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Ali, A.; Mcleod, U.; Wright, M.; Rae, M.; (2007) The process of collaboration: producing joint guidance for GPs on reducing health inequalities. Presented at: Royal College of General Practitioners Conference 2007, Edinburgh, Scotland. Green open access

Ali, Ayesha; (2007) The objective structured public health examination (OSPHE): work-based learning for a new exam. Work Based Learning in Primary Care , 5 (2) pp. 119-122. Green open access


BADLAND, H; (2007) Transport-related physical activity, health outcomes, and urban design: Descriptive evidence. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Banks, J.; Marmot, M.; Oldfield, Z.; Smith, J.P.; (2007) The SES health gradient on both sides of the Atlantic. (IFS Working Papers W07/04). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. Green open access

Banks, J.; Marmot, M.; Oldfield, Z.; Smith, J.P.; (2007) The SES health gradient on both sides of the Atlantic. (IZA Discussion Papers 2539). Institut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (IZA): Bonn, Germany. Green open access

Brunner, E; (2007) Biology and health inequality. PLoS Biol , 5 (11) , Article e267. 10.1371/journal.pbio.0050267. Green open access


Chandola, Tarani; Ferrie, Jane; Sacker, Amanda; Marmot, Michael; (2007) Social inequalities in self reported health in early old age: follow-up of prospective cohort study. BMJ , 334 (7601) p.990. 10.1136/bmj.39167.439792.55. Green open access

Cooke, L.J.; (2007) Children's eating habits. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cox, S.J.; (2007) Psychological impact of cardiac testing in adolescents. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


De Vogli, R.; Ferrie, J.E.; Chandola, T.; Kivimäki, M.; Marmot, M.G.; (2007) Unfairness and health: evidence from the Whitehall II study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health , 61 (6) pp. 513-518. 10.1136/jech.2006.052563. Green open access

Dragano, N; Bobak, M; Wege, N; Peasey, A; Verde, PE; Kubinova, R; Weyers, S; ... Pikhart, H; + view all (2007) Neighbourhood socioeconomic status and cardiovascular risk factors: a multilevel analysis of nine cities in the Czech Republic and Germany. BMC Public Health , 7 , Article 255. 10.1186/1471-2458-7-255. Green open access


Ferrie, JE; Head, JA; Shipley, MJ; Vahtera, J; Marmot, MG; Kivimäki, M; (2007) Injustice at work and health: causation, correlation or cause for action? Occup Environ Med , 64 (6) 428-. Green open access


Griffin, S.C.; Barber, J.A.; Manca, A.; Sculpher, M.J.; Thompson, S.G.; Buxton, M.J.; Hemingway, H.; (2007) Cost effectiveness of clinically appropriate decisions on alternative treatments for angina pectoris: prospective observational study. BMJ , 334 (7594) pp.624. 10.1136/bmj.39129.442164.55. Green open access


Hadden, W.C.; Muntaner, C.; Benach, J.; Gimeno, D.; Benavides, F.G.; (2007) A glossary for the social epidemiology of work organization. Part 3: terms from labour markets. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health , 61 (1) pp. 6-8. 10.1136/jech.2004.032656. Green open access

Harkonmaki, K; Korkeila, K; Vahtera, J; Kivimaki, M; Suominen, S; Sillanmaki, L; Koskenvuo, M; (2007) Childhood adversities as a predictor of disability retirement. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH , 61 (6) pp. 479-484. 10.1136/jech.2006.052670. Green open access

Hassan, MA; Lund, VJ; Howard, DJ; Sackert, AA; (2007) Are the demographics for squamous cell cancer in the head and neck changing in the United Kingdom? Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 121 (2) 154 - 157. 10.1017/S0022215106004087. Green open access


Keltikangas-Jarvinen, L; Elovainio, M; Kivimaki, M; Raitakari, OT; Viikari, JSA; Lehtimaki, T; (2007) Dopamine receptor D2 gene Taq1A (C32806T) polymorphism modifies the relationship between birth weight and educational attainment in adulthood: 21-year follow-up of the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study. PEDIATRICS , 120 (4) pp. 756-761. 10.1542/peds.2007-0073. Green open access

Kivimaeki, M; Vahtera, J; Elovainio, M; Virtanen, M; Siegrist, J; (2007) Effort-reward imbalance, procedural injustice and relational injustice as psychosocial predictors of health: complementary or redundant models? OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE , 64 (10) pp. 659-665. 10.1136/oem.2006.031310. Green open access

Kivimaki, M; Gunnell, D; Lawlor, DA; Smith, GD; Pentti, J; Virtanen, M; Elovainio, M; ... Vahtera, J; + view all (2007) Social inequalities in antidepressant treatment and mortality: a longitudinal register study. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE , 37 (3) pp. 373-382. 10.1017/S0033291706009457. Green open access

Kivimaki, M; Honkonen, T; Wahlbeck, K; Elovainio, M; Pentti, J; Klaukka, T; Virtanen, M; (2007) Organisational downsizing and increased use of psychotropic drugs among employees who remain in employment. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH , 61 (2) pp. 154-158. 10.1136/jech.2006.050955. Green open access

Kivimaki, M; Leino-Arjas, P; Kaila-Kangas, L; Virtanen, M; Elovainio, M; Puttonen, S; Keltikangas-Jarvinen, L; ... Vahtera, J; + view all (2007) Increased absence due to sickness among employees with fibromyalgia. ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES , 66 (1) pp. 65-69. 10.1136/ard.2006.053819. Green open access

Kivimaki, M; Vanhala, A; Pentti, J; Lansisalmi, H; Virtanen, M; Elovainio, M; Vahtera, J; (2007) Team climate, intention to leave and turnover among hospital employees: Prospective cohort study. BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH , 7 (ARTN 170) 10.1186/1472-6963-7-170. Green open access

Kivimaki, M; Ferrie, JE; Hagberg, J; Head, J; Westerlund, H; Vahtera, J; Alexanderson, K; (2007) Diagnosis-specific sick leave as a risk marker for disability pension in a Swedish population. J EPIDEMIOL COMMUN H , 61 (10) , Article 915. 10.1136/jech.2006.055426. Green open access

Kouvonen, A; Vahtera, J; Elovainio, M; Cox, SJ; Cox, T; Linna, A; Virtanen, M; (2007) Organisational justice and smoking: the Finnish public sector study. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH , 61 (5) pp. 427-433. 10.1136/jech.2007.061739. Green open access

Kouvonen, A; Kivimaki, M; Vahtera, J; Oksanen, T; Elovainio, M; Cox, T; Virtanen, M; ... Wilkinson, RG; + view all (2007) Psychometric evaluation of a short measure of social capital at work. [Corrigendum]. BMC Public Health , 7 , Article 90. 10.1186/1471-2458-7-90. Green open access


Lally, Phillippa Jane; (2007) Habitual behaviour and weight control. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Langenberg, C.; (2007) Poor growth, social inequalities and coronary risk. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Lawlor, DA; Morton, S; Batty, GD; Macintyre, S; Clark, H; Smith, GD; (2007) Obstetrician-Assessed Maternal Health at Pregnancy Predicts Offspring Future Health. PLOS ONE , 2 (8) , Article e666. 10.1371/journal.pone.0000666. Green open access

Lundberg, J; Bobak, M; Malyutina, S; Kristenson, M; Pikhart, H; (2007) Adverse health effects of low levels of perceived control in Swedish and Russian community samples. BMC public health , 7 , Article 314. 10.1186/1471-2458-7-314. Green open access


Marlow, LAV; Waller, J; Wardle, J; (2007) Trust and experience as predictors of HPV vaccine acceptance. Human Vaccines , 3 (5) 171 - 175. 10.4161/hv.3.5.4310. Green open access

Marmot, M.; (2007) Health and wealth: the challenge of the gradient. [Lecture]. Presented at: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Health and Wealth Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

McAteer, J; Stone, S; Roberts, J; Michie, S; Fuller, C; Slade, R; Charlett, A; ... FIT study team; + view all (2007) Use of performance feedback to increase healthcare worker hand-hygiene behaviour. J HOSP INFECT , 66 (3) 291 - 292. 10.1016/j.jhin.2007.04.013. Green open access

Menon, U; Burnell, M; Sharma, A; Gentry-Maharaj, A; Fraser, L; Ryan, A; Parmar, M; ... UKCTOCS Group; + view all (2007) Decline in use of hormone therapy among postmenopausal women in the United Kingdom. Menopause , 14 (3) 462 - 467. 10.1097/01.gme.0000243569.70946.9d. Green open access

Mindell, J.; Klodawski, E.; Fitzpatrick, J.; Malhotra, N.; McKee, M.; Sanderson, C.; (2007) The impact of private sector provision on equitable provision of coronary revascularisation. Heart Online First 10.1136/hrt.2007.119875. Green open access

Mtaya, M; Astrom, AN; Tsakos, G; (2007) Applicability of an abbreviated version of the Child-OIDP inventory among primary schoolchildren in Tanzania. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes , 5 , Article 40. 10.1186/1477-7525-5-40. Green open access


Nelson, M; Bates, B; Erens, B; Mindell, J; (2007) Background and purpose of LIDNS. In: Nelson, M and Erens, B and Bates, B and Church, S and Boshier, T, (eds.) Low Income Diet and Nutrition Survey. TSO, Food Standards Agency: London. Green open access


Sabbah, W.; (2007) Exploring pathways towards social gradients in oral and general health. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Shahab, L; Jarvis, MJ; Britton, J; West, R; (2007) Diagnosis of COPD - Authors' reply. [Letter]. Thorax , 62 (10) p. 925. Green open access

Stone, S; Slade, R; Fuller, C; Charlett, A; Cookson, B; Teare, L; Jeanes, A; ... Michie, S; + view all (2007) Early communication: Does a national campaign to improve hand hygiene in the NHS work? Initial English and Welsh experience from the NOSEC study (National Observational Study to Evaluate the CleanYourHandsCampaign). J HOSP INFECT , 66 (3) 293 - 296. 10.1016/j.jhin.2007.04.011. Green open access

Story, A; Murad, S; Roberts, W; Verheyen, M; Hayward, AC; London Tuberculosis Nurses Network; (2007) Tuberculosis in London: The importance of homelessness, problem drug use and prison. THORAX , 62 (8) 667 - 671. 10.1136/thx.2006.065409. Green open access

Suoyrjo, H; Hinkka, K; Kivimaki, M; Klaukka, T; Pentti, J; Vahtera, J; (2007) Allocation of rehabilitation measures provided by the Social Insurance Institution in Finland: A register linkage study. JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE , 39 (3) pp. 198-204. 10.2340/16501977-0035. Green open access

Szarewski, A; Cadman, L; Mallett, S; Austin, J; Londesborough, P; Waller, J; Wardle, J; ... Cuzick, J; + view all (2007) Human papillomavirus testing by self-sampling: assessment of accuracy in an unsupervised clinical setting. Journal of Medical Screening , 14 (1) 34 - 42. 10.1258/096914107780154486. Green open access


Tam, CC; O'Brien, SJ; Petersen, I; Islam, A; Hayward, A; Rodrigues, LC; (2007) Guillain-Barre Syndrome and Preceding Infection with Campylobacter, Influenza and Epstein-Barr Virus in the General Practice Research Database. PLOS ONE , 2 (4) , Article e344. 10.1371/journal.pone.0000344. Green open access

Turner, SJW; (2007) Learning in doing: the social anthropology of innovation in a large UK organisation. Doctoral thesis , Durham University.


Virtanen, M; Kivimaki, M; Elovainio, M; Linna, A; Pentti, J; Vahtera, J; (2007) Neighbourhood socioeconomic status, health and working conditions of school teachers. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH , 61 (4) pp. 326-330. 10.1136/jech.2006.052878. Green open access


Waller, J; Marlow, LAV; Wardle, J; (2007) The association between knowledge of HPV and feelings of stigma, shame and anxiety. SEX TRANSM INFECT , 83 (2) 155 - 159. 10.1136/sti.2006.023333. Green open access

Waller, J; McCaffery, K; Kitchener, H; Nazroo, J; Wardle, J; (2007) Women's experiences of repeated HPV testing in the context of cervical cancer screening: A qualitative study. PSYCHO-ONCOL , 16 (3) 196 - 204. 10.1002/pon.1053. Green open access


Zeng, X.; (2007) The effects of clinical dental status on eating difficulty and oral health-related quality of life in an older Chinese population. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

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