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Aggio, D; Smith, L; Fisher, A; Hamer, M; (2014) Mothers' perceived proximity to green space is associated with TV viewing time in children: The Growing Up in Scotland study. Prev Med , 70C 46 - 49. 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.11.018. Green open access

Alfred, T; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Cooper, R; Hardy, R; Cooper, C; Deary, IJ; Elliott, J; ... Day, IN; + view all (2014) Associations between APOE and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol genotypes and cognitive and physical capability: the HALCyon programme. Age , 36 (4) , Article 9673. 10.1007/s11357-014-9673-9. Green open access


Beard, E; Brose, LS; Brown, J; West, R; McEwen, A; (2014) How are the English Stop Smoking Services responding to growth in use of electronic cigarettes? Patient Education and Counseling , 94 (2) 276 - 281. 10.1016/j.pec.2013.10.022. Green open access

Beard, E; Bruguera, C; McNeill, A; Brown, J; West, R; (2014) Association of amount and duration of NRT use in smokers with cigarette consumption and motivation to stop smoking: A national survey of smokers in England. Addict Behav , 40C 33 - 38. 10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.08.008. Green open access

Bergh, C; Udumyan, R; Fall, K; Nilsagard, Y; Appelros, P; Montgomery, S; (2014) Stress resilience in male adolescents and subsequent stroke risk: cohort study. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry , 85 (12) pp. 1331-1336. 10.1136/jnnp-2013-307485. Green open access

Brose, LS; West, R; Michie, S; McEwen, A; (2014) Changes in success rates of smoking cessation treatment associated with take up of a national evidence-based training programme. Preventive Medicine , 69 1 - 4. 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.08.021. Green open access

Brown, J; Beard, E; Kotz, D; Michie, S; West, R; (2014) Real-world effectiveness of e-cigarettes when used to aid smoking cessation: a cross-sectional population study. Addiction , 109 (9) pp. 1531-1540. 10.1111/add.12623. Green open access

Brown, J; Jarvis, M; West, R; (2014) Smoking prevalence in England: Authors’ reply to Roscoe. [Letter]. British Medical Journal , 348 , Article g1946. 10.1136/bmj.g1946. Green open access

Brown, J; Kotz, D; Michie, S; Stapleton, J; Walmsley, M; West, R; (2014) How effective and cost-effective was the national mass media smoking cessation campaign 'Stoptober'? Drug and Alcohol Dependence , 135 52 - 58. 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2013.11.003. Green open access

Brown, J; Michie, S; Geraghty, AW; Yardley, L; Gardner, B; Shahab, L; Stapleton, JA; (2014) Internet-based intervention for smoking cessation (StopAdvisor) in people with low and high socioeconomic status: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Respir Med , 2 (12) 997 - 1006. 10.1016/S2213-2600(14)70195-X. Green open access

Brown, J; Michie, S; Raupach, T; West, R; (2014) Animal Farm must give way to doublethink when studying addiction. Addiction , 109 (7) 1214 - 1215. 10.1111/add.12553. Green open access

Brown, J; Michie, S; Raupach, T; West, R; (2014) Should public health bodies stop commissioning research from market research companies that serve the tobacco industry? [Editorial comment]. Addiction , 109 (1) 1 - 2. 10.1111/add.12302. Green open access

Brown, J; West, R; (2014) Smoking prevalence in England is below 20% for the first time in 80 years. [Letter]. BMJ , 348 , Article g1378. 10.1136/bmj.g1378. Green open access

Brown, J; West, R; Beard, E; Michie, S; Shahab, L; McNeill, A; (2014) Prevalence and characteristics of e-cigarette users in Great Britain: findings from a general population survey of smokers. Addictive Behaviours , 39 (6) pp. 1120-1125. 10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.03.009. Green open access


Chou, CY; La Marca, R; Steptoe, A; Brewin, CR; (2014) Biological responses to trauma and the development of intrusive memories: An analog study with the trauma film paradigm. Biol Psychol , 103 pp. 135-143. 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2014.08.002. Green open access

Chou, CY; Marca, RL; Steptoe, A; Brewin, CR; (2014) Heart rate, startle response, and intrusive trauma memories. Psychophysiology , 51 (3) pp. 236-246. 10.1111/psyp.12176. Green open access


Dodds, RM; Syddall, HE; Cooper, R; Benzeval, M; Deary, IJ; Dennison, EM; Der, G; ... Sayer, AA; + view all (2014) Grip strength across the life course: normative data from twelve British studies. PLoS One , 9 (12) , Article e113637. 10.1371/journal.pone.0113637. Green open access


Fildes, AM; (2014) The aetiology and modification of food preferences in early childhood. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Fisher, A; McDonald, L; van Jaarsveld, CH; Llewellyn, C; Fildes, A; Schrempft, S; Wardle, J; (2014) Sleep and energy intake in early childhood. Int J Obes (Lond) , 38 (7) pp. 926-929. 10.1038/ijo.2014.50. Green open access

Fraser, L; Burnell, M; Salter, LC; Fourkala, EO; Kalsi, J; Ryan, A; Gessler, S; ... Menon, U; + view all (2014) Identifying hopelessness in population research: a validation study of two brief measures of hopelessness. BMJ Open , 4 (5) , Article e005093. 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005093. Green open access


Ghanouni, A; Halligan, S; Plumb, A; Boone, D; Wardle, J; von Wagner, C; (2014) Non- or full-laxative CT colonography vs. endoscopic tests for colorectal cancer screening: A randomised survey comparing public perceptions and intentions to undergo testing. Eur Radiol , 24 (7) pp. 1477-1486. 10.1007/s00330-014-3187-9. Green open access

Ghanouni, A; Halligan, S; Taylor, SA; Boone, D; Plumb, A; Stoffel, S; Morris, S; ... von Wagner, C; + view all (2014) Quantifying public preferences for different bowel preparation options prior to screening CT colonography: a discrete choice experiment. BMJ Open , 4 (4) , Article e004327. 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004327. Green open access


Hackett, Ruth A; Steptoe, Andrew; Kumari, Meena; (2014) Association of Diurnal Patterns in Salivary Cortisol With Type 2 Diabetes in the Whitehall II Study. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , 99 (12) pp. 4625-4631. 10.1210/jc.2014-2459. Green open access

Herbec, A; Beard, E; Brown, J; Gardner, B; Tombor, I; West, R; (2014) The needs and preferences of pregnant smokers regarding tailored Internet-based smoking cessation interventions: a qualitative interview study. BMC Public Health , 14 , Article 1070. 10.1186/1471-2458-14-1070. Green open access

Herbec, A; Brown, J; Tombor, I; Michie, S; West, R; (2014) Pilot randomized controlled trial of an internet-based smoking cessation intervention for pregnant smokers ('MumsQuit'). Drug Alcohol Depend , 140 pp. 130-136. 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2014.04.010. Green open access


Jackson, SE; (2014) Weight loss in overweight and obese older adults. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Jackson, SE; Beeken, RJ; Wardle, J; (2014) Perceived weight discrimination and changes in weight, waist circumference, and weight status. Obesity 10.1002/oby.20891. Green open access

Jackson, SE; Beeken, RJ; Wardle, J; (2014) Predictors of weight loss in obese older adults: Findings from the USA and the UK. Obesity Facts , 7 (2) 102 - 110. 10.1159/000362196. Green open access

Jackson, SE; Steptoe, A; Beeken, RJ; Croker, H; Wardle, J; (2014) Perceived weight discrimination in England: a population-based study of adults aged >50 years. International Journal of Obesity , 39 pp. 858-864. 10.1038/ijo.2014.186. Green open access

Jackson, SE; Steptoe, A; Beeken, RJ; Kivimaki, M; Wardle, J; (2014) Psychological Changes following Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Adults: A Prospective Cohort Study. PLOS ONE , 9 (8) , Article e104552. 10.1371/journal.pone.0104552. Green open access

Jackson, SE; Williams, K; Steptoe, A; Wardle, J; (2014) The impact of a cancer diagnosis on weight change: findings from prospective, population-based cohorts in the UK and the US. BMC Cancer , 14 (1) , Article 926. 10.1186/1471-2407-14-926. Green open access

Johnson, F; Beeken, RJ; Croker, H; Wardle, J; (2014) Do weight perceptions among obese adults in Great Britain match clinical definitions? Analysis of cross-sectional surveys from 2007 and 2012. BMJ Open , 4 (11) , Article e005561. 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005561. Green open access

Johnson, L; van Jaarsveld, CH; Llewellyn, CH; Cole, TJ; Wardle, J; (2014) Associations between infant feeding and the size, tempo and velocity of infant weight gain: SITAR analysis of the Gemini twin birth cohort. Int J Obes (Lond) , 38 (7) pp. 980-987. 10.1038/ijo.2014.61. Green open access


Kobayashi, LC; Wardle, J; von Wagner, C; (2014) Internet use, social engagement, and health literacy decline during ageing in a longitudinal cohort of older English adults. Journal of epidemiology and community health 10.1136/jech-2014-204733. Green open access

Kobayashi, LC; Wardle, J; von Wagner, C; (2014) Limited health literacy is a barrier to colorectal cancer screening in England: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Prev Med , 61 pp. 100-105. 10.1016/j.ypmed.2013.11.012. Green open access

Kotz, D; Brown, J; West, R; (2014) Effectiveness of varenicline versus nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation with minimal professional support: evidence from an English population study. Psychopharmacology , 231 (1) 37 - 42. 10.1007/s00213-013-3202-x. Green open access

Kotz, D; Brown, J; West, R; (2014) Prospective cohort study of the effectiveness of smoking cessation treatments used in the "real world". Mayo Clin Proc , 89 (10) 1360 - 1367. 10.1016/j.mayocp.2014.07.004. Green open access

Kotz, D; Brown, J; West, R; (2014) Prospective cohort study of the effectiveness of varenicline versus nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation in the "real world". BMC Public Health , 14 , Article 1163. 10.1186/1471-2458-14-1163. Green open access

Kotz, D; Brown, J; West, R; (2014) 'Real-world' effectiveness of smoking cessation treatments: a population study. Addiction , 109 (3) pp. 491-499. 10.1111/add.12429. Green open access

Kotz, D; Simpson, C; Viechtbauer, W; van Schayck, OC; West, R; Sheikh, A; (2014) Cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric safety of varenicline and bupropion compared with nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation: study protocol of a retrospective cohort study using the QResearch general practice database. BMJ Open , 4 (8) , Article e005281. 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005281. Green open access

Koutoukidis, D; Knobf, MT; Lanceley, A; (2014) Obesity, Diet, Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Endometrial Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review. Nutrition Reviews , 73 (6) pp. 399-408. 10.1093/nutrit/nuu063. Green open access


Llewellyn, CH; Trzaskowski, M; Plomin, R; Wardle, J; (2014) From modeling to measurement: Developmental trends in genetic influence on adiposity in childhood. Obesity (Silver Spring) , 22 (7) pp. 1756-1761. 10.1002/oby.20756. Green open access

Lorencatto, F; West, R; Bruguera, C; Michie, S; (2014) A method for assessing fidelity of delivery of telephone behavioral support for smoking cessation. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology , 82 (3) 482 - 491. 10.1037/a0035149. Green open access

Lyratzopoulos, G; Wardle, J; Rubin, G; (2014) Rethinking diagnostic delay in cancer: how difficult is the diagnosis? British Medical Journal , 349 , Article g7400. 10.1136/bmj.g7400. Green open access


McDonald, L; Wardle, J; Llewellyn, CH; van Jaarsveld, CH; Fisher, A; (2014) Predictors of shorter sleep in early childhood. Sleep Med , 15 (5) pp. 536-540. 10.1016/j.sleep.2014.01.005. Green open access


Palmer, CK; Thomas, MC; von Wagner, C; Raine, R; (2014) Reasons for non-uptake and subsequent participation in the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme: a qualitative study. Br J Cancer , 110 (7) pp. 1705-1711. 10.1038/bjc.2014.125. Green open access

Pastorino, S; (2014) The association of adult lifecourse body mass index, waist circumference and dietary patterns with type 2 diabetes incidence in the MRC National Survey of Health and Development. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Plumb, AA; Boone, D; Fitzke, H; Helbren, E; Mallett, S; Zhu, S; Yao, GL; ... Halligan, S; + view all (2014) Detection of extracolonic pathologic findings with CT colonography: a discrete choice experiment of perceived benefits versus harms. Radiology , 273 (1) 144 - 152. 10.1148/radiol.14131678. Green open access

Poole, L; Kidd, T; Leigh, E; Ronaldson, A; Jahangiri, M; Steptoe, A; (2014) Depression, C-reactive protein and length of post-operative hospital stay in coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients. Brain Behav Immun , 37 pp. 115-121. 10.1016/j.bbi.2013.11.008. Green open access

Poole, L; Leigh, E; Kidd, T; Ronaldson, A; Jahangiri, M; Steptoe, A; (2014) The combined association of depression and socioeconomic status with length of post-operative hospital stay following coronary artery bypass graft surgery: data from a prospective cohort study. J Psychosom Res , 76 (1) 34 - 40. 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2013.10.019. Green open access


Rafiq, M; Rafiq, A; Liu, L; Flather, E; (2014) Going Up in Smoke: The Rising Prevalence of Smoking in Indonesia – Socioeconomic Factors Associated With Smoking and Development of Culture-Specific Smoking Cessation Interventions. Presented at: WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2014, Kuching, Malaysia. Green open access

Rao, M; Katyal, A; Singh, PV; Samarth, A; Bergkvist, S; Kancharla, M; Wagstaff, A; ... Renton, A; + view all (2014) Changes in addressing inequalities in access to hospital care in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra states of India: a difference-in-differences study using repeated cross-sectional surveys. BMJ Open , 4 (6) , Article e004471. 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004471. Green open access

Raupach, T; Brown, J; Herbec, A; Brose, L; West, R; (2014) A systematic review of studies assessing the association between adherence to smoking cessation medication and treatment success. Addiction , 109 (1) 35 - 43. 10.1111/add.12319. Green open access

Raupach, T; Krampe, H; Brown, J; (2014) Does research into medical education on tobacco and alcohol get the respect it deserves. Addiction , 109 (2) pp. 173-174. 10.1111/add.12357. Green open access

Ronaldson, A; Poole, L; Kidd, T; Leigh, E; Jahangiri, M; Steptoe, A; (2014) Optimism measured pre-operatively is associated with reduced pain intensity and physical symptom reporting after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. J Psychosom Res , 77 (4) pp. 278-282. 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2014.07.018. Green open access


Sarkar, BK; (2014) A cluster randomised trial of a brief tobacco cessation intervention in low income communities in India. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Sawyer, A; Smith, L; Schrempft, S; van Jaarsveld, CH; Wardle, J; Fisher, A; (2014) Primary caregiver knowledge of paediatric physical activity recommendations in the United Kingdom and its association with caregiver behaviour: an observational study. BMC Public Health , 14 , Article 795. 10.1186/1471-2458-14-795. Green open access

Schrempft, SG; (2014) The Role of the Home Environment in Early Weight Trajectories. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Shahab, L; (2014) What is the impact of extending treatment on cessation? (National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training Briefings 15 ). NCSCT: London, UK. Green open access

Shahab, L; (2014) Why use CO-verified 4-week quit rates as the primary measure of stop smoking service success? (NHS Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training Briefings 14 ). NHS Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT): London. Green open access

Shahab, L; Andrew, S; West, R; (2014) Changes in prevalence of depression and anxiety following smoking cessation: results from an international cohort study (ATTEMPT). Psychological Medicine , 44 (1) pp. 127-141. 10.1017/S0033291713000391. Green open access

Shahab, L; Beard, E; Brown, J; West, R; (2014) Prevalence of NRT Use and Associated Nicotine Intake in Smokers, Recent Ex-Smokers and Longer-Term Ex-Smokers. PLoS One , 9 (11) , Article e113045 . 10.1371/journal.pone.0113045. Green open access

Shahab, L; Brown, J; Gardner, B; Smith, SG; (2014) Seeking health information and support online: does it differ as a function of engagement in risky health behaviors? Evidence from the health information national trends survey. J Med Internet Res , 16 (11) , Article e253. 10.2196/jmir.3368. Green open access

Shahab, L; Gilchrist, G; Hagger-Johnson, G; Shankar, A; West, E; West, R; (2014) Reciprocal associations between smoking cessation and depression in older smokers: findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). British Journal of Psychiatry , 207 (3) pp. 243-249. 10.1192/bjp.bp.114.153494. Green open access

Shahab, L; Plattner, F; Irvine, EE; Cummings, DM; Edwards, FA; (2014) Dynamic range of GSK3α not GSK3β is essential for bidirectional synaptic plasticity at hippocampal CA3-CA1 synapses. Hippocampus , 24 (12) 1413 - 1416. 10.1002/hipo.22362. Green open access

Silla, K; Beard, E; Shahab, L; (2014) Characterization of long-term users of nicotine replacement therapy: evidence from a national survey. Nicotine and Tobacco Research , 16 (8) 1050 - 1055. 10.1093/ntr/ntu019. Green open access

Silla, K; Beard, E; Shahab, L; (2014) Nicotine replacement therapy use among smokers and ex-smokers: associated attitudes and beliefs: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health , 14 , Article 1311. 10.1186/1471-2458-14-1311. Green open access

Smith, SG; Kobayashi, LC; Wolf, MS; Raine, R; Wardle, J; von Wagner, C; (2014) The associations between objective numeracy and colorectal cancer screening knowledge, attitudes and defensive processing in a deprived community sample. Journal of Health Psychology 10.1177/1359105314560919. Green open access

Steinmo, S; Hagger-Johnson, G; Shahab, L; (2014) Bidirectional association between mental health and physical activity in older adults: Whitehall II prospective cohort study. Prev Med , 66 pp. 74-79. 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.06.005. Green open access


Taylor, AE; Fluharty, ME; Bjørngaard, JH; Gabrielsen, ME; Skorpen, F; Marioni, RE; Campbell, A; ... Munafò, MR; + view all (2014) Investigating the possible causal association of smoking with depression and anxiety using Mendelian randomisation meta-analysis: the CARTA consortium. BMJ Open , 4 (10) , Article e006141. 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006141. Green open access

Taylor, AH; Thompson, TP; Greaves, CJ; Taylor, RS; Green, C; Warren, FC; Kandiyali, R; ... West, R; + view all (2014) A pilot randomised trial to assess the methods and procedures for evaluating the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Exercise Assisted Reduction then Stop (EARS) among disadvantaged smokers. Health Technology Assessment , 18 (4) 10.3310/hta18040. Green open access

Tombor, I; Neale, J; Shahab, L; Ruiz, M; West, R; (2014) Healthcare Providers' Views on Digital Smoking Cessation Interventions for Pregnant Women. Journal of Smoking Cessation , 10 (2) 116- 123. 10.1017/jsc.2014.6. Green open access


Ussher, M; Brown, J; Rajamanoharan, A; West, R; (2014) How do prompts for attempts to quit smoking relate to method of quitting and quit success? Annals of Behavioral Medicine , 47 (3) 358 - 368. 10.1007/s12160-013-9545-z. Green open access


Vrinten, C; van Jaarsveld, CH; Waller, J; von Wagner, C; Wardle, J; (2014) The structure and demographic correlates of cancer fear. BMC Cancer , 14 , Article 597. 10.1186/1471-2407-14-597. Green open access


West, R; Brown, J; (2014) Electronic cigarettes: fact and faction. [Editorial comment]. British Journal of General Practice , 64 (626) 442 - 443. 10.3399/bjgp14X681253. Green open access

West, R; Hajek, P; McNeill, A; Brown, J; Arnott, D; (2014) Electronic cigarettes: what we know so far. Smoking in England: London, UK. Green open access

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