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Abel, GA; Saunders, CL; Lyratzopoulos, G; (2016) Post-sampling mortality and non-response patterns in the English Cancer Patient Experience Survey: Implications for epidemiological studies based on surveys of cancer patients. Cancer Epidemiology , 41 pp. 34-41. 10.1016/j.canep.2015.12.010. Green open access

Abell, JG; Stalder, T; Ferrie, JE; Shipley, MJ; Kirschbaum, C; Kivimaki, M; Kumari, M; (2016) Assessing cortisol from hair samples in a large observational cohort: The Whitehall II study. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY , 73 pp. 148-156. 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2016.07.214. Green open access

Abell, JG; Shipley, MJ; Ferrie, JE; Kivimäki, M; Kumari, M; (2016) Association of chronic insomnia symptoms and recurrent extreme sleep duration over 10 years with well-being in older adults: a cohort study. BMJ Open , 6 (2) , Article e009501. 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009501. Green open access

Abell, JG; Shipley, MJ; Ferrie, JE; Kivimäki, M; Kumari, M; (2016) Recurrent short sleep, chronic insomnia symptoms and salivary cortisol: A 10-year follow-up in the Whitehall II study. Psychoneuroendocrinology , 68 pp. 91-99. 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2016.02.021. Green open access

Aggio, D; Smith, L; Fisher, A; Hamer, M; (2016) Aggio et al. Respond to “Lessons for Research on Cognitive Aging”. American Journal of Epidemiology , 183 (12) pp. 1086-1087. 10.1093/aje/kww030. Green open access

Aggio, DA; Hamer, M; Smith, L; Fisher, A; (2016) Context-specific associations of physical activity and sedentary behaviour with cognition in children. American Journal of Epidemiology , 183 (12) pp. 1075-1082. 10.1093/aje/kww031. Green open access

Anthenelli, RM; Benowitz, NL; West, R; St Aubin, L; McRae, T; Lawrence, D; Ascher, J; ... Evins, AE; + view all (2016) Neuropsychiatric safety and efficacy of varenicline, bupropion, and nicotine patch in smokers with and without psychiatric disorders (EAGLES): A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial. The Lancet , 387 (10037) pp. 2507-2520. 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)30272-0. Green open access


Bajekal, M; (2016) Socioeconomic inequalities in health expectancy with and without multiple morbidities. Presented at: UNSW, Sydney, Australia. Green open access

Beard, EV; Brown, J; Michie, S; Kaner, E; Meier, P; West, R; (2016) Use of aids for smoking cessation and alcohol reduction: A population survey of adults in England. BMC Public Health , 16 , Article 1237. 10.1186/s12889-016-3862-7. Green open access

Beard, EV; Brown, J; West, R; Angus, C; Brennan, A; Holmes, J; Kaner, E; ... Michie, S; + view all (2016) Deconstructing the Alcohol Harm Paradox: A population based survey of adults in England. PLoS One , 11 (9) , Article e0160666. 10.1371/journal.pone.0160666. Green open access

Beard, EV; Dienes, Z; Muirhead, C; West, R; (2016) Using Bayes Factors for testing hypotheses about intervention effectiveness in addictions research. Addiction , 111 (12) pp. 2230-2247. 10.1111/add.13501. Green open access

Beard, EV; Shahab, L; Cummings, D; Michie, S; West, R; (2016) New Pharmacological Agents to Aid Smoking Cessation and Tobacco Harm Reduction: What has been Investigated and What is in the Pipeline? CNS Drugs , 30 (10) pp. 951-983. 10.1007/s40263-016-0362-3. Green open access

Beard, EV; West, R; Michie, S; Brown, J; (2016) Association between electronic cigarette use and changes in quit attempts, success of quit attempts, use of smoking cessation pharmacotherapy, and use of stop smoking services in England: time series analysis of population trends. BMJ , 354 , Article i4645. 10.1136/bmj.i4645. Green open access

Beeken, RJ; Croker, H; Heinrich, M; Smith, L; Williams, K; Hackshaw, A; Hines, J; ... Fisher, A; + view all (2016) Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of brief, habit-based, lifestyle advice for cancer survivors: exploring behavioural outcomes for the Advancing Survivorship Cancer Outcomes Trial (ASCOT). BMJ Open , 6 (11) , Article e011646. 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011646. Green open access

Beeken, RJ; Williams, K; Wardle, J; Croker, H; (2016) "What about diet?" A qualitative study of cancer survivors' views on diet and cancer and their sources of information. European Journal of Cancer Care , 25 (5) pp. 774-783. 10.1111/ecc.12529. Green open access

Bonello, B; Ghanouni, A; Bowyer, HL; MacRae, E; Atkin, W; Halloran, SP; Wardle, J; (2016) Using a hypothetical scenario to assess public preferences for colorectal surveillance following screening-detected, intermediate-risk adenomas: annual home-based stool test vs. triennial colonoscopy. BMC Gastroenterology , 16 (1) , Article 113. 10.1186/s12876-016-0517-1. Green open access

Booth, HP; Khan, O; Fildes, A; Prevost, AT; Reddy, M; Charlton, J; Gulliford, MC; (2016) Changing Epidemiology of Bariatric Surgery in the UK: Cohort Study Using Primary Care Electronic Health Records. Obesity Surgery 10.1007/s11695-015-2032-9. Green open access

Brown, J; Michie, S; Walmsley, M; West, R; (2016) An Online Documentary Film to Motivate Quit Attempts Among Smokers in the General Population (4Weeks2Freedom): A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nicotine and Tobacco Research , 18 (5) pp. 1093-1100. 10.1093/ntr/ntv161. Green open access

Brown, J; West, R; Angus, C; Beard, E; Brennan, A; Drummond, C; Hickman, M; ... Michie, S; + view all (2016) Comparison of brief interventions in primary care on smoking and excessive alcohol consumption in England: a population survey. British Journal of General Practice , 66 (642) e1-e9. 10.3399/bjgp16X683149. Green open access

Brown, J; West, R; Beard, E; Brennan, A; Drummond, C; Gillespie, D; Hickman, M; ... Michie, S; + view all (2016) Are recent attempts to quit smoking associated with reduced drinking in England? A cross-sectional population survey. BMC Public Health , 16 , Article 535. 10.1186/s12889-016-3223-6. Green open access


Cadar, D; Stephan, BC; Jagger, C; Johansson, B; Hofer, SM; Piccinin, AM; Muniz-Terrera, G; (2016) The role of cognitive reserve on terminal decline: a cross-cohort analysis from two European studies: OCTO-Twin, Sweden, and Newcastle 85+, UK. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry , 31 (6) pp. 551-680. 10.1002/gps.4366. Green open access

Cadar, D; Piccinin, AM; Hofer, SM; Johansson, B; Muniz-Terrera, G; (2016) Education, occupational class, and cognitive decline in preclinical dementia. GeroPsych , 29 (1) pp. 5-15. 10.1024/1662-9647/a000138. Green open access

Capewell, S; Cadar, D; Ronzi, S; Oliver, K; Boniface, S; Demou, E; Denison, H; ... Rimmer, M; + view all (2016) Academic careers: What do early career researchers think? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 10.1136/jech-2016-207438. (In press). Green open access

Carr, E; Murray, ET; Zaninotto, P; Cadar, D; Head, J; Stansfeld, S; Stafford, M; (2016) The Association Between Informal Caregiving and Exit From Employment Among Older Workers: Prospective Findings From the UK Household Longitudinal Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 10.1093/geronb/gbw156. (In press). Green open access

Chen, L-J; Steptoe, A; Chung, M-S; Ku, P-W; (2016) Association between actigraphy-derived physical activity and cognitive performance in patients with schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine , 46 (11) pp. 2375-2384. 10.1017/S0033291716000921. Green open access

Chigogora, S; Zaninotto, P; Kivimaki, M; Steptoe, A; Batty, GD; (2016) Insulin-like growth factor 1 and risk of depression in older people: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Translational Psychiatry , 6 (9) , Article e898. 10.1038/tp.2016.167. Green open access

Chorley, AJ; Marlow, LA; Forster, AS; Haddrell, JB; Waller, J; (2016) Experiences of cervical screening and barriers to participation in the context of an organised programme: a systematic review and thematic synthesis. Psycho-Oncology , 26 (2) pp. 161-172. 10.1002/pon.4126. Green open access

Cooke, L; Llewellyn, C; (2016) Nature and Nurture in Early Feeding Behavior. In: Fewtrell, MS and Haschke, F and Prescott, SL, (eds.) Preventive Aspects of Early Nutrition. (pp. pp. 155-165). S. Karger AG: Basel, Switzerland. Green open access

Cosco, TD; Kaushal, A; Richards, M; Kuh, D; Stafford, M; (2016) Resilience measurement in later life: a systematic review and psychometric analysis. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes , 14 (1) , Article 16. 10.1186/s12955-016-0418-6. Green open access

Courtney, RJ; Clare, P; Boland, V; Martire, KA; Bonevski, B; Hall, W; Siahpush, M; ... Mattick, RP; + view all (2016) Predictors of retention in a randomised trial of smoking cessation in low-socioeconomic status Australian smokers. Addictive Behaviors , 64 pp. 13-20. 10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.07.019. Green open access

Cromme, SK; Whitaker, KL; Winstanley, K; Renzi, C; Smith, CF; Wardle, J; (2016) Worrying about wasting GP time as a barrier to help-seeking: a community-based, qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice , 66 (648) e474-e482. 10.3399/bjgp16X685621. Green open access


David, AS; Ajnakina, O; (2016) Psychosis as a continuous phenotype in the general population: the thin line between normality and pathology. [Editorial comment]. World Psychiatry , 15 (2) pp. 129-130. 10.1002/wps.20327. Green open access

de Bruin, M; Viechtbauer, W; Eisma, MC; Hartmann-Boyce, J; West, R; Bull, E; Michie, S; (2016) Identifying effective behavioural components of Intervention and Comparison group support provided in SMOKing cEssation (IC-SMOKE) interventions: a systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews , 5 (1) , Article 77. 10.1186/s13643-016-0253-1. Green open access

de Vocht, F; Brown, J; Beard, E; Angus, C; Brennan, A; Michie, S; Campbell, R; (2016) Temporal patterns of alcohol consumption and attempts to reduce alcohol intake in England. BMC Public Health , 16 , Article 917. 10.1186/s12889-016-3542-7. Green open access

Demakakos, P; Pillas, D; Marmot, M; Steptoe, A; (2016) Parenting style in childhood and mortality risk at older ages: a longitudinal cohort study. The British Journal of Psychiatry , 209 (2) pp. 135-141. 10.1192/bjp.bp.115.163543. Green open access

Dodd, RH; (2016) Examining the psychosocial impact of human papillomavirus oropharyngeal cancer. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dodd, RH; Marlow, LA; Forster, AS; Waller, J; (2016) Print and online newspaper coverage of the link between HPV and oral cancer in the UK: a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open , 6 (2) , Article e008740. 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008740. Green open access


Edwards, MJ; May, T; Kesten, JM; Banfield, K; Bird, EL; Powell, JE; Sebire, SJ; (2016) Lessons learnt from the Bristol Girls Dance Project cluster RCT: implications for designing and implementing after-school physical activity interventions. BMJ Open , 6 (1) , Article e010036. 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010036. Green open access

Endrighi, R; Hamer, M; Steptoe, A; (2016) Post-menopausal women exhibit greater interleukin-6 responses to mental stress than older men. Annals of Behavioral Medicine , 50 (4) pp. 564-571. 10.1007/s12160-016-9783-y. Green open access


Fancourt, DE; (2016) The psychoneuroimmunology of music: modulation of psychological state, stress levels and immune response through participatory interventions. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Fildes, A; van Jaarsveld, CH; Cooke, L; Wardle, J; Llewellyn, CH; (2016) Common genetic architecture underlying young children's food fussiness and liking for vegetables and fruit. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 10.3945/ajcn.115.122945. Green open access

Fisher, A; Beeken, RJ; Heinrich, M; Williams, K; Wardle, J; (2016) Health behaviours and fear of cancer recurrence in 10 969 colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. Psycho-Oncology , 25 (12) pp. 1434-1440. 10.1002/pon.4076. Green open access

Fisher, A; Wardle, J; Beeken, RJ; Croker, H; Williams, K; Grimmett, C; (2016) Perceived barriers and benefits to physical activity in colorectal cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer , 24 (2) pp. 903-910. 10.1007/s00520-015-2860-0. Green open access

Fluharty, M; Jentzsch, I; Spitschan, M; Vishwanath, D; (2016) Eye fixation during multiple object attention is based on a representation of discrete spatial foci. Scientific Reports , 6 (1) , Article 31832. 10.1038/srep31832. Green open access

Forster, AS; Burgess, C; Dodhia, H; Fuller, F; Miller, J; McDermott, L; Gulliford, MC; (2016) Do health checks improve risk factor detection in primary care? Matched cohort study using electronic health records. Journal of Public Health , 38 (3) pp. 552-559. 10.1093/pubmed/fdv119. Green open access

Forster, AS; Rockliffe, L; Chorley, AJ; Marlow, LA; Bedford, H; Smith, SG; Waller, J; (2016) Ethnicity-specific factors influencing childhood immunisation decisions among Black and Asian Minority Ethnic groups in the UK: a systematic review of qualitative research. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 10.1136/jech-2016-207366. (In press). Green open access

Forster, AS; Rockliffe, L; Chorley, AJ; Marlow, LAV; Bedford, H; Smith, SG; Waller, J; (2016) A qualitative systematic review of factors influencing parents’ vaccination decision-making in the United Kingdom. SSM - Population Health , 2 pp. 603-612. 10.1016/j.ssmph.2016.07.005. Green open access

Forster, AS; Waller, J; (2016) Taking stock and looking ahead: Behavioural science lessons for implementing the nonavalent human papillomavirus vaccine. European Journal of Cancer , 62 pp. 96-102. 10.1016/j.ejca.2016.04.014. Green open access


Gainforth, HL; Lorencatto, F; Erickson, K; West, R; Michie, S; (2016) Characterizing clients' verbal statements in behavioural support interventions: The case of smoking cessation. British Journal of Health Psychology , 21 (3) pp. 600-612. 10.1111/bjhp.12188. Green open access

Gale, C; Hyde, MJ; Modi, N; WHEAT trial development group; (2016) Research ethics committee decision-making in relation to an efficient neonatal trial. Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition , 102 (4) F291-F298. 10.1136/archdischild-2016-310935. Green open access

Garfield, V; Llewellyn, CH; Kumari, M; (2016) The relationship between physical activity, sleep duration and depressive symptoms in older adults: The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). Preventive Medicine Reports , 4 pp. 512-516. 10.1016/j.pmedr.2016.09.006. Green open access

Garnett, C; Crane, D; Michie, S; West, R; Brown, J; (2016) Evaluating the effectiveness of a smartphone app to reduce excessive alcohol consumption: protocol for a factorial randomised control trial. BMC Public Health , 16 , Article 536. 10.1186/s12889-016-3140-8. Green open access

Ghanouni, A; Plumb, A; Hewitson, P; Nickerson, C; Rees, CJ; von Wagner, C; (2016) Patients' experience of colonoscopy in the English Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. Endoscopy , 48 (3) pp. 232-240. 10.1055/s-0042-100613. Green open access

Ghanouni, A; Renzi, C; Meisel, SF; Waller, J; (2016) Common methods of measuring 'informed choice' in screening participation: Challenges and future directions. Preventive Medicine Reports , 4 pp. 601-607. 10.1016/j.pmedr.2016.10.017. Green open access

Ghanouni, AP; Meisel, SF; Hersch, J; Waller, J; Wardle, J; Renzi, C; (2016) Information on 'overdiagnosis' in breast cancer screening on prominent United Kingdom- and Australia-oriented health websites. PLOS One , 11 (3) , Article e0152279. 10.1371/journal.pone.0152279. Green open access

Ghanouni, AP; Meisel, SF; Renzi, C; Wardle, J; Waller, J; (2016) Survey of public definitions of the term 'overdiagnosis' in the UK. BMJ Open , 6 (4) , Article e010723. 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010723. Green open access

Godinho, CA; Yardley, L; Marcu, A; Mowbray, F; Beard, E; Michie, S; (2016) Increasing the intent to receive a pandemic influenza vaccination: testing the impact of theory-based messages. Preventive Medicine , 89 pp. 104-111. 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.05.025. Green open access

Gould, GS; Watt, K; West, R; Cadet-James, Y; Clough, AR; (2016) Can smoking initiation contexts predict how adult Aboriginal smokers assess their smoking risks? A cross-sectional study using the 'Smoking Risk Assessment Target'. BMJ Open , 6 (7) , Article e010722. 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010722. Green open access

Grabski, M; Curran, HV; Nutt, DJ; Husbands, SM; Freeman, TP; Fluharty, M; Munafò, MR; (2016) Behavioral tasks sensitive to acute abstinence and predictive of smoking cessation success: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction 10.1111/add.13507. Green open access

Gulliford, MC; Booth, HP; Reddy, M; Charlton, J; Fildes, A; Prevost, AT; Khan, O; (2016) Effect of Contemporary Bariatric Surgical Procedures on Type 2 Diabetes Remission. A Population-Based Matched Cohort Study. Obesity Surgery , 26 (10) pp. 2308-2315. 10.1007/s11695-016-2103-6. Green open access


Hackett, R; (2016) The role of psychosocial wellbeing and biological stress processes in linking type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hackett, RA; Steptoe, A; (2016) Psychosocial Factors in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk. Current Cardiology Reports , 18 (10) , Article 95. 10.1007/s11886-016-0771-4. Green open access

Harris, HA; Fildes, A; Mallan, KM; Llewellyn, CH; (2016) Maternal feeding practices and fussy eating in toddlerhood: a discordant twin analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity , 13 , Article 81. 10.1186/s12966-016-0408-4. Gold open access

Heikkila, K; Nyberg, ST; Madsen, IE; de Vroome, E; Alfredsson, L; Bjorner, JJ; Borritz, M; ... Kivimäki, M; + view all (2016) Long working hours and cancer risk: a multi-cohort study. British Journal of Cancer , 114 (7) pp. 813-818. 10.1038/bjc.2016.9. Green open access

Heinrich, M; Fisher, A; Paton, B; McCourt, O; Beeken, RJ; Hackshaw, A; Wardle, J; (2016) Lifestyle in Multiple Myeloma - a longitudinal cohort study protocol. BMC Cancer , 16 , Article 387. 10.1186/s12885-016-2407-x. Green open access

Hekler, EB; Michie, S; Pavel, M; Rivera, DE; Collins, LM; Jimison, HB; Garnett, C; ... Spruijt-Metz, D; + view all (2016) Advancing Models and Theories for Digital Behavior Change Interventions. American Journal of Preventive Medicine , 51 (5) pp. 825-832. 10.1016/j.amepre.2016.06.013. Green open access

Herbert, A; (2016) Risks of future harm in adolescents hospitalised with violent, self-inflicted or drug/alcohol-related injury. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Herle, M; Fildes, A; van Jaarsveld, C; Rijsdijk, F; Llewellyn, CH; (2016) Parental Reports of Infant and Child Eating Behaviors are not Affected by Their Beliefs About Their Twins' Zygosity. Behavior Genetics , 46 (6) pp. 763-771. 10.1007/s10519-016-9798-y. Green open access

Herold, R; Schiekirka, S; Brown, J; Bobak, A; McEwen, A; Raupach, T; (2016) Structured Smoking Cessation Training for Medical Students: a prospective study. Nicotine and Tobacco Research , 18 (12) pp. 2209-2215. 10.1093/ntr/ntw191. Green open access

Hindocha, C; Freeman, TP; Ferris, JA; Lynskey, MT; Winstock, AR; (2016) No Smoke without Tobacco: A Global Overview of Cannabis and Tobacco Routes of Administration and Their Association with Intention to Quit. Frontiers in Psychiatry , 7 , Article 104. 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00104. Green open access

Hirst, Y; Kerrison, R; Kobayashi, LC; Counsell, N; Djedovic, N; Ruwende, J; Stewart, M; (2016) Text Reminders in Colorectal Cancer Screening (TRICCS): Protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health 10.1186/s12889-016-2733-6. Green open access

Holmes, J; Brown, J; Meier, P; Beard, E; Michie, S; Buykx, P; (2016) Short-term effects of announcing revised lower risk national drinking guidelines on related awareness and knowledge: A trend analysis of monthly survey data in England. BMJ Open , 6 (12) , Article e013804. 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013804. Green open access

Hughes, DL; Neal, RD; Lyratzopoulos, G; Rubin, G; (2016) Profiling for primary-care presentation, investigation and referral for liver cancers: evidence from a national audit. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology , 28 (4) pp. 428-432. 10.1097/MEG.0000000000000555. Green open access

Hunot, C; Fildes, A; Croker, H; Llewellyn, CH; Wardle, J; Beeken, RJ; (2016) Appetitive traits and relationships with BMI in adults: Development of the adult Eating Behaviour Questionnaire. Appetite , 105 pp. 356-363. 10.1016/j.appet.2016.05.024. Green open access


Jackson, SE; (2016) Obesity, weight stigma and discrimination. Journal of Obesity and Eating Disorders , 2 (3) 10.21767/2471-8203.100016. Green open access

Jackson, SE; Kirschbaum, C; Steptoe, A; (2016) Perceived weight discrimination and chronic biochemical stress: A population-based study using cortisol in scalp hair. Obesity , 24 (12) pp. 2515-2521. 10.1002/oby.21657. Green open access

Jackson, SE; Wardle, J; Steptoe, A; Fisher, A; (2016) Sexuality after a cancer diagnosis: A population-based study. Cancer , 122 (24) pp. 3883-3891. 10.1002/cncr.30263. Green open access

Jago, R; Edwards, MJ; Sebire, SJ; Bird, EL; Tomkinson, K; Kesten, JM; Banfield, K; ... Powell, JE; + view all (2016) Bristol Girls Dance Project: a cluster randomised controlled trial of an after-school dance programme to increase physical activity among 11- to 12-year-old girls. Public Health Research , 4 (6) 10.3310/phr04060. Green open access

Jandackova, VK; Britton, A; Malik, M; Steptoe, A; (2016) Heart rate variability and depressive symptoms: a cross-lagged analysis over a 10-year period in the Whitehall II study. Psychological Medicine , 46 (10) pp. 2121-2131. 10.1017/S003329171600060X. Green open access

Jandackova, VK; Scholes, S; Britton, A; Steptoe, A; (2016) Are Changes in Heart Rate Variability in Middle-Aged and Older People Normative or Caused by Pathological Conditions? Findings From a Large Population-Based Longitudinal Cohort Study. Journal of the American Heart Association , 5 (2) , Article e002365. 10.1161/JAHA.115.002365. Green open access

Jawad, M; Choaie, E; Brose, L; Dogar, O; Grant, A; Jenkinson, E; McEwen, A; ... Shahab, L; + view all (2016) Waterpipe Tobacco Use in the United Kingdom: A Cross-Sectional Study among University Students and Stop Smoking Practitioners. PLoS One , 11 (1) , Article e0146799. 10.1371/journal.pone.0146799. Green open access

Jelenkovic, A; Sund, R; Hur, YM; Yokoyama, Y; Hjelmborg, JV; Möller, S; Honda, C; ... Silventoinen, K; + view all (2016) Genetic and environmental influences on height from infancy to early adulthood: An individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts. Scientific Reports , 6 , Article 28496. 10.1038/srep28496. Green open access


Kelly, Y; Patalay, P; Montgomery, S; Sacker, A; (2016) BMI Development and Early Adolescent Psychosocial Well-Being: UK Millennium Cohort Study. Pediatrics , 138 (6) , Article e20160967. 10.1542/peds.2016-0967. Green open access

Kerrison, R; McGregor, LM; Marshall, S; Isitt, J; Counsell, N; Wardle, J; Von Wagner, C; (2016) Use of a twelve month's self referral reminder to faciliate uptake of bowel scope (flexible sigmoidoscopy screening) in previous non-responders: a London-based feasibility study. British Journal of Cancer , 114 pp. 751-758. 10.1038/bjc.2016.43. Green open access

Kerrison, RS; McGregor, LM; Marshall, S; Isitt, J; Counsell, N; Wardle, J; von Wagner, C; (2016) Use of a 12 months' self-referral reminder to facilitate uptake of bowel scope (flexible sigmoidoscopy) screening in previous non-responders: a London-based feasibility study. British Journal of Cancer , 114 (7) pp. 751-758. 10.1038/bjc.2016.43. Green open access

Kidd, T; Poole, L; Ronaldson, A; Leigh, E; Jahangiri, M; Steptoe, A; (2016) Attachment anxiety predicts depression and anxiety symptoms following coronary artery bypass graft surgery. British Journal of Health Psychology , 21 (4) pp. 796-811. 10.1111/bjhp.12191. Green open access

Kliemann, N; Beeken, RJ; Wardle, J; Johnson, F; (2016) Development and validation of the Self-Regulation of Eating Behaviour Questionnaire for adults. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity , 13 (87) 10.1186/s12966-016-0414-6. Green open access

Kobayashi, LC; (2016) Health literacy during ageing and implications for health behaviour. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kobayashi, LC; Waller, J; von Wagner, C; Wardle, J; (2016) A lack of information engagement among colorectal cancer screening non-attenders: cross-sectional survey. BMC Public Health , 16 (659) 10.1186/s12889-016-3374-5. Gold open access

Kobayashi, LC; Wardle, J; Wolf, MS; von Wagner, C; (2016) Aging and functional health literacy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences , 71 (3) pp. 445-457. 10.1093/geronb/gbu161. Green open access

Kobayashi, LC; Wardle, J; Wolf, MS; von Wagner, C; (2016) Health Literacy and Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity During Aging, 2004-2013. American Journal of Preventive Medicine , 51 (4) pp. 463-472. 10.1016/j.amepre.2016.02.034. Green open access

Kotz, D; Brown, J; West, R; (2016) Questioning Nicotine Replacement Therapy Without Behavioral Support. [Letter]. JAMA Internal Medicine , 176 (6) pp. 863-864. 10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.1559. Green open access

Koutoukidis, DA; Beeken, RJ; Lopes, S; Knobf, MT; Lanceley, A; (2016) Attitudes, challenges and needs about diet and physical activity in endometrial cancer survivors: a qualitative study. European Journal of Cancer Care 10.1111/ecc.12531. (In press). Green open access

Koutoukidis, DA; Beeken, RJ; Manchanda, R; Burnell, M; Knobf, MT; Lanceley, A; (2016) Diet and exercise in uterine cancer survivors (DEUS pilot) - piloting a healthy eating and physical activity program: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials , 17 , Article 130. 10.1186/s13063-016-1260-1. Green open access

Ku, PW; Steptoe, A; Chen, YH; Chen, LJ; Lin, CH; (2016) Prospective association between late-life physical activity and hospital care utilisation: a 7-year nationwide follow-up study. Age and Ageing 10.1093/ageing/afw202. (In press). Green open access

Kuipers, MA; Beard, E; Hitchman, SC; Brown, J; Stronks, K; Kunst, AE; McNeill, A; (2016) Impact on smoking of England's 2012 partial tobacco point of sale display ban: a repeated cross-sectional national study. Tobacco Control 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2015-052724. Green open access


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