Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 80.
Adena, Maja;
Huck, Steffen;
Voluntary 'donations' versus reward-oriented 'contributions': two experiments on framing in funding mechanisms.
Experimental Economics
, 25
pp. 1399-1417.
Almunia, Miguel;
Hjort, Jonas;
Knebelmann, Justine;
Tian, Lin;
Strategic or Confused Firms? Evidence from “Missing” Transactions in Uganda.
The Review of Economics and Statistics
pp. 1-35.
(In press).
Andrew, Alison;
Essays on the Economics of Inequalities.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Andrews, A;
Vera-Hernández, M;
Incentivizing Demand for Supply-Constrained Care: Institutional Birth in India.
The Review of Economics and Statistics
Arai, Y;
Hsu, Y-C;
Kitagawa, T;
Mourifie, I;
Wan, Y;
Testing Identifying Assumptions in Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs.
Quantitative Economics
, 13
pp. 1-28.
Arapakis, Karolos Panagiotis;
Essays in the Economics of Aging.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Arendt, Jacob;
Dustmann, Christian;
Ku, Hyejin;
Refugee Migration and the Labor Market: Lessons from 40 Years of Post-arrival Policies in Denmark.
Oxford Review of Economic Policy
, 38
pp. 531-556.
Aridor, Guy;
Gonçalves, Duarte;
Recommenders’ originals: The welfare effects of the dual role of platforms as producers and recommender systems.
International Journal of Industrial Organization
, 83
, Article 102845. 10.1016/j.ijindorg.2022.102845.
Attanasio, O;
Cattan, S;
Meghir, C;
Early Childhood Development, Human Capital, and Poverty.
Annual Review of Economics
, 14
pp. 853-892.
Attanasio, Orazio;
Larkin, Kieran;
Ravn, Morten;
Padula, Mario;
(S)Cars and the Great Recession.
(In press).
Ball, Ian;
Jackson, Matthew O;
Kattwinkel, Deniz;
Comment on Jackson and Sonnenschein (2007) “Overcoming Incentive Constraints by Linking Decisions”.
, 90
Becker, Anna Felicitas;
Essays in Political Economy and Behavioral Economics.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Benedetti-Fasil, Cristiana;
Sedlacek, Petr;
Sterk, Vincent;
Startups and employment following the COVID-19 pandemic: a calculator.
Economic Policy
, 37
pp. 570-533.
Bernard, AB;
Dhyne, E;
Magerman, G;
Manova, K;
Moxnes, A;
The Origins of Firm Heterogeneity: A Production Network Approach.
Journal of Political Economy
, 130
pp. 1765-1804.
Blundell, R;
Green, D;
Jin, W;
The U.K. as a Technological Follower: Higher Education Expansion and the College Wage Premium.
The Review of Economic Studies
, 89
pp. 142-180.
Blundell, Richard;
Inequality, Redistribution and Wage Progression.
(In press).
Blundell, Richard;
Dias, Monica Costa;
Cribb, Jonathan;
Joyce, Robert;
Waters, Tom;
Wernham, Thomas;
Xu, Xiaowei;
Inequality and the COVID-19 Crisis in the United Kingdom.
Annual Review of Economics
, 14
pp. 607-636.
Blundell, Richard;
Green, David A;
Jin, Wenchao;
The UK as a Technological Follower: Higher Education Expansion and the College Wage Premium.
Review of Economic Studies
, 89
pp. 142-180.
Boelmann, Barbara;
Social Norms and the Labour Market Integration of Women: Three Lessons Learnt from German Women Since World War II.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Bolt, Helena Uta;
Essays on the Development of Inequalities over the Lifecycle.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Bryson, A;
Conti, G;
Hardy, R;
Peycheva, D;
Sullivan, A;
The Consequences of Early Menopause and Menopause Symptoms for Labour Market Participation.
Social Science and Medicine
, 293
, Article 114676. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114676.
Caracciolo, Gherardo Gennaro;
Essays on Unconventional Monetary Policies.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Carneiro, P;
Cruz-Aguayo, Y;
Schady, N;
Ruthy, I;
Juan, P;
Sarah, S;
When Promising Interventions Fail: Personalized Coaching for Teachers in a Middle-Income Country.
Journal of Public Economics Plus
, 3
, Article 100012. 10.1016/j.pubecp.2022.100012.
Carneiro, Pedro;
Das, Jishnu;
Reis, Hugo;
The Value of Private Schools: Evidence from Pakistan.
The Review of Economics and Statistics
pp. 1-45.
Carneiro, Pedro;
salvanes, kjell;
liu, kai;
The Supply of Skill and Endogenous Technical Change: Evidence From a College Expansion Reform.
Journal of the European Economic Association
(In press).
Cengiz, D;
Arindrajit, D;
Lindner, A;
Zentler-Munro, D;
Seeing Beyond the Trees: Using Machine Learning to Estimate the Impact of Minimum Wages on Labor Market Outcomes.
Journal of Labor Economics
, 40
Christensen, Timothy M;
Existence and uniqueness of recursive utilities without boundedness.
Journal of Economic Theory
, 200
, Article 105413. 10.1016/j.jet.2022.105413.
Costas-Fernández, Julián;
Lodato, Simón;
Inequality, poverty and the composition of redistribution.
Social Choice and Welfare
(In press).
Cui, W;
Macroeconomics of Delayed Capital Liquidation.
Journal of the European Economic Association
, Article jvac023. 10.1093/jeea/jvac023.
(In press).
Datta, Nikhil;
Essays on Monopsony Power, Wage Floors and Atypical Work Arrangements.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
De Filippis, R;
Guarino, A;
Jehiel, P;
Kitagawa, T;
Non-Bayesian updating in a social learning experiment.
Journal of Economic Theory
, 199
, Article 105188. 10.1016/j.jet.2021.105188.
Distefano, Mimosa;
Essays on Company Taxation, Firms and Workers.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Doval, Laura;
Skreta, Vasiliki;
Mechanism Design With Limited Commitment.
, 90
pp. 1463-1500.
Dustmann, C;
Adda, J;
Gorlach, S;
The Dynamics of Return Migration, Human Capital Accumulation, and Wage Assimilation.
The Review of Economic Studies
, Article rdac003. 10.1093/restud/rdac003.
(In press).
Dustmann, Christian;
Sandner, Malte;
Schönberg, Uta;
The effects of sun intensity during pregnancy and in the first 12 months of life on childhood obesity.
Journal of Human Resources
(In press).
Eliaz, Kfir;
Spiegler, Ran;
On incentive-compatible estimators.
Games and Economic Behavior
, 132
pp. 204-220.
Falisse, Jean-Benoît;
Brandt, Cyril;
Mukengere Basengezi, Jean;
Gupta, Sweta;
Kanyerhera, Dieudonné;
Marion, Pierre;
Nyabagaza, Pacifique;
... Matabishi, Samuel; + view all
Implementing Free Primary Education in a Crisis Context: COVID-19 and Education Reform in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Journal on Education in Emergencies
, 8
pp. 53-78.
Fitzsimons, E;
Vera Hernández, A;
Breastfeeding and Child Development.
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
, 14
pp. 329-366.
Foged, Mette;
Hasager, Linea;
Peri, Giovanni;
Arendt, Jacob Nielsen;
Bolvig, Iben;
Language Training and Refugees' Integration.
The Review of Economics and Statistics
pp. 1-41.
(In press).
Gaglianone, WP;
Giacomini, R;
Issler, JV;
Skreta, V;
Incentive-driven inattention.
Journal of Econometrics
, 231
pp. 188-212.
Giacomini, Raffaella;
Kitagawa, Toru;
Matthew, Read;
Narrative Restrictions and Proxies.
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
, 40
pp. 1415-1425.
Giacomini, Raffaella;
Kitagawa, Toru;
Read, Matthew;
Narrative Restrictions and Proxies.
(FRB of Chicago Working Paper
Elsevier: Rochester, NY, USA.
Giacomini, Raffaella;
Kitagawa, Toru;
Read, Matthew;
Narrative Restrictions and Proxies: Rejoinder.
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
, 40
pp. 1438-1441.
Goll, David;
Essays on Human Capital Accumulation over the Life-Cycle.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Gonçalves, Lisa;
Goncalves Dias Da Silva, Duarte;
Esteban-Casanelles, Teresa;
Soares de Pinho, Isabel;
Barroso, Tiago;
Patel, Vanessa;
Esperança-Martins, Miguel;
... da Costa, Luís; + view all
100P Immunotherapy around the clock: Impact on stage IV melanoma.
Presented at: European Society For Medical Oncology Congress.
Grépin, Karen Ann;
Chukwuma, Adanna;
Holmlund, Marcus;
Vera-Hernandez, Marcos;
Wang, Qiao;
Rosa-Dias, Pedro;
Estimating the impact of trained midwives and upgraded health facilities on institutional delivery rates in Nigeria using a quasi-experimental study design.
BMJ Open
, 12
, Article e053792. 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053792.
Griffith, Rachel;
Jin, Wenchao Michelle;
Lechene, Valerie;
The decline of home-cooked food.
Fiscal Studies
(In press).
Guarino, Antonio;
Cipriani, Marco;
Uthemann, Andreas;
Financial transaction taxes and the informational efficiency of financial markets: A structural estimation.
Journal of Financial Economics
, 146
pp. 1044-1072.
Guerrero, Omar A;
Castañeda, Gonzalo;
How does government expenditure impact sustainable development? Studying the multidimensional link between budgets and development gaps.
Sustainability Science
(In press).
Guerrero-Amezaga, Maria Elena;
Humphries, John Eric;
Neilson, Christopher A;
Shimberg, Naomi;
Ulyssea, Gabriel;
Small firms and the pandemic: Evidence from Latin America.
Journal of Development Economics
, 155
, Article 102775. 10.1016/j.jdeveco.2021.102775.
Jin, Wenchao;
Essays on the demand and supply of labour.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Kattwinkel, Deniz;
Niemeyer, Axel;
Preusser, Justus;
Winter, Alexander;
Mechanisms without Transfers for Fully Biased Agents.
EC '22: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation.
(pp. pp. 332-333).
Kawarazaki, Hikaru;
Early childhood education and care: effects after half a century and their mechanisms.
Journal of Population Economics
(In press).
Kneeland, Terri;
Mechanism Design with Level-k Types: Theory and an Application to Bilateral Trade.
Journal of Economic Theory
, 201
, Article 105421. 10.1016/j.jet.2022.105421.
Ku, H;
Does Minimum Wage Increase Labor Productivity? Evidence from Piece Rate Workers.
Journal of Labor Economics
, 40
pp. 325-359.
Lansford, JE;
Betancourt, TS;
Boller, K;
Popp, J;
Pisani Altafim, ER;
Attanasio, O;
Raghavan, C;
The Future of Parenting Programs: II Implementation.
, 22
pp. 235-257.
Lechene, V;
Pendakur, K;
Wolf, A;
Ordinary Least Squares Estimation of the Intrahousehold Distribution of Expenditure.
Journal of Political Economy
, 130
pp. 681-731.
Lewis, Daniel J;
Robust Inference in Models Identified via Heteroskedasticity.
The Review of Economics and Statistics
, 104
pp. 510-524.
Lewis, Daniel J;
Melcangi, Davide;
Pilossoph, Laura;
Toner-Rodgers, Aidan;
Approximating Grouped Fixed Effects Estimation via Fuzzy Clustering Regression.
(Staff Reports
Federal Reserve Bank of New York: New York, NY, USA.
Lewis, Daniel J;
Mertens, Karel;
Dynamic Identification Using System Projections and Instrumental Variables.
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas: Dallas, TX, USA.
Lewis, Daniel J;
Mertens, Karel;
A Robust Test for Weak Instruments with Multiple Endogenous Regressors.
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas: Dallas, TX, USA.
Lewis, Daniel J;
Mertens, Karel;
Stock, James H;
Trivedi, Mihir;
Measuring real activity using a weekly economic index.
Journal of Applied Econometrics
, 37
pp. 667-687.
Loayza, Norman;
Ulyssea, Gabriel;
Utsumi, Tomoko;
Labour market and redistributive consequences of the Syrian refugees in Turkey.
Oxford Review of Economic Policy
, 38
pp. 578-594.
Modi, Neena;
Conti, Gabriella;
Hanson, Mark;
Post-COVID economic recovery: women and children first … or last?
Archives of Disease in Childhood
, 107
pp. 214-215.
Mogstad, M;
Romano, J;
Shaikh, A;
Wilhelm, D;
Comment on "Invidious Comparisons: Ranking and Selection as Compound Decisions".
(In press).
Mogstad, Magne;
Romano, Joseph;
Shaikh, Azeem;
Wilhelm, Daniel;
Statistical Uncertainty in the Ranking of Journals and Universities.
AEA Papers and Proceedings
, 112
pp. 630-634.
Moll, Benjamin;
Rachel, Lukasz;
Restrepo, Pascual;
Uneven Growth: Automation's Impact on Income and Wealth Inequality.
, 90
pp. 2645-2683.
Morazzoni, Marta;
Sy, Andrea;
Female entrepreneurship, financial frictions and capital misallocation in the US.
Journal of Monetary Economics
, 129
pp. 93-118.
Perez-Richet, Eduardo;
Skreta, Vasiliki;
Test Design Under Falsification.
, 90
pp. 1109-1142.
Ponczek, V;
Ulyssea, G;
Enforcement of Labour Regulation and the Labour Market Effects of Trade: Evidence from Brazil.
The Economic Journal
, 132
pp. 361-390.
Ravn, Morten;
Andresa, Lagerborg;
Evi, Pappa;
Sentimental Business Cycles.
Review of Economic Studies
(In press).
Read, Matthew;
Essays on the Effects of Macroeconomic Shocks.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Ronkainen, J;
Nedelec, R;
Atehortua, A;
Balkhiyarova, Z;
Cascarano, A;
Dang, VN;
Elhakeem, A;
... Sebert, S; + view all
LongITools: Dynamic longitudinal exposome trajectories in cardiovascular and metabolic noncommunicable diseases.
Environmental Epidemiology
, 6
, Article e184. 10.1097/EE9.0000000000000184.
Senra De Moura, Fernanda;
Essays on the Political Economy of Public Spending: Evidence from Brazil.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Smith, Kate;
Essays in tax design.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Spiegler, R;
Modeling Players with Random "Data Access".
Journal of Economic Theory
, 198
, Article 105374. 10.1016/j.jet.2021.105374.
Spiegler, Ran;
On the behavioral consequences of reverse causality.
European Economic Review
, 149
, Article 104258. 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2022.104258.
Van Der Erve, Laura Margretha;
Essays in Labour Economics.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Von Bismarck-Osten, Clara;
Borusyak, Kirill;
Schonberg, Uta;
The role of schools in transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus: quasi-experimental evidence from Germany.
Economic Policy
, Article eiac001. 10.1093/epolic/eiac001.
Xhani, Dajana;
An Examination of Imperfect Competition in Macroeconomics.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).