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Asavarut, P; Norsworthy, PJ; Cook, J; Taylor-Robinson, SD; Harrison, RV; (2016) Diet and disease: Transgressing boundaries between science and society—understanding neglected diseases through the lens of cultural studies and anthropology. Medical Humanities , 42 (3) pp. 181-183. 10.1136/medhum-2016-010893. Green open access


Barreto Balthazar, AC; (2016) The Character of Things: Materiality and Belonging in Margate, UK. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Bentzen-Bilkvist, D; Migliano, A; Vinicius, L; (2016) Behavioural Phenotypes and the Structure of Human Cognition. Evolutionary Biology , 44 (1) pp. 113-119. 10.1007/s11692-016-9399-y. Green open access

Bermúdez de Castro, JM; Martín-Francés, L; Modesto-Mata, M; Martínez de Pinillos, M; Martinón-Torres, M; García-Campos, C; Carretero, JM; (2016) Virtual reconstruction of the Early Pleistocene mandible ATD6-96 from Gran Dolina-TD6-2 (Sierra De Atapuerca, Spain). American Journal of Physical Anthropology , 159 (4) pp. 729-736. 10.1002/ajpa.22919. Green open access

Blanes, R; Flynn, A; Maskens, M; Tinius, J; (2016) Micro-utopias: anthropological perspectives on art, relationality, and creativity. Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia , 5 (1) pp. 5-20. 10.4000/cadernosaa.1017. Green open access

Bloch, A; Bredenbroeker, I; Drazin, AM; Knowles, R; (2016) Cleaning Up After Gropius: Eine Ethnografie des Schmutzes. In: Bittner, R and Krasny, E and Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, ., (eds.) Vom Haushalten nach der Moderne. (pp. 160-168). Edition Bauhaus 49: Dessau, Germany.

Borgerson, J; Miller, D; (2016) Scalable sociality and "How the world changed social media": conversation with Daniel Miller. Consumption Markets & Culture , 19 (6) pp. 520-533. 10.1080/10253866.2015.1120980. Green open access


Carroll, T; (2016) Architectural Renovations of Body-As-Temple. The New Bioethics , 22 (2) pp. 119-132. 10.1080/20502877.2016.1194657. Green open access

Carroll, TA; (2016) Im/material objects: Relics, gestured signs and the substance of the immaterial. In: Hutchings, T and McKenzie, J, (eds.) Materiality and the Study of Religion: The Stuff of the Sacred. Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Carter, AJ; Torrents Ticó, M; Cowlishaw, G; (2016) Sequential phenotypic constraints on social information use in wild baboons. eLife , 5 , Article e13125. 10.7554/eLife.13125. Green open access

Chaudhary, N; Salali, GD; Thompson, J; Rey, A; Gerbault, P; Stevenson, EGJ; Dyble, M; ... Migliano, AB; + view all (2016) Competition for Cooperation: variability, benefits and heritability of relational wealth in hunter-gatherers. Scientific Reports , 6 , Article 29120. 10.1038/srep29120. Green open access

Comandulli, C; Vitos, M; Conquest, G; Altenbuchner, J; Stevens, M; Lewis, J; Haklay, ME; (2016) Ciência Cidadã Extrema: Uma Nova Abordagem. Biodiversidade Brasileira , 6 (1) pp. 34-47. Green open access

Cook, J; (2016) Mindful in Westminster: The politics of meditation and the limits of neoliberal critique. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory , 6 (1) pp. 141-161. 10.14318/hau6.1.011. Green open access

Costa, E; (2016) Social Media in Southeast Turkey. [Book]. Why we post. UCL Press: London, UK. Green open access

Coupaye, L; (2016) Yams as Vernacular Methodology? Approaching Vital Process through Technical Processes. In: Coupaye, L and Pitrou, P and Provost, F, (eds.) Des êtres vivants et des artefacts: L’imbrication des processus vitaux et des processus techniques. Musée Quai du Branly: Paris, France. Green open access


Daly, Lewis; (2016) Cassava Spirit and the Seed of History: The Biocultural History of a Staple Crop in Amazonian Guyana. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://commoditiesofempire.org.uk/research/resear... Green open access

Daly, Lewis; French, Katherine; Miller, Theresa L; Nic Eoin, Luíseach; (2016) Integrating Ontology into Ethnobotanical Research. Journal of Ethnobiology , 36 (1) pp. 1-9. 10.2993/0278-0771-36.1.1.

David, R; Stoessel, A; Berthoz, A; Spoor, F; Bennequin, D; (2016) Assessing morphology and function of the semicircular duct system: introducing new in-situ visualization and software toolbox. Scientific Reports , 6 , Article 32772. 10.1038/srep32772. Green open access

De Lange, E; Woodhouse, E; Milner-Gulland, EJ; (2016) Approaches Used to Evaluate the Social Impacts of Protected Areas. Conservation Letters , 9 (5) pp. 327-333. 10.1111/conl.12223. Green open access

Drazin, AM; (2016) Stuff. In: Cox, R, (ed.) International Encyclopaedia of Anthropology. Wiley Green open access

Drazin, AM; Bredenbroeker, I; Knowles, R; Bloch, A; (2016) Cleaning up after Gropius: an ethnography of dirt. In: Bittner, R and Krasny, E, (eds.) On housekeeping and budgeting after Modernity. (pp. 160-167). Edition Bauhaus: Dessau, Germany.

Drazin, AM; bredenbroeker, I; Knowles, R; Bloch, A; (2016) Collaboratively Cleaning, Archiving and Curating the Heritage of the Future. In: Smith, RC and Binder, T and Vangkilde, KT and Kjaersgaard, M and Otto, T and Halse, J, (eds.) Design Anthropological Futures. (pp. 199-214). Bloomsbury: London, UK. Green open access

Dwyer, MB; Young, S; (2016) Uneven Developments: Toward Inclusive Land Governance in Contemporary Cambodia. (IDS Working Paper 476). Institute of Development Studies (IDS): Brighton, UK.

Dyble, M; Thompson, J; Smith, D; Salali, GD; Chaudhary, N; Page, AE; Vinicuis, L; ... Migliano, AB; + view all (2016) Networks of Food Sharing Reveal the Functional Significance of Multilevel Sociality in Two Hunter-Gatherer Groups. Current Biology , 26 (15) pp. 2017-2021. 10.1016/j.cub.2016.05.064. Green open access

Dyble, MJ; (2016) The behavioural ecology and evolutionary implications of hunter-gatherer social organisation. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Emmott, EH; Petty, J; Morris, C; (2016) The 2016 Report on Children's Well-being: Nottingham City. The Children's Society: London, UK.

Endicott, K; Tuck-Po, L; Zahari, NF; Rudge, A; (2016) Batek playing Batek for tourists at Peninsular Malaysia’s national park. Hunter Gatherer Research , 2 (1) pp. 97-121. 10.3828/hgr.2016.5. Green open access


Fa ,, JE; Olivero, J; Farfán, MA; Lewis, JD; Yasuoka, H; Noss, A; Hattori, S; ... Nasi, R; + view all (2016) Differences between Pygmy and Non-Pygmy Hunting in Congo Basin Forests. PLoS One , 11 (9) , Article e0161703. 10.1371/journal.pone.0161703. Green open access

Flynn, A; (2016) Subjectivity and the Obliteration of Meaning: Contemporary Art, Activism, Social Movement Politics. Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia , 5 (1) pp. 59-77. 10.4000/cadernosaa.1035. Green open access


Gadsby, NA; (2016) Sociality and Materiality in World of Warcraft. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Garcia, J; Parker, C; Parker, RG; Wilson, PA; Philbin, M; Hirsch, JS; (2016) Psychosocial Implications of Homophobia and HIV Stigma in Social Support Networks: Insights for High-Impact HIV Prevention Among Black Men Who Have Sex With Men. Health Education and Behavior , 43 (2) pp. 217-225. 10.1177/1090198115599398. Green open access

Garcia, J; Parker, RG; Parker, C; Wilson, PA; Philbin, M; Hirsch, JS; (2016) The limitations of ‘Black MSM’ as a category: Why gender, sexuality, and desire still matter for social and biomedical HIV prevention methods. Global Public Health , 11 (7-8) pp. 1026-1048. 10.1080/17441692.2015.1134616. Green open access

Geismar, HL; (2016) A Dissonant Digital Ontology. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://culanth.org/fieldsights/829-a-dissonant-di... Green open access

Gibbon, S; (2016) Translating genomics: cancer genetics, public health and the making of the (de)molecularised body in Cuba and Brazil. História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos , 23 (1) pp. 95-111. 10.1590/S0104-59702016000100007. Green open access

Gilbert, J; Uggla, C; Mace, R; (2016) Knowing your neighbourhood: local ecology and personal experience predict neighbourhood perceptions in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Royal Society Open Science , 3 (12) , Article 160468. 10.1098/rsos.160468. Green open access

Goldstone, LG; Sommer, V; Nurmi, N; Stephens, C; Fruth, B; (2016) Food begging and sharing in wild bonobos (Pan paniscus): assessing relationship quality? Primates , 57 (3) pp. 367-376. 10.1007/s10329-016-0522-6. Green open access

Gomez-Robles, A; (2016) Palaeoanthropology: The dawn of Homo floresiensis. [Letter]. Nature , 534 (7606) pp. 188-189. 10.1038/534188a. Green open access

Gomez-Robles, A; Hopkins, WD; Schapiro, SJ; Sherwood, CC; (2016) The heritability of chimpanzee and human brain asymmetry. Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences , 283 (1845) 10.1098/rspb.2016.1319. Green open access

Guillon, M; Mace, R; (2016) A Phylogenetic Comparative Study of Bantu Kinship Terminology Finds Limited Support for Its Co-Evolution with Social Organisation. PLOS One , 11 (3) , Article e0147920. 10.1371/journal.pone.0147920. Green open access

Gulyurtlu, S; Emmott, EH; Children's Commissioner's Office; (2016) The Support Provided to Young Carers in England. Children's Commissioner for England: London, UK. Green open access


He, Q-Q; Wu, J-J; Ji, T; Tao, Y; Mace, R; (2016) Not leaving home: grandmothers and male dispersal in a duolocal human society. Behavioral Ecology , 27 (5) pp. 1343-1352. 10.1093/beheco/arw053. Green open access

Hoare, Anna Elizabeth; (2016) The view from the Traveller site: architecture that begins where the house ends. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


Iskander, D; (2016) Parasites, Power, and Photography. Trends in Parasitology , 32 (1) pp. 2-3. 10.1016/j.pt.2015.11.002. Green open access

Iskander, DM; (2016) Collecting with Communities: promoting indigenous voices in museum spaces. Journal of Museum Ethnography , 29 pp. 113-130. Green open access


Jeevendrampillai, D; (2016) Making the Local: Anthropology & the Suburban Citizen. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ji, T; Zheng, XD; He, QQ; Wu, JJ; Mace, R; Tao, Y; (2016) Kinship as a frequency dependent strategy. Royal Society Open Science , 3 (2) , Article 150632. 10.1098/rsos.150632. Green open access

John, FAVS; Brockington, D; Bunnefeld, N; Duffy, R; Homewood, K; Jones, JPG; Keane, AM; ... Razafimanahaka, JH; + view all (2016) Research ethics: Assuring anonymity at the individual level may not be sufficient to protect research participants from harm. [Letter]. Biological Conservation , 196 pp. 208-209. 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.01.025. Green open access


Keane, A; Gurd, H; Kaelo, D; Said, MY; Leeuw, JD; Rowcliffe, JM; Homewood, K; (2016) Gender differentiated preferences for a Community-based conservation initiative. PLOS One , 11 (3) , Article e0152432. 10.1371/journal.pone.0152432. Green open access

Kilshaw, S; Miller, D; Al Tamimi, H; El-Taher, F; Mohsen, M; Omar, N; Major, S; (2016) Calm Vessels: Cultural Expectations of Pregnant Women in Qatar. Anthropology of the Middle East , 11 (2) pp. 39-59. 10.3167/ame.2016.110204. Green open access

Knight, C; Lewis, JD; (2016) Toward a Theory of Everything. In: Power, C and Finnegan, M and Callan, H, (eds.) Human Origins: Contributions from Social Anthropology. Berghahn: New York / Oxford.

Knight, DM; Stewart, C; (2016) Ethnographies of Austerity: Temporality, Crisis and Affect in Southern Europe. History and Anthropology , 27 (1) pp. 1-18. 10.1080/02757206.2015.1114480. Green open access

Knox, H; (2016) The problem of action: Infrastructure, planning and the informational environment. In: Infrastructures and Social Complexity: A Companion. (pp. 352-365). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Knox, HC; (2016) An Infrastructural Approach to Digital Ethnography: Lessons from the Manchester Infrastructures of Social Change Project. In: Hjorth, L and Horst, H and Galloway, A and Bell, L, (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography. Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Knox, HC; Harvey, P; (2016) Infrastructural Incursions. Limn , 7 Green open access

Kuehl, HS; Kalan, AK; Arandjelovic, M; Aubert, F; D'Auvergne, L; Goedmakers, A; Jones, S; ... Boesch, C; + view all (2016) Chimpanzee accumulative stone throwing. Scientific Reports , 6 , Article 222219. 10.1038/srep22219. Green open access


Lewis, JD; (2016) Play, Music, and Taboo in the Reproduction of an Egalitarian Society. In: Terashima, H and Hewlett, B, (eds.) Social Learning and Innovation in Contemporary Hunter-Gatherers. (pp. 147-158). Springer: Tokyo, Japan. Green open access

Lewis, JD; (2016) ‘Our life has turned upside down! And nobody cares.’. Hunter Gatherer Research , 2 (3) pp. 375-384. 10.3828/hgr.2016.25. Green open access

Littlewood, R; (2016) Possession: Demoniacal and Other, Among Primitive Races, in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Modern Times, by Traugott Konstantin Osterreich. Anthropology & Medicine , 23 (2) pp. 220-222. 10.1080/13648470.2016.1192874. Green open access


Malaspinas, A-S; Westaway, MC; Muller, C; Sousa, VC; Lao, O; Alves, I; Bergstrom, A; ... Willerslev, E; + view all (2016) A genomic history of Aboriginal Australia. Nature , 538 (7624) pp. 207-214. 10.1038/nature18299. Green open access

Martín-Francés, L; Martinón-Torres, M; Gracia-Téllez, A; Bermúdez de Castro, JM; (2016) Evidence of trauma in a ca. 1-million-year-old patella of Homo antecessor, Gran Dolina-Atapuerca (Spain). Comptes Rendus Palevol , 15 (8) 10.1016/j.crpv.2016.04.014. Green open access

McKinnon, MC; Cheng, SH; Dupre, S; Edmond, J; Garside, R; Glew, L; Holland, MB; ... Woodhouse, E; + view all (2016) What are the effects of nature conservation on human well-being? A systematic map of empirical evidence from developing countries. Environmental Evidence , 5 (8) pp. 1-25. 10.1186/s13750-016-0058-7. Green open access

Miller, D; (2016) Social Media in an English Village. [Book]. Why we post. UCL Press: London, UK. Green open access

Miller, D; Costa, E; Haapio-Kirk, L; Haynes, N; McDonald, T; Nicolescu, R; Spyer, J; ... Wang, X; + view all (2016) Why We Post. Anthropology News , 57 (9) e44-e47. 10.1111/AN.122. Green open access

Miller, D; Costa, E; Haynes, N; McDonald, T; Nicolescu, R; Sinanan, J; Spyer, J; + view all (2016) How the World Changed Social Media. [Book]. Why we post. UCL Press: London, UK. Green open access


Nicolescu, R; (2016) Social Media in Southeast Italy. [Book]. Why We Post. UCL Press: London, UK. Green open access


Olivero, J; Fa, JE; Farfán, MA; Lewis, J; Hewlett, B; Breuer, T; Carpaneto, GM; ... Nasi, R; + view all (2016) Distribution and Numbers of Pygmies in Central African Forests. PLoS One , 11 (1) , Article e0144499. 10.1371/journal.pone.0144499. Green open access

Opie, CF; Brindle, M; (2016) Postcopulatory sexual selection influences baculum evolution in primates and carnivores. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 283 (1844) , Article 20161736. 10.1098/rspb.2016.1736. Green open access


Pagani, L; Lawson, DJ; Jagoda, E; Moerseburg, A; Eriksson, A; Mitt, M; Clemente, F; ... Metspalu, M; + view all (2016) Genomic analyses inform on migration events during the peopling of Eurasia. Nature , 538 (7624) pp. 238-242. 10.1038/nature19792. Green open access

Page, AE; (2016) On trade-offs and communal breeding: the behavioural ecology of Agta foragers. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Page, AE; Viguier, S; Dyble, M; Smith, D; Chaudhary, N; Salali, GD; Thompson, J; ... Migliano, AB; + view all (2016) Reproductive trade-offs in extant hunter-gatherers suggest adaptive mechanism for the Neolithic expansion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 113 (17) pp. 4694-4699. 10.1073/pnas.1524031113. Green open access

Palmié, S; Stewart, CW; (2016) Introduction: For an Anthropology of History. HAU : Journal of Ethnographic Theory , 6 (1) pp. 207-236. 10.14318/hau6.1.014. Green open access

Parkhurst, A; (2016) The Human Figure and Urban Ground: Cyborgs and the City. The New Bioethics , 22 (2) pp. 91-103. 10.1080/20502877.2016.1194659. Green open access

Peacock, V; (2016) Academic precarity as hierarchical dependence in the Max Planck Society. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory , 6 (1) pp. 95-119. 10.14318/hau6.1.006. Green open access

Pinter, I; Ayre, D; Emmott, E; (2016) The Damage of Debt: The Impact of Money Worries on Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing. The Children's Society: London, UK.

Price, GE; (2016) Evolution of cranial shape variation in strepsirhine primates. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Randall, SC; (2016) Visibilité et invisibilité statistique en Afrique: Adapter les méthodes de collecte de données aux populations ciblées. Afrique Contemporaine , 258 (2) pp. 41-57. 10.3917/afco.258.0041. Green open access

Randall, SC; Coast, E; Fanghanel, A; Lelievre, E; (2016) Counting the Population or Describing Society? A Comparison of English and Welsh and French Censuses. European Journal of Population , 32 (2) pp. 165-188. 10.1007/s10680-015-9372-y. Green open access


Salali, GD; Chaudhary, N; Thompson, J; Grace, OM; van der Burgt, XM; Dyble, M; Page, AE; ... Migliano, AB; + view all (2016) Knowledge-Sharing Networks in Hunter-Gatherers and the Evolution of Cumulative Culture. Current Biology , 26 (18) pp. 2516-2521. 10.1016/j.cub.2016.07.015. Green open access

Selejan, IL; (2016) Incident Transgressions: A Review of Transmissions: Art in Eastern Europe and Latin America, 19601980, MOMA. ARTMargins , 5 (2) pp. 87-104. 10.1162/ARTM_r_00149. Green open access

Smith, D; Dyble, M; Thompson, J; Major, K; Page, AE; Chaudhary, N; Salali, GD; ... Mace, R; + view all (2016) Camp stability predicts patterns of hunter-gatherer cooperation. Royal Society Open Science , 3 , Article 160131. 10.1098/rsos.160131. Green open access

Sokphea, Y; (2016) Popular Resistance in Cambodia: The Rationale Behind Government Response. Asian Politics & Policy , 8 (4) pp. 593-613. 10.1111/aspp.12288. Green open access

Soligo, C; Smaers, JB; (2016) Contextualising primate origins - an ecomorphological framework. Journal of Anatomy , 228 (4) pp. 608-629. 10.1111/joa.12441. Green open access

Sommer, V; Lowe, A; Dietrich, T; (2016) Not eating like a pig: European wild boar wash their food. Animal Cognition , 19 (1) pp. 245-249. 10.1007/s10071-015-0903-z. Green open access

Sommer, V; Lowe, A; Jesus, G; Alberts, N; Bouquet, Y; Inglis, DM; Petersdorf, M; ... Ross, C; + view all (2016) Antelope Predation by Nigerian Forest Baboons: Ecological and Behavioural Correlates. Folia Primatologica , 87 (2) pp. 67-90. 10.1159/000445830. Green open access

Spoor, F; Leakey, MG; O'Higgins, P; (2016) Middle Pliocene hominin diversity: Australopithecus deyiremeda and Kenyanthropus platyops. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B , 371 (1698) 10.1098/rstb.2015.0231. Green open access

Stevenson, EGJ; Ambelu, A; Caruso, BA; Tesfaye, Y; Freeman, MC; (2016) Community Water Improvement, Household Water Insecurity, and Women’s Psychological Distress: An Intervention and Control Study in Ethiopia. PLOS ONE , 11 (4) , Article e0153432. 10.1371/journal.pone.0153432. Green open access

Stewart, CW; (2016) Historicity and Anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology , 45 Green open access

Stoessel, A; David, R; Gunz, P; Schmidt, T; Spoor, F; Hublin, JJ; (2016) Morphology and function of Neandertal and modern human ear ossicles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 113 (41) pp. 11489-11494. 10.1073/pnas.1605881113. Green open access

Stoessel, A; Gunz, P; David, R; Spoor, F; (2016) Comparative anatomy of the middle ear ossicles of extant hominids – Introducing a geometric morphometric protocol. Journal of Human Evolution , 91 (C) pp. 1-25. 10.1016/j.jhevol.2015.10.013. Green open access


Tariq, S; Elford, J; Tookey, P; Anderson, J; de Ruiter, A; O'Connell, R; Pillen, A; (2016) "It pains me because as a woman you have to breastfeed your baby": decision-making about infant feeding among African women living with HIV in the UK. Sexually Transmitted Infections , 92 pp. 331-336. 10.1136/sextrans-2015-052224. Green open access

Thomas, MG; Naess, MW; Bardsen, B-J; Mace, R; (2016) Smaller Saami Herding Groups Cooperate More in a Public Goods Experiment. Human Ecology , 44 (5) pp. 633-642. 10.1007/s10745-016-9848-3. Green open access


Uggla, C; Mace, R; (2016) Parental investment in child health in sub-Saharan Africa: a cross-national study of health-seeking behaviour. Royal Society Open Science , 3 (2) , Article 150460. 10.1098/rsos.150460. Green open access


Van Leeuwen, AJ; (2016) Life history theory and the social clustering of adolescent behaviour. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

van Leeuwen, AJ; Mace, R; (2016) Life history factors, personality and the social clustering of sexual experience in adolescents. Royal Society Open Science , 3 (10) , Article 160257. 10.1098/rsos.160257. Green open access

Vinicius, L; Migliano, AB; (2016) Reproductive Market Values Explain Post-reproductive Lifespans in Men. Trends in Ecology & Evolution , 31 (3) pp. 172-175. 10.1016/j.tree.2015.12.015. Green open access


Walton, S; (2016) The Anthropologist as Curator: Introducing a Digital Photography Exhibition as a Collaborative and Participatory Fieldwork Method. Visual Ethnography , 5 (1) pp. 47-67. 10.12835/ve2016.1-0058. Green open access

Walton, S; (2016) Photographic Truth in Motion: The Case of Iranian Photoblogs. Anthropology and Photography (4) Green open access

Wang, X; (2016) Social Media in Industrial China. [Book]. Why We Post. UCL Press: London. Green open access

Wang, X; (2016) Chinese rural migrants and the appropriation of social media. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Wnuk, E; (2016) Specificity at the basic level in event taxonomies: The case of Maniq verbs of ingestion. In: Complete CogSci2016 proceedings. (pp. pp. 2687-2692). Cognitive Science Society: Philadelphia, PA, USA. Green open access

Woodhouse, EC; de Lange, E; Milner-Gulland, EJ; (2016) Evaluating the impacts of conservation interventions on human wellbeing: Guidance for practitioners. International Institute for Environment and Development:IIED: London, UK. Green open access


Xing, S; Sun, C; Martinón-Torres, M; Bermúdez de Castro, JM; Han, F; Zhang, Y; Liu, W; (2016) Hominin teeth from the Middle Pleistocene site of Yiyuan, Eastern China. Journal of Human Evolution , 95 pp. 33-54. 10.1016/j.jhevol.2016.03.004. Green open access


Yahaya, AI; (2016) Correlates of Non-Clinical Facial Asymmetry and Facial Sexual Dimorphism in a Sub-Saharan African Population. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Young, S; (2016) Movement of Indigenous Communities Targeting an Agro-Industrial Investment in North-Eastern Cambodia. Asian Journal of Social Science , 44 (1-2) pp. 187-213. 10.1163/15685314-04401008. Green open access

Young, S; (2016) Practices and challenges towards sustainability. In: Brickell, K and Springer, S, (eds.) The Handbook of Contemporary Cambodia. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

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