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Number of items: 35.


Clark-Wilson, A; (2010) Connecting mathematics in a connected classroom: Teachers emergent practices within a collaborative learning environment. In: (Proceedings) British Congress on Mathematics Education, BSRLM Proceedings 30 (1). Green open access

Creech, A; Papageorgi, I; Welch, G; (2010) Concepts of ideal musicians. Musical Perspectives: Journal of Research in Musical Performance , Fall


Daly, C; Pachler, N; (2010) E-Learning: the future? In: Arthur, J and Davies, I, (eds.) The Routledge Education Studies Textbook. (pp. 216-226). Routledge: London.


Green, L; (2010) Response [to special issue Informal Learning in Music Education]. British Journal of Music Education , 27 (1) pp. 89-93. Green open access


Heilbronn, R; Yandell, J; (2010) Critical Practice in Teacher Education: A study of professional learning. [Book]. Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK.

Heilbronn, R; (2010) The nature of practice-based knowledge and understanding. In: Critical Practice in Teacher Education. (pp. 2-14). Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Hogan, A; (2010) Changing Teaching : A research project into how graduates of the Institute of Education's innovative practice-based Master of Teaching programme have progressed since completing the course. WLE Centre for Excellence, Institute of Education, University of London Green open access

Hoyles, C; (2010) Creating an inclusive culture in mathematics through subject-specific teacher professional development: a case study from England. The Journal of Mathematics and Culture , 5 (1) pp. 43-61.

Hwang, Eunju; (2010) 통제 사회에서의 시선과 권력의 역전관계: J. G. 발라드의 『크래쉬』 읽기 / Observation and Power Relation in Control Societies: Reading J. G. Ballard's Crash. 동서비교문학 / Journal of East-West Comparative Literature (JEWCL) , 2010 (23) pp. 293-313. Green open access


Isaacs, T; (2010) Issues and Arguments in the Measurement of Second Language Pronunciation. Doctoral thesis , McGill University, Montreal. Green open access


Jewitt, C; Kress, G; (2010) Multimodality, literacy and school English. In: Wyse, D and Andrews, R and Hoffman, J, (eds.) The Routledge international handbook of English, language and literacy teaching. (pp. 342-353). Routledge: London.

Jewitt, C; (2010) Multimodal teaching and learning. In: Chapelle, CA, (ed.) The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. (pp. 1-6). Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford, UK.

Jewitt, C; Bezemer, J; Kress, G; Bezemer, J; (2010) Annotation in school English: a social semiotic historical account. Teachers College Record , 110 (1) pp. 129-152.


Laurillard, D; (2010) Effective use of technology in teaching and learning in higher education. In: Baker, E and Peterson, P and McGaw, B, (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education. (pp. 419-426). Elsevier: Oxford.

Lund, AD; O'Regan, JP; (2010) National occupational standards in intercultural working: Models of theory and assessment. In: The Intercultural Dynamics of Multicultural Working. (pp. 41-58). Multilingual Matters: Bristol, UK. Green open access


Mallows, D; (2010) The impact of basic skills education. In: Proceedings of the Belgian EU Presidency Conference: Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage: Inclusion in and through education. Belgian EU Presidency Conference: Gent, Belgium. Green open access

Miguel Pérez, M; (2010) From Madrid to Zhejiang: Globalization, educational communities and second language teaching. Revista Complutense de Educacion , 21 (1) pp. 125-146. Green open access


Neumann, T; Bell, C; Flanders, D; Logan, K; Sherman, S; Short, N; Whittlestone, K; (2010) Web-based collaboration in Higher Education: small steps towards adoption. In: Creanor, L and Hawkridge, D and Ng, K and Rennie, F, (eds.) ALT-C 2010 - Conference Proceedings. (pp. pp. 139-148). Association for Learning Technology: Nottingham, UK. Green open access


O'Regan, J; (2010) Critical realism, critical discourse analysis, and the aporetics of a critical ontology. Presented at: 2010 International Association for Critical Realism Conference, "Engaging with the world: agency, institutions, historical formations", Padua, Italy. Green open access

O'Regan, JP; (2010) Critical realism, critical discourse analysis and the aporetics of a critical ontology. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Association for Critical Realism Conference. Engaging with the world: agency, institutions, historical formations. IACR: Padua, Italy. Green open access


Pachler, N; Daly, C; Mor, Y; Mellar, H; (2010) Formative e-assessment: Practitioner cases. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION , 54 (3) pp. 715-721. 10.1016/j.compedu.2009.09.032. Green open access

Pachler, N; Cook, J; Bachmair, B; (2010) Appropriation of mobile cultural resources for learning. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning , 2 (1) pp. 1-21. Green open access

Papageorgi, I; Creech, A; Haddon, E; Morton, F; De Bezenac, C; Himonides, E; Potter, J; ... Welch, G; + view all (2010) Perceptions and predictions of expertise in advanced musical learners. PSYCHOLOGY OF MUSIC , 38 (1) pp. 31-66. 10.1177/0305735609336044. Green open access

Paran, A; Hyland, F; Bentall, C; (2010) The Research Element in Masters' Degrees in Distance Education: Literature Review and Mapping Survey. Centre for Distance Education, University of London: London, UK. Green open access

Pimmer, C; Pachler, N; Attwell, G; (2010) Towards work-based mobile learning: what we can learn from the fields of work-based learning and mobile learning. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning , 2 (4) pp. 1-18. Green open access

Potter, J; (2010) Embodied memory and curatorship in children's digital video production. ENGLISH TEACHING-PRACTICE AND CRITIQUE , 9 (1) pp. 22-35. Green open access

Pratt, D; Noss, R; (2010) Designing for mathematical abstraction. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning , 15 (2) pp. 81-97. 10.1007/s10758-010-9160-z. Green open access


Robins, C; (2010) How did the reticent object become so obliging? Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UNSPECIFIED.


Smith, M; Hall, G; Mays, S; (2010) How We Became Metadata. [Catalogue]. Arts Catalyst/University of Westminster: London, UK.


Unsworth, S; Argyri, F; Cornips, L; Hulk, A; Sorace, A; Tsimpli, IM; (2010) Bilingual acquisition of Greek voice morphology and Dutch gender: What do they have in common? In: Danis, N and Mesh, K and Sung, H, (eds.) BUCLD 35: Proceedings of the 35th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. (pp. pp. 590-602). Cascadilla Press


Welch, G; Purves, R; Hargreaves, DJ; Marshall, N; (2010) Reflections on the Teacher Identities in Music Education Project. Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Education , 9 (2) pp. 11-32. Green open access

Welch, G; Himonides, E; Saunders, J; Papageorgi, I; Rinta, T; Preti, C; Stewart, C; ... Hill, J; + view all (2010) Researching the first year of the National Singing Programme in England: an initial impact evaluation. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind & Brain , 21 (1)


Yandell, J; (2010) English and Inclusion. In: Davison, J and Daly, C and Moss, J, (eds.) Debates in English Teaching. (pp. 157-168). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Yandell, John; (2010) ‘New Labour, Old School Tie’: What Is Education For? Changing English , 17 (2) pp. 113-127. 10.1080/13586841003787217. Green open access

Yandell, John; (2010) What's in a Name, or Electric Cars for All. Changing English , 8 (2) pp. 145-154. 10.1080/13586840120085702. Green open access

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