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Number of items: 69.


Akeroyd, J; Herman, E; Nicholas, D; Watkinson, A; (2022) Health and Medical Researcher Publishing Patterns and How Libraries Support Them. The Serials Librarian , 83 (2) pp. 115-127. 10.1080/0361526X.2022.2045244. Green open access

Alhuraiti, Reham; (2022) Information Literacy Perspectives and Practices of Kuwait’s Government Intermediate School Librarians. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Belaid, Ikram; (2022) Building ‘Diverse’ Spaces in YA Fantasy: Publishers, Readers, and Media Adaptations. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Birze, Arija; Regehr, Kaitlyn; Regehr, Cheryl; (2022) Workplace Trauma in a Digital Age: The Impact of Video Evidence of Violent Crime on Criminal Justice Professionals. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 10.21428/cb6ab371.a9999472. (In press). Green open access


Crymble, A; (2022) The decline and fall of an early modern slum: London's St Giles 'Rookery', c. 1550–1850. Urban History 10.1017/S0963926821000183. (In press). Green open access

Crymble, Adam; (2022) The Black Londoner Experience: Exploring Black Life through Records of the Court, 1720-1840. [Scholarly edition]. Crymble, Adam (Ed). Adam Crymble: London, UK. Green open access

Cunliffe, D; Vlachidis, A; Williams, D; Tudhope, D; (2022) Natural Language Processing for Under-resourced Languages: Developing a Welsh Natural Language Toolkit. Computer Speech & Language , 72 , Article 101311. 10.1016/j.csl.2021.101311. Green open access


Dietz, Laura; (2022) Projection or Reflection? The Pandemic Bookshelf as a Mirror for Self-Image and Personal Identity. English Studies , 103 (5) pp. 675-689. 10.1080/0013838x.2022.2087034. Green open access

Duke-Williams, Oliver; (2022) Open data and data repositories. Presented at: UCL Open Science Conference 2022, London, UK. Green open access


Fan, Hongxiang; Ferianc, Martin; Que, Zhiqiang; Li, He; Liu, Shuanglong; Niu, Xinyu; Luk, Wayne; (2022) Algorithm and Hardware Co-design for Reconfigurable CNN Accelerator. In: 2022 27th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC). IEEE: Taipei, Taiwan. Green open access

Fan, Hongxiang; Ferianc, Martin; Que, Zhiqiang; Liu, Shuanglong; Niu, Xinyu; Rodrigues, Miguel; Luk, Wayne; (2022) FPGA-based Acceleration for Bayesian Convolutional Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 10.1109/tcad.2022.3160948. (In press). Green open access

Fan, Hongxiang; Ferianc, Martin; Que, Zhiqiang; Niu, Xinyu; Rodrigues, Miguel; Luk, Wayne; (2022) Accelerating Bayesian Neural Networks via Algorithmic and Hardware Optimizations. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems , 33 (12) pp. 3387-3399. 10.1109/tpds.2022.3153682. (In press). Green open access

Ferianc, M; Sankaran, A; Mastropietro, O; Saboori, E; Cappart, Q; (2022) On Causal Inference for Data-free Structured Pruning. In: Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence: ITCI'22. AAAI: Vancouver, BC, Canada. Green open access

Flinn, Andrew; Wiśniewska-Drewniak, Magdalena; Tenaglia, Mônica; Li, Mengqui; Seixas, Luisa; (2022) Bridging the Gaps Between Communities and their Memories: Comparing Community-Based Archives in Five Countries. Comma , 2022 (1) pp. 99-113. 10.3828/coma.2022.10. Green open access

Fu, Yaming; Lomas, Elizabeth; Inskip, Charles; (2022) Cognitive mapping and its implication for understanding cultural behaviors and experiences in libraries. Library & Information Science Research , 44 (3) , Article 101181. 10.1016/j.lisr.2022.101181. Green open access

Fu, Yaming; Lomas, Elizabeth; Inskip, Charles; Bunn, Jenny; (2022) Understanding international users' library experience in the Digital Age – joining the behavioral and experiential aspects. Journal of Documentation 10.1108/jd-02-2022-0035. (In press). Green open access

Fu, Yaming; Mahony, Simon; Liu, Bingjung; (2022) Digital Humanities and the Library: research partners? Presented at: Digital Humanities Congress 2022, Sheffield, UK. Green open access

Fu, Yaming; Mahony, Simon; Liu, Wei; (2022) Digital storytelling in DH practice to encourage civil participation and reconstruction of the historical narrative. Presented at: DARIAH-EU 2022, Athens, Greece. Green open access

Fu, Yaming; Mahony, Simon; Liu, Wei; (2022) Digital storytelling in DH practice to encourage civil participation and reconstruction of the vernacular history of Shanghai. Presented at: DH Unbound 2022, Virtual conference. Green open access


Gao, Jin; Nyhan, Julianne; Duke-Williams, Oliver; Mahony, Simon; (2022) Gender influences in Digital Humanities co-authorship networks. Journal of Documentation , 78 (7) pp. 327-350. 10.1108/jd-11-2021-0221. Green open access


Hicks, A; (2022) The missing link: Towards an integrated health and information literacy research agenda. Social Science & Medicine , 292 , Article 114592. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114592. Green open access

Hicks, A; Lloyd, A; (2022) Reaching into the basket of doom: Learning outcomes, discourse, and information literacy. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 10.1177/09610006211067216. Green open access

Hicks, A; Nicholson, K; Seale, M; (2022) Make me think! Exploring library UX through the lens of (critical) information literacy. The Library Quarterly , 92 (2) pp. 109-128. 10.1086/718597. Green open access

Hicks, Alison; Lloyd, Annemaree; (2022) Agency and liminality during the COVID-19 pandemic: Why information literacy can’t fix vaccine hesitancy. Journal of Information Science 10.1177/01655515221124003. (In press). Green open access

Hicks, Alison; Lloyd, Annemaree; (2022) Risk, vaccine hesitancy and information literacy during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science. (pp. colis2211). Information Research, 27(Special issue): Oslo, Norway. Green open access

Hicks, Alison; Lloyd, Annemaree; Inskip, Charlie; McKinney, Pam; Walton, Geoff; (2022) Leveraging information literacy: Mapping the conceptual influence and appropriation of information literacy in other disciplinary landscapes. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science (In press). Green open access

Hider, Philip; Lee, Deborah; (2022) The categorisation of public library materials: Mental models of the bibliographic universe revisited. In: 17th international ISKO conference. (pp. pp. 121-132). Ergon Verlag: Baden-Baden, Germany.

Hollis, Helena; (2022) The influence of reading fiction upon critical thinking. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Humbel, Marco; (2022) Participatory Action Research for a Digital Humanities research project: Investigating Open GLAM in the context of Social Movement Archives. In: Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2022. (pp. pp. 249-252). : Tokyo, Japan. Green open access


Inskip, Charles; (2022) What are the options for library and information studies education reform in addressing racial inequity in the library profession in the UK? Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 10.1177/09610006221114483. (In press). Green open access


Kazim, Emre; Fenoglio, Enzo; Hilliard, Airlie; Koshiyama, Adriano; Mulligan, Catherine; Trengove, Markus; Gilbert, Abigail; ... Porayska-Pomsta, Kaska; + view all (2022) On the sui generis value capture of new digital technologies: The case of AI. Patterns , 3 (7) , Article 100526. 10.1016/j.patter.2022.100526. Green open access

Kazim, Emre; Güçlütürk, Osman; Almeida, Denise; Kerrigan, Charles; Lomas, Elizabeth; Koshiyama, Adriano; Hilliard, Airlie; (2022) Proposed EU AI Act - Presidency Compromise Text: Select Overview and Comment on the Changes to the Proposed Regulation. AI and Ethics 10.1007/s43681-022-00179-z. (In press). Green open access


Lee, Deborah; Hider, Philip; (2022) Knowledge Organisation Across Aural and Visual Domains: Connecting the Facets of Music and Art. In: Knowledge organization across disciplines, domains, services and technologies. Ergon Verlag: Aalborg, Denmark. Green open access

Lloyd, A; Hicks, A; (2022) Information literacy, transition, and risk in the COVID-19-environment. In: Information for a Better World: Shaping the Global Future. iConference 2022. (pp. pp. 79-87). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Loboda, Olga; (2022) Transforming visitor experience with museum technologies: The development and impact evaluation of a recommender system in a physical museum. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Lomas, Elizabeth; (2022) Information Governance: Are we there yet and … if not where are we heading? Presented at: RIMPA Global, Canberra, Australia. Green open access

Lomas, Elizabeth; Shepherd, Elizabeth; Hoyle, Victoria; Sexton, Anna; Flinn, Andrew; (2022) A Framework for Person-Centred Recordkeeping Drawn through the Lens of Out-of-Home Child-Care Contexts. Archivaria , 94 (SI) pp. 64-93. Green open access


Mahony, Simon; (2022) The Open Agenda: Why Openness and Transparency Are Needed. Information Matters , 2 (5) Green open access

Mahony, Simon; (2022) Toward openness and transparency to better facilitate knowledge creation. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 10.1002/asi.24652. (In press). Green open access

Mahony, Simon; Fu, Yaming; (2022) Digital Humanities Curriculum Development: an iSchools Approach. Presented at: Digital Humanities Congress 2022, Sheffield, UK. Green open access

Mahony, Simon; Fu, Yaming; (2022) Localizing Chinese Digital Humanities within the Globalized Community. Presented at: The 4th China Digital Humanities Conference, Beijing, China. Green open access

Mahony, Simon; Fu, Yaming; Liu, Wei; (2022) Reconstruction of cultural memory through digital storytelling: a case study of Shanghai Memory project. Presented at: Digital Humanities 2022, Tokyo, Japan. Green open access

Metilli, Daniele; Vlachidis, Andreas; Humbel, Marco; Pickering, Victoria; Carine, Mark; Sloan, Kim; Nyhan, Julianne; (2022) Towards a Network Analysis of Hans Sloane's Collection: A Preliminary Study. Presented at: EUSN 2022 – 6th European Conference on Social Networks, London, UK. Green open access

Mikhaylova, D; Metilli, D; (2022) An Extension of RiC-O for Architectural Archives. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings. (pp. pp. 98-107). CEUR Green open access


Nemorin, Selena; Vlachidis, Andreas; Hayford, Ayerakwa; Andriotis, Panagiotis; (2022) AI hyped? A horizon scan of discourse on artificial intelligence in education (AIED) and development. Learning, Media and Technology 10.1080/17439884.2022.2095568. (In press). Green open access

Newman, Jim; Duke-Williams, Oliver; (2022) The ONS Longitudinal Study. Presented at: Introducing longitudinal population studies: The ONS Longitudinal Study and the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England 2, London, UK. Green open access

Nyhan, Julianne; Vlachidis, Andreas; Flinn, Andrew; Pearlman, Nina; Humbel, Marco; Metilli, Daniele; Sadek, Jawad; ... Terracciano, Alda; + view all (2022) The Sloane Lab: Dealing with a challenging past. Presented at: Universeum 2022, Leuven, Belgium. Green open access


Onah, Daniel; (2022) EnuwaJGX: Machine Learning Gene Prediction Software Application Model - An Innovative Method to Precision Medicine and Predictive Analysis of Visualising Mutated Genes Associated to Neurological Phenotype of Diseases. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. (pp. pp. 281-291). SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications: Valletta, Malta. Green open access

Onah, Daniel FO; Pang, Elaine Ling Ling; Sinclair, Jane Elizabeth; (2022) An Investigation of Self-Regulated Learning in a Novel MOOC Platform. Journal of Computing in Higher Education 10.1007/s12528-022-09346-x. (In press). Green open access

Onah, Daniel FO; Pang, Elaine LL; El-Haj, Mahmoud; (2022) A Data-driven Latent Semantic Analysis for Automatic Text Summarization using LDA Topic Modelling. ArXiv Green open access


Ramírez Echavarría, Diego; (2022) Enhancing Word Representation Learning with Linguistic Knowledge. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Regehr, Cheryl; Regehr, Kaitlyn; Birze, Arija; (2022) Traumatic residue, mediated remembering and video evidence of sexual violence: A case study. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry , 81 , Article 101778. 10.1016/j.ijlp.2022.101778. Green open access

Regehr, Kaitlyn; (2022) In(cel)doctrination: How technologically facilitated misogyny moves violence off screens and on to streets. New Media & Society , 24 (1) pp. 138-155. 10.1177/1461444820959019. Green open access

Rowberry, Simon; (2022) The Ebook Imagination. Digital Humanities Quarterly , 16 (1) Green open access

Rowberry, Simon Peter; (2022) Four Shades of Gray: The Amazon Kindle Platform. [Book]. The MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA. Green open access


Seale, M; Hicks, A; Nicholson, K; (2022) Towards a Critical Turn in Library UX. FIMS Publications , 83 (1) , Article 355. Green open access

Shepherd, Elizabeth; (2022) Pioneering Women Archivists in early 20th Century England: a progress report. Der Archivar | Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen , 2 (G 4914) pp. 117-120. Green open access

Sheward, Felipe; Romano, Daniela M; Marquardt, Nicolai; (2022) ASAD: A Novel Audification Console for Assessment and Communication of Pain and Discomfort. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies , 2022 , Article 9307316. 10.1155/2022/9307316. Green open access

Smyth, Hannah K; (2022) "Permanent Reminders": Digital Archives and the Irish Commemorative Impulse. Éire-Ireland , 57 (1-2) pp. 166-188. 10.1353/eir.2022.0008. Green open access

Stephens, Neil; Vrikki, Photini; Riesch, Hauke; Martin, Olwenn; (2022) Protesting Populist Knowledge Practices: Collective Effervescence at the March for Science London. Cultural Sociology , 16 (2) pp. 212-230. 10.1177/17499755211033556. Green open access

Strömfelt, H; Dickens, L; d'Avila Garcez, A; Russo, A; (2022) Formalizing Consistency and Coherence of Representation Learning. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. NIPS Green open access

Stromfelt, Harald; Dickens, Luke; Garcez, Artur; Russo, Alessandra; (2022) Formalizing Coherence and Consistency Applied to Transfer Learning in Neuro-Symbolic Autoencoders. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (In press). Green open access

Szostak, Rick; Lee, Deborah; (2022) Classifying Musical Genres: Building musical form and genre into BCC: Repurposing LCGFT terms for music into the Basic Concepts Classification. Knowledge Organization , 49 (4) pp. 257-272. 10.5771/0943-7444-2022-4-257. Green open access


Tong, Kin-Long; (2022) Archiving social movement memories amidst autocratization: a case study of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement Visual Archive. International Journal of Heritage Studies , 28 (6) pp. 733-751. 10.1080/13527258.2022.2070774. Green open access

Trengove, Markus; Kazim, Emre; Almeida, Denise; Hilliard, Airlie; Zannone, Sara; Lomas, Elizabeth; (2022) A critical review of the Online Safety Bill. Patterns , 3 (8) , Article 100544. 10.1016/j.patter.2022.100544. Green open access


Vlachidis, A; Tudhope, D; (2022) A Method for Archaeological and Dendrochronological Concept Annotation using Domain Knowledge in Information Extraction. International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies , 15 (3) pp. 192-203. 10.1504/IJMSO.2021.123042. Green open access


Walsh, JA; Cobb, PJ; de Fremery, W; Golub, K; Keah, H; Kim, J; Kiplang'at, J; ... Wang, X; + view all (2022) Digital humanities in the iSchool. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology , 73 (2) pp. 188-203. 10.1002/asi.24535. Green open access

Westbury, Margaret; (2022) Diamond Open Access: Needs Must or Disruptive? Presented at: UNSPECIFIED. Green open access


Zhang, Jiajie; Watson, Paul; Hodgson, Barry; (2022) A new approach to impact case study analytics. Data & Policy , 4 , Article e30. 10.1017/dap.2022.21. Green open access

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