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Altaweel, MR; Alessa, LN; Kliskey, AD; Bone, CE; (2010) Monitoring land use: Capturing Change through an information fusion approach. Sustainability , 2 (5) pp. 1182-1203. 10.3390/su2051182. Green open access

Altaweel, M; Wu, Y; (2010) Route selection and pedestrian traffic: applying an integrated modeling approach to understanding movement. Structure and Dynamics: eJournal of Anthropological and Related Sciences , 4 (2) Green open access

Angelucci, M; De Giorgi, G; Rangel, MA; Rasul, I; (2010) Family networks and school enrolment: Evidence from a randomized social experiment. Green open access

Anguilano, L; Rehren, THH; Muller, W; Rothenberg, B; (2010) The importance of lead in the silver production at Riotinto (Spain). ArcheoSciences 34 (34) pp. 269-276. 10.4000/archeosciences.2833. Green open access

Anguilano, L; Timberlake, S; Rehren, T; (2010) An early medieval lead-smelting bole from Banc Tynddol, Cwmystwyth, Ceredigion. Historical Metallurgy , 44 (2) 85 - 103. Green open access

Arabindoo, P; (2010) Isolated by elitism: The pitfalls of recent heritage and conservation attempts in Chennai. In: Prashad, D, (ed.) New architecture and urbanism: Development of Indian traditions. (pp. 155-160). INTBAU India: New Delhi, India. Green open access

Attanasio, O; Lechene, V; (2010) Conditional cash transfers, Women and the demand for food. (IFS Working Paper 10/17). Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS): London, UK.


Battarbee, RW; Shilland, EM; (2010) ECN Diatom Time-series from the Nant Teyrn, Snowdonia. (ECRC Research Report 144 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Battarbee, RW; Shilland, EM; (2010) Epilithic diatoms from the Trout Beck, North Pennines: 1997-2008. (ECRC Research Report 145 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Bellamy, R; (2010) Democracy without democracy? Can the EU's democratic ‘outputs’ be separated from the democratic ‘inputs’ provided by competitive parties and majority rule? Journal of European Public Policy , 17 (1) , Article PII 918515653. 10.1080/13501760903465256. Green open access

Bellamy, R; (2010) Dirty hands and clean gloves: Liberal ideals and real politics. European Journal of Political Theory , 9 (4) 412 - 430. 10.1177/1474885110374002. Green open access

Bendle, JA; Weijers, JWH; Maslin, MA; Damste, JSS; Schouten, S; Hopmans, EC; Boot, CS; (2010) Major changes in glacial and Holocene terrestrial temperatures and sources of organic carbon recorded in the Amazon fan by tetraether lipids. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems , 11 , Article Q12007. 10.1029/2010GC003308. Green open access

Bennion, H; Burgess, A; Roe, K; Yang, H; Thomas, R; (2010) Palaeoecological study of Llyn Padarn. (CCW Contract Science Report 918 ). ENSIS Ltd. Environmental Change Research Centre. University College London Green open access

Bennion, H; Clarke, G; Goldsmith, B; Battarbee, RW; (2010) Diatom analysis of three Norwegian cores. (ECRC Research Report 142 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Bennion, H; Goldsmith, B; Burgess, A; Skulmowska, S; (2010) Diatom analysis of Polish cores. (ECRC Research Report 143 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Bennion, H; Goldsmith, BJ; Clarke, G; Rawcliffe, R; Rose, N; McGowan, S; Willby, N; + view all (2010) Using novel palaeolimnological techniques to define lake conservation objectives for three Cheshire meres. (ECRC Research Report 146 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Bevan, A; (2010) Political geography and palatial Crete. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology , 23 (1) 27 - 54. Green open access

Bevan, A; (2010) Reviews of New Approaches to Old Stones. Recent Studies of Ground Stone Artifacts (2008, Rowan, Y.M. and Ebeling, J.R. eds.) and Assyrian Stone Vessels and Related Material in the British Museum (2008, Searight, A., Reade, J. and Finkel, I.). [Review]. American Journal of Archaeology , 114 (1) Green open access

Bevan, A; (2010) Making and marking relationships: Bronze Age brandings and Mediterranean commodities. In: Bevan, A and Wengrow, D, (eds.) Cultures of Commodity Branding. (35 - 86). Left Coast Press: Walnut Creek, US. Green open access

Bone, C; Alessa, L; Kliskey, A; Altaweel, M; (2010) Influence of statistical methods and reference dates on describing temperature change in Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres , 115 , Article D19122. 10.1029/2010JD014289. Green open access

Brecht, B; (2010) “Questions of a Reading Worker” (translation of B. Brecht, “Fragen eines lesenden Arbeiters”). The Common Review , 9 (1) p. 25.

Bridge, MC; (2010) Chiswick House gardens, Burlington Lane, Chiswick, London Borough of Hounslow: Tree-ring analysis of yew stumps. (Research Department Report Series 92-2010 ). English Heritage: Portsmouth, UK.

Brierley, CM; Fedorov, AV; (2010) Correction to “Relative importance of meridional and zonal sea surface temperature gradients for the onset of the ice ages and Pliocene-Pleistocene climate evolution”. Paleoceanography , 25 , Article PA4214. 10.1029/2010PA002052. Green open access

Brierley, CM; Fedorov, AV; (2010) Relative importance of meridional and zonal sea surface temperature gradients for the onset of the ice ages and Pliocene-Pleistocene climate evolution. Paleoceanography , 25 , Article PA2214. 10.1029/2009PA001809. Green open access


Chiappori, PA; McCann, RJ; Nesheim, LP; (2010) Hedonic price equilibria, stable matching, and optimal transport: equivalence, topology, and uniqueness. ECON THEOR , 42 (2) 317 - 354. 10.1007/s00199-009-0455-z. Green open access

Conti, G; (2010) Cognition, Cannabis, and Wages. In: (Proceedings) European Association of Labour Economists & Society of Labor Economists. Green open access

Corcoran, S; Salway, B; (2010) A lost law-code rediscovered? The Fragmenta Londiniensia Anteiustiniana. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung , 127 677 - 678. Green open access

Crema, ER; Bevan, A; Lake, MW; (2010) A probabilistic framework for assessing spatio-temporal point patterns in the archaeological record. Journal of Archaeological Science , 37 (5) 1118 - 1130. 10.1016/j.jas.2009.12.012. Green open access


De-Graft Aikins, A; Boynton, P; Atanga, LL; (2010) Developing effective chronic disease interventions in Africa: insights from Ghana and Cameroon. Globalization and Health , 6 , Article 6. 10.1186/1744-8603-6-6. Green open access

de-Graft Aikins, A; Unwin, N; Agyemang, C; Allotey, P; Campbell, C; Arhinful, D; (2010) Tackling Africa's chronic disease burden: From the local to the global. Globalization and Health , 6 , Article 5. 10.1186/1744-8603-6-5. Green open access

Degryse, P; Freestone, I; Jennings, S; Schneider, J; (2010) Technology and provenance study of Levantine plant ash glass using Sr-Nd isotope analysis. In: Drauke, J and Keller, D, (eds.) Glass in Byzantium – Production, Usage, Analyses. (pp. 83 - 91). Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum: Mainz, Germany. Green open access

Dickson, AJ; Leng, MJ; Maslin, MA; Sloane, HJ; Green, J; Bendle, JA; McClymont, EL; (2010) Atlantic overturning circulation and Agulhas leakage influences on southeast Atlantic upper ocean hydrography during marine isotope stage 11. Paleoceanography , 25 , Article PA3208. 10.1029/2009PA001830. Green open access

Dwyer, C; Davies, G; (2010) Qualitative methods III: animating archives, artful interventions and online environments. Progress in Human Geography , 34 (1) pp. 88-97. 10.1177/0309132508105005. Green open access


Freestone, I; Kunicki-Goldfinger, JJ; Gilderdale-Scott, H; Ayres, T; (2010) Multi-disciplinary Investigation of the Windows of John Thornton, focusing on the Great East Window of York Minster. In: Shepard, MB and Pilosi, L and Strobl, S, (eds.) The Art of Collaboration: Stained-Glass Conservation in the 21st Century. (pp. 151 - 160). Brepols/ Harvey Miller Publications for the American Corpus Vitrearum: Turnhout, Belgium. Green open access


Gardner, A; (2010) Roman Imperialism and Local Identities, by Louise Revell, 2009. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; ISBN 978-0-521-88730-4 hardback £42 & US$74; xiv+221 pp., 33 b&w ills. [Review]. Cambridge Archaeological Journal , 20 (2) 269 - 270. 10.1017/S0959774310000296. Green open access

Griffiths, S; Jones, CE; Vaughan, L; Haklay, M; (2010) The persistence of suburban centres in Greater London: combining Conzenian and space syntax approaches. Urban Morphology , 14 (2) 85 - 99. Green open access


Haklay, M; Basiouka, S; Antoniou, V; Ather, A; (2010) How Many Volunteers Does it Take to Map an Area Well? The Validity of Linus' Law to Volunteered Geographic Information. CARTOGR J , 47 (4) 315 - 322. 10.1179/000870410X12911304958827. Green open access

Hussein, AM; Hamza, HA; Thaher, AK; Kadhum, SJ; Hashem, M; Taha, HM; Altaweel, MR; (2010) Tell Abu Sheeja/Ancient Pašime: Report on the First Season of Excavations, 2007. Akkadica , 131 (1) 47 - 103. Green open access


Kleinitz, C; Rüther, H; Naeser, C; (2010) Die 3D-Laserscan-Erfassung der Großen Anlage und weiterer Monumente von Musawwarat es Sufra. Der Antike Sudan: Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin , 21 (2010) pp. 23-32. Green open access

Kneale, J; (2010) Monstrous and haunted media: H. P. Lovecraft and early twentieth-century communications technology. Historical Geography , 38 90 - 106. Green open access


Leimgruber, P; Hangartner, D; Leemann, L; (2010) Comparing Candidates and Citizens in the Ideological Space. Swiss Political Science Review , 16 (3) pp. 499-531. 10.1002/j.1662-6370.2010.tb00439.x. Green open access

Lewis, P; Disney, MI; Gomez-Dans, J; Wooster, M; Pinty, B; Roy, D; (2010) Radiative Transfer Modelling for the characterization of natural burnt surfaces. UCL,: London, UK. Green open access

Llobera, M; Wheatley, D; Steele, J; Cox, S; Parchment, O; (2010) Calculating the inherent visual structure of a landscape (inherent viewshed) using high-throughput computing. In: Niccolucci, F and Hermon, S, (eds.) Beyond the artefact: Digital Interpretation of the Past: Proceedings of CAA2004, Prato, 13-17 April 2004. (pp. pp. 146-151). Archaeolingua: Budapest, Hungary. Green open access


Machin, S; McNally, S; Meghir, C; (2010) Resources and Standards in Urban Schools. UNIV CHICAGO PRESS Green open access

Marsh, M; Mikhaylov, S; (2010) European Parliament elections and EU governance. Living Reviews in European Governance , 5 , Article 4. 10.12942/lreg-2010-4. Green open access

Martin Romera, MÁ; (2010) Nuevas perspectivas para el estudio de las sociedades medievales: el Análisis de Redes Sociales. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval , 28 pp. 217-239. Green open access

MILLER, D; (2010) Beyond the boundaries: final comments. Etnografica , 14 (3) pp. 587-591. Green open access

Miše, M; (2010) Preliminary analysis of pottery from intra muros of ancient Issa. Istraživanja na srednjem Jadranu. Izdanja Hrvatskog arheološkog društva , 26 pp. 69-81. Green open access

Mise, M; Kirigin, B; Barbaric, V; (2010) Palagruza - The island of Diomedes: Summary excavation report 2002-2008. Hesperia , 25 pp. 87-113. Green open access

Moshenska, G; (2010) Portable antiquities, pragmatism and the ‘precious things’. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 20 24 - 27. 10.5334/pia.336. Green open access

Moshenska, G; (2010) Working with Memory in the Archaeology of Modern Conflict. CAMB ARCHAEOL J , 20 (1) 33 - 48. 10.1017/S095977431000003X. Green open access


Naeser, C; (2010) Moussawarat es-Soufra, une énigme monumentale de la période méroïtique. Dossiers d'Archéologie hors-série , 18 (2010) pp. 20-25. Green open access

Naeser, C; (2010) Le grand enclos de Moussawarrat es-Soufra: une énigme monumentale. In: Baud, M, (ed.) Méroé un empire sur le Nil. (pp. 225-226). Officina Libraria: Paris, France.

Naeser, C; (2010) The Great Hafir at Musawwarat es-Sufra: Fieldwork of the Archaeological Mission of Humboldt University Berlin in 2005 and 2006. In: Godlewski, W and Łajtar, A, (eds.) Between the Cataracts: Proceedings of the 11th Conference for Nubian Studies, Warsaw University, 27 August-2 September 2006. Part two, fascicule 1: Session papers. (pp. 39-46). Warsaw University Press: Warsaw, Poland. Green open access

Naeser, C; Kleinitz, C; (2010) The Merowe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project at the Fourth Nile Cataract: salvage archaeology in the context of major development projects in Africa. In: Paner, H and Jakobielski, S and Anderson, JR, (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference "The Fourth Cataract Archaeological Salvage Project 1996–2009". Gdańsk, 2-4 July, 2009. (pp. 109-116). Gdańsk Archaeological Museum: Gdańsk, Poland. Green open access

Naeser, C; Kleinitz, C; (2010) The role of archaeology in the context of contested development projects: a case study from the African continent. In: Schipper, FT and Bernhardsson, MT, (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on "Archaeology in Conflict", Vienna, 6 to 10 April 2010. Universität Wien: Vienna, Austria.

Norman, JM; (2010) The Second Palestinian Intifada: Civil Resistance. [Book]. Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access


Page, B; Evans, M; Mercer, C; (2010) REVISITING THE POLITICS OF BELONGING IN CAMEROON. AFRICA , 80 (3) 345 - 370. 10.3366/afr.2010.0301. Green open access

Palmer, C; Colledge, S; Bevan, A; Conolly, J; (2010) Vegetation recolonisation of abandoned agricultural terraces on Antikythera, Greece. Environmental Archaeology , 15 (1) 64 - 80. 10.1179/146141010X12640787648973. Green open access

Pegram, T; (2010) Diffusion across political systems: The global spread of national human rights institutions. Human Rights Quarterly , 32 (3) pp. 729-760. 10.1353/hrq.2010.0005. Green open access

Pentedeka, A; Kiriatzi, E; Spencer, L; Bevan, A; Conolly, J; (2010) From fabrics to island connections: Macroscopic and microscopic approaches to the prehistoric pottery of Antikythera. Annual of the British School at Athens , 105 1 - 81+xiii. 10.1017/S0068245400000368. Green open access

Perring, D; Bruce, G; Stevens, T; Melikian, M; (2010) Roman and Medieval activity in the Upper Walbrook Valley: Excavations at 12-18 Moorgate, City of London, EC2, 1997. Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society , 60 pp. 73-89. Green open access

Poulsen, L; (2010) Bilateral Investment Treaties and Preferential Trade Agreements: Is a BIT Really Better Than A Lot? Investment Treaty News , 1 (1) Green open access

Poulsen, L; (2010) The Significance of South-South BITs for the International Investment Regime: A Quantitative Analysis. Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business , 30 (1) pp. 101-130. Green open access

Poulsen, L; (2010) The Importance of BITs for Foreign Direct Investment and Political Risk Insurance: Revisiting the Evidence. In: Sauvant, KP, (ed.) Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy 2009-2010. (pp. 539-574). Oxford University Press: New York. Green open access


Quinn, KE; Trotz, A; (2010) Women and National Political Struggles in the Caribbean. MaComere: Journal of the Association of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars , 12 (2) pp. 3-10. Green open access


Radner, K; (2010) Gatekeepers and lock masters: the control of access in the Neo-Assyrian palaces. In: Baker, HD and Robson, E and Zolyomi, G, (eds.) Your Praise is Sweet: a memorial volume for Jeremy Black from students, colleagues and friends. (269 - 280). British Institute for the Study of Iraq: London, UK. Green open access

Radner, K; (2010) Neue neuassyrische Texte aus Dur-Katlimmu: Eine Schülertafel mit einer sumerisch-akkadischen Königshymne und andere Keilschriftfunde aus den Jahren 2003-2009. In: Kühne, H, (ed.) Dur-Katlimmu 2008 and Beyond. (pp. 175-186). Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden. Green open access

Radner, K; (2010) The stele of Sargon II of Assyria at Kition: a focus for an emerging Cypriot identity? In: Rollinger, R and Gufler, B and Lang, M and Madreiter, I, (eds.) Interkulturalität in der Alten Welt: Vorderasien, Hellas, Ägypten und die vielfältigen Ebenen des Kontakts. (pp. 429-449). Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden. Green open access

Rehren, THH; Cholakova, A; (2010) The early Byzantine HIMT glass from Dichin, Northern Bulgaria / Ранновизантийско Стъкло тип HIMT от Градището При С. Дичин. Interdiscipinary Studies / Интердисциплинарни Изследвания , 22-23 pp. 81-96. Green open access

Rossi, B; Haour, A; (2010) The Emergence of Hausa Identity: History and Religion. In: Rossi, B and Haour, A, (eds.) Being and Becoming Hausa: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. (pp. 1-33). Brill: Leiden, The Netherlands.


Salway, B; (2010) Latin onomastics: (E.) Caffarelli, (P.) Poccetti (edd.) L'onomastica di Roma. Ventotto secoli di nomi. Atti del Convegno, Roma, 19–21 aprile 2007. (Quaderni Italiani di RION 2.) Pp. x + 527, figs, ills, maps. Rome: Societá Editrice Romana, 2009. Paper, €35. No ISBN. [Review]. Classical Review , 60 (2) 421 - 424. 10.1017/S0009840X10000429. Green open access

Salway, B; (2010) Review of Z. Newby and R. Leader-Newby, Art and Inscriptions in the Ancient World (2007). [Review]. The Journal of Roman Studies , 100 319 - 320. 10.1017/S007543581000078X. Green open access

Salway, B; (2010) (Review of) Lorena Atzeri, Gesta senatus Romani de Theodosiano publicando: il codice teodosiano e la sua diffusione ufficiale in occidente. [Review]. The Edinburgh Law Review , 14 (1) 172 - 173. 10.3366/E1364980909001176. Green open access

Salway, B; (2010) Varia: R.D. Grasby, Processes in the Making of Roman Inscriptions. British Epigraphy Society Newsletter , 21 6 - 7. Green open access

Sayer, CD; Copp, GH; Emson, D; Godard, MJ; Zieba, G; Wesley, KJ; (2010) The decline of crucian carp Carassius carassius in its native English range: the example of rural ponds in north Norfolk. (ECRC Research Report 139 ). Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Shilland, E; Irvine, L; Malcolm, IA; (2010) UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network (UKAWMN) - Contract 22 01 249. Llyn Cwm Mynach, Afon Hafren and Afon Gwy - Annual Summary Progress Report. April 2009 - March 2010. (ECRC Research Report ). ECRC (Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London) Green open access

Shilland, E; Kernan, M; Curtis, CJ; (2010) UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network (AWMN) Llyn Llagi, Llyn Cwm Mynach, Afon Hafren and Afon Gwy, Sites Summary Report. (ECRC ). ECRC (Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London) Green open access

Shilland, EM; Collen, P; Flower, RJ; Keay, J; McCartney, A; Roe, K; Rose, NL; + view all (2010) Land-use experiments in the Loch Laidon Catchment. (ECRC Research Report 147 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Shilland, EM; Irvine, L; Malcolm, IA; (2010) UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network (UKAWMN) - Allt na Coire nan Con, Loch Chon and Loch Grannoch. Annual Summary Progress Report to Forest Research. April 2009 - March 2010. ECRC (Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London): London, UK. Green open access

Shilland, EM; Irvine, L; Malcolm, IA; (2010) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2008-2009 (year 21). (United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report 21 ). ENSIS: London, UK. Green open access

Sillar, B; (2010) La Saisonnalité des Techniques (Benguigui, M, Trans.). Techniques & Culture (52-53) 90 - 119. Green open access

Singh, CR; Thompson, JR; French, JR; Kingston, DG; Mackay, AW; (2010) Modelling the impact of prescribed global warming on runoff from headwater catchments of the Irrawaddy River and their implications for the water level regime of Loktak Lake, northeast India. HYDROL EARTH SYST SC , 14 (9) 1745 - 1765. 10.5194/hess-14-1745-2010. Green open access

Smaers, JB; Schleicher, A; Zilles, K; Vinicius, L; (2010) Frontal White Matter Volume Is Associated with Brain Enlargement and Higher Structural Connectivity in Anthropoid Primates. PLOS ONE , 5 (2) , Article e9123. 10.1371/journal.pone.0009123. Green open access


Thonfeld, C; (2010) ‘A moment of elation … and painful’: The Homecoming of Slave and Forced Labourers after the Second World War Christoph Thonfeld. In: Hitler's Slaves: Life Stories of Forced Labourers in Nazi-Occupied Europe. (pp. 394-406). Berghahn Books: New York & Oxford. Green open access

Thornalley, DJR; McCave, IN; Elderfield, H; (2010) Freshwater input and abrupt deglacial climate change in the North Atlantic. Paleoceanography , 25 (1) , Article PA1201. 10.1029/2009PA001772. Green open access

Thornton, CP; Golden, JM; Killick, DJ; Pigott, VC; Rehren, TH; Roberts, BW; (2010) A chalcolithic error: Rebuttal to Amzallag 2009. American Journal of Archaeology , 114 (2) pp. 305-315. 10.3764/aja.114.2.305. Green open access


Vaughan, L; Haklay, M; Griffiths, S; Jones, CE; (2010) The Shape of Belonging in the Outer London Suburbs: Beyond the Discourse of Alienation. Presented at: PLiC: Public Life in the In-Between-City, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Green open access

Vaughan, L; Jones, CE; Griffiths, S; Haklay, M; (2010) The spatial signature of suburban town centres. The Journal of Space Syntax , 1 (1) 77 - 91. Green open access


Williams, T; Wordsworth, P; (2010) Merv to the Oxus: a desert survey of routes and surviving archaeology. Archaeology International , 12 27 - 30. 10.5334/ai.1207. Green open access

Wright, AJ; (2010) Nameless: Anonymous Drawings of 15th and 16th-Century Italy from the British Museum, The Courtauld Gallery, National Galleries of Scotland. [Catalogue]. Moray Art Centre: Findhorn, UK. Green open access


Zhang, H; Bevan, A; Fuller, D; Fang, YM; (2010) Archaeobotanical and GIS-based approaches to prehistoric agriculture in the upper Ying valley, Henan, China. Journal of Archaeological Science , 37 (7) 1480 - 1489. 10.1016/j.jas.2010.01.008. Green open access


Čargo, B; Miše, M; (2010) Pottery production in Issa. Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Povijest Dalmatinsku , 103 (1) pp. 7-40. Green open access

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