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Alcott, B; Rose, P; (2015) How can education systems become equitable by 2030? Health & Education Advice & Resource Team (HEART): Oxford, UK. Green open access

Archer, L; Dawson, E; DeWitt, J; Seakins, A; Wong, B; (2015) "Science capital": A conceptual, methodological, and empirical argument for extending Bourdieusian notions of capital beyond the arts. Journal of Research in Science Teaching , 52 (7) 922- 948. 10.1002/tea.21227. Green open access

Archer, L; Dawson, E; Seakins, A; Dewitt, J; Wong, B; (2015) Author Response. Science Education , 99 (6) pp. 1147-1149. 10.1002/sce.21209. Green open access

Azam, M; Kingdon, GG; (2015) Assessing teacher quality in India. Journal of Development Economics , 117 pp. 74-83. 10.1016/j.jdeveco.2015.07.001. Green open access


Ball, SJ; (2015) Accounting for a sociological life: influences and experiences on the road from welfarism to neoliberalism. British Journal of Sociology of Education , 36 (6) pp. 817-831. 10.1080/01425692.2015.1050087. Green open access

Blythe, M; Steane, J; Roe, J; Oliver, C; (2015) Solutionism, the Game: Design Fictions for Positive Aging. In: Begole, B and Kim, J, (eds.) CHI '15: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (pp. pp. 3849-3858). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Brehm, W; (2015) The structures and agents enabling educational corruption in Cambodia: Shadow education and the business of examination. Presented at: 59th Annual CIES Conference, Washington, D.C., USA. Green open access

Brehm, W; (2015) Changing Education in Action in Cambodia: The Embattled Teach. In: Evers, J and Kneyber, R, (eds.) Flip the system: Changing education from the ground up. Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Brehm, WC; (2015) Strike for America: Chicago Teachers Against Austerity by Micah Uetricht. New York: Verso, 2014. 128 pp. $14.95. ISBN 978-1-78168-325-5. Comparative Education Review , 59 (1) pp. 177-179. 10.1086/679296. Green open access

Bridges, J; Fuller, A; (2015) Creating learning environments for compassionate care: a programme to promote compassionate care by health and social care teams. International Journal of Older People Nursing , 10 (1) pp. 48-58. 10.1111/opn.12055. Green open access

Broad, JJH; (2015) So many worlds, so much to do: Identifying barriers to engagement with continued professional development for teachers in the further education and training sector. London Review of Education , 13 (1) pp. 16-30. Green open access

Bruzelius, C; Chase, E; Seeleib-Kaiser, M; (2015) Social Rights of EU Migrant Citizens: Britain and Germany Compared. Social Policy and Society , 15 (3) pp. 403-416. 10.1017/S1474746415000585. Green open access

Bryson, Alex; Green, Francis; (2015) Unions and job quality. In: Felstead, Alan and Gallie, Duncan and Green, Francis, (eds.) Unequal Britain At Work. The Evolution and Distribution of Job Quality. (pp. 130-146). Oxford University Press: Oxford, United Kingdom. Green open access


Callender, C; Little, B; (2015) The Hidden Benefits Of Part-time Higher Education Study To Working Practices: Is There A Case For Making Them More Visible? Journal of Education and Work , 28 (3) pp. 250-272. 10.1080/13639080.2014.894635. Green open access

Carpentieri, JD; Litster, J; Mallows, D; (2015) Literacy Cubed programme evaluation report. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Carpentieri, JD; Litster, J; Mallows, D; (2015) Literacy Cubed Need Analysis Report. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Carr-Hill, R; Schendel, R; Rolleston, C; Pherali, T; (2015) The effects of school-based decision making on educational outcomes in low and middle income contexts: a systematic review. (3ie Systematic review 21 ). International Initiative for Impact Education (3ie): Washington, D.C., USA.

Castro, JF; Rolleston, C; (2015) Explaining the Urban–Rural Gap in Cognitive Achievement in Peru: The Role of Early Childhood Environments and School Influences. (Young Lives Working Paper 139). Young Lives: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Creech, A; Hallam, S; (2015) Critical geragogy: A framework for facilitating older learners in community music. London Review of Education , 13 (1) pp. 43-57. Green open access


Datzberger, S; McCully, A; Smith, A; (2015) Education and Peacebuilding in Uganda. Research Consortium on Education and Peacebuilding. UNICEF PBEA Programme, Ulster University Green open access

Dawkins, A; (2015) Active Authority or Latent Legitimacy? The perceived impact of the institutional visibility of the university governing body amongst staff on governance effectiveness. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Devries, KM; Knight, L; Child, JC; Mirembe, A; Nakuti, J; Jones, R; Sturgess, J; ... Naker, D; + view all (2015) The Good School Toolkit for reducing physical violence from school staff to primary school students: a cluster-randomised controlled trial in Uganda. The Lancet Global Health , 3 (7) e378-e386. 10.1016/S2214-109X(15)00060-1. Green open access

DeWitt, J; Archer, L; (2015) Who Aspires to a Science Career? A comparison of survey responses from primary and secondary school students. International Journal of Science Education , 37 (13) pp. 2170-2192. 10.1080/09500693.2015.1071899. Green open access


Edwards, DB; Brehm, WC; (2015) The emergence of Cambodian civil society within global educational governance: a morphogenetic approach to agency and structure. Journal of Education Policy , 30 (2) pp. 275-293. 10.1080/02680939.2014.970235. Green open access


Felstead, Alan; Gallie, Duncan; Green, Francis; Inanc, Hande; (2015) Fits, misfits and interactions: learning at work, job satisfaction and job-related well-being. Human Resource Management Journal , 25 (3) pp. 294-310. 10.1111/1748-8583.12071. Green open access

Fuller, A; (2015) Vocational Education: Purposes, Concepts, and Debates. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition). (pp. 232-238). Elsevier

Fuller, A; Unwin, L; Weatherly, L; (2015) Co-producing Expansive Vocational Education and Apprenticeship: A relational approach. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Fumasoli, T; (2015) Multi-level governance in higher education research. In: The Palgrave International Handbook of Higher Education Policy and Governance. (pp. 76-94). Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK. Green open access

Fumasoli, T; Goastellec, G; Kehm, BM; (2015) Academic careers and work in Europe: Trends, challenges, perspectives. In: Fumasoli, T and Goastellec, G and Kehm, BM, (eds.) Academic Work and Careers in Europe: Trends, Challenges, Perspectives. (pp. 201-214). Springer: Cham, Switzerland.

Fumasoli, T; Gornitzka, Å; Leruth, B; (2015) A Multi-level Approach to Differentiated Integration: Distributive Policy, National Heterogeneity and Actors in the European Research Area. (ARENA Working Paper 2). Arena Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo: Oslo, Norway. Green open access

Fumasoli, T; Pinheiro, R; Stensaker, B; (2015) Handling Uncertainty of Strategic Ambitions—The Use of Organizational Identity as a Risk-Reducing Device. International Journal of Public Administration , 38 (13-14) pp. 1030-1040. 10.1080/01900692.2014.988868. Green open access


Garcia-Souto, P; Hughes, G; Tughral, U; Yerworth, R; Gibson, A; (2015) 360° peer assessment: improving reliability and engagement. Presented at: UCL Teaching and Learning Conference 2015, London, UK. Green open access

Green, Francis; (2015) Health effects of job insecurity. IZA World of Labor , 2015 , Article 212. 10.15185/izawol.212. Green open access

Green, Francis; Allen, Rebecca; Jenkins, Andrew; (2015) Are free schools socially selective? A quantitative analysis. British Educational Research Journal , 41 (6) pp. 907-924. 10.1002/berj.3190. Green open access


Hallam, S; (2015) The Power of Music. [Book]. International Music Education Research Centre (Imerc) Press: London, UK. Green open access

Hallam, S; Creech, A; McQueen, H; (2015) Teachers’ perceptions of the impact on students of the Musical Futures approach. Music Education Research , 19 (3) pp. 263-275. 10.1080/14613808.2015.1108299. Green open access

Hancock, S; Hughes, G; Walsh, E; (2015) Purist or pragmatist? UK doctoral scientists’ moral positions on the knowledge economy. Studies in Higher Education , 42 (7) pp. 1244-1258. 10.1080/03075079.2015.1087994. Green open access

Heslop, J; Parkes, J; Januario, F; Sabaa, S; Oando, S; Hess, T; (2015) Sexuality, sexual norms and schooling: Choice-coercion dilemmas. In: Parkes, J, (ed.) Gender Violence in Poverty Contexts: The Educational Challenge. (pp. 135-150). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Hughes, G; Smith, H; Creese, B; (2015) Not seeing the wood for the trees: developing a feedback analysis tool to explore feed forward in modularised programmes. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education , 40 (8) pp. 1079-1094. 10.1080/02602938.2014.969193. Green open access

Hunt, F; Cara, O; (2015) Global Learning in England: Baseline analysis of the Global Learning Programme Whole School Audit 2013–14. (DERC Research Papers 15 ). Development Education Research Centre, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access


Inanc, Hande; Zhou, Ying; Gallie, Duncan; Felstead, Alan; Green, Francis; (2015) Direct Participation and Employee Learning at Work. Work and Occupations , 42 (4) pp. 447-475. 10.1177/0730888415580650. Green open access


Jewson, Nick; Felstead, Alan; Green, Francis; (2015) Training in the public sector in a period of austerity: the case of the UK. Journal of Education and Work , 28 (3) pp. 228-249. 10.1080/13639080.2014.900169. Green open access


Keating, A; Green, A; Janmaat, G; (2015) Young Adults and Politics Today: disengaged and disaffected or engaged and enraged? : The latest findings from the Citizenship Education Longitudinal Study (CELS). Green open access

Kersh, N; (2015) Rethinking the learning space at work and beyond: The achievement of agency across the boundaries of work-related spaces and environments. International Review of Education , 61 (6) pp. 835-851. 10.1007/s11159-015-9529-2. Green open access

Kitagawa, K; (2015) Continuity and change in disaster education in Japan. History of Education: Journal of the History of Education Society , 44 (3) pp. 371-390. 10.1080/0046760X.2014.979255. Green open access


Leonard, P; Wilde, RJ; (2015) “They go the extra mile”: Experiences of Young People at Volunteer Glasgow. Project Report. Centre for Learning and Life Chances (LLAKES), UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access


Mallows, D; Litster, J; Carpentieri, JD; Johnson, C; (2015) International evidence review of basic skills: learning from high-performing and improving countries. (BIS Research paper 209 ). Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS): London, UK. Green open access

McCowan, T; (2015) Should universities promote employability? Theory and Research in Education , 13 (3) pp. 267-285. 10.1177/1477878515598060. Green open access

McCowan, T; (2015) Three dimensions of equity of access to higher education. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education , 46 (4) pp. 645-665. 10.1080/03057925.2015.1043237. Green open access

McCulloch, G; (2015) Professor Richard Aldrich: an appreciation. Journal of Educational Administration and History , 47 (4) pp. 327-333. 10.1080/00220620.2015.1078135. Green open access

Misra, D; (2015) University Knowledge Spillover Effects on Entrepreneurship: An Exploratory Study of Indian Entrepreneurs. South Asian Journal of Management , 22 (4) pp. 29-62.

Morris, P; (2015) Comparative Education, PISA, politics and educational reform: a cautionary note. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education , 45 (3) pp. 470-474. 10.1080/03057925.2015.1027510. Green open access

Morris, P; Vickers, E; (2015) Schooling, politics and the construction of identity in Hong Kong: the 2012 'Moral and National Education' crisis in historical context. Comparative Education , 51 (3) pp. 305-326. 10.1080/03050068.2015.1033169. Green open access


Oketch, MO; Carnoy, M; Ngware, M; (2015) The Role of School Resources and National Educational Context in Student Learning Gains: Comparing Botswana, Kenya and South Africa. Comparative Education Review , 59 (2) pp. 199-233. 10.1086/680173. Green open access


Parkes, J; (2015) Gender Violence in Poverty Contexts: The Educational Challenge. [Book]. Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Parkes, J; (2015) Conclusion: Emerging themes for the field of gender, violence, poverty and education. In: Parkes, J, (ed.) Gender Violence in Poverty Contexts: The Educational Challenge. (pp. 197-206). Routledge: London, UK.

Parkes, J; Unterhalter, E; (2015) Hope and history: Education engagements with poverty, inequality and gender violence. In: Parkes, J, (ed.) Gender Violence in Poverty Contexts: The Educational Challenge. (pp. 11-29). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Pherali, T; (2015) A Critical Analysis of Conflict, Education and Fragility in Nepal. In: Gross, Z and Davies, L, (eds.) The Contested Role of Education in Conflict and Fragility. (pp. 119-133). SensePublishers: Rotterdam, Netherlands. Green open access

Pherali, TJ; (2015) Education, conflict and development. [Review]. Educational Research , 57 (1) pp. 110-112. 10.1080/00131881.2014.983721. Green open access

Preston, J; Chadderton, C; Kitagawa, K; Edmonds, C; (2015) Community response in disasters: an ecological learning framework. International Journal of Lifelong Education , 34 (6) pp. 727-753. 10.1080/02601370.2015.1116116. Green open access

Pridmore, P; Carr-Hill, R; Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, M; Lang'o, D; McCowan, T; Charnes, G; (2015) Tackling the urban health divide though enabling intersectoral action on malnutrition in Chile and Kenya. Journal of Urban Health , 92 (2) pp. 313-321. 10.1007/s11524-015-9942-7. Green open access


Rensimer, L; (2015) International and Commercial Higher Education in Ras Al Khaimah: Policies, Problem Areas, and Promise. (Policy Paper 14 ). Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research: United Arab Emirates.


Silova, I; Brehm, WC; (2015) From myths to models: the (re)production of world culture in comparative education. Globalisation, Societies and Education , 13 (1) pp. 8-33. 10.1080/14767724.2014.967483. Green open access

Spours, K; (2015) The Osborne Supremacy: Why progressives have to develop a hegemonic politics for the 21st Century. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.compassonline.org.uk/wp-content/upload...

Standish, P; (2015) Knowing in feeling. Philosophy of Education Yearbook 2015 , Article 4504. Green open access

Suissa, J; (2015) Integral education and Pring’s liberal vocationalism. In: Education, Ethics and Experience: Essays in Honour of Richard Pring. (pp. 23-35). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Suissa, J; (2015) Character education and the disappearance of the political. Ethics and Education , 10 (1) pp. 105-117. 10.1080/17449642.2014.998030. Green open access

Swain, J; Cara, O; Vorhaus, J; Litster, J; (2015) The impact of family literacy programmes on children's literacy skills and the home literacy environment. Institute of Education, University College London: London, UK. Green open access


Unterhalter, ES; (2015) Global inequalities, multipolarity, and supranational organizations engagements with gender and education. Journal of Supranational Policies of Education , 3 pp. 10-28. Green open access

Unterhalter, ES; (2015) Measuring Gender inequality and equality in education. In: Proceedings of the Beyond Parity: Measuring Gender Equality in Education workshop. United Nation Girls' Initiative (UNGEI): London, UK. Green open access

Unterhalter, ES; (2015) Beijing +20 and education: How far have we come? In: Linsenmaier, T and King, A, (eds.) Proceedings of Women’s Caucus and Official Opening of the 7th World Congress of Education International. Education International: Ottawa, Canada. Green open access


Vincent, CJ; Neal, S; Iqbal, H; (2015) Friendship and Diversity: Children's and Adults' Friendships Across Social Class and Ethnic Difference. Institute of Education, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Vorhaus, J; (2015) Giving Voice to Profound Disability: Dignity, dependence and human capabilities. [Book]. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Vorhaus, J; (2015) Nussbaum's capability theory, human dignity and profound disability. Metaphilosophy , 46 (4) Green open access


Waage, J; Yap, C; Bell, S; Levy, C; Mace, G; Pegram, T; Unterhalter, E; ... Poole, N; + view all (2015) Governing the UN sustainable development goals: interactions, infrastructures, and institutions. The Lancet Global Health , 3 (5) e251-e252. 10.1016/S2214-109X(15)70112-9. Green open access

Waage, J; Yap, C; Bell, SJ; Levy, C; Mace, G; Pegram, T; Unterhalter, E; ... Poole, N; + view all (2015) Governing Sustainable Development Goals: interactions, infrastructures and institutions. In: Waage, J and Yap, C, (eds.) Thinking Beyond Sectors for Sustainable Development. (pp. 79-88). Ubiquity Press: London, UK. Green open access

Warwick, I; Costa, F; Bourn, D; (2015) Makutano Junction – Research Evaluation Report. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

White, JP; (2015) Chapter 13 - Humanism and Education. In: Copson, A and Grayling, A, (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Humanism. (pp. 234-254). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Wiborg, S; (2015) Privatizing education: free school policy in Sweden and England. Comparative Education Review , 59 (3) pp. 473-497. 10.1086/681928. Green open access

World Food Programme (WFP); (2015) Hunger Without Borders. The hidden links between Food Insecurity, Violence and Migration in the Northern Triangle of Central America: An exploratory study. World Food Programme (WFP), International Organization for Migration (IOM)

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