Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 75.
Bikakis, A;
Stavropoulos, TG;
Meditskos, G;
Preface: Semantic Web technologies for mobile and pervasive environments.
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
, 9
pp. 61-62.
Broughton, VD;
La classification à facettes comme théorie générale pour l'organisation des connaissances = Faceted classification as a general theory for knowledge organization.
Les cahiers du numérique
, 13
Broughton, VD;
Metadata: Shaping Knowledge from Antiquity to the Semantic Web.
Library and Information History
, 33
pp. 149-150.
Campagnolo, A;
Bookbinding Information on the Web: Breaking the Circle, from Pixels to Linked Open Data.
International Information and Library Review
, 49
pp. 37-50.
Canty, NP;
Bibliotherapy: Its processes and benefits and application in clinical and developmental settings.
, 28
pp. 32-40.
Garside, D;
Curran, K;
Korenberg, C;
MacDonald, L;
Teunissen, K;
Robson, S;
How is museum lighting selected? An insight into current practice in UK museums.
Journal of the Institute of Conservation
, 40
pp. 3-14.
Hicks, AE;
Participation as pedagogy: Student and librarian experiences of an Open Access publishing assignment.
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science
, 58
Hoyle, V;
Editorial: archives and public history.
Archives and Records
, 38
pp. 1-4.
Kyvernitou, I;
Bikakis, A;
An Ontology for Gendered Content Representation of Cultural Heritage Artefacts.
Digital Humanities Quarterly
, 11
Lee, D;
Conceptions of knowledge about classification schemes: a multiplane approach.
Information Research
, 22
Lee, D;
Kerameos, A;
Classification in the U.K.: introducing the 2017 CILIP CIG classification survey.
Catalogue and Index
, 188
pp. 2-9.
Lloyd, A;
Information literacy and literacies of information: A mid-range theory and model.
Journal of Information Literacy
, 11
pp. 91-105.
Lloyd, A;
Researching fractured (information) landscapes: Implications for library and information science researchers undertaking research with refugees and forced migration studies.
Journal of Documentation
, 73
pp. 35-47.
Lloyd, A;
Pilerot, O;
Hultgren, F;
The remaking of fractured landscapes: Supporting refugees in transition (SpiRiT).
Information Research
, 22
Lloyd-Zantiotis, A;
Olsson, M;
Being in place: Embodied information practices.
Information Research: an international electronic journal
, 22
Lloyd-Zantiotis, A;
Olsson, M;
Losing the art and craft of know-how: capturing vanishing embodied knowledge in the 21st century.
Information Research: an international electronic journal
, 22
Lomas, E;
McLeod, J;
Engaging with change: Information and communication technology professionals' perspectives on change in the context of the 'Brexit' vote.
PLoS One
, 12
, Article e0186452. 10.1371/journal.pone.0186452.
M Nazry, NN;
Romano, DM;
Mood and learning in navigation-based serious games.
Computers in Human Behavior
, 73
pp. 596-604.
MacDonald, LW;
Moitinho de Almeida, V;
Hess, M;
Three-dimensional reconstruction of Roman coins from photometric image sets.
Journal of Electronic Imaging
, 26
, Article 011017. 10.1117/1.JEI.26.1.011017.
Mahony, S;
The Digital Classicist: building a Digital Humanities Community.
Digital Humanities Quarterly
, 11
Mahony, S;
Spiliopoulou, A;
Routsis, V;
Kamposiori, C;
Cultural institutions in the digital age: British Museum’s use of Facebook Insights.
Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies
, 11
pp. 286-303.
Meghini, C;
Scopigno, R;
Richards, J;
Wright, H;
Geser, G;
Cuy, S;
Fihn, J;
... Vlachidis, A; + view all
ARIADNE: A Research Infrastructure for Archaeology.
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
, 10
, Article 18. 10.1145/3064527.
Mohamad Nazry, NN;
Mood and Learning in Health Care Settings.
Health Care : Current Reviews
, 05
Navickas, K;
Crymble, A;
From Chartist Newspaper to Digital Map of Grass-roots Meetings, 1841–44: Documenting Workflows.
Journal of Victorian Culture
, 22
pp. 232-247.
Onah, DFO;
Sinclair, JE;
Assessing Self-Regulation of Learning Dimensions in a Stand-alone MOOC Platform.
International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP)
, 7
pp. 4-21.
Ramdarshan Bold, M;
Why Diverse Zines Matter: A Case Study of the POC Zines Project.
Publishing Research Quarterly
, 33
pp. 215-228.
Ramdarshan Bold, M;
Norrick-Rühl, C;
The Independent Foreign Fiction Prize and Man Booker International Prize merger: Can the Man Booker association help with the three percent problem?
, 28
pp. 7-24.
Ramdarshan Bold, M;
Wagstaff, K;
Marginalia in the digital age: Are digital reading devices meeting the needs of today’s readers?
Library & Information Science Research
, 39
pp. 16-22.
Rayner, SJ;
Penguin and the Shipwrecked Malory Project.
, 88
pp. 97-107.
Rayner, SJ;
Radulescu, R;
Approaches to Arthurian Studies: from Tradition to Innovation.
Journal of the International Arthurian Society
, 5
pp. 38-41.
Rowberry, SP;
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies
, 23
pp. 289-305.
Scott, R;
Inskip, C;
UK preparatory school librarians' and teachers' design and use of reading lists: A qualitative study of approaches, perceptions, and content.
School Library Research
, 20
Sexton, A;
Shepherd, E;
Duke-Williams, O;
Eveleigh, A;
A balance of trust in the use of government administrative data.
Archival Science
, 17
pp. 305-330.
Vlachidis, A;
Enabling European Archaeological Research: The ARIADNE E-Infrastructure.
Internet Archaeology
, 43
Williams, PE;
The Digital Lives of People with Learning Disabilities: Methodological Considerations.
Conference of the International Journal of Arts & Sciences
, 10
pp. 209-214.
Pokorska, A and Andrikopoulos, P and Garside, D and Coon, C (Eds).
Book of Abstracts, Museum Lighting Symposium and Workshops.
UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Террас, М and Найхан, Д and Ванхут, Э and КИЖНЕР, И (Eds).
Цифровые гуманитарные науки
Хрестоматия / Digital humanities: in search of definitions.
Издательство Сибирского федерального университета / Siberian Federal University Press: Красноярск, Россия / Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
Book chapter
Broughton, VD;
Classification. knowledge organization and subject access.
In: Bowman, JH, (ed.)
British librarianship and information work, 2011-2015.
(pp. 479-493). London, UK.
Bunn, JJ;
Grounded Theory: A Straightfoward and Complicated Exposition.
In: Gilliland, A and McKemmish, S and Lau, A, (eds.)
Research in the Archival Multiverse.
(pp. 516-536).
Monash University Publishing: Clayton, Australia.
Dibben, C;
Shuttleworth, I;
Duke-Williams, O;
Shelton, N;
9. Longitudinal studies in the United Kingdom.
In: Stillwell, J, (ed.)
The Routledge Handbook of Census Resources, Methods and Applications Unlocking the UK 2011 Census.
Duke-Williams, O;
Routsis, V;
Stillwell, J;
Census interaction data and their means of access.
The Routledge Handbook of Census Resources, Methods and Applications Unlocking the UK 2011 Census.
(pp. 110-125).
Duke-Williams, OW;
A history of census-taking in the UK.
In: Stillwell, J, (ed.)
The Routledge Handbook of Census Resources, Methods and Applications Unlocking the UK 2011 Census.
Routledge: London, UK.
Flinn, AD;
Working with the past:
Making history of struggle part of the struggle.
In: Choudry, A and Vally, S, (eds.)
Reflections on Knowledge, Learning and Social Movements: History's Schools.
(pp. 21-41).
Routledge: London, UK.
Hicks, AE;
Señor Google and Spanish Workplace Information Practices: Information Literacy in a Multilingual World.
In: Long, M, (ed.)
Language for Specific Purposes: Trends in Curriculum Development.
(p. 169).
Georgetown University Press: Washington DC.
Inskip, C;
Information literacy.
In: Bowman, JH, (ed.)
British Library and Information Work, 2011-2015.
(pp. 427-442). London, UK.
Kamposiori, C;
Warwick, C;
Mahony, S;
Building personal research collections in art history.
In: Benardou, A and Champion, E and Dallas, C and Hughes, L, (eds.)
Cultural Heritage Infrastructures in Digital Humanities.
(pp. 82-96).
Routledge: London, UK.
Shepherd, EJ;
Chapter 10: Right to Information.
In: MacNeil, H and Eastwood, T, (eds.)
Currents of archival thinking.
ABC-CLIO: Santa Barbara, CA, USA.
Shepherd, EJ;
Hidden Voices in the Archives: Pioneering Women Archivists in early 20th century England.
In: MacNeil, H and Foscarini, F, (eds.)
Engaging with Archives and Records: Histories and Theories.
Facet Publishing
Proceedings paper
Bassiliades, N;
Bikakis, A;
Costantini, S;
Franconi, E;
Giurca, A;
Kontchakov, R;
Patkos, T;
... Van Woensel, W; + view all
Preface (RuleML+RR 2017).
In: Bassiliades, N and Bikakis, A and Costantini, S and Franconi, E and Giurca, A and Kontchakov, R and Patkos, T and Sadri, F and Van Woensel, W, (eds.)
RuleML+RR 2017: Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium, Challenge, Industry Track, Tutorials and Posters @ RuleML+RR 2017.
Broughton, VD;
Faceted classification as the basis of all information retrieval.
In: Slavic, A and Gnoli, C, (eds.)
Faceted classification today: theory, technology and end users: proceedings of the International UDC Seminar, 14-15 September 2017, London, United Kingdom.
(pp. pp. 149-162).
Ergon Verlag: London, UK.
Bunn, JJ;
Mind the explanatory gap: Quality from quantity.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data).
(pp. pp. 3240-3244).
IEEE: Washington, DC, USA.
Calikli, G;
Law, M;
Bandara, AK;
Russo, A;
Dickens, LWF;
Price, BA;
Stuart, A;
... Nuseibeh, B; + view all
Privacy Dynamics: Learning Privacy Norms for Social Software.
In: Ghezzi, C and Malek, S, (eds.)
2016 IEEE/ACM 11th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2016): Proceedings.
(pp. pp. 47-56).
D Asaro, FA;
Bikakis, A;
Dickens, L;
Miller, R;
Foundations for a probabilistic event calculus.
In: Balduccini, M and Janhunen, T, (eds.)
LPNMR 2017: Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: 14th International Conference, Proceedings.
(pp. pp. 57-63).
Springer International Publishing AG
Gao, J;
Duke-Williams, O;
Mahony, S;
Ramdarshan Bold, M;
Nyhan, J;
The Intellectual Structure of Digital Humanities: An Author Co-Citation Analysis.
(Proceedings) Digital Humanities 2017.
Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO): Montreal, QC, Canada.
Hess, M;
Garside, D;
Nelson, T;
Robson, S;
Weyrich, T;
Object-based teaching and learning for a critical assessment of digital technologies in arts and cultural heritage.
ICOMOS/ISPRS International Scientific Committee on Heritage Documentation (CIPA) 26th International CIPA Symposium – Digital Workflows for Heritage Conservation (Volume XLII-2/W5).
(pp. pp. 349-354).
International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
Inskip, C;
Practitioner and LIS Student Perspectives on Information Literacy for Librarians.
In: Mueller, DM, (ed.)
Proceedings of at the helm: Leading Transformation.
(pp. pp. 486-497).
Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association: Baltimore, Maryland.
Jones, S;
Nyhan, J;
Rockwell, G;
Sinclair, S;
Terras, M;
Reverse Engineering the First Humanities Computing Center.
Digital Humanities 2017.
(pp. pp. 484-486).
ADHO: Montreal, QC, Canada.
(In press).
Liu, D;
Bikakis, A;
Vlachidis, A;
Evaluation of Semantic Web Ontologies for Modelling Art Collections.
In: Kirikova, MAI and Nørvåg, K and Papadopoulos, GA and Gamper, J and Wrembel, R and Darmont, J and Rizzi, S, (eds.)
Advances in Databases and Information Systems 2017: New Trends in Databases and Information Systems.
(pp. pp. 343-352).
Springer International Publishing: Cham.
Nyhan, J;
Terras, M;
Uncovering ‘hidden’ contributions to the history of Digital Humanities: the Index Thomisticus’ female keypunch operators.
Digital Humanities 2017.
(pp. pp. 313-315).
: Montreal, QC, Canada.
Rafiq, Y;
Dickens, L;
Russo, A;
Bandara, AK;
Yang, M;
Stuart, A;
Levine, M;
... Nuseibeh, B; + view all
Learning to Share: Engineering Adaptive Decision-Support for Online Social Networks.
In: Rosu, G and DiPenta, M and Nguyen, TN, (eds.)
(Proceedings) 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE).
(pp. pp. 280-285).
Vlachidis, A;
Bikakis, A;
Kyriaki-Manessi, D;
Triantafyllou, I;
Antoniou, A;
The CrossCult Knowledge Base: A Co-inhabitant of Cultural Heritage Ontology and Vocabulary Classification.
Advances in Databases and Information Systems 2017: New Trends in Databases and Information Systems.
(pp. pp. 353-362).
Springer: Cham.
Akeroyd, J;
Canty, N;
Watkinson, A;
Research to Support the British Library's Work on Emerging Formats.
CIBER Research Ltd.: Newbury, UK.
Lomas, EJ;
Bakhshi, H;
Defining R&D for the creative industries.
Nesta: London UK.
Lomas, E;
Defining R&D for the arts and knowledge cultural domains.
Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Vlachidis, A;
Tudhope, D;
Wansleeben, M;
Azzopardi, J;
Green, K;
Xia, L;
Wright, H;
D16.4: Final Report on Natural Language Processing.
(Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Dataset Networking in Europe
ARIADNE (research infrastructure for archaeologists): EU.
Conference item
Duke-Williams, Oliver;
Coding old computers.
Presented at: E17 Art Trail 2017, London, UK.
Duke-Williams, Oliver;
Introducing the ONS Longitudinal Study (ONS LS).
Presented at: Celebrating 10 years of research projects at the SLS, London, UK.
Duke-Williams, Oliver;
Long-term commuting patterns.
Presented at: Census User Research Conference 2017, London, UK.
Lomas, EJ;
GDPR highlights and lowlights: an overview of GDPR and a discussion of Privacy Impact Assessments.
Presented at: GDPR Symposium, UCL, London, United Kingdom.
Lomas, EJ;
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): addressing the changes for collecting data from children.
Presented at: The GDPR, Children’s Media Foundation and UCL Institute of Education.
Lomas, EJ;
Navigating confidentiality, legal privilege and GDPR to maintain legal records for future generations.
Presented at: Legal Records at Risk: Legal records, confidentiality and access – breaking down barriers, London, United Kingdom.
Nyhan, J;
The social history of Digital Humanities: an oral history perspective.
Presented at: The Making of the Humanities VI conference, Oxford, UK.
Duffus, KT;
The Role of Records Management Education in Jamaica's Development Initiative.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Norris, EJ;
Virtual Field Trips as physically active lessons for children.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Sucha-Xaya, N;
The Unfit Puzzle: Archival Value and Society in Contemporary Thailand.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).