Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 107.
Adachi, Yuko;
Informal corporate governance practices in Russia in the 1990s: The cases of Yukos Oil, Siberian (Russian) Aluminium, and Norilsk Nickel.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London.
Adda, J;
Cornaglia, F;
The Effect of Taxes and Bans on Passive Smoking.
(cemmap working paper
Institute for Fiscal Studies Department of Economics, UCL: London, UK.
Anderson, W;
Beavan, D;
Capturing identity: the SCOTS corpus.
Presented at: British Association of Applied Linguistics 2005, Bristol, UK.
Anderson, W;
Beavan, D;
Internet delivery of time-synchronised multimedia: the SCOTS project.
Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference.
University of Birmingham: Birmingham, UK.
Arabindoo, P;
Examining the peri-urban interface as a constructed primordialism.
(C S H O c c a s i o n a l P a p e r
, pp. pp. 39-74
French Research Institutes in India: New Delhi.
Athey, S;
Atkeson, A;
Kehoe, PJ;
The optimal degree of discretion in monetary policy.
, 73
pp. 1431-1475.
Atkeson, A;
Kehoe, PJ;
Modeling and measuring organization capital.
Journal of Political Economy
, 113
pp. 1026-1053.
Azaria, D;
Code of minimum standards of protection to individuals involved in transnational proceedings: report.
(Committee of Experts on Transnational Criminal Justice (PC-TJ)
, pp. pp. 1-65
Council of Europe: Strasbourg, France.
Bakola, E;
A missed joke in Aristophanes' 'Wasps' 1265-1274.
, 55
609 - 613.
Banks, J;
Emmerson, C;
Oldfield, Z;
Preparing for retirement: the pension arrangements andretirement expectations of those approaching state pension age in England.
UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Banks, J;
Emmerson, C;
Oldfield, Z;
Tetlow, G;
Prepared for Retirement? The adequacy and distribution of retirement resources in England.
Institute for Fiscal Studies: London.
Banks, J;
Emmerson, C;
Tetlow, G;
Estimating pension wealth of ELSA respondents.
UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Basu, P;
Museum, Landscape and the Storytelling Space Between.
Landscape and Arts
, 34/35
2 - 6.
Battarbee, RW;
Beaumont, WRC;
Bonjean, M;
Collen, P;
Cooper, D;
Davies, JJL;
Evans, CD;
+ view all
UK Acid Water Monitoring Network: 15 Year Report. Analysis and interpretation of results: April 1988 - March 2003.
(United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report
ENSIS: London, UK.
Bennion, H;
Rose, NL;
Burgess, A;
Yang, H;
Bowers, J;
Palaeolimnological investigation of English Lake SSSIs.
(ECRC Research Reports
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Bentley, RA;
Shennan, SJ;
Random copying and cultural evolution.
, 309
Blundell, R;
Chiappori, PA;
Meghir, C;
Collective labor supply with children.
, 113
1277 - 1306.
Borgers, T;
Norman, P;
A note on budget balance under interim participation constraints: the case of independent types.
(Discussion Papers in Economics
Department of Economics, University College London, UCL (University College London), Department of Economics, University College: London, UK.
Bowersox, J;
Neuer Lebensraum in unseren Kolonien: Die Berliner Kolonialausstellung von 1933.
In: Zeller, J and Heyden, UV, (eds.)
“...Macht und Anteil an der Weltherrschaft”. Berlin und der deutsche Kolonialismus.
(pp. 177-183).
Unrast Verlag: Münster, Germany.
Bowman, JH;
Classification in British public libraries: a historical perspective.
Library history
, 21
pp. 143-173.
Bracewell, CW;
New Men, Old Europe: Being a Man in Balkan Travel Writing, Special issue: Balkan travel writing.
Journeys: The International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing
, 6
88 - 115.
Bruno, RL;
Svejnar, J;
Commander, S;
Rodionova, Y;
The Performance of Firms in Transition, in: Transition Report.
(EBRD Transition Report
, pp. pp. 82-92
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD): London, UK.
Burgess, A;
Bennion, H;
Clarke, G;
Assessing reference conditions and ecological status for lakes using subfossil diatoms.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Byrne, S;
Recent Survey and Excavation of the Monumental Complexes on Uneapa Island, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea.
Papers of the Institute of Archaeology
, 16
95 - 101.
Card, D;
Dustmann, C;
Preston, I;
Understanding Attitudes to Immigration: The Migration and Minority Module of the first European Social Survey.
Carlin, W;
Soskice, D;
The 3-Equation New Keynesian Model - A Graphical Exposition.
Contributions to Macroeconomics
, 5
pp. 1-36.
Carneiro, P;
Heckman, JJ;
Masterov, DV;
Labor market discrimination and racial differences in premarket factors.
, 48
pp. 1-39.
Carneiro, P;
Lee, S;
Ability, Sorting and Wage Inequality.
Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice
Chari, VV;
Kehoe, PJ;
McGrattan, ER;
Sudden stops and output drops.
American Economic Review
, 95
pp. 381-387.
Chesher, A;
Identfication with excess heterogeneity.
(CeMMAP Working Paper
Chrissochoidis, I;
Mitsakis, C;
Houliaras, S;
Set theory in Xenakis' EONTA.
In: Georgaki, A and Solomos, M, (eds.)
(Proceedings) International Symposium Iannis Xenakis.
(pp. pp. 241-249).
The National and Kapodistrian University: Athens, Greece.
Christopoulou, K;
Haklay, M;
A Spatial Decision Support System for Property Valuation.
(Proceedings) GIS Research UK 2005.
: Glasgow, UK.
Cooter, R;
George Sebastian Rousseau, Miranda Gill, David Haycock and Malte Herwig (eds), Framing and imagining disease in cultural history, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, pp. xiv, 329, illus., £55.00 (hardback 1-4039-1292-0).
Medical History
, 49
pp. 111-112.
Corbishley, M;
Merwiň Gadymy Şäherleri. Mugallymlar üçin kitap.
(1st ed.).
UCL Institute of Archaeology: London, UK.
de Abreu, C;
Abrantes, FF;
Shackleton, NJ;
Tzedakis, PC;
McManus, JF;
Oppo, DW;
Hall, MA;
Ocean climate variability in the eastern North Atlantic during interglacial marine isotope stage 11: A partial analogue to the Holocene?
, 20
, Article PA3009. 10.1029/2004PA001091.
De Giorgi, G;
Long term effects of a mandatory multistage program:the new deal for young people in the UK.
UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Diaz-Cintas, J;
Nuevos retos y desarrollos en el mundo de la subtitulación.
Puentes: Hacia nuevas investigaciones en la mediación intercultural
, 6
pp. 13-20.
Diaz-Cintas, J;
Back to the future in subtitling.
In: Gerzymisch-Arbogast, H and Nauert, S, (eds.)
Proceedings of the Marie Curie Euroconferences MuTra: Challenges of Multidimensional Translation.
(pp. pp. 1-17).
Marie Curie Euroconferences MuTra: Saarbrücken, Germany.
Duncan, PJS;
Contemporary Russian Identity between East and West.
Historical Journal
, 48
277 - 294.
Dusseault, D;
Hansen, ME;
Mikhaylov, S;
The Significance of Economy in the Russian Bi-Lateral Treaty Process.
Communist and Post-Communist Studies
, 38
pp. 121-130.
Farihi, J;
Wood, PR;
Stalder, B;
SSSPM J1549–3544 Is Not a White Dwarf.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 627
Gandy, M;
Deadly alliances: Death, disease, and the global politics of public health.
PLoS Medicine
, 2
, Article e4. 10.1371/journal.pmed.0020004.
Gardner, S;
Sartre, intersubjectivity, and German idealism.
Journal of the History of Philosophy
, 43
pp. 325-351.
Goldsmith, B;
Bennion, H;
Hughes, M;
Jones, V;
Rose, C;
Simpson, G;
Integrating Habitats Directive and Water Framework Directive Monitoring: Baseline Survey of Natura 2000 Standing Water Habitats in Wales.
(CCW Contract Science Report
The Countryside Council for Wales
Gonis, N;
The Petra Papyri.
, 55
655 - 657.
Griffith, R;
Harrison, H;
Background facts and comments on "Supporting growth in innovation: enhancing the R&D tax credit".
IFS Briefing Notes, BN68
Guesnet, F;
Textures of Intercession: Rescue Efforts for the Jews of Prague, 1744/1748.
In: Diner, D, (ed.)
Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts / Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook.
(pp. 355-375).
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: Göttingen, Germany.
Haklay, M;
Does Aarhus make any sense? Questioning the provision of public environmental information.
(Proceedings) RGS-IBG Annual International Conference.
: London, UK.
Hanley, S;
The origins of postcommunist elites: From the Prague spring to the breakup of Czechoslovakia.
Europe-Asia Studies
, 57
355 - 357.
Hanley, S;
Review of S. Smith (ed.), Local Communities and Post-Communist Transformations: Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Slavonic and East European Review
, 83
359 - 361.
Hanley, S;
Review of S.Saxonberg, The Czech Republic Before the New Millennium: Politics, Parties and Gender.
Slavonic and East European Review
, 83
354 - 355.
Hanley, S;
Review of T. Kostelecký, Political Parties After Communism: Developments in East-Central Europe and I.van Biezen, Political Parties in New Democracies: Party Organization in Southern and East-Central Europe.
Perspectives on Politics,
, 3
187 - 188.
Haynes, RA;
'A new greater Romania'? Romanian claims to the Serbian Banat in 1941.
Central Europe
, 3
pp. 99-120.
Holbraad, M;
Joint review of David Brown, Santería Enthroned: Art, Ritual, and Johan Wedel, Santería Healing: a Journey into the Afro-Cuban World of Divinities, Spirits and Sorcery.
Journal of Latin American Studies
, 37
402 - 404.
Irvine, SE;
Fragments of Boethius: The Reconstruction of the Cotton Manuscript of the Alfredian Text.
Anglo-Saxon England
, 34
169 - 181.
Jones, PJS;
Burgess, J;
Building partnership capacity for the collaborative management of marine protected areas in the UK: A preliminary analysis.
, 77
227 - 243.
Ledeneva, A;
Leadership and Corruption in Russia, 2000-2004.
(Economics Working Papers
Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe, SSEES, UCL: London, UK.
Lise, JS;
Seitz, S;
Smith, J;
Evaluating search and matching models using experimental data.
Lo, V;
Volker Scheid, Chinese medicine in contemporary China: plurality and synthesis, Science and Cultural Theory series, Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2002, xx, 407, £18.50 (paperback 0-8223-2872-0).
Medical History
, 49
pp. 128-130.
Longley, PA;
Mateos, P;
Un nuevo y prominente papel de los SIG y el Geomarketing en la provisión de servicios públicos.
, 5
1 - 5.
Majcen, B;
Rojec, M;
Jaklič, A;
Radosevic, S;
Productivity growth and functional upgrading in foreign subsidiaries in the Slovenian manufacturing sector.
East-West Journal of Economics and Business
, 8
73 - 100.
Malik, A;
Flesh at War with Enigma, Kunsthalle, Basle, September-November 2004.
Papers of surrealism
, Spring
Manchin, M;
Essays in Economic Integration.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Martinón-Torres, M;
Rehren, T;
Ceramic materials in fire assay practices: a case study of 16th century laboratory equipment.
In: Prudencio, I and Dias, I and Waerenborgh, C, (eds.)
Understanding people through their pottery.
(pp. 139-148).
Instituto Portugues de Arqueologia: Lisbon, Portugal.
Maus de Rolley, T;
La part du diable : Jean Wier et la fabrique de l’illusion diabolique.
Tracés. Revue de Sciences Humaines
pp. 29-46.
McCulloch, Tony;
"The key log in the jam": Mackenzie King, the North Atlantic Triangle and the Anglo-American rapprochement of 1935-39.
London Journal of Canadian Studies
, 20
pp. 45-68.
Mise, M;
Grčka i helenistička keramika iz Farosa u Arheološkom muzeju u Splitu (stari fond)/Greek and Hellensitic pottery from Pharos at the Archaeological Museum in Split.
Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Povijest Dalmatinsku
, 98
pp. 25-48.
Montgomery, JR;
Report of Commission for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence s29 Pilot Study.
Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence (CHRE): London, UK.
Montgomery, JR;
Report of Research on Consistency of Decision-Making in s29 Case Meetings of Council members of CHRE.
Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence (CHRE): London, UK.
Naeser, C;
Ethnoarchäologie, Analogiebildung und Nomadismusforschung. Eine Einführung mit einer Fallstudie aus Nordostafrika.
In: Gertel, J, (ed.)
Methoden als Aspekte der Wissenskonstruktion. Fallstudien zur Nomadismusforschung.
(pp. 17-42).
SFB "Differenz und Integration": Halle, Germany.
Naeser, C;
The Island Survey of the Humboldt University Nubian Expedition: Report of the Campaign 2004.
In: Paner, H and Jakobielski, S, (eds.)
Proceedings of the "Archaeology of the Fourth Nile Cataract". Gdańsk – Gniew, 23–25 July 2004.
(pp. 77-88).
Gdańsk Archaeological Museum: Gdańsk, Poland.
Oliver, José R;
Fontan, Juan Rivera;
Informe Técnico: Reconocimiento Instensivo del Sitio Arqueológico. Trabajos Adicionales en 'Los Bateyes de Viví' (U-1) Bo. Viví Arriba, Temporada 2005.
Oficina Estatal de Conservación Histórica de Puerto Rico: San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Oliver, JR;
Narganes Storde, Y;
The zooarcheological remains from Juan Miguel Cave and Finca de Doña Rosa, Barrio Caguana, Puerto Rico. Ritual Edibles or Quotidian Meals?
In: Tavarez, Glenis María and García-Arévalo, Manuel, (eds.)
Proceedings of the XX International Congress of Caribbean Archaeology.
(pp. pp. 227-242).
Museo del Hombre Dominicano-Funadcion Garcia Arevalo: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Peacey, J;
Jonathan Scott. Commonwealth Principles: Republican Writing of the English Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Pp. 402. $75.00.
Journal of British Studies
, 45
155 - 156.
Radner, K;
The reciprocal relationship between judge and society in the Neo-Assyrian period.
Maarav: a journal for the study of the Northwest Semitic languages and literatures
, 12
pp. 41-68.
Radner, K;
Kubaba und die Fische. Bemerkungen zur Herrin von Karkemiš.
In: Rollinger, R, (ed.)
Von Sumer bis Homer: Festschrift für Manfred Schretter zum 60. Geburtstag am 25. Februar 2004.
(pp. 543-556).
Ugarit-Verlag: Münster, Germany.
Radner, K;
Fales, FM;
Pappi, C;
Attardo, E;
The Assyrian and Aramaic Texts from Tell Shiukh Fawqani.
In: Fales, FM and Bachelot, L, (eds.)
Tell Shiukh Fawqani 1994-1998.
(595 - 694).
Sargon: Padova.
Radosevic, S;
Rozeik, A;
Foreign Direct Investment and Restructuring in the Automotive Industry in Central and East Europe.
(Economics Working Papers
Centre for the Study of Social and Economic Change in Europe, SSEES, UCL: London, UK.
Radosevic, SAFS;
Does Enlargement Conceal Globalization? Location Issues in Europe’, ,.
Notes de l'Ifri
Rady, MC;
Rethinking Jagiello Hungary 1490-1526.
Central Europe
, 3
pp. 3-18.
Rehren, T;
Spencer, L;
Triantafyllidis, P;
The primary production of glass at Hellenistic Rhodes.
In: Cool, H, (ed.)
Annales du 16e Congres de l'Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre.
(pp. 39-43).
Association Internationale pour I'Histoire du Verre: Nottingham, UK.
Rehren, T;
Red glass for the Pharaoh.
Archaeology International
, 9
pp. 40-42.
Rehren, THH;
The Trewhiddle tungsten bloom.
ITIA Newsletter
pp. 2-5.
Riva, C;
Review of A. Zaccaria Ruggiu 'More Regio Vivere. Il banchetto aristocratico e la casa romana di età arcaica'.
Journal of Roman Studies
, 95
300 - 301.
Rivera-Fontan, J;
Oliver, JR;
Impactos y patrones de ocupacion historica jibara sobre componentes tainos: El sitio Vega de Nelo Vargas (Utu-27)Barrio Caguana, Municipio de Utuado, Puerto Rico.
In: Tavarez, Glenis María and García-Arévalo, Manuel, (eds.)
Proceedings of the XX International Congress of Caribbean Archaeology.
(pp. pp. 1-14).
Museo del Hombre Dominicano-Fundacion Gracia Arevalo: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Rogers, J;
Cambridge Law Journal
, 64
20 - 23.
Rogers, J;
Cambridge Law Journal
, 64
535 - 537.
Rose, NL;
Appleby, PG;
Sayer, CD;
Bennion, H;
Sediment accumulation in the Broads. A report to the Broads Authority.
(ECRC Research Reports
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Shilland, EM;
Monteith, DT;
Bonjean, M;
Beaumont, WRC;
The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2004-2005 (year 17).
ENSIS: London, UK.
Shilland, EM;
Monteith, DT;
Keay, J;
Collen, P;
Kreiser, A;
Land-use experiments in the Loch Laidon Catchment. Ninth report on Stream Water Quality to the Rannoch Trust.
(ECRC Research Reports
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Sikk, A;
Newness as a Project: Successful New Parties in the Baltic States.
(Proceedings) ECPR General Conference 2005.
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR): Budapest, Hungary.
Sikk, A;
Programmatic Profiles of New Parties in the Baltic States.
(Proceedings) The VII World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies.
International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES): Berlin, Germany.
Sikk, A;
How unstable? Volatility and the genuinely new parties in Eastern Europe.
, 44
391 - 412.
Simão, A;
Haklay, M;
Zooming to the study area in GIScience research: a three stage approach.
(Proceedings) Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference GIS Research UK (GISRUK 05).
(pp. pp. 432-439).
University of Glasgow: Glasgow.
Spiegler, R;
Testing threats in repeated games.
, 121
214 - 235.
Terras, M;
Robertson, P;
Image and interpretation using artificial intelligence to read ancient Roman texts.
Human IT
, 7
pp. 1-56.
Trifonova, Temenuga;
Anti-Theatre on Film.
Scope: an on-line journal of film studies
, 2005
Trifonova, Temenuga;
Mind and Body Snatchers:
The Evolution of the Sci-Fi Film Genre.
Film and Philosophy
, 9
pp. 74-93.
Twining, W;
Human Rights: Southern Voices: Francis Deng, Abdullahi An-Na’im, Yash Ghai, and Upendra Baxi.
Presented at: MacDonald Lecture, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
van Bremen, R;
The Carian Uplands: P. Debord, E. Varinlioglu (edd.): Les hautes terres de Carie. With A. Bresson, P. Brun, R. Descat, K. Konuk (Ausonius Publications, Mémoires 4.) Pp. 329, maps, pls., ills. Bordeaux: Diffusion de Boccard, 2001. Cased, €73. ISBN: 2-910023-20-6.
Classical Review
, 55
223 - 226.
Vaughan, L;
Clark, DLC;
Sahbaz, O;
Haklay, M;
Space and exclusion: does urban morphology play a part in social deprivation?
, 37
402 - 412.
Yang, H;
Rose, NL;
Temporal trends of toxic trace metals across the UK using ²¹⁰Pb-dated sediment cores.
(ECRC Research Reports
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Young, C;
Declared Void.
Vinyl drawing and text, dimensions variable.
Providence, RI, USA.
Young, SS;
Harris, R;
Changing patterns of global-scale vegetation photosynthesis, 1982-1999.
, 26
4537 - 4563.
Zalabardo, JL;
Externalism, skepticism, and the problem of easy knowledge.
, 114
33 - 61.
Zusi, PA;
'Nekula, Marek. Franz Kafkas Sprachen. “… in einem Stockwerk des innern babylonischen Turmes.
The German Quarterly
, 78
pp. 402-403.
Zusi, PA;
Timothy O. Benson and Eva Forgacs, eds., Between Worlds: A Sourcebook of Central European Avant-Gardes, AND Central European Avant-Gardes: Exchange and Transformation, 1910-1930.
Slavic and East European Journal
, 49
pp. 331-332.