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Number of items: 30.


Abels, K; (2019) On “sluicing” with apparent massive pied-piping. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 10.1007/s11049-018-9432-1. (In press). Green open access

Ackema, P; Neeleman, A; (2019) Processing Differences Between Person and Number: A Theoretical Interpretation. Frontiers in Psychology , 10 , Article 211. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00211. Green open access

Bowerman, J; (2019) What's really going on with the ham sandwich? An investigation into the nature of referential metonymy. International Review of Pragmatics , 11 (1) pp. 22-55. 10.1163/18773109-201810012. Green open access

Carston, R; Wilson, D; (2019) Pragmatics and the challenge of 'non-propositional' effects. Journal of Pragmatics , 145 pp. 31-38. 10.1016/j.pragma.2019.01.005. Green open access

Chen, Hui-Ching; Szendrői, Krista; Crain, Stephen; Höhle, Barbara; (2019) Understanding Prosodic Focus Marking in Mandarin Chinese: Data from Children and Adults. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research , 48 pp. 19-32. 10.1007/s10936-018-9580-9. Green open access

Franke, M; Dulcinati, G; Pouscoulous, N; (2019) Strategies of Deception: Under‐Informativity, Uninformativity, and Lies—Misleading With Different Kinds of Implicature. Topics in Cognitive Science 10.1111/tops.12456. (In press). Green open access

Grillo, N; Alexiadou, A; Gehrke, B; Hirsch, N; Paolazzi, C; Santi, AN; (2019) Processing Unambiguous Verbal Passives in German. Journal of Linguistics 10.1017/S0022226718000300. (In press). Green open access

Hodge, G; Cormier, K; (2019) Reported speech as enactment. Linguistic Typology , 23 (1) pp. 185-196. 10.1515/lingty-2019-0008. Green open access

Hodge, G; Ferrara, LN; Anible, BD; (2019) The semiotic diversity of doing reference in a deaf signed language. Journal of Pragmatics , 143 pp. 33-53. 10.1016/j.pragma.2019.01.025. Green open access

Hodge, GCE; Sekine, K; Schembri, A; Johnston, T; (2019) Comparing signers and speakers: Building a directly comparable corpus of Auslan and Australian English. Corpora (In press). Green open access

Martin, A; Ratitamkul, T; Abels, K; Adger, D; Culbertson, J; (2019) Cross-linguistic evidence for cognitive universals in the noun phrase. Linguistics Vanguard , 5 (1) , Article 20180072. 10.1515/lingvan-2018-0072. Green open access

Martin, A; White, J; (2019) Vowel harmony and disharmony are not equivalent in learning. Linguistic Inquiry 10.1162/ling_a_00375. (In press). Green open access

Neeleman, A; Payne, A; (2019) PP Extraposition and the Order of Adverbials in English. Linguistic Inquiry 10.1162/ling_a_00352. (In press). Green open access

Nevins, A; Pinheiro Costa, P; (2019) Prominence Augmentation via Nasalization in Brazilian Portuguese. Catalan Journal of Linguistics , 18 pp. 161-189. 10.5565/rev/catjl.291. Green open access

Nevins, AI; Weisser, P; (2019) Closest Conjunct Agreement. Annual Review of Linguistics , 5 pp. 219-241. 10.1146/annurev-linguistics-011718-012708. Green open access

Paolazzi, CL; Grillo, N; Alexiadou, A; Santi, A; (2019) Passives are not hard to interpret but hard to remember: Evidence from online and offline studies. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience , 34 (8) pp. 991-1015. 10.1080/23273798.2019.1602733. Green open access

Pozniak, C; Hemforth, B; Haendler, Y; Santi, A; Grillo, N; (2019) Seeing events vs. entities: The processing advantage of Pseudo Relatives over Relative Clauses. Journal of Memory and Language , 107 pp. 128-151. 10.1016/j.jml.2019.04.001. Green open access

Pritchard, TD; (2019) Analogical cognition: an insight into word meaning. Review of Philosophy and Psychology , 10 (3) pp. 587-607. 10.1007/s13164-018-0419-y. Green open access

Salter, G; Breheny, R; (2019) Removing shared information improves 3- and 4-year-olds' performance on a change-of-location explicit false belief task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology , 187 , Article 104665. 10.1016/j.jecp.2019.104665. Green open access

Santi, AN; Grillo, N; Molimpakis, E; Wagner, M; (2019) Processing Relative Clauses Across Comprehension and Production: Similarities and Differences. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience , 34 (2) 10.1080/23273798.2018.1513539. Green open access

Sun, C; Breheny, R; (2019) Another look at the online processing of scalar inferences: an investigation of conflicting findings from visual-world eye-tracking studies. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 10.1080/23273798.2019.1678759. (In press). Green open access

Sun, C; Breheny, R; (2019) Shared mechanism underlying unembedded and embedded enrichments: Evidence from enrichment priming. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22 , 22 (2) pp. 425-441. Green open access

Titov, E; (2019) Morphosyntactic encoding of information structure in Akan. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics , 4 (1) , Article 27. 10.5334/gjgl.576. Green open access

Uegaki, W; Sudo, Y; (2019) The *hope-wh puzzle. Natural Language Semantics , 27 (4) pp. 323-356. 10.1007/s11050-019-09156-5. Green open access

Varkanitsa, M; Kasselimis, D; Boulouis, G; Fugard, AJB; Evdokimidis, I; Druks, J; Potagas, C; (2019) Verbal memory and sentence comprehension in aphasia: A case series. Neurocase , 25 (5) pp. 169-176. 10.1080/13554794.2019.1635624. Green open access

Book chapter

Breheny, R; (2019) Language Processing, Relevance and Questions. In: Scott, K and Clark, B and Carston, R, (eds.) Relevance, Pragmatics and Interpretation. (pp. 42-52). Cambridge University Press

Carston, R; (2019) Ad Hoc Concepts, Polysemy and the Lexicon. In: Scott, K and Clark, B and Carston, R, (eds.) Relevance, Pragmatics and Interpretation. (pp. 150-162). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Carston, R; (2019) Introduction. In: Scott, K and Clark, B and Carston, R, (eds.) Relevance, Pragmatics and Interpretation. (pp. 1-10). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. (In press).

Proceedings paper

Martin, A; Abels, K; Adger, D; Culbertson, J; (2019) Do learners' word order preferences reflect hierarchical language structure? In: Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. (pp. p. 3203). Cognitive Science Society (CSS): Montreal, Canada. Green open access


Breit, Florian; (2019) Welsh Mutation and Strict Modularity. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

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