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Bakke, KM; Linke, AM; O'Loughlin, J; Toal, G; (2018) Dynamics of state-building after war: External-internal relations in Eurasian de facto states. Political Geography , 63 pp. 159-173. 10.1016/j.polgeo.2017.06.011. Green open access

Barnes, L; Feller, A; Haselswerdt, J; Porter, E; (2018) Information, Knowledge, and Attitudes: An Evaluation of the Taxpayer Receipt. The Journal of Politics , 80 (2) pp. 701-706. 10.1086/695672. Green open access

Barnes, L; Hicks, T; (2018) Making Austerity Popular: The Media and Mass Attitudes toward Fiscal Policy. American Journal of Political Science , 62 (2) pp. 340-354. 10.1111/ajps.12346. Green open access

Bel, G; Gradus, R; (2018) Privatisation, contracting-out and inter-municipal cooperation: new developments in local public service delivery. Local Government Studies , 44 (1) pp. 11-21. 10.1080/03003930.2017.1403904. Green open access

Bel, G; Hebdon, R; Warner, M; (2018) Beyond privatisation and cost savings: alternatives for local government reform. Local Government Studies , 44 (2) pp. 173-182. 10.1080/03003930.2018.1428190. Green open access

Bel, G; Holst, M; (2018) Assessing the effects of the Mexican Drug War on economic growth: An empirical analysis. Southern Economic Journal , 85 (1) pp. 276-303. 10.1002/soej.12280. Green open access

Bel, G; Joseph, S; (2018) Climate change mitigation and the role of technological change: Impact on selected headline targets of Europe's 2020 climate and energy package. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews , 82 pp. 3798-3807. 10.1016/j.rser.2017.10.090. Green open access

Bel, G; Joseph, S; (2018) Policy stringency under the European Union Emission trading system and its impact on technological change in the energy sector. Energy Policy , 117 pp. 434-444. 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.03.041. Green open access

Bel, G; Raudla, R; Rodrigues, M; Tavares, AF; (2018) These rules are made for spending: testing and extending the law of 1/n. Public Choice , 174 pp. 41-60. 10.1007/s11127-017-0488-y. Green open access

Bellamy, R; (2018) Majority Rule, Compromise and the Democratic Legitimacy of Referendums. Swiss Political Science Review , 24 (3) pp. 312-319. 10.1111/spsr.12315. Green open access

Bellamy, R; Lacey, J; (2018) Balancing the rights and duties of European and national citizens: a demoicratic approach. Journal of European Public Policy , 25 (10) pp. 1403-1421. 10.1080/13501763.2018.1488885. Green open access

Beria, P; Grimaldi, R; Albalate, D; Bel, G; (2018) Delusions of success: Costs and demand of high-speed rail in Italy and Spain. Transport Policy , 68 pp. 63-79. 10.1016/j.tranpol.2018.03.011. Green open access

Blumenau, J; Lauderdale, BE; (2018) Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: Agenda Setting and Legislative Voting in Response to the EU Crisis. The Journal of Politics , 80 (2) pp. 462-478. 10.1086/694543. Green open access

Brighouse, H; Swift, ARG; (2018) Family Ethics and Public Policy: Beyond the Medical Model. American Journal of Bioethics , 18 (1) pp. 55-58. 10.1080/15265161.2018.1530496. Green open access

Coen, D; Pegram, TI; (2018) Towards a Third Generation of Global Governance Scholarship. Global Policy , 9 (1) pp. 107-113. 10.1111/1758-5899.12527. Green open access

Coen, DJ; Vannoni, M; (2018) The Strategic Management of Government Affairs in Brussels. Business and Society 10.1177/0007650318755083. (In press). Green open access

Conant, L; Hofmann, A; Soennecken, D; Vanhala, L; (2018) Mobilizing European law. Journal of European Public Policy , 25 (9) pp. 1376-1389. 10.1080/13501763.2017.1329846. Green open access

Coverdale, HB; (2018) Punishment and Welfare: Defending Offender’s Inclusion as Subjects of State Care. Ethics and Social Welfare , 12 (2) pp. 117-132. 10.1080/17496535.2017.1364398. Green open access

Dunlop, CA; Radaelli, CM; (2018) Does Policy Learning Meet the Standards of an Analytical Framework of the Policy Process. Policy Studies Journal , 46 (S1) S48-S68. 10.1111/psj.12250. Green open access

Dunlop, CA; Radaelli, CM; (2018) The lessons of policy learning: types, triggers, hindrances and pathologies. Policy & Politics , 46 (2) pp. 255-272. 10.1332/030557318X15230059735521. Green open access

Foos, F; John, P; (2018) Parties are No Civic Charities: Voter Contact and the Changing Partisan Composition of the Electorate. Political Science Research and Methods , 6 (2) pp. 283-298. 10.1017/psrm.2016.48. Green open access

Gertz, G; Poulsen, L; Jandhyala, S; (2018) Legalization, diplomacy, and development: Do investment treaties de-politicize investment disputes? World Development , 107 pp. 239-252. 10.1016/j.worlddev.2018.02.023. Green open access

Gift, TC; Lastra-Anadón, CX; (2018) How voters assess elite-educated politicians: A survey experiment. Electoral Studies , 56 pp. 136-149. 10.1016/j.electstud.2018.09.004. Green open access

Green, F; (2018) Anti-fossil fuel norms. Climatic Change , 150 pp. 103-116. 10.1007/s10584-017-2134-6. Green open access

Green, F; (2018) The logic of fossil fuel bans. Nature climate change , 8 pp. 449-451. 10.1038/s41558-018-0172-3. Green open access

Green, F; Denniss, R; (2018) Cutting with both arms of the scissors: the economic and political case for restrictive supply-side climate policies. Climatic Change , 150 pp. 73-87. 10.1007/s10584-018-2162-x. Green open access

Harris, AS; Findley, MG; Nielson, DL; Noyes, KL; (2018) The Economic Roots of Anti-immigrant Prejudice in the Global South: Evidence from South Africa. Political Research Quarterly , 7 (1) pp. 228-241. 10.1177/1065912917734062. Green open access

Harris, AS; Hern, E; (2018) Taking to the Streets: Protest as an Expression of Political Preference in Africa. Comparative Political Studies , 52 (8) pp. 1169-1199. 10.1177/0010414018806540. Green open access

Hazell, R; Wells, J; (2018) Judicial Input into Parliamentary Legislation. Public Law , 2018 pp. 106-127. Green open access

Howard, JW; (2018) Kidnapped: The Ethics of Paying Ransoms. Journal of Applied Philosophy , 35 (4) pp. 675-688. 10.1111/japp.12272. Green open access

Kappe, R; (2018) Asymmetric evaluations: Government popularity and economic performance in the United Kingdom. Electoral Studies , 53 pp. 133-138. 10.1016/j.electstud.2018.02.002. Green open access

Lauderdale, BE; Hanretty, C; Vivyan, N; (2018) Decomposing public opinion variation into ideology, idiosyncrasy, and instability. Journal of Politics , 80 (2) pp. 707-712. 10.1086/695673. Green open access

Laybourn-Langton, L; Jacobs, M; (2018) Paradigm Shifts in Economic Theory and Policy. Intereconomics , 53 (3) pp. 113-118. 10.1007/s10272-018-0737-4. Green open access

Leventoğlu, B; Metternich, NW; (2018) Born Weak, Growing Strong: Anti-Government Protests as a Signal of Rebel Strength in the Context of Civil Wars. American Journal of Political Science , 62 (3) pp. 581-596. 10.1111/ajps.12356. Green open access

Littlejohns, P; Kieslich, K; Weale, A; Tumilty, E; Richardson, G; Stokes, T; Gauld, R; (2018) Creating sustainable health care systems: Agreeing social (societal) priorities through public participation. Journal of Health Organization and Management , 33 (1) pp. 18-34. 10.1108/JHOM-02-2018-0065. Green open access

Loken, M; Lake, M; Cronin-Furman, K; (2018) Deploying Justice: Strategic Accountability for Wartime Sexual Violence. International Studies Quarterly , 62 (4) pp. 751-764. 10.1093/isq/sqy039. Green open access

Losada, C; Esteve, M; (2018) Management Roles in Political and Senior Civil Servant Positions: A Multiple-Study Approach. International Public Management Journal , 21 (5) pp. 850-876. 10.1080/10967494.2017.1418772. Green open access

McTernan, E; (2018) Microaggressions, Equality, and Social Practices. The Journal of Political Philosophy , 26 (3) pp. 261-281. 10.1111/jopp.12150. Green open access

McTernan, E; (2018) Uterus transplants and the insufficient value of gestation. Bioethics , 32 (8) pp. 481-488. 10.1111/bioe.12523. Green open access

Meckled-García, S; (2018) Natural Duties of Justice in a World of States. Journal of Applied Philosophy , 35 (1) pp. 70-89. 10.1111/japp.12264. Green open access

Meckled-Garcia, S; (2018) Two (Different) Types of Human Rights Duty. Law, Ethics and Philosophy , 6 pp. 92-119. 10.31009/LEAP.2018.V6.06. Green open access

Meyer-Sahling, J-H; Mikkelsen, KS; Schuster, JWC; (2018) Civil service management and corruption: What we know and what we don't. Public Administration , 96 (2) pp. 276-285. 10.1111/padm.12404. Green open access

Mi, Z; Meng, J; Green, F; Coffman, DD; Guan, D; (2018) China's "Exported Carbon" Peak: Patterns, Drivers, and Implications. Geophysical Research Letters , 45 (9) pp. 4309-4318. 10.1029/2018GL077915. Green open access

Mikhaylov, SJ; Esteve, M; Campion, A; (2018) Artificial intelligence for the public sector: opportunities and challenges of cross-sector collaboration. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences , 376 (2128) 10.1098/rsta.2017.0357. Green open access

Nolette, P; Provost, C; (2018) Change and Continuity in the Role of State Attorneys General in the Obama and Trump Administrations. Publius: The Journal of Federalism , 43 (3) 10.1093/publius/pjy012. Green open access

Norman, J; Mikhael, A; (2018) Refugee youth, unemployment and extremism: countering the myth. Forced Migration Review , 57 pp. 57-58. Green open access

Pencheva, I; Esteve, M; Mikhaylov, SJ; (2018) Big Data and AI – A transformational shift for government: So, what next for research? Public Policy and Administration 10.1177/0952076718780537. (In press). Green open access

Prosser, B; Flinders, M; Jennings, W; Renwick, AJ; Spada, P; Stoker, G; Ghose, K; (2018) Pedagogy and deliberative democracy: insights from recent experiments in the United Kingdom. Contemporary Politics 10.1080/13569775.2017.1416259. (In press). Green open access

Provost, C; Gerber, BJ; (2018) Political control and policy-making uncertainty in executive orders: the implementation of environmental justice policy. Journal of Public Policy , 39 (2) pp. 329-358. 10.1017/S0143814X18000077. Green open access

Radaelli, CM; (2018) Christopher Pollitt: Lessons and Memories. Evaluation , 24 (4) pp. 452-455. 10.1177/1356389018803985. Green open access

Radaelli, CM; (2018) Halfway Through the Better Regulation Strategy of the Juncker Commission: What Does the Evidence Say? JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies , 56 (S1) pp. 85-95. 10.1111/jcms.12768. Green open access

Radaelli, CM; (2018) Regulatory indicators in the European Union and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: Performance assessment, organizational processes, and learning. Public Policy and Administration , 35 (3) pp. 227-246. 10.1177/0952076718758369. Green open access

Radaelli, CM; Wagemann, C; (2018) What did I leave out? Omitted variables in regression and qualitative comparative analysis. European Political Science , 18 pp. 275-290. 10.1057/s41304-017-0142-7. Green open access

Reh, C; Koop, C; Bressanelli, E; (2018) When politics prevails: Parties, elections and loyalty in the European Parliament. European Journal of Political Research , 57 (3) pp. 563-586. 10.1111/1475-6765.12252. Green open access

Renwick, AJ; Allan, S; Jennings, W; McKee, R; Russell, M; Smith, G; (2018) What Kind of Brexit do Voters want? Lessons from the Citizens' Assembly on Brexit. The Political Quarterly , 89 (4) pp. 649-658. 10.1111/1467-923X.12523. Green open access

Renwick, AJ; Fisher, SD; (2018) The UK’s referendum on EU membership of June 2016: how expectations of Brexit’s impact affected the outcome. Acta Politica , 53 (4) pp. 590-611. 10.1057/s41269-018-0111-3. Green open access

Renwick, AJ; Palese, M; Sargeant, J; (2018) Discussing Brexit—Could We Do Better? The Political Quarterly , 89 (4) pp. 545-552. 10.1111/1467-923X.12595. Green open access

Russell, M; (2018) Attempts to change the British House of Lords into a second chamber of the nations and regions: explaining a history of failed reforms. Perspectives on Federalism , 10 (2) pp. 269-299. Green open access

Russell, M; Cowley, P; (2018) Modes of UK Executive-Legislative Relations Revisited. The Political Quarterly , 89 (1) pp. 18-28. 10.1111/1467-923X.12463. Green open access

Slapin, JB; Kirkland, JH; Lazzaro, JA; Leslie, PA; O'Grady, TD; (2018) Ideology, Grandstanding, and Strategic Party Disloyalty in the British Parliament. American Political Science Review , 112 (1) pp. 15-30. 10.1017/S0003055417000375. Green open access

Slootmaeckers, K; Sircar, I; (2018) Marrying European and domestic politics? Investigating the European dimension of the 2013 Croatian Marriage Referendum using a value-based Euroscepticism framework. Europe-Asia Studies , 70 (3) pp. 321-344. 10.1080/09668136.2018.1457136. Green open access

Sobolewska, M; McKee, R; Campbell, R; (2018) Explaining motivation to represent: how does descriptive representation lead to substantive representation of racial and ethnic minorities? West European Politic , 41 (6) pp. 1237-1261. 10.1080/01402382.2018.1455408. Green open access

Sturgis, P; Kuha, J; Baker, N; Callegro, M; Fisher, S; Green, J; Jennings, W; ... Smith, P; + view all (2018) An assessment of the causes of the errors in the 2015 UK general election opinion polls. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) , 181 (3) pp. 757-781. 10.1111/rssa.12329. Green open access

Swift, ARG; Brighouse, H; Ladd, HF; Loeb, S; (2018) Good education policy making: data-informed but values-driven. Phi Delta Kappan , 100 (4) pp. 36-39. 10.1177/0031721718815671. Green open access

Swift, ARG; Clayton, M; Mason, A; Wareham, R; (2018) How to regulate faith schools. Impact , 2018 (25) pp. 1-49. 10.1111/2048-416X.2018.12005.x. Green open access

Tertytchnaya, Katerina; De Vries, Catherine E; (2018) The Political Consequences of Self-Insurance: Evidence from Central-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Political Behavior , 41 pp. 1047-1070. 10.1007/s11109-018-9482-4. Green open access

Tertytchnaya, K; De Vries, CE; Solaz, H; Doyle, D; (2018) When the Money Stops: Fluctuations in Financial Remittances and Incumbent Approval in Central Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. American Political Science Review , 112 (4) pp. 758-774. 10.1017/S0003055418000485. Green open access

Vanhala, L; (2018) Shaping the Structure of Legal Opportunities: Environmental NGOs Bringing International Environmental Procedural Rights Back Home. Law & Policy , 40 (1) pp. 110-127. 10.1111/lapo.12093. Green open access

Vanhala, L; Lambe, S; Knowles, R; (2018) 'Let Us Learn': Legal Mobilization for the Rights of Young Migrants to Access Student Loans in the UK. Journal of Human Rights Practice , 10 (3) pp. 439-460. 10.1093/jhuman/huy030. Green open access

Warren, P; (2018) Demand-side policy: Global evidence base and implementation patterns. Energy and Environment , 29 (5) pp. 706-731. 10.1177/0958305x18758486. Green open access

Watts, N; Amann, M; Arnell, N; Ayeb-Karlsson, S; Belesova, K; Berry, H; Hamilton, I; (2018) The 2018 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: shaping the health of nations for centuries to come. The Lancet , 392 (10163) pp. 2479-2514. 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32594-7. Green open access

Watts, N; Amann, M; Ayeb-Karlsson, S; Belesova, K; Bouley, T; Boykoff, M; Byass, P; ... Costello, A; + view all (2018) The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: from 25 years of inaction to a global transformation for public health. The Lancet , 391 (10120) pp. 581-630. 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32464-9. Green open access

Weale, A; (2018) What’s so good about parliamentary hybrids? Comment on ‘Australian bicameralism as semi-parliamentarianism: patterns of majority formation in 29 democracies’. Australian Journal of Political Science , 53 (2) pp. 234-240. 10.1080/10361146.2018.1451489. Green open access


Velasco, JAI; Panche, JA; (2018) Reconciliaciones y resistencias modelos mentales y aprendizajes colectivos en la construcción de paz territorial en Colombia. (1st ed.). Universidad Santo Tomás: Colombia.

Book chapter

Bellamy, R; (2018) Balancing the Rights of European Citizenship with Duties Towards National Citizens: An Inter-National Perspective. In: Bauböck, R, (ed.) Debating European Citizenship. (pp. 239-244). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Bellamy, R; (2018) 'An Ever Closer Union Among the Peoples of Europe': Union Citizenship, Democracy, Rights and the Enfranchisement of Second Country Nationals. In: Bauböck, R, (ed.) Debating European Citizenship. (pp. 47-50). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Bellamy, R; (2018) State Citizenship, EU Citizenship and Freedom of Movement. In: Bauböck, R, (ed.) Debating European Citizenship. (pp. 107-112). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Bellamy, RP; (2018) ‘The Paradox of the Democratic Prince: Machiavelli and the Neo-Machiavellians on Ideal Theory, Realism, and Democratic Leadership’. In: Sleat, M, (ed.) Politics Recovered: Essays on Realist Political Thought. (pp. 166-193). Columbia University Press: New York, NY, USA.

Bellamy, RP; Merkel, W; Bhargava, R; Bidadanure, J; Christiano, T; Felt, U; Hay, C; ... Verloo, M; + view all (2018) Challenges of Inequality to Democracy. In: IPSP, (ed.) Rethinking Society for the 21st Century: Report of the International Panel on Social Progress: Volume 2: Political Regulation, Governance, and Societal Transformations. (pp. 563-596). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Hazell, R; Reid, F; (2018) Private Members' bills. In: Leston-Bandeira, C and Thompson, L, (eds.) Exploring Parliament. (pp. 122-130). Oxford University Press Green open access

Hicks, TM; Chapman, B; (2018) The Political Economy of the Higher Education Contribution Scheme. In: Cantwell, B and Coates, H and King, R, (eds.) Handbook on the Politics of Higher Education. (pp. 248-264). Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK. Green open access

Howard, J; (2018) The Public Role of Ethics and Public Policy. In: The Routledge Handbook of Ethics and Public Policy. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

McTernan, Emily; (2018) Those who forget the past: An ethical challenge from the history of treating deviance. In: Birks, David and Douglas, Thomas, (eds.) Treatment For Crime: Philosophical Essays on Neurointerventions in Criminal Justice. (pp. 274-288). Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Stemplowska, Z; Swift, A; (2018) Dethroning Democratic Legitimacy. In: Sobel, D and Vallentyne, P and Wall, S, (eds.) Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy. (pp. 3-27). Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Proceedings paper

Pegram, T; Rodriguez, NH; (2018) Bridging the Gap: National Human Rights Institutions and the Inter-American Human Rights System. In: Engstrom, P, (ed.) The Inter-American Human Rights System: Impact Beyond Compliance. (pp. pp. 167-198). Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access


Bennett, S; Cechvala, S; Harris, A; (2018) Feedback to Action: Strategies to Improve the Use of Feedback in Programmatic Decision-Making. International Rescue Committee: New York, NY, USA.

Harris, A; Apio Ayado, I; Schuster, C; Meyer-Sahling, J; Mikkelsen, KS; (2018) Civil service management practices for a more motivated, committed and ethical public service in Uganda. University College London: Kampala, Uganda. Green open access

Hazell, R; Chebib, L; Cogbill, A; Owen, D; Webber, H; (2018) Critical friends: the role of non-executives on Whitehall boards. The Constitution Unit: London, UK. Green open access

Hazell, RJD; Morris, R; (2018) Swearing in the new King: the Accession Declarations and Coronation Oaths. (Constitution Unit reports 180 , pp. i-36 ). Constitution Unit, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Meyer-Sahling, J; Schuster, C; Mikkelsen, K; Pesti, C; Randma-Liiv, T; (2018) Civil Service Management in Estonia: Evidence from a Survey of Civil Servants and Employees. Report prepared for the Government of Estonia: Talinn, Estonia. Green open access

Meyer-Sahling, J; Schuster, C; Mikkelsen, K; Shrestha, SK; Luitel, B; Toth, F; (2018) Civil Service Management in Nepal: Evidence from a Survey of More than 1,200 Public Servants. Report prepared for the UK Department for International Development (DFID) Nepal Office: Kathmandu, Nepal. Green open access

Meyer-Sahling, J; Schuster, C; Mikkelsen, KS; (2018) Civil Service Management in Developing Countries: What Works? Evidence from a Survey of 23.000 Public Servants in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. Report prepared for the UK-Department for International Development (DFID): London, UK. Green open access

Meyer-Sahling, J-H; Schuster, C; Sass Mikkelsen, K; Shundi, A; (2018) The Quality of Civil Service Management in Albania: Evidence from a Survey of Central Government Civil Servants and Public Employees. Report prepared for the Government of Albania: Tirana, Albania. Green open access

Sigman, R; Mechkova, V; Schuster, C; Meyer-Sahling, J-H; Mikkelsen, KS; (2018) Civil Service Management Practices for a More Motivated, Committed and Ethical Public Service in Ghana. Report prepared for the Ghana Public Services Commission: Accra, Ghana. Green open access

Working / discussion paper

Caflisch, Andrea; Grubb, Michael D; Kelly, Darragh; Nieboer, Jeroen; Osborne, Matthew; (2018) Sending Out an SMS: The Impact of Automatically Enrolling Consumers Into Overdraft Alerts. (Financial Contact Authority: Occasional Paper 36). Elsevier: New York (NY), USA. Green open access

Plouffe, M; Kuo, J; (2018) Do Electoral Campaigns Influence Public Support for Trade? Evidence from the 2016 US Presidential Election. Elsevier Green open access


Godwin, Matthew; (2018) A force in foreign affairs? Tamil diaspora interest group lobbying in Canada and the United Kingdom. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

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