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Baumberger, F; Ingle, NJC; Kikugawa, N; Hossain, MA; Meevasana, W; Perry, RS; Shen, KM; ... Shen, ZX; + view all (2006) Nested Fermi surface and electronic instability in Ca3Ru2O7. Physical Review Letters , 96 (10) , Article 107601. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.107601. Green open access


Fenton, JC; Korsah, M; Grovenor, CRM; Warburton, PA; (2006) Critical-current suppression in sub-micron intrinsic Josephson junction arrays. In: Weber, HW and Sauerzopf, FM, (eds.) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (pp. 1114 - 1118). IOP Publishing Ltd: Bristol, UK. Green open access


Gallais, Y; Kirschenmann, TH; Dujovne, I; Hirjibehedin, CF; Pinczuk, A; Dennis, BS; Pfeiffer, LN; (2006) Transition from free to interacting composite fermions away from nu=1/3. PHYS REV LETT , 97 (3) , Article 036804. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.036804. Green open access

Gegenwart, P; Weickert, F; Garst, M; Perry, RS; Maeno, Y; (2006) Metamagnetic quantum criticality in Sr3Ru2O7 studied by thermal expansion. Physical Review Letters , 96 (13) , Article 136402. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.136402. Green open access

Green, AG; (2006) Extension to the quantum Langevin equation in the incoherent hopping regime. Physical Review B , 73 (14) , Article 140506. 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.140506. Green open access

Green, AG; Moore, JE; Sondhi, SL; Vishwanath, A; (2006) Current noise in the vicinity of the 2D superconductor-insulator quantum critical point. PHYS REV LETT , 97 (22) , Article 227003. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.227003. Green open access


Hooper, J; Zhou, M; Mao, ZQ; Liu, Y; Perry, R; Maeno, Y; (2006) Critical current of the Sr2RuO4-Sr3Ru2O7 eutectic system. Physical Review B , 73 (13) , Article 132510. 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.132510. Green open access


Krüger, F; Scheidl, S; (2006) Frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnets: Fluctuation-induced first order vs. deconfined quantum criticality. Europhysics Letters , 74 (5) pp. 896-902. 10.1209/epl/i2006-10039-3. Green open access


Perry, RS; Baumberger, F; Balicas, L; Kikugawa, N; Ingle, NJC; Rost, A; Mercure, JF; ... Mackenzie, AP; + view all (2006) Sr2RhO4: a new, clean correlated electron metal. New Journal of Physics , 8 , Article 175. 10.1088/1367-2630/8/9/175. Green open access


Ronning, F; Hill, RW; Sutherland, M; Hawthorn, DG; Tanatar, MA; Paglione, J; Taillefer, L; ... Mackenzie, AP; + view all (2006) Thermal conductivity in the vicinity of the quantum critical end point in Sr3Ru2O7. Physical Review Letters , 97 (6) , Article 067005. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.067005. Green open access


Walker, HC; McEwen, KA; McMorrow, DF; Wilkins, SB; Wastin, F; Colineau, E; Fort, D; (2006) Determination of the antiferroquadrupolar order parameters in UPd3. PHYS REV LETT , 97 (13) , Article 137203. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.137203. Green open access

Warburton, PA; Fenton, JC; Korsah, M; Grovenor, CRM; (2006) Josephson current suppression in three-dimensional focused-ion-beam fabricated sub-micron intrinsic junctions. Superconductor Science and Technology , 19 (5) S187 - S190. 10.1088/0953-2048/19/5/S04. Green open access


Yaguchi, H; Perry, RS; Maeno, Y; (2006) Ferromagnetism induced by uniaxial pressure in the itinerant metamagnet Sr3Ru2O7. Presented at: 24th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics - LT24, Orlando, FL, USA. Green open access

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