Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 108.
Arena, V;
, 53
158 - 159.
Ash, R;
Review of M.B. Roller, Constructing Autocracy: Aristocrats and Emperors in Julio-Claudian Rome.
Journal of Roman Studies
, 93
395 - 396.
Attanasio, O;
Emmerson, C;
Differential mortality in the UK.
Journal of the European Economic Association
, 1
pp. 821-850.
Baerlecken, M;
Tiedau, U;
Das Deutsch-Niederländische Institut in Köln 1931–1945 und die Neubegründung der Niederlandistik in der Bundesrepublik.
In: Dietz, B and Gabel, H and Tiedau, U, (eds.)
Griff nach dem Westen : die 'Westforschung' der völkisch-nationalen Wissenschaften zum nordwesteuropäischen Raum 1920-1960.
(851 - 885).
Waxmann: Münster, Germany.
Bajaj, B;
A terminological study of the means of signalling temporal order in aircraft accident reports.
Proceedings of the The 14th European Symposium on Language for Special Purposes:Communication, Culture, Knowledge.
University of Surrey, UK
Bajaj, Bettina C.;
A terminological approach to the investigation of temporal ordering relations in English and German aircraft accident reports.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of Surrey.
Banks, J;
Casanova, M;
Work and retirement.
In: Marmot, A, (ed.)
Health, Wealth and Lifestyles of the Older Population in England.
(pp. 127-166).
Institute for Fiscal Studies: London.
Banks, J;
Karlsen, S;
Oldfield, Z;
Socio-economic position.
In: Marmot, A, (ed.)
Health, Wealth and Lifestyles of the Older Population in England.
Institute for Fiscal Studies: London.
Bennion, H;
Burgess, A;
Boyle, J;
Appleby, PG;
Rose, NL;
Sayer, CD;
Theophile, S;
Sediment survey of the Suffolk Broads.
(ECRC Research Reports
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Bevan, AH;
Value regimes and the consumption of exotic stone vessels in the Late Bronze Age Aegean.
Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies
, 46
217 - 218.
Bevan, AH;
Reconstructing the role of Egyptian culture in the value regimes of the Bronze Age Aegean: stone vessels and their social contexts.
In: Matthews, R and Roemer, C, (eds.)
Ancient Perspectives on Egypt.
(57 - 73).
UCL Press: London, UK.
Bevan, AH;
Frederick, C;
Krahtopoulou, N;
A digital Mediterranean countryside: GIS approaches to the spatial structure of the post-Medieval landscape on Kythera (Greece).
Archaeologia e Calcolatori
, 14
217 - 236.
Blundell, R;
Dearden, L;
Sianesi, B;
Evaluating the impact of education on earnings in the UK:models, methods and results from the NCDS.
(IFS Working Papers
The Institute for Fiscal Studies, UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK.
Bowersox, JD;
'Loyal Sons of the Church and Fatherland'? Center-Polish Relations in Upper Silesia, 1871-1907.
Canadian Journal of History = Annales canadiennes d'histoire
, 38
pp. 231-257.
Bracewell, CW;
Friends, Lovers, Rivals, Enemies: Blood-Brotherhood on an Early-Modern Balkan Frontier.
Caiete de Antropologie Istorică
, 2
103 - 126.
Carlin, W;
Fries, S;
Schaffer, M;
Seabright, P;
Competition, restructuring and firm performance: evidence of an inverted-U relationship from a cross-country survey of firms in transition economies.
(Discussion Papers in Economics
Department of Economics, University College London, UCL (University College London), Department of Economics, University College: London, UK.
Ceccarelli, P;
"Citoyens en quelque sorte" : classes d'âge et activité politique en Grèce ancienne : M. C. Giammarco Razzano, La vecchiaia di Solone. Età e politica nella città greca.
Dialogues d'histoire ancienne
, 29
pp. 195-196.
Chari, VV;
Kehoe, PJ;
Hot money.
Journal of Political Economy
, 111
pp. 1262-1292.
Chesher, A;
Nonparametric identification under discrete variation.
Cemmap Working Paper
, CWP19
Davidson, Pamela;
"The good humanistic tradition": Диалог о Мировой Культуре Между Вячеславом Ивановым И С.М. Баура.
In: Багно, BE and Лавровq, AB and Шишкин, АБ and Казанский, HH, (eds.)
Вячеслав Иванов - Петербург - Мировая Культура.
(pp. 134-148).
Водолей Publishers: Moscow, Russia.
Davidson, P;
The validation of the writer's prophetic status in the Russian Literary tradition: From Pushkin and Iazykov through Gogol to Dostoevsky.
Russian Review
, 62
pp. 508-536.
Dietz, B;
Gabel, H;
Tiedau, U;
Die 'Westforschung' zum europäischen Nordwesten als Gegenstand der Zeit- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.
In: Dietz, B and Gabel, H and Tiedau, U, (eds.)
nach dem Westen : die 'Westforschung' der völkisch-nationalen Wissenschaften zum nordwesteuropäischen Raum (1919-1960).
Waxmann: Münster, New York, Berlin, Munich.
Bentham, Mill and Green on the Nature of the Good.
Journal of Bentham Studies
, 6
1 - 18.
Dustmann, C;
Fabbri, F;
Preston, I;
Wadsworth, J;
The local labour market effects of immigration in the UK.
(Home Office Online Report
Empson, RA;
Integrating Transformations: a study of children and daughters-in-law in a new approach to Mongolian kinship.
Doctoral thesis , University of Cambridge.
Freeborn, R;
Furious Vissarion: Belinskii's Struggle for Literature, Love and Ideas.
SSEES Occasional Papers: Vol.58.
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES): London, UK.
Funk, P;
Vogel, T;
Persistent inequality when learning requires a minimal standard of living.
(Discussion Papers in Economics
Department of Economics, University College London, UCL (University College London), Department of Economics, University College: London, UK.
Gardner, Sebastian;
The unconscious mind.
In: Baldwin, T, (ed.)
The Cambridge History of Philosophy 1870-1940.
(pp. 107-115).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Glinister, F;
TOTA ITALIA: M. Torelli: Tota Italia. Essays in the Cultural Formation of Roman Italy. Pp. xv + 191, ills, pls. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. Cased, £65. ISBN: 0-19-814393-1.
Classical Review
, 53
161 - 163.
Goldsmith, BJ;
Solovieva, N;
Rose, NL;
Shilland, EM;
A Palaeoloimnological Investigation at Crazy Well Pool, Dartmoor. report to Westcountry Rivers Trust.
Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London: London, UK.
Goldsmith, B;
Shilland, EM;
Sediment Assessment of the Barrow Reservoirs.
(ENSIS Reports
ENSIS Ltd. / UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Goldsmith, BJ;
Luckes, SJ;
Bennion, H;
Carvalho, L;
Hughes, M;
Appleby, PG;
Sayer, CD;
Feasibility studies on the restoration needs of four lake SSSIs.
(ECRC Research Reports
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Goldsmith, BJ;
Solovieva, N;
Rose, NL;
Shilland, EM;
A palaeolimnological investigation at Crazy Well Pool, Dartmoor.
(ECRC Research Reports
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Gonis, N;
Lexicon of Latin loanwords in Greek documentary texts from Egypt, with consideration of Coptic sources, Fascicle-2 (Beta-Delta).
, 53
93 - 93.
Gonis, N;
Review of G. Wagner 'Les ostraca grecs de Douch. Fascicule V (506–639).
, 53
491 - 492.
Gonis, N;
Review of I. Andorlini, G. Bastianini, M. Manfredi, and G. Menci Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Firenze, 23–29 Agosto 1998.
, 53
490 - 491.
Graham, LM;
Monetary models and technology shocks.
Economics Letters
, 81
pp. 47-53.
Graham, LM;
Unemployment and the smoothness of consumption in business cycle models.
Economics Letters
, 79
pp. 263-267.
Griffith, R;
Harrison, R;
Understanding the UK's poor technological performance.
(IFS Briefing Notes
Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK.
Griffith, R;
Klemm, A;
Simpson, H;
Response to consultative note ‘Designs for Innovation’.
(IFS Briefing Note No. 23
Griffith, R;
Van Reenen, J;
R&D and absorptive capacity: from theory to data.
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics
, 105
pp. 99-118.
Haklay, ME;
Public access to environmental information: Past, present and future.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
, 27
pp. 163-180.
Hall, C;
A response to the commentators.
[Editorial comment].
Journal of British Studies
, 42
530 - 538.
Hall, C;
Religion and Politics in Modern Britain.
The Historical Journal
, 46
463 - 470.
Hauptmann, A;
Rehren, T;
Schmitt-Strecker, S;
Early Bronze Age copper metallurgy at Shahr-i Sokhta (Iran) reconsidered.
In: Stoellner, T and Koerlin, G and Steffens, G and Cierny, J, (eds.)
Man and Mining (Mensch und Bergbau).
(pp. 197-213).
Deutsches Bergbau-Museum: Bochum, Germany.
Hilson, M;
Co-operation and consumer politics in comparative perspective: Britain and Sweden during the First World War.
In: Verbruggen, P and Soubry, L, (eds.)
(Proceedings) Consumerism versus Capitalism? Co-operatives seen from an International Comparative Perspective..
(pp. pp. 221-241).
Amsab Institute of Social History: Ghent.
Holbraad, M;
Estmando a nessesidade: os oraculos de Ifa e a verdade em Havana.
, 9
39 - 77.
Ige, A;
Rehren, T;
Black sand and iron stone: iron smelting in Modakeke, Ife, south western Nigeria.
Institute for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies
, 23
pp. 15-20.
Isachenkova, N;
Mickiewicz, T;
Ownership Characteristics and Access to Finance: Evidence from a Survey of Large Privatised Companies in Hungary and Poland.
(Economic Working Papers
Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe, UCL: London, UK.
Keatings, KW;
Flower, RJ;
Zalat, AA;
Abu-Zied, RH;
Neideritter, R;
Saif, T;
Foster, I;
+ view all
People and climate: holocene sediment records of environmental change in Middle Egypt: fieldwork report and initial results.
(ECRC Research Reports
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Khalfan, A;
King, J;
Thomas, B;
The Doctrine of Odious Debt in International Law: Definition, Evidence, and Issues Concerning Application.
(Centre for International Sustainable Development Law Working Paper
Centre for International Sustainable Development Law: Montreal, Canada.
Klautke, E;
Amerikanismus und Antiamerikanismus im Frankreich der Zwischenkriegszeit.
In: Danuser, H and Gottschewski, H, (eds.)
Amerikanismus, Americanism, Weill: die Suche nach kultureller Identität in der Moderne.
(67 - 90).
Edition Argus: Schliengen, Germany.
Koenker, DP;
Travel to work, travel to play: On russian tourism, travel, and leisure.
Slavic Review
, 62
pp. 657-665.
Korisettar, R;
Venkatasubbaiah, PC;
Fuller, DQ;
Brahmagiri and Beyond: the Archaeology of the Southern Neolithic.
In: Settar, S and Korisettar, R, (eds.)
Indian Archaeology in Retrospect, Volume I. Prehistory.
Indian Council for Historical Research: New Delhi, India.
Krouglov, AV;
War and Peace: Language Planning in Ukraine.
Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of Slavists.
(pp. pp. 1-15).
Lack, RF;
The point in time: Precise chronology in early godard.
Studies in French Cinema
, 3
pp. 101-109.
Lake, MW;
Woodman, PE;
Visibility studies in archaeology: a review and case study.
Environment and Planning B
, 30
689 - 707.
Ledeneva, Alena;
Commonwealth of Independent States: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian
Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
In: Hodess, R and Inowlocki, T and Wolfe, T, (eds.)
Global Corruption Report 2003: Access to Information.
(pp. 165-176).
Profile Books: London, UK.
Ledeneva, A;
Informal Practices in Changing Societies: Comparing Chinese Guanxi and Russian Blat.
(Economics Working Papers
Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe SSEES, UCL: London, UK.
Lo, V;
Li Jianmin, Sisheng zhi yu (The Territory between Life and Death), Taibei, Academia Sinica, 2000, revised in 2001, 435 pages incl. illustrations (fine binding edition, ISBN 957-671-703-5; ordinary edition 957-671-704-3).
Medical History
, 47
443 - 445.
Macrory, RB;
Woods, M;
Modernizing Environmental Justice: Regulation and the Role of an Environmental Tribunal.
UCL Laws: London, UK.
Matthews, R;
Year Zero for the Archaeology of Iraq.
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology
, 14
1 - 23.
McCulloch, Tony;
Franklin Roosevelt and the Runciman Mission to Czechoslovakia, 1938: A new perspective on Anglo-American relations in the era of appeasement.
Journal of Transatlantic Studies
, 1
pp. 152-174.
Meghir, C;
Palme, M;
Ability, parental background and educationpolicy: empirical evidence from a socialexperiment.
(IFS Working Papers
The Institute for Fiscal Studies, UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK.
Mickiewicz, T;
Bishop, K;
Inherited labour hoarding, insiders and employment growth. Panel data results: Poland, 1996-2002.
(William Davidson Institute Working Paper
William Davidson Institute, University of Michigan
Mokal, Riz;
On Fairness and Efficiency.
SSRN: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Mokal, Rizwaan Jameel;
On Fairness and Efficiency.
Modern Law Review
, 66
pp. 452-467.
Mole, RCM;
National identity and foreign policy: perceptions of self and other in the post-Soviet international relations of the Baltic States, 1991-1999.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Oliver, JR;
Alexander, CS;
Ocupaciones humanas del Plesitoceno terminal en el Occidente de Venezuela.
, 17
83 - 246.
Perring, D;
'Gnosticism' in fourth century Britain: the Frampton mosaics reconsidered.
, 34
97 - 127.
Perring, D;
Deconstructing the Frampton pavements: gnostic dialectic in Roman Britain.
In: Carr, G and Swift, E and Weekes, J, (eds.)
Proceedings of the TRAC 2002: 12th Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference.
(pp. pp. 74-83).
Oxford: Oxbow Books: Canterbury, UK.
Pflaumann, U;
Sarnthein, M;
Chapman, M;
d'Abreu, L;
Funnell, B;
Huels, M;
Kiefer, T;
... Weinelt, M; + view all
Glacial North Atlantic: Sea-surface conditions reconstructed by GLAMAP 2000.
, 18
, Article 1065. 10.1029/2002PA000774.
Radner, K;
Aššur is King! Aššur is King! (Holloway,S.W.).
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
, 46
226 - 230.
Radner, K;
Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh I (Kwasman,T.,Parpola,S.); Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Niniveh II (Mattila,R.).
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
, 46
383 - 386.
Radner, K;
Mittelassyrische Rechtsurkunden und Verwaltungstexte IV (Freydank,H.).
Zeitschrift für Assyriologie
, 93
120 - 123.
Radner, K;
Nimrud (Oates,D.,Oates,J.).
Zeitschrift für Assyriologie
, 93
149 - 152.
Radner, K;
Neo-Assyrian Period.
In: Westbrook, R, (ed.)
A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law.
(883 - 910).
Brill: Leiden.
Radosevic, S;
A two-tier or multi-tier Europe?: Assessing the Innovation capacities of Central and East European Countries in the Enlarged EU.
(Economics Working Papers
Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe, SSEES, UCL: London, UK.
Redclift, ESN;
Re-reading gender: comparative questions, situated meanings, Latin American paradoxes.
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
, 66
pp. 486-500.
Rehren, T;
As similar as black and white: steelmaking crucibles from South and Central Asia.
Archaeology International
, 6
pp. 37-39.
Rehren, T;
Papachristou, O;
Similar like white and black: a comparison of steel-making crucibles from Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent.
In: Stoellner, T and Koerlin, G and Steffens, G and Cierny, J, (eds.)
Man and Mining (Mensch und Bergbau).
(pp. 393-404).
Deutsches Bergbau-Museum: Bochum, Germany.
Richardson, J;
Floyd, P;
Jones, PJS;
Sheate, W;
Community and public participation: risk communication and improving decision making in flood and coastal defence.
(R&D Technical Report FD2007/TR
, pp. i - 31
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment Agency (DEFRA): London, UK.
Ridgwell, AJ;
Watson, AJ;
Maslin, MA;
Kaplan, JO;
Implications of coral reef buildup for the controls on atmospheric CO2 since the Last Glacial Maximum.
, 18
, Article 1083. 10.1029/2003PA000893.
Rose, NL;
Rippey, B;
Yang, H;
Harra, S;
Lake sediment toxicity in the UK: the role of trace metals and persistent organic pollutants.
(ECRC Research Reports
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Sharples, R;
COMMENTARIES ON THE METAPHYSICS: C. Luna: Trois études sur la tradition des commentaires anciens à la Métaphysique d’Aristote. Pp. viii + 252. Leiden, Boston, and Cologne: Brill, 2001. Cased, €82. ISBN: 90-04-12074-2.
Classical Review
, 53
307 - 308.
Shih, C;
A cognitive approach to three trainee translators’ overnight revision processes.
Translation Quarterly
, 28
pp. 1-17.
Shilland, EM;
Monteith, DT;
Smith, J;
Beaumont, WRC;
The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2002-2003 (year 15).
ENSIS: London, UK.
Sica, B;
Tra le carte di Jacobbi. Progetti di antologia.
In: Dolfi, A, (ed.)
L'eclettico Jacobbi. Percorsi multipli tra letteratura e teatro.
(pp. 85-97).
Bulzoni: Rome, Italy.
Siciliano, C;
Williams, G;
Beskow, J;
Faulkner, A;
Evaluation of a multilingual synthetic talking face as a communication aid for the hearing impaired.
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences: 15th ICPhS, Barcelona 3-9 August 2003.
(pp. 131 - 134).
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / International Phonetic Association: Barcelona, Spain.
Sikk, A;
Cartel Party System in a Post-Communist Country? The Case of Estonia.
(Proceedings) ECPR General Conference 2003.
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR): Marburg, Germany.
Smelik, W;
Extant manuscripts of the the Targum to Psalms: an eclectic list.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Smith, SL;
Holland, D;
Longley, PA;
Interpreting interpolation: the pattern of interpolation errors in digital surface models derived from laser scanning data.
(CASA Working Papers
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK.
Stroschein, S;
What Belgium Can Teach Bosnia: The Uses of Autonomy in 'Divided House' States.
Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe
1 -29.
Sully, D;
Conservation in context: a Maori meeting house in Surrey.
Archaeology International
, 7
pp. 53-56.
Terras, MM;
Image to Interpretation: Towards An Intelligent System to Aid Historians in the Reading of the Vindolanda Texts.
Doctoral thesis , University of Oxford.
Thomson, CC;
Danmarkshistorier: National Imagination and Novel in Late Twentieth Century Denmark.
Doctoral thesis , University of Edinburgh.
Tomlin, RSO;
Hassall, M;
Roman Britain in 2002: II Inscriptions.
, 34
361 - 382.
Trifonova, T;
The question of the appendix: The Kantian and the "inhuman" (postmodern) sublime.
International Studies in Philosophy
, 35
pp. 51-92.
Trifonova, Temenuga;
Is There a Subject in Hyperreality?
Postmodern Culture
, 13
Trifonova, Temenuga;
Matter-Image or Image-Consciousness:
Bergson contra Sartre.
Janus Head
, 6
pp. 81-115.
Van Heerde, J;
Strategy and Choice: Resource Allocation in the U.S. Senate, 1990-1994.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Veldhuijzen, HA;
'Slag_Fun' - a New Tool for Archaeometallurgy: Development of an Analytical (P)Ed-Xrf Method for Iron-Rich Materials.
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology
, 14
102 - 118.
Vera-Hernandez, M;
Structural estimation of a principal-agent model: moral hazard in medical insurance.
, 34
670 - 693.
Williams, T;
Ancient Merv, Turkmenistan: research, conservation and management at a World Heritage Site.
Archaeology International
40 - 43.
Young, C;
Lines Made by Walking.
Installation (slide projection).
London, UK.
Young, SJ;
Dostoevskii’s 'Idiot' and the Epistle of James.
Slavonic and East European Review
, 81
pp. 401-420.
Zilibotti, F;
Aghion, P;
Acemoglu, D;
Vertical integration and distance to frontier.
Journal of the European Economic Association
, 1
pp. 543-553.
Zusi, PA;
Vladimír Birgus, ed. Czech Photographic Avant-Garde, 1918-1948.
Slavic and East European Journal
, 47
pp. 524-526.