Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 123.
Aad, G;
Abajyan, T;
Abbott, B;
Abdallah, J;
Khalek, SA;
Abdelalim, AA;
Abdinov, O;
... Collaboration, ATLAS; + view all
Search for diphoton events with large missing transverse momentum in 7 TeV proton-proton collision data with the ATLAS detector.
Physics Letters B
, 718
411 - 430.
Aad, G;
Abajyan, T;
Abbott, B;
Abdallah, J;
Khalek, SA;
Abdelalim, AA;
Abdinov, O;
... Collaboration, ATLAS; + view all
Time-dependent angular analysis of the decay B-s(0) -> J/psi phi and extraction of Delta Gamma(s) and the CP-violating weak phase phi(s) by ATLAS.
Journal of High Energy Physics
, 2012
, Article 72. 10.1007/JHEP12(2012)072.
Aad, G;
Abajyan, T;
Abbott, B;
Abdallah, J;
Khalek, SA;
Abdelalim, AA;
Abdinov, O;
... Collaboration, ATLAS; + view all
Search for the Higgs boson in the H -> WW -> lvjj decay channel at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
, 718
391 - 410.
Aad, G;
Abbott, B;
Abdallah, J;
Abdel Khalek, S;
Abdelalim, AA;
Abdesselam, A;
Abdinov, O;
... Zwalinski, L; + view all
Search for the standard model Higgs boson in the diphoton decay channel with 4.9fb -1 of pp collision data at √s=7TeV with atlas.
Physical Review Letters
, 108
, Article 111803. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.111803.
Aad, G;
Abbott, B;
Abdallah, J;
Abdelalim, AA;
Abdesselam, A;
Abdinov, O;
Abi, B;
... ATLAS Collaboration, The; + view all
Observation of a new χ(b) state in radiative transitions to Υ(1S) and Υ(2S) at ATLAS.
Physical Review Letters
, 108
, Article 152001. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.152001.
Aad, G;
Abbott, B;
Abdallah, J;
Abdelalim, AA;
Abdesselam, A;
Abdinov, O;
Abi, B;
... ATLAS Collaboration, The; + view all
Search for scalar bottom quark pair production with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=7 TeV.
Physical Review Letters
, 108
, Article 181802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.181802.
Aad, G;
Abbott, B;
Abdallah, J;
Abdelalim, AA;
Abdesselam, A;
Abdinov, O;
Abi, B;
... ATLAS Collaboration, The; + view all
Search for the Higgs boson in the H→WW(*)→ℓ(+)νℓ(-)ν decay channel in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
Physical Review Letters
, 108
, Article 111802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.111802.
Aad, G;
Abbott, B;
Abdallah, J;
Abdelalim, AA;
Abdesselam, A;
Abdinov, O;
Abi, B;
... ATLAS Collaboration, The; + view all
Measurement of the ZZ production cross section and limits on anomalous neutral triple gauge couplings in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s] = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
Physical Review Letters
, 108
, Article 041804. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.041804.
Aad, G;
Abbott, B;
Abdallah, J;
Abdelalim, AA;
Abdesselam, A;
Abdinov, O;
Abi, B;
... ATLAS Collaboration, The; + view all
Search for new phenomena in tt events with large missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s] = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
Physical Review Letters
, 108
, Article 041805. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.041805.
Aad, G;
Abbott, B;
Abdallah, J;
Khalek, SA;
Abdelalim, AA;
Abdesselam, A;
Abdinov, O;
... Collaboration, ATLAS; + view all
Search for supersymmetry with jets, missing transverse momentum and at least one hadronically decaying tau lepton in proton-proton collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration.
Physics Letters B
, 714
197 - 214.
Aad, G;
Abbott, B;
Abdallah, J;
Khalek, SA;
Abdelalim, AA;
Abdesselam, A;
Abdinov, O;
... Collaboration, ATLAS; + view all
Search for same-sign top-quark production and fourth-generation down-type quarks in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
Journal Of High Energy Physics
, 2012
, Article 69. 10.1007/JHEP04(2012)069.
Aad, G;
Abbott, B;
Abdallah, J;
Khalek, SA;
Abdelalim, AA;
Abdinov, O;
Abi, B;
... Collaboration, ATLAS; + view all
Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson produced in association with a vector boson and decaying to a b-quark pair with the ATLAS detector.
Physics Letters B
, 718
369 - 390.
Adams, RA;
Perrinet, LU;
Friston, K;
Smooth pursuit and visual occlusion: active inference and oculomotor control in schizophrenia.
PLoS One
, 7
, Article e47502. 10.1371/journal.pone.0047502.
Alshahwan, N;
Utilizing Output in Web Application Server-Side Testing.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Alzarooni, KMA;
Malware variant detection.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Bartsch, S;
Sasse, MA;
Guiding decisions on authorization policies: A participatory approach to decision support.
SAC '12 Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing.
(pp. 1502 - 1507).
Association for Computer Machinery: New York.
Bartsch, S;
Sasse, MA;
How Users Bypass Access Control and Why: The Impact of Authorization Problems on Individuals and the Organization.
(Research Notes
UCL Department of Computer Science: London, UK.
Battiston, S;
Puliga, M;
Kaushik, R;
Tasca, P;
Caldarelli, G;
DebtRank: Too central to fail? Financial networks, the FED and systemic risk.
Scientific Reports
, 2
, Article 541. 10.1038/srep00541.
Bisbas, TG;
Bell, TA;
Viti, S;
Yates, J;
Barlow, MJ;
3D-PDR: a new three-dimensional astrochemistry code for treating photodissociation regions.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 427
pp. 2100-2118.
Black, J;
Furniss, DJ;
Myketiak, C;
Curzon, P;
McOwan, P;
Microwave Racing: An Interactive Activity to Enthuse Students About HCI.
Presented at: CHI 2012: the 30th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Workshop: A Contextualised Curriculum for HCI, Austin, Texas.
Blandford, AE;
Ruecker, S;
Rockwell, G;
Sondheim, D;
et al;
The Beginning, the Middle, and the End: New Tools for the Scholarly Edition.
Scholarly and Research Communication
, 3
Bracegirdle, C;
Barber, D;
Bayesian conditional cointegration.
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2012).
(pp. 1095 - 1102).
International Conference on Machine Learning: Edinburgh, UK.
Brotherston, J;
Gorogiannis, N;
Petersen, RL;
A generic cyclic theorem prover.
Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems APLAS 2012: Programming Languages and Systems.
(pp. pp. 350-367).
Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg.
Buckle, JV;
Davis, CJ;
di Francesco, J;
Graves, SF;
Nutter, D;
Richer, JS;
Roberts, JF;
... Yates, J; + view all
The JCMT Legacy Survey of the Gould Belt: Mapping 13CO and C 18O in Orion A.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 422
521 - 541.
Cha, M;
Pérez, JAN;
Haddadi, H;
The spread of media content through blogs.
Social Network Analysis and Mining
, 2
249 - 264.
Chen, ZH;
Ma, ZH;
Gühne, O;
Severini, S;
Estimating entanglement monotones with a generalization of the Wootters formula.
Phys Rev Lett
, 109
, Article 200503. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.200503.
Collaboration, ATLAS;
Observation of spin correlation in ttbar events from pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector.
Physical Review Letters
, 108
, Article 212001. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.212001.
Collaboration, ATLAS;
Search for squarks and gluinos using final states with jets and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector in sqrt(s) = 7 TeV proton-proton collisions.
Physics Letters B
, 710
pp. 67-85.
Conti, N;
Jennett, C;
Maestre, J;
Sasse, MA;
When did my mobile turn into a 'sellphone'?: a study of consumer responses to tailored smartphone ads.
Proceedings of the 26th Annual BCS Interaction Specialist Group Conference on People and Computers.
(pp. 215 - 220).
British Computer Society: Swinton, UK.
Courtois, Nicolas T;
Gawinecki, Jerzy A;
Song, Guangyan;
Contradiction Immunity and Guess-Then-Determine Attacks on Gost.
Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications
, 53
65 - 79.
Courtois, N;
Gupta, K;
Hulme, D;
Building and Transport Cards: Attacks and Defences.
Presented at: Chip to Cloud Security Forum, Nice, France.
Del Prete, M.L.;
Personalised service discovery in mobile environments.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Diriye, Abdigani Mohamed;
Search interfaces for known-item and exploratory search tasks.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Dorard, L.R.M.;
Bandit algorithms for searching large spaces.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Duarte Rosa, M.J.;
Development and application of model selection methods
for investigating brain function.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Edwards, MJ;
Adams, RA;
Brown, H;
Pareés, I;
Friston, KJ;
A Bayesian account of 'hysteria'.
, 135
3495 -3512.
Egrot, R;
Hirsch, R;
Completely representable lattices.
Algebra Universalis
, 67
205 - 217.
Feng, X.;
Forensic detection of re-quantization and re-sampling.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Fitzgerald, CEB;
Structured Discussion and Early Failure Prediction in Feature Requests.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Fleck, R;
Designing for Reflection, Sustainability and Simplicity.
Presented at: Workshop on Simple, Sustainable living, CHI2012, Austin, Texas.
Fletcher, T.S.B.;
Machine learning for financial market prediction.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Friston, KJ;
Shiner, T;
FitzGerald, T;
Galea, JM;
Adams, R;
Brown, H;
Dolan, RJ;
... Bestmann, S; + view all
Dopamine, affordance and active inference.
PLoS Comput Biol
, 8
, Article e1002327. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002327.
Fu, R;
The Quality of Probabilistic Search in Unstructured Distributed Information Retrieval Systems.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Fuhs, C;
Kop, C;
Polynomial Interpretations for Higher-Order Rewriting.
In: Tiwari, A, (ed.)
Proceedings of the Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA'12).
(pp. 176 - 192).
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik
Furmston, T;
Barber, D;
A Unifying Perspective of Parametric Policy Search Methods for Markov Decision Processes.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25 (NIPS 2012).
(pp. 2726 - 2734).
Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation
Furniss, DJ;
Benedyk, R;
Digital Story Pragmatics: Tips & Tricks.
Presented at: CHI 2012: the 30th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Workshop: A Contextualised Curriculum for HCI, Austin, Texas.
Giesl, J;
Ströder, T;
Schneider-Kamp, P;
Emmes, F;
Fuhs, C;
Symbolic evaluation graphs and term rewriting: a general methodology for analyzing logic programs.
In: Schreye, DD and Janssens, G and King, A, (eds.)
(pp. 1 - 12).
Glowacka, D;
Learning from interaction: models and applications.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Godsil, C;
Kirkland, S;
Severini, S;
Smith, J;
Number-theoretic nature of communication in quantum spin systems.
Physical Review Letters
, 109
, Article 050502. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.050502.
Gold, NE;
A Framework to Evaluate the Adoption Potential of Interactive Performance Systems for Popular Music.
Proceedings of the 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference: Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 – 14 July 2012.
(pp. pp. 284-289).
SMC Network
Grange, S;
Qi, L;
Frank, C;
Ferguson-Pell, M;
Smitham, P;
Holloway, C;
Taylor, S;
... Tyler, N; + view all
Establishing Translational Research Pipelines for Smart Devices.
(Proceedings) IFESS 2012.
Greenhalgh, A.P.;
Power efficient communications in low power ad hoc radio networks.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Groenewegen, MAT;
Barlow, MJ;
Blommaert, JADL;
Cernicharo, J;
Decin, L;
Gomez, HL;
Hargrave, PC;
... Yates, J; + view all
An independent distance estimate to CW Leonis.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 543
, Article L8. 10.1051/0004-6361/201219604.
Grünewälder, S;
Broekhuis, F;
Macdonald, DW;
Wilson, AM;
McNutt, JW;
Shawe-Taylor, J;
Hailes, S;
Movement activity based classification of animal behaviour with an application to data from cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus).
PLoS One
, 7
, Article e49120. 10.1371/journal.pone.0049120.
Hindi, R.;
Discrimination of near-native decoy structures using statistical potentials.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Hirsch, R;
Hodkinson, I;
Completions and Complete Representability for Cylindric Algebras.
In: Andreka, H and Nemeti, I and Ferenczki, M, (eds.)
Cylindric-like algebras and Algebraic Logic.
(pp. 61-89).
Springer Verlag: Berlin/ Heidelberg, Germany.
Hirsch, R;
Jackson, M;
Some Undecidable Problems on Representability as Binary Relations.
The Journal of Symbolic Logic
, 77
pp. 1211-1244.
Janssen, CP;
Understanding Strategic Adaptation in Dual-Task Situations as Cognitively Bounded Rational Behavior.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Jennett, C;
Brostoff, S;
Malheiros, M;
Sasse, MA;
Adding insult to injury: consumer experiences of being denied credit.
International Journal of Consumer Studies
, 36
549 - 555.
Jin, B;
Rundell, W;
An inverse problem for a one-dimensional time-fractional diffusion problem.
Inverse Problems
, 28
, Article 075010. 10.1088/0266-5611/28/7/075010.
Keihaninejad, S;
Ryan, NS;
Malone, IB;
Modat, M;
Cash, D;
Ridgway, GR;
Zhang, H;
... Ourselin, S; + view all
The importance of group-wise registration in tract based spatial statistics study of neurodegeneration: a simulation study in Alzheimer's disease.
, 7
, Article e45996. 10.1371/journal.pone.0045996.
Kilteni, K;
Normand, JM;
Sanchez-Vives, MV;
Slater, M;
Extending body space in immersive virtual reality: a very long arm illusion.
PLoS One
, 7
, Article e40867. 10.1371/journal.pone.0040867.
King, AJ;
Wilson, AM;
Wilshin, SD;
Lowe, J;
Haddadi, H;
Hailes, S;
Morton, AJ;
Selfish-herd behaviour of sheep under threat.
Current Biology
, 22
R561 - R562.
Kirlappos, I;
Sasse, MA;
Security Education against Phishing: A Modest Proposal for a Major Rethink.
IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine
, 10
24 - 32.
Kirlappos, I;
Sasse, MA;
Harvey, N;
Why trust seals don't work: a study of user perceptions and behavior.
In: Katzenbeisser, S and Weippl, E and Camp, LJ and Volkamer, M and Reiter, MK and Zhang, X, (eds.)
Trust and Trustworthy Computing - 5th International Conference, TRUST 2012, Vienna, Austria, June 13-15, 2012. Proceedings.
(308 - 324).
Kirstein, P;
IPv6 Status and Uses.
International Journal of Informatics Society (IJIS)
, 4
3 - 29.
Kirstein, P;
Skarmeta, AFG;
Varakliotis, S;
Jara, AJ;
Extending the Internet of Things to the future Internet through IPv6 Support.
(Proceedings) 3rd International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT2012).
Knight, GM;
An experimental, epidemiological and mathematical investigation of fitness within clinical Staphylococcus aureus populations.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Krol, K;
Moroz, M;
Sasse, MA;
Don't work. Can't work? Why it's time to rethink security warnings.
7th International Conference on Risk and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS).
Kuipers, D;
Imaging and modelling to investigate the tissue mechanics during cell death in a simple epithelium.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Long, EAG;
Modelling microdomain-mediated protein sorting in immunological signalling.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Mac Aodha, O;
Campbell, NDF;
Nair, A;
Brostow, GJ;
Patch based synthesis for single depth image super-resolution.
Computer Vision – ECCV 2012.
(pp. 71 -84).
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: Germany.
Makri, S;
Blandford, A;
Coming across information serendipitously - Part 1: A process model.
Journal of Documentation
, 68
684 - 705.
Makri, S;
Blandford, A;
Coming across information serendipitously: Part 2 - A classification framework.
Journal of Documentation
, 68
706 - 724.
Malheiros, M;
Brostoff, S;
Jennett, C;
Sasse, A;
Would You Sell Your Mother's Data? Personal Data Disclosure in a Simulated Credit Card Application.
11th Annual Workshop on the Economics of Information Security.
WEIS: Berlin.
Malheiros, M;
Jennett, C;
Patel, S;
Brostoff, S;
Sasse, MA;
Too close for comfort: A study of the effectiveness and acceptability of rich-media personalized advertising.
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
(pp. 579 - 588).
Association for Computer Machinery
Mertzanidou, T;
Automatic correspondence between 2D and 3D images of the breast.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Mirghaemi, M.;
Bayesian learning in financial markets: economic news and high-frequency European sovereign bond markets.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Mondragon, RJ;
Zhou, S;
Random networks with given rich-club coefficient.
European Physical Journal B
, 85
, Article 328. 10.1140/epjb/e2012-21026-3.
Morales, JM;
Structured sparsity with convex penalty functions.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Morgan, GL;
Regional variation models of white matter microstructure.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Morton, A;
Sasse, MA;
Privacy is a process, not a PET: a theory for effective privacy practice.
NSPW '12 Proceedings of the 2012 workshop on New Security Paradigms.
(pp. 87 - 104).
Association for Computer Machinery: New York.
Mourão-Miranda, J;
Oliveira, L;
Ladouceur, CD;
Marquand, A;
Brammer, M;
Birmaher, B;
Axelson, D;
Pattern recognition and functional neuroimaging help to discriminate healthy adolescents at risk for mood disorders from low risk adolescents.
PLoS One
, 7
, Article e29482. 10.1371/journal.pone.0029482.
Mourao-Miranda, J;
Reinders, AA;
Rocha-Rego, V;
Lappin, J;
Rondina, J;
Morgan, C;
Morgan, KD;
... Dazzan, P; + view all
Individualized prediction of illness course at the first psychotic episode: a support vector machine MRI study.
Psychological Medicine
, 42
1037 -1047.
Mullon, CDL;
Investigating the evolution of sex-specific phenotypes.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Newell, AJ;
Invariant encoding schemes for visual recognition.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Noiret, L;
Development of a mathematical model of ammonia metabolism in liver cirrhosis.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Normand, J-M;
Spanlang, B;
Tecchia, F;
Carrozzino, M;
Swapp, D;
Slater, M;
Full Body Acting Rehearsal in a Networked Virtual Environment-A Case Study.
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments
, 21
229 - 243.
Normand, JM;
Sanchez-Vives, MV;
Waechter, C;
Giannopoulos, E;
Grosswindhager, B;
Spanlang, B;
Guger, C;
... Slater, M; + view all
Beaming into the rat world: enabling real-time interaction between rat and human each at their own scale.
PLoS One
, 7
, Article e48331. 10.1371/journal.pone.0048331.
Noulas, A;
Scellato, S;
Lambiotte, R;
Pontil, M;
Mascolo, C;
A Tale of Many Cities: Universal Patterns in Human Urban Mobility.
, 7
, Article e37027. 10.1371/journal.pone.0037027.
Pan, X;
Gillies, M;
Barker, C;
Clark, DM;
Slater, M;
Socially anxious and confident men interact with a forward virtual woman: an experimental study.
PLoS One
, 7
, Article e32931. 10.1371/journal.pone.0032931.
Paolucci, M;
Kossman, D;
Conte, R;
Lukowicz, P;
Argyrakis, P;
Blandford, A;
Bonelli, G;
... Helbing, D; + view all
Towards a living earth simulator.
The European Physical Journal Special Topics
, 214
77 - 108.
Paskins, J;
Bell, S;
Croxford, B;
Haklay, M;
Julier, S;
Crossing disciplines to address urban sustainability.
Sustainability: The Journal of Record
, 5
pp. 34-37.
Pengiran Salleh Ab Rahaman, PA;
A Human-Centred Approach to National Identity Management Systems.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Porter, C;
Sasse, MA;
Letier, E;
Designing acceptable user registration processes for e-services.
Proceedings of HCI 2012 The 26th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction.
Raiciu, C;
Paasch, C;
Barre, S;
Ford, A;
Honda, M;
Duchene, F;
Bonaventure, O;
How Hard Can It Be? Designing and Implementing a Deployable Multipath TCP.
Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation.
(pp. 399 - 412).
USENIX: San Jose, CA, USA.
Rajkomar, A;
Blandford, AE;
Understanding Infusion Administration in the ICU through Distributed Cognition.
Journal of Biomedical Informatics
, 45
pp. 580-590.
Reichen, M;
Macown, RJ;
Jaccard, N;
Super, A;
Ruban, L;
Griffin, LD;
Veraitch, FS;
Microfabricated modular scale-down device for regenerative medicine process development.
, 7
, Article e52246. 10.1371/journal.pone.0052246.
Rondina, JM;
Shawe-Taylor, J;
Mourão-Miranda, J;
A new feature selection method based on stability theory - Exploring parameters space to evaluate classification accuracy in neuroimaging data.
Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging.
(pp. pp. 51-59).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Rowe, MC;
Zhang, H;
Alexander, DC;
Utilising measures of fiber dispersion in white matter tractography.
Proceedings of the MICCAI 2012 Workshop for Computational Diffusion MRI.
(pp. 2 - 12).
UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Ruskov, M;
Celdran, JM;
Ekblom, P;
Sasse, MA;
Unlocking the next level of crime prevention: development of a game prototype to teach the conjunction of criminal opportunity.
Information Technologies and Control
, 10
pp. 15-21.
Schrouff, J;
Kusse, C;
Wehenkel, L;
Maquet, P;
Phillips, C;
Decoding Semi-Constrained Brain Activity from fMRI Using Support Vector Machines and Gaussian Processes.
PLoS One
, 7
, Article e35860. 10.1371/journal.pone.0035860.
Shilston, RT;
Blur perception: An evaluation of focus measures.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Skarlatidou, A.;
Trust in web geographical information systems for public participation.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Song, WM;
Di Matteo, T;
Aste, T;
Hierarchical information clustering by means of topologically embedded graphs.
, 7
, Article e31929. 10.1371/journal.pone.0031929.
Tariq, M;
Schneider, T;
Alexander, DC;
Wheeler-Kingshot, C;
Zhang, H;
Scan-rescan reproducibility of neurite microstructure estimates using NODDI.
In: Xie, X, (ed.)
Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2012: Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis.
(pp. 255 - 261).
The British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition: Swansea, UK.
Thomas, N;
Matejovicova, L;
Srikusalanukul, W;
Shawe-Taylor, J;
Chain, B;
Directional migration of recirculating lymphocytes through lymph nodes via random walks.
PLoS One
, 7
, Article e45262. 10.1371/journal.pone.0045262.
Tremoulheac, B;
Atkinson, D;
Arridge, SR;
Motion and contrast enhancement separation model reconstruction from partial measurements in dynamic MRI.
Proceedings of the MICCAI Workshop on Sparsity Techniques in Medical Imaging.
Vasek, M;
Moore, T;
Do Malware Reports Expedite Cleanup? An Experimental Study.
Conference Reports: 5th Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET ’12).
USENIX Association: Bellevue, Washington, USA.
Vincent, C;
Blandford, A;
Li, Y;
QOC-E: A mediating representation to support the development of shared rationale and integration of Human Factors advice.
Proceedings of the 2012 Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: March 12-14, 2012 Baltimore, Maryland USA.
(pp. 212 - 218).
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society: Santa Monica, US.
Wang, Z;
Shah, AD;
Tate, AR;
Denaxas, S;
Shawe-Taylor, J;
Hemingway, H;
Extracting diagnoses and investigation results from unstructured text in electronic health records by semi-supervised machine learning.
, 7
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