Sheldon, T; + view all
ActEarly: a City Collaboratory approach to early promotion of good health and wellbeing.
Wellcome Open Research
, 4
, Article 156. 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.15443.1.
Yan, J;
Basiri, A;
He, G;
Hancock, C;
3D Passive-Vision-Aided Pedestrian Dead Reckoning for Indoor Positioning.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
(In press).
Zhang, Y;
Chapple, K;
Cao, M;
Dennett, A;
Smith, D;
Visualising urban gentrification and displacement in Greater London.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
(In press).
Zhang, Y;
Lin, D;
Mi, Z;
Electric fence planning for dockless bike-sharing services.
Journal of Cleaner Production
, 206
pp. 383-393.
Zhang, Y;
Marshall, S;
Manley, E;
Network Criticality and the Node-Place-Design Model: Classifying metro station areas in Greater London.
Journal of Transport Geography
, 79
, Article 102485. 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2019.102485.
Hudson-Smith, A;
Wilson, D;
Hay, D;
Gray, S;
Little Book of Connected Environments and the Internet of Things.
ImaginationLancaster: Lancaster, UK.
Book chapter
Godoy-Lorite, A;
Guimerà, R;
Sales-Pardo, M;
Network-Based Models for Social Recommender Systems.
In: Moscato, P and De Vries, NJ, (eds.)
Business and Consumer Analytics: New Ideas.
(pp. 491-512).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Raimbault, J;
Evolving accessibility landscapes: mutations of transportation networks in China.
In: Aveline-Dubach, N, (ed.)
Pathways of Sustainable Urban Development Across China: Pathways of Sustainable Urban Development Across China the Cases of Hangzhou, Datong and Zhuhai.
(pp. 89-108).
Imago Editor
Raimbault, J;
Pumain, D;
Methods for Exploring Simulation Models.
In: Pumain, Denise, (ed.)
Geographical Modeling: Cities and Territories.
(pp. 125-150).
Wiley: London, UK.
Proceedings paper
Chen, H;
Cheng, T;
Zhang, Y;
Locating stations in bike-sharing service: a special maximal covering location problem.
Geographical Information Science Research- UK (GISRUK) 2019 Proceedings.
GISRUK: Newcastle, UK.
de Jode, M;
Lovett, L;
Hay, D;
Hudson-Smith, A;
Milton, R;
Fraser, L;
Internet of Things of Trees - Conversational objects via SMS protocols.
Proceedings of the Living in the Internet of Things (IoT 2019).
IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology)
Lines, T;
Basiri, A;
Signal Attenuation Modelling in WLAN Positioning.
Proceedings of the XXXV Finnish URSI Convention on Radio Science.
Finnish National Committee of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI): Tampere, Finland.
Lopane, F;
Barr, S;
James, P;
Dawson, R;
Optimization of resource storage location for managing flood emergencies.
2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure.
National Technical University of Athens
Milton, R;
Roumpani, F;
Accelerating Urban Modelling Algorithms with Artificial Intelligence.
In: Grueau, C and Laurini, R and Ragia, L, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management - GISTAM.
(pp. pp. 105-116).
INSTICC: Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Mohan, M;
Basiri, A;
Usability analysis of 3D Maps for Pedestrian Navigation among different demographic profiles.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Location-Based Services.
(pp. pp. 259-263).
Research Group Cartography
Pregnolato, M;
Lopane, F;
Kilsby, C;
Bridge vulnerability to flooding: towards an integrated risk model.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure.
National Technical University of Athens: Chania, Crete Island, Greece.
Raimbault, J;
Perret, J;
Generating urban morphologies at large scales.
In: Fellermann, Harold and Bacardit, Jaume and Goñi-Moreno, Ángel and Füchslin, Rudolf M, (eds.)
Proceedings of ALIFE 2019: The 2019 Conference on Artificial Life.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Terence, L;
Basiri, A;
Simulating and Modeling the Signal Attenuation of Wireless Local Area Network for Indoor Positioning.
GeoSim '19: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoSpatial Simulation.
(pp. pp. 9-15).
ACM: Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Torrisi, VS;
Manfredi, S;
Iacopini, I;
Latora, V;
Creative connectivity project – A network based approach to understand correlations between interdisciplinary group dynamics and creative performance.
In: Bohemia, E and Kovacevic, A and Buck, L and Brisco, R and Evans, D and Grierson, H and Ion, W and Whitfield, RI, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2019).
Design Society: Glasgow, Scotland.
Valeonti, F;
Terras, M;
Hudson-Smith, A;
Zarkali, C;
Examining Mobile Print-on-Demand as an Alternative to Image Licensing for Monetising Digitisation to Promote OpenGLAM.
Proceedings of MW19, the 23rd annual MuseWeb conference.
Museums and the Web: Boston, MA, USA.
Vanhoof, M;
Godoy-Lorite, A;
Murcio Villanueva, R;
Iacopini, I;
Zdanowska, N;
Raimbault, J;
Milton, R;
... Batty, M; + view all
Using Foursquare data to reveal spatial and temporal patterns in London.
Proceedings of NetMob 2019.
NetMob 2019: Oxford, UK.
Wilson, D;
McLoughlin, S;
Byrnskov, M;
Organicity: Lessons from an Experimentation as a Service Model for Digital Civic Innovation.
International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction 2019 (ICSIC): Driving data-informed decision-making.
Institute of Civil Engineering: Cambridge, UK.
Wise, S;
Cheliotis, K;
Bates, O;
McLeod, F;
Cherrett, T;
Allen, J;
Piecyk, M;
Park and parcel: an agent-based exploration of last-mile freight delivery behavior as it relates to parking.
2019 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim).
IEEE: Tucson, AZ, USA.
Zhuang, M;
Gadiraju, U;
In What Mood Are You Today?
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web.
(pp. pp. 373-382).
ACM: New York (NY), USA.
Morphet, J;
Morphet, R;
New Urban Agenda: New Urban Analytics: A Report Prepared for the MacArthur Foundation.
UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London, UK.
Tillotson, M;
Guan, D;
Zhao, X;
Virtual water.
(Water Resources: An Integrated Approach
, pp. pp. 405-425
Working / discussion paper
Chi, B;
Dennett, A;
Oléron Evans, T;
Morphet, R;
Creating a new dataset to analyse house prices in England.
(CASA Working Paper
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Nathan, M;
Does Light Touch Cluster Policy Work? Evaluating the Tech City Programme.
(CEP Discussion Paper
Centre for Economic Performance, the London School of Economics and Political Science: London, UK.
Nathan, M;
Rosso, A;
Innovative Events.
(CEP Discussion Paper
Centre for Economic Performance, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE): London, UK.
Palominos, N;
Smith, DA;
Quantifying and Mapping Streetspace: a Geocomputational Method for the Citywide Analysis of Pedestrian and Vehicular Streetspace.
(CASA Working Paper
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Conference item
Havemann, L;
Charles, E;
Sherman, S;
Rodgers, S;
Barros, J;
A multitude of modes: considering 'blended learning' in context.
Presented at: RIDE 2019, London, UK.
Cheliotis, Kostas;
Agent-Based Modelling of Public Space Activity in Real-Time.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Chen, Huanfa;
Developing Police Patrol Strategies Based on the Urban Street Network.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Frith, Michael James;
A discrete choice and configurational analysis of burglary offence location choices.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Kempinska, Kira;
Machine learning for modelling urban dynamics.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Lovett, Leah;
Making a scene in London and Rio de Janeiro: invisible theatre and urban performance after Augusto Boal (1931-2009).
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Mavros, Panagiotis;
Measuring the emotional experience of pedestrian navigation: the development of a research approach for mobile psychophysiological experiments.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Milton, Richard William;
Geospatial Computing: Architectures and Algorithms for Mapping Applications.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Roumpani, Flora;
The Role of Procedural Cities in the Future of Planning: An Integrated Method.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Salat, Hadrien;
Multifractality applied to the study of spatial inequality in urban systems.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Sulis, Patrizia;
Measuring urban vitality through human mobility patterns.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).