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Number of items: 83.


Abolnaga, Omar; Farhani, Daniyal; Felber, Christiane; Fellows, Tumpa; Garland, Natalie; Karastathi, Nikoletta; Mahathir, Said; + view all (2023) PhD Research Projects 2023. [Catalogue]. The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Afshar Bakeshloo, Farbod; (2023) Mapping the Transition from the Pre-digital to the Digital City Change and continuity in the spatio-functional character of Oxford Street at the architectural and urban scales. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Aghakouchak, Ava; (2023) Attention and Enhanced Perception of [Virtual] Space; A Conversation in Dance. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alsavada, Merve Okkali; Karimi, Kayvan; (2023) The Spatio-Functional Role of Navigable Urban Canals in the City: Cases From London and Amsterdam. Urban Planning 10.17645/up.v8i3.6740. (In press). Green open access


Bavister, P; (2023) Biometrically Evolved Site-Specific Music as a Response to Localised Acoustic Conditions. In: Proceedings of the 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association Forum Acusticum 2023. (pp. pp. 6411-6418). European Acoustics Association (EAA) Green open access

Bavister, Paul; (2023) The Biometric Evolution of Sound and Space. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bennett, Jhono; (2023) Participatory Design Won’t Fix Unequal Southern African Cities: But We Should Still Do It, Just Better. In: Cobbinah, Patrick Brandful and Gaisie, Eric, (eds.) Reimagining Urban Planning in Africa. (pp. 345-371). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge,UK. Green open access

Bolton, Liam T; (2023) A Quantitative Analysis of the Exoadaptivity of Buildings in London. In: Proceedings of the XXIX Conference of the International Seminar on Urban Form: Urban Redevelopment and Revitalisation - A Multidisciplinary Perspective. (pp. pp. 69-80). Łódź University of Technology Press: Łódź and Kraków, Poland.

Brenchat Aguilar, Albert; Jackson, Ato; Meniru, Debbie; Jennings, Harriet; (2023) As Hardly Found in the Art of Tropical Architecture: Virtual Roundtable. AArchitecture 44 pp. 8-11. Green open access

Brenchat-Aguilar, Albert; (2023) Functional Environs: Austin Tetteh’s Situated World(mak)ing Planning Practice, 1950–80. Architectural Theory Review , 26 (3) pp. 458-485. 10.1080/13264826.2023.2180808. Green open access


Chang, Chin-Wei; (2023) The Architect-Teacher’s Role in Formulating Architectural Pedagogy in China before 1952: The Examples of Huang Zuoshen and Liang Sicheng. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Di Cerbo, Alessandra; Karimi, Kayvan; Zhand, Sepehr; Okkali Alsavada, Merve; (2023) The “Underspaces” within the Contemporary City. A morphological investigation of neglected flyovers in London for assessing residual urban areas. In: ISUF 2023 Praxis of Urban Morphology: Conference Proceedings Part II. (pp. pp. 1092-1104). University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture: Belgrade, Serbia. Green open access

Dino, Blerta; Griffiths, Sam; (2023) Tirana: Its History and a Post-Socialist Perspective on Urban Growth and Transformation between 1991–2016. Architektúra & urbanizmus , 57 (3-4) pp. 316-330. 10.31577/archandurb.2023.57.3-4.10. Green open access

Donetch, Isabel; (2023) Imaginarios fluviales: Frontera, heterotopía y marginalidad en la transformación del Mapocho = Fluvial imaginaries: Border, heterotopia, and marginality in the transformation of the Mapocho River. Revista Historia y Patrimonio , 2 (3) pp. 1-21. 10.5354/2810-6245.2023.71785. Green open access


Elassaly, Youssef; Zhand, Sepehr; Okkali Alsavada, Merve; Karimi, Kayvan; (2023) Noise Pollution as a Discomforting Factor Within Urban Open Spaces. In: ISUF 2023 Praxis of Urban Morphology: Conference Proceedings Part II. (pp. pp. 1221-1233). University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture: Belgrade, Serbia. Green open access

Ergin, Fatma Ecem; (2023) City-framed: the trustworthiness of digital media and the role of the built environment in informing the public. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Fatah gen. Schieck, Ava; Berber, Busra; Romano, Daniela; (2023) Towards Evaluating Effects of Digital Sensory Environments on Human Emotions in the Wild. In: MAB '23: Proceedings of the 6th Media Architecture Biennale Conference. (pp. pp. 146-159). ACM (Association for Computing Machinery): Toronto, Canada. Green open access

Ferencz, Judit; (2023) A Book of Hours for Robin Hood Gardens: Reportage Drawing as an Interdisciplinary Conservation Method for Architectural Heritage. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Forty, Adrian; (2023) Love and Loathing Among the Stones: On the Affective Nature of Materials. In: Jensen, Thomas Bo and Dayer, Carolina and Foote, Jonathan, (eds.) Imaginaries on Matter: Tools, Materials, Origins. (pp. 55-64). AADR: Baunach, Germany.


Garg, Nipun; Huang, Sheng-Yang; (2023) Conjugated Materiality – Reinstating Material Circularity via Digital Twins. In: Koh, Immanuel and Reinhardt, Dagmar and Makki, Mohammed and Khakhar, Mona and Bao, Nic, (eds.) HUMAN-CENTRIC - Proceedings of the 28th CAADRIA Conference. (pp. pp. 705-714). CAADRIA: Ahmedabad, India. Green open access

Guibaud, A; Mindeguia, J-C; Albuerne, A; Parent, T; Torero, J; (2023) Notre-Dame de Paris as a validation case to improve fire safety modelling in historic buildings. Journal of Cultural Heritage 10.1016/j.culher.2023.05.008. (In press). Green open access

Gutiérrez, Fernando; (2023) ‘I will stay here’: public space and social inequality during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Urban Design pp. 1-17. 10.1080/13574809.2023.2245336. (In press). Green open access


Hanna, Sean; (2023) Intelligibility and the structures of freedom. In: Peponis, John, (ed.) Museum Configurations: An Inquiry Into The Design Of Spatial Syntaxes. (pp. 80-100). Routledge: Abingdon, UK.

Hatıpoğlu, Serkan Can; Kamaoğlu, Melih; Şensoy, Gamze; İnceoğlu, Mehmet; (2023) Body, dance and abstraction for spatial and structural comprehension in the first year of design education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education 10.1007/s10798-023-09821-1. (In press). Green open access

Hetherington, Ella; Perutxet Olesti, Guillem; Lee, Ben; Devadass, Pradeep; (2023) Variable Aggregate Impact Printing of Cob. In: Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) [Volume 2]. (pp. pp. 613-622). CAADRIA: Ahmedabad, Pakistan. Green open access

Hosmer, Tyson; Mutis, Sergio; Hughes, Eric; He, Ziming; Siedler, Philipp; Gheorghiu, Octavian; Erdinçer, Barış; (2023) Autonomous Collaborative: Robotic Reconfiguration with Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning [ACRR+DMARL]. In: Habits of the Anthropocene: Scarcity and Abundance in a Post-Material Economy - Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, ACADIA 2023. (pp. pp. 72-90). ACADIA: Denver, Colorado, USA. Green open access

Huang, Sheng-Yang; Llabres-Valls, Enriqueta; Tabony, Aiman; Castillo, Luis Carlos; (2023) Damascus House: Exploring the connectionist embodiment of the Islamic environmental intelligence by design. In: Dokonal, W and Hirschberg, U and Wurzer, G, (eds.) Digital Design Reconsidered - Proceedings of the 41st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2023). (pp. pp. 871-880). eCAADe: Graz, Austria. Green open access


Jack, Olwethu; Cuyler, Jacqui; Bennett, Jonathan; (2023) Venting Practices: Navigating Interpersonal Dynamics of Socio-Technical Spatial Design Work in Neo-Apartheid Cities. In: Amira, Osman and Nagle, John and Tripathi, Sabyasachi, (eds.) International Conference, The City is [NOT] a Tree: The Urban Ecologies of Divided Cities. (pp. 169-173). Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Jotanovic, Nina; (2023) Biogenic Architecture: Biomineralisation as an Emerging Material Practice. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Kaewtawee, R; Huang, SY; Thinnakorn, R; Thinnakorn, W; Noithapthim, N; (2023) Shophouse Façades on Ratchadamnoen Road in Southern Thailand: A Taxonomic Study to Produce a Dataset for AI modelling. ISVS e-journal , 10 (10) pp. 341-360. 10.61275/ISVSej-2023-10-10-21. Green open access

Kamaoğlu, Melih; (2023) The idea of evolution in digital architecture: Toward united ontologies? International Journal of Architectural Computing 10.1177/14780771231174890. (In press). Green open access

Kamaoglu, Melih; (2023) Digital Neo-Darwinism in Architecture: From Logic to Materiality. In: Alberto T, Estevez, (ed.) 5th International Conference for BioDigital Architecture & Genetics. (pp. pp. 333-343). iBAG-UIC Barcelona: Barcelona, Spain. Green open access

Kantamaneni, Komali; Li, Qiong; Wu, Haotian; Zhu, Mingyu; Apostolopoulou, Athanasia; Xu, Weijie; Kenawy, Inji; ... Pushparaj, Robert Ramesh Babu; + view all (2023) Towards a Combined Physical and Social Evaluation of Climate Vulnerability in Coastal Urban Megacities. Water , 15 (4) , Article 712. 10.3390/w15040712. Green open access

Karimi, Kayvan; (2023) The Configurational Structures of Social Spaces: Space Syntax and Urban Morphology in the Context of Analytical, Evidence-Based Design. Land , 12 (11) , Article 2084. 10.3390/land12112084. Green open access

Krenz, Kimon; Dhanani, Ashley; McEachan, Rosemary RC; Sohal, Kuldeep; Wright, John; Vaughan, Laura; (2023) Linking the Urban Environment and Health: An Innovative Methodology for Measuring Individual-Level Environmental Exposures. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 20 (3) , Article 1953. 10.3390/ijerph20031953. Green open access

Krenz, Kimon; Psarra, Sophia; Netto, Vinicius M; (2023) Mapping the conceptual system of an urban theory and its evolution: a text analysis of space syntax conference papers over 20 years. Urban Morphology , 27 (2) pp. 161-177. 10.51347/UM27.0014. Green open access


Le, Yi; Huang, Sheng-Yang; (2023) Prediction of Urban Trees Planting Base on Guided Cellular Automata to Enhance the Connection of Green Infrastructure. Land , 12 (8) , Article 1479. 10.3390/land12081479. Green open access

Lopez, Alvaro; Pantic, igor; (2023) AUGMENTED ENVIRONMENTS The Architecture for the Augmented Era. In: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2023, Volume 1. (pp. pp. 403-412). The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia: Ahmedabad, India. Green open access

López, Alvaro Rodríguez; (2023) Augmented Manufacturing. Revista Europea de Investigación en arquitectura , 22 , Article 05. Green open access

López, D; Charbel, H; (2023) Gamifying Climate and Crisis: Autonomous Communities. In: Habits of the Anthropocene: Scarcity and Abundance in a Post-Material Economy - Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, ACADIA 2023. (pp. pp. 444-456). Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA): Denver, CO, USA. Green open access

Lopez Lobato, Deborah; Charbel, Haden; (2023) Folifobia. Materia Arquitectura , 25 pp. 49-62. 10.56255/ma.v1i25.561. Green open access

Luo, Jiaxiang; Mastrokalou, Efthymia; Aldaboos, Sarah; Aldabous, Rahaf; (2023) Research on the Exploration of Sprayed Clay Material and Modeling System. In: Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) [Volume 2]. (pp. pp. 231-240). Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA): Hong Kong. Green open access

Luo, Jiaxiang; Mastrokalou, Efthymia; Aldabous, Rahaf; Aldaboos, Sarah; Lopez Rodriguez, Alvaro; (2023) Fabrication of Complex Clay Structures Through an Augmented Reality Assisted Platform. In: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2023, Volume 1. (pp. pp. 413-422). Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA): Ahmedabad, India. Green open access


Massin, Peter; Körner, Andreas; Colletti, Marjan; Gasser, Georg; Uitz, Theresa; Bauer, Kilian; (2023) Postdigital Natures: Digital-material hybrids for robotic 3D printing of architectural elements. In: Dokonal, Wolfgang and Hirschberg, Urs and Wurzer, Gabriel, (eds.) eCAADe 2023 Digital Design Reconsidered. (pp. pp. 509-518). eCAADe: Graz, Austria. Green open access

McAndrew, Claire; (2023) Dreams of the fun palace and plug-in city—architectural modularism and cybernetics in the 1960s. In: Hendon, Zoë and Massey, Anne, (eds.) Design, History and Time: New Temporalities in a Digital Age. (pp. 131-142). Bloomsbury Publishing: London, UK. Green open access

McCoshan, E; Karimi, K; (2023) Shining a light on Dar es Salaam - 1992 to 2020: utilizing nightlight intensity data as a tool for modelling rapid urban growth patterns. In: Proceedings of the 2023 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE). IEEE: Heraklion, Greece. Green open access

Miàs, Josep; Artigas, Jordi; (2023) New life for an old cement factory. 'Scape Magazine (4) pp. 150-153. Green open access

Mias Architects & Leitner; (2023) The Glow-Worm: CUCADELLUM Funicular Tibidabo Barcelona. Actar Publishers: Barcelona, Spain.

Mias Gifre, Jose; (2023) Arquitecto - Josep Miàs. RACC Mobility Club , 520 (Oct 2023) p. 36. Green open access

Mias Gifre, Jose; (2023) CUCADELLUM: New Tibidabo Funicular. In: Architizer: The World's Best Architecture. (pp. 234-235). Architizer

Mias Gifre, Jose; (2023) The future of the cement factory in Vallcarca. La Vanguardia , 2023 (July) pp. 58-59. Green open access


Nguyen, Chi; (2023) The Hyper-Textual and the Hyper-Attentive: a Communication Design Examination of the Publics of the London Plan 2021. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


O’ Dochartaigh, Kilian; (2023) An Architecture of Easements: Transecting the Land of a Thousand Hills. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Orlek, Jonathan; McAndrew, Claire; Cerulli, Cristina; Ferreri, Mara; Cavada, Marianna; Ratcliffe, Eleanor; (2023) For a relational understanding of care in critical urban action and mapping. Lo Squaderno , 65 pp. 43-47. Green open access


Papadopoulou, Iliana; Fatah Gen. Schieck, Ava; Griffiths, Sam; (2023) An exploration of 3D scanning as a medium to record spatial memory and form an inhabitable archive through space and time. In: Kreutzberg, Anette, (ed.) Envisioning Architectural Scales in the Analogue and Virtual Representation of Architecture : Proceedings of the 16th EAEA conference. (pp. pp. 267-278). Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, Design, Conservation: Copenhagen, Denmark. Green open access

Pei, E; Leung, C; (2023) A Need for New Standards: Communicating Shape Transformations in the Technical Documentation of Products. Advanced Materials and Processes , 181 (7) pp. 37-39. 10.31399/asm.amp.2023-07.p037. Green open access

Pei, E; Leung, C; (2023) Design of Graphical Symbols for Shape Transformations of 4D Printed Parts. In: Rank, E and Kollmannsberger, S, (eds.) IVth International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing (Sim-AM 2023). (pp. pp. 1-9). Scipedia SL: Barcelona, Spain. Green open access

Pei, Eujin; Leung, Christopher; (2023) A Need for New Standards: Communicating Shape Transformations in the Technical Documentation of Products, in: AM&P Technical Articles (2023) 181 (7): 37–39. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://doi.org/10.31399/asm.amp.2023-07.p037

Presland, Anthony James; (2023) Picturing Construction, Constructing Identities: The Photographic Archive of John Laing & Son Ltd. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Priya Rajendran, Lakshmi; Firoz, Mohammed; Ranjan, Ritesh; (2023) My City InVisible: Kozhikode. University of Liverpool: Liverpool, UK. Green open access

Psathiti, Chrystala; Sailer, Kerstin; (2023) Adolescents' positive attitudes towards school: a reflection on the spatial configuration of school buildings. The Journal of Architecture , 28 (8) pp. 1442-1466. 10.1080/13602365.2024.2302090.


Quinn, Patrick; Borden, Iain; (2023) Solid Surf. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology , 10 (1) pp. 139-169. 10.1558/jca.25151.


Rajendran, LP; Toprak, KG; (2023) Disruptive (un)certainties: emergent socio-spatial narratives of/in the everyday public realm in Istanbul. Space and Polity , 27 (2) pp. 169-175. 10.1080/13562576.2023.2196615. Green open access

Rendell, J; (2023) After He Had Gone. CounterText , 9 (1) pp. 140-161. 10.3366/count.2023.0297. Green open access

Rendell, Jane; (2023) L is for … . Lucia, Laura and architecture’s other lost daughters. The Journal of Architecture , 28 (6) pp. 1057-1090. 10.1080/13602365.2023.2272434. Green open access

Rico Carranza, Eduardo; Huang, Sheng-Yang; Besems, Julian; Gao, Wanqi; (2023) (In)visible Cities: What Generative Algorithms Tell Us About Our Collective Memory Schema. In: Koh, Immanuel and Reinhardt, Dagmar and Makki, Mohammed and Khakhar, Mona and Bao, Nic, (eds.) HUMAN-CENTRIC - Proceedings of the 28th CAADRIA Conference. (pp. pp. 463-472). CAADRIA: Ahmedabad, India. Green open access

Rivière, Sarah Margaret; (2023) THE STASIS ARENA: Re-negotiating the architecture of the social through kindred confrontation at 835 Kings Road. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Sailer, Kerstin; Thomas, Matt; Pachilova, Rosica; (2023) The challenges of hybrid work: an architectural sociology perspective. Buildings and Cities , 4 (1) pp. 650-668. 10.5334/bc.350. Green open access

Shergill, Ramandeep; (2023) Bioregenerative algal architectures. Journal of Chinese Architecture and Urbanism , 5 (3) , Article 179. 10.36922/jcau.179. Green open access

Spencer, Amy; (2023) Architectural Competition and its Values at the London University, 1825–6. The Georgian Group Journal , 31 pp. 145-160. Green open access


Thakker, D; Hadavi, R; Raj, N; Vijayappan, V; Gupta, H; Meng, J; Olesti, GP; ... Devadass, P; + view all (2023) Developing Feedback Based Robotic Manufacturing Method for Earth-Based Materials. In: Proceedings of the 41st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2023). (pp. pp. 479-488). eCAADe Green open access

Torero, José; Cashell, Katherine; Wilton, Oliver; (2023) Designing modern fire-safe timber structures – where does the responsibility lie? The Structural Engineer , 101 (06) pp. 22-24. 10.56330/cdih2396.

Tzortzi, Kali; Fatah gen Schieck, Ava; (2023) Digital Sensory Experiences in Museums. In: Shehade, Maria and Stylianou-Lambert, Theopisti, (eds.) Museums and Technologies of Presence. (pp. 199-221). Routledge: London, UK.

Tzortzi, Kali; Fatah gen. Schieck, Ava; (2023) Digital sensory experiences in museums. Does space matter? In: Shehade, Maria and Theopisti, Stylianou-Lambert, (eds.) Museums and Technologies of Presence. Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Tzortzi, Kali; Fatah gen. Schieck, Ava; Printezis, Petros; Kontogeorgopoulou, Eftihia-Maria; Efthymiou, Eleni; Vourloumi, Maria; Vasilis, Maniatis; (2023) Longue Durée: Perceiving Heritage Through Media Architecture. In: MAB '23: Proceedings of the 6th Media Architecture Biennale Conference. (pp. pp. 119-132). ACM (Association for Computing Machinery): Toronto, Canada. Green open access


Uitz, Theresa; Körner, Andreas; (2023) Environment-Responsive Materials as Dynamic Markers for Architectural Augmented Reality Applications. In: Dokonal, Wolfgang and Hirschberg, Urs and Wurzer, Gabriel, (eds.) eCAADe 2023 Digital Design Reconsidered. (pp. pp. 723-732). eCAADe (Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe): Graz, Austria. Green open access


Walls, Adam; (2023) An Astral World: Lighting Imperial London. Scroope: Cambridge Architecture Journal (32) pp. 1-26. Green open access

Walls, Adam; (2023) Twilight Spaces: Firelight, Racial Atmosphere and Imperial London. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

West, Rosamund Lily; (2023) Dockers in Poplar: The Legacy of the London County Council’s Replanning of Poplar, East London. Urban Planning , 8 (1) 10.17645/up.v8i1.6075. Green open access


Xu, Xiaoduo; Fatah gen. Schieck, Ava; Kang, Jian; Yasin, Ifat; (2023) Effect of music tempo on duration of stay in exhibition spaces. Applied Acoustics , 207 , Article 109353. 10.1016/j.apacoust.2023.109353. Green open access


Yang, Sijie; Krenz, Kimon; Qiu, Waishan; Li, Wenjing; (2023) The Role of Subjective Perceptions and Objective Measurements of the Urban Environment in Explaining House Prices in Greater London: A Multi-Scale Urban Morphology Analysis. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information , 12 (6) , Article 249. 10.3390/ijgi12060249. Green open access


Zhang, Jing; Haas, Carl; Hanna, Sean; (2023) Comparative Study of Automatic Multi-class Object Detection Algorithms with Transfer Learning based on a Dataset from Construction Sites. In: EG-ICE 2023 Conference Papers. University College London (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

Zirek, Seda; (2023) File, Forest, Factory: Genetic Algorithms and Machine Learning with Spatially Varying Micro Properties of Materials and Fabrication Constraints for Digital Design and Making. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

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