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Abusrewil, F; (2006) How to set up a paediatric ambulatory unit. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Aron, B.R.; (2006) Neuroprotective effects of heat shock proteins in experimental ischaemia: an MRI study. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Aziz, N.M.A.; (2006) Molecular basis of neural fold adhesion and fusion in closure of the spinal neural tube. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Bailey, S.I.; (2006) Self-inactivating retroviral vectors for gene therapy of X-Linked severe combined immunodeficiency. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Baker, BY; Lin, L; Kim, CJ; Raza, J; Smith, CP; Miller, WL; Achermann, JC; (2006) Nonclassic congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia: A new disorder of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein with very late presentation and normal male genitalia. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , 91 (12) 4781 - 4785. 10.1210/jc.2006-1565. Green open access

Balman, E.P.; (2006) Investigation of type-I interferon regulated gene expression in murine dendritic cells. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Behesti, H; Holt, JKL; Sowden, JC; (2006) The level of BMP4 signaling is critical for the regulation of distinct T-box gene expression domains and growth along the dorso-ventral axis of the optic cup. BMC DEV BIOL , 6 , Article 62. 10.1186/1471-213X-6-62. Green open access

Brewer, D.S.; (2006) Modelling the p53 gene regulatory network. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Brooke, AM; Taylor, NF; Shepherd, JH; Gore, ME; Ahmad, T; Lin, L; Rumsby, G; ... Monson, JP; + view all (2006) A novel point mutation in P450c17 (CYP17) causing combined 17 alpha-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , 91 (6) 2428 - 2431. 10.1210/jc.2005-2653. Green open access

Budhram-Mahadeo, VS; Bowen, S; Lee, S; Perez-Sanchez, C; Ensor, E; Morris, PJ; Latchman, DS; (2006) Brn-3b enhances the pro-apoptotic effects of p53 but not its induction of cell cycle arrest by cooperating in trans-activation of bax expression. Nucleic Acids Research , 34 (22) pp. 6640-6652. 10.1093/nar/gkl878. Green open access


Campbell, R; Lawrence, K; Mandy, W; Mitra, C; Jeyakuma, L; Skuse, D; (2006) Meanings in motion and faces: Developmental associations between the processing of intention from geometrical animations and gaze detection accuracy. DEV PSYCHOPATHOL , 18 (1) 99 - 118. 10.1017/S0954579406060068. Green open access

Chang, J.H.; (2006) Adhesion patterns of Neisseria lactamica and its implications. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Charakida, M.; (2006) Infection and early vascular disease in childhood. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Chitty, LS; Kagan, KO; Molina, FS; Waters, JJ; Nicolaides, KH; (2006) Fetal nuchal translucency scan and early prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities by rapid aneuploidy screening: observational study. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , 332 (7539) pp. 452-454. 10.1136/bmj.38730.655197.AE. Green open access

Chong, Y.; (2006) Intimate interactions between enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli and intestinal epithelium in vitro. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cobb, BS; Hertweck, A; Smith, J; O'Connor, E; Graf, D; Cook, T; Smale, ST; ... Merkenschlager, M; + view all (2006) A role for Dicer in immune regulation. Journal of Experimental Medicine , 203 (11) pp. 2519-2527. 10.1084/jem.20061692. Green open access

Corden, B.; (2006) The amygdala and social cognitive impairment. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


De Stavola, BL; Nitsch, D; Silva, ID; McCormack, V; Hardy, R; Mann, V; Cole, TJ; ... Leon, DA; + view all (2006) Statistical issues in life course epidemiology. AM J EPIDEMIOL , 163 (1) 84 - 96. 10.1093/aje/kwj003. Green open access


Evans, B.R.; (2006) Ush1c: expression and interactions in the retina. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Flutter, B.R.; (2006) Investigation of antigen processing using partially assembled MHC class I molecules. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Gilbert, R; Dezateux, C; (2006) Newborn screening for congenital toxoplasmosis: feasible, but benefits are not established. Arch Dis Child , 91 (8) 629 - 631. 10.1136/adc.2006.094870. Green open access


Hall, DMB; Cole, TJ; (2006) What use is the BMI? ARCH DIS CHILD , 91 (4) 283 - 286. 10.1136/adc.2005.077339. Green open access

Hallal, PC; Wells, JCK; Reichert, FF; Anselmi, L; Victora, CG; (2006) Early determinants of physical activity in adolescence: prospective birth cohort study. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , 332 (7548) pp. 1002-1005. 10.1136/bmj.38776.434560.7C. Green open access

Hankin, C.D.; (2006) Exposure to antiretroviral therapy in uninfected children born to HIV infected women in Europe. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Hawkins, SS; Law, C; (2006) A review of risk factors for overweight in preschool children: A policy perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OBESITY , 1 (4) pp. 195-209. 10.1080/17477160600943351. Green open access


Ioannou, Y; Giles, I; Lambrianides, A; Richardson, C; Pearl, LH; Latchman, DS; Isenberg, DA; (2006) A novel expression system of domain I of human beta2 glycoprotein I in Escherichia coli. BMC Biotechnology , 6 , Article 8. 10.1186/1472-6750-6-8. Green open access


Jadeja, S.; (2006) Fraser syndrome and mouse blebbed mutants. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Kennedy, CR; McCann, DC; Campbell, MJ; Law, CM; Mullee, M; Petrou, S; Watkin, P; ... Stevenson, J; + view all (2006) Language ability after early detection of permanent childhood hearing impairment. NEW ENGL J MED , 354 (20) 2131 - 2141. Green open access


Lin, L; Conway, GS; Hill, NR; Dattani, MT; Hindmarsh, PC; Achermann, JC; (2006) A homozygous R262Q mutation in the gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor presenting as constitutional delay of growth and puberty with subsequent borderline oligospermia. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , 91 (12) 5117 - 5121. 10.1210/jc.2006-0807. Green open access

Lin, L; Gu, WX; Ozisik, G; To, WS; Owen, CJ; Jameson, JL; Achermann, JC; (2006) Analysis of DAX1 (NR0B1) and steroidogenic factor-1 (NR5A1) in children and adults with primary adrenal failure: Ten years' experience. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , 91 (8) 3048 - 3054. 10.1210/jc.2006-0603. Green open access

Lynn, RM; Pebody, R; Knowles, R; (2006) Twenty years of active paediatric surveillance in the the UK and Republic of Ireland. Euro surveillance : bulletin européen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin. , 11 (7) , Article 3005. Green open access


Ndiritu, M; Cowgill, KD; Ismail, A; Chiphatsi, S; Kamau, T; Fegan, G; Feikin, DR; ... Scott, JAG; + view all (2006) Immunization coverage and risk factors for failure to immunize within the Expanded Programme on Immunization in Kenya after introduction of new Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis b virus antigens. BMC Public Health , 6 , Article 132. 10.1186/1471-2458-6-132. Green open access


Owino, V.O.; (2006) Effect of an improved complementary food on nutrition of Zambian infants. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Pagnamenta, A.; (2006) Identification of nuclear genes responsible for respiratory chain disorders in childhood. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Patel, Y.J.K.; (2006) Analysis of mutations in superoxide dismutase-1 and the protective effects of heat shock proteins against mutant-SOD1 toxicity. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Pembrey, L.J.; (2006) Mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis C virus: A European epidemiological collaboration. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Poon, E; (2006) Mutation detection in TNFRSF13b encoding taci in patients with common variable immunodeficency. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Prescott, Katrina Rachel; (2006) An analysis of the molecular basis of the 22q11 deletion syndrome. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Pressler, RM; Binnie, CD; Coleshill, SG; Chorley, GA; Robinson, RO; (2006) Effect of lamotrigine on cognition in children with epilepsy. Neurology , 66 (10) pp. 1495-1499. 10.1212/01.wnl.0000216273.94142.84. Green open access


Rahi, JS; Cumberland, PM; Peckham, CS; (2006) Does amblyopia affect educational, health, and social outcomes? Findings from 1958 British birth cohort. BRIT MED J , 332 (7545) 820 - 824. 10.1136/bmj.38751.597963.AE. Green open access

Reilly, JJ; Wells, JCK; (2006) Duration of exclusive breast-feeding: introduction of complementary feeding may be necessary before 6 months of age - Response. BRIT J NUTR , 95 (6) 1231 - 1231. 10.1079/BJN20061769. Green open access

Reilly, JJ; Wells, JCK; (2006) Nutrition Discussion Forum: Response to comments by Kersting et al. British Journal of Nutrition , 95 (6) 1231 - 1231. 10.1079/BJN20061769. Green open access


Samad, L; Tate, AR; Dezateux, C; Peckham, C; Butler, N; Bedford, H; (2006) Differences in risk factors for partial and no immunisation in the first year of life: prospective cohort study. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , 332 (7553) pp. 1312-1313. 10.1136/bmj.332.7553.1312. Green open access

Slater, R; Cantarella, A; Gallella, S; Worley, A; Boyd, S; Meek, J; Fitzgerald, M; (2006) Cortical pain responses in human infants. J NEUROSCI , 26 (14) 3662 - 3666. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0348-06.2006. Green open access


Tisdall, M; Crocker, M; Watkiss, J; Smith, M; (2006) Disturbances of sodium in critically ill adult neurologic patients: A clinical review. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology , 18 (1) pp. 57-63. 10.1097/01.ana.0000191280.05170.0f. Green open access


Wade, A; Osrin, D; Shrestha, BP; Sen, A; Morrison, J; Tumbahangphe, KM; Manandhar, DS; (2006) Behaviour change in perinatal care practices among rural women exposed to a women's group intervention in Nepal [ISRCTN31137309]. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth , 6 , Article 20. 10.1186/1471-2393-6-20. Green open access

Wade, A; Pan, H; Eaton, S; Pierro, A; Ong, E; (2006) An investigation of minimisation criteria. BMC Medical Research Methodology , 6 (11) 10.1186/1471-2288-6-11. Green open access

Walton, S; Bedford, H; Dezateux, C; Millennium Cohort Study Child Health Group; (2006) Use of personal child health records in the UK: findings from the millennium cohort study. BMJ , 332 (7536) pp. 269-270. 10.1136/bmj.332.7536.269. Green open access

Wardle, J; Brodersen, NH; Cole, TJ; Jarvis, MJ; Boniface, R; (2006) Development of adiposity in adolescence: five year longitudinal study of an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse sample of young people in Britain. BRIT MED J , 332 (7550) 1130 - 1132A. 10.1136/bmj.38807.594792.AE. Green open access

Wen-Hsin, S.L.; (2006) Lentiviral-based RNA interference of genes in leukaemic cells. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


YAU, F; (2006) Should varicella vaccine be added to the routine childhood immunisation programme of UK? A review of literature. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

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