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Alderson, P; (2009) Green economics as if younger generations matter. In: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Green Economics Conference 2009. Green Economics Institute: University of Oxford, UK. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2009) Uncertainty in Medical Innovation: experienced pioneers in neonatal care. Sociology of Health and Illness: a journal of medical sociology , 31 (7) pp. 1111-1112. 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2009.01201_3.x. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2009) Why I wrote Children’s consent to surgery. Clinical Ethics , 4 (3) pp. 159-162. 10.1258/ce.2009.009024. Green open access


Barnett-Page, E; Thomas, J; (2009) Methods for the synthesis of qualitative research: a critical review. BMC MEDICAL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY , 9 (ARTN 59) 10.1186/1471-2288-9-59. Green open access

Bartington, SE; Peckham, C; Brown, D; Joshi, H; Dezateux, C; Millennium Cohort Study Child Hlth, MM; (2009) Feasibility of collecting oral fluid samples in the home setting to determine seroprevalence of infections in a large-scale cohort of preschool-aged children. EPIDEMIOL INFECT , 137 (2) 211 - 218. 10.1017/S0950268808000927. Green open access

Boddy, J; Statham, J; (2009) European Perspectives on Social Work: Models of Education and Professional Roles. A Briefing Paper. Thomas Coram Research Unit, London. Green open access

Brannen, J; Mooney, A; Statham, J; (2009) Childhood experiences: a commitment to caring and care work with vulnerable children. Childhood , 16 (3) pp. 377-393. Green open access

Brown, M; Elliott, J; Hancock, M; Shepherd, P; Dodgeon, B; (2009) National Child Development Study 2008-2009 Follow-Up (INTERIM DEPOSIT) Deposited with the UK Data Archive: A Guide to the Dataset. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK. Green open access


Chase, E; Maxwell, C; Statham, J; Jackson, S; (2009) Boarding School Provision for Vulnerable Children: Pathfinder Evaluation. Institute of Education, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Christie, D; Strange, V; Allen, E; Oliver, S; Wong, ICK; Smith, F; Cairns, J; ... Elbourne, D; + view all (2009) Maximising engagement, motivation and long term change in a Structured Intensive Education Programme in Diabetes for children, young people and their families: Child and Adolescent Structured Competencies Approach to Diabetes Education (CASCADE). BMC Pediatrics , 9 , Article 57. 10.1186/1471-2431-9-57. Green open access

Cooksey, E; Joshi, H; Verropoulou, G; (2009) Does mothers' employment affect children's development? Evidence from the children of the British 1970 Birth Cohort and the American NLSY79. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies , 1 (1) pp. 95-115. 10.14301/llcs.v1i1.29. Green open access


Dearden, L; Machin, S; Vignoles, A; (2009) Economics of education research: a review and future prospects. OXFORD REVIEW OF EDUCATION , 35 (5) pp. 617-632. 10.1080/03054980903216333. Green open access

Dearden, Lorraine; Emmerson, Carl; Frayne, Christine; Meghir, Costas; (2009) Conditional Cash Transfers and School Dropout Rates. Journal of Human Resources , 44 (4) pp. 827-857. 10.3368/jhr.44.4.827.

Dickson, Kelly; Sutcliffe, Katy; Gough, David; (2009) A qualitative review of the experiences, views and preferences of looked-after children and young people and their families and carers about the care system. EPPI Centre: London, UK. Green open access


Elliott, H; Gunaratnam, Y; (2009) Talking about breastfeeding - emotion, context and 'good' mothering. The Practising Midwife , 12 (6) Green open access

Evans, K; Guile, D; Harris, J; (2009) Putting Knowledge to Work : The Exemplars. WLE Centre for Excellence, Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access


Gough, D; (2009) Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Systematic Reviews to Support Professional Decision Making in Education. In: Böttcher, W and Dicke, JN and Ziegler, H, (eds.) Evidenzbasierte Bildung. Wirkungsevaluation in Bildungspolitik und pädagogischer Praxis. (pp. 23-33). Waxmann: Münster.

Gough, D; Oliver, S; Newman, M; Bird, K; (2009) Transparency in planning, warranting and interpreting research. Teaching and Learning Research Programme, Institute of Education, University of london: London. Green open access


Hallam, S; Creech, A; Papageorgi, I; (2009) EMI Music Sound Foundation: Evaluation of the impact of additional training in the delivery of music at Key Stage 1. Institute of Education, University of London for the EMI Music Sound Foundation., London. Green open access

Hauari, H; Hollingworth, K; (2009) Understanding Fathering: Masculinity, Diversity and Change. Joseph Rowntree Foundation: York. Green open access

Hyde, M; Higgs, P; Gilleard, C; Victor, C; Wiggins, RD; Rees Jones, I; (2009) Ageing, Cohorts and Consumption: The British Experience 1968-2005. In: Jones, IR and Higgs, P and Ekerdt, DJ and J, D, (eds.) Consumption and Generational Change: the Rise of Consumer Lifestyles. (pp. 93-128). Transaction Publishers: New Brunswick, NJ.. Green open access


Ireson, J; Rushforth, K; (2009) Private tutoring at transition points in the English education system: its nature, extent and purpose. Research Papers in Education , iFirst 1 iFirst-19 iFirst. Green open access


Knight, A; Petrie, P; Zuurmond, M; Potts, P; (2009) 'Mingling together': Promoting the social inclusion of disabled children and young people during the school holidays. Child and Family Social Work , 14 (1) pp. 15-24. 10.1111/j.1365-2206.2008.00577.x. Green open access

Kuh, D; Shah, I; Richards, M; Mishra, G; Wadsworth, M; Hardy, R; (2009) Do childhood cognitive ability or smoking behaviour explain the influence of lifetime socio-economic conditions on premature adult mortality in a British post war birth cohort? Social Science & Medicine , 68 (9) pp. 1565-1573. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2009.02.006. Green open access


Mostafa, T; (2009) The Anatomy of Inequalities in Educational Achievements: An International Investigation of the Effects of Stratification. (LLAKES Research Paper 3). Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies (LLAKES), UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access


Pachler, N; Mellar, H; Daly, C; Mor, Y; Wiliam, D; (2009) Scoping a vision for formative e-assessment: a project report for JISC. WLE Centre and JISC, London. Green open access

Petrie, P; Chambers, H; (2009) Richer lives: creative activities in the education and practice of Danish pedagogues: a preliminary study: report to Arts Council England. Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Phoenix, A; (2009) De-colonising practices: negotiating narratives from racialised and gendered experiences of education. RACE ETHNICITY AND EDUCATION , 12 (1) pp. 101-114. 10.1080/13613320802651053. Green open access


Richardson, M; Abraham, C; (2009) Conscientiousness and achievement motivation predict performance. Euorpean Journal of Personality , 23 (7) pp. 589-605. 10.1002/per.732. Green open access

Ross, A; Schoon, I; Martin, P; Sacker, A; (2009) Family and Nonfamily Role Configurations in Two British Cohorts. JOURNAL OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY , 71 (1) pp. 1-14. 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2008.00576.x. Green open access


Schoon, I; (2009) Changing Educational Aspirations in Three UK Cohorts: The Role of Gender, Parental Education, and Encouragement. International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) Bulletin , 55 (1) pp. 14-18.

Schoon, I; (2009) Pathways to Adulthood Annual Report 2008/09. (Pathways to Adulthood Annual Reports ). UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

St James-Roberts, I; St James-Roberts, I; (2009) Sleeping. UNSPECIFIED Green open access

Statham, J; Maxwell, C; Jackson, S; (2009) Evaluation of a project giving boarding school places to young people living in difficult situations: A summary of findings for young people. Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Sullivan, A; (2009) Academic self-concept, gender and single-sex schooling. British Educational Research Journal , 35 (2) pp. 259-288. 10.1080/01411920802042960. Green open access


Tolmie, A; Thomson, J; Foot, H; O?Connor, R; Karagiannidou, E; Banks, M; Sarvary, P; ... O'Donnell, C; + view all (2009) Influences on pedestrian risk-taking in young adolescents: the conflicting role of parents and peers. In: Behavioural Research in Road Safety 2007: Seventeenth Seminar. (pp. 215-224). Department for Transport: London.

Tripney, J; Newman, M; Bangpan, M; Hempel-Jorgensen, A; Mackintosh, M; Tucker, H; Sinclair, J; (2009) In-work poverty: a systematic review. (Research Report 549 ). Department for Work and Pensions: London, UK. Green open access


VERA HERNANDEZ, A; Fitzsimons, E; (2009) A practitioner’s guide to evaluating the impacts of labor market programs. (World Bank Employment Policy Primer 12 , pp. ? - ? ). The World Bank: Washington, DC, US. Green open access


Welch, GF; Himonides, E; Papageorgi, I; Saunders, J; Rinta, T; Stewart, C; Preti, C; ... Hill, J; + view all (2009) The National Singing Programme for primary schools in England: an initial baseline study. Music Education Research , 11 (1) pp. 1-22. 10.1080/14613800802699523. Green open access


Zimdars, A; Sullivan, A; Heath, A; (2009) Elite higher education admissions in the arts and sciences: Is cultural capital the key? Sociology , 43 (4) pp. 648-666. 10.1177/0038038509105413. Green open access

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