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Number of items: 32.


Brown, KL; Pagel, C; Brimmell, R; Bull, K; Davis, P; Franklin, RC; Hoskote, A; ... Mclean, A; + view all (2017) Definition of important early morbidities related to paediatric cardiac surgery. Cardiology in the Young , 27 (4) pp. 747-756. 10.1017/S1047951116001256. Green open access


Chapman, SM; Wray, J; Oulton, K; Pagel, C; Ray, S; Peters, M; (2017) "The Score Matters": Wide Variations in Predictive Performance of 18 Paediatric Track and Trigger Systems. Archives of Disease in Childhood , 102 (6) pp. 487-495. 10.1136/archdischild-2016-311088. Green open access

Crowe, S; Bennett, P; Daraktchiev, M; Utley, M; (2017) Use of modelling to inform public health policy: a case study on the blood-borne transmission of variant-CJD. Journal of the Operational Research Society , 65 (2) pp. 269-277. 10.1057/jors.2013.26. Green open access

Crowe, S; Turner, S; Utley, M; Fulop, NJ; (2017) Improving the production of applied health research findings: insights from a qualitative study of operational research. Implementation Science , 12 (1) , Article 112. 10.1186/s13012-017-0643-3. Green open access


Das, P; Pagel, C; (2017) The one lesson that the US and UK can learn from each other. Health Service Journal (HSJ) Green open access


Ghafur, S; Murray, A; Pagel, C; (2017) We need more trust between managers, patients and the front line. Health Service Journal (HSJ) Green open access


Javarone, MA; (2017) Solving optimization problems by the public goods game. The European Physical Journal B , 90 , Article 171. 10.1140/epjb/e2017-80346-6. Green open access


Knowles, RL; Crowe, S; Brown, K; Tregay, J; Wray, J; Ridout, D; Utley, M; (2017) Combining qualitative and quantitative operational research methods to inform quality improvement in pathways that span multiple settings. BMJ Quality and Safety 10.1136/bmjqs-2016-005636. (In press). Green open access


Macbeth, F; Farewell, V; Treasure, T; (2017) RE: Local Treatment of Unresectable Colorectal Liver Metastases: Results of a Randomized Phase II Trial. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute , 109 (10) , Article djx149. 10.1093/jnci/djx149. Green open access

Mokhles, S; Macbeth, F; Treasure, T; Younes, RN; Rintoul, RC; Fiorentino, F; Bogers, AJJC; (2017) Systematic lymphadenectomy versus sampling of ipsilateral mediastinal lymph-nodes during lobectomy for non-small-cell lung cancer: a systematic review of randomized trials and a meta-analysis. European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery , 51 (6) pp. 1149-1156. 10.1093/ejcts/ezw439. Green open access

Morris, E; Treasure, T; (2017) If a picture is worth a thousand words, take a good look at the picture: Survival after liver metastasectomy for colorectal cancer. Cancer Epidemiology , 49 pp. 152-155. 10.1016/j.canep.2017.06.009. Green open access


Nambiar, B; Hargreaves, DS; Morroni, C; Heys, M; Crowe, S; Pagel, C; Fitzgerald, F; ... Colbourn, T; + view all (2017) Improving health-care quality in resource-poor settings. Bulletin of the World Health Organization , 95 (1) pp. 76-78. 10.2471/BLT.16.170803. Green open access


Pagel, C; (2017) Health Care: What Do Republican and Democratic Legislators Really Want to Achieve? Harvard Health Policy Review Green open access

Pagel, C; Banks, V; Pope, C; Whitmore, P; Brown, K; Goldman, A; Utley, M; (2017) Development, implementation and evaluation of a tool for forecasting short term demand for beds in an intensive care unit. Operations Research for Health Care , 15 pp. 19-31. 10.1016/j.orhc.2017.08.003. Green open access

Pagel, C; Bates, DW; Goldmann, D; Koller, CF; (2017) A Way Forward for Bipartisan Health Reform? Democrat and Republican State Legislator Priorities for the Goals of Health Policy. American Journal of Public Health , 107 (10) pp. 1601-1603. 10.2105/AJPH.2017.304023. Green open access

Pagel, C; Brown, KL; McLeod, I; Jepps, H; Wray, J; Chigaru, L; McLean, A; ... Utley, M; + view all (2017) Selection by a panel of clinicians and family representatives of important early morbidities associated with paediatric cardiac surgery suitable for routine monitoring using the nominal group technique and a robust voting process. BMJ Open , 7 (5) , Article e014743. 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014743. Green open access

Pagel, C; Jesper, E; Thomas, J; Blackshaw, E; Rakow, T; Pearson, M; Spiegelhalter, D; (2017) Understanding Children's Heart Surgery Data: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Codevelop a Website. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery , 104 (1) pp. 342-352. 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2016.11.080. Green open access

Pagel, C; Rogers, L; Brown, K; Ambler, G; Anderson, D; Barron, D; Blackshaw, E; ... Witter, T; + view all (2017) Improving risk adjustment in the PRAiS (Partial Risk Adjustment in Surgery) model for mortality after paediatric cardiac surgery and improving public understanding of its use in monitoring outcomes. Health Services and Delivery Research , 5 (23) pp. 1-164. 10.3310/hsdr05230. Green open access

Palmer, R; Utley, M; (2017) Modelling patient flow and outcomes in community healthcare − a fluid approximation of a stochastic queueing system. Presented at: International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) 2017, Québec City, Canada. Green open access

Palmer, R; Utley, M; (2017) Understanding patient flow within community healthcare. Presented at: Health Service Research UK 2017. Green open access

Palmer, R; Utley, M; (2017) Understanding patient flow within community healthcare - a novel mapping of sequences and patterns of referral. Presented at: Health Services Research UK Symposium 2017, Nottingham, UK. Green open access

Perman, S; Turner, S; Ramsay, AIG; Baim-Lance, A; Utley, M; Fulop, NJ; (2017) School-based vaccination programmes: a systematic review of the evidence on organisation and delivery in high income countries. BMC Public Health , 17 , Article 252. 10.1186/s12889-017-4168-0. Green open access


Ray, S; Rogers, L; Pagel, C; Raman, S; Peters, MJ; Ramnarayan, P; (2017) PaO2/FIO2 Ratio Derived From the SpO2/FIO2 Ratio to Improve Mortality Prediction Using the Pediatric Index of Mortality-3 Score in Transported Intensive Care Admissions. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine , 18 (3) e131-e136. 10.1097/PCC.0000000000001075. Green open access

Rogers, L; Barron, D; Tsang, V; Anderson, D; Tibby, S; Witter, T; Stickley, J; ... Pagel, C; + view all (2017) Incorporating comorbidity within risk adjustment for UK pediatric cardiac surgery. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery , 104 (1) pp. 220-226. 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2016.12.013. Green open access

Rogers, L; Brown, KL; Franklin, RC; Ambler, G; Anderson, D; Barron, DJ; Crowe, S; ... Pagel, C; + view all (2017) Improving Risk Adjustment for Mortality After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: The UK PRAiS2 Model. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery , 104 (1) pp. 211-219. 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2016.12.014. Green open access

Rogers, L; Pagel, C; Sullivan, ID; Mustafa, M; Tsang, V; Utley, M; Bull, C; ... Brown, KL; + view all (2017) Interventions and Outcomes in Children With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Born in England and Wales Between 2000 and 2015 Based on the National Congenital Heart Disease Audit. Circulation , 136 (18) pp. 1765-1767. 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.028784. Green open access


Treasure, T; (2017) Documenting the dramatic effects of operative treatment of mitral stenosis. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine , 110 (10) pp. 411-413. 10.1177/0141076817732299. Green open access

Treasure, T; (2017) The Heart Club: How Cyanotic Heart Disease Was Reframed. Diseases , 5 (4) , Article 22. 10.3390/diseases5040022. Green open access

Treasure, T; (2017) Turning blue babies pink: Alfred Blalock's shunt for Fallot's Tetralogy. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine , 110 (9) pp. 376-379. 10.1177/0141076817726277. Green open access

Treasure, T; Baum, M; (2017) An approach to randomization into surgical clinical trials. British Journal of Surgery , 104 (1) pp. 11-12. 10.1002/bjs.10420. Green open access

Treasure, T; Golesworthy, T; Pepper, J; (2017) Practical clinical applications of 3-D printing in cardiovascular surgery. Journal of Thoracic Disease , 9 (9) pp. 2792-2797. 10.21037/jtd.2017.08.63. Green open access

Treasure, T; Williams, NR; (2017) Best available evidence related to clinical benefit of surgical resection in multimodality treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer indicates that a randomised controlled trial is warranted. [Letter]. European Journal of Cancer , 75 pp. 310-312. 10.1016/j.ejca.2016.11.033. Green open access

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