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Number of items: 97.
Bakke, KM;
Linke, AM;
O'Loughlin, J;
Toal, G;
Dynamics of state-building after war: External-internal relations in Eurasian de facto states.
Political Geography
, 63
pp. 159-173.
Barnes, L;
Feller, A;
Haselswerdt, J;
Porter, E;
Information, Knowledge, and Attitudes: An Evaluation of the Taxpayer Receipt.
The Journal of Politics
, 80
pp. 701-706.
Barnes, L;
Hicks, T;
Making Austerity Popular: The Media and Mass Attitudes toward Fiscal Policy.
American Journal of Political Science
, 62
pp. 340-354.
Bel, G;
Gradus, R;
Privatisation, contracting-out and inter-municipal cooperation: new developments in local public service delivery.
Local Government Studies
, 44
pp. 11-21.
Bel, G;
Hebdon, R;
Warner, M;
Beyond privatisation and cost savings: alternatives for local government reform.
Local Government Studies
, 44
pp. 173-182.
Bel, G;
Holst, M;
Assessing the effects of the Mexican Drug War on economic growth: An empirical analysis.
Southern Economic Journal
, 85
pp. 276-303.
Bel, G;
Joseph, S;
Climate change mitigation and the role of technological change: Impact on selected headline targets of Europe's 2020 climate and energy package.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
, 82
pp. 3798-3807.
Bel, G;
Joseph, S;
Policy stringency under the European Union Emission trading system and its impact on technological change in the energy sector.
Energy Policy
, 117
pp. 434-444.
Bel, G;
Raudla, R;
Rodrigues, M;
Tavares, AF;
These rules are made for spending: testing and extending the law of 1/n.
Public Choice
, 174
pp. 41-60.
Bellamy, R;
Majority Rule, Compromise and the Democratic Legitimacy of Referendums.
Swiss Political Science Review
, 24
pp. 312-319.
Bellamy, R;
Lacey, J;
Balancing the rights and duties of European and national citizens: a demoicratic approach.
Journal of European Public Policy
, 25
pp. 1403-1421.
Beria, P;
Grimaldi, R;
Albalate, D;
Bel, G;
Delusions of success: Costs and demand of high-speed rail in Italy and Spain.
Transport Policy
, 68
pp. 63-79.
Blumenau, J;
Lauderdale, BE;
Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: Agenda Setting and Legislative Voting in Response to the EU Crisis.
The Journal of Politics
, 80
pp. 462-478.
Brighouse, H;
Swift, ARG;
Family Ethics and Public Policy: Beyond the Medical Model.
American Journal of Bioethics
, 18
pp. 55-58.
Coen, D;
Pegram, TI;
Towards a Third Generation of Global Governance Scholarship.
Global Policy
, 9
pp. 107-113.
Coen, DJ;
Vannoni, M;
The Strategic Management of Government Affairs in Brussels.
Business and Society
(In press).
Conant, L;
Hofmann, A;
Soennecken, D;
Vanhala, L;
Mobilizing European law.
Journal of European Public Policy
, 25
pp. 1376-1389.
Coverdale, HB;
Punishment and Welfare: Defending Offender’s Inclusion as Subjects of State Care.
Ethics and Social Welfare
, 12
pp. 117-132.
Dunlop, CA;
Radaelli, CM;
Does Policy Learning Meet the Standards of an Analytical Framework of the Policy Process.
Policy Studies Journal
, 46
Dunlop, CA;
Radaelli, CM;
The lessons of policy learning: types, triggers, hindrances and pathologies.
Policy & Politics
, 46
pp. 255-272.
Foos, F;
John, P;
Parties are No Civic Charities: Voter Contact and the Changing Partisan Composition of the Electorate.
Political Science Research and Methods
, 6
pp. 283-298.
Gertz, G;
Poulsen, L;
Jandhyala, S;
Legalization, diplomacy, and development: Do investment treaties de-politicize investment disputes?
World Development
, 107
pp. 239-252.
Gift, TC;
Lastra-Anadón, CX;
How voters assess elite-educated politicians: A survey experiment.
Electoral Studies
, 56
pp. 136-149.
Green, F;
Anti-fossil fuel norms.
Climatic Change
, 150
pp. 103-116.
Green, F;
The logic of fossil fuel bans.
Nature climate change
, 8
pp. 449-451.
Green, F;
Denniss, R;
Cutting with both arms of the scissors: the economic and political case for restrictive supply-side climate policies.
Climatic Change
, 150
pp. 73-87.
Harris, AS;
Findley, MG;
Nielson, DL;
Noyes, KL;
The Economic Roots of Anti-immigrant Prejudice in the Global South: Evidence from South Africa.
Political Research Quarterly
, 7
pp. 228-241.
Harris, AS;
Hern, E;
Taking to the Streets: Protest as an Expression of Political Preference in Africa.
Comparative Political Studies
, 52
pp. 1169-1199.
Hazell, R;
Wells, J;
Judicial Input into Parliamentary Legislation.
Public Law
, 2018
pp. 106-127.
Howard, JW;
Kidnapped: The Ethics of Paying Ransoms.
Journal of Applied Philosophy
, 35
pp. 675-688.
Kappe, R;
Asymmetric evaluations: Government popularity and economic performance in the United Kingdom.
Electoral Studies
, 53
pp. 133-138.
Lauderdale, BE;
Hanretty, C;
Vivyan, N;
Decomposing public opinion variation into ideology, idiosyncrasy, and instability.
Journal of Politics
, 80
pp. 707-712.
Laybourn-Langton, L;
Jacobs, M;
Paradigm Shifts in Economic Theory and Policy.
, 53
pp. 113-118.
Leventoğlu, B;
Metternich, NW;
Born Weak, Growing Strong: Anti-Government Protests as a Signal of Rebel Strength in the Context of Civil Wars.
American Journal of Political Science
, 62
pp. 581-596.
Littlejohns, P;
Kieslich, K;
Weale, A;
Tumilty, E;
Richardson, G;
Stokes, T;
Gauld, R;
Creating sustainable health care systems: Agreeing social (societal) priorities through public participation.
Journal of Health Organization and Management
, 33
pp. 18-34.
Loken, M;
Lake, M;
Cronin-Furman, K;
Deploying Justice: Strategic Accountability for Wartime Sexual Violence.
International Studies Quarterly
, 62
pp. 751-764.
Losada, C;
Esteve, M;
Management Roles in Political and Senior Civil Servant Positions: A Multiple-Study Approach.
International Public Management Journal
, 21
pp. 850-876.
McTernan, E;
Microaggressions, Equality, and Social Practices.
The Journal of Political Philosophy
, 26
pp. 261-281.
McTernan, E;
Uterus transplants and the insufficient value of gestation.
, 32
pp. 481-488.
Meckled-García, S;
Natural Duties of Justice in a World of States.
Journal of Applied Philosophy
, 35
pp. 70-89.
Meckled-Garcia, S;
Two (Different) Types of Human Rights Duty.
Law, Ethics and Philosophy
, 6
pp. 92-119.
Meyer-Sahling, J-H;
Mikkelsen, KS;
Schuster, JWC;
Civil service management and corruption: What we know and what we don't.
Public Administration
, 96
pp. 276-285.
Mi, Z;
Meng, J;
Green, F;
Coffman, DD;
Guan, D;
China's "Exported Carbon" Peak: Patterns, Drivers, and Implications.
Geophysical Research Letters
, 45
pp. 4309-4318.
Mikhaylov, SJ;
Esteve, M;
Campion, A;
Artificial intelligence for the public sector: opportunities and challenges of cross-sector collaboration.
Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
, 376
Nolette, P;
Provost, C;
Change and Continuity in the Role of State Attorneys General in the Obama and Trump Administrations.
Publius: The Journal of Federalism
, 43
Norman, J;
Mikhael, A;
Refugee youth, unemployment and extremism: countering the myth.
Forced Migration Review
, 57
pp. 57-58.
Pencheva, I;
Esteve, M;
Mikhaylov, SJ;
Big Data and AI – A transformational shift for government: So, what next for research?
Public Policy and Administration
(In press).
Prosser, B;
Flinders, M;
Jennings, W;
Renwick, AJ;
Spada, P;
Stoker, G;
Ghose, K;
Pedagogy and deliberative democracy: insights from recent experiments in the United Kingdom.
Contemporary Politics
(In press).
Provost, C;
Gerber, BJ;
Political control and policy-making uncertainty in executive orders: the implementation of environmental justice policy.
Journal of Public Policy
, 39
pp. 329-358.
Radaelli, CM;
Christopher Pollitt: Lessons and Memories.
, 24
pp. 452-455.
Radaelli, CM;
Halfway Through the Better Regulation Strategy of the Juncker Commission: What Does the Evidence Say?
JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies
, 56
pp. 85-95.
Radaelli, CM;
Regulatory indicators in the European Union and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: Performance assessment, organizational processes, and learning.
Public Policy and Administration
, 35
pp. 227-246.
Radaelli, CM;
Wagemann, C;
What did I leave out? Omitted variables in regression and qualitative comparative analysis.
European Political Science
, 18
pp. 275-290.
Reh, C;
Koop, C;
Bressanelli, E;
When politics prevails: Parties, elections and loyalty in the European Parliament.
European Journal of Political Research
, 57
pp. 563-586.
Renwick, AJ;
Allan, S;
Jennings, W;
McKee, R;
Russell, M;
Smith, G;
What Kind of Brexit do Voters want? Lessons from the Citizens' Assembly on Brexit.
The Political Quarterly
, 89
pp. 649-658.
Renwick, AJ;
Fisher, SD;
The UK’s referendum on EU membership of June 2016: how expectations of Brexit’s impact affected the outcome.
Acta Politica
, 53
pp. 590-611.
Renwick, AJ;
Palese, M;
Sargeant, J;
Discussing Brexit—Could We Do Better?
The Political Quarterly
, 89
pp. 545-552.
Russell, M;
Attempts to change the British House of Lords into a second chamber of the nations and regions: explaining a history of failed reforms.
Perspectives on Federalism
, 10
pp. 269-299.
Russell, M;
Cowley, P;
Modes of UK Executive-Legislative Relations Revisited.
The Political Quarterly
, 89
pp. 18-28.
Slapin, JB;
Kirkland, JH;
Lazzaro, JA;
Leslie, PA;
O'Grady, TD;
Ideology, Grandstanding, and Strategic Party Disloyalty in the British Parliament.
American Political Science Review
, 112
pp. 15-30.
Slootmaeckers, K;
Sircar, I;
Marrying European and domestic politics? Investigating the European dimension of the 2013 Croatian Marriage Referendum using a value-based Euroscepticism framework.
Europe-Asia Studies
, 70
pp. 321-344.
Sobolewska, M;
McKee, R;
Campbell, R;
Explaining motivation to represent: how does descriptive representation lead to substantive representation of racial and ethnic minorities?
West European Politic
, 41
pp. 1237-1261.
Sturgis, P;
Kuha, J;
Baker, N;
Callegro, M;
Fisher, S;
Green, J;
Jennings, W;
... Smith, P; + view all
An assessment of the causes of the errors in the 2015 UK general election opinion polls.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)
, 181
pp. 757-781.
Swift, ARG;
Brighouse, H;
Ladd, HF;
Loeb, S;
Good education policy making: data-informed but values-driven.
Phi Delta Kappan
, 100
pp. 36-39.
Swift, ARG;
Clayton, M;
Mason, A;
Wareham, R;
How to regulate faith schools.
, 2018
pp. 1-49.
Tertytchnaya, Katerina;
De Vries, Catherine E;
The Political Consequences of Self-Insurance: Evidence from Central-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Political Behavior
, 41
pp. 1047-1070.
Tertytchnaya, K;
De Vries, CE;
Solaz, H;
Doyle, D;
When the Money Stops: Fluctuations in Financial Remittances and Incumbent Approval in Central Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
American Political Science Review
, 112
pp. 758-774.
Vanhala, L;
Shaping the Structure of Legal Opportunities: Environmental NGOs Bringing International Environmental Procedural Rights Back Home.
Law & Policy
, 40
pp. 110-127.
Vanhala, L;
Lambe, S;
Knowles, R;
'Let Us Learn': Legal Mobilization for the Rights of Young Migrants to Access Student Loans in the UK.
Journal of Human Rights Practice
, 10
pp. 439-460.
Warren, P;
Demand-side policy: Global evidence base and implementation patterns.
Energy and Environment
, 29
pp. 706-731.
Watts, N;
Amann, M;
Arnell, N;
Ayeb-Karlsson, S;
Belesova, K;
Berry, H;
Hamilton, I;
The 2018 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: shaping the health of nations for centuries to come.
The Lancet
, 392
pp. 2479-2514.
Watts, N;
Amann, M;
Ayeb-Karlsson, S;
Belesova, K;
Bouley, T;
Boykoff, M;
Byass, P;
... Costello, A; + view all
The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: from 25 years of inaction to a global transformation for public health.
The Lancet
, 391
pp. 581-630.
Weale, A;
What’s so good about parliamentary hybrids? Comment on ‘Australian bicameralism as semi-parliamentarianism: patterns of majority formation in 29 democracies’.
Australian Journal of Political Science
, 53
pp. 234-240.
Velasco, JAI;
Panche, JA;
Reconciliaciones y resistencias modelos mentales y aprendizajes colectivos en la construcción de paz territorial en Colombia.
(1st ed.).
Universidad Santo Tomás: Colombia.
Book chapter
Bellamy, R;
Balancing the Rights of European Citizenship with Duties Towards National Citizens: An Inter-National Perspective.
In: Bauböck, R, (ed.)
Debating European Citizenship.
(pp. 239-244).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Bellamy, R;
'An Ever Closer Union Among the Peoples of Europe': Union Citizenship, Democracy, Rights and the Enfranchisement of Second Country Nationals.
In: Bauböck, R, (ed.)
Debating European Citizenship.
(pp. 47-50).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Bellamy, R;
State Citizenship, EU Citizenship and Freedom of Movement.
In: Bauböck, R, (ed.)
Debating European Citizenship.
(pp. 107-112).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Bellamy, RP;
‘The Paradox of the Democratic Prince: Machiavelli and the Neo-Machiavellians on Ideal Theory, Realism, and Democratic Leadership’.
In: Sleat, M, (ed.)
Politics Recovered: Essays on Realist Political Thought.
(pp. 166-193).
Columbia University Press: New York, NY, USA.
Bellamy, RP;
Merkel, W;
Bhargava, R;
Bidadanure, J;
Christiano, T;
Felt, U;
Hay, C;
... Verloo, M; + view all
Challenges of Inequality to Democracy.
In: IPSP, (ed.)
Rethinking Society for the 21st Century: Report of the International Panel on Social Progress: Volume 2: Political Regulation, Governance, and Societal Transformations.
(pp. 563-596).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Hazell, R;
Reid, F;
Private Members' bills.
In: Leston-Bandeira, C and Thompson, L, (eds.)
Exploring Parliament.
(pp. 122-130).
Oxford University Press
Hicks, TM;
Chapman, B;
The Political Economy of the Higher Education Contribution Scheme.
In: Cantwell, B and Coates, H and King, R, (eds.)
Handbook on the Politics of Higher Education.
(pp. 248-264).
Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.
Howard, J;
The Public Role of Ethics and Public Policy.
The Routledge Handbook of Ethics and Public Policy.
Routledge: London, UK.
McTernan, Emily;
Those who forget the past: An ethical challenge from the history of treating deviance.
In: Birks, David and Douglas, Thomas, (eds.)
Treatment For Crime: Philosophical Essays on Neurointerventions in Criminal Justice.
(pp. 274-288).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Stemplowska, Z;
Swift, A;
Dethroning Democratic Legitimacy.
In: Sobel, D and Vallentyne, P and Wall, S, (eds.)
Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy.
(pp. 3-27).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Proceedings paper
Pegram, T;
Rodriguez, NH;
Bridging the Gap: National Human Rights Institutions and the Inter-American Human Rights System.
In: Engstrom, P, (ed.)
The Inter-American Human Rights System: Impact Beyond Compliance.
(pp. pp. 167-198).
Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland.
Bennett, S;
Cechvala, S;
Harris, A;
Feedback to Action: Strategies to Improve the Use of Feedback in Programmatic Decision-Making.
International Rescue Committee: New York, NY, USA.
Harris, A;
Apio Ayado, I;
Schuster, C;
Meyer-Sahling, J;
Mikkelsen, KS;
Civil service management practices for a more motivated, committed and ethical public service in Uganda.
University College London: Kampala, Uganda.
Hazell, R;
Chebib, L;
Cogbill, A;
Owen, D;
Webber, H;
Critical friends: the role of non-executives on Whitehall boards.
The Constitution Unit: London, UK.
Hazell, RJD;
Morris, R;
Swearing in the new King: the Accession Declarations and Coronation Oaths.
(Constitution Unit reports
, pp. i-36
Constitution Unit, UCL: London, UK.
Meyer-Sahling, J;
Schuster, C;
Mikkelsen, K;
Pesti, C;
Randma-Liiv, T;
Civil Service Management in Estonia: Evidence from a Survey of Civil Servants and Employees.
Report prepared for the Government of Estonia: Talinn, Estonia.
Meyer-Sahling, J;
Schuster, C;
Mikkelsen, K;
Shrestha, SK;
Luitel, B;
Toth, F;
Civil Service Management in Nepal: Evidence from a Survey of More than 1,200 Public Servants.
Report prepared for the UK Department for International Development (DFID) Nepal Office: Kathmandu, Nepal.
Meyer-Sahling, J;
Schuster, C;
Mikkelsen, KS;
Civil Service Management in Developing Countries: What Works? Evidence from a Survey of 23.000 Public Servants in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.
Report prepared for the UK-Department for International Development (DFID): London, UK.
Meyer-Sahling, J-H;
Schuster, C;
Sass Mikkelsen, K;
Shundi, A;
The Quality of Civil Service Management in Albania: Evidence from a Survey of Central Government Civil Servants and Public Employees.
Report prepared for the Government of Albania: Tirana, Albania.
Sigman, R;
Mechkova, V;
Schuster, C;
Meyer-Sahling, J-H;
Mikkelsen, KS;
Civil Service Management Practices for a More Motivated, Committed and Ethical Public Service in Ghana.
Report prepared for the Ghana Public Services Commission: Accra, Ghana.
Working / discussion paper
Caflisch, Andrea;
Grubb, Michael D;
Kelly, Darragh;
Nieboer, Jeroen;
Osborne, Matthew;
Sending Out an SMS: The Impact of Automatically Enrolling Consumers Into Overdraft Alerts.
(Financial Contact Authority: Occasional Paper
Elsevier: New York (NY), USA.
Plouffe, M;
Kuo, J;
Do Electoral Campaigns Influence Public Support for Trade? Evidence from the 2016 US Presidential Election.
Godwin, Matthew;
A force in foreign affairs? Tamil diaspora interest group lobbying in Canada and the United Kingdom.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).