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Number of items: 81.


Abd Razak, Diyana Syafiqah Binti; (2019) A strategic approach to failure mitigation: A study of project and quality management in five projects. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Addyman, Simon; (2019) The timing of patterning or the patterning of timing? Organisational routines in temporary organisations. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Agusti Juan, I; Glass, J; Pawar, V; (2019) A Balanced Scorecard for Assessing Automation in Construction. In: Mirosław, MH and Skibniewski, J, (eds.) Proceedings of the Creative Construction Conference 2019. Miroslaw J. Skibniewski & Miklos Hajdu: Budapest, Hungary. Green open access

Al-Adhami, M; Wu, S; Ma, L; (2019) Extended Reality Approach for Construction Quality Control. In: Proceedings of the CIB World Building Congress 2019. International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB): Hong Kong, China. Green open access


Bisaga, Iwona Magdalena; (2019) Scaling up off-grid solar energy access through improved understanding of customers’ needs, aspirations and energy use of decentralised (SMART) Solar Home Systems – a case study of BBOXX customers in Rwanda. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bokor, O; Florez, L; Gledson, B; Osborne, A; (2019) Input for Hybrid Simulation Modelling Construction Operations. In: Proceedings of the Creative Construction Conference 2019. (pp. pp. 571-577). Budapest University of Technology and Economics: Budapest, Hungary. Green open access

Bokor, O; Florez, L; Osborne, A; Gledson, BJ; (2019) Overview of construction simulation approaches to model construction processes. Organization, Technology and Management in Construction: an International Journal , 11 (1) pp. 1853-1861. 10.2478/otmcj-2018-0018. Green open access

Butters, R; Duryan, M; (2019) Boundary Objects as Facilitators of Knowledge Transfer in Project Based Organisations. In: Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Knowledge Management. (pp. pp. 193-200). Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited: Lisbon, Portugal. Green open access


Cannavina, Dominique; (2019) Exploring the impact of modifying PFI stakeholders’ expectations as a means of achieving the 2050 carbon targets in the NHS (England). Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Cardinale, R; (2019) The profitability of transnational energy infrastructure: A comparative analysis of the Greenstream and Galsi gas pipelines. Energy Policy , 131 pp. 347-357. 10.1016/j.enpol.2019.03.040. Green open access

Cardinale, R; (2019) Theory and practice of state intervention: Italy, South Korea and stages of economic development. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics , 49 pp. 206-216. 10.1016/j.strueco.2018.09.004. Green open access

Cardinale, Roberto; (2019) The transition from the national to the EU model of energy governance and its implications for energy firms, governments and consumers: a comparative analysis of the Greenstream and Galsi gas pipelines. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Castro, A; (2019) Corrupt Nonmarket Strategies Megaprojects: The Case of a Corrupt Cartel of Construction Companies in the Oil and Gas Sector. In: Proceedings of the EURAM 2019. European Academy of Management Green open access

Chrysikou, E; Savvopoulou, E; (2019) Policies for psychiatric rehabilitation: inclusion through planning permit legislation changes. Presented at: 12th European Public Health Conference, Marseille, France. Green open access

Chrysikou, E; (2019) Η συμβολή της Θεραπευτικής Αρχιτεκτονικής στην Ιαματική Ιατρική [= The contribution of therapeutic architecture to thermal medicine]. In: Thermal Medicine. (pp. 361-370). Doctors Media: Greece.

Chrysikou, E; (2019) Living with buildings. Wellcome Collection, London, 4 October 2018 – 3 March 2019. Design for Health , 3 (1) pp. 155-161. 10.1080/24735132.2019.1592355. Green open access

Chrysikou, E; (2019) Why we need more compassionate architecture when designing for vulnerable people. Health Estate Journal , 2019 (10) pp. 42-44. Green open access

Chrysikou, E; Savvopoulou, E; (2019) Residential Facilities for Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Planning Permit Regulations and Social Inclusion. Architecture MPS , 16 (1) 10.14324/111.444.amps.2019v16i1.002. (In press). Green open access

Chrysikou, E; Savvopoulou, E; McLennan, P; Higgs, P; (2019) Implementing Research and Best Practice for the Development of Mental Health Hubs in the Community. UCL Bartlett Real Estate Institute: London, UK. Green open access

Chrysikou, E; Williams, G; Petelos, E; Verma, A; Muscat, N; (2019) Exploring synergies and collaboration opportunities between the UK Indoor Environments Group (UKIEG) & the Urban Public Health Section of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA). Presented at: UKIEG 2019, High Wycombe, UK. Green open access

Cidik, M; (2019) Construction productivity and digitalisation: An I.T. productivity paradox perspective. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J, (eds.) Proceedings of the 35th Annual ARCOM Conference. (pp. pp. 214-223). ARCOM: Leeds, UK. Green open access

Cidik, M; Zerjav, V; Papagiannopoulou, V; (2019) The practice of 'managing as designing'. In: Proceedings of Academy for Design Innovation Management Conference 2019. Academy for Design Innovation Management: London, UK. Green open access


Denicol, J; Pryke, S; Davies, A; (2019) Exploring innovative inter-organisational structures to deliver megaprojects: The role of owners, sponsors and clients in the Project System Organisation (PSO). In: Proceedings of the 19th conference of EURAM 2019. EURAM: Lisbon, Portugal. (In press).

Denicol, Juliano; (2019) Designing client organisations and supply chain strategies to deliver megaprojects. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Duryan, M; Smyth, H; (2019) Service design and knowledge management in the construction supply chain for an infrastructure programme. Built Environment Project and Asset Management , 9 (1) pp. 118-137. 10.1108/BEPAM-04-2018-0060. Green open access

Duryan, M; Smyth, H; Roberts, A; Xu, J; Toli, A; Rowlinson, S; Sherratt, F; (2019) Knowledge Transfer as a Critical Component for Promoting a Positive Health and Safety Culture. In: Smallwoo, John and Deacon, Claire, (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st Association of Researchers in Construction Safety, Health, and Well-being Conference - 2019. ACHASM: South Africa. Green open access


Fang, Z; Pitt, M; Hanna, S; (2019) Machine learning in facilities & asset management. In: Proceedings of the 25th annual Pacific rim real estate society (PRRES) conference. PRRES: Melbourne, Australia. Green open access


Gallent, N; Hamiduddin, I; Stirling, P; Kelsey, J; (2019) Prioritising local housing needs through land-use planning in rural areas: Political theatre or amenity protection? Journal of Rural Studies , 66 pp. 11-20. 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2019.01.028. Green open access

Gasparro, K; Zerjav, V; Konstantinou, E; (2019) Project Intermediation: The Critical Role of Negotiating Socio-Technical Regimes and Technological Niches to Achieve Climate Change Policies. In: Proceedings of the Engineering Project Organization Conference. Engineering Project Organization Society (EPOS): Vail, Colorado, USA. Green open access


Ji, R; Zheng, Y; Chen, Z; Wei, S; (2019) Development and energy evaluation of novel integrated envelopes without thermal bridges. Energy and Buildings , 203 , Article 109409. 10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.109409. Green open access

Ji, R; Zheng, Y; Zou, Z; Wei, S; Qu, S; (2019) Climate applicability study of building envelopes containing phase change materials. International Journal of Energy Research 10.1002/er.4772. Green open access

Ji, R; Zou, Z; Liu, L; Wei, S; Qu, S; (2019) Development and energy evaluation of phase change material composite for building energy-saving. International Journal of Energy Research , 43 (14) pp. 8674-8683. 10.1002/er.4867. Green open access

Jones, Kell; (2019) A Framework for Assessing Interventions to Promote the Implementation of Material Innovations on Construction Projects. Doctoral thesis (Eng.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Kalra, T; Roehrich, JK; Squire, B; Davies, A; (2019) Orchestrating Supply Networks to Deliver Service Performance. Presented at: POMS International Conference 2019, Brighton, UK. Green open access

Khan, M; McGeown, S; Bell, S; (2019) Can an outdoor learning environment improve children’s academic attainment? A quasi-experimental mixed methods study in Bangladesh. Environment and Behavior 10.1177/0013916519860868. (In press). Green open access

Knecht, K; Stefanescu, DA; Koenig, R; (2019) Citizen Engagement through Design Space Exploration Integrating citizen knowledge and expert design in computational urban planning. In: Proceedings of the 37 Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe and XXIII Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Joint Conference (N. 1). (pp. pp. 785-794). Editora Blucher Green open access

Krystallis, I; (2019) Fit for the future. The Bartlett Review , 2019 Green open access


Li, J; Mi, Z; Wei, YM; Fan, J; Yang, Y; Hou, Y; (2019) Flexible options to provide energy for capturing carbon dioxide in coal-fired power plants under the Clean Development Mechanism. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 10.1007/s11027-019-09857-6. (In press). Green open access

Lockley, A; (2019) Security of solar radiation management geoengineering. Frontiers of Engineering Management , 6 (1) pp. 102-116. 10.1007/s42524-019-0008-5. Green open access


Mackinnon, E; Campos, LC; Parikh, P; Sawant, N; (2019) Classifying occupational exposure risks and recommendations for their control in container-based sanitation systems. Waterlines , 38 (3) pp. 170-196. 10.3362/1756-3488.18-00025. Green open access

Madanayake, U; Cidik, M; Egbu, C; Adamu, Z; (2019) The impact of organisation culture on effective exploitation of building information modelling, big data analytics and internet of things (BBI) for competitive advantage in construction organisations. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Technology, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship: ICITEE 2019. (pp. pp. 403-412). : Kingdom of Bahrain. Green open access

Madanayake, U; Cidik, M; (2019) The potential of digital technology to improve construction productivity. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J, (eds.) 35th Annual ARCOM Conference Proceedings. (pp. pp. 416-425). ARCOM: Leeds, UK. Green open access

Mahalingam, A; Ninan, J; (2019) External Stakeholder Management in Megaprojects – A Framework of Strategies and Power in Practice. In: Proceedings of the Engineering Project Organization Conference. Engineering Project Organization Society (EPOS): Vail, Colorado, USA. Green open access

Mills, G; (2019) Regulating the input – healthcare facilities. In: Busse, R and Klazinga, N and Panteli, D and Quentin, W, (eds.) Improving Healthcare Quality in Europe Characteristics, Effectiveness and Implementation of Different Strategies Characteristics, Effectiveness and Implementation of Different Strategies. (pp. 175-201). OECD Publishing: Paris, France.

Mills, G; Evans, D; Candlish, C; (2019) Anglian Water @one Alliance: A new approach to supply chain management. In: Pryke, S, (ed.) Successful Construction Supply Chain Management Concepts and Case Studies. (pp. 237-250). Wiley Blackwell: Hoboken, NJ, USA.

Miraldo, M; Hauck, K; Vernet, A; Wheelock, A; (2019) Variations in the Adoption of Healthcare Innovation? A Literature Review. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Morisson, N; Szumilo, N; (2019) Universities' global research ambitions and their localised effects. Land Use Policy , 85 pp. 290-301. 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.03.017. Green open access

Morrison, N; Szumilo, N; (2019) The drivers and implications of mega-mergers: Evidence from English not-for-profit housing organisations. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment , 34 (3) pp. 661-681. 10.1007/s10901-019-09696-6. Green open access

Murtagh, N; (2019) The effect of automation on pro-environmental behaviour: seven field studies. Presented at: ICEP (International Conference of Environmental Psychology) 2019, Plymouth, UK. Green open access

Murtagh, N; Gatersleben, B; Fife-Schaw, C; (2019) What influences residential occupants to take precautionary action against overheating? Presented at: SuDBE (Sustainable Development in Building and Environment) 2019, Reading, UK. Green open access

Murtagh, N; Odeleye, N-D; Maidment, C; (2019) Professional identity as a generative mechanism of sustainability practices: a critical realist exploration. Presented at: Responsible Business Networks Seminar, Turku, Finland. Green open access

Murtagh, N; Odeleye, N-D; Maidment, C; (2019) Do Town Planners in England feel a professional responsibility for a climate-resilient built environment? In: Proceedings of the SBE 19 - Emerging Concepts for Sustainable Built Environment. IOP Publishing: Helsinki, Finland. Green open access

Murtagh, N; Odeleye, N-D; Maidment, C; (2019) Does the planning system in England deliver a sustainable and resilient environment? A study of the experience of town planners. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International SEEDS Conference 2019. Leeds Beckett University: Leeds, UK. Green open access

Murtagh, N; Odeleye, N-D; Maidment, C; (2019) Identities as enabling conditions of sustainability practices in urban planning: A critical realist exploration with planners in England. Urban Planning , 4 (4) pp. 86-97. 10.17645/up.v4i4.2263. Green open access

Murtagh, NM; Badi, S; (2019) Green supply chain management in construction: A systematic review. In: Proceedings of the ARCOM 2018: Productivity, Performance and Quality Conundrum. ARCOM: Belfast. Green open access


Ninan, J; Mahalingam, A; Clegg, S; (2019) Managing Project Community in Infrastructure Megaprojects. In: Gopanath, Saji and Pati, R.K. and Padhi, S.S., (eds.) Proceedings of the Project Management - PMI India Research & Academic Conference 2019. (pp. pp. 489-506). Project Management Institute: Kozhikode, India. Green open access

Ninan, J; Phillips, I; Sankaran, S; Natarajan, S; (2019) Systems Thinking Using SSM and TRIZ for Stakeholder Engagement in Infrastructure Megaprojects. Systems , 7 (4) , Article 48. 10.3390/systems7040048. Green open access


Perna, P; Castro, A; (2019) Assessing energy efficiency: econometric evidence and implications for Italian energy policy. In: 4th AIEE Symposium Proceedings. AIEE: Rome, Italy. Green open access


Schwimmer, E; Gomez-Ibanez, JA; Casady, C; (2019) Toll-managed lane pioneers: Lessons from five US states. Case Studies on Transport Policy , 7 (3) pp. 655-666. 10.1016/j.cstp.2019.05.001. Green open access

Sergeeva, N; (2019) Innovation champions in megaprojects: The case of UK infrastructure. In: Proceedings of the EURAM 2019:Exploring the Future of Management: Facts,Fashion and Fado. EURAM: Lisbon, Portugal.

Sergeeva, N; Duryan, M; (2019) Knowledge management as an enabler of sustainable innovation across supply chain in the construction industry. In: Proceedings of the XXX ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovation 2019. ISPIM: Florence, Italy. Green open access

Sergeeva, N; Graham, W; (2019) Narratives of Temporal Structuring on Major Projects. In: Proceedings of the 35th EGOS Colloquium 2019. EGOS: Edinburgh, UK. Green open access

Sergeeva, N; Green, S; (2019) Managerial identity work in action: Formalised narratives and anecdotal stories of innovation. Construction Management and Economics , 37 (10) pp. 604-623. 10.1080/01446193.2019.1566625. Green open access

Sergeeva, N; Lindkvist, C; (2019) Narratives of innovation that address climate change agenda in the construction sector. In: The connectivity of innovation in construction. Taylor & Francis: London, UK. Green open access

Smyth, H; Duryan, M; (2019) Knowledge transfer in supply chains. In: Pryke, S, (ed.) Successful Construction Supply Chain Management: concepts and case studies, Pryke, S.D. (Ed.), Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, Chapter 14, e-edition. Wiley Blackwell: Chichester, UK.

Smyth, H; Duryan, M; Kusuma, I; (2019) Service Design for Marketing in Construction: Tactical Implementation in the ‘Business Development Management’. Built Environment Project and Asset Management , 9 (1) 10.1108/BEPAM-04-2018-0061. Green open access

Smyth, H; Roberts, A; Duryan, M; Xu, J; Toli, A; Rowlinson, S; Sherratt, F; (2019) The Contrasting Approach of Contractors Operating in International Markets to the Management of Well-being. In: CIB conference World Building Congress: Constructing Smart Cities Proceedings. (pp. pp. 2695-2704). CIB: Hong Kong, China. Green open access

Smyth, H; Roberts, A; Duryan, M; Xu, J; Toli, A; Rowlinson, S; Sherratt, F; (2019) Health & Safety and Knowledge Management in construction. In: Proceedings of the 1st Association of Researchers in Construction Safety, Health, and Well-Being (ARCOSH) Conference 2019. Association of Researchers in Construction Safety, Health, and Well-being (ARCOSH): Cape Town, South Africa. Green open access

Smyth, HJ; Razmdoost, K; Mills, G; (2019) Service innovation through linking design, construction and asset management. Built Environment Project and Asset Management , 9 (1) pp. 80-86. 10.1108/BEPAM-03-2019-136. Green open access

Song, EY; Vernet, A; Pryke, S; (2019) A mismatch between institutional conditions and trust. Presented at: 12th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference (EDI 2019), Rotterdam, Netherlands. Green open access

Stephenson, JZ; (2019) The Economic Institutions of Construction in London after the Great Fire. Enterprise & Society , 20 (1) pp. 229-252. 10.1017/eso.2018.26. Green open access

Stephenson, JZ; (2019) Empires, guns, and economic growth: thoughts on the implications of Satia’s work for economic history. Journal of Global History , 14 (3) pp. 456-458. 10.1017/s1740022819000226. Green open access

Stephenson, JZ; (2019) Timing is everything: Evaluating behavioural causal theories of Britain's industrialisation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 42 , Article e208. 10.1017/S0140525X19000669. Green open access


Tan, T; Chen, K; Xue, F; Lu, W; (2019) Barriers to Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation in China's prefabricated construction: An interpretive structural modeling (ISM) approach. Journal of Cleaner Production , 219 pp. 949-959. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.02.141. Green open access

Tannir, M; Mills, G; Krystallis, I; (2019) Cybernetics in Project Management: a conceptual framework to analyze and enhance the performance of alliances via the application of Viable System Model. In: BAM2019 Proceedings. BAM: Birmingham, UK. Green open access

Tyler, B; Kalra, T; Roehrich, JK; Squire, B; (2019) Learning to contract differently: How a multinational business adapted their contracting capabilities to local requirements. Presented at: POMS International Conference 2019, Brighton, UK. Green open access


Wu, XD; Guo, JL; Meng, J; Chen, GQ; (2019) Energy use by globalized economy: Total-consumption-based perspective via multi-region input-output accounting. Science of the Total Environment , 662 pp. 65-76. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.108. Green open access


Xu, Jing; (2019) The Value of Trust in Construction Supply Chains. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Xue, F; Lu, W; Tan, T; Chen, K; (2019) Semantic enrichment of city information models with LiDAR-based rooftop albedo. In: Papadikis, K and Chin, C and Galobarde, I and Gong, G and Guo, F, (eds.) Sustainable Buildings and Structures: Building a Sustainable Tomorrow. CRC Press: Suzhou, China. Green open access


Zheng, H; Zhang, Z; Zhang, Z; Li, X; Shan, Y; Song, M; Mi, Z; ... Guan, D; + view all (2019) Mapping Carbon and Water Networks in the North China Urban Agglomeration. One Earth , 1 (1) pp. 126-137. 10.1016/j.oneear.2019.08.015. Green open access

Zhou, Z; Tan, Z; Yu, X; Zhang, R; Wei, YM; Zhang, M; Sun, H; ... Mi, Z; + view all (2019) The health benefits and economic effects of cooperative PM2.5 control: A cost-effectiveness game model. Journal of Cleaner Production , 228 pp. 1572-1585. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.04.381. Green open access

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