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Abarrategi, A; Gambera, S; Alfranca, A; Rodriguez-Milla, MA; Perez-Tavarez, R; Rouault-Pierre, K; Waclawiczek, A; ... García-Castro, J; + view all (2018) c-Fos induces chondrogenic tumor formation in immortalized human mesenchymal progenitor cells. Scientific Reports , 8 , Article 15615. 10.1038/s41598-018-33689-0. Green open access

Abarrategi, A; Mian, SA; Passaro, D; Rouault-Pierre, K; Grey, W; Bonnet, D; (2018) Modeling the human bone marrow niche in mice: From host bone marrow engraftment to bioengineering approaches. Journal of Experimental Medicine , 215 (3) pp. 729-743. 10.1084/jem.20172139. Green open access

Aguti, S; Malerba, A; Zhou, H; (2018) The progress of AAV-mediated gene therapy in neuromuscular disorders. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy , 18 (6) pp. 681-693. 10.1080/14712598.2018.1479739. Green open access

Al-Olabi, L; Polubothu, S; Dowsett, K; Andrews, KA; Stadnik, P; Joseph, AP; Knox, R; ... Kinsler, VA; + view all (2018) Mosaic RAS/MAPK variants cause sporadic vascular malformations which respond to targeted therapy. The Journal of Clinical Investigation , 128 (4) pp. 1496-1508. 10.1172/JCI98589. Green open access

Aldossary, Ahmad Mohammad; (2018) Correction of the ΔF508 mutation in the CFTR Gene by CRISPR/Cas9 system. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Anttila, V; Bulik-Sullivan, B; Finucane, HK; Walters, RK; Bras, J; Duncan, L; Escott-Price, V; ... Neale, BM; + view all (2018) Analysis of shared heritability in common disorders of the brain. Science , 360 (6395) , Article eaap8757. 10.1126/science.aap8757. Green open access

Apps, JR; Carreno, G; Mario Gonzalez-Meljem, J; Haston, S; Guiho, R; Cooper, JE; Manshaei, S; ... Martinez-Barbera, JP; + view all (2018) Tumour compartment transcriptomics demonstrates the activation of inflammatory and odontogenic programmes in human adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma and identifies the MAPK/ERK pathway as a novel therapeutic target. Acta Neuropathologica , 135 (5) pp. 757-777. 10.1007/s00401-018-1830-2. Green open access

Augustin, K; Khabbush, A; Williams, S; Eaton, SJ; Orford, M; Cross, H; Heales, SJ; ... Williams, R; + view all (2018) Mechanisms of action for the medium-chain triglyceride ketogenic diet in neurological and metabolic disorders. The Lancet Neurology , 17 (1) pp. 84-93. 10.1016/S1474-4422(17)30408-8. Green open access


Baruteau, J; Perocheau, DP; Hanley, J; Lorvellec, M; Rocha-Ferreira, E; Karda, R; Ng, J; ... Waddington, SN; + view all (2018) Argininosuccinic aciduria fosters neuronal nitrosative stress reversed by Asl gene transfer. Nature Communications , 9 (1) , Article 3505. 10.1038/s41467-018-05972-1. Green open access

Bashamboo, A; Eozenou, C; Jorgensen, A; Bignon-Topalovic, J; Siffroi, J-P; Hyon, C; Tar, A; ... McElreavey, K; + view all (2018) Loss of Function of the Nuclear Receptor NR2F2, Encoding COUP-TF2, Causes Testis Development and Cardiac Defects in 46,XX Children. The American Journal of Human Genetics , 102 (3) pp. 487-493. 10.1016/j.ajhg.2018.01.021. Green open access

Besser, REJ; Ludvigsson, J; Hindmarsh, PC; Cole, TJ; (2018) Exploring C-peptide loss in type 1 diabetes using growth curve analysis. PLoS ONE , 13 (7) , Article e0199635. 10.1371/journal.pone.0199635. Green open access

Best, S; Shoemark, A; Rubbo, B; Patel, MP; Fassad, MR; Dixon, M; Rogers, AV; ... Hogg, C; + view all (2018) Risk factors for situs defects and congenital heart disease in primary ciliary dyskinesia. Thorax , 74 (2) 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2018-212104. Green open access

Blauwendraat, C; Kia, DA; Pihlstrom, L; Gan-Or, Z; Lesage, S; Gibbs, JR; Ding, J; ... Wood, NW; + view all (2018) Insufficient evidence for pathogenicity of SNCA His50Gln (H50Q) in Parkinson's disease. Neurobiology of Aging , 64 159.e5-159.e8. 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2017.12.012. Green open access

Blauwendraat, C; Reed, X; Kia, DA; Gan-Or, Z; Lesage, S; Pihlstrøm, L; Guerreiro, R; ... COURAGE-PD (Comprehensive Unbiased Risk Factor Assessment for Ge; + view all (2018) Frequency of Loss of Function Variants in LRRK2 in Parkinson Disease. JAMA Neurology 10.1001/jamaneurol.2018.1885. (In press).

Blundell, J; Frisson, S; Chakrapani, A; Gissen, P; Hendriksz, C; Vijay, S; Olson, A; (2018) Oculomotor abnormalities in children with Niemann-Pick type C. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism , 123 (2) pp. 159-168. 10.1016/j.ymgme.2017.11.004. Green open access

Blundell, J; Frisson, S; Chakrapani, A; Kearney, S; Vijay, S; MacDonald, A; Gissen, P; ... Olson, A; + view all (2018) Markers of cognitive function in individuals with metabolic disease: Morquio syndrome and tyrosinemia type III. Cognitive Neuropsychology , 35 (3-4) pp. 120-147. 10.1080/02643294.2018.1443913. Green open access

Broce, I; Karch, CM; Wen, N; Fan, CC; Wang, Y; Tan, CH; Kouri, N; ... Sugrue, LP; + view all (2018) Immune-related genetic enrichment in frontotemporal dementia: An analysis of genome-wide association studies. PLoS Medicine , 15 (1) , Article e1002487. 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002487. Green open access

Brookes, KJ; McConnell, G; Williams, K; Chaudhury, S; Madhan, G; Patel, T; Turley, C; ... Morgan, K; + view all (2018) Genotyping of the Alzheimer's Disease Genome-Wide Association Study Index Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Brains for Dementia Research Cohort. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease , 64 (2) pp. 355-362. 10.3233/JAD-180191. Green open access

Bryant, D; Liu, Y; Datta, S; Hariri, H; Seda, M; Anderson, G; Peskett, E; ... Stanier, PM; + view all (2018) SNX14 mutations affect endoplasmic reticulum-associated neutral lipid metabolism in autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxia 20. Human Molecular Genetics , 27 (11) pp. 1927-1940. 10.1093/hmg/ddy101. Green open access


Calmont, A; Anderson, N; Suntharalingham, JP; Ang, R; Tinker, A; Scambler, PJ; (2018) Defective Vagal Innervation in Murine Tbx1 Mutant Hearts. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease , 5 (4) , Article 49. 10.3390/jcdd5040049. Green open access

Captur, G; Arbustini, E; Bonne, G; Syrris, P; Mills, K; Wahbi, K; Mohiddin, SA; ... Moon, JC; + view all (2018) Lamin and the heart. Heart , 104 (6) pp. 468-479. 10.1136/heartjnl-2017-312338. Green open access

Cetinkaya, S; Guran, T; Kurnaz, E; Keskin, M; Sagsak, E; Erdeve, SS; Suntharalingham, JP; ... Aycan, Z; + view all (2018) A Patient with Proopiomelanocortin Deficiency: An Increasingly Important Diagnosis to Make. Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology , 10 (1) pp. 68-73. 10.4274/jcrpe.4638. Green open access

Chagraoui, H; Kristiansen, MS; Ruiz, JP; Serra-Barros, A; Richter, J; Hall-Ponselé, E; Gray, N; ... Porcher, C; + view all (2018) SCL/TAL1 cooperates with Polycomb RYBP-PRC1 to suppress alternative lineages in blood-fated cells. Nature Communications , 9 , Article 5375. 10.1038/s41467-018-07787-6. Green open access

Chandler, N; Best, S; Hayward, J; Faravelli, F; Mansour, S; Kivuva, E; Tapon, D; ... Chitty, LS; + view all (2018) Rapid prenatal diagnosis using targeted exome sequencing: a cohort study to assess feasibility and potential impact on prenatal counseling and pregnancy management. Genetics in Medicine , 20 pp. 1430-1437. 10.1038/gim.2018.30. Green open access

Clayton, PT; Mills, PB; (2018) Micronutrients: Speculation on Inborn Errors, Nutrigenomics, Evolution, the Microbiome, and Nutritional Immunity. Journal of Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Screening , 6 (1-5) 10.1177/2326409818765011. Green open access

Coats, CJ; Heywood, WE; Virasami, A; Ashrafi, N; Syrris, P; dos Remedios, C; Treibel, TA; ... Elliott, PM; + view all (2018) Proteomic Analysis of the Myocardium in Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy. Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine , 11 (12) , Article e001974. 10.1161/CIRCGEN.117.001974. Green open access

Counsell, JR; Karda, R; Diaz, JA; Carey, L; Wiktorowicz, T; Buckley, SMK; Ameri, S; ... Howe, SJ; + view all (2018) Foamy Virus Vectors Transduce Visceral Organs and Hippocampal Structures following In Vivo Delivery to Neonatal Mice. Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids , 12 pp. 626-634. 10.1016/j.omtn.2018.07.006. Green open access


Danyukova, T; Ariunbat, K; Thelen, M; Brocke-Ahmadinejad, N; Mole, SE; Storch, S; (2018) Loss of CLN7 results in depletion of soluble lysosomal proteins and impaired mTOR reactivation. Human Molecular Genetics , 27 (10) pp. 1711-1722. 10.1093/hmg/ddy076. Green open access

Davies, Rosalind Jane; (2018) Advancing our understanding of the ciliopathy, Bardet-Biedl Syndrome: an omics approach. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Davy, T; Castellano, S; (2018) The genomics of selenium: Its past, present and future. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects , 1862 (11) pp. 2427-2432. 10.1016/j.bbagen.2018.05.020. Green open access

de la Rosa Carrillo, D; Vindenes, H; Kinsler, VA; Rønnestad, A; Ringstad, G; Müller, L-SO; Tafjord, S; ... Clausen, OPF; + view all (2018) Aggressive melanoma in an infant with congenital melanocytic nevus syndrome and multiple, NRAS and BRAF mutation‐negative nodules. Pediatric Dermatology , 35 (5) e281-e285. 10.1111/pde.13595. Green open access

de Rooy, RLP; Halbertsma, FJ; Struijs, EA; van Spronsen, FJ; Lunsing, RJ; Schippers, HM; van Hasselt, PM; ... Bok, LA; + view all (2018) Pyridoxine dependent epilepsy: Is late onset a predictor for favorable outcome? European Journal of Paediatric Neurology , 22 (4) pp. 662-666. 10.1016/j.ejpn.2018.03.009. Green open access

Doreste Gonzalez, Bruno; (2018) The effect of modulating the dystrophic skeletal muscle environment on satellite cell engraftment. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Eastlake, K; Heywood, WE; Banerjee, P; Bliss, E; Mills, K; Khaw, P; Charteris, D; (2018) Comparative proteomic analysis of normal and gliotic PVR retina and contribution of Müller glia to this profile. Experimental Eye Research , 177 pp. 197-207. 10.1016/j.exer.2018.08.016. Green open access


Farley, H; Rubbo, B; Bukowy-Bieryllo, Z; Fassad, M; Goutaki, M; Harman, K; Hogg, C; ... Marthin, JK; + view all (2018) Proceedings of the 3rd BEAT-PCD Conference and 4th PCD Training School. In: Proceedings of the 3rd BEAT-PCD Conference and 4th PCD Training School. BMC (BioMed Central): London, UK. Green open access

Farmery, JHR; Smith, ML; Lynch, AG; Huissoon, A; Furnell, A; Mead, A; Levine, AP; ... Tan, Y; + view all (2018) Telomerecat: A ploidy-agnostic method for estimating telomere length from whole genome sequencing data (vol 8, 1300, 2018). Scientific Reports , 8 , Article 13376. 10.1038/s41598-018-31524-0. Green open access

Farmery, JHR; Smith, ML; NIHR BioResource - Rare Diseases, .; Lynch, AG; Mead, A; Levine, AP; Manzur, A; ... Huissoon, A; + view all (2018) Telomerecat: A ploidy-agnostic method for estimating telomere length from whole genome sequencing data. Scientific Reports , 8 , Article 1300. 10.1038/s41598-017-14403-y. Green open access

Fassad, Mahmoud Raafat; (2018) Novel Gene Discovery in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Fassad, MR; Shoemark, A; le Borgne, P; Koll, F; Patel, M; Dixon, M; Hayward, J; ... Mitchison, HM; + view all (2018) C11orf70 Mutations Disrupting the Intraflagellar Transport-Dependent Assembly of Multiple Axonemal Dyneins Cause Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. The American Journal of Human Genetics , 102 (5) pp. 956-972. 10.1016/j.ajhg.2018.03.024. Green open access

Fassad, MR; Shoemark, A; Legendre, M; Hirst, RA; Koll, F; le Borgne, P; Louis, B; ... Mitchison, HM; + view all (2018) Mutations in Outer Dynein Arm Heavy Chain DNAH9 Cause Motile Cilia Defects and Situs Inversus. The American Journal of Human Genetics 10.1016/j.ajhg.2018.10.016. (In press). Green open access

Fernando, O; Tagalakis, AD; Shiekh Hassan Awwad, S; Brocchini, S; Khaw, PT; Hart, S; Yu-Wai-Man, C; (2018) Development of targeted siRNA nanocomplexes to prevent fibrosis in experimental glaucoma filtration surgery. Molecular Therapy , 26 (12) pp. 2812-2822. 10.1016/j.ymthe.2018.09.004. Green open access

Forsythe, E; Kenny, J; Bacchelli, C; Beales, PL; (2018) Managing Bardet-Biedl Syndrome-Now and in the Future. Frontiers in Pediatrics , 6 , Article 23. 10.3389/fped.2018.00023. Green open access

Fratta, P; Sivakumar, P; Humphrey, J; Lo, K; Ricketts, T; Oliveira, H; Brito-Armas, JM; ... Acevedo-Arozena, A; + view all (2018) Mice with endogenous TDP-43 mutations exhibit gain of splicing function and characteristics of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. EMBO Journal , 2018 , Article e98684. 10.15252/embj.201798684. Green open access


Gagunashvili, AN; Andrésson, OS; (2018) Distinctive characters of Nostoc genomes in cyanolichens. BMC Genomics , 19 , Article 434. 10.1186/s12864-018-4743-5. Green open access

Gambera, S; Abarrategi, A; González-Camacho, F; Morales-Molina, Á; Roma, J; Alfranca, A; García-Castro, J; (2018) Clonal dynamics in osteosarcoma defined by RGB marking. Nature Communications , 9 (1) , Article 3994. 10.1038/s41467-018-06401-z. Green open access

Gambera, S; Abarrategi, A; Rodríguez-Milla, MA; Mulero, F; Menéndez, ST; Rodriguez, R; Navarro, S; (2018) Role of Activator Protein-1 Complex on the Phenotype of Human Osteosarcomas Generated from Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Stem Cells , 36 (10) pp. 1487-1500. 10.1002/stem.2869. Green open access

Garone, C; Taylor, RW; Nascimento, A; Poulton, J; Fratter, C; Dominguez-Gonzalez, C; Evans, JC; ... Hirano, M; + view all (2018) Retrospective natural history of thymidine kinase 2 deficiency. Journal of Medical Genetics , 55 (8) pp. 515-521. 10.1136/jmedgenet-2017-105012. Green open access

Geberhiwot, T; Moro, A; Dardis, A; Ramaswami, U; Sirrs, S; Marfa, MP; Vanier, MT; ... Patterson, M; + view all (2018) Consensus clinical management guidelines for Niemann-Pick disease type C. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases , 13 , Article 50. 10.1186/s13023-018-0785-7. Green open access


Hargreaves, I; Mody, N; Land, J; Heales, S; (2018) Blood Mononuclear Cell Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex IV Activity Is Decreased in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: Effects of β-Interferon Treatment. Journal of Clinical Medicine , 7 (2) , Article 36. 10.3390/jcm7020036. Green open access

Harrison, P; Hart, S; (2018) Gene editing and gene regulation with CRISPR. Experimental Physiology , 103 (4) pp. 437-438. 10.1113/EP086864. Green open access

Harrison, PT; Hart, S; (2018) A beginner's guide to gene editing. Experimental Physiology , 103 (4) pp. 439-448. 10.1113/EP086047. Green open access

Heywood, WE; Hallqvist, J; Heslegrave, AJ; Zetterberg, H; Fenoglio, C; Scarpini, E; Rohrer, JD; ... Mills, K; + view all (2018) CSF pro-orexin and amyloid-β38 expression in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia. Neurobiology of Aging , 72 pp. 171-176. 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2018.08.019. Green open access

Hikmat, O; Naess, K; Engvall, M; Klingenberg, C; Rasmussen, M; Tallaksen, CME; Brodtkorb, E; ... Bindoff, LA; + view all (2018) Elevated cerebrospinal fluid protein in POLG-related epilepsy: Diagnostic and prognostic implications. Epilepsia , 59 (8) pp. 1595-1602. 10.1111/epi.14459. Green open access


Ip, HF; Jansen, R; Abdellaoui, A; Bartels, M; UK Brain Expression Consortium, .; Boomsma, DI; Nivard, MG; (2018) Characterizing the Relation Between Expression QTLs and Complex Traits: Exploring the Role of Tissue Specificity. Behavior Genetics , 48 (5) pp. 374-385. 10.1007/s10519-018-9914-2. Green open access

Irving, S; Dixon, M; Fassad, MR; Frost, E; Hayward, J; Kilpin, K; Ollosson, S; ... Bush, A; + view all (2018) Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Due to Microtubular Defects is Associated with Worse Lung Clearance Index. Lung , 196 (2) pp. 231-238. 10.1007/s00408-018-0086-x. Green open access

Ishida, M; Cullup, T; Boustred, C; James, C; Docker, J; English, C; GOSgene, .; ... Stanier, PM; + view all (2018) A targeted sequencing panel identifies rare damaging variants in multiple genes in the cranial neural tube defect, anencephaly. Clinical Genetics , 93 (4) pp. 870-879. 10.1111/cge.13189. Green open access

Ito, Y; Carss, KJ; Duarte, ST; Hartley, T; Keren, B; Kurian, MA; Marey, I; ... Revel-Vilk, S; + view all (2018) De Novo Truncating Mutations in WASF1 Cause Intellectual Disability with Seizures. American Journal of Human Genetics , 103 (1) pp. 144-153. 10.1016/j.ajhg.2018.06.001. Green open access


Jabbari, E; Woodside, J; Tan, MMX; Shoai, M; Pittman, A; Ferrari, R; Mok, KY; ... Morris, HR; + view all (2018) Variation at the TRIM11 locus modifies progressive supranuclear palsy phenotype. Annals of Neurology , 84 (4) pp. 485-496. 10.1002/ana.25308. Green open access

Johannsson, G; Bidlingmaier, M; Biller, BMK; Boguszewski, M; Casanueva, FF; Chanson, P; Clayton, PE; ... Jorgensen, JOL; + view all (2018) Growth hormone research society perspective on biomarkers of gh action in children and adults. Endocrine Connections , 7 (3) R126-R134. 10.1530/EC-18-0047. Green open access


Karamitros, D; Stoilova, B; Aboukhalil, Z; Hamey, F; Reinisch, A; Samitsch, M; Quek, L; ... Vyas, P; + view all (2018) Single-cell analysis reveals the continuum of human lympho-myeloid progenitor cells. Nature Immunologyvolume , 19 pp. 85-97. 10.1038/s41590-017-0001-2. Green open access

Karampetsou, Evangelia; (2018) A novel arrayCGH-based non-invasive prenatal test for common trisomies. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Karch, CM; Wen, N; Fan, CC; Yokoyama, JS; Kouri, N; Ross, OA; Höglinger, G; ... International Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD)–Genomics Consortium,; + view all (2018) Selective Genetic Overlap Between Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Diseases of the Frontotemporal Dementia Spectrum. JAMA Neurol 10.1001/jamaneurol.2018.0372. (In press).

Keshavan, N; Rahman, S; (2018) Natural history of mitochondrial disorders: a systematic review. Essays In Biochemistry , 62 (3) pp. 423-442. 10.1042/EBC20170108. Green open access

Klammt, J; Neumann, D; Gevers, EF; Andrew, SF; Schwartz, ID; Rockstroh, D; Colombo, R; ... Hwa, V; + view all (2018) Dominant-negative STAT5B mutations cause growth hormone insensitivity with short stature and mild immune dysregulation. Nature Communications , 9 (1) , Article 2105. 10.1038/s41467-018-04521-0. Green open access

Kleine Holthaus, S-M; Ribeiro, J; Abelleira-Hervas, L; Pearson, RA; Duran, Y; Georgiadis, A; Sampson, RD; ... Ali, RR; + view all (2018) Prevention of Photoreceptor Cell Loss in a Cln6nclf Mouse Model of Batten Disease Requires CLN6 Gene Transfer to Bipolar Cells. Molecular Therapy , 26 (5) pp. 1343-1353. 10.1016/j.ymthe.2018.02.027. Green open access

Kleine Holthaus, S-M; Smith, AJ; Mole, SE; Ali, RR; (2018) Gene Therapy Approaches to Treat the Neurodegeneration and Visual Failure in Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses. In: Retinal Degenerative Diseases. (pp. pp. 91-99). Springer: Cham, Switzerland.

Koene, S; van Bon, L; Bertini, E; Jimenez-Moreno, C; van der Giessen, L; de Groot, I; McFarland, R; ... Smeitink, J; + view all (2018) Outcome measures for children with mitochondrial disease: consensus recommendations for future studies from a Delphi-based international workshop. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease , 41 (6) pp. 1267-1273. 10.1007/s10545-018-0229-5. Green open access

Koriath, C; (2018) Predictors for a dementia gene mutation based on gene-panel next-generation sequencing of a large dementia referral series. Molecular Psychiatry 10.1038/s41380-018-0224-0. (In press). Green open access


Lee, KKL; Peskett, E; Quinn, CM; Aiello, R; Adeeva, L; Moulding, DA; Stanier, P; (2018) Overexpression of Fgfr2c causes craniofacial bone hypoplasia and ameliorates craniosynostosis in the Crouzon mouse. Disease Models & Mechanisms 10.1242/dmm.035311. (In press). Green open access

Lewis, C; Hill, M; Arthurs, OJ; Hutchinson, C; Chitty, LS; Sebire, N; (2018) Factors Affecting Uptake of Postmortem Examination in the Prenatal, Perinatal and Paediatric Setting; a Systematic Review. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology , 125 (2) pp. 172-181. 10.1111/1471-0528.14600. Green open access

Lewis, C; Hill, M; Arthurs, OJ; Hutchinson, JC; Chitty, LS; Sebire, N; (2018) Health professionals’ and coroners’ views on less invasive perinatal and paediatric autopsy: a qualitative study. Archives of Disease in Childhood , 103 (6) pp. 572-578. 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314424. Green open access

Lewis, C; Latif, Z; Hill, M; Riddington, M; Lakhanpaul, M; Arthurs, OJ; Hutchinson, JC; ... Sebire, NJ; + view all (2018) "We might get a lot more families who will agree": Muslim and Jewish perspectives on less invasive perinatal and paediatric autopsy. PLoS One , 13 (8) , Article e0202023. 10.1371/journal.pone.0202023. Green open access

Little, D; Luft, C; Mosaku, O; Lorvellec, M; Yao, Z; Paillusson, S; Kriston-Vizi, J; ... Gissen, P; + view all (2018) A single cell high content assay detects mitochondrial dysfunction in iPSC-derived neurons with mutations in SNCA. Scientific Reports , 8 , Article 9033. 10.1038/s41598-018-27058-0. Green open access

Ludtmann, MHR; Angelova, PR; Horrocks, MH; Choi, ML; Rodrigues, M; Baev, AY; Berezhnov, AV; ... Gandhi, S; + view all (2018) α-synuclein oligomers interact with ATP synthase and open the permeability transition pore in Parkinson's disease. Nature Communications , 9 , Article 2293. 10.1038/s41467-018-04422-2. Green open access


Maeshima, Ruhina; (2018) MYCN Silencing as Therapeutics for Neuroblastoma using RNA interference. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Maldonado, EM; Fisher, CP; Mazzatti, DJ; Barber, AL; Tindall, MJ; Plant, NJ; Kierzek, AM; (2018) Multi-scale, whole-system models of liver metabolic adaptation to fat and sugar in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. npj Systems Biology and Applications , 4 , Article 33. 10.1038/s41540-018-0070-3. Green open access

Manea, E; Gissen, P; Pope, S; Heales, SJ; Batzios, S; (2018) Role of Intramuscular Levofolinate Administration in the Treatment of Hereditary Folate Malabsorption: Report of Three Cases. JIMD Reports , 39 pp. 7-12. 10.1007/8904_2017_39. Green open access

Martin, C-A; Sarlós, K; Logan, CV; Thakur, RS; Parry, DA; Bizard, AH; Leitch, A; ... Jackson, AP; + view all (2018) Mutations in TOP3A Cause a Bloom Syndrome-like Disorder. American Journal of Human Genetics , 103 (2) pp. 221-231. 10.1016/j.ajhg.2018.07.001. Green open access

Massaro, G; Mattar, CNZ; Wong, AMS; Sirka, E; Buckley, SMK; Herbert, BR; Karlsson, S; ... Rahim, AA; + view all (2018) Fetal gene therapy for neurodegenerative disease of infants. Nature Medicine , 24 pp. 1317-1323. 10.1038/s41591-018-0106-7. Green open access

Mellis, R; Chandler, N; Chitty, LS; (2018) Next-generation sequencing and the impact on prenatal diagnosis. Expert Rev Mol Diagn 10.1080/14737159.2018.1493924. (In press). Green open access

Meng, J; Muntoni, F; Morgan, J; (2018) CD133+cells derived from skeletal muscles of Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients have a compromised myogenic and muscle regenerative capability. Stem Cell Research , 30 pp. 43-52. 10.1016/j.scr.2018.05.004. Green open access

Mestek-Boukhibar, L; Clement, E; Jones, WD; Drury, S; Ocaka, L; Gagunashvili, A; Le Quesne Stabej, P; ... Williams, HJ; + view all (2018) Rapid Paediatric Sequencing (RaPS): comprehensive real-life workflow for rapid diagnosis of critically ill children. Journal of Medical Genetics , 55 (11) pp. 721-728. 10.1136/jmedgenet-2018-105396. Green open access

Morandi, G; Cerbone, M; Lamback, EB; Rapti, E; Dattani, MT; (2018) 45,X/46,XY Mosaicism Presenting With Isolated Unilateral Cryptorchidism and a Normal Blood Karyotype. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism , 103 (6) pp. 2079-2082. 10.1210/jc.2017-02671. Green open access

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