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Arena, V; (2003) NOT SO DEMOCRATIC AFTER ALL? [Review]. CLASSICAL REV , 53 (1) 158 - 159. 10.1093/cr/53.1.158. Green open access

Ash, R; (2003) Review of M.B. Roller, Constructing Autocracy: Aristocrats and Emperors in Julio-Claudian Rome. [Review]. Journal of Roman Studies , 93 (2003) 395 - 396. 10.2307/3184735. Green open access

Attanasio, O; Emmerson, C; (2003) Differential mortality in the UK. Journal of the European Economic Association , 1 (4) pp. 821-850. Green open access


Baerlecken, M; Tiedau, U; (2003) Das Deutsch-Niederländische Institut in Köln 1931–1945 und die Neubegründung der Niederlandistik in der Bundesrepublik. In: Dietz, B and Gabel, H and Tiedau, U, (eds.) Griff nach dem Westen : die 'Westforschung' der völkisch-nationalen Wissenschaften zum nordwesteuropäischen Raum 1920-1960. (851 - 885). Waxmann: Münster, Germany. Green open access

Bajaj, B; (2003) A terminological study of the means of signalling temporal order in aircraft accident reports. In: Proceedings of the The 14th European Symposium on Language for Special Purposes:Communication, Culture, Knowledge. University of Surrey, UK

Bajaj, Bettina C.; (2003) A terminological approach to the investigation of temporal ordering relations in English and German aircraft accident reports. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of Surrey. Green open access

Banks, J; Casanova, M; (2003) Work and retirement. In: Marmot, A, (ed.) Health, Wealth and Lifestyles of the Older Population in England. (pp. 127-166). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London. Green open access

Banks, J; Karlsen, S; Oldfield, Z; (2003) Socio-economic position. In: Marmot, A, (ed.) Health, Wealth and Lifestyles of the Older Population in England. Institute for Fiscal Studies: London. Green open access

Bennion, H; Burgess, A; Boyle, J; Appleby, PG; Rose, NL; Sayer, CD; Theophile, S; (2003) Sediment survey of the Suffolk Broads. (ECRC Research Reports 92 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Bevan, AH; (2003) Value regimes and the consumption of exotic stone vessels in the Late Bronze Age Aegean. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies , 46 (1) 217 - 218. 10.1111/j.2041-5370.2003.tb00742.x. Green open access

Bevan, AH; (2003) Reconstructing the role of Egyptian culture in the value regimes of the Bronze Age Aegean: stone vessels and their social contexts. In: Matthews, R and Roemer, C, (eds.) Ancient Perspectives on Egypt. (57 - 73). UCL Press: London, UK. Green open access

Bevan, AH; Frederick, C; Krahtopoulou, N; (2003) A digital Mediterranean countryside: GIS approaches to the spatial structure of the post-Medieval landscape on Kythera (Greece). Archaeologia e Calcolatori , 14 217 - 236. Green open access

Blundell, R; Dearden, L; Sianesi, B; (2003) Evaluating the impact of education on earnings in the UK:models, methods and results from the NCDS. (IFS Working Papers W03/20 ). The Institute for Fiscal Studies, UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. Green open access

Bowersox, JD; (2003) 'Loyal Sons of the Church and Fatherland'? Center-Polish Relations in Upper Silesia, 1871-1907. Canadian Journal of History = Annales canadiennes d'histoire , 38 (2) pp. 231-257. 10.3138/cjh.38.2.231. Green open access

Bracewell, CW; (2003) Friends, Lovers, Rivals, Enemies: Blood-Brotherhood on an Early-Modern Balkan Frontier. Caiete de Antropologie Istorică , 2 (1-3) 103 - 126. Green open access


Carlin, W; Fries, S; Schaffer, M; Seabright, P; (2003) Competition, restructuring and firm performance: evidence of an inverted-U relationship from a cross-country survey of firms in transition economies. (Discussion Papers in Economics 03-01 ). Department of Economics, University College London, UCL (University College London), Department of Economics, University College: London, UK. Green open access

Ceccarelli, P; (2003) "Citoyens en quelque sorte" : classes d'âge et activité politique en Grèce ancienne : M. C. Giammarco Razzano, La vecchiaia di Solone. Età e politica nella città greca. [Review]. Dialogues d'histoire ancienne , 29 (1) pp. 195-196. Green open access

Chari, VV; Kehoe, PJ; (2003) Hot money. Journal of Political Economy , 111 (6) pp. 1262-1292. 10.1086/378525. Green open access

Chesher, A; (2003) Nonparametric identification under discrete variation. Cemmap Working Paper , CWP19 (03) Green open access


Davidson, Pamela; (2003) "The good humanistic tradition": Диалог о Мировой Культуре Между Вячеславом Ивановым И С.М. Баура. In: Багно, BE and Лавровq, AB and Шишкин, АБ and Казанский, HH, (eds.) Вячеслав Иванов - Петербург - Мировая Культура. (pp. 134-148). Водолей Publishers: Moscow, Russia.

Davidson, P; (2003) The validation of the writer's prophetic status in the Russian Literary tradition: From Pushkin and Iazykov through Gogol to Dostoevsky. Russian Review , 62 (4) pp. 508-536. 10.1111/1467-9434.00290. Green open access

Dietz, B; Gabel, H; Tiedau, U; (2003) Die 'Westforschung' zum europäischen Nordwesten als Gegenstand der Zeit- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. In: Dietz, B and Gabel, H and Tiedau, U, (eds.) nach dem Westen : die 'Westforschung' der völkisch-nationalen Wissenschaften zum nordwesteuropäischen Raum (1919-1960). (IX-XXX). Waxmann: Münster, New York, Berlin, Munich. Green open access

DIMOVA-COOKSON, M; (2003) Bentham, Mill and Green on the Nature of the Good. Journal of Bentham Studies , 6 1 - 18. Green open access

Dustmann, C; Fabbri, F; Preston, I; Wadsworth, J; (2003) The local labour market effects of immigration in the UK. (Home Office Online Report 06/03 ). Green open access


Empson, RA; (2003) Integrating Transformations: a study of children and daughters-in-law in a new approach to Mongolian kinship. Doctoral thesis , University of Cambridge.


Freeborn, R; (2003) Furious Vissarion: Belinskii's Struggle for Literature, Love and Ideas. [Book]. SSEES Occasional Papers: Vol.58. UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES): London, UK. Green open access

Funk, P; Vogel, T; (2003) Persistent inequality when learning requires a minimal standard of living. (Discussion Papers in Economics 03-09 ). Department of Economics, University College London, UCL (University College London), Department of Economics, University College: London, UK. Green open access


Gardner, Sebastian; (2003) The unconscious mind. In: Baldwin, T, (ed.) The Cambridge History of Philosophy 1870-1940. (pp. 107-115). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, United Kingdom. Green open access

Glinister, F; (2003) TOTA ITALIA: M. Torelli: Tota Italia. Essays in the Cultural Formation of Roman Italy. Pp. xv + 191, ills, pls. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. Cased, £65. ISBN: 0-19-814393-1. [Review]. Classical Review , 53 (1) 161 - 163. 10.1093/cr/53.1.161. Green open access

Goldsmith, BJ; Solovieva, N; Rose, NL; Shilland, EM; (2003) A Palaeoloimnological Investigation at Crazy Well Pool, Dartmoor. report to Westcountry Rivers Trust. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Goldsmith, B; Shilland, EM; (2003) Sediment Assessment of the Barrow Reservoirs. (ENSIS Reports ). ENSIS Ltd. / UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Goldsmith, BJ; Luckes, SJ; Bennion, H; Carvalho, L; Hughes, M; Appleby, PG; Sayer, CD; (2003) Feasibility studies on the restoration needs of four lake SSSIs. (ECRC Research Reports 87 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Goldsmith, BJ; Solovieva, N; Rose, NL; Shilland, EM; (2003) A palaeolimnological investigation at Crazy Well Pool, Dartmoor. (ECRC Research Reports 90 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Gonis, N; (2003) Lexicon of Latin loanwords in Greek documentary texts from Egypt, with consideration of Coptic sources, Fascicle-2 (Beta-Delta). [Review]. CLASSICAL REV , 53 (1) 93 - 93. 10.1093/cr/53.1.93. Green open access

Gonis, N; (2003) Review of G. Wagner 'Les ostraca grecs de Douch. Fascicule V (506–639). [Review]. CLASSICAL REV , 53 (2) 491 - 492. 10.1093/cr/53.2.491. Green open access

Gonis, N; (2003) Review of I. Andorlini, G. Bastianini, M. Manfredi, and G. Menci Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Firenze, 23–29 Agosto 1998. [Review]. CLASSICAL REV , 53 (2) 490 - 491. 10.1093/cr/53.2.490-a. Green open access

Graham, LM; (2003) Monetary models and technology shocks. Economics Letters , 81 (1) pp. 47-53. 10.1016/S0165-1765(03)00153-8. Green open access

Graham, LM; (2003) Unemployment and the smoothness of consumption in business cycle models. Economics Letters , 79 (2) pp. 263-267. 10.1016/S0165-1765(02)00332-4. Green open access

Griffith, R; Harrison, R; (2003) Understanding the UK's poor technological performance. (IFS Briefing Notes BN37 ). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. Green open access

Griffith, R; Klemm, A; Simpson, H; (2003) Response to consultative note ‘Designs for Innovation’. (IFS Briefing Note No. 23 ). Green open access

Griffith, R; Van Reenen, J; (2003) R&D and absorptive capacity: from theory to data. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics , 105 (1) pp. 99-118. Green open access


Haklay, ME; (2003) Public access to environmental information: Past, present and future. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems , 27 (2) pp. 163-180. 10.1016/S0198-9715(01)00023-0. Green open access

Hall, C; (2003) A response to the commentators. [Editorial comment]. Journal of British Studies , 42 (4) 530 - 538. 10.1086/376467. Green open access

Hall, C; (2003) Religion and Politics in Modern Britain. The Historical Journal , 46 (2) 463 - 470. 10.1017/S0018246X03003029. Green open access

Hauptmann, A; Rehren, T; Schmitt-Strecker, S; (2003) Early Bronze Age copper metallurgy at Shahr-i Sokhta (Iran) reconsidered. In: Stoellner, T and Koerlin, G and Steffens, G and Cierny, J, (eds.) Man and Mining (Mensch und Bergbau). (pp. 197-213). Deutsches Bergbau-Museum: Bochum, Germany. Green open access

Hilson, M; (2003) Co-operation and consumer politics in comparative perspective: Britain and Sweden during the First World War. In: Verbruggen, P and Soubry, L, (eds.) (Proceedings) Consumerism versus Capitalism? Co-operatives seen from an International Comparative Perspective.. (pp. pp. 221-241). Amsab Institute of Social History: Ghent. Green open access

Holbraad, M; (2003) Estmando a nessesidade: os oraculos de Ifa e a verdade em Havana. Mana , 9 (2) 39 - 77. 10.1590/S0104-93132003000200002. Green open access


Ige, A; Rehren, T; (2003) Black sand and iron stone: iron smelting in Modakeke, Ife, south western Nigeria. Institute for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies , 23 pp. 15-20. Green open access

Isachenkova, N; Mickiewicz, T; (2003) Ownership Characteristics and Access to Finance: Evidence from a Survey of Large Privatised Companies in Hungary and Poland. (Economic Working Papers 35). Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe, UCL: London, UK. Green open access


Keatings, KW; Flower, RJ; Zalat, AA; Abu-Zied, RH; Neideritter, R; Saif, T; Foster, I; + view all (2003) People and climate: holocene sediment records of environmental change in Middle Egypt: fieldwork report and initial results. (ECRC Research Reports 91 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Khalfan, A; King, J; Thomas, B; (2003) The Doctrine of Odious Debt in International Law: Definition, Evidence, and Issues Concerning Application. (Centre for International Sustainable Development Law Working Paper ). Centre for International Sustainable Development Law: Montreal, Canada.

Klautke, E; (2003) Amerikanismus und Antiamerikanismus im Frankreich der Zwischenkriegszeit. In: Danuser, H and Gottschewski, H, (eds.) Amerikanismus, Americanism, Weill: die Suche nach kultureller Identität in der Moderne. (67 - 90). Edition Argus: Schliengen, Germany. Green open access

Koenker, DP; (2003) Travel to work, travel to play: On russian tourism, travel, and leisure. Slavic Review , 62 (4) pp. 657-665. 10.2307/3185649. Green open access

Korisettar, R; Venkatasubbaiah, PC; Fuller, DQ; (2003) Brahmagiri and Beyond: the Archaeology of the Southern Neolithic. In: Settar, S and Korisettar, R, (eds.) Indian Archaeology in Retrospect, Volume I. Prehistory. Indian Council for Historical Research: New Delhi, India.

Krouglov, AV; (2003) War and Peace: Language Planning in Ukraine. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of Slavists. (pp. pp. 1-15). Green open access


Lack, RF; (2003) The point in time: Precise chronology in early godard. Studies in French Cinema , 3 (2) pp. 101-109. 10.1386/sfci.3.2.101/0. Green open access

Lake, MW; Woodman, PE; (2003) Visibility studies in archaeology: a review and case study. Environment and Planning B , 30 (5) 689 - 707. 10.1068/b29122. Green open access

Ledeneva, Alena; (2003) Commonwealth of Independent States: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. In: Hodess, R and Inowlocki, T and Wolfe, T, (eds.) Global Corruption Report 2003: Access to Information. (pp. 165-176). Profile Books: London, UK. Green open access

Ledeneva, A; (2003) Informal Practices in Changing Societies: Comparing Chinese Guanxi and Russian Blat. (Economics Working Papers 45). Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe SSEES, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Lo, V; (2003) Li Jianmin, Sisheng zhi yu (The Territory between Life and Death), Taibei, Academia Sinica, 2000, revised in 2001, 435 pages incl. illustrations (fine binding edition, ISBN 957-671-703-5; ordinary edition 957-671-704-3). [Review]. Medical History , 47 (2) 443 - 445. 10.1017/S0025727300056751. Green open access


Macrory, RB; Woods, M; (2003) Modernizing Environmental Justice: Regulation and the Role of an Environmental Tribunal. UCL Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Matthews, R; (2003) Year Zero for the Archaeology of Iraq. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 14 1 - 23. Green open access

McCulloch, Tony; (2003) Franklin Roosevelt and the Runciman Mission to Czechoslovakia, 1938: A new perspective on Anglo-American relations in the era of appeasement. Journal of Transatlantic Studies , 1 (2) pp. 152-174. 10.1080/14794010308656798. Green open access

Meghir, C; Palme, M; (2003) Ability, parental background and educationpolicy: empirical evidence from a socialexperiment. (IFS Working Papers W03/05 ). The Institute for Fiscal Studies, UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. Green open access

Mickiewicz, T; Bishop, K; (2003) Inherited labour hoarding, insiders and employment growth. Panel data results: Poland, 1996-2002. (William Davidson Institute Working Paper 593). William Davidson Institute, University of Michigan Green open access

Mokal, Riz; (2003) On Fairness and Efficiency. SSRN: Amsterdam, Netherlands. Green open access

Mokal, Rizwaan Jameel; (2003) On Fairness and Efficiency. Modern Law Review , 66 (3) pp. 452-467. 10.1111/1468-2230.6603008. Green open access

Mole, RCM; (2003) National identity and foreign policy: perceptions of self and other in the post-Soviet international relations of the Baltic States, 1991-1999. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Oliver, JR; Alexander, CS; (2003) Ocupaciones humanas del Plesitoceno terminal en el Occidente de Venezuela. Maguaré , 17 83 - 246. Green open access


Perring, D; (2003) 'Gnosticism' in fourth century Britain: the Frampton mosaics reconsidered. Britannia , 34 97 - 127. 10.2307/3558541. Green open access

Perring, D; (2003) Deconstructing the Frampton pavements: gnostic dialectic in Roman Britain. In: Carr, G and Swift, E and Weekes, J, (eds.) Proceedings of the TRAC 2002: 12th Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference. (pp. pp. 74-83). Oxford: Oxbow Books: Canterbury, UK. Green open access

Pflaumann, U; Sarnthein, M; Chapman, M; d'Abreu, L; Funnell, B; Huels, M; Kiefer, T; ... Weinelt, M; + view all (2003) Glacial North Atlantic: Sea-surface conditions reconstructed by GLAMAP 2000. Paleoceanography , 18 (3) , Article 1065. 10.1029/2002PA000774. Green open access


Radner, K; (2003) Aššur is King! Aššur is King! (Holloway,S.W.). Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient , 46 (2) 226 - 230. 10.1163/156852003321675763. Green open access

Radner, K; (2003) Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh I (Kwasman,T.,Parpola,S.); Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Niniveh II (Mattila,R.). Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient , 46 (3) 383 - 386. 10.1163/156852003322316689. Green open access

Radner, K; (2003) Mittelassyrische Rechtsurkunden und Verwaltungstexte IV (Freydank,H.). Zeitschrift für Assyriologie , 93 (1) 120 - 123. Green open access

Radner, K; (2003) Nimrud (Oates,D.,Oates,J.). Zeitschrift für Assyriologie , 93 (1) 149 - 152. Green open access

Radner, K; (2003) Neo-Assyrian Period. In: Westbrook, R, (ed.) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. (883 - 910). Brill: Leiden. Green open access

Radosevic, S; (2003) A two-tier or multi-tier Europe?: Assessing the Innovation capacities of Central and East European Countries in the Enlarged EU. (Economics Working Papers 31). Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe, SSEES, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Redclift, ESN; (2003) Re-reading gender: comparative questions, situated meanings, Latin American paradoxes. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies , 66 (3) pp. 486-500. Green open access

Rehren, T; (2003) As similar as black and white: steelmaking crucibles from South and Central Asia. Archaeology International , 6 pp. 37-39. 10.5334/ai.0611. Green open access

Rehren, T; Papachristou, O; (2003) Similar like white and black: a comparison of steel-making crucibles from Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent. In: Stoellner, T and Koerlin, G and Steffens, G and Cierny, J, (eds.) Man and Mining (Mensch und Bergbau). (pp. 393-404). Deutsches Bergbau-Museum: Bochum, Germany. Green open access

Richardson, J; Floyd, P; Jones, PJS; Sheate, W; (2003) Community and public participation: risk communication and improving decision making in flood and coastal defence. (R&D Technical Report FD2007/TR PB1012 , pp. i - 31 ). Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment Agency (DEFRA): London, UK. Green open access

Ridgwell, AJ; Watson, AJ; Maslin, MA; Kaplan, JO; (2003) Implications of coral reef buildup for the controls on atmospheric CO2 since the Last Glacial Maximum. Paleoceanography , 18 (4) , Article 1083. 10.1029/2003PA000893. Green open access

Rose, NL; Rippey, B; Yang, H; Harra, S; (2003) Lake sediment toxicity in the UK: the role of trace metals and persistent organic pollutants. (ECRC Research Reports 88 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access


Sharples, R; (2003) COMMENTARIES ON THE METAPHYSICS: C. Luna: Trois études sur la tradition des commentaires anciens à la Métaphysique d’Aristote. Pp. viii + 252. Leiden, Boston, and Cologne: Brill, 2001. Cased, €82. ISBN: 90-04-12074-2. [Review]. Classical Review , 53 (2) 307 - 308. 10.1093/cr/53.2.307. Green open access

Shih, C; (2003) A cognitive approach to three trainee translators’ overnight revision processes. Translation Quarterly , 28 pp. 1-17. Green open access

Shilland, EM; Monteith, DT; Smith, J; Beaumont, WRC; (2003) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2002-2003 (year 15). ENSIS: London, UK. Green open access

Sica, B; (2003) Tra le carte di Jacobbi. Progetti di antologia. In: Dolfi, A, (ed.) L'eclettico Jacobbi. Percorsi multipli tra letteratura e teatro. (pp. 85-97). Bulzoni: Rome, Italy.

Siciliano, C; Williams, G; Beskow, J; Faulkner, A; (2003) Evaluation of a multilingual synthetic talking face as a communication aid for the hearing impaired. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences: 15th ICPhS, Barcelona 3-9 August 2003. (pp. 131 - 134). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / International Phonetic Association: Barcelona, Spain. Green open access

Sikk, A; (2003) Cartel Party System in a Post-Communist Country? The Case of Estonia. In: (Proceedings) ECPR General Conference 2003. European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR): Marburg, Germany. Green open access

Smelik, W; (2003) Extant manuscripts of the the Targum to Psalms: an eclectic list. [Digital scholarly resource]. Green open access

Smith, SL; Holland, D; Longley, PA; (2003) Interpreting interpolation: the pattern of interpolation errors in digital surface models derived from laser scanning data. (CASA Working Papers 66). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

Stroschein, S; (2003) What Belgium Can Teach Bosnia: The Uses of Autonomy in 'Divided House' States. Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe (3) 1 -29. Green open access

Sully, D; (2003) Conservation in context: a Maori meeting house in Surrey. Archaeology International , 7 pp. 53-56. 10.5334/ai.0714. Green open access


Terras, MM; (2003) Image to Interpretation: Towards An Intelligent System to Aid Historians in the Reading of the Vindolanda Texts. Doctoral thesis , University of Oxford. Green open access

Thomson, CC; (2003) Danmarkshistorier: National Imagination and Novel in Late Twentieth Century Denmark. Doctoral thesis , University of Edinburgh. Green open access

Tomlin, RSO; Hassall, M; (2003) Roman Britain in 2002: II Inscriptions. Britannia , 34 361 - 382. 10.1017/S0068113X00008394. Green open access

Trifonova, T; (2003) The question of the appendix: The Kantian and the "inhuman" (postmodern) sublime. International Studies in Philosophy , 35 (2) pp. 51-92. 10.5840/intstudphil2003352184. Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2003) Is There a Subject in Hyperreality? Postmodern Culture , 13 (3) 10.1353/pmc.2003.0025. Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2003) Matter-Image or Image-Consciousness: Bergson contra Sartre. Janus Head , 6 (1) pp. 81-115. 10.5840/jh20036140. Green open access


Van Heerde, J; (2003) Strategy and Choice: Resource Allocation in the U.S. Senate, 1990-1994. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Veldhuijzen, HA; (2003) 'Slag_Fun' - a New Tool for Archaeometallurgy: Development of an Analytical (P)Ed-Xrf Method for Iron-Rich Materials. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 14 102 - 118. 10.5334/pia.199. Green open access

Vera-Hernandez, M; (2003) Structural estimation of a principal-agent model: moral hazard in medical insurance. RAND J ECON , 34 (4) 670 - 693. Green open access


Williams, T; (2003) Ancient Merv, Turkmenistan: research, conservation and management at a World Heritage Site. Archaeology International (6) 40 - 43. 10.5334/ai.0612. Green open access


Young, C; (2003) Lines Made by Walking. [Artefact]. Installation (slide projection). London, UK. Green open access

Young, SJ; (2003) Dostoevskii’s 'Idiot' and the Epistle of James. Slavonic and East European Review , 81 (3) pp. 401-420. Green open access


Zilibotti, F; Aghion, P; Acemoglu, D; (2003) Vertical integration and distance to frontier. Journal of the European Economic Association , 1 pp. 543-553. Green open access

Zusi, PA; (2003) Vladimír Birgus, ed. Czech Photographic Avant-Garde, 1918-1948. [Review]. Slavic and East European Journal , 47 (3) pp. 524-526. 10.2307/3220011. Green open access

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