Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 29.
Bikakis, A;
Caire, P;
Le Traon, Y;
Tools for Conviviality in Multi-Context Systems.
IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications
, 1
pp. 95-113.
Criswell, J;
Canty, N;
Deconstructing Social Media: An Analysis of Twitter and Facebook Use in the Publishing Industry.
Publishing Research Quarterly
, 30
352 - 376.
Hitchcock, T;
Crymble, A;
Falcini, L;
Loose, idle and disorderly: vagrant removal in late eighteenth-century Middlesex.
Social History
, 39
pp. 509-527.
Inskip, C;
Whitworth, A. 2014. Radical information literacy:
reclaiming the political heart of the IL movement.
Oxford: Chandos. 233 pp. ISBN: 9781843347484. £47.50.
Journal of Information Literacy
, 8
pp. 167-168.
Jiménez-Serrano, A;
Aguilera, AI;
Ayora Cañada, MJ;
López, MB;
Vidal, AD;
Piquette, KE;
Proyecto Qubbet el-Hawa: las tumbas 33, 34aa y 34bb. Sexta campaña.
Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología
, 23
pp. 7-48.
Lloyd, A;
Building Information Resilience: How do Resettling Refugees Connect with Health Information in Regional Landscapes - Implications for Health Literacy.
Australian Academic & Research Libraries
, 45
pp. 48-66.
Lloyd, A;
Following the red thread of information in information literacy research: Recovering local knowledge through interview to the double.
Library & Information Science Research
, 36
pp. 99-105.
Nyhan, J;
Managing and Growing a Cultural Heritage Web Presence: a Strategic Guide [Book review].
Journal of Documentation
, 70
pp. 194-196.
Nyhan, J;
Visual Interface Design for Digital Cultural Heritage: a guide to rich prospect browsing [Book review].
Journal of Documentation
, 70
pp. 498-500.
Nyhan, J;
Duke-Williams, O;
Joint and multi-authored publication patterns in the Digital Humanities.
Literary and Linguistic Computing
, 29
387- 399.
Book chapter
Lloyd, Annemaree;
Informed bodies: Does the corporeal experience matter to information literacy practice?
In: Bruce, C and Davis, K and Hughes, H and Partridge, H and Stoodley, I, (eds.)
Information Experience: Approaches to Theory and Practice.
(pp. 85-99).
Emerald Publishing Limited: Bingley, UK.
Nyhan, J;
Terras, M;
Mahony, S;
Digital Humanities and Integrative Learning.
In: Blackshields, D and Cronin, J and Higgs, B and Kilcommins, S and McCarthy, M and Ryan, A, (eds.)
Integrative Learning: International research and practice.
(235 - 247).
Routledge: Abingdon, UK.
Proceedings paper
Caire, P;
Bikakis, A;
A MCS-based methodology for computing coalitions in Multirobot Systems.
CogRob 2014: 9th International Workshop on Cognitive Robotics (ECAI 2014 workshop).
Dickens, L;
Lupu, E;
On efficient meta-data collection for crowdsensing.
In: Zaruba, G and Farkas, K, (eds.)
First International Workshop on Crowdsensing Methods, Techniques and Applications.
(pp. pp. 62-67).
Giacometti, A;
Campagnolo, A;
MacDonald, L;
Mahony, S;
Terras, M;
Robson, S;
Weyrich, T;
Visualising Macroscopic Deterioration of Parchment and Writing via Multispectral Images.
In: Driscoll, MJ, (ed.)
Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 15: proceedings of the fifteenth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen 2nd - 4th April 2014.
Museum Tusculanum Press: Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hess, M;
Robson, S;
Hosseininaveh, A;
A contest of sensors in close range 3D imaging: performance evaluation with a new metric test object.
ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium (Volume XL-5).
(pp. 277 - 284).
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS): Riva del Garda, Italy.
Kulakli, A;
Mahony, S;
Knowledge creation and sharing with Web 2.0 tools for teaching and learning roles in so-called University 2.0.
In: Ozsahin, M, (ed.)
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
(pp. pp. 648-657).
Elsevier B.V: Oxford, UK.
Ma, J;
Miller, R;
Morgenstern, L;
Patkos, T;
An Epistemic Event Calculus for ASP-based Reasoning About Knowledge of the Past, Present and Future.
In: Mcmillan, K and Middeldorp, A and Sutcliffe, G and Voronkov, A, (eds.)
Proceedings of the LPAR-19. 19th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning.
(pp. pp. 75-87).
MacDonald, L;
Guerra, MF;
Pillay, R;
Hess, M;
Quirke, S;
Robson, S;
Ahmadabadian, AH;
Practice-Based Comparison of Imaging Methods for Visualization of Toolmarks on an Egyptian Scarab.
In: Elmoataz, E and Lezoray, O and Nouboud, F and Mammass, D, (eds.)
Image and Signal Processing: 6th International Conference, ICISP 2014, Cherbourg, France, June 30 – July 2, 2014. Proceedings.
(pp. 239 - 246).
Springer International Publishing: Cherbourg, France.
Nyhan, J;
The role of labels and metaphors in investigating interconnections between the Digital Humanities and the Humanities.
(Proceedings) Making of the Humanities IV.
Rivera-Rubio, J;
Alexiou, I;
Bharath, A;
Secoli, R;
Dickens, L;
Lupu, EC;
Associating locations from wearable cameras.
In: Valstar, M and French, A and Pridmore, T, (eds.)
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2014.
BMVA Press
Inskip, C;
Information literacy is for life, not just for a good degree: a literature review.
(Information Literacy Project
Charted Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP): London, UK.
Inskip, C;
Information literacy: good practice informing common practice.
Society of College, National and University Libraries (SCONUL): London, UK.
Inskip, C;
Mapping resources to competencies: a quick guide to the JISC Developing Digital Literacies resources.
Society of College, National and University Libraries (SCONUL): London, UK.
Conference item
Duke-Williams, O;
Routsis, V;
Flow Data.
Presented at: Census Research User Conference 2014, Royal Statistical Society, London, United Kingdom.
Hess, M;
Carnall, M;
Wax apples, life flowers and hummingbird: limitations in the creation of digital 3D images for specimens. Examples from Naturkundemuseum Bamberg, Germany and Grant Museum of Zoology, UCL, London.
Presented at: Digital Specimen, Berlin, Germany.
Inskip, C;
Mapping competences to resources.
Presented at: Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC), Sheffield, UK.
Inskip, C;
Reflecting on digital scholarship competences.
Presented at: Association of Librarians and Information Workers in the Social Sciences (ALISS) AGM, London, UK.
Penn, ESM;
Exploring archival value: an axiological approach.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).