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Addison, JD; (2007) Flow on links: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. In: Heydecker, B, (ed.) Mathematics in Transport. (pp. 363-372). Elsevier Green open access

Alexander, DC; (2007) Axon radius measurements in vivo from diffusion MRI: A feasibility study. In: Green open access

Angwin, Duncan; (2007) Motive Archetypes in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A): The Implications of a Configurational Approach to Performance. In: Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions. (pp. 77-105). Emerald Group Publishing Limited: Leeds. Green open access

Astley, MR; Kataoka, M; Ford, CJB; Barnes, CHW; Anderson, D; Jones, GAC; Farrer, I; ... Pepper, M; + view all (2007) Energy-dependent tunneling from few-electron dynamic quantum dots. PHYS REV LETT , 99 (15) , Article 156802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.156802. Green open access


Back, J; Blandford, A; Curzon, P; (2007) Recognising erroneous and exploratory interactions. In: (pp. pp. 127-140). Green open access

Back, J; Furniss, D; Blandford, A; (2007) Cognitive Resilience: Reflection-in-action and on-action. In: Woltjer, R and Johansson, B and Lundberg, J, (eds.) (pp. pp. 1-6). Linköpings Universitet: Linköpings, Sweden. Green open access

BENTLEY, PJ; (2007) Generic Evolutionary Design of Solid Objects using a Genetic Algorithm. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Blades, N; Marchant, G; Greening, P; (2007) Impacts of crushed rock quarries on historic villages and cultural landscapes. In: Drdracky, MEA, (ed.) (Proceedings) Proceedings of the 7th European Conference "SAUVEUR", Safeguarded Cultural Heritage - Understanding & Viability for the Enlarged Europe. (pp. pp. 61-70). : Prague, Czech Republic. Green open access

Blandford, A; Gow, J; Buchanan, G; Warwick, C; Rimmer, J; (2007) Creators, composers and consumers: Experiences of designing a digital library. In: UNSPECIFIED (pp. 239-242). Green open access

Blandford, A; Keith, S; Butterworth, R; Fields, B; Furniss, D; (2007) Disrupting digital library development with scenario informed design. INTERACT COMPUT , 19 (1) 70 - 82. 10.1016/j.intcom.2006.07.003. Green open access

Boccolini, G; Luise, M; Garnier, B; Merour, J-M; Brunelle, A; Titomanlio, S; Mignone, V; (2007) TV-Centric technologies to provide remote areas with two-way satellite broadband access. Presented at: WRECOM 2007 conference Wireless Rural and Emergency Communications, Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata Rome, Italy. Green open access

Boccolini, G; Luise, M; Garnier, B; Merour, J-M; Brunelle, A; Titomanlio, S; Mignone, V; (2007) A two-way interactive broadband satellite architecture to break the digital divide barrier. In: (Proceedings) 16th Ka and broadband communications conference. Green open access

Bonhard, P; Sasse, MA; Harries, C; (2007) "The devil you know knows best" - How online recommendations can benefit from social networking. In: Proceedings of HCI 2007 The 21st British HCI Group Annual Conference University of Lancaster, UK (HCI). HCI Group: Lancaster, UK. Green open access

Bozec, L; van der Heijden, G; Horton, M; (2007) Collagen fibrils: Nanoscale ropes. BIOPHYS J , 92 (1) 70 - 75. 10.1529/biophysj.106.085704. Green open access

Buchanan, G; Gow, J; Blandford, A; Rimmer, J; Warwick, C; (2007) Representing Aggregate Works in the Digital Library. In: Larson, R and Rasmussen, E and Sugimoto, S and Toms, E, (eds.) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH ACM/IEE JOINT CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL LIBRARIES. (pp. 247 - 256). ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY Green open access

Bull, PA; Morgan, RM; (2007) Sediment fingerprints: A forensic technique using quartz sand grains - A response. Science and Justice , 47 (3) pp. 141-144. 10.1016/j.scijus.2007.08.001. Green open access


Camara, O; Scahill, RI; Schnabel, JA; Crum, WR; Ridgway, GR; Hill, DLG; Fox, NC; (2007) Accuracy assessment of global and local atrophy measurement techniques with realistic simulated longitudinal data. In: Ayache, N and Ourdelin, S and Maeder, A, (eds.) Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention- MICCAI 2007, Pt 2, Proceedings. (pp. 785 - 792). SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN Green open access

Campbell, NDF; Vogiatzis, G; Hernández, C; Cipolla, R; (2007) Automatic 3D Object Segmentation in Multiple Views using Volumetric Graph-Cuts. In: Rajpoot, NM and Bhalerao, AH, (eds.) Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2007. British Machine Vision Association: Warwick, UK. Green open access

Capra, L; (2007) MaLM: Machine learning middleware to tackle ontology heterogeneity. In: (Proceedings) 5th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications. (pp. pp. 449-454). IEEE COMPUTER SOC Green open access

Chen, C; Clack, C; Nagl, SB; (2007) Context sensitivity in individual-based modeling. BMC Systems Biology , 1 (Suppl ) , Article 44. 10.1186/1752-0509-1-S1-P44. Green open access

Chen, C; Nagl, S; Clack, C; (2007) A calculus for multi-level emergent behaviours in component-based systems and simulations. In: Aziz-Alaoui, MA and Bertelle, C and Cotsaftis, M and Duchamp, GHE, (eds.) Proceedings of the Emergent Properties in Natural and Artificial Complex Systems (EPNACS'2007), in ECCS'07 European Conference on Complex Systems. (pp. pp. 35-51). EPNACS'2007 within ECCS'07: Dresden, Germany. Green open access

Chen, CC; Nagl, SB; Clack, CD; (2007) Specifying, detecting and analysing emergent behaviours in multi-level agent-based simulations. In: Weiner, GA, (ed.) Proceedings of the 2007 Summer Computer Simulation Conference. (pp. pp. 969-976). ACM: Association for Computing Machinery: San Diego, CA, USA. Green open access

Chiappa, S; Barber, D; (2007) Bayesian factorial linear Gaussian state-space models for biosignal decomposition. IEEE Signal Processing Letters , 14 (4) pp. 267-270. 10.1109/LSP.2006.881515. Green open access

Chiotis, T; Clack, CD; (2007) Nonlinearity Linkage Detection for Financial Time Series Analysis. In: Lipson, H, (ed.) Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. (pp. pp. 1179-1186). ACM: Association for Computing Machinery: London, England, United Kingdom. Green open access

Chow, AHF; (2007) System optimal traffic assignment with departure time choice. Doctoral thesis , University College London.

Costa, P; Coulson, G; Gold, R; Lad, M; Mascolo, C; Mottola, L; Picco, GP; ... Zachariadis, S; + view all (2007) The RUNES middleware for networked embedded systems and its application in a disaster management scenario. In: (Proceedings) 5th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications. (pp. 69-+). IEEE COMPUTER SOC Green open access

Coutinho, RC; Selviah, DR; Griffiths, DG; (2007) A high sensitivity interferometer-based spectrometer without a Fourier transform. In: (Proceedings) OSA Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) Topical Meeting. : Santa Fe, USA. Green open access

Cox, BT; Beard, PC; (2007) The frequency-dependent directivity of a planar Fabry-Perot polymer film ultrasound sensor. IEEE T ULTRASON FERR , 54 (2) 394 - 404. Green open access


Dartnell, LR; Desorgher, L; Ward, JM; Coates, AJ; (2007) Modelling the surface and subsurface Martian radiation environment: Implications for astrobiology. Geophysical Research Letters , 34 (2) , Article L02207. 10.1029/2006GL027494. Green open access

Duke, J; Clack, CD; (2007) Using an Evolutionary Agent-Based Simulation to Explore Hedging Pressure in Futures Markets. In: (Proceedings) Annual Conference of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. (pp. p. 2257). ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY Green open access


Ellul, C; (2007) Functionality and Performance - Two Important Considerations when Implementing Topology in 3D GIS. Doctoral thesis , University of London.

Ellul, C; Haklay, M; (2007) Requirements for Topology in 3D GIS. Transactions in GIS , 10 (2) pp. 157-175. Green open access

Emes, MR; Smith, A; James, AM; (2007) Left-shift vs the time value of money: unravelling the business case for systems engineering. In: Proceedings of the INCOSE Spring Conference 2007. INCOSE: Swindon, UK. Green open access


Fenwick, O.; (2007) Scanning near-field optical lithography and microscopy of conjugated polymer structures. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Flechais, I; Mascolo, C; Sasse, MA; (2007) Integrating security and usability into the requirements and design process. International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics , 1 (1) 12 - 26. 10.1504/IJESDF.2007.013589. Green open access

Freeman, RM; Julier, SJ; Steed, AJ; (2007) A method for predicting marker tracking error. In: (pp. pp. 157-160). Green open access

Fujiyama, T; Childs, C; Boampong, D; Tyler, N; (2007) How do elderly pedestrians perceive hazards in the street? - An initial investigation towards development of a pedestrian simulation that incorporates reaction of various pedestrians to environments. : Montreal, Canada. Green open access

Furniss, D; Blandford, A; Curzon, P; (2007) Usability evaluation methods in practice: understanding the context in which they are embedded. In: Brinkman, W-P and Ham, D-H and Wong, BLW, (eds.) (pp. pp. 253-256). ACM Green open access


Gadipelli, S; Sankaranarayanan, V; Ramaprabhu, S; (2007) Influence of hydrogen absorption on structural and electrical transport properties of Ho1−xMmxCo2 alloys. Journal of Applied Physics , 102 (6) , Article 063706. 10.1063/1.2757004. Green open access

Galasso, C; (2007) Reliability models for structural composites. Masters thesis , University of Naples, Federico II, Italy.

García, AS; Molina, JP; Steed, A; Martínez, D; González, P; (2007) An Approach to the Evaluation of Ownership Management Techniques in Collaborative Virtual Environments. In: Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, Short Papers and Posters. (pp. pp. 49-50). Eurographics Association: Weimar, Germany. Green open access

Griffin, LD; (2007) The second order local-image-structure solid. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , 29 (8) 1355 - 1366. 10.1109/TPAMI.2007.1066. Green open access

Groth, J; Ostrovsky, R; (2007) Cryptography in the multi-string model. In: Menezes, A, (ed.) Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2007. (pp. 323 - 341). Springer Berlin Heidelberg Green open access


Harden, A; Kavanagh, J; Powell, C; Oliver, K; Oakley, A; (2007) A scoping review of the evidence relevant to life checks for young people aged 9 to 14 years. EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access


Inglesant, P; Sasse, MA; (2007) Usability is the best policy: Public policy and the lived experience of transport systems in London. In: Green open access


James, MR; Pinkerton, H; Robson, S; (2007) Image-based measurement of flux variation in distal regions of active lava flows. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems , 8 , Article Q03006. 10.1029/2006GC001448. Green open access

Xyratex Technology Ltd; Johnson, Ian David; Pitwon, Richard Charles Alexander; Selviah, David R; Papakonstantinou, I (2007) Optical printed circuit board and manufacturing method. WO2007010184. Green open access

Julier, SJ; LaViola, JJ; (2007) On Kalman Filtering with Nonlinear Equality Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , 55 (6) pp. 2774-2784. 10.1109/TSP.2007.893949. Green open access


Kataoka, M; Schneble, RJ; Thorn, AL; Barnes, CHW; Ford, CJB; Anderson, D; Jones, GAC; ... Pepper, M; + view all (2007) Single-electron population and depopulation of an isolated quantum dot using a surface-acoustic-wave pulse. PHYS REV LETT , 98 (4) , Article 046801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.046801. Green open access

Khandaker, TRA; Kaiser, MJ; Das, JK; Hossain, MS; Sultana, KR; (2007) Upgrading Trust Factor Evaluation in AODV Protocol for MANET. Journal Computer Science , 1 pp. 40-43. Green open access

Kirstein, P; Lambrinos, L; (2007) Integrating Voice over IP Services in IPv4 and IPv6 Networks. In: Proceedings of the International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology. IEEE Green open access

Kirstein, P; Varakliotis, S; O’Hanlon, P; (2007) The SUMOVER project: Media Tools’ present and future. Presented at: Access Grid Retreat, Chicago, US. Gold open access

Knoche, H; Papaleo, M; Sasse, MA; Vanelli-Coralli, A; (2007) The kindest cut: Enhancing the user experience of mobile tv through adequate zooming. In: Proceedings of the ACM International Multimedia Conference and Exhibition. (pp. 87 - 96). ACM Green open access

Kyle, SA; (2007) Optically jointed probing systems for large volume coordinate metrology. Presented at: Coordinate Measurement Systems Conference (CMSC), Orlando, US. Green open access


Laqua, S; Ogbechie, N; Sasse, MA; (2007) Contextualizing the blogosphere: A comparison of traditional and novel user interfaces for the web. In: Green open access

Leung, TS; Tachtsidis, I; Tisdall, M; Smith, M; Delpy, DT; Elwell, CE; (2007) Theoretical investigation of measuring cerebral blood flow in the adult human head using bolus Indocyanine Green injection and near-infrared spectroscopy. APPLIED OPTICS , 46 (10) 1604 - 1614. 10.1364/AO.46.001604. Green open access

Lobley, A; Swindells, MB; Orengo, CA; Jones, DT; (2007) Inferring function using patterns of native disorder in proteins. PLOS COMPUT BIOL , 3 (8) , Article e162. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.0030162. Green open access

Lomuscio, A; Pecheur, C; Raimondi, F; (2007) Automatic verification of knowledge and time with NuSMV. In: Veloso, M, (ed.) (pp. pp. 1384-1389). IJCAI/ AAAI Press: Menlo Park, US. Green open access

Lyons, RA; Towner, EM; Kendrick, D; Christie, N; Brophy, S; Phillips, CJ; Coupland, C; ... Coffey, F; + view all (2007) The UK Burden of Injury Study - a protocol. BMC Public Health , 7 , Article 317. 10.1186/1471-2458-7-317. Green open access


Mackett, RL; Achuthan, K; Titheridge, H; (2007) Overcoming the barriers to walking for people who are socially excluded. In: (Proceedings) Walk21 Conference, Oct 1st-4th 2007, Toronto, Canada.. Green open access

Mackett, RL; Brown, B; Gong, Y; Kitazawa, K; Paskins, J; (2007) Setting Children Free: Children’s Independent Movement in the Local Environment. (CASA Working Paper Series 118). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London. Green open access

Maenhout, B; (2007) Exact and meta-heuristic algorithms for nurse shift scheduling problems. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Mahdavi, K; Gold, N; Li, Z; Harman, M; (2007) Allowing Overlapping Boundaries in Source Code using a Search Based Approach to Concept Binding. In: Koschke, R and Merlo, E and Walenstein, A, (eds.) Duplication, Redundancy, and Similarity in Software: Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings. Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany: Dagstuhl, Germany. Green open access

Makri, S.; Blandford, A.; Cox, A.L.; (2007) ‘I’ll just Google it!’: Should lawyers’ perceptions of Google inform the design of electronic legal resources? Presented at: Web Information-Seeking and Interaction Workshop 2007 (WISI2007), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Green open access

Mathieu, B; Song, M; Galis, A; Cheng, L; Jean, K; Ocampo, R; (2007) Self-management of context-aware overlay ambient networks. In: 2007 10TH IFIP/IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTEGRATED NETWORK MANAGEMENT (IM 2009), VOLS 1 AND 2. (pp. 749 - 752). IEEE Green open access

Matthews, BC; Greaves, JS; Holland, WS; Wyatt, MC; Barlow, MJ; Bastien, P; Beichman, CA; ... Craigon, A; + view all (2007) An unbiased survey of 500 nearby stars for debris disks: A JCMT legacy program. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific , 119 (858) pp. 842-854. 10.1086/521318. Green open access

Mikhailov, V; Wurtz, GA; Elliott, J; Bayvel, P; Zayats, AV; (2007) Dispersing light with surface plasmon polaritonic crystals. PHYS REV LETT , 99 (8) , Article 083901. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.083901. Green open access

Mitic, P.; Rashed, Y. F.; (2007) A Meshless Solution For Potential Equations Using A Continuous-valued Circular Line Source. WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation , 44 10.2495/BE070041. Green open access

Morgan, RM; Bull, PA; (2007) The philosophy, nature and practice of forensic sediment analysis. Progress in Physical Geography , 31 (1) pp. 43-58. 10.1177/0309133307073881. Green open access

Morgan, RM; Bull, PA; (2007) The use of grain size distribution analysis of sediments and soils in forensic enquiry. Science and Justice , 47 (3) pp. 125-135. 10.1016/j.scijus.2007.02.001. Green open access


Navarro-Pérez, JA; Voronkov, A; (2007) Encodings of bounded LTL model checking in effectively propositional logic. In: Automated Deduction – CADE-21. 21st International Conference on Automated Deduction Bremen, Germany, July 17-20, 2007 Proceedings. (346 - 361). Springer Berlin Heidelberg Green open access

Navarro-Pérez, JA; Voronkov, A; (2007) Encodings of problems in effectively propositional logic. In: Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2007. 10th International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, May 28-31, 2007. Proceedings. (3 - 3). Springer Berlin Heidelberg Green open access

Ng, J; Bharath, AA; Zhaoping, L; (2007) A survey of architecture and function of the primary visual cortex (V1). Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing , 2007 10.1155/2007/97961. Green open access


Olivo, A; Speller, R; (2007) A coded-aperture technique allowing x-ray phase contrast imaging with conventional sources. APPL PHYS LETT , 91 (7) , Article 074106. 10.1063/1.2772193. Green open access

Owoyemi, O; Mazzei, L; Lettieri, P; (2007) CFD modeling of binary-fluidized suspensions and investigation of role of particle-particle drag on mixing and segregation. AICHE J , 53 (8) 1924 - 1940. 10.1002/aic.11227. Green open access

Oxtoby, NP; (2007) "Keeping it real": A quantum trajectory approach to realistic measurement of solid-state quantum systems. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Oyekoya, Oyekoya; (2007) Eye Tracking: A Perceptual Interface for Content Based Image Retrieval. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Pantouvaki, M; Renaud, CC; Cannard, P; Robertson, MJ; Gwilliam, R; Seeds, AJ; (2007) Fast tuneable InGaAsP DBR laser using quantum-confined stark-effect-induced refractive index change. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics , 13 (5) 1112 - 1121. 10.1109/JSTQE.2007.906046. Green open access

Papageorgiou, LG; Fraga, ES; (2007) A mixed integer quadratic programming formulation for the economic dispatch of generators with prohibited operating zones. ELECTR POW SYST RES , 77 (10) 1292 - 1296. 10.1016/j.epsr.2006.09.020. Green open access

Patel, S; Clack, CD; (2007) ALPS evaluation in financial portfolio optimisation. In: (Proceedings) IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. (pp. pp. 813-819). IEEE Green open access

Patriarca, M; Chakraborti, A; Heinsalu, E; Germano, G; (2007) Relaxation in statistical many-agent economy models. European Physical Journal B , 57 (2) pp. 219-224. 10.1140/epjb/e2007-00122-7. Green open access

Porter, Richard; Fairweather, Michael; Griffiths, John; Hughes, Kevin; Tomlin, Alison; (2007) Simulated autoignition temperature and oxidation of cyclohexane using a QSSA reduced mechanism. In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Combustion Meeting. (pp. pp. 130-139). The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture: Austin, TX, USA. Green open access

Price, G; Cercignani, M; Parker, GJM; Altmann, DR; Barnes, TRE; Barker, GJ; Joyce, EM; (2007) Abnormal brain connectivity in first-episode psychosis: A diffusion MRI tractography study of the corpus callosum. Neuroimage , 35 (2) 458 - 466. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.12.019. Green open access

Price, G; Cercignani, M; Parker, GJM; Altmann, DR; Barnes, TRE; Barker, GJ; Joyce, EM; (2007) Corrigendum to “Abnormal brain connectivity in first-episode psychosis: A diffusion MRI tractography study of the corpus callosum” [NeuroImage 35 (2007) 458–466]. [Corrigendum]. Neuroimage , 38 (4) 766 - 766. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.05.064. Green open access


Quercia, D; Hailes, S; Capra, L; (2007) Lightweight distributed trust propagation. In: Ramakrishnan, N and Zaiane, OR and Shi, Y and Clifton, CW and Wu, XD, (eds.) ICDM 2007: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA MINING. (pp. 282 - 291). IEEE COMPUTER SOC: Los Alamitos, US. Green open access


Rana, S; Ward, H; (2007) A methodology to investigate and visualise the geographical provenance of road traffic casualties in deprived areas. In: Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research in Berkeley, CA, USA (June 24-28). WCTRS: Lyon France. Green open access

Rashed, AM; Selviah, DR; (2007) Source misalignment in multimode polymer tapered waveguides for optical backplanes. OPT ENG , 46 (1) , Article 015401. 10.1117/1.2432875. Green open access

Renaud, CC; Pantouvaki, M; Gregoire, S; Lealman, I; Cannard, P; Cole, S; Moore, R; ... Seeds, AJ; + view all (2007) A monolithic MQW InP-InGaAsP-Based optical comb generator. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics , 43 (11-12) 998 - 1005. 10.1109/JQE.2007.904522. Green open access

Rodrigues, GN; Rosenblum, DS; Wolf, J; (2007) Reliability Analysis of Concurrent Systems using LTSA. In: (Proceedings) ICSE 2007: 29th International Conference on Software Engineering. (pp. pp. 63-64). IEEE Computer Society: Minneapolis, USA. Green open access

Rukšenas, R; Curzon, P; Blandford, A; (2007) Detecting Cognitive Causes of Confidentiality Leaks. In: (pp. pp. 21-38). Green open access


Schmid, F; Germano, G; Wolfsheimer, S; Schilling, T; (2007) Fluctuating interfaces in liquid crystals. Macromolecular Symposia , 252 (1) pp. 110-118. 10.1002/masy.200750611. Green open access

Seager, W; Knoche, H; Sasse, MA; (2007) TV-centricity - requirements gathering for triple play services. In: Lugmayr, AG, (ed.) (Proceedings) EuroITV. (pp. 274 - 278). Green open access

Selviah, DR; Walker, AC; Hutt, DA; (2007) Integrated Optical and Electronic PCB Manufacturing Flagship Project OPCB. [Lecture]. Presented at: Innovative Electronics Manufacturing Research Centre, Henry Ford Building, Loughborough. Green open access

Selviah, DR; Wang, K; Richards, M; (2007) The AutoEye Mark 1 Vehicle Rear View Camera Vision system. In: (Proceedings) Displays and Lighting on the Move, Willams Formula 1 Centre, UK Displays and Lighting (UKDL), 29th October. UK Displays and Lighting: Williams Formula 1 Centre, UK. Green open access

Simons, RR; Charles, E; (2007) Investigation into scour around the proposed Mersey gateway crossing, in: Chapter 7 Hydrodynamics and Estuarine Processes: Appendix 7.8. (GLPO 30817 ). Halton Borough Council

Smith, RE; Jiang, MK; (2007) MILCS: A mutual information learning classifier system. In: (pp. pp. 2945-2952). Green open access

Stamatakis, M; Mantzaris, NV; (2007) Astrocyte signaling in the presence of spatial inhomogeneities. Chaos , 17 (3) 10.1063/1.2767409. Green open access

Stevens, M; (2007) Design Structure Matrices for Software Development. Masters thesis , Vrije Universiteit Brussel.


Tartakovskii, AI; Wright, T; Russell, A; Fal'ko, VI; Van'kov, AB; Skiba-Szymanska, J; Drouzas, I; ... Hopkinson, M; + view all (2007) Nuclear spin switch in semiconductor quantum dots. Physical Review Letters , 98 (2) , Article 026806. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.026806. Green open access

Titheridge, H; Achuthan, K; Mackett, RL; Solomon, J; (2007) Assessing the Extent of Transport Social Exclusion among the Elderly. In: (Proceedings) Paper presented at Access to Destinations, Minneapolis, Aug 23-25 2007. Green open access

To, LS; (2007) Approaches to using renewable energy in rural areas of China. In: Proceedings of ISES World Congress 2007. (pp. pp. 2925-2929). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg: Beijing, China. Green open access

Toivonen, JM; Walker, GA; Martinez-Diaz, P; Bjedov, I; Driege, Y; Jacobs, HT; Gems, D; (2007) No influence of Indy on lifespan in drosophila after correction for genetic and cytoplasmic background effects. PLoS Genetics , 3 (6) , Article e95. 10.1371/journal.pgen.0030095. Green open access

Tompson, L; (2007) Mapping out crime prevention. Criminal Justice Matters , 69 (1) 32 - 33. 10.1080/09627250708553264. Green open access

Tong, KF; Wong, TP; (2007) Circularly polarized U-Slot antenna. IEEE T ANTENN PROPAG , 55 (8) 2382 - 2385. 10.1109/TAP.2007.901930. Green open access

Treeby, BE; Paurobally, RM; Pan, J; (2007) Decomposition of the HRTF from a sphere with neck and hair. In: Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Auditory Display, 2007. (pp. pp. 79-84). ICAD: Montréal, Canada. Green open access


Wang, Z; Shawe-Taylor, J; Szedmak, S; (2007) Kernel regression based machine translation. In: (pp. pp. 185-188). Green open access

Ward, H; Christie, N; Lyons, R; Broughton, J; Clarke, D; Ward, P; (2007) Trends in fatal car-occupant accidents. (Road Safety Research Report 76 ). UCL (University College London), Department for Transport Publications: Wetherby, UK. Green open access

Ward, H; Lyons, R; Christie, N; Thoreau, R; Macey, S; (2007) Fatal injuries to car occupants: analysis of health and population data. (Road Safety Research Report 77 ). UCL (University College London), Department For Transport Publications: Wetherby, UK. Green open access

Wassermann, B; Emmerich, W; (2007) Reliable scientific service compositions. In: Georgakopoulos, D and Ritter, N and Benatallah, B and Zirpins, C and Feuerlicht, G and Schoenherr, M and MotahariNezhad, H, (eds.) UNSPECIFIED (14-+). SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN Green open access

Willman, E; Fernandez, FA; James, R; Day, SE; (2007) Modeling of weak anisotropic anchoring of nematic liquid crystals in the Landau-de Gennes theory. IEEE T ELECTRON DEV , 54 (10) 2630 - 2637. 10.1109/TED.2007.904369. Green open access


Yan, W; Clack, CD; (2007) Diverse committees vote for dependable profits. In: Lipson, H, (ed.) Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. (pp. pp. 2226-2233). ACM: Association for Computing Machinery: London, UK. Green open access

Yan, W; Clack, CD; (2007) Evolving Robust GP Solutions for Hedge Fund Stock Selection in Emerging Markets. In: Lipson, H, (ed.) Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. (pp. pp. 2234-2241). ACM: Association Computing Machinery: London, England, United Kingdom. Green open access


Zhaoping, L; May, KA; (2007) Psychophysical tests of the hypothesis of a bottom-up saliency map in primary visual cortex. PLoS Computational Biology , 3 (4) , Article e62. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.0030062. Green open access

Zhaoping, L; May, KA; (2007) Psychophysical tests of the hypothesis of a bottom-up saliency map in primary visual cortex. PLoS Computational Biology , 3 (4) , Article e62. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.0030062. Green open access

Zhou, S; (2007) Rich-club phenomenon of the Internet topology. In: Encyclopedia of Internet Technologies and Applications. (pp. 469-472). Green open access

Zhou, S; Mondragon, RJ; (2007) Structural constraints in complex networks. NEW J PHYS , 9 , Article 173. 10.1088/1367-2630/9/6/173. Green open access

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