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Alderson, P; (2013) Ethics. In: Clark, A and Flewitt, R and Hammersley, M and Robb, M, (eds.) Understanding research with children and young people. (pp. 85-102). Sage in association with The Open University: London, UK. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2013) Children as patients. In: Melton, G and Ben-Arieh, A, (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Child Research. (pp. 100-117). SAGE Publications Limited Green open access

Alexander, C; Redclift, V; Hussain, A; (2013) The New Muslims - Introduction. In: The New Muslims. (pp. 3-4). Runnymede Trust: Coventry, UK. Green open access

Alfred, T; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Cooper, R; Hardy, R; Deary, IJ; Elliott, J; Harris, SE; ... HALCyon Study Team; + view all (2013) Genetic variants influencing biomarkers of nutrition are not associated with cognitive capability in middle-aged and older adults. The Journal of Nutrition , 143 (5) 606 -612. 10.3945/jn.112.171520. Green open access

Alfred, T; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Cooper, R; Hardy, R; Deary, IJ; Elliott, J; Harris, SE; ... HALCyon study team; + view all (2013) Associations between a Polymorphism in the Pleiotropic GCKR and Age-Related Phenotypes: The HALCyon Programme. PLoS One , 8 (7) , Article e70045. 10.1371/journal.pone.0070045. Green open access


Bann, DA; (2013) Socioeconomic position, growth and physical activity: associations with adult fat and lean mass in the MRC National Survey of Health and Development. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Brunton, VJ; Thomas, J; Paraskeva, N; Caird, J; Rumsey, N; (2013) Putting the issues on the table: rapid reviews of effectiveness to inform health policy. Presented at: 21st Cochrane Colloquium, Quebec City, Canada. Green open access

Bryson, Alex; Gomez, Rafael; Kretschmer, Tobias; Willman, Paul; (2013) Workplace Voice and Civic Engagement: What Theory and Data Tell Us About Unions and Their Relationship to the Democratic Process. Osgoode Hall Law Journal , 50 (4) pp. 965-998. Green open access


Cage, E; Pellicano, E; Shah, P; Bird, G; (2013) Reputation Management: Evidence for Ability But Reduced Propensity in Autism. Autism Research , 6 (5) pp. 433-442. 10.1002/aur.1313.

Callender, C; Wilkinson, D; (2013) Student perceptions of the impact of bursaries and institutional aid on their higher education choices and the implications for the national scholarship programme in England. Journal of Social Policy , 42 (2) pp. 281-308. 10.1017/S0047279412000992. Green open access

Candy, B; King, M; Jones, L; Oliver, S; (2013) Using qualitative evidence on patients' views to help understand variation in effectiveness of complex interventions: a qualitative comparative analysis. Trials , 14 , Article 179. 10.1186/1745-6215-14-179. Green open access

Chamberlain, C; O'Mara-Eves, A; Oliver, S; Caird, JR; Perlen, SM; Eades, SJ; Thomas, J; (2013) Psychosocial interventions for supporting women to stop smoking in pregnancy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 10 , Article CD001055. 10.1002/14651858.CD001055.pub4. Green open access

Coffield, F; Spours, K; Hodgson, A; (2013) Policy, Learning and Inclusion in the Learning and Skills Sector (2004-2007) [IOE Research Briefing N°24]. Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access


D'Souza, Preethy; (2013) Challenges in building complex search strategies in Public Health Systematic Reviews. In: (Proceedings) Inequity in maternal and child health: Situations and solutions. Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar (IIPHG): Gandhinagar, India.

D'Souza, Preethy; Bhadhuri, Aparna; George, Anice; G, Renu; (2013) Parental Anxiety During Children’s Surgery: The Effect of Preoperative Cognitive Behavioral Program. International Journal of Law, Psychology and Human Life , 2 (1) pp. 1-7. Green open access

D'Souza, Preethy; Noronha, Judith; Nayak, Baby; Nair, SK; (2013) Effective Interventions for preventing childhood obesity in South Asian region - A Systematic review. In: (Proceedings) Inequity in maternal and child health: Situations and solutions. Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar (IIPHG): Gandhinagar, India.

Davies, P; (2013) Becoming a biologist through a residential field visit [IOE Research Briefing N�80]. Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

De La Rochebrochard, E; Joshi, H; (2013) Children Born After Unplanned Pregnancies and Cognitive Development at 3 Years: Social Differentials in the United Kingdom Millennium Cohort. American Journal of Epidemiology , 178 (6) pp. 910-920. 10.1093/aje/kwt063. Green open access

De La Rochebrochard, E; Joshi, H; (2013) Siblings and child development. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies , 4 (3) pp. 276-287. 10.14301/llcs.v4i3.248. Green open access

Demakakos, P; Cooper, R; Hamer, M; de Oliveira, C; Hardy, R; Breeze, E; (2013) The Bidirectional Association between Depressive Symptoms and Gait Speed: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). PLoS One , 8 (7) , Article e68632. 10.1371/journal.pone.0068632. Green open access


Elwick, A; Liabo, K; Nutt, J; Simon, A; (2013) Beyond the digital divide: young people and ICT. CfBT Education Trust: Reading, UK.

Evans, K; Schoon, I; Weale, M; (2013) Can Lifelong Learning Reshape Life Chances? British Journal of Educational Studies , 61 (1) pp. 25-47. 10.1080/00071005.2012.756163. Green open access

Ewing, L; Leach, K; Pellicano, E; Jeffery, L; Rhodes, G; (2013) Reduced face aftereffects in autism are not due to poor attention. PLOS One , 8 (11) , Article e81353. 10.1371/journal.pone.0081353. Green open access


Furtado, D; Marcén, M; Sevilla, A; (2013) Does Culture Affect Divorce? Evidence From European Immigrants in the United States. Demography , 50 pp. 1013-1038. 10.1007/s13524-012-0180-2. Green open access


G, Renu; D'Souza, Preethy; George, Anice; (2013) Cystic fibrosis and exercise: a systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Care , 1 (2) pp. 109-114. Green open access

Gardner, MP; Martin-Ruiz, C; Cooper, R; Hardy, R; Sayer, AA; Cooper, C; Deary, IJ; ... Team, HS; + view all (2013) Telomere Length and Physical Performance at Older Ages: An Individual Participant Meta-Analysis. PLOS ONE , 8 (7) , Article e69526. 10.1371/journal.pone.0069526. Green open access

Gough, David; (2013) Meta-narrative and realist reviews: guidance, rules, publication standards and quality appraisal. BMC Medicine , 11 (22) pp. 1-4. 10.1186/1741-7015-11-22. Green open access

Gray, J; Block, D; (2013) All middle class now? Evolving representations of the working class in the neoliberal era: the case of ELT textbooks. In: Harwood, N, (ed.) English Language Teaching Textbooks: Content, Consumption, Production. (pp. 45-71). Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. Green open access

Green, Francis; Mostafa, Tarek; Parent-Thirion, Agnès; Vermeylen, Greet; Van Houten, Gijs; Biletta, Isabella; Lyly-Yrjanainen, Maija; (2013) Is job quality becoming more unequal? Industrial and Labor Relations Review , 66 (4) pp. 753-784. 10.1177/001979391306600402. Green open access

Gutman, L; Schoon, I; (2013) Non-cognitive skills: evidence and intervention. Education Endowment Fund: London, UK.

Gutman, LM; Schoon, I; (2013) The impact of non-cognitive skills on outcomes for young people. A literature review. Education Endowment Foundation: London, UK. Green open access


Hallam, S; Parsons, S; (2013) The incidence and make up of ability grouped sets in the UK primary school. Research Papers in Education , 28 (4) pp. 393-420. 10.1080/02671522.2012.729079. Green open access

Hardy, R; Cooper, R; Aihie Sayer, A; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Cooper, C; Deary, IJ; Demakakos, P; ... HALCyon study team; + view all (2013) Body mass index, muscle strength and physical performance in older adults from eight cohort studies: the HALCyon programme. PLoS One , 8 (2) , Article e56483. 10.1371/journal.pone.0056483. Green open access

Havemann, K; Pridmore, P; Tomkins, A; Dandanell, K; (2013) What works and why? Evaluation of a community nutrition programme in Kenya. Journal of Public Health Nutrition , 16 (9) pp. 1614-1621. 10.1017/S1368980012004880. Green open access

Heath, A; Sullivan, A; Boliver, V; Zimdars, A; (2013) Education under New Labour, 1997–2010. Oxford Review of Economic Policy , 29 (1) pp. 227-247. 10.1093/oxrep/grt003. Green open access

Hinds, KS; Mackenzie-Davey, K; (2013) From accounting to learning in the third sector: the barriers for funders. Presented at: 8th CMS Conference 2013, Manchester. Green open access


Jerrim, J; Vignoles, A; Lingam, R; Friend, A; (2013) The socio-economic gradient in children's reading skills and the role of genetics. (DoQSS Working Papers 13-30). Department of Quantitative Social Science, Institute of Education, University College London: London, UK. Green open access


Marini, G; Reale, E; (2013) La valutazione e i suoi effetti sull'università: una comparazione fra Italia e Francia. RIV Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione , XVI (55) pp. 151-170. 10.3280/RIV2013-055009. Green open access

Mayall, B; (2013) A history of the sociology of childhood [IOE Press advance information]. [Digital scholarly resource]. Green open access

Michie, S; Richardson, M; Johnston, M; Abraham, C; Francis, J; Hardeman, W; Eccles, MP; ... Wood, CE; + view all (2013) The Behavior Change Technique Taxonomy (v1) of 93 Hierarchically Clustered Techniques: Building an International Consensus for the Reporting of Behavior Change Interventions. Annals of Behavioral Medicine , 46 (1) 81 - 95. 10.1007/s12160-013-9486-6. Green open access

Mitchell, KR; Datta, J; Macdowall, W; Wellings, K; Ploubidis, GB; Mercer, CH; Jones, KG; ... Phelps, A; + view all (2013) Sexual function in Britain: Findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). The Lancet , 382 (9907) 1817 - 1829. 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62366-1. Green open access


Nayak, Baby; Nair, SK; Noronha, Judith; D'Souza, Preethy; (2013) Magnitude of Childhood obesity in South Asian Region: A Systematic review of available evidence. In: (Proceedings) Inequity in maternal and child health: Situations and solutions. Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar (IIPHG): Gandhinagar, India.


O'Connell, Rebecca; (2013) The use of visual methods with children in a mixed methods study of family food practices. International Journal of Social Research Methodology , 16 (1) pp. 31-46. 10.1080/13645579.2011.647517. Green open access

O'Mara-Eves, AJ; Brunton, G; Oliver, S; Kavanagh, J; Jamal, F; Thomas, J; (2013) Conceptual and statistical analysis of complex interventions in the presence of confounding variables: An example from public health. In: Proceedings of the 2013 Meta Analysis of Economic Research Network (MAER-Net) Colloquium. University of Greenwich: London, UK. Green open access

Owen, C; (2013) Children's Homes Data Pack: September 2013. Department for Education, London. Green open access

Owen, C; (2013) Do the children of employed mothers eat fewer ?family meals?? In: (Proceedings) Understanding Society Research Conference 2013. Green open access


Pachler, N; Daly, C; Mellar, H; Mor, Y; WiIliam, D; Laurillard, D; (2013) Scoping a Vision for Formative E-Assessment (FEASST). (IOE Research Briefings 26 ). Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK. Green open access

Papageorgi, I; Creech, A; Welch, G; (2013) Perceived performance anxiety in advanced musicians specializing in different musical genres. PSYCHOLOGY OF MUSIC , 41 (1) pp. 18-41. 10.1177/0305735611408995. Green open access

Park, MH; Sovio, U; Viner, RM; Hardy, RJ; Kinra, S; (2013) Overweight in Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood and Cardiovascular Risk in Later Life: Pooled Analysis of Three British Birth Cohorts. PLOS ONE , 8 (7) , Article e70684. 10.1371/journal.pone.0070684. Green open access

Parsons, S; Platt, L; (2013) Disability among young children: Prevalence, heterogeneity and socio-economic disadvantage. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK. Green open access

Parsons, SJ; (2013) Mass Observation Archive: How to combine information with the British birth cohort studies. CLOSER, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Parsons, S; Sullivan, A; Brown, M; (2013) Research on health and health behaviours based on the 1970 British Cohort Study. (Vol.CLS Da). Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London Green open access

Pellicano, L; Dinsmore, A; Charman, T; (2013) A Future Made Together: Shaping autism research in the UK. Institute of Education, University of London Green open access

Pellicano, E; (2013) Sensory symptoms in autism : a blooming, buzzing confusion? Child Development Perspectives , 7 (3) pp. 143-148. 10.1111/cdep.12031. Green open access

Pellicano, E; (2013) Testing the predictive power of cognitive atypicalities in autistic children: evidence from a 3-year follow-up study. Autism Research , 6 (4) pp. 258-267. 10.1002/aur.1286.

Pellicano, E; Rhodes, G; Calder, A; (2013) Reduced eye-gaze aftereffects in autism: Further evidence of diminished adaptation. Neuropsychologia , 51 (8) pp. 1504-1509. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2013.03.021. Green open access

Price, Sara; Davies, Paul; Farr, William; (2013) Teachers’ Tools: Designing Customizable Applications for M-Learning Activities. In: Berge, ZL and Muilenburg, LY, (eds.) Handbook of Mobile Learning. (pp. 307-317). Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access


Redclift, Victoria; (2013) Statelessness and citizenship: Camps and the creation of political space. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Redclift, V; (2013) Abjects or agents? Camps, contests and the creation of ‘political space’. Citizenship Studies , 17 (3-4) pp. 308-321. 10.1080/13621025.2013.791534. Green open access

Redclift, VM; (2013) Rethinking ‘the Muslim Community’: Intra-minority relations and transnational political space. Runnymede Perspectives: The New Muslims , 2013 pp. 37-39. Green open access

Rich, C; Cortina-Borja, M; Dezateux, C; Geraci, M; Sera, F; Calderwood, L; Joshi, H; (2013) Predictors of non-response in a UK-wide cohort study of children's accelerometer-determined physical activity using postal methods. BMJ Open , 3 (3) , Article e002290. 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-002290. Green open access

Richardson, MA; Abraham, C; (2013) Modelling Antecedents of University Students’ Study Behaviour and Grade Point Average. Journal of Applied Social Psychology , 43 (3) pp. 626-637. 10.1111/j.1559-1816.2013.01043.x. Green open access


Schoon, I; (2013) Pathways to Adulthood Annual Report 2012/13. (Pathways to Adulthood Annual Reports ). UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Shah, T; Engmann, J; Dale, C; Shah, S; White, J; Giambartolomei, C; McLachlan, S; ... UCLEB Consortium; + view all (2013) Population Genomics of Cardiometabolic Traits: Design of the University College London-London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine-Edinburgh-Bristol (UCLEB) Consortium. PLoS One , 8 (8) , Article e71345. 10.1371/journal.pone.0071345. Green open access

Siddaway, J; Brophy, J; Jhutti-Johal, J; Owen, C; (2013) Neither Fear Nor Favour, Affection Or Ill Will: Modernisation of care proceedings and the use and value of independent social work expertise to senior judges. CISWA-UK, Kidderminster. Green open access

Smith, K; Platt, L; (2013) How do children answer questions about frequencies and quantities? Evidence from a large-scale field test. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Stainthorp, R; Powell, D; Stuart, M; (2013) The relationship between rapid naming and word spelling in English. Journal of Research in Reading , 36 (4) pp. 371-388. 10.1111/jrir.12002. Green open access

Statham, J; (2013) Supporting young people on the edge of entering public care: cross national perspectives [IOE Research Briefing N�4]. Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Statham, J; (2013) Weighing it up: a review of the National Child Measurement Programme in England [IOE Research Briefing N�8]. Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Statham, J; (2013) Working with troubled families: focusing on health needs [IOE Research Briefing N�29]. Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Stead, M; Moodie, C; Angus, K; Bauld, L; McNeill, A; Thomas, J; Hastings, G; ... Bryce, SL; + view all (2013) Is consumer response to plain/standardised tobacco packaging consistent with framework convention on tobacco control guidelines? A systematic review of quantitative studies. PLoS One , 8 (10) , Article e75919. 10.1371/journal.pone.0075919. Green open access

Stewart, R; Korth, M; Langer, L; Rafferty, S; Rebelo Da Silva, N; (2013) What are the impacts of urban agriculture programs on food security and nutrition in low and middle income countries? Environmental Evidence , 2 , Article 7. 10.1186/2047-2382-2-7. Green open access

Sullivan, A; Brown, M; (2013) Social inequalities in cognitive scores at age 16: The role of reading. (CLS Working Papers '13/10). Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Sullivan, A; Ketende, S; Joshi, H; (2013) Social Class and Inequalities in Early Cognitive Scores. Sociology , 47 (6) pp. 1187-1206. 10.1177/0038038512461861. Green open access


Tan, J; (2013) Negotiating the occupational landscape : the career trajectories of ex-teachers and ex-engineers in Singapore. UNSPECIFIED thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Thomas, J; Schucan Bird, K; Brunton, G; Caird, J; Kavanagh, J; Kwan, I; Stansfield, C; + view all (2013) Psychosocial predictors, assessment and outcomes of cosmetic interventions: a systematic rapid evidence review. (IOE Research Briefings 36 ). Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK. Green open access

Tripney, J; Hombrados, J; Newman, M; Hovish, K; Brown, C; Steinka-Fry, K; Wilkey, E; (2013) Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) interventions to improve employability and employment of young people in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. (Campbell Systematic Reviews 2013:9 ). Campbell Collaboration: Oslo, Norway. Green open access

Tripney, J; Roulstone, A; Vigurs, C; Moore, M; Schmidt, E; Stewart, R; (2013) Protocol for a Systematic Review: Interventions to Improve the Labour Market Situation of Adults with Physical and/or Sensory Disabilities in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. (Campbell Systematic Reviews 11:20 ). Campbell Collaboration: Oslo, Norway. Green open access

Tripney, J; Roulstone, A; Vigurs, C; Moore, M; Schmidt, E; Stewart, R; (2013) Title registration for a systematic review: interventions to promote the inclusion of adults with physical and sensory disabilities in employment. (Campbell Systematic Reviews 11:20 ). Campbell Collaboration: Oslo, Norway. Green open access

Twamley, K; (2013) The globalisation of love? Examining narratives of intimacy and marriage among middle-class Gujarati Indians in the UK and India. Family, Relationships and Societies , 2 (2) pp. 267-283. 10.1332/204674313X664923. Green open access

Twamley, K; Brunton, G; Sutcliffe, K; Hinds, K; Thomas, J; (2013) Fathers' involvement and the impact on family mental health: Evidence from Millennium Cohort Study analyses. Community, Work and Family , 16 (2) pp. 212-224. 10.1080/13668803.2012.755022. Green open access


Woodman, J; Gilbert, R; (2013) Proposed Child Protection Information System seems to run counter to best evidence. [Letter]. BMJ , 346 , Article f504. 10.1136/bmj.f504. Green open access

Woodman, J; Gilbert, R; Allister, J; Glaser, D; Brandon, M; (2013) Responses to concerns about child maltreatment: a qualitative study of GPs in England. BMJ Open , 3 (12) , Article e003894. 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003894. Green open access

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