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Number of items: 52.


Allard, P; Cocina, C; (2018) Infrastructure and land value: Who benefits from state investment? ARQ (99) pp. 148-153. 10.4067/S0717-69962018000200148. Green open access

Allen, Adriana; Koroma, B; Osuteye, Emmanuel; Rigon, Andrea; (2018) Urban risk in Freetown’s informal settlements: making the invisible visible, in: Briefing No. 6. (WP3 - Risk Root Cause Analysis and Historical Urban Trajectories ). Urban Africa Risk Knowledge (Urban ARK)

Allen, A; Zilbert Soto, L; Wesely, J; Belkow, T; Ferro, V; Lambert, R; Langdown, I; (2018) De las agencias estatales a los ciudadanos comunes: Una mirada crítica a las inversiones en mitigación de riesgos y su impacto para interrumpir las trampas de riesgo urbano en Lima, Perú. Medio Ambiente y Urbanización , 89 (1) pp. 107-145. Green open access

Alraie, M; Collins, H; Rigon, A; (2018) A comparison of community sponsorship and government-led resettlement of refugees in the UK: Key Findings. Bartlett Development Planning Unit: London, UK. Green open access

Alvarez, Maria Khristine; (2018) #OCCUPYPABAHAY and the Politics of Placelessness: Dispatches from Manila, Philippines. The Funambulist (20) pp. 4-5. Green open access


Boano, C; Marten, R; (2018) Think Urban and Learn from the City: Exploring Urban Dimensions of Humanitarianism. Urban Crises Learning Fund managed by the Institute for Environment and Development: London, UK.

Brown, D; (2018) Health in secondary urban centres: Insights from Karonga, Malawi. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/dpublog/tag/in-situ-urbani... Green open access

Brown, D; (2018) Urbanisation and health in the 21st century: A Southern perspective. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/development/news/20... Green open access

Brown, Donald; (2018) Small places, big problems: Planning healthy environments in emerging African towns - the case of Karonga Town, Malawi. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Cabannes, Y; Douglass, M; Padawangi, R; (2018) Cities by and for the People. In: Cabannes, Y and Douglass, M and Padawangi, R, (eds.) Cities in Asia by and for the People. (pp. pp. 13-40). Amsterdam University Press: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Green open access

Cabannes, Y; Lipietz, B; (2018) Revisiting the democratic promise of participatory budgeting in light of competing political, good governance and technocratic logics. Environment and Urbanization , 30 (1) pp. 67-84. 10.1177/0956247817746279. Green open access

Carpi, E; Boano, C; (2018) Border towns: humanitarian assistance in peri-urban areas. Humanitarian Exchange , 71 pp. 39-42. Green open access

Colenbrander, S; Dodman, D; Mitlin, D; (2018) Using climate finance to advance climate justice: the politics and practice of channelling resources to the local level. Climate Policy , 18 (7) pp. 902-915. 10.1080/14693062.2017.1388212. Green open access

Craft, B; Fisher, S; (2018) Measuring the adaptation goal in the global stocktake of the Paris Agreement. Climate Policy , 18 (9) pp. 1203-1209. 10.1080/14693062.2018.1485546. Green open access


Desmaison, B; Boano, C; Astolfo, G; (2018) CASA [Ciudades Auto-Sostenibles Amazónicas]: desafíos y oportunidades para la sostenibilidad de los proyectos de reasentamiento poblacional preventivo en la Amazonía Peruana. Medio Ambiente y Urbanizacion , 88 pp. 149-176. Green open access

Dodman, D; Adelekan, I; Brown, D; Leck, H; Manda, M; Mberu, B; Pelling, M; ... Taylor, F; + view all (2018) A spectrum of methods for a spectrum of risk: Generating evidence to understand and reduce urban risk in sub-Saharan Africa. Area 10.1111/area.12510. (In press). Green open access


Escobar, DA; Oviedo, DR; Moncada, CA; (2018) Access to security services and crime patterns. Case study: Manizales, Colombia. Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management , 13 (1) pp. 57-73. Green open access


Fernandez-Wulff, P; Yap, C; (2018) Leveraging Urban Policy for Food Sovereignty and Human Rights. (Food for Thought 3 ). Transnational Institute: Amsterdam, Netherlands. Green open access

Fisher, S; Dodman, D; Van Epp, M; Garside, B; (2018) The usability of climate information in sub-national planning in India, Kenya and Uganda: the role of social learning and intermediary organisations. Climatic Change , 151 (2) pp. 219-245. 10.1007/s10584-018-2291-2. Green open access

Fre, Z; (2018) The Horn of Africa at a Cross Roads: A discussion on Shared History and the Root Causes of Environmental, Food and Livelihood Insecurities. Presented at: Horn of Africa at a Cross Roads, Melbourne, Australia. Green open access

Fre, Z; (2018) Knowledge Sovereignty among African Cattle Herders. [Book]. UCL Press: London, UK. Green open access


Guzman, LA; Oviedo, D; Cardona, R; (2018) Accessibility changes: Analysis of the integrated public transport system of Bogotá. Sustainability , 10 (11) , Article 3958. 10.3390/su10113958. Green open access


Hasan, M; Davila, JD; (2018) The politics of (im)mobility: Rickshaw bans in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Journal of Transport Geography , 70 pp. 246-255. 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2018.06.002. Green open access

Hofmann, Pascale; (2018) The Dialectics of Urban Water Poverty Trajectories: Policy-driven and Everyday Practices in Dar es Salaam. Doctoral thesis (Eng.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Holloway, C; Austin, V; Barbareschi, G; Ramos Barajas, F; Pannell, L; Morgado Ramirez, D; Frost, R; + view all (2018) Scoping Research Report on Assistive Technology - On The Road For Universal Assistive Technology Coverage. Global Disability Innovation Hub: London, UK. Green open access


Insulza Contardo, J; Boano, C; Wirshing, C; (2018) Gentrification in (re)construction: Talca's neighbourhoods post 2010 earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment , 9 (2) pp. 170-183. 10.1108/IJDRBE-08-2016-0034. Green open access


Johnson, CA; (2018) On Climate Change, Risk and Relocation. DPU News , 2018 (63) pp. 1-5. Green open access

Johnson, CA; Issaka, H; (2018) Niamey face au défi du développement urbain sensible aux risques : multiplicité des acteurs et déficit de synergie. Revue Ivoirienne de Geographie de Savanes (5) pp. 110-130. Green open access


Kolioulis, A; (2018) Approccio alle Istituzioni Eterotopiche. Millepiani , 41 pp. 105-126. Green open access

Kolioulis, A; (2018) More day in the night? The gentrification of London’s night-time through clubbing. Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana , 14 ((1) 2) pp. 207-218. 10.13128/bsgi.v1i2.536. Green open access

Koroma, B; Rigon, A; Walker, J; Sellu, SA; (2018) Urban livelihoods in Freetown’s Informal Settlements. Sierra Leone Urban Research Centre (SLURC): Freetown (Sierra Leone). Green open access


Leck, H; Pelling, M; Adelekan, I; Dodman, D; Issaka, H; Johnson, C; Manda, M; ... Boubacar, S; + view all (2018) Towards risk-sensitive and transformative urban development in sub Saharan Africa. Sustainability , 10 (8) , Article 2645. 10.3390/su10082645. Green open access


MacLachlan, M; McVeigh, J; Cooke, M; Ferri, D; Holloway, C; Austin, V; Javadi, D; (2018) Intersections Between Systems Thinking and Market Shaping for Assistive Technology: The SMART (Systems-Market for Assistive and Related Technologies) Thinking Matrix. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 15 (12) , Article 2627. 10.3390/ijerph15122627. Green open access

Mahdi, A; Hannah, C; Rigon, A; (2018) A comparison of community sponsorship and government-led resettlement of refugees in the UK: Perspectives from newcomers and host communities. Bartlett Development Planning Unit: London, UK. Green open access

Makarem, N; Charles, L; Mghrebi, R; (2018) Access to Resettlement and Complementary Pathways for Syrian Refugees. (Help Library , pp. pp. 1-48 ). ALNAP: London, UK.

Makarem, N; Crighton, M; Aweto, T; Aliogo, R; Idobo, IP; (2018) Urban Industrial Development and Business-Civic Leadership in Nigeria. (Urbanisation Research Nigeria (URN) Research Report ). ICF International: London, UK.

Milner, Elya L; Yacobi, Haim; (2018) Spaces of sovereignty: A tale of an unrecognized Palestinian village in Israel. Planning Theory , 17 (1) 117 -133. 10.1177/1473095217700687. Green open access


Nadin, Vincent; van der Toorn Vrijthoff, Wout; (2018) The Impact of Urban Planning and Governance on the Historic Built Environment (PICH): Final Report of the JPI-JHEP funded project. Delft University of Technology: Delft, Netherlands.


Ortiz, C; (2018) Colombia. disP - The Planning Review , 54 (1) pp. 35-37. 10.1080/02513625.2018.1454689. Green open access

Osuteye, E; Leck, H; Johnson, C; Ndezi, T; Makoba, FD; Pelling, M; (2018) Communicating risk from the frontline: projecting community voices into disaster risk management policies across scales, in: Urban Ark Briefing No 19. October 2018. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.gov.uk/research-for-development-output... Green open access

Oviedo Hernandez, DR; Guzman, LA; (2018) Accessibility, affordability and equity: Assessing ‘pro-poor’ public transport subsidies in Bogotá. Journal of Transport Geography , 68 pp. 37-51. 10.1016/j.tranpol.2018.04.012. Green open access


Patel, K; (2018) What is in a name? How caste names affect the production of situated knowledge. Gender, Place and Culture , 24 (7) pp. 1011-1030. 10.1080/0966369X.2017.1372385. Green open access

Patel, K; (2018) Housing in Africa. In: Binns, T and Lynch, K and Nel, E, (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of African Development. (pp. 426-436). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Pegg, S; Walls, M; (2018) Back on Track? Somaliland after its 2017 Presidential Election. African Affairs , 117 (467) pp. 326-337. 10.1093/afraf/ady011. Green open access

Pelling, M; Leck, H; Pasquini, L; Ajibade, I; Osuteye, E; Parnell, S; Lwasa, S; ... Boubacar, S; + view all (2018) Africa's urban adaptation transition under a 1.5° climate. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability , 31 pp. 10-15. 10.1016/j.cosust.2017.11.005. Green open access


Rigon, A; (2018) An analysis of well-being in urban Nigeria. Development in Practice , 28 (2) pp. 195-207. 10.1080/09614524.2018.1421618. Green open access

Rigon, A; Koroma, B; Macarthy, J; Apsan Frediani, A; (2018) The politics of urban management and planning in African cities. In: Binns, T and Lynch, K and Nel, E, (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of African Development. (pp. 415-425). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access


Sabogal, OA; Escobar, DA; Oviedo, DR; (2018) Making Accessibility Visible: Visualizing Spatial Accessibility Through Multi-Dimensional Scaling Model. Modern Applied Science , 12 (6) pp. 70-85. 10.5539/mas.v12n6p70. Green open access

Scholl, L; Martínez, D; Mitnik, OA; Oviedo, D; Yáñez-Pagans, P; (2018) A Rapid Road to Employment?: The Impacts of a Bus Rapid Transit System in Lima. (IDB Working Paper Series 00980). Inter-American Development Bank: Washington, D.C., USA. Green open access


Talocci, GT; Boano, CB; (2018) The de-politicisation of housing policies: the case of Borei Keila land-sharing in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. International Journal of Housing Policy , 18 (2) pp. 290-311. 10.1080/19491247.2017.1298365. Green open access


Vergara Perucich, JF; (2018) Henri Lefebvre, Marxist thought and the city. Revista Izquierdas (38) pp. 361-363. Green open access


Walls, M; Heine, C; Klingel, A; Goggin, C; Farag, A; Mwape, S; (2018) The limits of consensus? Report on the Somaliland Presidential Election, 13th November 2017. UCL Bartlett Development Planning Unit: London, UK. Green open access

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