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Adams, A; Blandford, A; (2005) Bridging the gap between organizational and user perspectives of security in the clinical domain. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES , 63 (1-2) pp. 175-202. 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2005.04.022. Green open access

Adams, A; Blandford, A; Attfield, S; (2005) Implementing digital resources for clinicians' and patients' varying needs. Med Inform Internet Med , 30 (2) pp. 107-122. 10.1080/14639230500298875. Green open access

Alexander, DC; (2005) Multiple-fiber reconstruction algorithms for diffusion MRI. WHITE MATTER IN COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE: ADVANCES IN DIFFUSION TENSOR IMAGING AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 1064 113 - 133. 10.1196/annals.1340.018. Green open access

Allsop, RE; (2005) How many deaths are we prepared to accept? In: (Proceedings) OVG Spezial 68a: The future of mobility in Europe - putting passenger and goods transport to the test. Proceedings of the 4th European Congress on Traffic of the European Platform of Transport Sciences. Osterreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft: Vienna, Austria. Green open access

Allsop, RE; (2005) Some reasons for lowering the legal drink-drive limit in Britain. (CTS Working Papers ). UCL (University College London), Centre for Transport Studies, UCL (University College London): London. Green open access

Allsop, RE; (2005) Travel survey data required to inform transport safety policy and practice. TRANSPORTMETRICA , 1 (3) 241 - 245. Green open access

Anciaes, PR; (2005) A influência dos interesses do decisor no processo de escolha pública - análise geográfica para o caso da parte sul da futura linha de TGV Lisboa-Porto [The influence of the interests of the decision-maker on the public choice process – GIS analysis of the south part of the new TGV Line Lisbon-Porto]. In: Silva, ANR and Souza, LCL and Mendes, JFG, (eds.) Planejamento Urbano, Regional, Integrado e Sustentável – Desenvolvimentos Recentes no Brasil e em Portugal [Urban, Regional, Integrated and Sustainable Planning – Recent Developments in Brazil and in Portugal]. (pp. 3-23). Universidade de São Paulo: São Paulo, Brazil. Green open access

Attfield, S; Blandford, A; Mottram, C; Penn, A; Fatah gen Schieck, A; (2005) Exploring the effects of introducing real-time simulation on collaborative urban design in augmented reality. In: Gero, JS and Bonnardel, L, (eds.) (pp. pp. 369-374). Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney: Sydney, Australia. Green open access

Aucamp, JP; Cosme, AM; Lye, GJ; Dalby, PA; (2005) High-throughput measurement of protein stability in microtiter plates. BIOTECHNOL BIOENG , 89 (5) 599 - 607. Green open access


Bains, SRE; (2005) Physical computation and embodied artificial intelligence. Doctoral thesis , The Open University.

Battin-Leclerc, Frederique; Buda, Frederic; Fairweather, Michael; Glaude, Pierre-Alexandre; Griffiths, John; Hughes, Kevin; Porter, Richard; (2005) The Effect of Formal Mechanism Reduction on Simulated Propane Autoignition and a Quantitative Assessment of the Impact of Uncertainties in Parameter Values. In: Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2005. European Combustion Meeting (ECM): Louvain la Neuve, Belgium. Green open access

Battin-Leclerc, Frederique; Buda, Frederic; Glaude, Pierre-Alexandre; Griffiths, John; Hughes, Kevin; Porter, Richard; Tomlin, Alison; (2005) A Numerical Study of the Kinetic Origins of Two-Stage Autoignition and the Dependence of Autoignition Temperature on Reactant Pressure in Lean Alkane-Air Mixtures. In: Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2005. European Combustion Meeting (ECM): Louvain la Neuve, Belgium. Green open access

Blandford, A; Green, TRG; Connell, I; (2005) Formalising an understanding of user-system misfits. In: Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. (pp. 253 - 270). Springer Berlin Heidelberg: Germany. Green open access

Brebner, P; Emmerich, W; (2005) Deployment of infrastructure and services in the open grid services architecture (OGSA). In: Dearle, A and Eisenbach, S, (eds.) UNSPECIFIED (pp. 181-195). SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN Green open access

Brostoff, S; Sasse, MA; Chadwick, D; Cunningham, J; Mbanaso, U; Otenko, S; (2005) 'R-What?' - Development of a role-based access control policy-writing tool for e-Scientists. SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE , 35 (9) 835 - 856. 10.1002/spe.691. Green open access


Cairns, S; (2005) Sustainable travel towns show traffic reduction potential. Town and Country Planning , May pp. 158-160. Green open access

Cairns, S; (2005) Travel patterns in ?smart? townsshow potential for traffic reduction. Local Transport Today (415) pp. 14-15. Green open access

Cairns, S; (2005) Why targeted rail growth should be a national aim. Town and Country Planning , Jul/Au pp. 222-224. Green open access

Capra, L; (2005) Reasoning about Trust Groups to Coordinate Mobile Ad-Hoc Systems. In: (pp. pp. 142-152). IEEE Computer Society Press: Los Alamitos, US. Green open access

Carpentieri, M; Corti, A; Lombardi, L; (2005) Life cycle assessment (LCA) of an integrated biomass gasification combined cycle IBGCC with CO2 removal. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 46 (11-12) 1790 - 1808. 10.1016/j.enconman.2004.08.010. Green open access

Cepolina, EM; Tyler, N; (2005) Understanding Capacity Drop for designing pedestrian environments. In: (Proceedings) Walk 21: Everyday Walking Culture. (pp. pp. 1-11). Walk21: Zurich, Switzerland. Green open access

Chainey, S; (2005) Crime Mapping: Improving Performance. A good practice guide for front line officers. Home Office: London, UK. Green open access

Cheng, T; (2005) Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Data Modeling, Analyzing and Reasoning. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Cheng, L; Galis, A; (2005) Simple key exchange for active networks. In: Ali, BM, (ed.) (pp. 346 - 351). IEEE COMPUTER SOC Green open access

Childs, CR; Fujiyama, T; Brown, IEW; Tyler, N; (2005) Pedestrian Accessibility and Movement Environment Laboratory. In: (Proceedings) Walk21 Everyday Walking Culture. (pp. pp. 1-12). Walk21: Zurich. Green open access

Cunningham, J; Pepper, M; Talyanskii, VI; Ritchie, DA; (2005) Acoustic transport of electrons in parallel quantum wires. In: Acta Physica Polonica A. (pp. 38 - 45). POLISH ACAD SCIENCES INST PHYSICS Green open access


Denaro, G; Polini, A; Emmerich, W; (2005) Performance Testing of Distributed Component Architectures. In: Beydeda, S and Gruhn, V, (eds.) Building Quality into COTS Components - Testing and Debugging. (pp. 294-314). Springer Green open access

Doërr, G; (2005) Security Issue and Collusion Attacks in Video Watermarking. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Dror, IE; (2005) Perception is far from perfection: The role of the brain and mind in constructing realities. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 28 (6) 763 - 763. 10.1017/S0140525X05270139. Green open access

Duboc, L; Wicks, T; Emmerich, W; (2005) Experience with lightweight distributed component technologies in Business Intelligence systems. In: Gschwind, T and Mascolo, C, (eds.) UNSPECIFIED (pp. 214-229). SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN Green open access


Eck, J; Chainey, S; Cameron, J; Wilson, R; (2005) Mapping crime: Understanding Hotspots. National Institute of Justice: Washington DC. Green open access


Fields, B; Keith, S; Blandford, A; (2005) Designing for expert information finding strategies. In: Fincher, S and Markopoulos, P and Moore, D and Ruddle, R, (eds.) (Proceedings) 18th Annual Conference of the British-HCI-Group. (pp. pp. 89-102). SPRINGER-VERLAG LONDON LTD Green open access

Fleet, L; Blandford, AE; (2005) Requirements of time management tools for outpatient physiotherapy practice. Health Informatics Journal , 11 (3) pp. 179-199. 10.1177/1460458205055684. Green open access

Fujiyama, T; (2005) Investigating use of space of pedestrians. (Working Ppaer ). Centre for Transport Studies, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Fujiyama, T; Childs, CR; Boampomg, D; Tyler, N; (2005) Investigation of Lighting Levels for Pedestrians - Some questions about lighting levels of current lighting standards. In: (Proceedings) Walk21-VI, Everyday Walking Culture. 6th International Conference of Walking in the 21st Century. (pp. pp. 1-13). Walk21: Zurich, Switzerland. Green open access


Germano, G; Schmid, F; (2005) Nematic-isotropic interfaces under shear: a molecular-dynamics simulation. Journal of Chemical Physics , 123 (21) , Article 214703. 10.1063/1.2131065. Green open access

Gharib, F; Nasiri, R; (2005) Complex formation of dioxovanadium(V) with glycine and some glycyl peptides. Reviews in Inorganic Chemistry , 25 (1) pp. 79-91. 10.1515/REVIC.2005.25.1.79. Green open access

Ghosh, A; Wright, MH; Siegert, C; Pepper, M; Farrer, I; Ford, CJB; Ritchie, DA; (2005) Zero-bias anomaly and kondo-assisted quasiballistic 2D transport. PHYS REV LETT , 95 (6) , Article 066603. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.066603. Green open access


Haddadi, H; Mendes Rodrigues, E; Sacks, LE; (2005) Applications of GridProbe technology for traffic monitoring on high-capacity backbone networks, data-link layer simulation approach. In: (Proceedings) IEEE INFOCOM 2005: The Conference on Computer Communications, student workshop. : Miami, Florida, USA. Green open access

Haddadi, H; Mendes Rodrigues, E; Sacks, LE; (2005) Development of a monitoring and measurement platform for UKLight high-capacity network. In: (Proceedings) PREP2005 : Postgraduate Research Conference in Electronics, Photonics, Communications and Networks, and Computing Science. : University of Lancaster, UK. Green open access

Hesselman, L; (2005) Democratizing innovation. Society of Business Economists, UCL (University College London), Society of Business Economists Green open access

Hibbert, EG; Dalby, PA; (2005) Directed evolution strategies for improved enzymatic performance. Microbial Cell Factories , 4 , Article 29. 10.1186/1475-2859-4-29. Green open access


Inglesant, P; Sasse, MA; (2005) Usability is a policy issue: Minimising the "Hassle Factor" in mobile payment of the Central London Congestion Charge. In: Proceedings of the EURO mGOV 2005: The 1st European Mobile Government Conference. (pp. pp. 254-263). Mobile Government Consortium International LLC: University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. Green open access

Inglesant, PG; Sasse, MA; (2005) Situating the transient user: overcoming challenges in the design of e-government systems. In: Følstad, A and Krogstie, J and Oppermann, R and Svanæs, D, (eds.) SINTEF report STF90 A05110. Sintef: Oslo, Norway. Green open access


Jones, P; Wixey, S; Titheridge, H; Christodoulou, G; (2005) Developing Accessibility Planning Tools. ("Measuring Accessibility as Experienced by Different Socially Disadvantaged Groups" Working Paper 6). University of Westminster: London, UK. Green open access


Kenyon, AJ; (2005) Erbium in silicon. Semiconductor Science and Technology , 20 (12) R65 -R84. 10.1088/0268-1242/20/12/R02. Green open access

Knoche, H; McCarthy, JD; Sasse, MA; (2005) Can small be beautiful? assessing image resolution requirements for mobile TV. In: Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. (pp. 829 - 838). Green open access

Kolmogorov, V; Criminisi, A; Blake, A; Cross, G; Rother, C; (2005) Bi-layer segmentation of binocular stereo video. In: Schmid, C and Soatto, S and Tomasi, C, (eds.) 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol 2, Proceedings. (pp. 407 - 414). IEEE COMPUTER SOC Green open access

Kyle, SA; (2005) Alternatives in 6DOF probing - more flexibility, lower cost, universal? Presented at: Coordinate Measurement Systems Conference (CMSC), Austin, US. Green open access


Lad, M; Bhatti, S; Kirstein, P; Hailes, S; (2005) The Coalition Peering Domain: A New Entity In The Routing Landscape. IEEE Network Magazine , SI pp. 1-8. Green open access

Ladommatos, N; Xiao, Z; Zhao, H; (2005) The effect of piston bowl temperature on diesel exhaust emissions. P I MECH ENG D-J AUT , 219 (D3) 371 - 388. 10.1243/095440705X6550. Green open access

Landeryou, M; Eames, I; Cottenden, A; (2005) Infiltration into inclined fibrous sheets. J FLUID MECH , 529 173 - 193. 10.1017/S0022112005003356. Green open access

Letier, E; Kramer, J; Magee, J; Uchitel, S; (2005) Monitoring and control in scenario-based requirements analysis. In: ICSE 05: 27th International Conference on Software Engineering, Proceedings. (pp. 382 - 391). ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY Green open access

Li, Z; (2005) Correction of atmospheric water vapour effects on repeat-pass SAR interferometry using GPS, MODIS and MERIS data. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Lim, Y; Heydecker, BG; Lee, S; (2005) A continuous network design model in stochastic user equilibrium based on sensitivity analysis. In: J ADV TRANSPORT. (pp. 63 - 79). INST TRANSPORTATION Green open access

Loustalan, P.W.; (2005) Experimental investigation of near-nozzle characteristics of gasoline sprays from pressure-swirl atomisers. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Mackett, RL; Brown, B; Paskins, J; (2005) Overcoming the barriers to walking for children. In: (Proceedings) Walk21-VI 'Everyday Walking Culture', The 6th International Conference on Walking in the 21st Century. : Zurich, Switzerland. Green open access

Malki-Epshtein, L; (2005) Growth and structure of double-diffusive intrusions. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

McCarthy, JD; Riegelsberger, J; Sasse, MA; (2005) Commercial uses of eye tracking. Presented at: 19th British HCI Group Annual Conference: HCI 2005, Edinburgh, UK. Green open access

McCoy, AD; Horak, P; Thomsen, BC; Ibsen, M; Richardson, DJ; (2005) Noise suppression of incoherent light using a gain-saturated SOA: Implications for spectrum-sliced WDM systems. J LIGHTWAVE TECHNOL , 23 (8) 2399 - 2409. 10.1109/JLT.2005.852023. Green open access

Mugwagwa, J; Mnyulwa, D; (2005) Agricultural biotechnology in southern Africa: a regional synthesis. In: Omamo, SW and von Grebmer, K, (eds.) Biotechnology, Agriculture, and Food Security in Southern Africa. (pp. 13-36). International Food Policy Research Institute: Washington, DC, USA. Green open access

Musolesi, M; Hailes, S; Mascolo, C; (2005) Adaptive routing for intermittently connected mobile ad hoe networks. In: (Proceedings) 6th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2005). (pp. pp. 183-189). IEEE COMPUTER SOC Green open access

Musolesi, M; Hailes, S; Mascolo, C; (2005) Social networks based ad hoc mobility models. In: Proceedings of the 3rd UK-UbiNet Workshop. Unknown Green open access


Nabarro, S; Himoudi, N; Papanastasiou, A; Gilmour, K; Gibson, S; Sebire, N; Thrasher, A; ... Anderson, J; + view all (2005) Coordinated oncogenic transformation and inhibition of host immune responses by the PAX3-FKHR fusion oncoprotein. Journal of Experimental Medicine , 202 (10) pp. 1399-1410. 10.1084/jem.20050730. Green open access

Newsome, J; Karp, B; Song, D; (2005) Polygraph: Automatically generating signatures for polymorphic worms. In: (pp. pp. 226-241). Green open access


Parker, GJM; Alexander, DC; (2005) Probabilistic Anatomical Connectivity Derived from the Microscopic Persistent Angular Structure of Cerebral Tissue. In: (pp. p. 735). International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: Berkeley, US. Green open access

Parkins, A; (2005) GPS on the railway: A study of the value of incorporating knowledge of the track in a train positioning solution. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Patel, J; Pankhurst, QA; Parkin, IP; (2005) Synthesis and properties of nickel-cobalt-boron nanoparticles. Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 17 196 -200. 10.1088/1742-6596/17/1/027. Green open access

Pérez, JAN; Voronkov, A; (2005) Generation of Hard Non-Clausal Random Satisfiability Problems. In: Veloso, MM and Kambhampati, S, (eds.) AAAI 2005. (pp. 436 - 442). AAAI Press / The MIT Press Green open access

Pitwon, RA; Papakonstantinou, I; Selviah, DR; Hopkins, K; Milward, D; (2005) Storlite Project Overview. In: (Proceedings) DTI Photonics Focus Conference. : London, UK. Green open access

Poli, R; Langdon, WB; (2005) Backward-chaining Genetic Programming. (Technical Reports CSM 42 ). Department of Computing and Electronic Systems, University of Essex: Colchester, UK. Green open access


Rana, S; (2005) Use of GIS for planning visual surveillance installations. In: (Proceedings) Procs ESRI Homeland Security GIS Summit. ESRI (on CD-ROM): 380 New York Street, Redlands, CA92373-8100, USA. Green open access

Rashed, AM; Selviah, DR; (2005) Modeling of a polymer 1x3 MMI power splitter for optical backplane. In: Rakic, AD and Yeow, YT, (eds.) Commad 04: 2004 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, Proceedings. (pp. 281 - 284). IEEE Green open access

Richards, A; Knapen, J; Yates, J; Cohen, R; Collett, J; Wright, M; Gray, M; (2005) megamasers,starburst,AGN,activity,Markarian. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 364 353 - 366. 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2005.09588.x. Green open access

Richards, AMS; Knapen, JH; Yates, JA; Cohen, RJ; Collett, JL; Wright, MM; Gray, MD; (2005) OH megamasers, starburst and AGN activity in Markarian 231. MON NOT R ASTRON SOC , 364 (2) 353 - 366. 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2005.09588.x. Green open access

Riegelsberger, J; Sasse, MA; McCarthy, JD; (2005) Do people trust their eyes more than their ears? media bias while seeking expert advice. In: Proceedings of CHI '05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (pp. pp. 1745-1748). ACM publishing: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Rodrigues, G; Rosenblum, D; Uchitel, S; (2005) Sensitivity Analysis for a Scenario-Based Reliability Prediction Model. In: Proceedings ICSE 2005 Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems. (pp. 73-77). ACM Press: USA. Green open access

Rodrigues, G; Rosenblum, D; Uchitel, S; (2005) Using Scenarios to Predict the Reliability of Concurrent Component-Based Software Systems. In: Cerioli, M, (ed.) Proc. ETAPS 2005 International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering - FASE 2005. (pp. 111-126). Springer Green open access

Precache Inc. (2005) Method for storing boolean functions to enable evaluation, modification, reuse, and delivery over a network. US 6,910,033 B2. Green open access

Ruskov, M; (2005) Dialogue management systems for interactive storytelling. Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Sanchez-Vives, MV; Slater, M; (2005) From presence to consciousness through virtual reality. NAT REV NEUROSCI , 6 (4) 332 - 339. 10.1038/nrn1651. Green open access

Sasse, MA; (2005) Usability and Trust in Information Systems. In: Mansell, R and Collins, B, (eds.) Trust and Crime in Information Societies. (319 - 348). Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK. Green open access

Sasse, MA; Flechais, I; (2005) Usable Security: Why Do We Need It? How Do We Get It? In: Cranor, LF and Garfinkel, S, (eds.) Security and Usability: Designing secure systems that people can use. (13 - 30). O'Reilly: Sebastopol, US. Green open access

Scholl, J; Parnes, P; McCarthy, JD; Sasse, MA; (2005) Designing a Large-Scale Video Chat Application. In: Zhang, H and Chua, T-S and Steinmetz, R and Kankanhalli, MS and Wilcox, L, (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia MULTIMEDIA '05. (pp. 71 - 80). ACM: USA: New York. Green open access

Shawe-Taylor, J; Williams, CKI; Cristianini, N; Kandola, J; (2005) On the eigenspectrum of the Gram matrix and the generalization error of kernel-PCA. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY , 51 (7) pp. 2510-2522. 10.1109/TIT.2005.850052. Green open access

Skene, J; Emmerich, W; (2005) Engineering runtime requirements-monitoring systems using MDA technologies. In: Nicola, RD and Sangiorgi, D, (eds.) UNSPECIFIED (pp. 319-333). SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN Green open access

Starostin, E; (2005) On the writhing number of a non-closed curve. In: Calvo, J and Millett, K and Rawdon, E and Stasiak, A, (eds.) Physical and numerical models in knot theory including applications to the life sciences. (pp. 525-545). World Scientific Publishing Green open access

Stride, E; Saffari, N; (2005) Investigating the significance of multiple scattering in ultrasound contrast agent particle populations. IEEE T ULTRASON FERR , 52 (12) 2332 - 2345. Green open access


Tachtsidis, I; (2005) Experimental measurements of cerebral haemodynamics and oxygenation and comparisons with a computational model: a near-infrared sprectroscopy investigation. Doctoral thesis , University College London.

Tan, PJ; (2005) Dynamic mechanical properties of metal foams, Ph.D. Thesis. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Thoreau, R; Ward, H; (2005) Borough Liaison with the Emergency Services. A study towards good practice. Green open access

To, LS; (2005) PV in Remote Indigenous Australian Communities: An Assessment of the Bushlight Community Energy Planning Model. UNSPECIFIED thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

To, LS; (2005) PV in Remote Indigenous Australian Communities: An Assessment of the Bushlight Community Energy Planning Model. Other thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Ward, H; (2005) Department of Health's accidental injury research initiative. In: Behavioural research in road safety 2005: fifteenth seminar. (pp. 5-18). Department for Transport: London, UK. Green open access

Ward, H; (2005) Research to inform future speed policy. In: Behavioural research in road safety 2005: fifteenth seminar. (pp. 79-84). Department for Transport: London, UK. Green open access

Ward, H; Shepherd, N; Robertson, S; Thomas, M; (2005) Night-time accidents: a scoping study. Executive summary. UCL (University College London), The AA Motoring Trust: Basingstoke, UK. Green open access

Wilczkowiak, M; Brostow, GJ; Tordoff, B; Cipolla, R; (2005) Hole filling through photomontage. In: Green open access

Wortley, R; Summers, L; (2005) Reducing prison disorder through situational prevention: The Glen Parva experience. In: Smith, DMJ and Tilley, N, (eds.) Crime science. (85- 103). Willan: London, UK. Green open access


Yang, Y; Yum, TSP; (2005) Analysis of power ramping schemes for UTRA-FDD random access channel. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS , 4 (6) pp. 2688-2693. 10.1109/TWC.2005.857993. Green open access

Yang, Y; Yum, TSP; (2005) Multicode multirate compact assignment of OVSF codes for QoS differentiated terminals. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY , 54 (6) pp. 2114-2124. 10.1109/TVT.2005.858166. Green open access


Zhang, S; Fan, WJ; Panoiu, NC; Malloy, KJ; Osgood, RM; Brueck, SRJ; (2005) Experimental demonstration of near-infrared negative-index metamaterials. PHYS REV LETT , 95 (13) , Article 137404. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.137404. Green open access

Zhaoping, L; (2005) Border ownership from intracortical interactions in visual area V2. NEURON , 47 (1) 143 - 153. 10.1016/j.neuron.2005.04.005. Green open access

Zhaoping, L; (2005) The primary visual cortex creates a bottom-up saliency map. In: Itti, L and Rees, G and Tsotsos, J, (eds.) Neurobiology of Attention. (pp. 570-575). Academic Press: Burlington. Green open access

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