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Number of items: 41.


Ahmed, B; (2015) Land Cover Modeling Report: Developing a Dynamic Web-GIS Based Early Warning System for the Communities Living with Landslide Risks in Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh. (Project Reports 5 , pp. pp. 1-40 ). BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety: Dhaka, Bangladesh. Green open access

Ahmed, B; (2015) Rainfall Pattern Modeling Report: Developing a Dynamic Web-GIS Based Early Warning System for the Communities Living with Landslide Risks in Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh. (Project Reports 4 , pp. pp. 1-33 ). BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety: Dhaka, Bangladesh. Green open access

Ahmed, B; (2015) Landslide susceptibility mapping using multi-criteria evaluation techniques in Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh. Landslides , 12 (6) pp. 1077-1095. 10.1007/s10346-014-0521-x. Green open access

Alexander, David; (2015) Celebrity Culture, Entertainment Values ...and Disaster. In: Krüger, Fred and Bankoff, Greg and Cannon, Terry and Orlowski, Benedict and Schipper, E Lisa, (eds.) Cultures and Disasters: Understanding Cultural Framings in Disaster Risk Reduction. (pp. 179-192). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Alexander, DE; (2015) Disaster and Emergency Planning for Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Natural Hazard Science. (pp. 1-20). Oxford University Press: Oxford. Green open access

Alexander, DE; (2015) Reply to a comment by Franco Gabrielli and Daniela Di Bucci: "Communicating earthquake risk to the public: the trial of the 'L'Aquila Seven'''. NATURAL HAZARDS , 75 (1) 999 - 1003. 10.1007/s11069-014-1323-0. Green open access

Alexander, DE; (2015) Disability and disaster: an overview. In: Kelman, I and Stough, L, (eds.) Disability and Disaster: Explorations and Exchanges. (pp. 15-29). Palgrave Macmillan UK: Basingstoke, UK. Green open access

Ayeb Karlsson, S; Tanner, T; Van der Geest, K; Warner, K; (2015) Livelihood resilience in a changing world – 6 global policy recommendations for a more sustainable future. (UNU-EHS Working Paper 22). United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS): Bonn, Germany.


Cartwright-Taylor, ALG; (2015) Deformation-Induced Electric Currents in Marble Under Simulated Crustal Conditions: Non-Extensivity, Superstatistical Dynamics and Implications for Earthquake Hazard. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Colbourn, T; Gideon, J; Groce, N; Heinrich, M; Kelman, I; Kett, M; Koch, R; ... Waage, J; + view all (2015) Human health. In: Waage, J and Yap, C, (eds.) Thinking Beyond Sectors for Sustainable Development. (29 - 36). Ubiquity Press: London. Green open access


Day, S; Fearnley, C; (2015) A classification of mitigation strategies for natural hazards: implications for the understanding of interactions between mitigation strategies. Natural Hazards , 79 (2) pp. 1219-1238. 10.1007/s11069-015-1899-z. Green open access


Kelman, I; (2015) Climate Change and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science , 6 (2) pp. 117-127. 10.1007/s13753-015-0046-5. Green open access

Kelman, I; (2015) Difficult decisions: Migration from Small Island Developing States under climate change. Earth's Future , 3 (4) 133 - 142. 10.1002/2014EF000278. Green open access

Kelman, I; (2015) Disaster Risk Governance for Pacific Island Communities. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus , 13 (48) , Article 1. Green open access

Kelman, I; Burns, TR; des Johansson, NM; (2015) Islander innovation: A research and action agenda on local responses to global issues. Journal of Marine and Island Cultures , 4 (1) pp. 34-41. 10.1016/j.imic.2015.04.001. Gold open access

Kelman, I; Gaillard, JC; Mercer, J; (2015) Climate Change's Role in Disaster Risk Reduction's Future: Beyond Vulnerability and Resilience. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science , 6 (1) pp. 21-27. 10.1007/s13753-015-0038-5. Green open access

Kelman, I; Glantz, MH; (2015) Analyzing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. [Editorial comment]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science , 6 (2) pp. 105-106. 10.1007/s13753-015-0056-3. Green open access

Kelman, I; Lewis, J; Gaillard, JC; Mercer, J; (2015) Island contributions to disaster research. Global Environment , 8 (1) pp. 16-37. 10.3197/ge.2015.080102. Green open access

Kelman, I; Stojanov, R; Khan, S; Gila, OA; Duží, B; Vikhrov, D; (2015) Viewpoint paper. Islander mobilities: any change from climate change? International Journal of Global Warming , 8 (4) pp. 584-602. 10.1504/IJGW.2015.073056. Green open access

Kelman, Ilan; Colbourn, Tim; Costello, Anthony; Georgeson, Lucien; Kovats, Sari; Maslin, Mark; Newsham, Andrew; ... Wilkinson, Paul; + view all (2015) Climate and climate change. In: Waage, J and Yap, C, (eds.) Thinking Beyond Sectors for Sustainable Development. (pp. 11-17). Ubiquity Press: London, United Kindom. Green open access

Kostkova, P; (2015) Grand challenges in digital health. Frontiers Public Health , 3 , Article 134. 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00134. Green open access

Kostkova, P; Prikazsky, V; Bosman, A; (2015) FEMwiki: crowdsourcing semantic taxonomy and wiki input to domain experts while keeping editorial control: Mission Possible! In: Digital Health 2015 Proceedings. (pp. pp. 27-34). ACM: New York. Green open access

Kostkova, Patricie; (2015) Public Health. In: Mejova, Y and Weber, I and Macy, MW, (eds.) Twitter: A Digital Socioscope. Cambridge University Press: New York, New York. Green open access


Michie, Susan; Wood, Caroline E; (2015) Health Behaviour Change Techniques. In: Conner, Mark and Norman, Paul, (eds.) Predicting And Changing Health Behaviour: Research And Practice With Social Cognition Models. (pp. 358-390). Open University Press: Berkshire, UK.

Michie, S; Wood, CE; Johnston, M; Abraham, C; Francis, JJ; Hardeman, W; (2015) Behaviour change techniques: the development and evaluation of a taxonomic method for reporting and describing behaviour change interventions (a suite of five studies involving consensus methods, randomised controlled trials and analysis of qualitative data). Health Technology Assessment , 19 (99) pp. 1-188. 10.3310/hta19990. Green open access

Molnar, A; Kostkova, P; (2015) Learning through interactive digital narratives. In: Koenitz, H and Ferri, G and Haahr, M and Sezen, D and Sezen, TI, (eds.) Interactive Digital Narrative: History, Theory and Practice. (pp. 200-210). Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Molnar, Andreea; Kostkova, Patty; (2015) Gaming to master the game - Game usability and game mechanics. In: 2014 IEEE 3nd International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Green open access


Osman, A; (2015) The Dynamics of Legal and illegal Livelihoods and Gender Relations, the Case of Displacement Camps in Khartoum, Sudan. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Gender and "The Law": Limits, Contestations and Beyond : ICGL'14. (pp. pp. 58-66). London Centre for Social Studies:LCSS Green open access


Pescaroli, Gianluca; Alexander, David; (2015) A definition of cascading disasters and cascading effects: Going beyond the “toppling dominos” metaphor. Planet@Risk , 3 (1) pp. 58-67. Green open access

Pescaroli, G; Magni, M; (2015) Flood warnings in coastal areas: how do experience and information influence responses to alert services? Natural Hazards and Earth System Science , 15 (4) 703 - 714. 10.5194/nhess-15-703-2015. Green open access


Raffaele, D; Gentile, R; Mezzina, M; (2015) Formulazione semplificata per il calcolo in forma chiusa del diagramma Momento-Curvatura di una sezione circolare cava in CA. In: Proceedings of XVI Congresso Nazionale “L’ingegneria Sismica in Italia” (ANIDIS). ANIDIS: L'Aquila, Italy. Green open access

Raffaele, D; Gentile, R; Mezzina, M; (2015) Simplified closed-form solution for the determination of the moment-curvature response of a circular RC section. In: Proceedings of the 2015 COMPDYN Conference. (pp. pp. 4160-4170). COMPDYN: Crete Island, Greece. Green open access

Roy, I; Collins, M; (2015) On identifying the role of Sun and the El Niño Southern Oscillation on Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall. Atmospheric Science Letters , 16 (2) pp. 162-169. 10.1002/asl2.547. Green open access


Sagramola, S; Alexander, DE; Kelman, I; (2015) Major Hazards and People with Disabilities: A Toolkit for Good Practice. [Pamphlet]. Council of Europe: Strasbourg, France. Green open access

Shamsudduha, Mohammad; Taylor, RG; Chandler, RE; (2015) A generalized regression model of arsenic variations in the shallow groundwater of Bangladesh. Water Resources Research , 51 (1) pp. 685-703. 10.1002/2013WR014572. Green open access

Shamsudduha, M; Taylor, RG; Chandler, RE; (2015) A generalized regression model of arsenic variations in the shallow groundwater of Bangladesh. Water Resources Research , 51 (1) pp. 685-703. 10.1002/2013WR014572. Green open access


Torrente, J; Serrano-Laguna, A; Fisk, C; O'Brien, B; Aleksy, W; Manjón, BF; Kostkova, P; (2015) Introducing mokap: A novel approach to creating serious games. Presented at: DH '15, Florence, Italy. Green open access


Upadhyaya, AK; (2015) Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Research and Policy for Links between Climate Change and Migration. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management , 7 (3) pp. 394-417. 10.1108/IJCCSM-05-2014-0058. Green open access


Watts, N; Adger, WN; Agnolucci, P; Blackstock, A; Byass, P; Cai, W; Chaytor, S; ... Costello, A; + view all (2015) Health and climate change: policy responses to protect public health. The Lancet , 386 (10006) pp. 1861-1914. 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)60854-6. Green open access

Wilkinson, M; Roberts, GP; McCaffrey, K; Cowie, PA; Walker, JPF; Papanikolaou, I; Phillips, RJ; ... Watson, ZK; + view all (2015) Slip distributions on active normal faults measured from LiDAR and field mapping of geomorphic offsets: an example from L'Aquila, Italy, and implications for modelling seismic moment release. Geomorphology , 237 pp. 130-141. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.04.026. Green open access

Wood, CE; Richardson, M; Johnston, M; Abraham, C; Francis, J; Hardeman, W; Michie, S; (2015) Applying the Behavior Change Technique (BCT) Taxonomy v1: A study of coder training. Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy, Research , 5 (2) pp. 134-148. 10.1007/s13142-014-0290-z. Green open access

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