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Number of items: 46.


Ali Ahmad, Shadi; Galley, Thomas D; Höhn, Philipp A; Lock, Maximilian PE; Smith, Alexander RH; (2022) Quantum Relativity of Subsystems. Physical Review Letters , 128 (17) , Article 170401. 10.1103/physrevlett.128.170401. Green open access


Badcock, Jacob; (2022) Photography after Discard Studies: the case of Agbogbloshie. Burlington Contemporary Journal , 2022 (7) 10.31452/bcj7.discard.badcock. Green open access

Birkeli, Helene Engnes; (2022) Tracing Territory: The Visual Culture of Danish(-Norwegian) Colonialism in the Caribbean. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Brown, N; (2022) The social course of fibromyalgia: resisting processes of marginalisation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 19 (1) , Article 333. 10.3390/ijerph19010333. Green open access

Brown, N; (2022) “It is…, it stands for…, it shows…”: arts-based representations in data generation and analysis. In: Hinsliff-Smith, K and McGarry, J and Ali, P, (eds.) Arts Based Health Care Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. (pp. 15-29). Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Brown, N; Ramlackhan, K; (2022) Exploring Experiences of Ableism in Academia: A Constructivist Inquiry. Higher Education , 85 pp. 1225-1239. 10.1007/s10734-021-00739-y. Green open access


Dhital, R; Sakulwach, S; Robert, G; Vasilikou, C; Sin, J; (2022) Systematic review on the effects of the physical and social aspects of community pharmacy spaces on service users and staff. Perspect Public Health , 142 (2) pp. 77-93. 10.1177/17579139221080608. Green open access

Dhital, Ranjita; Coleman, Rachel; Day, Ed; Drummond, Colin; Lingford-Hughes, Anne; Marsden, John; Phillips, Tom; ... Donoghue, Kim; + view all (2022) Correction to: Service Users’ Views and Experiences of Alcohol Relapse Prevention Treatment and Adherence: New Role for Pharmacists? [Corrigendum]. Alcohol and Alcoholism , Article agac016. 10.1093/alcalc/agac016. Green open access

Dhital, Ranjita; Coleman, Rachel; Day, Ed; Drummond, Colin; Lingford-Hughes, Anne; Marsden, John; Phillips, Tom; ... Donoghue, Kim; + view all (2022) Service Users’ Views and Experiences of Alcohol Relapse Prevention Treatment and Adherence: New Role for Pharmacists? Alcohol and Alcoholism 10.1093/alcalc/agac011. (In press). Green open access


Elsden, Esme; Sercombe, Hannah; Piper, Kim; Webster, Emma; Smyth-Zahra, Flora; Barkan, Melissa; Kador, Thomas; (2022) Student Wellbeing and Experiential Learning Report. University College London (UCL): London, UK. Green open access


Gerassimidou, Spyridoula; Lanska, Paulina; Hahladakis, John N; Lovat, Elena; Vanzetto, Silvia; Geueke, Birgit; Groh, Ksenia J; ... Iacovidou, Eleni; + view all (2022) Unpacking the complexity of the PET drink bottles value chain: A chemicals perspective. Journal of Hazardous Materials , 430 , Article 128410. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.128410. Green open access

Gerassimidou, Spyridoula; Lovat, Elena; Ebner, Norman; You, Weimu; Giakoumis, Theodoros; Martin, Olwenn; Iacovidou, Eleni; (2022) Unpacking the complexity of the UK plastic packaging value chain: A stakeholder perspective. Sustainable Production and Consumption , 30 pp. 657-673. 10.1016/j.spc.2021.11.005. Green open access

Gerassimidou, Spyridoula; Martin, Olwenn V; Diaz, Gilenny Yamily Feliz; Wan, Chaoying; Komilis, Dimitrios; Iacovidou, Eleni; (2022) Systematic Evidence Mapping to Assess the Sustainability of Bioplastics Derived from Food Waste: Do We Know Enough? Sustainability , 15 (1) , Article 611. 10.3390/su15010611. Green open access

Geueke, Birgit; Groh, Ksenia J; Maffini, Maricel V; Martin, Olwenn V; Boucher, Justin M; Chiang, Yu-Ting; Gwosdz, Frank; ... Muncke, Jane; + view all (2022) Systematic evidence on migrating and extractable food contact chemicals: Most chemicals detected in food contact materials are not listed for use. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition pp. 1-11. 10.1080/10408398.2022.2067828. (In press). Green open access


Ibrahim, Ali; Ryan, Sharon; Viljoen, David; Tutisani, Ellen; Gardner, Lucy; Collins, Lorna; Ayton, Agnes; (2022) Integrated enhanced cognitive behavioural (I-CBTE) therapy significantly improves effectiveness of inpatient treatment of anorexia nervosa in real life settings. Journal of Eating Disorders , 10 , Article 98. 10.1186/s40337-022-00620-y. (In press). Green open access

Irfan, Anne; (2022) Palestine in exile: blurring the boundaries and re-creating the homeland. In: Mayer, Tamar and Tran, Trinh, (eds.) Displacement, Belonging, and Migrant Agency in the Face of Power. Routledge: London, UK.

Irfan, Anne; (2022) WHOSE AGENCY? UNRWA AND THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEES IN HISTORY. In: Stefanini, Pietro, (ed.) UNRWA at 70: Palestinian refugees in context. Al Jazeera Center for Studies

Islam, Safina; West, E James; (2022) Looking Backwards, Moving Forwards: The Ahmed Iqbal Ullah RACE Centre and Education Trust, Community Activism and Public History Programming. History , 107 (375) pp. 270-286. 10.1111/1468-229x.13272. Green open access


Kortenkamp, Andreas; Martin, Olwenn; Ermler, Sibylle; Baig, Asma; Scholze, Martin; (2022) Bisphenol A and declining semen quality: A systematic review to support the derivation of a reference dose for mixture risk assessments. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health , 241 , Article 113942. 10.1016/j.ijheh.2022.113942. Green open access


Letrondo, Pilar A; Ashley, Sarah Ann; Flinn, Andrew; Burton, Alexandra; Kador, Thomas; Mukadam, Naaheed; (2022) Systematic review of arts and culture-based interventions for people living with dementia and their caregivers. Ageing Research Reviews , Article 101793. 10.1016/j.arr.2022.101793. (In press). Green open access

Lewis, Clare; (2022) Tutankhamun: Excavating the Archive (13 April 2022–5 February 2023, The Treasury, Weston Library). The Bodleian Library Record , 5 (1-2) pp. 25-33. 10.3828/blr.2022.35.1-2.25.


Morse, Nuala; Thomson, LJ; Elsden, E; Rogers, H; Chatterjee, HJ; (2022) Exploring the Potential of Creative Museum-led Activities to Support Stroke In-patient Rehabilitation and Wellbeing: A Pilot Mixed-methods Study. Arts & Health , 15 (2) pp. 135-152. 10.1080/17533015.2022.2032224. Green open access

Mughal, R; Thomson, LJM; Daykin, N; Chatterjee, HJ; (2022) Rapid Evidence Review of Community Engagement and Resources in the UK during the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Can Community Assets Redress Health Inequities? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 19 (7) , Article 4086. 10.3390/ijerph19074086. Green open access

Mulya, Wijaya; Salvi, Francesca; Gorczynski, Paul; Brown, Tanya Wells; Sims-Schouten, Wendy; (2022) Corrigendum: The state and my happiness: Youth mental health, citizenship education and discursive contestations in contemporary Indonesia. Children & Society 10.1111/chso.12653. (In press). Green open access


Pound, Megan; Sims-Schouten, Wendy; (2022) A systematic review of the principles of co-production in relation to the mental health and wellbeing of care leavers. International Journal of Emotional Education , 14 (1) pp. 3-19. 10.56300/NVFU2763. Green open access


Sicard, François; (2022) Can decentralized science help tackle the deterioration in working conditions in academia? Frontiers in Blockchain , 5 , Article 1066294. 10.3389/fbloc.2022.1066294. Green open access

Sicard, François; Yazaydin, A Ozgur; (2022) Biohybrid Membrane Formation by Directed Insertion of Aquaporin into a Solid-State Nanopore. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 14 (42) pp. 48029-48036. 10.1021/acsami.2c14250. Green open access

Sims-Schouten, Wendy; (2022) "Eclectic Resilience" in Childhood: Interdisciplinary Research. Presented at: Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC), The Hague, Netherlands. Green open access

Sims-Schouten, Wendy; (2022) Editorial. Psychology Teaching Review , 28 (1) Green open access

Sims-Schouten, Wendy; (2022) Mental Health Literacy and Higher Education. Presented at: International Conference on Research in Education (ICORE) 2022, Lahore, Pakistan. Green open access

Sims-Schouten, Wendy; (2022) Revisiting Resilience in light of Racism, Othering and Resistance. Presented at: International Association for Moral Education Conference 2022, Manchester, UK. Green open access

Sims-Schouten, Wendy; Gilbert, Patricia; (2022) Revisiting ‘resilience’ in light of racism, ‘othering’ and resistance. Race and Class: a journal of racism, empire and globalisation , 64 (1) pp. 84-94. 10.1177/03063968221093. Green open access

Sims-Schouten, Wendy; Gorczynski, Paul; (2022) Evaluating mental health literacy amongst US college students: A cross sectional study. Journal of American College Health 10.1080/07448481.2022.2063690. (In press). Green open access

Sims-Schouten, Wendy; Maynard, Emma; Pound, Megan; (2022) “I Hate Having my Mental Health” – Making Sense of Mental Health through Coproduction and Visual Methods with Young People with Complex Needs. Journal of Youth Studies 10.1080/13676261.2022.2101358. (In press). Green open access

Sims-Schouten, Wendy; Weindling, Paul; (2022) “All emigrants are up to the physical, mental and moral standards required”: A Tale of Two Child Rescue Schemes. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences , 58 (3) pp. 302-318. 10.1002/jhbs.22188. Green open access

Sin, Jacqueline; Henderson, Claire; Elkes, Jack; Cornelius, Victoria; Woodham, Luke A; Batchelor, Rachel; Chen, Tao; ... Gillard, Steve; + view all (2022) Effect of digital psychoeducation and peer support on the mental health of family carers supporting individuals with psychosis in England (COPe-support): a randomised clinical trial. Lancet Digital Health 10.1016/S2589-7500(22)00031-0. (In press). Green open access

Stephens, Neil; Vrikki, Photini; Riesch, Hauke; Martin, Olwenn; (2022) Protesting Populist Knowledge Practices: Collective Effervescence at the March for Science London. Cultural Sociology , 16 (2) pp. 212-230. 10.1177/17499755211033556. Green open access


Trifonova, Temenuga; (2022) Keynote: The New European Cinema of Precarity. Presented at: The New European Cinema of Precarity, Paris, France. Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2022) The Figure of the Migrant in Contemporary Italian Cinema. In: de Francheschi, Leonardo and Perniola, Ivelise, (eds.) Migrazioni, cittadinanze, inclusività Narrazioni dell’Italia plurale, tra immaginario e politiche per la diversità. (pp. 271-280). tab edizioni: Rome, Italy. Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2022) Cinema as Philosophy of Art. In: Trifonova, Temenuga, (ed.) Screening the Art World. Amsterdam University Press Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2022) Editor's Introduction. In: Trifonova, Temenuga, (ed.) Screening the Art World. Amsterdam University Press Green open access


West, E James; (2022) “Getting on the Negro History Bandwagon”: Selling Black History from World War II to the Dawn of Black Power. The Journal of African American History , 107 (3) pp. 423-450. 10.1086/719961. Green open access

West, E James; (2022) A House for the Struggle. Places Journal (2022) 10.22269/220405. Green open access

West, E James; (2022) Johnson Publishing Company and the Search for a White Audience. American Journalism , 39 (3) pp. 293-314. 10.1080/08821127.2022.2098206. Green open access


Yoeli, Heather; Dhital, Ranjita; Hermaszewska, Susannah; Sin, Jacqueline; (2022) A meta-ethnography of participatory health research and co-production in Nepal. Social Science & Medicine , 301 , Article 114955. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114955. Green open access


Ågerstrand, Marlene; Beronius, Anna; Junghans, Marion; Martin, Olwenn; (2022) Editorial: Women in regulatory toxicology: 2021. Frontiers in Toxicology , 4 , Article 1056285. 10.3389/ftox.2022.1056285. Green open access

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