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Number of items: 31.


Addison, Nicholas John; (2004) The Truant Curriculum: An Investigation of the Place of Critical Studies in Secondary Art Education. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2004) Review of Mary John Children's Rights and Power. [Review]. Youth & Policy , 86 pp. 85-87. Green open access

Alderson, P; Williams, C; Farsides, B; (2004) Practitioners' Views About Equity Within Prenatal Services. Sociology , 38 (1) pp. 61-80. 10.1177/0038038504039361. Green open access

Alderson, Priscilla; Ehrich, Kathryn; Hawthorne, Joanna; Killen, Margaret; Warren, Inga; (2004) Foretelling futures: dilemmas in neonatal neurology: a social science research project, 2002-2004. Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Ananiadou, K; Emslie-Henry, R; Evans, K; Wolf, A; (2004) Identifying effective workplace basic skills strategies for enhancing employee productivity and development: scoping and pilot study report. National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy, Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access


Black, Paul; Wiliam, Dylan; (2004) Classroom Assessment Is Not (Necessarily) Formative Assessment (and Vice-versa). In: Wilson, Mark, (ed.) Towards Coherence Between Classroom Assessment and Accountability. (pp. 183-188). National Society for the Study of Education: Chicago, IL, US. Green open access

Black, P; Wiliam, D; (2004) The formative purpose: assessment must first promote learning. In: Wilson, M, (ed.) Towards Coherence Between Classroom Assessment and Accountability. (pp. 20-50). National Society for the Study of Education: Stockholm, Sweden.

Burgess, L; Addison, N; (2004) Contemporary Art in Schools: Why Bother? In: Hickman, R, (ed.) Art Education 11-18: Meaning, Purpose and Direction. (pp. 15-38). Continuum: London, UK. Green open access


Chase, E; Statham, J; (2004) The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Young People: An Overview of key literature and data. TCRU Green open access

Cranmer, S; Kersh, N; Evans, K; Jupp, T; Casey, H; Sagan, O; (2004) Putting good practice into practice: literacy, numeracy and key skills within apprenticeships: an evaluation of the LSDA development project. National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access


Dex, S; Joshi, H; (2004) Millennium Cohort Study First Survey: A User?s Guide to Initial Findings. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access


Evans, K; Kersh, N; Kontiainen, S; (2004) Recognition of tacit skills: sustaining learning outcomes in adult learning and work re-entry. International Journal of Training and Development , 8 (1) pp. 54-72. Green open access


Farsides, B; Williams, C; Alderson, P; (2004) Aiming towards "moral equilibrium": health care professionals' views on working within the morally contested field of antenatal screening. Journal of Medical Ethics , 30 (5) pp. 505-509. 10.1136/jme.2002.001438. Green open access


Greenfields, M; Statham, J; (2004) Support Foster Care: developing a short-break service for children in need. Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access


Hallam, S; Ireson, J; Davies, J; (2004) Grouping practices in the primary school: What influences change? British Educational Research Journal , 30 (1) pp. 117-140. 10.1080/01411920310001629992. Green open access

Hawkes, D; Joshi, H; Ward, K; (2004) Unequal Entry to Motherhood and Unequal Starts in Life: Evidence from the First Survey of the UK Millennium Cohort. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access


Mayall, B; (2004) Sociologies of childhood. In: Holborn, M, (ed.) Developments in Sociology: An Annual Review. (pp. 37-57). Causeway Press: Ormskirk.

Mellar, Harvey; Kambouri, Maria; Sanderson, Mariana; Pavlou, Victoria; (2004) ICT and adult literacy, numeracy and ESOL. National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy: London, UK. Green open access


O'Mara, AJ; Craven, RG; Marsh, HW; (2004) Unmasking the true effects of self-concept interventions and suggested guidelines for rectification. In: Marsh, HW and Baumert, J and Richards, GE and Trautwein, U, (eds.) Self-Concept, Motivation and Identity: Where to from here? Proceedings of the Third International Biennial SELF Research Conference. SELF Research Centre, University of Western Sydney: Sydney, Australia. Green open access


Pellowe, CM; (2004) The educational preparation of midwives to undertake HIV antenatal screening :does it meet the needs of women? UNSPECIFIED thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Rees, R; Elbourne, D; (2004) Methodological issues. In: Andrews, R, (ed.) The impact of ICT on literacy education. (pp. 180-201). Routledge: London.

Rees, R; Kavanagh, J; Burchett, H; Shepherd, J; Brunton, G; Harden, A; Thomas, J; + view all (2004) HIV health promotion and men who have sex with men (MSM): a systematic review of research relevant to the development and implementation of effective and appropriate interventions. EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access


Snowling, M; Griffiths, Y; Snowling, MJ; (2004) Individual differences in dyslexia. In: Nunes, T and Bryant, P and Bryant, PE, (eds.) Handbook of children's literacy. (pp. 383-402). Kluwer: Dordrecht, Netherlands; London.

Statham, J; Carlisle, J; (2004) Calling for help: the role of telephone helplines in child protection. Thomas Coram Research Unit, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Sutcliff, K; Alderson, P; Curtis, K; (2004) Children as partners in their diabetes care: An exploratory research study September-December 2003. Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK. Green open access


Turner, H; Mayall, B; Dickinson, R; Clark, A; Hood, S; Wiggins, M; Samuels, J; (2004) Children engaging with drama: an evaluation of the national theatre's drama work in Primary schools 2002-2004. Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access


Wiggins, RD; Higgs, PFD; Hyde, M; Blane, DB; (2004) Quality of life in the third age: key predictors of the CASP-19 measure. Ageing and Society , 24 (5) 693 - 708. 10.1017/S0144686X04002284. Green open access

Wiliam, Dylan; (2004) What do leaders need to know about learning and teaching? In: Learning-centred Leadership pack. National College for School Leadership: Nottingham. Green open access

Wiliam, Dylan; Bartholomew, Hannah; Reay, Diane; (2004) Assessment, Learning and Identity. In: Valero, Paolo and Zevenbergen, Robyn, (eds.) Researching the Socio-Political Dimensions of Mathematics Education. (pp. 43-61). Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht, Netherlands. Green open access

Wiliam, D; Bartholomew, H; (2004) It?s not which school but which set you?re in that matters: the influence of ability-grouping practices on student progress in mathematics. British Educational Research Journal , 30 (2) pp. 279-239. 10.1080/0141192042000195245. Green open access

Wiliam, D; Lee, C; Harrison, C; Black, P; (2004) Teachers developing assessment for learning: impact on student achievement. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice , 11 (1) pp. 49-65. 10.1080/0969594042000208994. Green open access

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