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Number of items: 62.


Alessandrini, JL; (2014) Jörg Wickram’s Rollwagenbüchlein: A Study of Laughter and Narrative. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).


Bajaj, B; Majumdar, A; (2014) Aviation safety: An initial exploration of the feasibility of using language engineering technologies for reducing pilot-air traffic control miscommunications. In: (Proceedings) 5th Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference (AHFE Conference). AHFE Conference Green open access

Biedermann, Z; (2014) The Portuguese in Sri Lanka and South India. Studies in the History of Diplomacy, Empire and Trade. [Book]. Maritime Asia: Vol.25. (1st ed.). Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden, Germany. Green open access

Biedermann, ZA; (2014) El espacio sujeto al tiempo en la cronística franciscana: una relectura de la "Conquista Espiritual do Oriente" de Fr. Paulo da Trindade. Cuadernos de Historia Moderna , Anejo XIII 221 - 242. 10.5209/rev_CHMO.2014.46799. Green open access

Biedermann, ZA; (2014) O embaixador, a Pérsia e os mapas. In: Loureiro, RM and Rafael, G and De Azevedo Martins, L, (eds.) A biblioteca do embaixador: os livros de D. García de Silva y Figueroa (1614-1624). (pp. 55-66). Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal: Lisbon, Portugal. Green open access

Bowersox, J; (2014) Classroom colonialism: Race, pedagogy, and patriotism in Imperial Germany. In: Naranch, B and Eley, G, (eds.) German colonialism in a global age. (pp. 170-186). Duke University Press: Durham, NC, USA. Green open access

Bray, P; (2014) Deleuze's Proust et les signes. In: Ardoin, P and Gontarski, SE and Mattison, L, (eds.) Understanding Deleuze, Understanding Modernism. (pp. 11-20). Bloomsbury: London, UK. Green open access

Bray, P; (2014) Communauté et sens du spectacle: La Lecture dans Nanon. In: Nesci, C and Rea, A and Bara, O, (eds.) Écriture, Performance, et Théatralite dans les oeuvres de George Sand. (pp. 419-433). UGA Éditions: Grenoble, France.

Broome, AH; Nabugodi, M; Sreenan, N; Harvey, L; (2014) Editor's note. Tropos , 2 (1) pp. 2-3. 10.14324/111.2057-2212.001. Green open access


Carbone, E; Sjögren, K; (2014) The Many Facets of a Diamond: Space and Gender in Selma Lagerlöf’s Antikrists Mirakler and in her Italian Legends. In: Forsås-Scott, H and Stenberg, L and Thorup Thomsen, B, (eds.) Re-Mapping Lagerlöf Performance, intermediality and European transmissions. (pp. 207-221). Nordic Academic Press: Lund, Sweden. Green open access

Coduri, M; (2014) A Travelling Tale:Shakespeare on the Italian Stage. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Connolly, JE; (2014) L'occupation du nord de la France (1914-1918) vue par les Britanniques. Revue du Nord , 2014/1 (404-405) pp. 133-156. 10.3917/rdn.404.0133. Green open access

Cruz, JT; (2014) Metaphor and Disunity: Tensions between Metaphors in Micah 3–5. Tropos , 1 (1) pp. 36-43. 10.14324/111.2057-2212.008. Green open access


Declercq, C; (2014) Crowd, cloud and automation in the translation education community. In: Katan, D and Spinzi, C, (eds.) Transcreation and the Professions. (pp. 37-56). Iconesoft Edizioni Green open access

Demeyer, HD; Vitse, S; (2014) Revanche of conflict? Pleidooi voor een agonistische literatuurstudie. Spiegel der Letteren , 56 (4) pp. 511-538. 10.2143/SDL.56.4.1000003. Green open access

Diaz-Cintas, J; (2014) Multilingüismo, traducción audiovisual y estereotipos: el caso de Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Prosopopeya: Revista de crítica contemporánea , 9 pp. 135-161.


Evans, J; (2014) Spanish film criticism: diverse, haptic and embodied voices. [Review]. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies , 20 (2) pp. 225-229. 10.1080/14701847.2014.982892. Green open access


Federici, F; TESSICINI, D; (2014) A servant of Two masters: the Translator Michel Angelo Corai as a Tuscan Diplomat (1599-1609). In: Translators, Interpreters, and Cultural Negotiators Mediating and Communicating Power from the Middle Ages to the Modern Era. (pp. 81-104). Palgrave MacMillan: London, UK. Green open access

Fenoulhet, J; (2014) Embodying Etty: the diaries and letters adapted for performance. Presented at: Second International Etty Hillesum Congress, University of Ghent. Green open access

Ferrara Degli Uberti, C; (2014) Gli Appunti personali (1901-1933): una presentazione. Actum Luce. Rivista di Studi Lucchesi , XLIII (1) pp. 153-166. Green open access

Fisher, GC; (2014) Same Space, Different Stories: German and Jewish memories of Bukovina after the Second World War. Tropos , 1 (1) 26 - 34. 10.14324/111.2057-2212.006. Green open access


Harrison, RE; (2014) Admission for all: how cinema and railways shaped British culture, 1895-1948. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hart, SM; (2014) Latin American Cinema. [Book]. Reaktion Books: London, UK.


Kord, Susanne; (2014) From the American Myth to the American Dream: Alternative Worlds in Recent Hollywood Westerns. In: Alternative Worlds: Blue-Sky Thinking Since 1900. (pp. 213-234). Peter Lang: Berne, Switzerland. Green open access

Kringelbach, HN; (2014) Choreographic Performance, Generations And The Art Of Life In Post-colonial Dakar. Africa , 84 (1) pp. 36-54. 10.1017/S000197201300065X. Green open access

Kuh Jakobi, D; (2014) Choices and Decision-making in Conservation: The Implications of Conserving Religious Icons. Tropos , 1 (1) pp. 14-25. 10.14324/111.2057-2212.005. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2014) Aleksander Kesküla kirjandustegelasena. Keel ja Kirjandus (12) pp. 897-910. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2014) Eesti Vabadussõja vabatahtlike värbamine Rootsis. Õpetatud Eesti Seltsi aastaraamat , 2013 pp. 191-209. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2014) Eesti välispoliitika algusaegadest: Jaan Tõnissoni esimene raport Stockholmist 18.2.1918. Tuna (4) pp. 74-87. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2014) Kaks majorit kahel pool Läänemerd: Väljaöeldu ja väljamõeldu Carl Axel Mothanderi romaanis President. Akadeemia , 2014 (2) pp. 235-270. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2014) Ülevoolav muinasjutuline kirjandus. Sirp , 2014 (28) p. 26. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2014) Saagadest ja saagatõlkimisest. Sirp , 2014 (20 :3490) p. 20. Green open access


Lin, Tzu-Yu; (2014) Hybridities in a Metropolitan Diasporic Space: Weng Nao’s Literary Tokyo. Archiv Orientalni , 82 (3) pp. 581-597. 10.47979/aror.j.82.3.581-597. Green open access

Lindskog, Annika; (2014) 'Ich bin nun getröstet': Choral Communications in Ein deutsches Requiem. In: Geisler, Ursula and Johansson, Karin, (eds.) Choral Singing: Histories and Practices. (pp. 33-51). Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK. Green open access

Luck, C; (2014) ‘That’s unscientific!’: Science as the arbitrator of ‘truth’ in (German) feminist linguistic debates. Tropos , 2 (1) pp. 41-49. 10.14324/111.2057-2212.001. Green open access


Marliere, P; (2014) Coping with TINA: the Labour Party and the new crisis of Capitalism. In: Bailey, D and De Waele, J-M and Escalona, F, (eds.) European Social Democracy During the Global Economic Crisis. Manchester University Press: Manchester, UK. Green open access

Mathews, TP; (2014) Foreward. Tropos , 1 (1) p. 4. 10.14324/111.2057-2212.002. Green open access

McGauley, PC; (2014) Matera 1945-1960: the history of a ‘national shame’. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

McGiffin, Emily; (2014) Subduction Zone. [Book]. Pedlar Press: St. John's, Canada. Green open access

Metodiev, M; (2014) ‘The Good,’ ‘The Bad,’ and ‘The Evil’ in the Socialist Novel: A Case Study of Two Bulgarian Novels. Tropos , 1 (1) pp. 59-68. 10.14324/111.2057-2212.010. Green open access

Moreau, IMM; (2014) Du Voyage de Bougainville au Supplément de Diderot. Diderot Studies , XXXIV (21) pp. 215-226. Green open access

Moreau, IMM; (2014) Machiavel au miroir de Bayle. In: Daverat, X and McKenna, A and Fréchet, P, (eds.) Pierre Bayle et le politique. (33 - 48). Honoré Champion: Paris, France. Green open access


Napier, AD; Ancarno, C; Butler, B; Calabrese, J; Chater, A; Chatterjee, H; Guesnet, F; ... Woolf, K; + view all (2014) Culture and health. Lancet , 384 (9954) 1607 - 1639. 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61603-2. Green open access

Neveu Kringelbach, Helene; (2014) Choreographic revival, elite nationalism, and postcolonial appropriation in Senegal. In: Bithell, C and Hill, J, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Music Revival. (pp. 226-249). Oxford University Press: Oxford, United Kingdom. Green open access


Oaknin, M; (2014) Ana María Matute, Rosa Montero, and Lucía Etxebarria: The Reception and Dissemination of ‘Women’s Writing’ in Spain. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).


Packham, J; (2014) Edgar Allan Poe’s Chaotic Drive to Unity. Tropos , 1 (1) pp. 44-50. 10.14324/111.2057-2212.009. Green open access


Scarabelli, D; (2014) La polizia e la mafia in Sicilia: cogestione, collusione e ragion di stato, 1866-1875. (The Police and the Mafia in Sicily: collusion, co-management, and raison d’état, 1866-1875.). Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Shuttleworth, B; (2014) Approaches to language learning: Blending tradition with innovation. Presented at: Symposium on International Languages and Knowledge, Penang, Malaysia. Green open access

Shuttleworth, B; (2014) Scientific rich images in translation: a multilingual study. Journal of Specialised Translation (21) 35 - 51. Green open access

Shuttleworth, M; (2014) Translation studies and metaphor studies: Possible paths of interaction between two well-established disciplines. In: Miller, DR and Monti, E, (eds.) Tradurre Figure / Translating Figurative Language. (pp. 53-65). Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC): Bologna, Italy. Green open access

Sica, Beatrice; (2014) Fantastique, humour et paysage dans l’Italie magique de Gianfranco Contini. Ermeneutica letteraria , NO 10 191 - 198. Green open access

Sica, B; (2014) Il dibattito italo-francese sulla magia e l’appropriazione del Rinascimento italiano da parte dei surrealisti: il caso di Piero di Cosimo. In: Fraixe, C and Piccioni, L and Poupault, C, (eds.) Vers une Europe latine. Acteurs et enjeux des échanges culturels entre la France et l’Italie fasciste. (pp. 47-63). Peter Lang: Bruxelles, Beligium. Green open access

Signoriello, F; (2014) Satire of Philosophy and Philosophers in Fifteenth Century Florence. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sloane, P; (2014) The Divided Selves of David Foster Wallace. Tropos , 1 (1) pp. 67-73. 10.14324/111.2057-2212.011. Green open access


Tiedau, U; (2014) Editorial. Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies , 38 (1) 1 - 3. 10.1179/0309656413Z.00000000050. Green open access

Tiedau, U; Mahony, S; Terras, M; (2014) Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Integrative Learning and New Ways of Thinking About Studying the Humanities. In: Mills, C and Pidd, M and Williams, J, (eds.) Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Congress 2014. The Digital Humanities Institute, Sheffield: Sheffield, UK. Green open access


Van Gemert, STW; (2014) Of Unity and Disunity in-between: The post/colonial ‘unhomely’ in the works and lives of Jean Rhys and Hella S. Haasse. Tropos , 1 (1) 52 - 58. 10.14324/111.2057-2212.013. Green open access

Vesey, CE; (2014) Scholar, sociologist and public figure: The intellectual trajectory of Emile Durkheim in fin-de-siecle France. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Welsh, A; (2014) Flipping the cataloguing class: equipping and empowering cataloguers for the hybrid cataloguing environment. Presented at: Faster, Smarter, Richer: Reshaping the Library Catalogue, Rome, Italy. Green open access

Welsh, A; (2014) Metadata output and its impact on the researcher. Presented at: Cataloguing and Indexing Group Conference 2014, Canterbury, UK. Green open access


Zarate, S; (2014) Subtitling for deaf children: Granting accessibility to audiovisual programmes in an educational way. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Zarate, S; Eliahoo, J; (2014) Word recognition and content comprehension of subtitles for television by deaf children. The Journal of Specialised Translation (21) 133 - 152. Green open access

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