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Number of items: 51.


Alimadadi, S; Davies, A; Tell, F; (2021) A palace fit for the future: Desirability in temporal work. Strategic Organization 10.1177/14761270211012021. Green open access


Casady, CB; Baxter, D; (2021) Procuring healthcare public-private partnerships (PPPs) through unsolicited proposals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Public Procurement 10.1108/JOPP-07-2020-0061. (In press). Green open access

Castro, A; Rodrigues, S; Phillips, N; (2021) Bribe and Co. - The Institutionalization of Corruption in a Multinational. In: Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2021. AOM Green open access

Castro, A; Rodrigues, S; Phillips, N; (2021) Bribe and Co. - The Institutionalization of Corruption in a Multinational. Presented at: AIB 2021: JIBS Paper Development Workshop, Online. Green open access

Cheng, L; Mi, Z; Coffman, D; Meng, J; Chang, D; (2021) Destruction and Deflection: Evidence from American Antidumping Actions against China. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics , 57 pp. 203-213. 10.1016/j.strueco.2021.03.009. Green open access

Chrysikou, E; Hernandez Garcia, E; Savvopoulou, E; (2021) International Research Project on Emergency Response to Infectious Disease Outbreak on Cruise ships. Report submitted to The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) for the project initiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) and commissioned to IAFOR. The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Green open access

Coffman, D; (2021) François Quesnay, Luigi Pasinetti and the historical contexts of economic theory. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics , 56 pp. 64-73. 10.1016/j.strueco.2020.10.005. Green open access

Coffman, D; (2021) Hoppit, Julian, Needham, Duncan, and Leonard, Adrian, eds., Money and markets: essays in honour of Martin Daunton ( Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2019. Pp. v+294. 17 figs. 15 tabs. ISBN 9781783274451 Pbk. £19.99). [Review]. The Economic History Review , 74 (1) pp. 297-299. 10.1111/ehr.13058. Green open access

Coffman, D; (2021) Freud, the Enlightenment and the Public Sphere. In: Bar-Haim, S and Coles, E and Tyson, H, (eds.) Wild Analysis: From the Couch to Cultural and Political Life. Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Coffman, D; Mi, Z; Scazzieri, R; (2021) Thirty years of structural change and economic dynamic: Anniversary collection: Introduction. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics , 56 pp. 152-153. 10.1016/j.strueco.2020.09.006. Green open access

Coffman, D; (2021) Elizabeth Ann Danto and Alexandra Steiner-Strauss (eds), Freud/Tiffany: Anna Freud, Dorothy Tiffany Burlingham and ‘The Best Possible School’. Psychoanalysis and History , 23 (1) pp. 118-119. 10.3366/pah.2021.0374. Green open access

Coffman, D; (2021) Clarendon’s Exile and the Role of Personality in Historical Explanation. In: Coffman, D and Di Liberto, N and James, H, (eds.) People, Nations, Traditions in a Comparative Frame: Thinking about the Past with Jonathan Steinberg. Anthem Press: London, UK. Green open access

Coffman, D; Di Liberto, N; James, H; (2021) Introduction. In: Coffman, D and Di Liberto, N and James, H, (eds.) People, Nations, Traditions in a Comparative Frame: Thinking about the Past with Jonathan Steinberg. Anthem Press: London, UK. Green open access

Cranz, G; Morhayim, L; Lindsay, G; Sagan, J; (2021) Post Occupancy Evaluation in Architectural Education and Practice. Technology | Architecture + Design , 5 (1) pp. 25-30. 10.1080/24751448.2021.1863663. Green open access


Duch Crosta, G; Castro, A; Glass, J; (2021) Responsible Innovation Against Hunger: The Role of Institutional Pressures in Addressing Grand Challenges. In: Proceedings of the EURAM 2021 Online Conference. EURAM: Montreal, Canada. Green open access

Duch Crosta, G; Castro, A; Glass, J; (2021) Transforming Sustainable Value in the Construction Industry – The role of Social Movements. In: Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management Green open access

Duryan, M; Xu, J; Smyth, H; (2021) Cultivating a ‘just’ culture in construction industry to improve Health and Safety management systems. In: Proceedings of the ​W099 & W123 Annual International Conference : ​Changes and innovations for improved wellbeing in construction. (pp. p. 12). : Glasgow , Uk. Green open access


Galera-Zarco, C; Campos, JA; (2021) Exploring Servitization in Industrial Construction: A Sustainable Approach. Sustainability , 13 (14) , Article 8002. 10.3390/su13148002. Green open access


Huo, J; Meng, J; Zhang, Z; Gao, Y; Zheng, H; Coffman, D; Xue, J; ... Guan, D; + view all (2021) Drivers of fluctuating embodied carbon emissions in international services trade. One Earth , 4 (9) pp. 1322-1332. 10.1016/j.oneear.2021.08.011. Green open access

Husain, T; (2021) Understanding Determinants and Common Factors of Railway and Sovereign Securities during the First Era of Globalisation. In: Proceedings of the Economic History Society Conference 2021. Economic History Society: Online Only. (In press). Green open access


Johnson, M; Roehrich, JK; Chakkol, M; Davies, A; (2021) Reconciling and reconceptualising servitization research: drawing on modularity, platforms, ecosystems, risk and governance to develop mid-range theory. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 10.1108/IJOPM-08-2020-0536. (In press). Green open access

Jones, K; Mosca, L; Whyte, J; Davies, A; Glass, J; (2021) Addressing specialization and fragmentation: product platform development in construction consultancy firms. Construction Management and Economics 10.1080/01446193.2021.1983187. (In press). Green open access

Jones, K; Mosca, L; Whyte, J; Davies, A; Glass, J; (2021) The Role of Industry – University Collaboration in the Transformation of Construction. (Digest Series 4). Transforming Construction Network Plus: London, UK. Green open access


Kulkarni, I; Zang, JW; Leandro, WM; Parikh, P; Adler, I; Da Fonseca-Zang, WA; Campos, LC; (2021) Closed-Loop Biodigesters on Small-Scale Farms in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Review. Water , 13 (19) , Article 2744. 10.3390/w13192744. Green open access


Lei, T; Guan, D; Shan, Y; Zheng, B; Liang, X; Meng, J; Zhang, Q; (2021) Adaptive CO2 emissions mitigation strategies of global oil refineries in all age groups. One Earth , 4 (8) pp. 1114-1126. 10.1016/j.oneear.2021.07.009. Green open access

Liao, Lois Yixi; (2021) Economic and Socio-Psychological Analyses of Social Housing Policies in the U.K. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Lockley, A; von Hippel, T; (2021) The carbon dioxide removal potential of Liquid Air Energy Storage: A high-level technical and economic appraisal. Frontiers of Engineering Management , 8 pp. 456-464. 10.1007/s42524-020-0102-8. Green open access

Long, Y; Guan, D; Kanemoto, K; Gasparatos, A; (2021) Negligible impacts of early COVID-19 confinement on household carbon footprints in Japan. One Earth , 4 (4) pp. 553-564. 10.1016/j.oneear.2021.03.003. Green open access


Murtagh, N; Owen, AM; Simpson, K; (2021) Engaging UK repair-maintain-improve practitioners in improved building performance. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation 10.1108/IJBPA-03-2021-0042. (In press). Green open access


Paker, M; Stephenson, J; Wallis, P; (2021) Unskilled Labour before the Industrial Revolution. (LSE Economic History Working Papers 322). The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE): London, UK. Green open access


Ranjbar, N; Balali, A; Valipour, A; Yunusa-Kaltungo, A; Edwards, R; Pignatta, G; Moehler, R; (2021) Investigating the environmental impact of reinforced-concrete and structural-steel frames on sustainability criteria in green buildings. Journal of Building Engineering , 43 , Article 103184. 10.1016/j.jobe.2021.103184. Green open access


Sergeeva, N; Green, S; (2021) Inclusive storytelling practices towards achieving sustainability development goals. In: Proceedings of the 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021. European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) Green open access

Sergeeva, N; Kortantamer, D; (2021) Enriching the concept of authentic leadership in project-based organisations through the lens of life-stories and self-identities. International Journal of Project Management , 39 (7) pp. 815-825. 10.1016/j.ijproman.2021.09.001. Green open access

Sergeeva, N; Ninan, J; (2021) Labyrinth of labels: Promoters' and protesters' narrative constructions in mega projects. International Journal of Project Management , 39 (5) pp. 496-506. 10.1016/j.ijproman.2021.03.003. Green open access

Sergeeva, N; Pisotska, V; Winch, G; (2021) The governance interface and owner organizational identity to enable research and innovation: The Venice Biennale case. In: EURAM 2021 Conference: Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world (EURAM conference).

Sergeeva, N; Winch, G; Cao, D; Maytorena, E; Zhang, S; (2021) Operation Warp Speed: Schedule Compression in COVID-19 Response Projects. In: BAM2021 Proceedings. British Academy of Management Green open access

Sergeeva, N; Davies, A; (2021) Storytelling from the authentic leader of High Speed 2 (HS2) Ltd. infrastructure megaproject in the United Kingdom. In: Drouin, N and Sankaran, S and Van Marrewijk, A and Müller, R, (eds.) Megaproject Leaders Reflections on Personal Life Stories. (pp. 47-61). Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK. Green open access

Shehabi, A; Al-Masri, M; Obeid, J; Ayoub, M; Jallad, M; Daher, M; (2021) A pilot Citizens' Assembly on Electricity and Energy Justice in Hamra, Lebanon. RELIEF Centre, UCL Institute for Global Prosperity: London, UK. Green open access

Simpson, K; Murtagh, N; Owen, AM; (2021) Domestic retrofit: understanding capabilities of micro enterprise building practitioners. Buildings and Cities , 2 (1) pp. 449-466. 10.5334/bc.106. Green open access

Symons, Anne Wood; (2021) Integrated Design, Design Management and the Delivery of Major Hospitals. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Szumilo, N; (2021) Prices of peers: identifying endogenous price effects in the housing market. The Economic Journal , 131 (639) pp. 3041-3070. 10.1093/ej/ueaa129. Green open access

Szumilo, N; Vanino, E; (2021) Mortgage affordability and entrepreneurship: Evidence from spatial discontinuity in Help-to-Buy equity loans. Journal of Business Venturing , 36 (4) , Article 106105. 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2021.106105. Green open access


Tian, Z; Zhang, X; Wei, S; Du, S; Shi, X; (2021) A review of data-driven building performance analysis and design on big on-site building performance data. Journal of Building Engineering , 41 , Article 102706. 10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102706. Green open access


Udomdech, Prompt; (2021) Project-based Innovation Learning Mechanisms in the Built Environment. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Underwood, J; Shelbourn, M; Carlton, D; Zhao, G; Simpson, M; Aksenova, G; Mollasalehi, S; (2021) Transforming the Productivity of People in the Built Environment: Emergence of a Digital Competency Management Ecosystem. In: Underwood, J and Shelbourn, M, (eds.) Handbook of Research on Driving Transformational Change in the Digital Built Environment. (pp. 430-466). IGI Global: Hershey, PA, USA. Green open access


Wang, S; Hartzell, DJ; (2021) Real Estate Return in Hong Kong and its Determinants: A Dynamic Gordon Model Analysis. International Real Estate Review , 24 (1) pp. 113-138. Green open access

Wu, X; Guo, J; Chen, G; Wu, X; Meng, J; Alhodaly, M; Wakeel, M; (2021) Energy use flows in the supply chains of the world economy: A full account of both primary and intermediate inputs. Journal of Cleaner Production , 320 , Article 128621. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128621. Green open access


Xu, J; Duryan, M; Smyth, H; (2021) Digitalisation for Occupational Health and Safety in Construction: A Path to High Reliability Organising? In: Proceedings of the CIB W099 & W123 Annual International Conference. International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (Conseil International du Bâtiment): Glasgow, UK. Green open access


Yang, P; Mi, Z; Yao, Y-F; Cao, Y-F; Coffman, D; Liu, L-C; (2021) Solely economic mitigation strategy suggests upward revision of nationally determined contributions. One Earth , 4 (8) pp. 1150-1162. 10.1016/j.oneear.2021.07.005. Green open access


Zerjav, V; (2021) Why Do Business Organizations Participate in Projects? Toward a Typology of Project Value Domains. Project Management Journal 10.1177/87569728211001663. (In press). Green open access

Zerjav, V; McArthur, J; Edkins, A; (2021) The multiplicity of value in the front-end of projects: The case of London transportation infrastructure. International Journal of Project Management 10.1016/j.ijproman.2021.03.004. (In press). Green open access

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