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Al-Saleh, M; Romano, DM; (2015) Culturally Appropriate Behavior in Virtual Agents. In: (Proceedings) Eleventh Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference. (pp. pp. 69-74). AAAI Press Green open access


Banton, M; Williams, S; Shepherd, E; (2015) Introduction: Freedom of Information and the Commonwealth. The Round Table , 104 (6) pp. 645-649. 10.1080/00358533.2015.1112088. Green open access

Bunn, J; (2015) Exploring the potential for cross disciplinary working with archives and records management. In: Inkpen, Kori and Woo, Woontack, (eds.) Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA '15. (pp. pp. 2169-2174). ACM: New York, USA. Green open access


Crymble, A; (2015) A Comparative Approach to Identifying the Irish in Long Eighteenth-Century London. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History , 48 (3) pp. 141-152. 10.1080/01615440.2015.1007194. Green open access

Crymble, A; Falcini, L; Hitchcock, T; (2015) Vagrant Lives: 14,789 Vagrants Processed by the County of Middlesex, 1777–1786. Journal of Open Humanities Data , 1 , Article e1. 10.5334/johd.1. Green open access


Duke-Williams, Oliver; (2015) Understanding geographies of active commuting: second addresses. Presented at: Environment and physical activity; invited talk, Sydney, Australia. Green open access


Eveleigh, AMM; (2015) Crowding out the Archivist? Implications of online user participation for archival theory and practice. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Fay, E; Nyhan, J; (2015) Webbs on the Web: Libraries, Digital Humanities and collaboration. Library Review , 64 (1/2) 118 - 134. 10.1108/LR-08-2014-0089. Green open access

Flinn, AD; (2015) Community Archives. In: Duranti, L, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Archival Science. (pp. 145-149). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Fyfe, H; Vlachidis, A; (2015) Digital R&D Fund for the Arts in Wales. Arts Council of Wales [Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru]: Cardiff, Wales, UK. Green open access


Garea Garcia, N; Welsh, A; Bikakis, A; Mahony, S; Inskip, C; Vogel, M; (2015) Core Concepts for Future Cataloguers. Presented at: CILIP Conference 2015, Liverpool, UK. Green open access

Garside, DJ; (2015) Initial Observations on Lighting Situations in The British Museum. Presented at: SEAHA 2015, London, United Kingdom. Green open access

Giacometti, A; Campagnolo, A; MacDonald, L; Mahony, S; Robson, S; Weyrich, T; Terras, MM; (2015) UCL Multispectral Processed Images of Parchment Damage Dataset. [Dataset]. UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access

giacometti, A; Terras, MM; Campagnolo, A; macdonald, L; Mahony, S; Robson, S; Weyrich, T; (2015) The Value of Critical Destruction: Evaluating Multispectral Image Processing Methods for the Analysis of Primary Historical Texts. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities , 32 (1) 10.1093/llc/fqv036. Green open access

Gkotsis, George; (2015) ACQUA: Automated Community-based Question Answering through the Discretisation of Shallow Linguistic Features. Journal of Web Science , 1 (1) pp. 1-15. 10.1561/106.00000001. Green open access


Harris, SM; Piquette, KE; (2015) Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) for visualising leather grain surface morphology as an aid to species identification: a pilot study. In: Winterbottom, S, (ed.) Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter No.42. (pp. 13-18). Archaeological Leather Group: London, UK. Green open access

Hess, M; (2015) A metric test object informed by user requirements for better 3D recording of cultural heritage artefacts. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hess, M; (2015) Online Survey About Current Use Of 3D Imaging And Its User Requirements In Cultural Heritage Institutions. In: 2015 Digital Heritage. (pp. pp. 333-338). IEEE Xplore digital library: Granada, Spain. Green open access

Hess, M; Korenberg, C; Ward, C; Robson, S; Entwistle, C; (2015) Use of 3D laser scanning for monitoring the dimensional stability of a Byzantine ivory panel. Studies in Conservation , 60 (S1) S126-S133. 10.1179/0039363015Z.000000000217. Green open access


Inskip, C; (2015) Digital Musicology: Mission Accomplished? Presented at: 2015 IAML/IMS Congress: Music Research in the Digital Age, New York City. Green open access

Inskip, C; (2015) From information literacy to digital scholarship: challenges and opportunities for librarians. Presented at: Digital Literacy – librarians, staff and students – where are we now?, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne. Green open access

Inskip, C; (2015) Information Literacy in LIS education: exploring the student view. Journal of Information Literacy , 9 (2) 10.11645/9.2.1977. Green open access

Inskip, C; (2015) Information Literacy in the workplace. Presented at: CILIP Conference 2015, Liverpool. Green open access

Inskip, C; (2015) Making information literacy relevant in employment settings. Online Searcher , 39 (4) pp. 54-57. Green open access

Inskip, C; (2015) What is workplace information literacy? A comparison of views from the chalkface and the workplace. Presented at: Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference LILAC, Newcastle. Green open access

Inskip, C; (2015) Workforce development and digital literacies. Presented at: Embedding digital literacy in your university - Westminster Briefing, London. Green open access

Inskip, C; Wiering, F; (2015) In their own words: using text analysis to identify musicologists' attitudes towards technology. Presented at: 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Malaga, Spain. Green open access

Inskip, C; Wiering, F; (2015) What do musicologists do all day? Presented at: National Association for Music in Higher Education NAMHE - Music – Learning – Technology, The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow. Green open access


Kontiza, K; Bikakis, A; Miller, R; (2015) Cognitive-based visualization of semantically structured cultural heritage data. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Visualizations and User Interfaces for Ontologies and Linked Data co-located with 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015). (pp. pp. 61-68). CEUR: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA. Green open access

Kurdi, O; Stannett, M; Romano, DM; (2015) Modeling and simulation of tawaf and sa'yee: A survey of recent work in the field. In: (Proceedings) 29th European Simulation and Modelling Conference - ESM'2015. (pp. pp. 441-447). Eurosis Green open access


Lloyd, A; (2015) Stranger in a strange land; enabling information resilience in resettlement landscapes. Journal of Documentation , 71 (5) pp. 1029-1042. 10.1108/JD-04-2014-0065. Green open access

Lomas, EJ; McLeod, J; (2015) Encyclopedia entry on records management. In: Duranti, L and Franks, P, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Archival Science. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Green open access


Norris, E; Shelton, N; Dunsmuir, S; Duke-Williams, O; Stamatakis, E; (2015) Physically active lessons as physical activity and educational interventions: A systematic review of methods and results. [Review]. Preventive Medicine , 72 pp. 116-125. 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.12.027. Green open access

Norris, E; Shelton, N; Dunsmuir, S; Duke-Williams, O; Stamatakis, E; (2015) Teacher and pupil perspectives on the use of Virtual Field Trips as physically active lessons. BMC Research Notes , 8 (1) , Article 719. 10.1186/s13104-015-1698-3. Green open access

Norris, E; Shelton, N; Dunsmuir, S; Duke-Williams, O; Stamatakis, E; (2015) Virtual field trips as physically active lessons for children: a pilot study. BMC Public Health , 15 , Article 366. 10.1186/s12889-015-1706-5. Green open access

Nyhan, J; (2015) Community Archives in the UK: the state of the art. In: Archiwa społeczne w Wielkiej Brytanii: zarys problematyki. (pp. 221-237). Fundacja O Środka Karta. Program Archiwistyka Społeczna: Warsaw, Poland. Green open access

Nyhan, J; (2015) Scholarly Labour and Digital Collaboration in Literary Studies: An Invited Reply. Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective , 4 (5) pp. 23-28. Green open access

Nyhan, J; (2015) Archiwa Społeczne W Wielkiej Brytanii: Zarys Problematyki. In: Ziętal, K, (ed.) Archiwa społeczne w Wielkiej Brytanii: zarys problematyki. (pp. 206-220). Fundacja O Środka Karta. Program Archiwistyka Społeczna: Warsaw, Poland. Green open access

Nyhan, J; Flinn, A; Welsh, A; (2015) Oral History and the Hidden Histories project: towards histories of computing in the humanities. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities , 30 (1) pp. 71-85. 10.1093/llc/fqt044. Green open access

Nyhan, J; Flinn, AD; Welsh, A; (2015) Oral History and the hidden histories project: towards histories of computing in the Humanities. Literary and Linguistic Computing: the journal of digital scholarship in the humanities. , 30 (1) pp. 71-85. 10.1093/llc/fqt044. Green open access


Rayner, Samantha J; Deegan, Marilyn; (2015) The Academic Book of the Future. Insights , 28 (3) , Article http://dx.doi.org/10.1629/uksg.258. 10.1629/uksg.258. Green open access

Rayner, SJ; (2015) The Case of the 'Curious Document': Malory, William Matthews, and Eugène Vinaver. Journal of the International Arthurian Society , 3 pp. 120-138. 10.1515/jias-2015-0007. Green open access

Richards, JD; Tudhope, D; Vlachidis, A; (2015) Text Mining in archaeology: extracting information from archaeological reports. In: Mathematics and Archaeology. (pp. 240-254). CRC Press Green open access


Shepherd, EJ; (2015) Freedom of information, right to access information, open data: who is at the table? The Round Table , 104 (6) pp. 715-726. 10.1080/00358533.2015.1112101. Green open access


Vlachidis, A; Tudhope, D; (2015) A knowledge-based approach to Information Extraction for semantic interoperability in the archaeology domain. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology , 67 (5) pp. 1138-1152. 10.1002/asi.23485. Green open access

Vlachidis, A; Tudhope, D; (2015) Negation detection and word sense disambiguation in digital archaeology reports for the purposes of semantic annotation. Program , 49 (2) pp. 118-134. 10.1108/PROG-10-2014-0076. Green open access


Welsh, A; Bikakis, A; Garea Garcia, N; Mahony, S; Inskip, C; Vogel, M; (2015) Work in Progress: the Linked Open Bibliographic Data Project. Catalogue and Index (178) 15 - 19. Green open access

Welsh, A; Inskip, C; (2015) "Intellectual and Practical Knowing": the introduction of the Professional Knowledge and Skills Base at UCL. Presented at: iConference 2015, Newport Beach, California, USA. Green open access

Welsh, A; Inskip, C; (2015) "Intellectual and Practical Knowing": the introduction of the Professional Knowledge and Skills Base at University College London. Presented at: iConference 2015, Newport Beach, California, USA. Green open access

Wiering, F; Inskip, C; (2015) What do musicologists do all day. Presented at: 2015 IAML/IMS Congress: Music Research in the Digital Age, New York City. Green open access

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