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Number of items: 86.


Bikakis, A; Flouris, G; (2019) A comprehensive study of argumentation frameworks with sets of attacking arguments. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning , 109 pp. 55-86. 10.1016/j.ijar.2019.03.006. Green open access

Binding, C; Tudhope, D; Vlachidis, A; (2019) A study of semantic integration across archaeological data and reports in different languages. Journal of Information Science , 45 (3) pp. 364-386. 10.1177/0165551518789874. Green open access

Broughton, V; (2019) The Respective Roles of Intellectual Creativity and Automation in Representing Diversity: Human and Machine Generated Bias. Knowledge Organization , 46 (8) pp. 596-606. 10.5771/0943-7444-2019-8-596.

Bunn, J; Rayner, S; (2019) Observing the author-editor relationship: Recordkeeping and literary scholarship in dialogue. Archives and Manuscripts , 47 (3) pp. 359-373. 10.1080/01576895.2019.1609363. Green open access

Bunn, JJ; (2019) Archival automation in the United Kingdom and the relationship between standardization and computerization. Information & Culture: A Journal of History , 54 (2) pp. 159-178. 10.7560/IC54202. Green open access

Campagnolo, A; Connelly, E; Wacha, H; (2019) Labeculæ Vivæ: Building a Reference Library of Stains for Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts. Manuscript Studies , 4 (2) pp. 401-416. 10.1353/mns.2019.0018. Green open access

Crymble, A; (2019) Introduction to Gravity Models of Migration & Trade. The Programming Historian (8) 10.46430/phen0085. Green open access

Dahroug, A; Vlachidis, A; Liapis, A; Bikakis, A; Lopez-Nores, M; Sacco, O; Juan Pazos-Arias, J; (2019) Using dates as contextual information for personalised cultural heritage experiences. Journal of Information Science 10.1177/0165551519871823. (In press). Green open access

Duke-Williams, O; (2019) Commentary on ‘Evaluating methods for measuring daily walking to public transport: Balancing accuracy and data availability’. Journal of Transport & Health , 15 , Article 100662. 10.1016/j.jth.2019.100662. Green open access

Duke-Williams, OW; (2019) Location Tracing and Potential Risks in Interaction Data Sets. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy , 12 pp. 377-394. 10.1007/S12061-017-9247-1. Green open access

Franzini, G; Terras, M; Mahony, S; (2019) Digital Editions of Text: Surveying User Requirements in the Digital Humanities. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) - Special Issue on the Evaluation of Digital Cultural Resources , 12 (1) 10.1145/3230671. Green open access

Garbaya, S; Romano, DM; Hattar, G; (2019) Gamification of assembly planning in virtual environment. Assembly Automation , 39 (5) pp. 931-943. 10.1108/AA-10-2018-0147. Green open access

Hicks, A; (2019) Building Intercultural Teachers: Designing Information Literacy Instruction Opportunities for Increasingly International Populations. Journal of Academic Librarianship , 45 (2) pp. 146-152. 10.1016/j.acalib.2019.02.001. Green open access

Hicks, A; (2019) Mitigating risk: Mediating transition through the enactment of information literacy practices. Journal of Documentation , 75 (5) pp. 1190-1210. 10.1108/JD-11-2018-0184. Green open access

Hicks, A; (2019) Moving beyond the descriptive: The grounded theory of mitigating risk and the theorisation of information literacy. Journal of Documentation , 76 (1) pp. 126-144. 10.1108/JD-07-2019-0126. Green open access

Hollis, H; Rachitskiy, M; Van der Leer, L; (2019) The development and face validity testing of the open test of information literacy with context-specific add-ons: OTIL. LIBER Quarterly , 29 (1) pp. 1-21. 10.18352/lq.10264. Green open access

Hoyle, V; Fife, K; Smyth, H; Ishmael, H; (2019) Building a community of critical practice through reflective reading. ALISS Quarterly , 14 (3) pp. 10-12. Green open access

Hoyle, V; Shepherd, E; Flinn, A; Lomas, E; (2019) Child social care recording and the information rights of care-experienced people: A recordkeeping perspective. British Journal of Social Work , 49 (7) pp. 1856-1874. 10.1093/bjsw/bcy115. Green open access

Intarasirisawat, J; Ang, CS; Efstratiou, C; Dickens, LWF; Page, R; (2019) Exploring the Touch and Motion Features in Game-Based Cognitive Assessments. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies , 3 (3) , Article 87. 10.1145/3351245. Green open access

Kamposiori, C; Warwick, C; Mahony, S; (2019) The impact of digitization and digital resource design on the scholarly workflow in art history. International Journal for Digital Art History , 4 3.11-3.27. 10.11588/dah.2019.4.52795. Green open access

Lee, Deborah; Robinson, Lyn; Bawden, David; (2019) Modeling the relationship between scientific and bibliographic classification for music. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology , 70 (3) pp. 230-241. 10.1002/asi.24120. Green open access

Lee, D; (2019) The classification of musical transformation: a conceptual approach to the knowledge organization of musical arrangements. Information Research , 24 (4) Green open access

Lloyd, A; (2019) Chasing Frankenstein's monster: Information literacy in the black box society. Journal of Documentation , 75 (6) pp. 1475-1485. 10.1108/JD-02-2019-0035. Green open access

Lloyd, A; Burnett, S; (2019) The road not taken: locating desire lines across information landscapes. Information Research: An International Electronic Journal , 24 (4) , Article paper colis1911. Green open access

Lloyd, A; Lloyd-Zantiotis, A; Lloyd, A; (2019) Tapping in to the information landscape: Refugee enactment of information literacy in everyday spaces. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science , 51 (1) pp. 252-259. 10.1177/0961000617709058. Green open access

Lloyd, A; Olsson, M; (2019) Enacting and capturing embodied knowledge in the practices of enthusiast car restorers: Emerging themes. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science , 51 (4) pp. 1033-1040. 10.1177/0961000618769979. Green open access

Lloyd, A; Olsson, M; (2019) Untangling the knot: The information practices of enthusiast car restorers. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology , 70 (12) pp. 1311-1323. 10.1002/asi.24284. Green open access

Lomas, E; (2019) FARMER: supporting the evolving educational needs of the profession. ARC Magazine Green open access

Lomas, E; Makhlouf Shabou, B; Grazhenskaya, A; (2019) Information governance and ethics – information opportunities and challenges in a shifting world: setting the scene. [Editorial comment]. Records Management Journal , 29 (1/2) pp. 2-4. 10.1108/RMJ-03-2019-048. Green open access

López-Nores, M; Bravo-Quezada, OG; Bassani, M; Antoniou, A; Lykourentzou, I; Jones, CE; Kontiza, K; ... Pazos-Arias, JJ; + view all (2019) Technology-Powered Strategies to Rethink the Pedagogy of History and Cultural Heritage through Symmetries and Narratives. Symmetry , 11 (3) , Article 367. 10.3390/sym11030367. Green open access

Mahony, S; (2019) Analysis of Ancient and Medieval Texts and Manuscripts: Digital Approaches. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2014. [Review]. Variants: the Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship , 14 pp. 191-193. Green open access

Ortolja-Baird, A; Pickering, V; Nyhan, J; Sloan, K; Fleming, M; (2019) Digital Humanities in the Memory Institution: the challenges of encoding Sir Hans Sloane’s catalogues of his collections. Open Library of Humanities , 5 (1) , Article 44. 10.16995/olh.409. Green open access

Padfield, J; Kontiza, K; Bikakis, A; Vlachidis, A; (2019) Semantic Representation and Location Provenance of Cultural Heritage Information: the National Gallery Collection in London. Heritage , 2 (1) pp. 648-665. 10.3390/heritage2010042. Green open access

Ramdarshan Bold, M; (2019) Is "Everyone welcome"?: Intersectionality, inclusion, and the extension of cultural hierarchies on Emma Watson's Feminist book club, "Our shared shelf". Participations , 16 (1) pp. 441-472. Green open access

Ramdarshan Bold, M; Phillips, L; (2019) Adolescent Identities: The Untapped Power Of YA. Research on Diversity in Youth Literature , 1 (2) , Article 7. Green open access

Rayner, S; Searle, A; (2019) C. S. Lewis Writing and Publishing Literary Criticism with Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press. Mémoires du livre , 10 (2) 10.7202/1060977ar. Green open access

Rayner, SJ; (2019) Female Arthurian Scholars: An Initial Collection of Tributes. Journal of the International Arthurian Society , 7 (1) pp. 3-41. 10.1515/jias-2019-0002. Green open access

Richards, M; Sizer, A; Sharma, N; Rawle, MJ; Davis, D; Kuh, D; James, S-N; (2019) Identifying the lifetime cognitive and socioeconomic antecedents of cognitive state: seven decades of follow-up in a British birth cohort study. BMJ Open , 9 , Article e024404. 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024404. Green open access

Shelton, N; Marshall, CE; Stuchbury, R; Grundy, E; Dennett, A; Tomlinson, J; Duke-Williams, O; (2019) Cohort Profile: the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study (The LS). International Journal of Epidemiology 10.1093/ije/dyy243. (In press). Green open access

Shepherd, E; Bunn, J; Flinn, A; Lomas, E; Sexton, A; Brimble, S; Chorley, K; ... Page, J; + view all (2019) Open government data: critical information management perspectives. Records Management Journal , 29 (1/2) pp. 152-167. 10.1108/RMJ-08-2018-0023. Green open access

Shepherd, E; Sexton, A; Duke-Williams, O; Eveleigh, A; (2019) Risk identification and management for the research use of government administrative data. Records Management Journal 10.1108/RMJ-03-2019-0016. (In press). Green open access

Tether, L; Rayner, SJ; (2019) Editorial. [Editorial comment]. Journal of the International Arthurian Society , 7 (1) pp. 1-2. 10.1515/jias-2019-0001. Green open access

Williams, P; (2019) Gatekeepers and support for research involving people with learning disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education , 35 (1) pp. 23-24. 10.1080/08856257.2019.1687565. Green open access

Williams, P; (2019) ‘It all sounds very interesting, but we’re just too busy!’: exploring why ‘gatekeepers’ decline access to potential research participants with learning disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education , 35 (1) pp. 1-14. 10.1080/08856257.2019.1687563. Green open access

Williams, P; Shekhar, S; (2019) People with Learning Disabilities and Smartphones: Testing the Usability of a Touch-Screen Interface. Education Sciences , 9 (4) , Article 263. 10.3390/educsci9040263. Green open access

Book chapter

Lomas, EJ; (2019) Navigating confidentiality, legal privilege and GDPR to maintain legal records for future generations: the case for archiving. In: Cowling, C, (ed.) Legal Records at Risk: A Strategy for Safeguarding our Legal Heritage. (pp. 150-155). The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies: London, UK. Green open access

Lomas, EJ; (2019) Julie McLeod. In: Duranti, L and Franks, P, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Archival Writers, 1500-2015. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: Lanham, MD, USA. Green open access

Lomas, EJ; Makhlouf-Shabou, B; Guercio, M; Katuu, S; Grazhenskaya, A; (2019) Strategies, methods and tools enabling records governance in a cloud environment. In: Duranti, L and Rodgers, C, (eds.) Trusting Records in the Cloud. Facet and SAA (In press).

Rayner, S; (2019) Academic Publishing. In: Phillips, A and Bhaskar, M, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Publishing. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Rayner, SJ; (2019) University Presses and Academic Publishing. In: Nash, A and Squires, C and Willison, IR, (eds.) The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain: Volume 7. The Twentieth Century and Beyond. (pp. 470-483). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Sexton, A; Flinn, A; (2019) Activist participatory communities in archival contexts: theoretical perspectives. In: Benoit III, E and Eveleigh, A, (eds.) Participatory Archives. Facet Publishing: London, UK. Green open access

Shepherd, EJ; (2019) Open Government. In: Duranti, L and Rogers, C, (eds.) Trusting Records in the Cloud. Facet Publishing and SAA (In press).

Proceedings paper

Almeshari, M; Dowell, J; Nyhan, J; (2019) Using Personas to Model Museum Visitors. In: Proceedings of UMAP'19 Adjunct. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA. (In press). Green open access

Bi, T; Zhang, Y; Wang, C; Ayobi, A; (2019) Characterizing HCI Research in China: Streams, Methodologies and Future Directions. In: Proceedings of the CHI'19 Workshop: HCI in China: Research Agenda, Education Curriculum, Industry Partnership, and Communities Building. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): Glasgow, UK. Green open access

Bi, T; Berthouze, N; Singh, A; Costanza, E; (2019) Understanding the Shared Experiences of Runners and Spectators in Long-Distance Running Events. In: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems:CHI '19. (pp. p. 461). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Filgueir, R; Jackson, M; Terras, M; Beavan, D; Roubickov, A; Hobson, T; Ardanuy, MC; ... Ahnert, R; + view all (2019) defoe: A Spark-based Toolbox for Analysing Digital Historical Textual Data. In: Altintas, Ilkay, (ed.) Proceedings of 15th International Conference on escience 2019. escience: San Diego, CA, USA. Green open access

Handriani, I; Priambodo, B; Hazidar, AH; Masril, M; Pratama Putra, Z; Kudr Nseaf, A; Naf'An, E; (2019) Standard operational procedure fund distribution system of zakat infaq and shodaqoh for zakat foundations. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (pp. pp. 1-6). IOP Science Green open access

Hess, M; Schlieder, C; Troi, A; Huth, O; Jagfeld, M; Hindmarch, J; Henrich, A; (2019) Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation. Methods of Teaching and Learning This M.Sc. Degree, Unique in Germany. In: Luigini, A, (ed.) Proceedings of the 1st International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Digital Environments for Education, Arts and Heritage: EARTH 2018. (pp. pp. 53-63). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Hollis, H; (2019) Information Literacy and Critical Thinking: Different concepts, shared conceptions. In: Proceedings of the Conceptions of Library and Information Science 10th International Conference (CoLIS 2019). University of Borås, Sweden: Ljubljana, Slovenia. Green open access

Humbel, M; Nyhan, J; (2019) The application of HTR to early-modern museum collections: a case study of Sir Hans Sloane's Miscellanies catalogue. In: Proceedings of the Digital Humanities conference 2019. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations: Utrecht, Netherlands. Green open access

Loboda, O; Nyhan, J; Mahony, S; Romano, D; Terras, M; (2019) Content-based Recommender Systems for Heritage: Developing a Personalised Museum Tour. In: Proceedings of the 1st International ‘Alan Turing’ Conference on Decision Support and Recommender Systems (DSRS-Turing 2019). DSRS-Turing: London, United Kingdom. Green open access

Mahony, S; Gao, J; (2019) Linguistic and Cultural Hegemony in the Digital Humanities. In: Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Congress 2018. The Digital Humanities Institute: Sheffield, UK. Green open access

Masril, M; Hendrik, B; Theozard Fikri, H; Hazidar, AH; Priambodo, B; Naf'An, E; Handriani, I; ... Kudr Nseaf, A; + view all (2019) The Effect of Lego Mindstorms as an Innovative Educational Tool to Develop Students' Creativity Skills for a Creative Society. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Science Green open access

Naf'An, E; Sulaiman, R; Mohamad Ali, N; Priambodo, B; Hazidar, AH; Kudr Nseaf, A; Pratama Putra, Z; ... Handriani, I; + view all (2019) Improving the Modelling of Robot Bunker with Camera. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (pp. pp. 1-7). IOP Science Green open access

Nassif Jassim, K; Khudhur Nsaif, A; Kuder Nseaf, A; Hazidar, AH; Priambodo, B; Naf'An, E; Masril, M; ... Pratama Putra, Z; + view all (2019) Hybrid cryptography and steganography method to embed encrypted text message within image. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (pp. pp. 1-9). IOP Science Green open access

Peng, M; Wang, C; Bi, T; Chen, T; Zhou, X; shi, Y; (2019) A Novel Apex-Time Network for Cross-Dataset Micro-Expression Recognition. In: Procceeding of the2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII). IEEE: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Priambodo, B; Rahayu, S; Hazidar, AH; Naf'An, E; Masril, M; Handriani, I; Pratama Putra, Z; ... Jumaryadi, Y; + view all (2019) Predicting GDP of Indonesia Using K-Nearest Neighbour Regression. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (pp. pp. 1-7). IOP Science Green open access

Setiawan, D; Priambodo, B; Desi Anasanti, M; Hazidar, AH; Naf'An, E; Masril, M; Handriani, I; ... Pratama Putra, Z; + view all (2019) Designing a Multimodal Graph System to Support Non-Visual Interpretation of Graphical Information. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (pp. pp. 1-6). IOP Science Green open access

Valeonti, F; Terras, M; Hudson-Smith, A; Zarkali, C; (2019) Examining Mobile Print-on-Demand as an Alternative to Image Licensing for Monetising Digitisation to Promote OpenGLAM. In: Proceedings of MW19, the 23rd annual MuseWeb conference. Museums and the Web: Boston, MA, USA. Green open access

Vlachidis, A; Mark, E; (2019) WASOS: An Ontology for Modelling Traditional Knowledge of Sustainable Water Stewardship. In: Garoufallou, E and De Luca, EW, (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research - Metadata and Semantic Research. MTSR 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science. (pp. pp. 332-339). Springer: Rome, Italy. Green open access

Williams, P; (2019) Facebook use by people with learning disabilities: The case for facilitated, guided autonomy. In: Uzunboylu, H, (ed.) New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences. (pp. pp. 99-108). United World Center of Research Innovation and Publication: Cyprus Science Univ, Kazafani, CYPRUS. Green open access


Ramdarshan Bold, M; (2019) Representation of people of colour among children’s book authors and illustrators. (BookTrust Represents ). BookTrust: London, UK. Green open access

Conference item

Champion, Tony; Duke-Williams, Oliver; (2019) Migration and the 'left-behind places'. Presented at: Stronger Towns: What can the Census tell us?, London, UK. Green open access

Duke-Williams, Oliver; (2019) What can the ONS Longitudinal Study tell us about time travel and about the Force? Presented at: Invited talk: Microsoft Swiftkey team, London, London, UK. Green open access

Duke-Williams, Oliver; (2019) What can we do with millions of records? Presented at: 'FreeReg and FreeCen @ Twenty': FreeUKGenealogy Conference, 2019, York, UK. Green open access

Lomas, E; (2019) GDPR's privacy by design and default: altered perspectives. Presented at: The Right to be Forgotten v the Responsibility to Remember: GDPR one year on…, Dublin, Ireland. Green open access

Lomas, E; McLeod, J; (2019) RecordDNA: In the digital era what is the concept of record? Presented at: IRFD Network Opening Conference: What is a Record?, Copenhagen, Denmark. Green open access

Sexton, A; (2019) 'It's Their Life': designing participatory recordkeeping systems for children and young people in care. Presented at: Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities, DCDC 2019, Birmingham, UK. Green open access

Sexton, A; (2019) Working with traumatic records: how should we train, prepare and support record-keepers? Presented at: Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI) 2019, Liverpool, UK. Green open access

Sizer, A; Duke-Williams, O; (2019) The Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study. Presented at: 4th International Conference on Administrative Data Research 2019, Cardiff, Wales, UK. Green open access

Vlachidis, A; (2019) Reflections on Excavating Archaeological Grey Literature: and on the Challenges in Information Extraction. Presented at: Big Data in Archaeology: Practicalities and Possibilities, Cambridge, UK. Green open access


Duke-Williams, Oliver; Shelton, Nicola; (2019) Yr Iaith Gymraeg: un miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050? Welsh Language: A million Welsh speakers by 2050? Presented at: BSPS Annual Conference 2019, Cardiff, UK. Green open access


Dietz, Laura Catharine; (2019) Credible Texts: Legitimacy and Reputation of E-books and E-novels. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Garside, Daniel; (2019) Museum Lighting, Colour Constancy and Melanopsin. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sizer, Alison; (2019) Non-employment, a risk factor for cognitive decline in later life? Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Digital scholarly resource

Vlachidis, A; Everard, M; (2019) WASOS Ontology - Alpha Version. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://github.com/avlachid/WASOS Green open access

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