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Acet, Pinar; Midouhas, Emily; Oliver, Bonamy R; (2024) Household chaos and child problem behaviors: A cross-cultural examination of the mediating and moderating role of mindful parenting. Journal of Research on Adolescence 10.1111/jora.12966. (In press). Green open access

Acet, Pinar; Oliver, Bonamy R; (2024) Mindful Parenting Inventories for Parents (MPIP) and Children (MPIC). In: Medvedev, Oleg N and Krägeloh, Christian U and Siegert, Richard J and Singh, Nirbhay N, (eds.) Handbook of Assessment in Mindfulness research. (pp. 1-17). Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland.

Adie, James W; Waldeck, D; Hughes, DJ; Mulvenna, M; Holliman, AJ; Bartholomew, KJ; Higton, C; (2024) Peer Climate Matters for Academic Motivation and Student Functioning in Higher Education. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology 10.1007/s41042-024-00187-w. (In press).

Anagnostopoulou, N; Papachristou, E; Galitzer, H; Alba, A; Gaete, J; Dima, D; Rogdaki, M; ... Kyriakopoulos, M; + view all (2024) Psychotic symptoms with and without a primary psychotic disorder in children requiring inpatient mental health admission. European Psychiatry , 67 (1) , Article e25. 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2024.23. Green open access

Andrew, Matthew; Ford, Paul R; Mcrobert, Allistair P; Whitehead, Oliver; Foster, Nathan C; Miller, Matthew T; Hayes, Spencer J; (2024) Using a coproduced educational workshop to change the focus of verbal instructions delivered by professional youth soccer coaches: a case study. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 10.1080/17408989.2024.2319056. (In press). Green open access

Ashour, R; Halstead, EJ; Mangar, S; Qi Lin, VK; Azhari, A; Carollo, A; Esposito, G; ... Dimitriou, D; + view all (2024) Childhood experiences and sleep problems: A cross-sectional study on the indirect relationship mediated by stress, resilience and anxiety. PLOS ONE , 19 (3) , Article e0299057. 10.1371/journal.pone.0299057. Green open access

Ashworth, Maria; Heasman, Brett; Crane, Laura; Remington, Anna; (2024) "An amazing life-changing experience!": Tracking and Evaluating Employ Autism. Ambitious About Autism & Centre for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE), Department of Psychology and Human Development, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.

Ashworth, Maria; Heasman, Brett; Crane, Laura; Remington, Anna; (2024) Evaluating the Impact of an Online Autism Training on Changing Employers’ Autism Knowledge and Commitment to Inclusion in the Workplace. Neurodiversity , 2 10.1177/27546330241249266. Green open access

Ashworth, Maria Catriona; (2024) Tracking and Evaluating a Supported Employment Internship Programme for Autistic Adults without a Learning Disability. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Ball, Isabelle; Banerjee, Moitree; Holliman, Andrew; Tyndall, Ian; (2024) Investigating Success in the Transition to University: A Systematic Review of Personal Risk and Protective Factors Influencing Academic Achievement. Educational Psychology Review , 36 , Article 52. 10.1007/s10648-024-09891-0.

Bates, Joanne; (2024) Belonging post-16: Experiences of Autistic Young People attending Further Education Settings in England. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bei, E; Argiropoulos, D; Van Herwegen, J; Incognito, O; Menichetti, L; Tarchi, C; Pecini, C; (2024) Neuromyths: Misconceptions about neurodevelopment by Italian teachers. Trends in Neuroscience and Education , 34 , Article 100219. 10.1016/j.tine.2023.100219. Green open access

Bevilacqua, Leonardo; Fox-Smith, Lana; Lampard, Olivia; Rojas, Natalia; Zavitsanou, Georgia; Meiser-Stedman, Richard; Beazley, Peter; (2024) Effectiveness of technology-assisted vs face-to-face cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety and depression in children and young people: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 10.1177/13591045241259070. (In press). Green open access

Bird, Geoff; (2024) EXPRESS: The Enduring Importance of the 'Fine Cuts' Approach to Psychology – EPS Mid-Career Award Lecture 2024. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 10.1177/17470218241311291. (In press). Green open access

Bunfield, Melanie; Holliman, Andrew; (2024) Examining the contribution of personal and conditional resources to psychological wellbeing among parents of children with autism. Psychology of Education Review , 48 (2) pp. 43-52. 10.53841/bpsper.2024.48.2.43. Green open access

Burke, Lynsey Anne; Mercieca, Duncan; (2024) Children's voices through play-based practice: listening, intensities and critique. Qualitative Research Journal , 24 (4) pp. 358-370. 10.1108/QRJ-06-2023-0105. Green open access


Cao, Xinyi; (2024) Callous-Unemotional (CU) Traits, Disruptive Behaviour, and Teacher-Child Interaction in Chinese Preschool Children. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Carter, Emma; Molina, Eze; Pushparatnam, Adelle; Rimm-Kaufman, Sara; Tsapali, Maria; Wong, Keri Ka-Yee; (2024) Evidence-Based Teaching: Effective teaching practices in primary school classrooms. London Review of Education , 22 (1) , Article 8. 10.14324/LRE.22.1.08. Green open access

Castro Kemp, Susana; (2024) UCL Centre for Inclusive Education Impact Report 23/24. UCL Centre for Inclusive Education: London, UK. Green open access

Cetiner, Tugce; (2024) An early intervention programme (AiMS) for developing handwriting skills in young autistic children. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chan, Min Yi; Han, Emeline; Crane, Laura; (2024) Preschool and Primary School Teachers’ Understanding and Awareness of Identifying and Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs in Singapore. International Journal of Disability Development and Education (In press).

Cheng, Xinrong; Holliman, Andrew; Waldeck, Daniel; (2024) Examining the influence of motivation and engagement on psychological distress: A one-year follow-up study. The Psychology of Education Review , 48 (1) pp. 77-80. 10.53841/bpsper.2024.48.1.77. Green open access

Chian, Jeremy; Holliman, Andrew; Pinto, Cynthia; Waldeck, Daniel; (2024) Emotional based school avoidance: Exploring school staff and pupil perspectives on provision in mainstream schools. Educational and Child Psychology , 41 (1) pp. 55-75. 10.53841/bpsecp.2024.41.1.55. Green open access

Chu, Kit Yan; (2024) Exploring teachers' needs-supportive practices and self-efficacy to engage students in the online learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of two science teachers in an Australian university pathway provider. Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).

Ciletti, Lorenzo; Baines, Ed; Somerville, Matthew P; (2024) Socioemotional instruction in learning support staff across Italian primary schools: a call for using the ‘multidimensional, scaffolding framework’ in training programmes. European Journal of Special Needs Education 10.1080/08856257.2024.2421107. (In press). Green open access

Cooper, Daniel; (2024) A Constructionist Grounded Theory of the Roles of Young People, Parents and School in Recognising and Responding To Emotionally Based School Avoidance. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Creed, Emma; Filippi, Roberto; Holliman, Andrew; (2024) Teaching Bilingually: Unlocking the Academic and Cognitive Potential—Teachers’ Insights. Education Sciences , 14 (4) , Article 406. 10.3390/educsci14040406. Green open access


Dann, Kelly M; Harrison, Amy; Veldre, Aaron; Hay, Phillipa; Touyz, Stephen; (2024) Embracing a different outlook: Strengths and goals of individuals currently in treatment for anorexia nervosa. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity , 29 , Article 63. 10.1007/s40519-024-01689-x. Green open access

Davies, J; Matthews, R; Romualdez, AM; Pellicano, E; Remington, A; (2024) ‘‘Retirement Is One Hell of a Change’’: Autistic People’s Experiences of Retiring. Autism in Adulthood 10.1089/aut.2023.0155. (In press). Green open access

Davies, Jade; Cooper, Kate; Killick, Estelle; Sam, Evelyn; Healy, Molly; Thompson, Grace; Mandy, Will; ... Crane, Laura; + view all (2024) Autistic identity: A systematic review of quantitative research. Autism Research , 17 (5) pp. 874-897. 10.1002/aur.3105. Green open access

Davies, Jade; Islaam, Labeebah; Carter, Susannah; Redmayne, Benjamin; Cooper, Kate; Mandy, William; Crane, Laura; (2024) Examining the Support Experiences of Autistic Young People with Multiple Marginalized Identities in the United Kingdom. Autism in Adulthood 10.1089/aut.2024.0059. (In press). Green open access

Davies, Jade; Melinek, Rachel; Livesey, Adam; Killick, Estelle; Sam, Evelyn; Romualdez, Anna Melissa; Pellicano, Elizabeth; (2024) “I did what I could to earn some money and be of use”: A qualitative exploration of autistic people’s journeys to career success and fulfilment. Autism (In press). Green open access

Davies, Jade; Redmayne, Ben; Allain, Leon; Portway, Lucy; Mandy, Will; Cooper, Kate; Crane, Laura; (2024) The Codesign and Initial Evaluation of a Peer Support Program for Autistic Young Adults. Autism in Adulthood 10.1089/aut.2023.0153. (In press). Green open access

Davies, Jade; Romualdez, Anna Melissa; Pellicano, Elizabeth; Remington, Anna; (2024) Career progression for autistic people: A scoping review. Autism 10.1177/13623613241236110. (In press). Green open access

Davis, Robyn; Holliman, Andrew; Burrows, Michael John; Waldeck, Daniel; Holliman, David; (2024) Exploring Primary School Teacher Perspectives on Adaptability and Its Links with Classroom Management and Psychological Wellbeing: A Qualitative Inquiry. The Qualitative Report , 29 (2) pp. 422-434. 10.46743/2160-3715/2024.6208. Green open access

Dexter, Sam; Umagami, Kana; Quinnell, Sarah-Louise; Surrey, Alice; Crane, Laura; (2024) Towards ‘A Level Playing Field’: A Participatory Study of Autistic University Students’ Experiences with Academic Support in England. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 10.1080/1034912X.2024.2317475. (In press). Green open access

Dunford, Saya; (2024) Using PATH to support person-centred planning and child and parent participation within the Education, Health and Care Plan assessment process. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Eradus, Marije; Leijten, Patty; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Foo, Xu Qing; Oliver, Bonamy R; (2024) Parental Differential Warmth, Hostility, and Sibling Differences in Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problems: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Family Psychology 10.1037/fam0001194. (In press). Green open access

Eradus, Marije; Leijten, Patty; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Qing Foo, Xu; Oliver, Bonamy R; (2024) Sibling Differences in Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problems: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Family Psychology (In press). Green open access

Esposito, Rosanne; Lervag, Arne; Hulme, Charles; (2024) Oral language intervention in the late primary school years is effective: evidence from a randomised control trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 10.1111/jcpp.14084. (In press). Green open access


Fairclough, Meg; (2024) Looking into the rabbit hole: an exploration of the experiences of adults who had an eating disorder whilst in school and the role that teachers and Educational Psychologists may have in offering support. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Finch, Bethany; Ong, Elsie; (2024) Exploring coping resiliency and depression among university students in a post-pandemic context. Advances in Mental Health 10.1080/18387357.2024.2323507. (In press). Green open access

Flouri, Eirini; Tsomokos, Dimitris I; (2024) Feeling the distance: The relationship between emotion regulation and spatial ability in childhood. Development and Psychopathology 10.1017/S0954579424001093. (In press). Green open access

Franco, Fabia; Chifa, Maria; Politimou, Nina; (2024) Home Musical Activities Boost Premature Infants’ Language Development. Children , 11 (5) , Article 542. 10.3390/children11050542. Green open access


Ganbavale, SG; Papachristou, E; Mathers, JC; Papacosta, AO; Lennon, LT; Whincup, PH; Wannamethee, SG; (2024) Neighborhood Deprivation and Changes in Oral Health in Older Age: A Longitudinal Population-Based Study. Journal of Dental Research 10.1177/00220345231224337. (In press). Green open access

Gaona, Carolina; Mahmud, Arif; Castro‐Kemp, Susana; (2024) “We weren't listened to”: Practitioners views of navigating challenges and opportunities in special education settings through COVID-19. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 10.1111/1471-3802.12688. (In press). Green open access

Gaule, Anne; Bevilacqua, Leonardo; Molleman, Lucas; van den Bos, Wouter; van Duijvenvoorde, Anna C; Roberts, Ruth; Pease, Christopher R; ... Viding, Essi; + view all (2024) Social Learning and Preferences in Adolescents With Conduct Problems and Varying Levels of Callous-Unemotional Traits. JAACAP Open 10.1016/j.jaacop.2023.12.008. (In press). Green open access

Gharibi, Eva; (2024) Refugees and asylum seekers: Building a relationship of trust and stability. Psychotherapy Bulletin , 59 (3) pp. 33-37. Green open access

Gordon, Rebecca; Ferreira, Roberto A; Rodriguez, Cristina; Tolmie, Andrew; (2024) Editorial: Educational neuroscience: key processes and approaches to measurement. Frontiers in Psychology , 14 , Article 1342147. 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1342147. Green open access

Grant, Minoushe; (2024) What are the current processes for the reintegration of students that have been suspended from secondary schools across two London boroughs? Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Guner, Nesli; Hayton, Jessica Antonia; (2024) Parental and Child Sleep: Children with Vision Impairment, Autistic Children, and Children with Comorbid Vision Impairment and Autism. Brain Sciences , 14 (5) , Article 485. 10.3390/brainsci14050485. Green open access


Haataja, Eetu; Törmänen, Tiina; Somerville, Matthew; Malmberg, Jonna; Järvenoja, Hanna; Järvelä, Sanna; (2024) A momentary view of engagement in collaborative learning: Triangulation through multimodal data. Frontline Learning Research (In press).

Han, Emeline; Scior, Katrina; Grace, Kana; Heath, Eric; Dufresne, Simone; Crane, Laura; (2024) 'Who, When, How to Share': Pilot study of a new disclosure decision-making programme for autistic adults. Autism 10.1177/13623613231221685. (In press). Green open access

Han, Xuran; Wei, Li; Filippi, Roberto; (2024) Modulating bilingual language production and cognitive control: how bilingual language experience matters. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition pp. 1-15. 10.1017/S1366728924000191. (In press). Green open access

Harrison, Amy; Konstantara, Emmanouela; Zaremba, Natalie; Brown, Jennie; Allan, Jacqueline; Pillay, Divina; Hopkins, David; ... Stadler, Marietta; + view all (2024) A cognitive behavioural model of the bidirectional relationship between disordered eating and diabetes self care in adult men with Type 1 diabetes mellitus. Diabetic Medicine , Article e15287. 10.1111/dme.15287. (In press). Green open access

Hernández Jamasmie, Carolina Patricia; (2024) Exploring Chilean teaching and learning vocabulary practices in fifth-grade. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Hofweber, Julia; Aumonier, Lizzy; Janke, Vikki; Gullberg, Marianne; Marshall, Chloe; (2024) Can sign-naïve adults learn about the phonological regularities of an unfamiliar sign language from minimal exposure? Language Development Research , 4 (1) pp. 455-480. 10.34842/hofweber. Green open access

Hung, Wai Tung; Bell, Vaughan; Wong, Keri Ka-Yee; (2024) The impact of COVID-19 on physical activity and mental health: A mixed-methods approach. Journal of Health Psychology 10.1177/13591053241275599. (In press). Green open access

Hurley, Rhiannon; (2024) Exploring the Impact of Working on What Works: An Exploratory Mixed Methods Study of WOWW in a Year 5 Classroom. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).


Irvine, Brian; Elise, Freya; Brinkert, Jana; Poole, Daniel; Farran, Emily K; Milne, Elizabeth; Scerif, Gaia; ... Remington, Anna; + view all (2024) ‘A storm of post-it notes’: Experiences of perceptual capacity in autism and ADHD. Neurodiversity , 2 10.1177/27546330241229004. (In press). Green open access

Ismail, K; Turner, D; Brown, J; Rosenthal, M; Ayis, S; Oliver, N; Liu, YF; ... Stadler, M; + view all (2024) An integrated diabetes and mental health intervention for people with type 1 diabetes and severe disordered eating: a prospective proof-of-concept cohort study. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology , 12 (7) pp. 442-444. 10.1016/S2213-8587(24)00123-2.


Jangbarwala, Fatema Y; Reichert, Frank; (2024) The impact of COVID restrictions on children with special educational needs in the early years: Evidence from educators' perspectives in Hong Kong. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 10.1111/1471-3802.12719. (In press). Green open access

Jeon, Mina; (2024) Cross-Cultural Comparative Studies on Sleep and Cognitive Functioning of Children with Typical Development and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Jobarteh, Modou Lamin; Saxena, Deepak B; Kulkarni, Bharati; Shah, Komal; Banjara, Santosh Kumar; Shah, Priyanka Akshay; Memon, Farjana; ... Heffernan, Claire; + view all (2024) Impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection and mitigation strategy during pregnancy on prenatal outcome, growth and development in early childhood in India: a UKRI GCRF Action Against Stunting Hub protocol paper. BMJ Paediatr Open , 8 (Suppl 1) , Article e001900. 10.1136/bmjpo-2023-001900. Green open access


Kamenopoulou, Leda; (2024) Book Review: Touch the Future: A Manifesto in Essays. [Review]. British Journal of Visual Impairment 10.1177/02646196241261605. (In press). Green open access

Kenny, Lorcan; Remington, Anna; Pellicano, Elizabeth; (2024) Everyday executive function issues from the perspectives of autistic adolescents and their parents: Theoretical and empirical implications. Autism 10.1177/13623613231224093. (In press). Green open access

Kirkman, Matthew Anthony; (2024) Exploring predictors of cognitive outcome variability in individuals with low-grade glioma including educational attainment, socioeconomic factors, clinicodemographic variables, estimated premorbid intelligence, neuroimaging characteristics, and genetic factors. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Kritsotaki, Kalliopi; Castro-Kemp, Susana; Kamenopoulou, Leda; (2024) Digital storytelling: An educational approach for enhancing dyslexic children's writing skills, critical and cultural learning. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 10.1111/1471-3802.12722. (In press). Green open access


Lacombe, Didier; Bloch-Zupan, Agnès; Bredrup, Cecilie; Cooper, Edward B; Houge, Sofia Douzgou; García-Miñaúr, Sixto; Kayserili, Hülya; ... Hennekam, Raoul C; + view all (2024) Diagnosis and management in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome: first international consensus statement. Journal of Medical Genetics 10.1136/jmg-2023-109438. (In press). Green open access

Lam, Yu Yan; Chu, Samuel Kai Wah; Ong, Elsie Li Chen; Suen, Winnie Wing Lam; Xu, Lingran; Lam, Lavender Chin Lui; Wong, Scarlett Man Yu; (2024) Comparative Study of GenAI (ChatGPT) vs. Human in Generating Multiple Choice Questions Based on the PIRLS Reading Assessment Framework. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology , 61 (1) pp. 537-540. 10.1002/pra2.1054. Green open access

Lettington, Joseph; (2024) Examining the effectiveness of a multicomponent reading intervention for 6–7 year olds in the UK: a mixed methods matched pairs crossover trial. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Lim, Angelina; (2024) Impact of a School Cluster System on Teacher Wellbeing in Singapore. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Loyd, Daisy; Opoku, Maxwell Peprah; Walker, Zachary; Alhosani, Najwa Mohamed; Elhoweris, Hala; Almuhairy, Osha; Mohamed, Ahmed; ... Garces‐Bacsal, Rhoda Myra; + view all (2024) Examining teachers' perceived competence in implementing inclusive education practices in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 10.1111/1471-3802.12673. (In press).


Markwell, Chelsea; (2024) “It feels like you’re just plastering over a crack” The use of reduced timetables in secondary schools. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Marshall, Chloe; (2024) Developmental Language Disorder. In: Frank, Michael and Majid, Asifa, (eds.) Open Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, United States. Green open access

Martin, C; Dockrell, JE; (2024) Writing productivity development in elementary school: A systematic review. Assessing Writing , 60 , Article 100834. 10.1016/j.asw.2024.100834. Green open access

Mavrogalou-Foti, AP; Kambouri, MA; Çili, S; (2024) The supervisory relationship as a predictor of mental health outcomes in doctoral students in the United Kingdom. Frontiers in Psychology , 15 , Article 1437819. 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1437819. Green open access

Miller-Cotto, Dana; Gordon, Rebecca; (2024) EXPRESS: Revisiting Working Memory Fifty Years after Baddeley and Hitch: A Review of Field-specific Conceptualizations, Use and Misuse, and Paths Forward for Studying Children. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 10.1177/17470218241301701. (In press). Green open access

Motamedi, Yasamin; Murgiano, Margherita; Grzyb, Beata; Gu, Yan; Kewenig, Viktor; Brieke, Ricarda; Donnellan, Ed; ... Vigliocco, Gabriella; + view all (2024) Language development beyond the here-and-now: Iconicity and displacement in child-directed communication. Child Development 10.1111/cdev.14099. (In press). Green open access


Newbery, Eleanor; (2024) Exploring parent and carer knowledge, confidence and access to information when requesting an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Norris, Jade Eloise; Nicholson, Jemma; Prosser, Rachel; Farrell, Jessica; Remington, Anna; Crane, Laura; Hull, Laura; (2024) Perceptions of autistic and non-autistic adults in employment interviews: The role of impression management. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders , 112 , Article 102333. 10.1016/j.rasd.2024.102333. (In press). Green open access


Oliver, Bonamy R; (2024) Simple changes to support positive behaviour in children. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/discover/articles/fe... Green open access

Oyenola, Tolu; (2024) What are the experiences of established educational psychologists from racialised minority backgrounds in the educational psychology profession? Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).


Papadimitriou, Marianthi; (2024) Working with Children with Medical and Mental Health Needs: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Experiences of Hospital Teachers. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).

Perry, Roisin Carlotta; (2024) Social inequalities in executive function development and attainment during adolescence: An examination of longitudinal relations in the Study of Cognition, Adolescents and Mobile Phones. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Pervez, Aneeza; (2024) Understanding Prosociality Amongst Primary School Children: An Examination of Socio-Personal Relations and Interactions. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Peters, Baylee; (2024) “Promise you will be here tomorrow”: Using a multi-informant approach to explore emotional closeness and physical contact between children in care and their foster carers and school staff. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Porrino, Jonathan; Somerville, Matthew P; Bosanquet, Paula; (2024) Teaching assistant support for learning and wellbeing: The perspectives of secondary school pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education 10.1080/08856257.2024.2433328. (In press). Green open access

Purpuri, Silvia; Treccani, Barbara; Filippi, Roberto; Mulatti, Claudio; (2024) Bicultural bilinguals: Juggling languages, shifting ‘personalities’, destroying barriers. International Journal of Bilingualism 10.1177/13670069241292496. (In press). Green open access


Quinton, Christopher; (2024) School-based mindfulness programmes and executive functions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of complex intervention studies. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).


Raman, Jale; (2024) A Qualitative Exploration of the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on teacher Perceptions of their Stress and Job Role: Giving a voice to teachers. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ranzato, Erica; (2024) Comparing the development of mathematical abilities in individuals with different neurodevelopmental conditions. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Rawlinson, Madeleine; Castro‐Kemp, Susana; (2024) ‘It's something that people don't have the knowledge of’: Perceived participation of pupils with Prader-Willi syndrome in specialist schools and staff preparedness. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 10.1111/1471-3802.12728. (In press). Green open access

Rebello, Rachel; (2024) 'I can't believe it still happens in modern day society' Exploring young people's experiences and attitudes towards racism. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Remington, Anna; White, Hannah; Fairnie, Jake; Sideropoulos, Vassilis; Hall, Lars; Johansson, Petter; (2024) Choice blindness in autistic and non-autistic people. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 10.1080/20445911.2024.2356283. (In press). Green open access

Rienties, Bart; Tempelaar, Dirk; Nguyen, Quan; Rogaten, Jekaterina; (2024) The use of data analytics to support the development of assessment practices in higher education. In: Evans, Carol and Waring, Michael, (eds.) Research Handbook on Innovations in Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education: Implications for Teaching and Learning Elgar Handbooks in Education. (pp. 194-209). Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.

Rolls, Aimee; (2024) “The whole point about working with refugees is to recognise that we’re all humans at the end of the day”: The impact of ReStoRE: an intervention with school staff supporting the emotional well-being of refugee students, on staff self-efficacy and staff well-being, using a relationship-focused ecosystemic model and Solution Circles. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Russo, Imogen; (2024) How do autistic young people and their parents understand their experiences of school-based social skills groups? Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Sandhu, Sapna; (2024) Exploring home-educated children's experiences of pedagogy in a learning community. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sellars, Elise; Bowes, Lucy; Oliver, Bonamy R; Gardner, Frances; Axburg, Ulf; Berry, Vashti; Seabra-Santos, Maria João; ... Leijten, Patty; + view all (2024) Effects of the Incredible Years parenting program on children’s interpersonal conflict: An integrative data analysis. Journal of Family Psychology , 38 (6) pp. 847-857. 10.1037/fam0001236. Green open access

Shen, Haoran; Flouri, Eirini; Cheng, Yang; Li, Youfa; Wei, Gao-Xia; (2024) Greenspace Use and Anxiety in Young Adults: The Role of Interoception. Environmental Research , Article 120232. 10.1016/j.envres.2024.120232. (In press).

Siddiqui, Zahra; (2024) Investigating Mathematical Development using an Educational Math App: The Importance of Theory and Developmental Pathways. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Sideropoulos, Vassilis; Palikara, Olympia; Burchell, Elizabeth; Ashworth, Maria; Van Herwegen, Jo; (2024) Anxiety during transition from primary to secondary schools in neurodivergent children. JCPP Advances , Article e12262. 10.1002/jcv2.12262. (In press). Green open access

Slifi, Johannah; (2024) Exploring Experiences of Emotionally Based School Avoidance Across the Primary to Secondary School Transition: the Perspectives of Young People, Parents/Carers and School Staff. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Somerville, Matthew P; Midouhas, Emily; Delprato, Marcos; Whitebread, David; (2024) Help Me If You Can I'm Feeling Down: Supporting Children's Emotion Regulation and Well-Being in the Primary Classroom. School Mental Health , 16 pp. 577-591. 10.1007/s12310-024-09668-4. Green open access


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Taylor, Gemma; Sala, Giovanni; Kolak, Joanna; Gerhardstein, Peter; Lingwood, Jamie; (2024) Does adult-child co-use during digital media use improve children's learning aged 0–6 years? A systematic review with meta-analysis. Educational Research Review , 44 , Article 100614. 10.1016/j.edurev.2024.100614. Green open access

Thomson, A; Lawrence, EG; Oliver, BR; Wright, B; Hosang, GM; (2024) Self-directed digital interventions for the improvement of emotion regulation—effectiveness for mental health and functioning in adolescents: protocol for a systematic review. BMJ Open , 14 (4) , Article e081556. 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-081556. Green open access

Tissot, Hervé; Van Heel, Martijn; Feinberg, Mark E; Gedaly, Lindsey; BArham, Elizabeth Joan; Calders, Flip; Camisasca, Elena; ... Xu, Weiman; + view all (2024) Measurement invariance of the Coparenting Relationship Scale (CRS) across 10 countries. Journal of Family Psychology , 38 (5) pp. 697-706. 10.1037/fam0001228. Green open access

Tsomokos, Dimitris I; Flouri, Eirini; (2024) The impact of the indoor home environment on children’s prosocial behaviour. Journal of Environmental Psychology , Article 102405. 10.1016/j.jenvp.2024.102405. (In press). Green open access

Tsomokos, Dimitris I; Halstead, Elizabeth; Flouri, Eirini; (2024) Chronotype and depression in adolescence: Results from a UK birth cohort study. JCPP Advances 10.1002/jcv2.12245. (In press). Green open access

Tsomokos, Dimitris I; Papachristou, Efstathios; Rakesh, Divyangana; Flouri, Eirini; (2024) Family poverty, neighbourhood greenspace and perinatal outcomes. Archives of Disease in Childhood 10.1136/archdischild-2024-327349. (In press). Green open access

Tsomokos, Dimitris I; Raviv, Limor; (2024) A bidirectional association between language development and prosocial behavior in childhood: Evidence from a longitudinal birth cohort in the United Kingdom. Developmental Psychology 10.1037/dev0001875. (In press). Green open access

Tsomokos, Dimitris I; Slavich, George M; (2024) Bullying fosters interpersonal distrust and degrades adolescent mental health as predicted by Social Safety Theory. Nature Mental Health , 2 (3) pp. 328-336. 10.1038/s44220-024-00203-7. Green open access


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Waldeck, Daniel; Berman-Roberts, Eryn; Smyth, Chris; Riva, Paolo; Adie, James; Holliman, Andrew John; Tyndall, Ian; (2024) Unraveling Perceived Ostracism: The Role of Antagonistic Traits and Attachment Orientation. The Journal of Psychology 10.1080/00223980.2024.2396837. (In press). Green open access

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Wong, Keri Ka-Yee; Baştuğ, Işıl; Lee, Jasmine; (2024) Co-creating Employment, Education, and Psychological Wellbeing Workshops with Youths of Islington (EMPOWER-Islington). Empower-Islington: London, UK. Green open access

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