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Armitage, S.; Stevens, R.; Finkelstein, A.; (1998) Implementing a compliance manager. Requirements Engineering , 3 (2) pp. 98-106. Green open access

Boeing, P; Leon, M; Nesbeth, DN; Finkelstein, A; Barnes, C; (2018) Towards an Aspect-Oriented Design and Modelling Framework for Synthetic Biology. Processes , 6 (9) , Article 167. 10.3390/pr6090167. Green open access

Colbert, M.; Voglimacci, C.; Finkelstein, A.; (1995) Live, audio-visual communication systems for distance learning: experience, heuristics and ISDN. Behaviour and Information Technology , 14 (5) pp. 267-288. Green open access

Emmerich, W.; Finkelstein, A.; Montangero, C.; Antonelli, S.; Armitage, S.; Stevens, R.; (1999) Managing standards compliance. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering , 25 (6) pp. 836-851. 10.1109/32.824413. Green open access

Finkelstein, A; Harman, M; Jia, Y; Martin, W; Sarro, F; Zhang, Y; (2017) Investigating the relationship between price, rating, and popularity in the Blackberry World App Store. Information and Software Technology , 87 pp. 119-139. 10.1016/j.infsof.2017.03.002. Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; (2000) Looking back at Y2K (Alternative titles: 'Y2K: a retrospective view' and 'Head-to-head: looking back at Y2K'). Computing and Control Engineering Journal , 11 (4) pp. 156-159. Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; (1996) Improving public understanding of software engineering. IEEE Software , 13 (6) pp. 20-21. Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; (1992) A software process immaturity model. SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes , 17 (5) pp. 22-23. 10.1145/141874.141878. Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; (1992) A scheme for review, annotation and correction of specifications. Instructional Science , 21 pp. 183-198. Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; Hetherington, J.; Li., L.; Margoninski, O.; Saffrey, P.; Seymour, R.; Warner, A.; (2004) Computational challenges of systems biology. Computer , 37 (5) pp. 26-33. 10.1109/MC.2004.1297236. Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; Hetherington, J.; Linzhong, L.; Margoninski, O.; Saffrey, P.; Seymour, R.; Warner, A.; (2004) Computational challenges of systems biology. Computer , 37 (5) pp. 26-33. 10.1109/MC.2004.1297236. Green open access

Finkelstein, L.; Huang, J.; Finkelstein, A.; Nuseibeh, B.; (1992) Using software specification methods for measurement instruments: Part I - structured methods. Measurement , 10 (2) pp. 79-86. 10.1016/0263-2241(92)90016-W. Green open access

Finkelstein, L.; Huang, J.; Finkelstein, A.; Nuseibeh, B.; (1992) Using software specification methods for measurement instruments: Part II - formal methods. Measurement , 10 (2) pp. 87-92. 10.1016/0263-2241(92)90017-X. Green open access

Heaven, W.; Finkelstein, A.; (2004) A UML profile to support requirements engineering with KAOS. IEE Proceedings: Software. , 151 (1) pp. 10-27. 10.1049/ip-sen:20040297. Green open access

McCusker, JP; Phillips, JA; Beltran, AG; Finkelstein, A; Krauthammer, M; (2009) Semantic web data warehousing for caGrid. BMC BIOINFORMATICS , 10 , Article S2. 10.1186/1471-2105-10-S10-S2. Green open access

Pichardo-Almarza, CD; Metcalf, L; Finkelstein, A; Diaz-Zuccarini, V; (2015) Using a Systems Pharmacology Approach to Study the Effect of Statins on the Early Stage of Atherosclerosis in Humans. CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology , 4 (1) pp. 41-50. 10.1002/psp4.7. Green open access

Book chapter

Finkelstein, A; Emmerich, W; (2000) The future of requirements management tools. In: Quirchmayr, G and Wagner, R and Wimmer, M, (eds.) Information Systems in Public Administration and Law. Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft (Austrian Computer Society) Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; (2000) Software engineering (Encylopedia entry). In: Encyclopedia of Information Sciences. Marcel Dekker Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; (1998) Interoperable Systems: an introduction. In: Kramer, B. and Papazoglou, M. and Schmidt, M., (eds.) Information Systems Interoperability. Research Studies Press Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; (1992) A scheme for review, annotation and correction of specifications. In: Sharples, M., (ed.) Computers and writing: issues and implementations. (pp. 183-198). Springer Verlag Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; Kramer, J.; Hales, M.; (1992) Process modelling: a critical analysis. In: Walton, P. and Maiden, N., (eds.) Integrated Software Reuse: management and techniques. (pp. 137-148). Chapman and Hall and UNICOM Green open access

Proceedings paper

Alves, C.; Finkelstein, A.; (2002) Challenges in COTS decision-making: a goal-driven requirements engineering perspective. In: Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Software engineering and knowledge engineering SEKE 2002. ACM Press: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Begent, R.; Brady, J.M.; Finkelstein, A.; Gavaghan, D.; Kerr, P.; Parkinson, H.; Reddington, F.; (2005) Challenges of ultra large scale integration of biomedical computing systems. In: 18th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. Dublin, Ireland. IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Courbis, C.; Finkelstein, A.; (2005) Weaving aspects into web service orchestrations. In: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2005) Orlando, Florida. IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

dos Santos, RP; Werner, C; Finkelstein, A; (2018) Ecosystems Effects on Software-Consuming Organizations: an experience report on two observational studies. In: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Software Architecture: Companion Proceedings. (pp. Art. no 23-Art. no 23). ACM: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Ellmer, E.; Emmerich, W.; Finkelstein, A.; (1998) Process technology implications of procurement process: some initial observations. In: Nuseibeh, B., (ed.) Software Process Technology, Proceedings of the 6th European Workshop, Weybridge, UK. (pp. pp. 105-110). Springer Verlag Green open access

Emmerich, W; Schwarz, W; Finkelstein, A; (1999) Markup meets middleware. In: (pp. pp. 261-266). Green open access

Emmerich, W; Mascolo, C; Finkelstein, A; (2000) Implementing incremental code migration with XML. In: (pp. pp. 397-406). Green open access

Emmerich, W.; Finkelstein, A.; (1996) Do process-centred environments deserve process-centred tools? In: Montagnero, C., (ed.) Software Process Technology, Proceedings of the 5th European Workshop. (pp. pp. 75-81). Springer Verlag Green open access

Farbey, B.; Finkelstein, A.; (2001) Software acquisition: a business strategy analysis. In: Proceedings of Requirements Engineering (RE 2001). (pp. pp. 76-83). IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Finkelstein, A; (2016) Software engineering and policy. In: Dillon, LK and Visser, W and Williams, L, (eds.) ICSE '16: Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion. (pp. pp. 521-522). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; (1994) Requirements engineering: a review and research agenda. In: Proceedings of 1st Asian-Pacific Software Engineering Conference. (pp. pp. 10-19). IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; (1991) Tracing back from requirements. In: Colloquium on Tools and Techniques for Maintaining Traceability During Design. Institute of Electrical Engineers Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; (1990) An example of software development modelling. In: 'Experience with Software Process Models', 5th Software Process Workshop, 10-13 Oct. 1989. (pp. pp. 151-153). IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; (1989) A structural framework for the formal representation of cooperation. In: 5th Software Process Workshop 10-13 Oct. 1989. (pp. pp. 61-64). IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; Easterbrook, S.; Kramer, J.; Nuseibeh, B.; (1993) Requirements engineering through viewpoints. In: DRA Colloquium on Analysis of Requirements for Software Intensive Systems. (pp. pp. 18-26). Defence Research Agency Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; Kramer, J.; (2000) Software engineering: a roadmap. In: Finkelstein, A., (ed.) The Future of Software Engineering 2000: 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering. (pp. pp. 3-24). ACM Press: New York, US. Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; Ryan, M.; Spanoudakis, G.; (1996) Software package requirements and procurement. In: Proceedings of 8th International Workshop on Software Specification Design (IWSSD-8). (pp. pp. 141-146). IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; Savigni, A.; (2001) A framework for requirements engineering for context-aware services. In: First International Workshop From Software Requirements to Architectures (STRAW 01) 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering. IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Gotel, O.; Finkelstein, A.; (1997) Extended requirements traceability: results of an industrial case study. In: Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE '97). (pp. pp. 169-178). IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Gotel, O.; Finkelstein, A.; (1995) Contribution structures. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE '95). (pp. pp. 100-107). IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Gotel, O.; Finkelstein, A.; (1994) An analysis of the requirements traceability problem. In: Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Requirements Engineering. (pp. pp. 94-101). IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Gotel, O.; Finkelstein, A.; (1994) Modelling the contribution structure underlying requirements. In: 1st International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundations for Software Quality. (pp. pp. 71-81). Auflage Aachen: Verlag der Augustinus Buchhandlung Green open access

Kellner, M.; Feiler, P.; Finkelstein, A.; Katayama, T.; Osterweil, L.; Penedo, M.; Rombach, D.; (1991) ISPW-6 Software process example. In: 1st International Conference on the Software Process, October 21-26 1991. (pp. pp. 176-187). IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Kramer, J.; Finkelstein, A.; (1991) A configurable framework for method and tool integration. In: Endres, A. and Weber, H., (eds.) European Symposium on Software Development Environments and CASE Technology. (pp. pp. 233-257). Springer Verlag Green open access

Lim, S.L.; Quercia, D.; Finkelstein, A.; (2010) StakeNet: using social networks to analyse the stakeholders of large-scale software projects. In: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering: ICSE’10 Volume 1. (pp. pp. 295-304). Association for Computing Machinery: New York, US. Green open access

Lim, S.L.; Quercia, D.; Finkelstein, A.; (2010) StakeSource: harnessing the power of crowdsourcing and social networks in stakeholder analysis. In: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering: ICSE’10 Volume 2. (pp. pp. 239-242). Association for Computing Machinery: New York, US. Green open access

Mascolo, C.; Emmerich, W.; Finkelstein, A.; (2001) XML technologies and software engineering. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering, Toronto, Canada. (pp. pp. 775-776). IEEE Computer Society: Washington, DC, USA. Green open access

Morris, S.; Finkelstein, A.; (1993) Development of multiple media documents. In: ACM Conference on Organisational Computing Systems. (pp. pp. 69-77). ACM Press: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Nentwich, C.; Emmerich, W.; Finkelstein, A.; (2003) Consistency management with repair actions. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering, Portland, Oregon (ICSE'03). (pp. pp. 455-464). IEEE Computer Society: Washington, D.C., USA. Green open access

Nentwich, C.; Emmerich, W.; Finkelstein, A.; (2001) Static consistency checking for distributed specifications. In: Proceedings of the 16th Automated Software Engineering Conference, Coronado Island, CA. (pp. pp. 115-124). IEEE Computer Society Green open access

Nuseibeh, B.; Finkelstein, A.; Kramer, J.; (1993) Fine-grain process modelling. In: 7th International Workshop on Software Specification and Design (IWSSD-7). (pp. pp. 42-46). IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Piccinilli, G.; Emmerich, W.; Finkelstein, A.; (2001) Mapping service components to EJB business objects. In: Proceedings of the 5th Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference. (pp. pp. 169-173). IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Sharp, H.; Finkelstein, A.; Galal, G.; (1999) Stakeholder identification in the requirements engineering process. In: Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Database & Expert Systems Applications (DEXA). (pp. pp. 387-391). IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Takahashi, K.; Emmerich, W.; Finkelstein, A.; Guerra, S.; (2000) System development using application services over the Net (tutorial summary). In: Proceedings of the 22rd International Conference on Software Engineering, Limerick, Ireland. (pp. p. 830). IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Zisman, A; Emmerich, W; Finkelstein, A; (2000) Using XML to build consistency rules for distributed specifications. In: TENTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN. (pp. 141 - 148). IEEE COMPUTER SOC Green open access

Conference item

Alves, C.; Finkelstein, A.; (2002) Negotiating requirements for COTS-based systems. Presented at: Eighth International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality. REFSQ, Essen, Germany. Green open access

Courbis, C.; Finkelstein, A.; (2004) Towards an aspect weaving BPEL engine. Presented at: Third AOSD Workshop on Aspects, omponents, and Patterns for Infrastucture Software (ACP4IS), Lancaster, UK. Green open access

Dingwall-Smith, A.; Finkelstein, A.; (2002) From requirements to monitors by way of aspects. Presented at: Workshop on Early Aspects at the 1st International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD), University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. Green open access

Emmerich, W.; Finkelstein, A.; Montangero, C.; (1997) 'The World and the Machine': a critical perspective on process technology. Presented at: International Workshop on Research Directions in Process Technology, Nancy, France. Green open access

Emmerich, W.; Finkelstein, A.; Montangero, C.; Stevens, R.; (1997) Standards compliant software development. Presented at: ICSE Workshop on Living with Inconsistency, Boston, USA. Green open access

Farbey, B.; Finkelstein, A.; (2001) Evaluation in software engineering: ROI, but more than ROI. Presented at: 3rd International Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER-3 2001), Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Green open access

Farbey, B.; Finkelstein, A.; (1999) Exploiting software supply chain business architecture: a research agenda. Presented at: 1st Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER-1), 21st International Conference on Software Engineering, LA Airport Marriott Hotel, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Green open access

Finkelstein, A.; (1992) An advanced course on software development environments. Presented at: 2nd National Conference on Software Engineering in Higher Education, Swansea Institute of Higher Education (SIHE). Green open access

Mascolo, C.; Emmerich, W.; Finkelstein, A.; (2000) XMILE: an incremental code mobility system based on XML technologies. Presented at: 2nd Int. Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications and Mobile Agents (ASA/MA2000) September, Zurich, Switzerland. Green open access

Nentwich, C.; Emmerich, W.; Finkelstein, A.; (2002) Edit, compile, debug: from hacking to distributed engineering. Presented at: Workshop on Aspect Oriented Design at the 1st International Conference on Aspect Oriented Software Development (AOSD), Enschede, The Netherlands. Green open access


Dos Santos Romualdo Suzuki, LC; (2016) Data as Infrastructure for Smart Cities. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

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