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Aritenang, A; Son, JW; (2018) The effect of decentralization and free trade agreements on regional disparity in a developing economy: the case of Indonesia, 1993–2005. International Journal of Urban Sciences , 22 (4) pp. 546-564. 10.1080/12265934.2018.1425155. Green open access

Bejol, P; Livingstone, ND; (2018) Revisiting currency swaps: hedging real estate investments in global city markets. Journal of Property Investment & Finance , 36 (2) pp. 191-209. 10.1108/JPIF-04-2017-0026. Green open access

Cao, M; Hickman, R; (2018) Car dependence and housing affordability: an emerging social deprivation issue in London? Urban Studies , 55 (10) pp. 2088-2105. 10.1177/0042098017712682. Green open access

Carmona, M; Clarke, W; Giordano, V; (2018) London: Reviewing Design Review. Urban Design Quarterly (148) pp. 18-20. Green open access

Carmona, M; De Magalhaes, CS; Natarajan, L; (2018) Design governance the CABE way, its effectiveness and legitimacy. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability , 11 (1) pp. 1-23. 10.1080/17549175.2017.1341425. Green open access

Carmona, MP; Gabrieli, T; Hickman, R; Laopoulou, T; Livingstone, N; (2018) Street appeal: The value of street improvements. Progress in Planning , 126 pp. 1-51. 10.1016/j.progress.2017.09.001. Green open access

Carmona, MP; Renninger, A; (2018) The Royal Fine Art Commission and seventy-five years of English design review: the first sixty years, 1924-1984. Planning Perspectives , 33 (1) pp. 53-73. 10.1080/02665433.2016.1278398. Green open access

Chung, CKL; Zhang, F; Wu, F; (2018) Negotiating Green Space with Landed Interests: The Urban Political Ecology of Greenway in the Pearl River Delta, China. Antipode , 50 (4) pp. 891-909. 10.1111/anti.12384. Green open access

Clifford, Benjamin; Henneberry, John; (2018) planning regulation, development flexibility and the extension of PD rights. Town & Country Planning pp. 383-387. Green open access

Colomb, C; (2018) A European perspective on Anglo-Scottish cross-border cooperation: lessons from EU-funded territorial cooperation programmes. Journal of Borderlands Studies , 33 (1) pp. 103-122. 10.1080/08865655.2016.1267585. Green open access

Cornet, Y; Barradale, MJ; Barfod, MB; Hickman, R; (2018) Giving current and future generations a real voice: a practical method for constructing sustainability viewpoints in transport appraisal. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research , 18 (3) pp. 316-339. Green open access

De Vos, J; (2018) Do people travel with their preferred travel mode? Analysing the extent of travel mode dissonance and its effect on travel satisfaction. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice , 117 pp. 261-274. 10.1016/j.tra.2018.08.034. Green open access

De Vos, J; (2018) Towards happy and healthy travellers: A research agenda. Journal of Transport & Health , 11 pp. 80-85. 10.1016/j.jth.2018.10.009. Green open access

Fuller, C; Phelps, NA; (2018) Revisiting the multinational enterprise in global production networks. Journal of Economic Geography , 18 (1) pp. 139-161. 10.1093/jeg/lbx024. Green open access

Gabrieli, T; Pilbeam, K; Wang, T; (2018) Estimation of bubble dynamics in the Chinese real estate market: a State space model. International Economics and Economic Policy , 15 (2) pp. 483-499. 10.1007/s10368-017-0398-y. Green open access

Gallent, N; Durrant, D; Stirling, P; (2018) Between the unimaginable and the unthinkable: pathways to and from England's housing crisis. Town Planning Review , 89 (2) pp. 125-144. 10.3828/tpr.2018.8. Green open access

Gao, X; Shi, C; Zhai, K; (2018) An Evaluation of Environmental Governance in Urban China Based on a Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Analytic Network Process. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 15 (11) , Article 2456. 10.3390/ijerph15112456. Green open access

Gao, X; Zhai, K; (2018) Performance Evaluation on Intellectual Property Rights Policy System of the Renewable Energy in China. Sustainability , 10 (6) p. 2097. 10.3390/su10062097. Green open access

Hamiduddin, I; (2018) Journey to Work Travel Outcomes from 'City of Short Distances' Compact City Planning in Tübingen, Germany. Planning Practice and Research , 33 (4) pp. 372-291. 10.1080/02697459.2017.1378980. Green open access

Hebbert, M; (2018) The campus and the city: a design revolution explained. Journal of Urban Design , 23 (6) pp. 883-897. 10.1080/13574809.2018.1518710. Green open access

Hebbert, M; (2018) City Tour London. disP - The Planning Review , 54 (4) pp. 8-15. 10.1080/02513625.2018.1562790. Green open access

Hickman, R; (2018) The future of mobility - a lesson in hubris? Town & Country Planning , 87 (10) pp. 379-382. Green open access

Hickman, R; Dean, M; (2018) Incomplete cost - incomplete benefit analysis in transport appraisal. Transport Reviews , 38 (6) pp. 689-709. 10.1080/01441647.2017.1407377. Green open access

Hickman, R; Lopez, N; Cao, M; Mella Lira, B; Biona, JBM; (2018) “I drive outside of peak time to avoid traffic jams—public transport is not attractive here.” Challenging discourses on travel to the university campus in Manila. Sustainability , 10 (5) , Article 1462. 10.3390/su10051462. Green open access

Javornik, A; Kostopoulou, E; Rogers, Y; Fatah gen Schieck, A; Koutsolampros, P; Moutinho, AM; Julier, S; (2018) An experimental study on the role of augmented reality content type in an outdoor site exploration. Behaviour and Information Technology , 38 (1) pp. 9-27. 10.1080/0144929X.2018.1505950. Green open access

Jones, C; Livingstone, N; (2018) The 'online high street' or the high street online? The implications for the urban retail hierarchy. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research , 28 (1) pp. 47-63. 10.1080/09593969.2017.1393441. Green open access

Lee, M; Lock, S; Natarajan, L; Rydin, Y; (2018) Decision-making for major renewable energy infrastructure. Journal of Planning and Environmental Law , 2018 (5) pp. 507-512. Green open access

Lee, M; Rydin, Y; Natarajan, L; Lock, S; (2018) Techniques of knowing in administration: Co-production, models and conservation. Journal of Law and Society , 45 (3) pp. 427-456. 10.1111/jols.12122. Green open access

Li, Y; Wu, F; (2018) Understanding city-regionalism in China: regional cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta. Regional Studies , 52 (3) pp. 313-324. 10.1080/00343404.2017.1307953. Green open access

Liu, Z; Wang, T; Son, JW; Chen, W; (2018) The structure and evolution of trade relations between countries along the Belt and Road. Journal of Geographical Sciences , 28 (9) pp. 1233-1248. 10.1007/s11442-018-1522-9. Green open access

Lu, T; Zhang, F; Wu, F; (2018) Place attachment in gated neighbourhoods in China: Evidence from Wenzhou. Geoforum , 92 pp. 144-151. 10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.04.017. Green open access

Maddrell, A; Beebeejaun, Y; McClymont, K; McNally, D; Mathijssen, B; Abid Dogra, S; (2018) Paisatges funeraris i diversitat a Anglaterra i a Gal·les: l'establiment d'una agenda = Deathscapes and diversity in England and Wales: setting an agenda. Revista d’Etnologia de Catalunya = Catalonian Journal of Ethnology , 43 pp. 38-53. Green open access

Marshall, S; (2018) Urban Morphology the Kropf Way. [Review]. Built Environment , 44 (3) pp. 377-378. 10.2148/benv.44.3.374. Green open access

Marshall, S; Gil, J; Kropf, K; Tomko, M; Figueiredo, L; (2018) Street Network Studies: from Networks to Models and their Representations. Networks and Spatial Economics 10.1007/s11067-018-9427-9. (In press). Green open access

Moore, SM; Raco, M; Clifford, B; (2018) The 2012 Olympic Learning Legacy Agenda – the intentionalities of mobility for a new London model. Urban Geography , 39 (2) pp. 214-235. 10.1080/02723638.2017.1300754. Green open access

Morphet, JR; Clifford, B; (2018) Progress and current trends in local authority housing provision. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal , 11 (4) pp. 324-334. Green open access

Natarajan, LC; Rydin, Y; Lock, SJ; Lee, M; (2018) Navigating the participatory processes of Renewable Energy Infrastructure regulation: a 'local participant perspective' on the NSIPs regime in England and Wales. Energy Policy , 114 pp. 201-210. 10.1016/j.enpol.2017.12.006. Green open access

Phelps, NA; (2018) Taking the absurd seriously. Progress in Human Geography , 42 (6) pp. 830-846. 10.1177/0309132517721636. Green open access

Phelps, NA; Atienza, M; Arias, M; (2018) An invitation to the dark side of economic geography. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space , 50 (1) pp. 236-244. 10.1177/0308518X17739007. Green open access

Phelps, NA; Silva, C; (2018) Mind the gaps! A research agenda for urban interstices. Urban Studies , 55 (6) pp. 1203-1222. 10.1177/0042098017732714. Green open access

Phelps, NA; Valler, D; (2018) Urban development and the politics of dissonance. Territory, Politics, Governance , 6 (1) pp. 81-103. 10.1080/21622671.2016.1231629. Green open access

Phelps, NA; Wood, AM; (2018) The business of location: site selection consultants and the mobilisation of knowledge in the location decision. Journal of Economic Geography , 18 (5) pp. 1023-1044. 10.1093/jeg/lbx016. Green open access

Pike, A; Coombes, M; O'Brien, P; Tomaney, J; (2018) Austerity states, institutional dismantling and the governance of sub-national economic development: the demise of the regional development agencies in England. Territory, Politics, Governance , 6 (1) pp. 118-144. 10.1080/21622671.2016.1228475. Green open access

Raco, M; (2018) Critical Urban Cosmopolitanism and the Governance of Urban Diversity in European Cities. European Urban and Regional Studies , 25 (1) pp. 8-23. 10.1177/0969776416680393. Green open access

Raco, M; (2018) Living with diversity: Local social imaginaries and the politics of intersectionality in a super-diverse city. Political Geography , 62 pp. 149-159. 10.1016/j.polgeo.2017.11.003. Green open access

Raco, M; Durrant, D; Livingstone, N; (2018) Slow cities, urban politics and the temporalities of planning: Lessons from London. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy , 36 (7) pp. 1176-1194. 10.1177/2399654418775105. Green open access

Raco, M; kesten, J; (2018) The Politicisation of Diversity Planning in a Global City: Lessons from London. Urban Studies , 55 (4) pp. 891-916. 10.1177/0042098016674869. Green open access

Raco, M; Moreira de Souza, T; (2018) Urban development, small business communities and the entrepreneurialisation of English local government. Town Planning Review , 89 (2) pp. 145-165. 10.3828/tpr.2018.9. Green open access

Robin, EM; Brill, FN; (2018) The global politics of an urban age: creating 'cities for all' in the age of financialisation. Palgrave Communications , 4 , Article 3. 10.1057/s41599-017-0056-6. Green open access

Rydin, YJ; Natarajan, L; Lee, M; Lock, S; (2018) Black-boxing the evidence: planning regulation and major renewable energy infrastructure projects in England and Wales. Planning Theory and Practice , 19 (2) pp. 218-234. 10.1080/14649357.2018.1456080. Green open access

Rydin, YJ; Natarajan, L; Lee, M; Lock, S; (2018) Do local economic interests matter when regulating Nationally Significant Infrastructure? The case of renewable energy infrastructure projects. Local Economy , 33 (3) pp. 269-286. 10.1177/0269094218763000. Green open access

Rydin, YJ; Natarajan, L; Lee, M; Lock, S; (2018) Local Voices on Renewable Energy: the performative role of the regulatory process for major offshore infrastructure in England and Wales. Local Environment , 23 (5) pp. 565-581. 10.1080/13549839.2018.1449821. Green open access

Sendra, P; (2018) Assemblages for community-led social housing regeneration: Activism, Big Society and localism. City , 22 (5-6) pp. 738-762. 10.1080/13604813.2018.1549841. Green open access

Tselios, V; Tomaney, J; (2018) Decentralisation and European Identity. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 10.1177/0308518X18785905. (In press). Green open access

Turcu, Catalina; (2018) Cities are designed around men. It's time for equality in planning. Local Government Chronicle (In press). Green open access

Turcu, C; (2018) Responsibility for Sustainable Development in Europe: What Does It Mean for Planning Theory and Practice? Planning Theory and Practice , 19 (3) pp. 385-404. 10.1080/14649357.2018.1478116. Green open access

Ward, C; Swyngedouw, E; (2018) Neoliberalisation from the Ground Up: Insurgent Capital, Regional Struggle, and the Assetisation of Land. Antipode , 50 (4) pp. 1077-1097. 10.1111/anti.12387. Green open access

Wu, F; (2018) Housing privatization and the return of the state: changing governance in China. Urban Geography , 39 (8) pp. 1177-1194. 10.1080/02723638.2018.1440126. Green open access

Zhai, K; Gao, X; (2018) Effects of corrective feedback on EFL speaking task complexity in China's university classroom. Cogent Education , 5 (1) , Article 1485472. 10.1080/2331186X.2018.1485472. Green open access

Zhai, K; Gao, X; Wang, G; (2018) The Role of Sleep Quality in the Psychological Well-Being of Final Year UndergraduateStudents in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 15 (12) , Article 2881. 10.3390/ijerph15122881. Green open access


Cha, J; Ryu, T; Kwon, O-H; Zhu, I; Chi, B-G; Son, JW; Park, B; + view all (2018) 지역발전: 정치경제적 접근 (Regional development: Political economy approaches). [Book]. Sejong: Seoul, South Korea.

Gallent, N; Hamiduddin, I; Juntti, M; Livingstone, N; Stirling, P; (2018) New money in rural areas: Land investment in Europe and its place impacts. [Book]. Springer: Cham, Switzerland.

Book chapter

Carmona, MP; (2018) The design dimension of planning: making planning proactive again. In: Tomaney, J and Ferm, J, (eds.) Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK. Routledge: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Colomb, C; Raco, M; (2018) Planning for diversity in an era of social change. In: Ferm, J and Tomaney, J, (eds.) Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK. (pp. 174-188). Routledge: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

de Magalhães, CS; Karadimitriou, N; (2018) Planning for the Regeneration of Towns and Cities. In: Ferm, J and Tomaney, J, (eds.) Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK. (pp. 266-280). Routledge: London,UK. Green open access

Ferm, JA; (2018) Plan-making: changing contexts, challenges and drivers. In: Ferm, J and Tomaney, J, (eds.) Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK. (pp. 39-54). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Ferm, JA; Edwards, M; Jones, E; (2018) Planning for economic progress. In: Ferm, J and Tomaney, J, (eds.) Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK. (pp. 235-249). Routledge: London, UK.

Ferm, JA; Tomaney, J; (2018) Conclusion: Beyond Reflective, Deliberative Practice. In: Ferm, J and Tomaney, J, (eds.) Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK. (pp. 281-300). Routledge: London, UK.

Gabrieli, T; Livingstone, ND; (2018) The Evolving Intersection of Planning and the Commercial Real Estate Market. In: Tomaney, J and Ferm, J, (eds.) Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK. Routledge: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Hamiduddin, I; Hickman, R; (2018) Planning for Public Transport: Applying European Good Practice to UK Regions? In: Ferm, J and Tomaney, J, (eds.) Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK. (pp. 250-265). Routledge: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Hebbert, M; (2018) Old Modernism, New Urbanism. In: Domínguez Maestre, Mario and Landrove, Susana, (eds.) MOVIMIENTO MODERNO, PATRIMONIO CULTURAL Y SOCIEDAD [ACTAS DEL IX CONGRESO DOCOMOMO IBÉRICO, SAN SEBASTIÁN, 16-18 NOVIEMBRE, 2016 ]. (pp. 440-447). Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico/Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte: Madrid, Spain. Green open access

Hebbert, MJ; (2018) Hall, Sir Peter Geoffrey (1932-2014). In: Cannadine, D, (ed.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Lee, M; Lock, S; Natarajan, L; Rydin, Y; (2018) Crossing Disciplines in Planning: A Renewable Energy Case Study. In: Pedersen, O, (ed.) Perspectives on Environmental Law Scholarship. (pp. 79-95). Cambridge university press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Marshall, S; (2018) Integrating Land Use and Transport: An Evolutionary Perspective. In: Alves, RA and Vale, DDS, (eds.) Integração de usos do solo e transportes em cidades de média dimensão (Integration of Land Use and Transport in Medium-sized Cities). (pp. 35-44). Livros Horizonte: Lisbon, Portugal. Green open access

Raco, M; (2018) Private consultants, planning reform, and the marketisation of local government finance. In: Ferm, J and Tomaney, J, (eds.) Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK. (pp. 132-137). Routledge: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Sendra, P; (2018) Civic Design UCL Summer School. In: Ciancio, C and Reig Alberola, M, (eds.) Civic Design. (pp. 298-299). Civic Innovation School: Valencia.

Sendra, P; (2018) Community-Led Social Housing Regeneration: From Government-Led Programmes to Community Initiatives. In: Clark, J and Wise, N, (eds.) Urban Renewal, Community and Participation: Theory, Policy and Practice. (pp. 71-87). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Tomaney, J; Colomb, C; (2018) Devolution and Planning. In: Ferm, J and Tomaney, J, (eds.) Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK. (pp. 20-35). Routledge: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Tomaney, J; Ferm, JA; (2018) Introduction: Contexts and Frameworks for Contemporary Planning Practice. In: Ferm, J and Tomaney, J, (eds.) Planning Practice Critical Perspectives from the UK. (pp. 1-19). Routledge: London, UK.

Turcu, C; (2018) Planning for sustainable development in the UK. In: Ferm, J and Tomaney, J, (eds.) Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Wunderlich, F; (2018) Temporal(ities): A New Perspective into the Design of Time, Rhythm, and Atmosphere in Urban Places. In: Koch, M and Tribble, R and Siegmund, Y and Rost, A and Werner, Y, (eds.) New Urban Professions—A Journey through Practice and Theory (Changing) Perspectives in Metropolitan Research 5. Jovis: Berlin, Germany.

Proceedings paper

Kostopoulou, E; Javornik, A; Koutsolampros, P; Julier, S; Fatah gen. Schieck, A; (2018) Mediated Spatial Narratives: Experiencing Archival Material and Shared Memories in Urban Space. In: MAB18 Proceedings of the 4th Media Architecture Biennale Conference. (pp. pp. 118-127). ACM: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Morphet, JR; (2018) Autopilot or risk mitigation? How Whitehall is continuing to deliver post-Brexit EU policies. In: Wilson, A, (ed.) (Proceedings) PSA Annual International Conference 2018 - Politics of Our Times: Asking the Difficult Questions, 26 - 28 March 2018, Cardiff, Wales. Political Studies Association (PSA): London, UK. (In press). Green open access

Morphet, JR; (2018) Top down or bottom up? How subsidiarity is helping local authorities change the Government’s supply side housing policies. In: Wilson, A, (ed.) (Proceedings) PSA Annual International Conference 2018 - Politics of Our Times: Asking the Difficult Questions, 26 - 28 March 2018, Cardiff, Wales. Political Studies Association (PSA): London, UK. (In press). Green open access


Clifford, Ben; Morphet, Janice; (2018) Preparing a Flexibility Toolkit. Project A: Consultation and Engagement in the DCO process. The National Infrastructure Planning Association (NIPA): London, UK. Green open access

Clifford, BP; Canelas, P; Ferm, J; Livingstone, N; Bibby, P; Brindley, P; Henneberry, J; + view all (2018) Extending permitted development rights in England: the implications for public authorities and communities. RICS: London, UK.

Clifford, BP; Ferm, J; Livingstone, N; Canelas, P; (2018) Assessing the impacts of extending permitted development rights to office-to-residential change of use in England. RICS: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors: London, UK.

Clifford, B; (2018) Charting outsourcing in UK public planning. Working in the Public Interest: Sheffield, UK. Green open access

De Magalhaes, C; Freire Trigo, S; Gallent, NM; Scanlon, K; Whitehead, C; (2018) Planning Risk and Development: How Greater Planning Certainty would affect Residential Development. RTPI: London, UK. Green open access

Giordano, V; Carmona, M; (2018) Reviewing Design Review in London. Urban Design London: London, UK.

Hamiduddin, I; Gallent, NM; Livingstone, N; Juntti, M; Stirling, P; (2018) New money in rural areas: assessing the impacts of investment in rural land assets. RICS: London, UK.

Pineo, H; Rydin, Y; (2018) Cities, health and well-being. Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors: London, UK. Green open access

Conference item

Clifford, B; Ferm, JA; Livingstone, N; Canelas, P; (2018) Delivering the housing England needs? Exploring the implications of the deregulation of planning control governing the change of use from office to residential. Presented at: Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) Annual Congress 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden. Green open access

Ferm, J; Raco, M; Tomaney, J; (2018) Theorising planning practice: the turn to viability-based planning in the UK. Presented at: Association of the European Schools of Planning (AESOP) Annual Congress 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden. Green open access

Ferm, JA; Clifford, B; Livingstone, N; Canelas, P; (2018) Turning offices into homes? Planning, deregulation and changing the use of buildings in England. Presented at: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2018, Cardiff, UK. Green open access

Sanderson, D; (2018) Determinants of Satisfaction, Loyalty and Landlord Advocacy amongst Private Rented Sector Tenants at East Village, London. Presented at: European Real Estate Society Annual Conference 2018, Reading, UK. Green open access


Dean, M; (2018) Assessing the applicability of participatory multi-criteria analysis (MCA) methodologies to the appraisal of mega transport infrastructure. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Fitzpatrick, Daniel Madav; (2018) Governance of mutual housing in London. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Karampour, Katayoun; (2018) Municipal funding mechanism and development process: a case study of Tehran. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Liu, Yuqi; (2018) Subjective wellbeing of internal migrants in Chinese cities. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Ohashi, H; (2018) Suburban fortunes: urban policies, planning and suburban transformation in Tokyo metropolis. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Rizal, Khairul; (2018) Evolving regions: the evolution of regional industries in Indonesia. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Timmerman, Richard Martin; (2018) Customisation and urban design: evaluating the role of informal street user modifications in the distribution of static activities and perceptions of streetscape settings. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Digital scholarly resource

Andres, L; Bryson, J; Bakare, H; (2018) Managing Air Quality in Developing Countries. ASAP-East Africa Reading Pack no. 3. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.asap.uk.com/reading-packs-east-africa Green open access

Andres, L; Denoon-Stevens, S; Lewis, M; Nel, V; van Huyssteen, E; (2018) SAPER briefing note - Matching needs: planners in local government. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://saperproject.weebly.com/resources.html

Andres, L; Lewis, M; Nel, V; Denoon-Stevens, S; (2018) SAPER briefing note - Bridging the gap: the candidacy phase. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://saperproject.weebly.com/resources.html

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