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Number of items: 56.


Allen, JA; Fisher, C; Chetouani, M; Chiu, MM; Gunes, H; Mehu, M; Hung, H; (2017) Comparing Social Science and Computer Science Workflow Processes for Studying Group Interactions. Small Group Research , 48 (5) pp. 568-590. 10.1177/1046496417721747. Green open access


Bahaj, Saleem; Foulis, Angus; (2017) Macroprudential Policy Under Uncertainty. International Journal of Central Banking , 13 (3) pp. 119-154. Green open access

Batselier, J; Vanhoucke, M; (2017) Project regularity: Development and evaluation of a new project characteristic. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering , 26 (1) pp. 100-120. 10.1007/s11518-016-5312-6. Green open access

Becker, J; Brackbill, D; Centola, D; (2017) Network dynamics of social influence in the wisdom of crowds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA , 114 (26) E5070-E5076. 10.1073/pnas.1615978114. Green open access

Bouton, L; Llorente-Saguer, A; Malherbe, F; (2017) Unanimous rules in the laboratory. Games and Economic Behavior , 102 (C) pp. 179-198. 10.1016/j.geb.2016.12.001. Green open access


Cara, M; Birkinshaw, J; Haywood, S; (2017) Structural Versus Experienced Complexity: A New Perspective on the Relationship between Organizational Complexity and Innovation. Advances in Strategic Management , 37 pp. 115-150. 10.1108/S0742-332220170000037005. Green open access

Chen, Yi-Chun; Wheeler, Tim A; Kochenderfer, Mykel J; (2017) Learning Discrete Bayesian Networks from Continuous Data. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research , 59 pp. 103-132. 10.1613/jair.5371. Green open access

Chen, G; Korpeoglu, CG; Spear, SE; (2017) Price stickiness and markup variations in market games. Journal of Mathematical Economics , 72 pp. 95-103. 10.1016/j.jmateco.2017.07.003. Green open access

Colombo, N; Silva, R; Kang, SM; (2017) Tomography of the London Underground: a Scalable Model for Origin-Destination Data. In: Guyon, I and Luxburg, UV and Bengio, S and Wallach, H and Fergus, R and Vishwanathan, S and Garnett, R, (eds.) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30 (NIPS 2017). NIPS Proceedings: Long Beach, CA, USA. Green open access

Cornelius, P; Gokpinar, B; Sting, FJ; (2017) Workforce Mobility and Innovation Outcomes. In: (Proceedings) Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management Green open access

Cornelius, Philipp Benjamin; (2017) How to Improve Innovation Success: Customers, Employees, and the Search Process. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


De Reyck, B; Fragkos, I; Grushka-Cockayne, Y; Lichtendahl, C; Guerin, H; Kritzer, A; (2017) Vungle Inc. Improves Monetization Using Big Data Analytics. Interfaces , 47 (5) pp. 454-466. 10.1287/inte.2017.0903. Green open access

Do Carmo, RAF; Kang, SM; Silva, R; (2017) Visualization of Topic-Sentiment Dynamics in Crowdfunding Projects. In: Adams, N and Tucker, A and Weston, D, (eds.) Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVI: 16th International Symposium, IDA 2017, London, UK, October 26–28, 2017, Proceedings. (pp. pp. 40-51). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Doshi, AR; (2017) Technology Diffusion with Generation Cohorts.

Doshi, AR; Chai, S; Silvestri, L; (2017) Framing Catastrophic Failure as a Learning Opportunity. In: Attic, G, (ed.) Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management: Atlanta, GA, USA. Green open access

Duus, R; Cooray, M; Page, N; (2017) Agentic Technology: The Impact of Activity Trackers on User Behavior. In: Stieler, M, (ed.) Creating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. (pp. pp. 315-322). Springer: Cham.


Einolander, J; Kantola, J; Vanharanta, H; Markopoulos, E; (2017) Safety Culture and Collective Commitment in Organizational Context. In: Kantola, JI and Barath, T and Nazir, S, (eds.) Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership: Proceedings of the AHFE 2017 International Conferences on Human Factors in Management and Leadership, and Business Management and Society. (pp. pp. 148-159). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Etter, MA; Ravasi, D; Colleoni, E; (2017) Social Media and the Formation of Organizational Reputation. Academy of Management Review 10.5465/amr.2014.0280. Green open access


Fisher, CM; (2017) Priming teams: To do it or not? [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.hrzone.com/perform/people/priming-team...

Fisher, CM; (2017) An ounce of prevention or a pound of cure? Two experiments on in-process interventions in decision-making groups. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes , 138 pp. 59-73. 10.1016/j.obhdp.2016.11.004. Green open access

Fisher, CM; Pillemer, J; Amabile, TM; (2017) Deep help in complex project work: Guiding and path-clearing across difficult terrain. Academy of Management Journal 10.5465/amj.2016.0207. (In press). Green open access


Gulko, N; Hyde, C; Seppala, N; (2017) Disclosure of corporate risks and governance before, during and after the global financial crisis: case study in the UK construction industry in 2006–2009. International Journal of Disclosure and Governance , 14 (3) pp. 207-223. 10.1057/s41310-017-0021-z. Green open access


Harvey, S; Currall, SC; Hammer, T; (2017) Decision diversion in diverse teams: Findings from inside a corporate boardroom. Academy of Management Discoveries , 3 (4) 10.5465/amd.2015.0129. Green open access

Hong, X; Mahalingam, S; Edirisinghe, M; (2017) Simultaneous Application of Pressure-Infusion-Gyration to Generate Polymeric Nanofibers. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering , 302 (6) , Article 1600564. 10.1002/mame.201600564. Green open access

Horscroft, JA; Kotwica, AO; Laner, V; West, JA; Hennis, PJ; Levett, DZH; Howard, DJ; ... Murray, AJ; + view all (2017) Metabolic basis to Sherpa altitude adaptation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 114 (24) pp. 6382-6387. 10.1073/pnas.1700527114. Green open access


Jiang, X; Yang, M; (2017) Properties of optimal accounting rules in a signaling game. Journal of Accounting and Economics , 63 (2-3) pp. 499-512. 10.1016/j.jacceco.2016.07.004. Green open access


Kahn, WA; Fisher, CM; Barton, MA; Heaphy, ED; Reid, EM; Rouse, ED; (2017) The Geography of Strain: Organizational Resilience as a Function of Intergroup Relations. Academy of Management Review , 43 (3) pp. 509-529. 10.5465/amr.2016.0004. Green open access

Katila, R; Thatchenkery, S; Christensen, MQ; Zenios, S; (2017) Is There a Doctor in the House? Expert Product Users, Organizational Roles, and Innovation. Academy of Management Journal , 60 (6) pp. 2415-2437. 10.5465/amj.2014.1112. Green open access

Kilduff, MJ; Mehra, A; Gioia, DA; Borgatti, S; (2017) Brokering trust to enhance leadership: a self-monitoring approach to leadership emergence. In: Glückler, J and Lazega, E and Hammer, I, (eds.) Knowledge and Networks. (pp. 221-240). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Korpeoglu, CG; (2017) Allocation of an indivisible object on the full preference domain: Axiomatic characterizations. Economic Theory , 6 (1) pp. 41-53. 10.1007/s40505-017-0122-7. Green open access

Korpeoglu, CG; Spear, S; (2017) A Theory of Managerial Compensation and Taxation with Endogenous Risk. Economic Theory Bulletin , 6 pp. 81-100. 10.1007/s40505-017-0125-4. Green open access

Korpeoglu, E; Ales, L; Cho, SH; (2017) Optimal Award Scheme in Innovation Tournaments. Operations Research , 65 (3) pp. 693-702. 10.1287/opre.2016.1575. Green open access

Körpeoğlu, E; Cho, SH; (2017) Incentives in Contests with Heterogeneous Solvers. Management Science 10.1287/mnsc.2017.2738. (In press). Green open access

Kretschmer, T; Vanneste, BS; (2017) Collaboration in strategic alliances: Cooperation and coordination. In: Mesquita, LF and Ragozzino, R and Reuer, JJ, (eds.) Collaborative Strategy: Critical Issues for Alliances and Networks. (pp. 53-62). Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK.


Landis, BD; Gladstone, J; (2017) Personality, Income, and Compensatory Consumption: Low-Income Extraverts Spend More on High-Status Goods. Psychological Science , 28 (10) pp. 1518-1520. 10.1177/0956797617714811. Green open access

Lee, SY; Moore, C; Kim, K; Cable, D; (2017) The advantage of being Oneself: The role of applicant self-verification in organizational hiring decisions. Journal of Applied Psychology , 102 (11) pp. 1493-1513. 10.1037/apl0000223. Green open access

Lin, R-T; Lin, C-K; Christiani, DC; Kawachi, I; Cheng, Y; Verguet, S; Jong, S; (2017) The impact of the introduction of new recognition criteria for overwork-related cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: a cross-country comparison. Scientific Reports , 7 , Article 167. 10.1038/s41598-017-00198-5. Green open access

López-Pérez, B; Sanchez, J; Parkinson, B; (2017) Perceived effects of other people's emotion regulation on their vicarious emotional response. Motivation and Emotion , 41 (1) pp. 113-121. 10.1007/s11031-016-9585-3. Green open access


Ma, C; Wan, C; Chau, Y; Kang, S; Selviah, D; (2017) Subway Station Real-time Indoor Positioning System for Cell Phones. In: Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN). IEEE: Sapporo, Japan. Green open access

Markopoulos, E; Vanharanta, H; (2017) Delphic Maxims Based Applied Philosophy for Business and Governance Management. In: Kantola, JI and Barath, T and Nazir, S and Andre, T, (eds.) Advances in Human Factors, Business Management, Training and Education. (pp. pp. 33-45). Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Matz, SC; Gladstone, JJ; Stillwell, D; (2017) In a World of Big Data, Small Effects Can Still Matter: A Reply to Boyce, Daly, Hounkpatin, and Wood (2017). Psychological Science , 28 (4) pp. 547-550. 10.1177/0956797617697445. Green open access


Nambiar, B; Hargreaves, DS; Morroni, C; Heys, M; Crowe, S; Pagel, C; Fitzgerald, F; ... Colbourn, T; + view all (2017) Improving health-care quality in resource-poor settings. Bulletin of the World Health Organization , 95 (1) pp. 76-78. 10.2471/BLT.16.170803. Green open access


Peng, P; Wen, Y; Yang, Y; Yuan, Q; Tang, Z; Long, H; Wang, J; (2017) Multiagent Bidirectionally-Coordinated Nets: Emergence of Human-level Coordination in Learning to Play StarCraft Combat Games. ArXiv Green open access


Qu, Y; Cai, H; Zhang, W; Wen, Y; Wang, J; (2017) Product-Based Neural Networks for User Response Prediction. In: Bonchi, F and Domingo-Ferrer, J and Baeza-Yates, R and Zhou, ZH and Wu, Z, (eds.) Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). (pp. pp. 1149-1154). IEEE: Danvers (MA), USA. Green open access


Ravasi, D; (2017) Visualizing Our Way through Theory Building. Journal of Management Inquiry , 26 (2) pp. 240-243. 10.1177/1056492616680575. Green open access


Singh, SP; Scheller-Wolf, AA; (2017) That's Not Fair: Tariff Structures for Electric Utilities with Rooftop Solar. SSRN: Amsterdam, Netherlands. Green open access

Sobolev, D; (2017) The effect of price volatility on judgmental forecasts: The correlated response model. International Journal of Forecasting , 33 (3) pp. 605-617. 10.1016/j.ijforecast.2017.01.009. Green open access

Sobolev, D; Chan, B; Harvey, N; McMillan, D; (2017) Buy, sell, or hold? A sense-making account of factors influencing trading decisions. Cogent Economics & Finance , 5 (1) , Article 1295618. 10.1080/23322039.2017.1295618. Green open access


Tasselli, S; Kilduff, M; (2017) When brokerage between friendship cliques endangers trust: a personality – network fit perspective. Academy of Management Journal 10.5465/amj.2015.0856. Green open access

Toli, AM; Murtagh, N; (2017) Environmental sustainability indicators in decision-making analysis on urban regeneration projects: the use of sustainability assessment tools. In: Proceedings of 33rd Conference on Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) - Working Papers. (pp. pp. 166-175). Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM): Cambridge, UK. Green open access


Vanneste, BS; (2017) How Much Do Industry, Corporation, and Business Matter, Really? A Meta-Analysis. Strategy Science , 2 (2) pp. 121-139. 10.1287/stsc.2017.0029. Green open access


Wang, L; Han, J; Fisher, CM; Pan, P; (2017) Learning to share: Exploring temporality in shared leadership and team learning. Small Group Research , 48 (2) pp. 165-189. 10.1177/1046496417690027. Green open access

Wang, S; Vergne, J-P; (2017) Buzz Factor or Innovation Potential: What Explains Cryptocurrencies' Returns? PLoS One , 12 (1) , Article e0169556. 10.1371/journal.pone.0169556. Green open access

Wang, Y; He, Z; Kerkhove, LP; Vanhoucke, M; (2017) On the performance of priority rules for the stochastic resource constrained multi-project scheduling problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering , 114 pp. 223-234. 10.1016/j.cie.2017.10.021. Green open access


Yoo, OS; Kwon, HD; (2017) Retention of Capable New Employees under Uncertainty: Impact of Strategic Interactions. IISE Transactions , 49 (10) pp. 927-941. 10.1080/24725854.2017.1325028. Green open access


Zhan, D; Weiss, G; (2017) Many-server scaling of the N-system under FCFS–ALIS. Queueing Systems , 88 , Article 27. 10.1007/s11134-017-9549-7. Green open access

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